Elizabeth: June 1587, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: June 1587, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp131-143 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1587, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp131-143.

"Elizabeth: June 1587, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp131-143.

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June 1587, 26-30

"Having intelligence that it pleased her Majesty to send for my lord President of Munster away from this service, and in respect of other hard dealings here, I desire your honour to accept of my company," to be disposed of as shall best like you ; only praying you to order Mr. Digges the muster-master to perfect my accounts, that I may receive what will discharge my credit with the poor soldiers at my departing.The Hague, 26 June, 1587. Signed, T. W. Add. Endd. p. [Holland XV. f. 151.]
"I have thought good at this instant to resign my company freely unto this gentleman, your servant, whom lately your lordship commended by your letters to my lord President of Munster," praying you to write to the muster-master that I may have my books of reckoning made up, that I may honestly discharge my debts to the soldiers, whom hitherto (I thank God) have been carefully maintained according to my ability. "I have resolved to forsake this service, as well for that I have been very hardly dealt withal, as chiefly because I understand it hath pleased her Majesty to call home my Lord President, whom, not without good cause, I desire only to follow in martial causes," this motion proceeding of duty, without any other consideration, as Mr. Heron your servant can further assure you. The Hague, 26 June, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XV. f. 156.]
June 26. G. DE PROUNINCQ to M. HOTOMAN, Master of Requests and Agent of his Excellency.
I have sent his Excellency's letter by his secretary Adrian, who is going directly to him, and my lord Adley [Awdley]s servant will bring you another which I wrote to you. Touching the departure of General Noreys. I pray you speak of it soberly, as he himself desires. There is some mystery in it, and although we must rest satisfied with the good pleasure of her Majesty, yet God will set it right. As to the pacification, and what my lord Buckhurst may have done therein, his Excellency has written to me again, and I see that he is not too well informed thereof. For the Secretary Junius and his commission, I have advertised his Excellency that I do not find it fitting, and should like better for it to come from her Majesty herself, for certain serious considerations which I will tell him by word of mouth, and the ground I think he should take to smooth down several things and come speedily to the desired end. I shall not stir from hence until he has set foot in the country. Utrecht, 26 June, 1587, stylo veteri. Signed "Vostre tres affectionn que cognoissiez." Add. Endd. "Mr. Deventer, in mislike of the direction given by his Excellency to Junius." Fr. p. [Ibid. XV. f. 158.]
June 27. "Certain points containing briefly the state of things presently in the Low Countries, their infirmities and remedies."
Notes on (inter alia) the following :
The insufficiency of contributions. Disaffection to his Excellency ; the affection of the people being not given to him but to her Majesty. Factions in many of the towns. Debts and arrearages in the country, and consequent "poverty and want of the men of war." Administration of Admiralty and navigation entirely in the hands of Count Maurice. This assented to by his Excellency. The authority granted to his Excellency shown by his commissions. His abuse thereof noted in many discourses and collections made by Mr. Wilkes. His demand for augmentation of the said authority, and the dangerous means whereby he seeks to obtain it shown by his letter to Junius. Impossible for the state of the country to be maintained if he takes that course. Need for a "strait correspondence and intelligence between the Governor, States and Council of State. This last being composed of those who established the States General" his Excellency cannot "draw them to govern by his humour." That he has sufficient authority by his commission to govern the country if he have skill to use it ; but needs the aid of men experienced in the state of the government and prosecution of the wars. The expenses of the wars must be moderated according to the ability of the country. The diversity of payments to the English nation to be avoided. His Excellency must beware of trusting the Scottish troops who follow the faction of Count Hohenlo and the rest of the Germans ; and must either appease the Count or remove him by some fair means. He must also beware how he uses revenge against the States and others who have opposed his errors, and must do nothing (except designs and enterprises in the field) without advice of the Council of State ; must not give commissions or change officers but by their advice, and must grow into no distrust of them, as if he proceeds according to law and justice they will always second him. And in no case must he innovate anything in matter of religion. He must use men of all religions, "being of the country birth sith' all concur for the common defence of their country" ; must not believe "overlightly" the ministers of