Elizabeth: November 1559, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: November 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp129-142 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp129-142.

"Elizabeth: November 1559, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp129-142.

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November 1559, 21-25

Nov. 21.
R. O.
304. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Since his letter of the 26th Oct. nothing worth writing has happened. The magistrates of this city have refused further protection to the clergy whilst performing their ceremonies; as he more amply notified in his letter to the Queen of 5th October. The priests are very angry, and threaten to appeal to the Emperor; the magistrates, however, remain firm, and say that they can no longer protect impiety and idolatry; therefore from this day the celebration of the Mass ceases in this city, as they are unwilling to put themselves in danger for their religion.
2. The Bishop of Treves holds Treves with a garrison, and has imprisoned those citizens who had commenced preaching the Gospel there. The Elector Palatine and the other Princes have interceded that they may be allowed to sell their property and depart, according to the decrees of the Imperial Diet.
3. In France an army is being prepared to go into Scotland, and three ensigns of veterans have been taken from Metz for that expedition. No German soldiers have been enrolled. Some German captains have been summoned into France on account of the Scottish expedition, as it is thought.
4. By the last post one of the chief Regents in Brabant wrote to one of his friends, "that he did not think that the English were so badly advised as to prefer the son of the King of Sweden to the Archduke of Austria, Charles, who could assist them against the evil designs of the French." (fn. 1) Marriages between persons of different religion are wont to breed dissensions. The Emperor is so steadfast in his religion that he thinks that all who dissent are either fools or knaves; he has six unmarried daughters, and openly says that he would rather keep them unmarried than wed them with Protestant husbands; it is easy to guess what he hopes for by marrying his son with a wife of a different religion. Apologizes for his plain speaking. We should pray that God will send a Josiah to administer the affairs of so great a kingdom. Sends his commendations to Cecil's father-in-law, of whose death there was a rumour in the preceding month.—Strasbourg, 21 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 21.
R. O.
Sadler, 1. 591.
305. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
1. Send letters presently received from Lord James and Randolph, by which it appears that Lydington and the said Randolph will be here as soon as weather will serve. The said messenger, one of Arran's servants, came by land, and will tarry here till the coming of Lydington, and will go with him to the Court. The Duke is at his house at Hamilton, with the Earl of Argyll and the Master of Maxwell. The Earl of Arran and the Prior of S. Andrews are at S. Andrews, and Lord Ruthven at St. Johnston, and they retain still their footmen in wages. The news goes that the Queen Dowager is dead; though she is in great extremity of sickness, they think this too good news to be true. If this follow it will make a great alteration in this matter.
2. Captain Randall arrived here this morning with the Queen's letters, and the Council's, and 3,000l.; but of this they cannot determine aught until Lydington's coming, whom they look for hourly. At whose arrival they may send the said Randall in the same boat that Lidington shall arrive in here, to comfort the Protestants, and to take some money to them.
3. Abington is on his way to the Court, to whom they should give order for the provision of victuals.—Berwick, 21 Nov. 1559.
Orig., in Railton's hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21.
306. Another copy of the above.
Nov. 21.
Sadler, 1. 591.
307. Sadler to Cecil.
Recommends the suit of this gentleman, Robert Constable, a man of good service on this frontier, who seems to have sustained some injury. Has written some particulars of his suit to the Lords of the Council.—21 Nov. 1559.
Nov. 22.
Sadler, 1. 595.
308. Sadler and Croftes to Randolph.
Since his letters from Stirling they have been continually expecting his and Lydington's arrival, and have therefore forborn to write. They are sorry the Lords of the Congre gation are for a time defeated, but trust they will not let the enemy have further gain. When they seek revenge the writers assure them of aid, as, when he and Lydington arrive, they shall know at more length.—22 Nov. 1559.
Nov. 22.
Sadler, 1. 594.
