Elizabeth: July 1586, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: July 1586, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp84-97 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1586, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp84-97.

"Elizabeth: July 1586, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp84-97.

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July 1586, 11-20

July 12. Paper endorsed by Burghley "12 July, 1586. A rate of the defray of 35,000l. sent over by warrant from her Majesty." 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 18.]
July 12. "Payments out of the Receipt to divers persons for the service of her Highness in the Low Countries" : viz :
To Hugh Overende, agent for Sir William Stanley, towards the charges of a thousand soldiers brought out of Ireland, 648l. 6s. sterling. To the Lady Malby for money delivered to the treasurer in Ireland for the said Sir William, 100l. To Oliver Rowe, for the same, 60l. To Thomas Lynence of Chester for victual in transportation of the said soldiers, 351l. 14s. To Lord Audley, Edmund Cury, Symon Digbie, Michael Harecourt, and John Reynes, "in prest for transport of soldiers" ; [sums from 100l. to 300l.] Total 900l. To William Bonde, treasurer to the Merchants Adventurers, for so much delivered at Middelburg to Robt. Chulmeley, servant to the Earl of Leicester, 5000l. To the merchants hereafter named for money taken up by Richard Huddleston at usance, May 3, 1586, at Middelburg ; viz. to Henry Purviss, William Becker, Thomas Looe, and Richard Bowdler, total, 2000l. (23 January, 1586). To John Tirrel of Dublin, merchant, for so much delivered to the Treasurer of Ireland towards payment of Sir William Stanley for transporting his band out of Ireland, 320l. (June 24, 1586). To Capt. Edmund Bannister, imprest upon his entertainment in Holland, 100l. (9 July). Endd. with date. 1 pp. [Ibid. IX. 19.] Another list with the same items, differently arranged. Total 6800l. plus 2420l. Also to Henry Seckeford, keeper of the Privy Purse, by the hands of Richard Davis his servant, in prest, 400l. Endd. And by Burghley "VIm, VIIIc." 1 p. [Holland IX. 20.]
July 12. Commission from the Earl of Leicester to his dear brother in law Sir William "Knowells," esquire, governor of Ostend, in consideration of his virtues and valour, prudence and diligence, to arm and furnish a ship of war (of what greatness he will) and also a pinnace or shallop, with full power to appoint as captain some man of valour and experimented in feats of wars by sea ; who therewith may put to sea wherever he will, for the purpose of endommaging the enemy or their aiders, and to do all that a loyal captain ought for the service of her Majesty and the Low Countries. He is not to molest any of her or their subjects, but to endeavour wholly for their defence and for the annoyance of the enemy. With writ of assistance.Bargues, 12 July, 1586. Endd. "Copy of the Earl of Leicester's placcard for Sir William Knolles' putting to the seas a ship and a pinnace." 1 Sheet. [Ibid. IX. 21.]
July 12. Memoranda by Burghley, "touching the increase of the companies at Flushing and the Brill." And on the dorso, list as for a journey. Okyng ; Windsor ; Lossley (fn. 1) ; Farnham ; Odyham ; Sir Richard Norton's ; to Wm. Neale ; to Southwyk ; Portsmouth. Endd. p. [Ibid. IX. 22.]
His Excellency having augmented his company "a hundred men stronger," and given passport (pasbote) to the bearer and another of the company to transport them hither ; he humbly begs for his honour's passport also, that they may "the more surer and speedier dispatch their business and be here again." Neerdon, 13 [July (fn. 2) ], 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. IX. 23.]
In answer to his honour's enquiries, states what he owes to his keeper, for charges in his prison and to the tailor, besides having certain things to "redeem" and desiring to requite the kindness received from some in the town. Has never stood surety for any man but joined with Brackenbury and Mr. Host for 150 guilders for one Robert Galeys, sent by them to the Earl of Leicester to solicit their liberties. Bodenham says that he has seen this Galeys in London, "with little appearance" of intending to discharge his sureties. He has a brother, one Hannibal Gamon, a goldsmith at the sign of the Horseshoe in Cheapside, who if sent for by his honour, might do so. It is true that he has given his word for Brackenbury's and Host's expences, or they must have lived on four stivers a day, but does not mean to charge his honour or his master with it. Hopes his letters sent by Dr. Josephus Michely have been received. Mr. Bodenham has to-day ridden towards the Prince. By his means, Le Sieur enjoys a little more liberty. He has complained much of one Guilburt of Dover, his honour's retainer.Dunkirk prison, 13 July, 1586, stylo antiquo. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Flanders I. 95.]