this country ; must remove from him all that are odious to the States etc. and have no cabinet council for public affairs, but do all by advice of the Council of State ; and must have special hours for seeing suitors, signing dispatches etc. Her Majesty to be induced to advance the sending over her treasure for payment of her soldiers. It would be very convenient that the treasure were issued and disbursed with the privity of the Council of State, as the provinces are bound for its "reimbursement," and that there were an Englishman resident in the treasury, with one having the language of the country to assist him, that the governor may always know the "secrets and quintessence" of proceedings there." His Excellency to cause reformation to be made of the errors committed against the privileges of the country, as in institution of magistrates, banishment of persons of quality, the hard handling of Paul Buys etc. ; to revoke the commission given to Sir John Conway for his Admiralty at Ostend and have restitution made of all depredations committed under colour thereof ; and to have "principal regard to the observation of the treaty." The musters and payments of the forces to be done orderly ; the numbers of her Majesty's forces to be kept complete ; serious discretion used in the placing of English garrisons in frontier towns ; and such officers as his lordship brings over to command the new forces, "being such" as were in Alost or have traitorously made sale of towns here in former times to be either removed, or care taken that no places of charge or strength be committed to their charge. "The magistrates and vrooteshafts of the towns are wholly addicted to the preservation of themselves and the country by the preservation of their laws and privileges, and the applause of the common people, whereupon his Excellency seemeth so much to ground himself will yield him slender foundation to work any alteration in this estate" as they are wholly devoted to the "magistrate." [Margin : towns will make their peace, one after another.] Item. Those of the country and villages are wholly dependent on the towns, which are their refuge in times of need ; therefore he is like to have as little interest in them as in the rest. His Excellency to employ in places of charge of the country only those of the provinces that have contracted with her Majesty and do contribute. It were convenient he should change the great seal, removing his arms from it, considering how much it offends the States, and that no governor heretofore, "were he never so near in blood to the Kings ever durst do the like." The States General, in their fear that he will relapse into his former errors, "would be contented that he were strengthened here with as few of the English nation as might be" ; having besides some particular mislike of the lack of government in the captains and discipline in the soldiers, and their indisposition for service in the winter. Endd. 5 pp. [Holland XV. f. 159.]
June 27. Notes of, or to the same effect as the above.
Endd. "Points of special consideration." Fr. 4 pp. [Ibid. XV. f. 163.]
June 27. [WILKES] to "M. DEVENTER."
I did not wish to go from hence without sending you a word of farewell, sincebeing suddenly dispatched by my lord Buckhurst to her Majesty on affairs of importanceI could not see you and say to you much that I wished, concerning my own affairs. You know the ground I have always taken as regards the affairs of your town and state, and how much I have had at heart the defence of your proceedings, where the honour or authority of his Excellency might be brought in question ; in which I hope you will bear witness for me, as for a friend, that I have never failed to show myself ready and resolute wherever there was need. Yet there are found men so wicked and so bold as to inform his Excellency that I was not only the author of the letter of February 4, and that it had been sent at my instance, but also that in all my proceedings I opposed him, both to prevent his return and damage his reputation ; wherein I refer myself to those who know and can report thereof, as well those of the Council of State and States General as others, even those who have shown themselves opposed to his Excellency ; and as to no one would I sooner refer myself than to yourself, who can judge thereof as well as any other, I pray you, when occasion offers, to give your testimony of my sincerity towards his Excellency, who, as I understand, is somewhat turned against me, for which I am very sorry, not only because I am greatly hurt thereby, but because I have always loved and respected him, and that I must now depart without showing him the wrong done me in regard to him. [Assurances of his affection and desire to promote Deventer's interests.] I hope to give testimony to her Majesty of your merits, as also of the constancy and faithful affection of the Sieurs Bax and Clerhagen towards her and all our nation. You will have in my place Mr. Beale, one of the secretaries of the Privy Council, "homme de bien, de lettres, de valeur et d'entendement." I know no one with whom I shall more desire to maintain correspondence and friendship than yourself, and if you will send me your news, I will do the like to you.The Hague, 27 June, 1587. Copy in Wilkes' hand. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland XV. f. 166.]
