Elizabeth: July 1586, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: July 1586, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp72-84 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1586, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp72-84.

"Elizabeth: July 1586, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp72-84.

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July 1586, 1-10

July 2/12. Resolution of the States General, granting extraordinary entertainment to his Excellency by provision out of the General means. Signed by Aerssens. Dutch . 1 p . [Holland IX . 1.]
July 3/13. JACOB MUYS VAN HOLY to SIR THOS. HENEAGE, at Greenwich.
I have received what you have been pleased to send me, and thank you humbly for your remembrance of myself and my poor son, who, I hope, I shall some day see at liberty by means of her Majesty's grace, and the assistance of his Excellency and your lordship.... The magistrates of this town have been discourteous in not treating you according to your quality and what you have deserved of these countries ; but on the other hand, they are much delighted to hear in what good part your lordship has taken the poor reception you met with here. Both magistrates and inhabitants will not be the last who will endeavour to do service to her Majesty, whose humble servants they desire always to be ; and for myself I hope some day to be so happy as by loyal service to testify my gratitude. The bearer of this. Hugo Gleynen, is charged with two lanterns for your lordship in place of that which your men forgot in the boat. They are such as I was able to get here and I pray you to accept them kindly.Dordrecht, 13 July, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. Fr . 1 pp . [Ibid. IX . 2.]
This honest gentleman, Mr. Lytton of Hertfordshire, being driven "through some hard state of his body" to repair into England, he recommends his "forwardness and towardness" to her Majesty's good favour, assuring her "that he is as like to prove an able servant as any that came hither, and hath suffered as much hardness and taken as great pains as the meanest soldier." It will greatly encourage him to receive a good countenance from her, and if God sends him health he will probably return to her service there. Would "have had him gone sooner by a good while, but as long as he saw any service present in the field, he would not leave it."Dordrecht, "being newly returned from a journey made to Berges up Some and Zeeland." 4 July. Holograph. Add . 1 p . [Ibid. IX . 3.]
I have received your letters by M. Michaely, and heard what he has said to me on your behalf, for which I thank you, having learned thereby your care for me and that your friendship for my father is extended to me. I am sorry that my age and my means prevent my making evident the affection which I bear you. for as God has put it into my heart to love those whom my father loved, so I feel my obligation is increased to those who wish me well. I pray you to continue to represent to me whatever will be for my good, for I shall accept it with all my heart, and to help me to remain in her Majesty's good graces, for I am her very humble servant.Middelbourg. [Date not filled in .] Signed. Add. Endd . "July, 1586." by Walsingham's clerk. Fr . 1 p . [Holland IX . 4.]
Albeit I have hitherto had some fear to write of matters of policy to so great a counsellor, yet as it pleases you to command me, and I assure myself that the honourable mind "that hath held up my poor credit to her Majesty" will make the best interpretation of what falls from my pen, I make bold to acquaint you with "these few," whereof you can judge better than I can. "My abode here since my return hath been small,...and the time of mine absence, though it were not long, yet by the losses of Grave, Megen, Battenburg, Venlo and the fort of Wele [Weel] in Gueldres, together with some other accidents, as the putting to death of Hemert, captain of Grave, and the bringing in of 'Ryngawte' into the chamber of finances, hath made me find great alteration of minds, diffidencies and jealousies here, more than were at the time of my departure. For any sharpness of humour in Council, I hope by their good opinion of me, I have well qualified it since my return, but for the States generally, premunt alto corde dolorem ," yet they have granted my Lord 200,000 florins a month extraordinary for four months, on condition that by the middle of August he present himself in field with 3000 horse and 10,000 foot. Though the time be near and somewhat late in the year, I hope it will be performed ; if not, your lordship can better judge than I quo hc evasura sunt . And if all be performed, we are yet far from an end except God give "extraordinary hap," which I heartily pray. Yet since our garrisons are so great that we cannot keep them and our footmen together, you may judge "what a company of honest men we are like to return you into England, who after they have been 'embrewed' with soldiers' liberty, seldom prove good members in our country. I mention not captains and other officers, who being then cassed, and failing much of that they hoped, will seek to help themselves if they can." I crave your pardon for my repetition of what I know your honour has forecast, but had rather be condemned of folly in writing than of want of duty in not writing.Utrecht, 4 July. Postscript . Overyssel is in danger of yielding. If it do, our reiters will have hard passage to us. Count Maurice "liveth from us at Middelborowghe, in very doubtful sort, being greatly schooled by St. Aldegonde, and as it is advertised, between them make dispatches to Antwerp and to the President, 'Richard Dot' and to the Lady of Stralen, so that we hardly know either whom to fear or whom to trust." John Norris has occasion to spend a month in England, and will more fully advertise your lordship. Signed. Add. Endd . 1 p . [Holland IX . 5.]