July 14. "A note how much money hath been paid from the beginning in June 1585 until 14th of July, 1586." Endorsed by Burghley "A note of the payment of 119,710l. in Holland." 1 p. [Holland IX. 24.]
Prays their "honours" for his better instruction in the Low Countries in the following points :
1. That the muster rolls of the bands in her Majesty's pay may be made perfect ; the checks duly certified and thereupon the warrants drawn in the form heretofore used. That it be ordered that no pay be advanced (saving to the garrisons of Flushing and Brill) until the accounts of imprests be cleared unto April 12, according to the former warrant of the Lord General. 2. That the Council of Estate there may be urged to enter into accounts, that her Majesty may be re-imbursed of the sums paid to the forces which remain at their charge ; otherwise they may grow forgetful and careless of the matter. 3. That a perfect list may be made, and signed by the Lord General of all the Captains commanding her Majesty's forces bothe before and since April 12, for the better direction of the Treasurer and others when they come to account with the States. "And whereas Col. Morgan, being one of the prest companies, findeth himself grieved for the defalcation made for his furniture ; and upon every pay seemeth to detain his acquittances," alleging that their honours promised him that he should not pay for it, "their lordships" being informed that most part was returned as unserviceable, may it please them to certify their pleasures therein. Endd. "Request of the Treasurer . . . for the more speedy perfecting of his accounts, 16 July, 1586." p. [Ibid. IX. 25.]
My last, sent by Mr. Smith, lieutenant to Capt. Bourghe, were dated June 28, "on which day Mr. Hearle came from Embden, from his embassage, and had a great chain of gold and seven men in liveries. The next day after, news came that our cavalry of Gertruydenberg by an ambuscade took sixteen of Camillo de Monte's cornet of Breda, and amongst them Captain Welsh," one of those who gave up Aelst. The same day his Excellency went to Dort, on June 30 to Bergen op Zoom and next day to Wou castle. July 3, he returned to Dort, thence the next day to Schonhoven and the 5th to Utrecht. During his and the Count de Moeurs' absence, Lord North was provisional governor of Utrecht." The 6th, came ambassadors from Embden, to assure Mr. Hearle's negotiation. The 8th news came that Axelle, a fortified village in Flanders was surprised by Count Maurice, Lord Willoughby, Sir Philip Sidney, Col. Digbie &c., and that they had pierced the dykes to drown the land of Waes. The 9th, his Excellency went to Woerden, Leyden and so to the Hague the same day. "The same morning, the captains of Utrecht early imprisoned Paul 'Buz' and Florestein ; and at the first [they] were kept close prisoners, but now all men have access to them, and it is thought they have acquitted themselves honestly. "The 11th Rowland Yorke came to the court, and divers Dutch gentlemen grudge at his being here, with such speeches : that since Hemert, their own friend, countryman and ally was executed for negligence and cowardice, they find it strange that he, a stranger, 'evicted' of treason, having served against them . . . [and] frequenting the mass with his beads, should not only escape but be in credit. "About this time the Lord North was made governor of Harlingen, the strongest town of all Friseland, and because it was too small a government, the strong castle of Staveren was annexed to his commandment, whereby you may see how his Excellency doth establish his kindred and favourites in the strongest parts of the country." The 13th Sir William Pelham came to the court and next day made a brave show of his guard, a hundred in all, billmen, musqueteers and horsemen gallantly furnished. "But the Dutchmen found it strange that he should be allowed such rich guard, and the Count Hohenlo, being lieutenant-general next to his Excellency none ; also others said they wanted no marshal until they were in camp." The Prince still lies before Nuys, and having no great artillery, attempts it rather by mining. The governor is named Clough, a brave man. There are 1800 soldiers besides burgers and they want neither victuals nor munition ; yet it is thought they will shortly yield (eyld). He will next attempt Berke, which being got, Gueldre and Wachtendonc will fall to him without force, being environed on all sides. Mondragon "made head against us to Axelle," but finding us too strong, retired to Stechen. "It is thought he will block Axelle with sconces, .... so that the Prince will never be diverted from his other enterprises .... but keep them as in a pen. Others say he retired to Antwerp to appease a mutiny." "It is said here that Sir Thomas Shurley shall be Treasurer, and that Mr. Huddleston, although he have justified himself, . . . yet because he is not to his Excellency's appetite and humour, must be put from it. If this course be followed and seconded out of England you can have but slender advertisements from hence, for no man shall dare to write anything that may displease, .... although their meaning be never so sound to the general cause and credit of our proceedings ; which as yet go very backward with little reputation to our country, lying in garrison and making no head against the enemy, (who is not above 8000 foot and less than 2000 horse) so that he attempteth and rangeth at his pleasure." Tomorrow his Excellency is said to be going to the Brill.The Hague, 16 July, 1586. Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland IX. 26.]