Has written to her Majesty in a matter of some importance, as Mr. Wilkes will inform him more at large. "If this manner of proceeding go forward, all will turn to flames and combustion." There he such practices to bring him into discredit as are scare credible. Beseeches him to procure his speedy return.28 June, 1587. Holograph. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XV. f. 168.]
His Excellency left Leicester House on Saturday the 24th, dined at Sittingburgh (sic) and came to bed at Margate, where he found the Admiral. Next day they embarked, with my lord Wentworth, Lord North and others of good quality. On the morning of the 26th they passed by Ostend and the Escluse. "There was shooting off, both from the ships and towns, but from the Escluse, whose artillery lay bent upon the enemies' camp there was great shooting. And the enemy on the other side, to despite the signal fires and other significant shows that did appear in the Scluce, shot continually out of the camp at the town and castle." About four o'clock his Excellency came to anchor in the harbour before Vlussinghe, and I shall not need to say in what good order and devotion the Lord Governor and his troops received him. On the morning of the 27th he went to Middelburgh, being conducted and met, I suppose, by more than half the people of either town, who ran after and gazed upon him with wonderful contentment, "saying that the viant mult aweigh track," for her Majesty's lieutenant was returned. His Excellency will find two things here "in most extreme terms," the people in utter despair, expecting their ruin (for it was given out that her Majesty would not have my lord return), and the whole course of this service altered and declined. And whatever show has been made to blind the people, or letters written over thither to make fair weather nothing has been accomplished. They here "have wasted much, consumed many of her Majesty's subjects and suffered the Scluse to be reduced to great extremity ; whiles they made show and promise to put garrison into Wesel, to take in Deventer, to surprise Nemyghen and to force 'Balduke'" (where they brought 8000 men and all things needful for the purpose) yet nothing is done, but the army dissolved. I will not write (what all boldly speak) of the infinite charge the countries have been put to, and how it has been employed, or what practice they know to be between some of the English and others to hinder my lord's coming again. "Count Maurice came to his Excellency to Vlussinghe, who he did use with great kindness, and so he daily doth more and more." During his Excellency's absence, all the ports have been, as it were, open for the enemy, from whence they have had victuals, corn, munitions, in sort that the fishermen went thither to sell their fish, and being charged with it, answered "that they saw the rich merchants transport thither things . . . that did not only enable the enemy but impoverish the whole countries," and thought "it was as lawful for them to make their best commodity of their fish, being the only trade they lived upon. There is at this instant fifty or sixty barks laden with grain and other commodities stayed at Vlussinge by the governor . . . that were bound to the enemy, with their licence from the States. "The Earl of Holocke is in Guelderland, where he doth little. The lord of Buckhurst, Sir John Norris, Mr. Wilkes and others, of whose doing nothing I may speak of amply, as I have small time to impart to your honour the pain and care his Excellency taketh to settle these new bands into garrison, to draw the old soldiers together, and to make his preparations for the field ; but upon better opportunity and more matter, I will write more largely."Middelburgh, 28 June, 1587. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XV. f. 170.]
June 29./July 9. Declaration by the States General, (fn. 1) upon examination of the articles by General Norrys : thatalthough the state of the country does not permit their paying arrearages for past services ; yet in regard of the recall of the said General to England, the recommendation of her Majesty and his long and faithful services to this countrythey are willing to pay him 8000 florins [for arrears], half within the next four months and the other half within the four months following. And they also agree to pay him at once the four months entertainment he asks for, viz. 4800 florins, the whole on certificate of the Receiver-General that the said arrears and entertainment have not been already paid. As to the liquidation of the General's accounts, they pray him for the present to be satisfied with their apostile of the 7th of this month.9 July, 1587. Signed, Risenburch, president. Undersigned, C. Aerssens. Overleaf. Notes of the proportional payments of the four provinces, Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht and Friesland of the above sums, calculated in guldern. Endd. 2 pp. Fr. [Ibid. XV. f. 172.]