July 5. Document endorsed by Burghley "5 July. Mr. Beale's opinion upon the objections against the Earl of Leicester's placcard for the province of Holland."
On the first page , the following questions :
1. Whether the Earl of Leicester may inhibit Frenchmen to trade with the enemy. 2. Whether such inhibition be contrary to the treaties between France and England. 3. Whether the Earl may impose new impositions for goods to be carried out of the United Provinces. 4. Whether he may appoint them by what coast or way to sail. 5. Whether a Spaniard taken in a French ship be sufficient cause of confiscation of the Frenchman's ship. On pp . 2, 3, notes concerning the course to be held by and with France, in relation to the carriage of goods to the enemy. On pp . 4, 5, Notes by Beale. The placcards made by the Earl of Leicester are not by commission or authority from hence, but given him from the Estates, as was done by the Prince of Orange ; "therefore not to be answered as her Majesty's lieutenant, but as an elected Governor by them." If they could grant such authority to the Prince, they may do it to the Earl ; and so "will the question arise between the French King and them, whether their authority be lawful or no." Monsieur's actions against Spain were not as Duke of Anjou but as Duke of Brabant, by authority not from the French King, but from the Estates of the country. And so it may be said of the Earl of Leicester. And as the French King was not answerable, no more is her Majesty. Endd . 4 pp . [Ibid. IX . 6.]
In mine of the 4th, upon report of my colleagues in Council, I advertised you of the grant of 200,000 florins monthly for four months ; but I find it is only 100,000 ; and that the 3000 reiters to be levied are but 2000, the number being made up by a thousand they had before and were meant to be cassed. Likewise I find that their naming 200,000 florins was because they "imagined to make up 100,000 with their confiscations, 'branscatts' and new imposition of salt, soap and beer, which uncertain reckoning...I mean not to make to your good lordship ; for the 'branscatts' will fall to very little, their safeguards being taken away, and the poor people of the flat country being delivered to the spoil ; the confiscations being a thing very uncertain ; and the new imposition a thing granted before...and I fear me, of much less benefit than before trial they esteem it at, their traffic being sore decayed." I crave pardon for the error (which is not mine but theirs) and humbly beseech your honour to conceal whatsoever I write, "for here all is full of jealousies and mislikes, more ordinary than easy to be endured."Utrecht, 6 July. Postscript . The enemy is battering Neuss (Nwis) with twelve cannons. They within the walls are very doubtful, knowing we are not yet strong enough in field. Signed. Add. Endd . 1 p . [Holland IX . 7.]
July 7. Notes by Mr. Digges, the muster-master, of the causes which move the Earl of Leicester to dislike so much the present Treasurer. Answered in the margin by the said Treasurer. The accusations include the manner of drawing and tendering warrants for pay ; making payments without check (having no muster-roll) to the profit of himself and his substitutes. [Margin . "The treasurer before God and man disclaimeth from any such game"] ; defects and checks passed over and formal acquittances presented in Mr. Norris's time by the Treasurer, who himself confessed long after that Mr. Norris had refused to make any warrant for full pay because of these cheques. [Margin . "The treasurer never confessed any such thing] ; antedating of warrants, exaction of dead pays, payments made in light gold or in kind ; bribing officers to defraud her Majesty &c. &c. [Margin . "The treasurer answereth...that he knoweth not of any of these things to be true, either in himself or in his substitutes, and assureth himself that not one particular of the whole article shall ever be proved."] Endd. with date . 4 pp . [Ibid. IX . 8a .]