309. Lord Hume to Sadler.
Thomas Clavering adjourned the day truce upon Monday was eight days to last Monday, and now again has continued the same, without writing or appointing any new day. The writer thinks this has encouraged the thieves to commit many attempts, and those under Thomas Claveringe, Thomas Smytht, and Damsany, dwelling at Norham, came to Katchebraw, and stole a sheep. Prays him to appoint a new day of meeting. Heartily thanks him for his gentleness in sending two couple of hounds.—Home, 22 Nov. 1559. Signed: Alex. Hume.
Nov. 22.
Sadler, 1. 593.
310. Sir Ralph Gray to Sadler.
Having had letters from D'Oysel for restitution of certain goods weathered at Ross, the writer when last at Berwick declared that the goods were gone off his ground by the French factors, and also that the Lord of Ulchester confessed the receipt of them, as he has declared to D'Oysel's servant. —Chillingham, 22 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
311. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Has lately received a packet of her letters of the 10th inst., delivered by the servant of the Bishop of Aquila, but has been obliged to respite the same. For, passing not long since by Mechlin, where the Count de Feria now lies, he understood that the Countess, through her dangerous travail in childbirth and evil handling of the midwives, has ever since been very weak, as her life was despaired of. This the Count takes very heavily (as indeed he makes very much of her), so Challoner thought it not meet to congratulate with a sorrowful man; but to defer it to a better opportunity.
2. As regards her wish, touching the matter of Dardoys, as she wills him to use all dexterity to discover the truth of it, he purposes so to do, reserving M. D'Arras for the last essay, of which he will inform her in his next letters; but he takes it all one touching their intent whether the Dauphin did arrogate that style or not whenever they see an advantage, and so he trusts she will make no other account. In this Court men of discourse reckon verily that ere long they will burst forth, and would ere this time, saving for respect of the King of Spain and their own want of readiness. Trusts in God that union, armour, and exercise at home, with the faster amity of friends abroad, shall break off their thread in the beginning. The French cease not here to calumniate that all the Scottish motion proceeds from our setting on, with threats that they will chastise both the one and the other.
Nov. 23. 3. The Regent and Lords of this Council have done much honour to the Count de Helvensteyn, (fn. 2) the Emperor's Ambassador, now in voyage towards her; who purposes to be at Dunkirk about the 28th inst.
4. Thanks her for her gracious acceptation of his poor service.—Brussels, 23 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
312. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter of the 10th enclosed in the Queen's packet. Is sorry the Scotch proceed over leisurely. "Such enterprises would be done with the heat, which in never so little respite waxeth cold again." In this Court they have had advice of an overthrow of late given by the Scots to the French, as yesterday M. de Barlaymond "axed" him the question, and recited also a French pasquille thereupon, the copy of which he sends.
2. Of late he received a letter from Throckmorton in commendation of one John Baptista Ficuffino, an Italian engineer, who, coming forth of France, delivered the same to him [Challoner]. He proponed the overture of certain of his inventions (very rare and strange if he can perform the same) to the Queen, if she could bestow on him his demanded warrant, the articles whereof were partly before exhibited to Sir Nicholas, and certain new additions are enclosed. By his talk it seems he is a practiser in alchemy. Considering his late coming out of France Challoner knows not what to judge of his errand, having being told by one who knew him six years past that he can speak a little broken English, and was among the merchants at Antwerp then suspected to be a spy. This perchance is untrue; but sure his inventions are strange and worth a reward, if he can perform his word, as he demands no trifling sums. The writer moved him to go into England to procure for himself, which he is willing to do if the Queen pleases; and he wishes to know her pleasure before the 8th of next month, for longer he tarries not in these parts. Begs to have the Queen's answer speedily. The invention of his mill is very pretty, all of iron and no bigger than his fist, which in half an hour grinds meal to feed ten mouths a day. Saw by chance the inward secret thereof, and with aid of a workman could make the like for 10s. (fn. 3)
Nov. 23. 3. Touching the Grave of Helvestein, it is reported that he will pass that way; knows not whether those of this Council take it so. Has willed Grenado on his return to recount him a tale which he heard. Already King Philip hardly digests his own miss, (fn. 4) as hardly and with less dissembling will he brook the second of his kinsman (fn. 5) (if it so fall out), now thinking himself less endangered unto us through his new affinity with France. Rather wishes by all good means he were retained for us than clearly to be alienated. (fn. 6) He and his adherents are a great party. It is good to remember that occasion serves not always, and quod facis fac citius. (fn. 7) We have need of some countenance against the French, (fn. 8) as many of the house of Guise, so many French Kings, having the King and all at commandment. (fn. 9) Hopes he will take in good part what he has written, and bear to the surer part, which is rather to fear too much than too little. "Ye hear not all that we hear abroad." (fn. 10)
4. P. S.—Reminds him of his particular suit mentioned in his former letters.—Brussels, 23 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Pp. 4.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