June 29./July 9. Translation of the Act of the States general, in accordance with which the previous certificate was issued by them.9 July, 1587. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XV. f. 174.]
Being informed by Mr. Wilkes that it has pleased her to recall him into England, and that (in regard of affairs of importance) the Lord Buckhurst has asked him to depart with all speed ; they desire to testify to her Majesty that he has acquitted himself very faithfully in his charge, and has with all care and sufficiency forwarded the honour of God, her own service, and the good of the country ; leaving them with such good proof of his prudence and skill in the management of affairs, that they beg to recommend him to her as a person well worthy of promotion.The Hague, 9 July, 1587. Signed, Risenburch ; countersigned C. Aerssens. (fn. 2) Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XV. f. 176.]
I have not been able to come here earlier by reason of the great peril between Dixmude and Bruges, so that none can pass without a strong convoy. For people are killed daily, and those of Ostend lie in the way to cut off the convoys. Ten days ago they did so, and took all they found ; and there were quite five and twenty soldiers left dead of the convoy on this [i.e. the Spanish] side. They had with them two companies of Walloons, but when those of Ostend began to shoot, these all ran away, deserting the people and waggons. If they had beset the convoy both before and behind, they would have got ten or fifteen thousand pounds Flemish, for there were corn merchants there who had much money with them, all of whom escaped, so the best booty eluded them. I was close by, awaiting the convoy in order to travel with it to Bruges, and saw all the dead lying, but only one Englishman among them. So those of Ostend have stricken great dread into these people, who dare not move without two or three hundred soldiers with them. I should have come over six or eight days ago, but durst not venture to travel alone, for if they find any on the road by himself, they cut his throat, so I have had to wait, though it vexes me much not to be able to come to inform you of the course of affairs here ; which is as follows, as I have seen it with mine own eyes. In the first place, I have surveyed the whole camp, which lies in four quarters. One, on the dyke as one comes from Bruges to Sluys. There lies the quarter of M. de Lamotte, with his regiment, and every night there come thither four or five Spanish ensigns, about 400 men, and also four or five hundred Germans ; and there is moreover on the dyke, by way of guard for Lamotte about 600 men, so that every night and day, there is in the trenches and loepschansen (fn. 3) on the dyke coming from Bruges a watch of about 1500 or 1600 men and it is on this same dyke that the town is being attacked, and nowhere else up to the present time. M. de Lamotte some fifteen or twenty days ago was shot in the leg, and is not in the camp, but lies at Bruges to recover, so that in his place, M. Montigny is commander. He is Marquis de Renty, and Admiral of the sea. Upon this same dyke the Spaniards, with the Walloons and Germans, have made their loepschansen close under the town, in the making and digging of which many Spaniards and Walloons have been shot dead and many wounded. Every night while I was in the camp more than two or three hundred were killed. They are now as close to the town as they can get. And those of Sluys have thrice made sallies upon the forts of the Spaniards, when on both sides there remained some dead. In the last sally the Spaniards took an alferes or standard bearer who was shot in his leg or knee, so that he could not escape. They have brought him to Bruges to recover. So, on this side they are so near the town that they can come no nearer ; and those of the town have also close in front of their gate, outside the fortress a loepschanse made of earth, whereon are two hundred English beer barrels filled with earth, which they still hold, whence they shoot with muskets and where they keep watch night and day with three or four ensigns. They fight with great courage on all the walls and sometimes also at the great fort. This dyke or this quarter with the loepschansen extends as far as the most of the town, which is between the great fort and the gate. The townsfolk have their loepschanse outside or in front of this gate and the Spaniards lie between both, with their loepschanse right under this great fort and the loepschance of the gate. They are within stone's throw of each other. Those of the town shoot hard with muskets and guns, but have few great guns. So soon as any Spaniard or Walloon even protrudes his head he is shot at by those of the town, either from their great fort or from the loepschanse ; they defending themselves up to this hour very stoutly and with great courage. At Bruges many dead and a great many wounded lie in the hostelries, where 1500 beds have been made ready by order of the Prince. As to the great artillery in this quarter [of La Motte] or upon