Yesternight we received letters from our Company at Middelburg, stating that the Earl of Leicester had appointed them to pay 2000l. sterling to Sir Philip Sydney, and to send 8000l. to himself in Holland. He further wills us to make ready 2000l. more and the rest as speedily as may be, to furnish the 10,000l. promised by us for the 10th of August. We have already taken up by exchange 1150l. to be paid here at sight, and account that by the next post we shall be certified of the rest to be charged upon us here, wherefore we pray you to direct your warrant to the officers of the Court of Exchequer to pay to this 'bringer,' Henry Beecher, our treasurer in London, the other 10,000l. to make up the 20,000l. which we agreed to furnish there, "for that we suppose that all the moneys taken up for the payment of the later 10,000l. will be charged upon us, to be here repaid at sight of the bills."London, 16 July, 1586. Signed by Richard Saltonstall, governor, on behalf of the Company. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 27.]
July 16/26. Remonstrance of the States of Holland and Zeeland to his Excellency concerning the modification of the placcard published on April 4, 1586, on the matter of navigation, trade &c. They reverently submit that they have always shown special affection and loyalty to their princes and governors, and after many vain appeals to the Spanish King for the preservation of the State of their country were the first openly to oppose his tyrannical government under the Duke of Alva ; to choose the Prince of Orange as their head, and to resolve that her Majesty should be asked to take upon her their defence. Also, they have not been last or least in praying his Excellency to accept the government, and therefore have just confidence that he will interpret graciously their propositions. It is notorious that Holland and Zeeland are charged with four-fifths of the whole United Provinces towards the war, although before the wars, their share was only between a sixth and seventh part. They are very small, containing only about 500,000 merghen, (fn. 3) with many downs, peat, clay, sandy and barren lands ; and bearing great charges for dykeage, and the maintenance of roads, banks, sluices, mills etc. ; while some parts border on the frontiers, and are in danger both from the enemy and from the excursions of their own soldiers. So that they would hardly yield the twentieth part of the Low Countries. The whole wealth of their countries consists in the free seafaring traffic and trade in all manner of merchandise ; God having blessed them above all others with a good situation, with convenient fair-ways, havens, rivers and waters, and further, by the export (vertieringe) of herring and fish, and the sale of butter, cheese &c., of all of which not the fiftieth part can be consumed in the country, but which are greatly desired by other countries, as being better than their own. Thus, this traffic and merchandise are esteemed as the mines of Holland and Zeeland, and are absolutely needful for the support of the said countries. Their princes and protectors have always defended the same, and when Charles V. gave over the Low Countries to the now King of Spain, his son, he declared that their conservation lay therein, and that if it were not maintained, their ruin must ensue. The Prince of Orange, remembering this declaration of the Emperor better than the King of Spain has done, by means of this traffic remained master of the sea, and many times, by the money so obtained, recovered what seemed to be lost. And more than once he declared to her Majesty that it was not possible to hinder this free traffic of merchandise in these countries without the utter ruin of the same. Thereby other occupations and handicrafts, together with the rents of lands and tenements would be overthrown, and not being able to meet the charges of the war, Holland and Zeeland must shortly come under the power of the enemy ; or even if this were prevented by more aid from her Majesty yet by the diversion of sea-traffic and other trades into other countries the land would be bereft of so many of the principal merchants, mariners etc. that invincible harm would ensue, with great peril of tumults among the common people. Yet, knowing that his Excellency meant only what is best for the country, and to shew their willingness to obey, they suffered the publication and execution of the placcard of April 4, trusting that her Majesty not only approved of it, but that order had been taken that the neighbouring princes should not be offended thereby ; and also that such a camp should have been set up that the enemy must have forsaken the field, and so that a happy issue of the war, or at least a lessening of the charges thereof should have followed. But having understood that her Majesty does not find the said placcard to be good or practicable, much less has ordered the execution thereof ; and that a great number of ships sail round about by Scotland into Spain and Portugal, and back into their neighbouring countries, whereby these countries sustain more damage than can be estimated ; item that the English, French, Scots and others by reason of the said placcard, fetch their necessaries from the Eastland etc. who were wont to trade with these countries ; also that the neighbouring princes etc. esteem themselves much offended by the execution of the placcard, having had their subjects' goods taken and adjudged prize, in reprizal whereof these countries will be subject to many arrests and other troubles, and that the said Princes will as little suffer the execution of the same on their subjects as her Majesty has done in respect of her own ; and thus many inconveniences may arise from the said placcard, and also a dangerous disturbance amongst the sea-faring men who are the chief strength of these countries :