Copy of the above. [Ibid. IX . 8b .]
Ten or twelve days ago, I received a letter and message from Count Mauris by a trusty man, praying me to give him full credit. "The matter was that he had an enterprise in hand for the surprise of a town called Axel in Flanders, desiring it to be well and secretly handled, and would have none acquainted withal but my nephew Sidney. And at a certain day it must be attempted, or else they must attend a long while for like opportunity. I could not but like well of the young nobleman's desire, and gave his man good hope, if I did not hear of some just cause to let it, I would not fail to supply him of that he required. In the meanwhile, I would send a man to understand more fully his mind...and to make all as sure as I could, there is such treachery in the world." I did so, and sent my nephew also, who found no cause for mistrust, but liked all well. Whereupon I sent four or five hundred men to "Berges up Some," with some horsemen, to make them think there was some enterprise in those quarters. Sending Count Hollock to Gertrudenborg, I myself went to Berges, knowing they would think this to be for some great purpose. I stayed two days, and one night shipped away five hundred men. "My Lord Willoughby would needs go with them ; so would young Mr. Hutton, and Mr. Upton followed them next day." "I sent my nephew Sidney another way with five hundred men more, and all to meet at their day, which was Tuesday last, before Flushing, upon the water, that it might be less noted. And so speedy and short success had they, as the next morning by two o'clock before day they were masters of the town. My nephew Sidney with his bands would needs have the first entry as the messenger told me (fn. 1) ...and though there were five hundred soldiers within the town, and came to the repulse before half were entered, yet were they all overthrown and most of them killed in the streets, and not one killed of this side. Afterwards they presently took four or five forts and sconces between the haven mouth and the town." This town is of great importance, and within three days will be sure ; "for if the enemy come [sic ] not too mighty before we may victual it, I warrant it safe enough for a good while." I am now sending more men to reinforce it, and spoil the country ; "and perhaps get some such other places 'or' long as shall better like you ; and yet few towns may serve our turn to annoy the enemy better than this. It is a fair, large town." The Prince of Parma is gone to Neuss (Nuse) and has besieged it. "But except towns will be sold here for asking, there is no cause to fear it ; for the Duke of Burgundy once besieged it almost a year, and went without [it], with great loss. The Emperor Charles likewise besieged it long and forced to leave it. There is in it men enow and all things else. And yet is it no town in my charge ; it belongs to the Bishop of Cologne, and so doth the other town where Shenks now is, called Berk. I have in those parts of Gueldres in towns to save them 4000 footmen." Having had some cause of late to doubt Count Hollock, I find it was only a practice "to discourage him towards your Majesty, thereby to make him leave his service here, for he will not serve one hour the States after your Majesty shall leave to defend these countries ; and so fully was he persuaded therein as he hath since confessed unto me that he was resolved fully to have gone his ways ; but he hath newly again given his oath and faith to me that as long as your Majesty shall deal in this cause, he will be your servant. "Shenks was likewise so perplexed within these ten days, as he heard your Majesty had given all over, and that I was forthwith to return home. Only this practice hath almost overthrown all here." I hope to learn from Count Hollock who are the dealers in it. In two or three days, I will send one to your Majesty, touching this country's causes. I go to-morrow to the Hague to meet with most of the States, and so to the Brill ; and my companies shall be well got together against my return. I humbly kiss your Majesty's feet, and "upon my knees daily pray unto God for your long and blessed preservation."Utrecht, 8 July. Postscript . The Prince forsook his siege at Blyenbeck, a strong castle of Shenks own, after battering it for two days. "Your Majesty will hear shortly that he shall not lie so quietly at his sieges as he hath done ; but we have no horsemen, and our English footmen not yet all ready nor furnished." Holigraph. Add . 3 pp . [Holland IX . 9.]