the dyke there are in all sixteen pieces ; to wit five pieces were a fortnight ago placed at a distance, and thence have sent five or six shots into the houses of the town ; the townspeople shooting in return against the artillery near their fortifications ; but for eight days they have done little with great artillery, but only with muskets. On the 4th of this month of July, the Spaniards began to place guns to fire on the town, and have made a fort for placing nine or ten pieces ; whither, on the 5th, they brought two pieces by night, and the next night three more. With these they have fired upon the town but have not chanced to hit it. Now, however, they have placed their ordnance very near, so I should think by this time it has been hit, or may be, any day. But in all, there are not more than sixteen pieces in La Motte's quarter at present, though how many more may come I know not. Then in another quarter, on the other side of the river there are twenty pieces posted along the river side to prevent ships from entering to relieve the town ; so that in all I saw no more than twenty-six pieces, nor are there any more in all the camp to this hour. This is the state of the quarter of the Sieur Lamotte, of which Monsieur Montigny, Marquis de Renty, is now governor. And nowhere is the town more closely watched than on this dyke that comes from Bruges, for nowhere else may they approach so near. And there those of the town are busy counterworking and making bulwarks. It was being said among the Spaniards that those within the town were making a conterveste or ditch, as houses or chimneys were seen from outside to fall to the ground, being demolished by those within, whence it was presumed that they were making a new wall and ditch, where cannon might be placed for firing. Also among the Spaniards the saying was current that there were good soldiers inside, and very brave, as they have shown themselves till now. One morning the Marquis de Renty, coming hard by their loepschanse, asked them whether they would not surrender, and how they dared to come so near to them. They answered that they were right glad to have to do with stout warriors, who dared to draw so near to them, and the nearer they came, the better heart and courage they got. And hard upon this, the Marquis was shot through his hat. Did those of Sluys know what great damage they can do with their great guns in the camp or quarter of Lamotte, they would keep firing them day and night. But as they fire so seldom, it is presumed and affirmed by the Spaniards that they must have little powder ; seeing that they might thus daily kill two or three hundred men ; for their fire is powerful even with muskets and firelocks, so that every man is wounded or expects to be so, and the Spaniards themselves have little heart for storming the fort, fearing that it is still full of people. The aforesaid is as to the quarter where the fighting takes place, and the town is attacked. Further on, there lies, on the other side of two rivers or canals, another quarter of the Germans and Walloons, which is named the quarter of Montigny or the Marquis de Renty. They lie by a high tower without a steeple, on the side of Ostend ; out of range of the great guns of the town. A mile and more away, beyond the river, lies the quarter of the Prince of Parma, with his Spaniards, also out of range of the great guns, on an island called Causyant [i.e. Cadsand]. There is his court and council and all the nobles he has with him, and here also a short half mile away lies his calvary, five cornets of Albanian horse, between three and four hundred strong. In all the quarters of the camp are about 5500 soldiers, or at the utmost 6000 ; nay, to my thinking 5000 strong in all, and I have very carefully inspected all the quarters. There may be about 2000 or 2500 Spaniards, I think not much over 2000, but at the most not 2500, about 1000 or 1200 Germans at the most, and 1600 or 1800 Walloons ; probably not much more than 1500. So that the entire camp is about 5000 men, or 6000 at the highest computation, nay rather less than more ; and five cornets of horse between 300 and 350 strong, rather less than more. That is the whole strength of the camp, but they are gallant fighting folk, the best that the Prince has. They maintain great order and keep close watch on all corners and places ; and on all dykes place watches consisting of entire ensigns. Their greatest strength lies in the carefulness and sharpness of their watch, and the prudence of the methods which they employ by day and by night. Starting from the haven or river of Sluys as it comes from the sea, which is about a musket shot from the town, the way is fenced with posts or stakes as far as the sand remains firm, on the west or Ostend side of the haven ; and in the right deep or channel there are more than two hundred paces without posts, or open. Therein lie two war ships or flyboats which they have taken, from the men of Flushing, with four pieces of cannon ; also five hoen or smacks and a little yacht. They have placed in each two iron