The Remonstrants cannot but put the premises before his Excellency, praying him to receive their declaration favourably, and for the reasons therein contained, and other further points hereunto annexed, (fn. 4) to take such order for the modification of the placcard, that her Majesty and he himself may be served, the liberties and prosperity, together with the state and contributions of these countries preserved, and the inhabitants discharged from their irrecoverable losses and molestations in other kingdoms and countries. With notes of contents in the margin, and apostiled :
On communication of the above to the Council of State, in presence of his Excellency and of the deputies of the towns of Holland and Zeeland, after ripe deliberation, it was resolved that a placcard should be drawn up, published and put into operation.26 July, 1586. Copy. Dutch. 8 Closely written pp. [Holland IX. 28.] [Printed in Bor. bk. XXI, f 44 b.]
July 16/26. Further Remonstrance of the States of Holland and Zeeland to his Excellency on certain points of the Treaty between her Majesty and the Low Countries.
1. Stating that in the second article of the Treaty it is agreed that the musters of the succours granted by her Majesty should be made by commissaries of her Majesty and the States jointly ; and that the payment of the said succours should be by her Majesty's treasurer, with the knowledge of the commissaries of the States, according whereunto the muster of the provisional succours was made about ten months ago, since when there has been no muster made in the presence of any commissary of the States, either of horse or foot, nor any payment made to the knowledge of any such commissary ; and praying that due declaration of such payments may be delivered to the States' commissary, and that as soon as possible a general muster in presence of the States' commissaries may be made.
2. Desiring that (in accordance with articles 5 and 7) the Governors of cautionary towns may not meddle with matters politic and the government of the said towns, further than over the garrisons ... The governor of the Brill and his lieutenant seem to wish to extend their government over the river Meuse and its shipping, whereby the inhabitants of Holland suffer greatly, as has already been shown to your Excellency. Praying that he will give order that the said governor and his officers may rule themselves according to the treaty, and desist from staying or searching any ships passing up or down the river.
[3.] By several articles of the treaty, it appears that the meaning both of her Majesty and the States General was that the government should remain with her governor-general and the Council of State, and that they should dispose of the contributions levied for maintenance of the war ; the Treasurer and receiver-general to be appointed out of those nominated by the States General and the warrants to be signed by the treasurer and three of the Council of several provinces. At the instance of yr. Excellency, the General States have nominated divers faithful and well-qualified persons, and also at yr. pleasure have changed their nomination ....
4. But finding that the whole form of the administration and direction of the country's money, without knowledge or consent of the States-General is altered and brought to a form of finance of the which, (by reason of the unlawful course and dealing of the former chamber of finances in these countries) not only the persons but even the name is changed, and that the adminstration of the money is principally at the disposition of J. Ringout as treasurer, formerly under the commandment of the King of Spain and his governors, as the Duke of Alva and others, as clerk of their Finances at Brussels" [details of his former bankruptcy &c. ; his wife with the enemy and other reasons for supposing he will do harm to the common cause].
5. Wherefore they cannot trust the money of Holland and Zeeland and thus the whole state of their provinces to those placed in the Finances and therefore pray that the moneys may be again administered by the Council of State ; or that if his Excellency should find it serviceable for the country, that another college should be set up, that it may be upon deliberation and consent of the States General (who will be very glad to pleasure him in anything the country may bear) by trusty and qualified persons nominated by them. Or at least that if his Excellency is unwilling to annul the present college, that the administration of the same may remain with his Excellency and the Council of State, according to the former agreement.