313. Draft of the above.
Orig. Hol. Endd., omitting the postscript: Sent by Mr. John Gresham's servant. Pp. 5.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
314. [Challoner] to Lord Dudley.
At last Bernardyne Grenade returns with his despatch, not such as he and the writer would have wished, but such as he could get. Howsoever he has been deferred the fault has not been for want of Grenade's solicitation.—Br[ussels], 23 Nov. 1559.
Draft, in Challoner's hol. Endd.: Sent to my Lord Ro. Dudley by B. Grenarde.Pp. 2.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
315. [Challoner] to the Bishop of A[quila].
Has not written to him before, as he was unwilling to trouble him with trifles. Sends this to assure him of his goodwill, and readiness to serve him.—23 Nov. 1559.
Draft, in Challoner's hol. Endd.: To the B. of A. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
Sadler, 1. 596.
316. Sadler and Croftes to the Council.
1. Received their letters of the 15th on the 22nd inst., by which they perceive that for the more surety of this piece the Council is of opinion that 4,000 men of war more than are here presently should be sent to this town and frontier; but as they are in doubt how they should be victualled here, they are resolved to send at present only 2,000, and therefore require that nothing be omitted regarding the victual; at the same time the Council have requested them to write their own opinion thereof; and to advertise what lack for the defence of the town, or for other service.
2. In reply, they state that the sending these men here at this time of the year is superfluous, if it be only for the defence and surety of this town; but think that, though the stirs in Scotland are now a little quieted, yet they may so fall out again that the sending of such a number of men would be of very good purpose, if employed otherwise than for merely the defence of this town and frontier. They do not see that the Queen need be put to any further charge for the defence of this piece or country till next spring, unless there be any preparation made in France of any greater aid and power of men of war to be sent into Scotland. As for the better victualling of them, they think they must be fain to lodge them abroad in the country; for (as they shall perceive by Abington, now on his way to the Court,) there is not sufficient in this town for the soldiers and workmen already here, for three months' supply. The Treasurer is still in Yorkshire, having remained there for almost the last three months, for the receipt of money for payment of the garrisons here; so they cannot advertise the Council of the state of his office till his return. As far as they can learn he has not received so much (deducting the sum of 3,000l., for victuals delivered to the soldiers here,) as will furnish the debt due in July last; since which time the debt is increased for three months more, the monthly charge amounting to 2,700l., or thereabouts.
3. Touching such other lack as is necessary to be supplied, Sir James Croftes lately sent up a book containing a perfect declaration of all kinds of armour and munition, and of the store of powder remaining here and at Newcastle, and other places in these north parts; on seeing which they can make an estimate of what is to be added and supplied. They will send an estimate of what is meet to be supplied, both for the defence of this town and frontier and also for the furniture of an army if necessary.—Berwick, 23 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig., in Railton's hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 23.
R. O.
Sadler, 1. 596.
317. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
Perceiving, by his letters and those of the Queen and Council, that it is intended to send aid by sea and land, they advise that this be stayed until Lydington's coming, from whom they may gain such matter as may stay or accelerate their preparations, and save the Queen some charge. They judge the bruit of the Dowager's death to be the cause of Lydington's tarrying, for the wind has served so well that he might have been here ere this.—23 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig., in Sadler's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23.
318. Another copy of the above.
Nov. 24.
R. O.
319. Challoner to the Queen.
Her servant Bernardine Grenade, who repairs to her with six horses for her use, obtained not without some difficulty a passport from the Regent only for four of them; the rest the writer moved the Count de Helvestein to suffer to pass with his horses under colour of his passport, saying he [Challoner] had bought them for himself, which was granted to him. Wishes that henceforth none of her servants be sent about any such provision, unless the licence were beforehand promised. (fn. 11) It was for a long time here accounted by this Council that his request proceeded only from "a particular partishement" between Grenado and himself, to gratify him or some other than the Queen, esteeming else that she would directly have written to the Regent in that behalf; to which he answered that the Queen did not so discredit their Ambassadors, as, once having given them letters of general credence, they should in every trifling matter replicate the same. In the meantime the charges sustained about the keeping of these horses are not small. —Brussels, 24 Nov. 1559.
Hol. Draft, with corrections. Endd.: M. to the Queen, 24 Nov. Sent by Mr. B. Grenade. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 24.]
B. M.
Add. 23, 108. 13.
Sadler, 1. 604.
320. Instructions for Lethington.
"Instructions for the L[aird] of L[ethington] to connive and direct the suit and complaint of us, the nobles, gentlemen, and burgesses of Scotland, in this our distress, to the Queen of England."
1. He shall declare to the Queen, in the name of the nobility and whole estate of Scotland, the cruelty exercised by the French soldiers, enlarging upon all such enormities as he can call to his remembrance.
2. He shall declare their long sufferance and frequent complaint to the Dowager, and the lack of remedy; her further outrages and enormities, abusing her commission and banding herself with fraud and force to the subversion of Scotland, and to make a conquest of it to the crown of France.
3. He shall show how, for saving of the nation from conquest (and specially for preserving the families of those nobles who by just inheritance after the French Queen, who has no issue, have claim to the crown,) they are forced, with the lamentation of the whole nation, to assemble themselves to make suit that this violence of the French might be removed. Herein they were so abused by promises, dishonourably broken, that if God had not assisted them with good courage they had been, under pretext of fair words, ruinated and the country bereaved of all their ancient Barons, and the crown united to that of France. For eschewing hereof they have declared themselves ready to adventure their lives, lands, and goods; being fully determined to expel all such as have laboured with the old Queen to conquer this realm.
4. He shall inform the Queen of England that this practice of the French is not attempted only against Scotland, but also against England and Ireland; for the French have devised to spread abroad that the Queen of Scotland is right heir to England and Ireland, and have notified it in paintings, at public joustings in France, and have borne the arms of England quarterly with the arms of Scotland; meaning nothing less than any augmentation to Scotland, but to annex them both to the crown of France. In writings and in public seals they have written and engraven the style of England and Ireland to that of France, naming the French King "King of France, Scotland, England, and Ireland." They have secretly sent into Scotland a seal to be used for the Queen with the same style, and have sent to the Dowager of Scotland a staff for her to rest upon, having engraven on the top of it the said usurped arms. To this the Lord of Lethington may add other arguments.
5. He shall say that not only is their Queen abused by the new authority of the house of Guise so that the blood royal shall be extincted, but further that the French will invade England and pursue their ambitious desires against that realm. The writers therefore desire the Queen of England not to be abused, by the persuasions of the French haunting her Court, to think that this their assembly in force is other than for the natural defence of this realm from conquest; nor that they withdraw their hearts from their Sovereign, whom they wish to be free from all French counsellors, and to be only addict to the advice of her natural born subjects, in all cases touching the regiment of the realm. They think she should be persuaded not to delight in this unjust and dishonourable usurpation of the arms, style, and titles of other kingdoms than her own, which must needs breed mortal wars. They hope Elizabeth will procure that other Princes of Christendom will understand the truth hereof.