"Since my last letters fell out this happy enterprise of the surprising of Axel, the fruits of his Excellency's journey to Bergen-upp-Solme ... The plot was laid, as I understand, by M. Pyron, governor of Turneux [Terneusen], not far off Axel." They came to the town about midnight, and sent on twenty men, who swam the town-ditch, passed the rampart and killed the sentinel and the corps-de-guard that kept the gates, whom they found in their beds ; then brake open the gates and let in all our men, who were about three thousand. "Captain Pyron was the first that entered the town with the Dutch companies ; Mr. Knolles, governor of Ostend, with my lord Willoughby the second company, and Sir Philip Sidney with the third company," that was drawn out of Flushing, with other companies of Captain Reade's joined with them. They found in the town but a hundred and fifty soldiers, most of them Almains, and but two Spaniards, one of whom, thought to be a treasurer, is taken prisoner in hope he shall redeem M. Vyllers, a captain of good account. "There was not one man slain, and but one hurt, I think. Saving four or five, all was put to the sword. This victory happened in good time, for since the loss of Grave and Venlo, you will not think with what faces they looked upon us. This hath made us somewhat to lift up our heads, and there is more hoped that will follow. We are presently to raise up a camp to remove the Prince of Parma from Neuss (Nuic), and for that my Lord Lieutenant hath removed three thousand men out of other garrisons to the surprising of Axell. I have thought good...to offer him to draw my own company, and certain out of other bands in the Brill, which are very good shot, so as I may have in as many of the new companies before they go out ; and the rather as I mean myself to be at the service both with my foot and horse bands. I have yet no answer to my articles presented to the States, they being very slow in resolving. Utrecht, 8 July, stylo anglicano . Postscript . I beseech your favour for Mr. Yorke, the bearer, as one I am greatly beholding unto. Holograph. Add. Endd . 1 pp . [Ibid. IX . 10.]
July 8. Document in Burghley's hand, endorsed "8 July, 1586, Memorial for Holland, collected out of Cox's memorial, dated 19 June." [See p . 35 above .] 1 pp . [Ibid. IX . 11.]
July 8. "Certain articles exhibited by Geo. Lecestor [under-Treasurer] to be considered of by the lords of her Majesty's Privy Council, for the service of her Majesty in the Low Countries." With apostiles in the margin by Mr. Digges, Muster-master.
1. A perfect list to be made of the Captains in command of the forces, day of entry &c. [Margin . Done, so far as yet may be, by mediation of the Muster Master.]
2. That the checks upon musters may be duly certified to the Treasurer and warrants drawn in orderly form. [Margin . The muster-master has not deferred to certify the checks,.... but the Treasurer has "disorderly" made imprests and payments without proper warrants, presenting those drawn by his own substitutes, "confounding bands in the States pay with those in her Majesty's, and so nigh ten thousand pounds of her Majesty's treasure unduly paid to his private friends &c."]
3. Whereas it was agreed that the States' Commissaries should be joined with the muster master for her Majesty at musters, which order Sir John Norris observed while he commanded her forces :
4. Now, for want of due observance of this, the States will not acknowledge what her Majesty has paid, which is like to cause her great detriment, and might have been prevented if the Muster Master had advertised the Lord General, as his place required. [Margin . These two articles "are but cunningly put in, seeming to charge the Muster Master, and yet ... by extolling Mr. Norris's government, to carp, slander and aecuse the government of the Lord General that now is ... But as the Muster-master hath already plainly cleared himself, so for the justification of the Earl of Leicester's government" he prays your honours to read the article ensueing.] "A brief note of divers errors, imperfections and abuses reformed, and good orders established since the government of the Earl of Leicester ... in the Low Countries." Comparing the proceedings of Sir John Norris and the Earl as regards payment of troops, military discipline, exaction of dead pays and defalcations from the soldiers' pay, (by which before the Earl's coming "the poor men have grievously been burdened") defects in musters &c. Endd. with date . 3 pp . [Holland IX . 12.]