[6, 7.] That the additional imposition upon convoys may be revoked ; that the number of officers and their great allowances may be abridged, and :
Lastly that for as much as in Holland and Zeeland, good warlike discipline has always been kept, and that now many complaints are made by villages and towns of the misrule of the soldiers, they pray him to take order that the said good discipline may be maintained.
French translation. 8 pp. [Holland IX. 29.]
July 17. Rough notes of moneys by Burghley. Endorsed by him "17 July 1586. A computation of moneys paid in the Low Countries." 1 pp. [Ibid. IX. 30.]
"After I had written her Majesty's letters I received word, but not from my nephew Ph[ilip] but from a ship that came out of his company how that Graveling was in parley with him, and you know what that means. God, I trust hath given him blessed success, and then are we fully quit with our enemies, and her Majesty [has] as good a place as 'Callyce'. .... There is not a penny disbursed for that journey but of mine own purse yet." I pray you 'friend' this honest gentleman, Mr. Sanders, who wishes to supply Garberne's (fn. 5) place in Constantinople. I know no fitter man and many of the merchants desire it. There is as much good stuff and ability in him as any I know of in England. He can give you a good account of our state here. The Brill, 18 July. Postscript. "Lack of money hath undone us." Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 31.]
Since I understand it is her Majesty's pleasure I shall remain here, I will most willingly do her the best service I can ; yet dare not promise any great success, "in respect of the irresolute course of our proceedings and the little credit there is given me ; for even as heretofore all matters concerning the government have been precisely kept from me, because I did not allow the violent course that was meant to be held, so now may I not be acquainted with the deliberation or execution of the war, but am commanded to attend upon my Lord whilst others are employed in the field, namely in these enterprises of Flanders. I may in no case be made privy to them, although I dare avow that if I had been there, the effects of the service should not have been the worse. But whence soever it proceedeth, the country is marvellously discontented, and the towns so altered that in most places where we have our men in garrisons we dare not take them out lest the towns should revolt ; and by this separation of our forces, we are like to suffer irreparable losses in the bishopric of Cologne, in Guelderland, Overyssel and Friesland ; far greater, I fear, than our conquest in Flanders will countervail ; where presently some further exploit is in hand, and afterward a pretence to assemble a camp." For my own causes, I beseech you to defer belief of the slanderous reports given out ; "namely that of my disgracing the older captains, for it is merely untrue ; but many worse than those are secretly thrown out in these parts...and nothing left undone that may be thought may hinder me." When it pleases her Majesty to give me leave to return, I shall not blush to give account of all my actions, and answer those that invent against me. If till then you will continue your good opinion of me, I shall think myself infinitely happy ...... I hear that her Majesty has appointed a repartition of the escheated lands in Ireland to such as shall inhabit them ; and was pleased that over and above the portion annexed to the Presidentship, I should have some reasonable part for myself. "If the dealing in those causes be referred to the Lord Deputy and Commissioners in Ireland, I will cause my brother to solicit my dispatch there," and beseech you to further him. I send you a note of what was thought fit by the Lord Deputy both for my office and myself, "and then the most of them granted me by custodiam till her Majesty's further order."The Hague, 18 July, 1586. Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland IX. 32.]
July 18. Notes of "sums to be remembered to her Majesty by the States," paid for entertainment, wages &c. of officers and men, "in that the payments exceed both her Majesty's rates." Add. Endd. with date. 2 pp. [Ibid. IX. 33.]
Another copy of the same, with addition of a list of arms &c., delivered out of the Ordnance for the Earl of Leicester in January, 1585[-6]. Add. Endd. with date. 2 pp. [Ibid. IX. 34.]
July 18. Memoranda by Burghley, "For defalcation of fifty men out of the companies at Flushing and the Brill." Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 35.]
July 18. "A reckoning of the charges for 13 months, beginning 12 December, 1585. With note of payments up to July 14, 1586. Partly in Burghley's hand and endd. by him, "18 July 1586. A brief account for the payment of 119,710l. in Holland." 1 pp. [Ibid. IX. 36.]