pieces, so that they have seven ships in all which they have taken, lying right in the channel. And that one should not lightly think to force a way through them with a good wind, there stand along between the rivers eight or ten powerful cannon or great pieces, placed there to hinder any ship from coming up to the town, by firing upon it. Therefore either by land or water any [succour ?] must needs come with great force and good order, for all their [the enemy's] strength is in the very good order and sharp look-out which they keep. And the folk in the camp are all old brave warriors ; Spaniards, Walloons and Germans, in every way stout men and very strictly disciplined. I have been to Bruges, where I saw them making thirty great wooden bridges, half of which were quite ready or nearly so. The length of each bridge is about 30 feet ; the breadth 12 or 15 feet, and on both sides the bridge is raised seven feet and vaulted over, so that the machines for shooting might have free play behind. The bridges are very strongly built and are to rest on flat-bottomed boats from Bruges. There was talk of storming the great fort ; also of making a bridge over the channel of the haven or river, and none knew for certain which of these purposes the bridges were for. In my judgment it seemed the more likely that they were for blocking the haven or channel, and to make a bridge, laid on boats, across it, but it was mostly said they were for storming. They were being made in great haste, men toiling day and night to get them ready. It was said that four or five regiments of Knechten were yet to come, as well Spaniards as Walloons and Germans, who were daily expected, with some cavalry and also the troop of ordonnances from Artois, to the number altogether of three or four thousand men, but on the 5th of this month none had arrived. This is but hearsay ; all the rest I have seen. Had I been able, I should have come hither a week ago, but by reason of the cutting off of the convoy, my journey was delayed, and it was very hazardous. If you desire me to go thither again, whatever way you may please to propose, I shall gladly comply with. I write this in Flemish, because I could not so correctly or clearly write or explain my meaning in Spanish. I send herewith in print the rules of the camp. In case you desire me to write anything more you might send to your man to advise me thereof. It only remains for the Almighty to ordain what may compose all things in accordance with his divine grace and will. Postscript. I have understood from your man, Thomas Jeffry, that the great fly-boat which was laden at Dunkirk with packs or merchants' goods had been held up or brought to London by some warships of Captain Drake ; in which I have, for my account about the sum of 500 pounds gross, which I sent in company with other merchants for negotiation by their factors. It was all my property, and it would be my ruin should I lose it. I hope and trust in your help therein, that I may not lose at one blow all that I have gained in my life ; and in my turn will hazard my life for your honour and her Majesty in whatever capacity you may desire to employ me. 8 pp. Flemish. Sig. Add. Endd. [Flanders I. f. 289.]
June 30./July 10. Certificate by Adrian vander Myle, president [of Holland, Zeeland and Frise] that Mr. Wilkes came to him at his lodging in February last, and that, on discourse of a letter which the States General designed to send to her Majesty, he told the said Mr. Wilkes that he had prayed Count Maurice to persuade them not to send it, for which Mr. Wilkes thanked him warmly and urged him to continue to do all he could to prevent its dispatch.The Hague, 10 July, 1587, stilo novo. Endd. President Vandermille's attestation of mine instance used to stay the letters of the 4th February, sent by the States to his Excellency." Holograph. p. [Holland XV. f. 182.]
Since my last, I am informed that the enemy has made a sconce at Blankenberg, three miles from Ostend and the same from Sluse, [where] they [have] gabions and scaling-ladders, which forewarns us of some attack on one of those towns. I have sent to Ostend some men from hence, and as many as might be spared from Bergen, under Captain Vere, and also, on my own credit, a good proportion of powder and munition. And being unable to give further [help] have urged the States to help their afflicted neig[hbours] and allies, "which I cannot any way obtain." The people cry out against the continual victualling of the enemy, which is done by daily licence of the States, and murmur at us for suffering it, wherefore to keep them from mutinies, and at the earnest request of the governors of of Sluse and Ostend, I have stayed all ships that would victual the enemy until I have further direction from the lords of the Council. These dangers and the unstable state of the country urgently call for my lord of Leicester's return, and in truth a people so devoted to her Majesty ought to be maintained in peace[ful] government and profession of God's word. Signed. Endd. "June 1587." 1 p. [Ibid. XV. f. 178.]