The letters which your Excellency has sent us by a certain Agostino Grafigna, accompanied by one William Bodenham, have seemed to us very strange, insomuch as you say therein that you had learnt from the said Grafigna what we had been pleased to commit to him on our behalf, and had heard it with infinite satisfaction. And although we cannot do less than approve of that inclination and the desire of your Excellency to bring matters to some good issue, with the offer of all the means in your power to this end, yet you must know that a great error has been committed in this matter, that in our name, without our knowledge, and contrary to our inclination and in some sort to the prejudice of our honour, any such person as this Grafigna, or indeed any other of much better condition should have had the audacity to begin such a thing in our name or on our part ; as if by means of messages sent to your Excellency, we were seeking a treaty with the Catholic King, who, in so many ways, has requited our good offices in so quite contrary a manner, that we have been forced against our natural disposition, to intervene in these actions, for no other cause than for the defence of our state, necessarily joined with the safety of our ancient neighbours in those Low Countries. And, moreover, when, by our order, Grafigna was asked by some of our councillors whether he had in the past received any commission from us, or had spoken to your Excellency by direction of any of our Council, he denied it expressly, as you may see from a paper written by him, which we send enclosed. And for more certain proof thereof, he has offered to return into these parts to testify the same. Then, as to Bodenham's being sent hither by you, we have also caused some of our Council to speak with him, who declared that there was on your part a great inclination to re-establish a peace between us and the Catholic King ; to which end (as he says) your Excellency offers to procure authority from the King to treat with us by means of fitting persons, so soon as he should know that we were inclined to lend an ear thereto. As to which we conceive that by our public declaration, the King, as well as your Excellency, may have learned what was then our mind, and is so still, and how important are the reasons which have moved us to interfere in these affairs, not being urged either by ambition, or any desire for the shedding of blood, but only to make safe our own State and to free our ancient neighbours from misery and from slavery. And to these two ends we have directed our actions, with the resolution to continue them, not withstanding that by indirect means rumours have been spread, chiefly in the Low Countries that we were inclined to a peace, giving heed to the safety and liberty of those our neighbours, who have moved us by compassion for their miseries, and for other just and important causes to aid them and to defend them from perpetual ruin and captivity. And therefore in this very great wrong has been done to us. For such is our compassion for their miseries that in no manner will we allow their safety to be separated from our own, knowing how the two depend upon each other. And so we pray your Excellency to understand that this is our determination, notwithstanding any sort of rumours falsely spread abroad to the contrary, greatly to our dishonour. Nevertheless, you may be persuaded that if any reasonable conditions of peace should be offered to us which tend to the establishing of our safety and honour and the liberty of our neighbours, we shall no less willingly accept them than unwillingly we have been forced to the contrary, seeing that in no way can we do anything more pleasing to God Almighty than by embracing the peace and safety of Christendom, of which in these times, we who are princes and monarchs have chiefly to think. And it is known to the Omnipotent (the God of peace and searcher of all human hearts) that to this our heart has always been inclined, to whose judgment we appeal against the malice of those tongues which strive to persuade the world of the contrary. Copy. Endd. with date. Italian . 2 pp . [Flanders I . 93.]
Enclosing : Statement by Grafigna to the Lords of the Council. As he had already told them by word of mouth, so he now confirms it that he had said to the Prince of Parma that he had reported to Lord Cobham what his Highness had said to him in Brussels. That his Highness had demanded whether he had spoken with her Majesty, to which he answered 'No.' That Signor Cosmo had inquired whether he had spoken with Mr. Controller, to which he said no. And as to the Lord Treasurer, there was no mention of him whatever. Signed . Endd. by Burghley. Italian . p . [Ibid. I . 93a .]
The letter which your Excellency wrote by Augustino Grafigna much amazed us, seeing that it was grounded on a point so strange and alien to our thoughts as that we should seek by your mediation to arrange the differences between us and the Catholic King. We hope our actions have not led the world to believe us of so base a mind as to seek him who has first offended us. Yet desiring to know how this had come to pass, and fearing lest one of our servants had been concerned in itguided rather by zeal to do well than by regard to our honourlearning, moreover, that the said Augustino Grafigna had intermeddled therein ; we deputed certain of our Council to examine him ; who (as your Excellency will see by the writing sent with this) denies ever having proposed anything, either in our name or in that of any of our councillors which might give you the least reason to think that we sought to make use of your mediation. But on the contrary he confesses that the motion came expressly from your Excellency ; as from a Prince who showed himself wishful to accommodate the said differences. Yet though we cannot imagine how the mistake has arisen, nor whence proceed the grounds of your letter, your Excellency need not doubt that when we are reduced to such terms that we need to seek what we ought rather to demand, you shall find yourself furnished with sufficient authority. Apparently unfinished. Perhaps a rejected draft of the letter above. Endd. by Walsingham's clerk "Minute of a letter to the Prince of Parma." Italian . 2 pp . [Ibid I . 94.]