July 19. "Causes of increase of her Majesty's rate for her army, which was assessed at the first by the month at 9679l. 12s. And by the year 126,180l. 10s. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland IX. 37.]
"Rob. I am afraid you will suppose by my wandering writings that a 'midsummer' moon hath taken large possession of my brains this month, but you must needs take things as they come in my head, though order be left behind me. When I remember your request to have a discreet and honest man that may carry my mind and see how all goes there, I have chosen this bearer, whom you know and have made good trial of. I have fraught him full of my conceits of those country matters, and imparted what way I mind to take, and what is fit for you to use. I am sure you can credit him, and so I will be short with these few notes. First, that Count Morice and Count Hollocke find themselves trusted of you, esteemed of me and to be carefully regarded if ever peace should happen, and of that assure them on my word, that yet never deceived any. And for Norreys and other captains that voluntarily without commandment have many years ventured their lives and won our nation honour and themselves fame, [that they] be not discouraged by any means, neither by new come men nor by old trained soldiers elsewhere. If there be fault in using of soldiers or making of profit by them, let them hear of it without open shame, and doubt not but I will well chasten them therefor. It frets me not a little that the poor soldier that hourly ventures life should want their due, that well deserve rather reward : and look in whom the fault may duly be proved, let them smart therefor. And if the Treasurer be found untrue or negligent, according to desert he shall be used ; though you know my old wont, that love not to discharge from office without desert ; God forbid. I pray you let this bearer know what may be learned herein ; and for this treasure I have joined Sir Tho. Shirley to see all this money discharged in due sort, where it needeth and behoveth. Now will I end, that do imagine I talk still with you, and therefore lothly say farewell, [i.e. two eyes], though ever I pray God bless you from all harm and save you from all foes, with my million and legion of thanks for all your pains and cares. As you know, ever the same. E.R. "Let Wilkes see that he is acceptable to you. "If anything there be that W[ilkes] shall desire answer of, be such as you would have but me to know, write it to myself. You know I can keep both others' counsel and mine own. Mistrust not that anything you would have kept shall be disclosed by me ; for although this bearer ask many things, yet may you answer him such as you shall think meet, and write to me the rest." Endd. "19 July, 1586. Copy of her Majesty's letter sent by W[ilkes] to the E. of Leicester..." 1 pp. [Ibid. IX. 38.]
July 20. "Docquet of the parcels of Mr. Wilkes' dispatch 20 July, 1586." His passport. A letter to the Earl of Leicester from the Queen, written by herself. Letters from her Majesty to Count [Maurice] of Nassau ; Count Hollock and the Council of State. Copies of the above three letters. Copy of the Prince of Parma's letter to her Majesty, and of hers to the Prince. Wilkes' Instructions. Copy of "the Contract." The Earl of Leicester's placard against traffic with the enemy, "coated in the margin by the French K[ing's] ministers." Exceptions taken by the French King ag[ainst] the said placard. Endd. p. [Holland IX. 39.]
The Merchants Adventurers at Middelborowe wrote that they had order from their superiors in London to deliver me 10,000l., and 10,000l. more on Aug. 10. "The necessity is so great, and the poor men so long behind unpaid, as this 10,000l. will not redeem them out of their garrisons to go to any service ; so that between this little payment...and the hard payments of the States, all sorts are wholly discouraged and discontented, and the most to do in this work to keep them from open and most dangerous mutiny and revolt. Insomuch as divers Englishmen already are gone to the enemy. And that which is most to my grief of all, I am not able to draw any force, either horse or footmen, to the field." I had ordained 4000 men to go to the relief of Neuss, but was forced to leave it, not having one penny to set them forth. I had resolved also to send both horse and foot into Brabant to spoil the harvest about Breda and 'Bolduke,' defended only by five or six hundred horse and a thousand foot, but not able to do it. These States are strangely altered within these six weeks. There is matter brewing, but they dare not disclose it, for the people are greatly affected to her Majesty, and so are divers towns, whereof Utrecht and "Dordryte" are the chiefest, My credit is not a little touched for "Seburo" whom I made earnest suit for, to be sent to me for the release of the son of M. de Meux, the principal ruler of Dordryte and that province, a gentleman of great credit and most affected to her Majesty, but who now begins to doubt. "I had rather lose a thousand pounds