June. "A note of the repartition of the last Treasurer, sent over by Sir Tho. Sherley, set down by my lord of Buckhurst, by the advice of Sir John Norreys, Mr. Wilkes, Dr. Clarke, Mr. Digges, Mr. Treasurer and the Auditor." Added by Burghley. "An account how 30,000 should have been paid unto 12 Sept. 1587 from June." First, it was ordered that so much of the treasure should be set by as would make weekly lendings until Sept. 12, for horse, foot and garrisons of the cautionary towns. Apostile. The companies being not complete, the lendings might have continued longer. The garrisons in the Brill received their lendings from the town. It was appointed that every company should have imprest amounting to a month's pay, half for paying off their past credit, and the other for their present relief. Apostile. "I hear that these imprests not being paid upon my lord of Leicester's arrival, there was stay made for paying the said month's imprest to the garrisons of Flushing, Bergen and others." There was also appointed 2000l. for raising up the decayed companies of horse. Apostile. This was not employed to that end. Some disbursed for pay of money lent to companies in the Brill. Endd. by Burghley "June 1587. A project how 30,000l. ought to have served from June until the 12 of September." 1 p. [Holland XV. f. 180.]
June. "A review taken by Sir John Burghe of such companies of horse as were assembled at "Duzburrowe" to march to the camp in June 1587." [The last three words added by Burghley.] The Earl of Essex, cornet, 40 ; the Lord North, 35 ; Sir Robert Sydney, 30 ; Capt. Sherley and Capt. Dormer, 30.Total 135. Endd. by Burghley's clerk. p. [Ibid. XV. f. 184.]
June. Another copy of the same, signed by Sir John Burgh. Endd. p. [Ibid. XV. f. 186.]
June. "Note of such acquittances as were delivered to the Company of Merchants Adventurers for money by them imprested to the garrisons of Flushing, for her Majesty's service," from Nov. 12, 1586 to June 3, 1587. Total, 3782l. 12s. 6d. Received by Henry Beecher, 1629l. Still due to the Company, 2153l. 12s. 6d. Endd. by Burghley's Clerk. p. [Ibid. XV. f. 188.]
[June ?] Certificates by ROWLAND MINERS.
List of the horsemen in Sir John Norreys' cornet. Henry Thinne Cornet. 38 names. Only ninety horses. The rest supplied with Sir John's own horses. 6 of Capt. Rooper's men in pay and their horses sold. 8 others who have my lord's passport. Those gone over with my lord. 22 names. The horses of ten sold by my lord's consent ; of four, not sold ; of two "sold by Capt. Rooper to Capt. Shurley" ; of six, "unhorsed ; their horses lost in the voyage to Wherle." Three Scotsmen whose horses were taken away but not sold ; three more that ran away with their horses and armour. Signed Rowland Miners, clerk of the cornet. Overleaf. Memorandum signed by Miners. "My lord Norres is indebted unto a twenty of his company of horse, whereof the most part of them he hath given passport unto. The sum I know not certain, because the books be at Utrecht." He gave twenty velvet coats, price conjectured to be 90 gulden apiece, and cloth coats, 30 gulden, which are all to be defalked of their entertainment. My lord left the company to Cornet Thinne, to be kept together for my lord Willoughbie, "which cornet hath served in that place about the space of two years." Endd. "Miners, the clerk of Sir John Norriss his cornet, touching Sir John's cornet." "Memorandum : the letter to the Treasurer, 1587." 1 sheet. [Holland XV. f. 190.]


  • 1. Printed in Japikse : Resolutien der Staten Generaal, Vol. V., p. 646.
  • 2. See Japikse : Resolutien, Vol. V., p. 722 and note.
  • 3. Probably 'approaches'.