Apologises for using a secretary. Has to write a long letter to her Majesty, and his eyes have "waxen sore since this last journey to Bergen," wherein he scarce took one night's rest all the time. Will shortly send one to her Majesty with larger advertisements, and therefore now imparts only the good success in taking Axel, a large town, and very important if it can only be kept. It is hard to get victuals there, but all possible means shall be used. The enterprise was proposed by Count Maurice, who was assisted with such men as he desired, this being one cause of the journey to Bergen. There were five or six hundred soldiers in the town, who put themselves in arms, after the gate was seized, but were soon overthrown and most of them slain. Not one on the English side lost. Hopes to recover as much by honest means as has been lost by treachery.Utrecht, 9 July, 1586. Signed . Postscript in his own hand . "Your son is gone into North Holland this morning, and I am going toward the Hague, to deal with all the States and provincial officers there." Add. Endd . 1 p . [Holland IX . 13.]
July 9. Document headed "A brief of the perils and the reminders." "The first peril." The politic men that will never return to the obedience of Spain will seek to have the Queen or some other prince, to take the sovereignty ; some for their religion ; others for their private wealth and authority ; a third sort, "ready to revolt upon enticement to have their former liberties and to be eased of all taxes."
How these are to be dealt with.
The first two sorts to be persuaded if it be possible , (fn. 2) that neither her Majesty nor any other prince will take the sovereignty until convinced that the profits of the countries will be sufficient to maintain them against their enemiesAnd it must be made plain to them that both for her honour and her surety, her Majesty will persist in their defence as though they were her own subjects though she do not take the sovereignty. The third sort, as they are known, should be called out of places of strength or mastered with superior forces ; "and when any of them may be taken with any manifest fault, to proceed against them with severity, as the Prince of Parma doth with the like on his part, or else to banish them from the places where they may bring danger ." "The second peril." False bruits of raising new taxes, or converting some portions thereof to the private use of the Earl's officers and the English nation.
"What is to be done for this."
To show the Council of State how false these rumours be ; to keep them informed of the levying and expenditure of the taxes ; and that the Council should make "some publication" to the principal towns how false these rumours are, and order the spreaders thereof to be punished. Likewise that the Earl should name some principal men, of good reputation with the people "to be in commission as superintendent for the finances, with such others as are best to be trusted and most skilful." "The 3rd peril" The practice of P. B[uys] and any other for Denmark to be prevented.
The means thereof.
By persuasion to take away their diffidence of her Majesty's continuance in their defence, and fear of being again under the King of Spain's obedience ; (the reasons to be used, those in the answer to the 1st peril). Secondly : If persuasion will not serve, they may be impeached "for their disorders in some other things, and so to be shut up from doing any further harm." Thirdly : The Earl's intention should be followed for sending Lord Willoughby or Robert Sidney, but rather the former, "for his acquaintance into Denmark." "The 4th peril." The revolting of Edzard, the eldest count of Embden to the King of Spain, whereby the staple for English merchandize will be altered ; and there being yet no accord with Hamburg, "the inconvenience is the greater."
What is to be done.
To make some motions to his brother, Count John, and those who favour the English trade there, to oppose Edzard and his faction, in respect of the detriment to that State by decay of trade, and "the peril that may grow for the changing of religion by the Spanish faction." Also some conference should be had between some of the towns of Holland, for making a like staple for English cloth "as was of late at Embden, and heretofore at Hamburg." "A 5th inconvenience." The coinage of her Majesty's money in the Low Countries, and unjust valuation of English moneys, whereby they "are carried and stolen out of the realm."
The Remedy.