myself than he should be disappointed. The man you may well spare, and a lewd person, and by your favour to this gentleman, her Majesty shall content thousands of his friends, having already boasted of her favour." I see many things to make me fear some deep practice, and would that some man of credit were sent from her to receive further knowledge of many things. There be some who cease not "to discourage men daily here from her Majesty. Paul Buys was the chiefest but he is restrained by those of Utrycht, and I will not be hasty to release him till matters be thoroughly examined, for I think he will be found faulty enough. He hath played parts most lewd and audacious. You have there his agent Ortell ; it were well he were thence. I did send twice for him, but he excuseth himself. For my part, I will hold all things as far as my credit shall serve. It hath been shrewdly shaken, as you know. I see the States doubt her Majesty, and therefore loth to let their money run out too fast." Holland and Zeeland never cared what towns other provinces lost ; they presume too much of their own strength. "Newce" I doubt greatly, for the enemy has great forces there, thirty cannon, and divers mines in hand. "These people be not to defend breaches ; they be good to keep a place where the enemy must swim to them." We have ten thousand English here, but unless we left divers towns a prey to the enemy, cannot bring above four thousand to the field, and if these were not here, we had lost twenty towns more. This fourteen days we have been preparing what forces we are able, but can get neither money nor munition, except your 10,000l. ; which I dare not pay a penny of yet, there is so much due, and the others can receive nothing, which would make them fall to great disorder. I fear you there conceive not our case, or it would be better remembered and handled. It will be harder than you imagine to bring this State into the state it was three months past, and will require full and speedy countenance from her Majesty to keep it from the enemy. Though these fellows be counted dullards and drunkards, "they have shrewd and subtle heads as ever I found anywhere and as suspicious." The best man in England were not too good to be employed hither, to encourage them and to understand their estate more sensibly than our letters can show it. Besides, my poor self hoped to have found more encouragement than I have done. "I trust I have not failed in duty, good-will nor diligence. If I cannot have the means to further this service, I must lay the blame where it is ; as well there as here. "I have been at Brill, a place (without flattery) as well used and the soldiers in as good order as ever I saw. There is one want which we here cannot supply, and that is ordnance. It is her Majesty's town, and she must defend it as her gage." Ten brass pieces must be sent, and decays in the town helped. "Your son is here with me, and we will to some service" as soon as I can bring men together. Our misery is the greater that we cannot borrow any great sum of money. I know not what I have scribbled for I am in great haste.20 July. Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. 4 pp. [Holland IX. 40.] [On the covering sheet, in a later hand :] "Low Countries." Mr. Secretary Wilson's letters from 74 till 77. Mr. Sec. Walsingham's letters from 71 till 86. Sir Ed. Stafford from Paris, from 84 till 88.
July 20. Copy of "the Earl of Leicester's demands for her Majesty's service in Holland &c." [See below.] Endd. with date. 1 pp. [Holland IX. 41.]
July 20/30. Answer of the States of Holland and Zeeland to the propositions of his Excellency of July 24, 1587 [sic]. Exhibited to the Council of his Excellency by deputies of the States of Holland, viz : the Sieur de Mattenes Menyn ; Adrian van Berckenrode ; Dr. Boyemer, and Roelsens, pensionary of Middelburg. "Actum in la Haye, the penultimate de July, 1586." [The following headings given in Dutch in the margin.] Hopes of the States of Holland ; of what sort. Lessening of the charges of the war ; how much consented to. Excuse of the States concerning extraordinary charges. Consent to 400,000 gulden. Agreement of the States. The 300,000 [sic] gulden ; for what intended. Furnishing of 150,000 gulden ; how and when. Those of Utrecht and Friesland to join in the contributions. Distribution of the contributions. Consent to the cession of the impost on cloths. Request of the States concerning the 100,000 gulden wherewith the general means are burdened. Difference between Holland and Zeeland concerning the sharing in common (gemeinschap) of the general means. Copy. Dutch. 8 pp. [Ibid. 42.] [Printed in Bor, bk. XXI, f. 37.]


  • 1. Losely, Sir William More's house near Guildford.
  • 2. Month illegible from damp, but given in endorsement.
  • 3. i.e., morgen ; said to be about 2 acres (Sewel's Dictionary, Amsterdam, 1727).
  • 4. The annexed document here referred to is wanting, but is probably that of which an English translation will be found on p. 157, below.
  • 5. i.e. William Harborne's.