Prohibition of coinage of English moneys, and a certain valuation of what comes into that country. Finally, as her Majesty has sent her letters to the Council of State assuring them of her good will to continue their defence, the like should be sent to the General States, containing :1. An assurance of her "continuance for her contract ; 2. "A condemnation of their credulity of rumours to the contrary" ; 3. "An earnest charging of them for non performance of their promises in yielding to their contributions." Endd . "9 July, 1586. A brief of the Memorial for Holland" ; and by Burghley "This was delivered to Mr. Wilkes, 18 July." 3 pp . [Holland IX . 14.]
July 9. A Memorial for SIR THOMAS SHIRLEY.
"For certain things to be declared to the Earl of Leicester on her Majesty's behalf, concerning Rich. Huddlestone, her Majesty's Treasurer there.
1. That her Majesty, being informed that partly by himself and partly by an under-treasurer and paymaster he hath not only abused his office, to the great damage of her Majesty, for his own benefit and the contentation of his friends, but has defrauded the poor soldiers of their wages ; she commanded the Lord Treasurer, Sir Chris. Hatton and Sir Francis Walsingham to charge and hear him. And as "divers parts of his answer stood in denial" of that wherewith he was charged, the proof whereof could not be made in England, and her Majesty was not minded to displace him until this was done ; yet wishing that the exercise of his office should be with the privity of some other, for avoiding of further abuse ; she has made choice of you, Sir Thos. Sherlie, to join with him and be privy to all his receipts and payments ; .... and the same to be done only by warrant of the Earl of Leicester and no other." [Details of moneys to be received and paid.] You are to inform the Earl that in sundry things it appears that her Majesty's treasure has not been so beneficially ordered as it ought to have been ; but by whose fault will best appear upon trial of divers things contained in his answer to the matters wherewith he hath been charged, which answer and charge will be delivered to you to show to the Earl, requiring him to cause examination and trial to be made of the points denied by him. [Details of the points in which her Majesty thinks herself "evil served" by Sir John Norris or the Treasurer or both.] Endd. with date by Burghley . 4 pp . [Holland IX . 15.]
Being sent into the Low Countries to make payment of monies as ordered by her Majesty to her army, on warrant of the Earl of Leicester :
1. He is to receive divers bills of money at the receipt of Exchequer, paid at request of the Earl to sundry persons for levying and sending over voluntary bands, under the conduct of Lord Awdley, Sir William Standley, Simon Digbie, Michael Harecourt, John Raines, Capt. Bannister or any other ; delivering in his bill testifying his receipt of them "as a charge for so much money to be received again by him for her Majesty's use" at the hands or by the order of the said Earl ; the said sums to be duly paid by the said Huddilston, for the charges of the army by the Earl's warrant. 2. He shall also receive 10,000l . from the Merchants Adventurers of Middelburg, to be paid on the 10th instant upon promise of the said Company to the Lord Treasurer. 3. And on Aug. 10 or before, shall receive another sum of 10,000l . from the same, promised in like manner, and shall then deliver bills of receipt for the whole 20,000l . so that the said merchants may be repaid at the Receipt. 4. He shall also receive by order of the Earl 2000l . (for so much appointed to be paid by his order out of the Receipt) by way of imprest for levying and conducting certain bands of foot and horse out of Scotland. 5. Besides these sums aforesaid, he shall receive [blank ] out of the Exchequer to carry over with him. 6. And all such money as he shall receive on the other side of the seas, either from the Merchants Adventurers or by warrant of the Earl, for satisfaction of moneys here paid out of the Receipt, shall not be received by him or any of his but with the knowledge of Sir Thos. Sherley ; and "the same to be safely chested," with both their privities, each having a key ; and though the chest be in Huddlestone's charge, her Majesty will have no payment made but with the privity of Sir Thomas, and that only by warrant of the Earl of Leicester. Endd. with date by Burghley . 1 pp . [Holland IX . 16.]
July. Draft for the following paper, by Walsingham. Endd . "A note of the issuing out of the 35,000l . by the late privy seal for the Low Countries." 1 p . [Ibid. IX . 17.]


  • 1. But see p. 77, below.
  • 2. The words printed in italics are added by Burghley to the original draft.