6. Finally, they beseech the Queen, for the preservation of herself and her kingdom, (the conquest whereof the French undoubtedly have long sought, and now do certainly determine) to receive them, and the ancient liberties and rights of this kingdom of Scotland, with the whole nation and people of the same, into her protection from the furious persecution of the intended conquest of the French.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd.: Nov. 1559. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24.
321. Another copy of the above. Dated, 24 Nov. 1559.
Nov. 24.
Sadler, 1. 599.
No. CLI.
322. Patrick Whitlaw to Croftes.
Reminds him that he begged him to speak with Mr. Sadler about the stealing of the writer's oxen, a mare and a foal. (The Queen has been very sick and is not yet convalescent.) The stealers are Ade Achesoun, alias Pasar, a Scotsman, John Younger, Englishman dwelling in Etal. The receivers are Robin Vadderat, dwelling within Alnwick Park, (he has four of them); Robin Bakars in Branxton has three, and the foal, and an Englishman can testify he saw them in their ploughs.—Cowburnspeth, 24 Nov. 1559. Signed: Patrick Quhitlaw, of that ilk.
Nov. 25.
R. O.
323. R . . . . . ny to Challoner.
1. Writes by the bearer, Challoner's servant. Has until of late been a truant from the Court. Asks him to help this letter to Mr. Lee at Antwerp, though the matter be small.— Westminster, 25 Nov. 1559. (fn. 12) Signature nearly entirely erased.
2. The Duke of Finland still rests here and increases daily from a good to a better courtier, by applying himself in the use of apparel, familiarity, and by play at the "thenes" [tennis], and other exercises after the manner of the nobility of these new countries; his uncle went lately home.
3. The Duchess of Suffolk is dead, and also the old Bishop of Durham, "not conformable;" also Sir Fulke Greville and Thomas Briges, late keeper of Corneby Park. Mr. Sidney and Mr. Poulett have been named to the presidentship of Wales, the former has the greater bruit. Mr. Grimston, returned by escape, is prisoner in Sir John Mason's house, and shortly comes to trial.
4. The Bishops now grow on apace to the receipts of their dignities and revenues, which consists much of spiritualities. When they sued to the Lord Treasurer for revenue, they were merely answered that spiritual things be meetest for spiritual men, objecting the ill payment and gathering of them. The Treasurer says their preaching will move the tenants to run after them to pay their duties, though slow they were before in payment of the Queen. Lastly, praying at his hands the better expedition and consideration to be had, because they have, some of them, wife and children, he merely toys with them, affirming that his commission stretches not to consider wife and children.
5. Sir David Brooke, some time Chief Baron, is lately dead, and Canbery house and land comes to Lord Wentworth. The chief charge of Portsmouth is committed to Mr. Poynings, with an increase of men above the ordinary. The Lord Chidiock is mildly revoked. The Vice-Chamberlain and Sir Edward Warner are sent to see the state of the Wight.
6. Bishops for the more part decerned upon are: For Canterbury, Dr. Parker. For York, Dr. Maye, thought fit. Winchester, offered to Mr. Pilkington, but refused. Durham, Dr. Horne. Worcester, Dr. Sandes. London, Mr. Grindall. Chichester, Mr. Barloo. Hereford, Dr. Skore. Sarum, Mr. Jewell. Lincoln, Mr. Bullingham. Ely, Dr. Coxe. Norwich, Mr. Sampsone. Coventry and Lichfield, Mr. Bentham. Carlisle has been offered to Parry. (fn. 13)
7. "The Alderman Curtes is dead, and by this time is busy Stukeley in the midst of his coffers, having married his daughter or niece."
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
B. M.
MS. Lansd.
103. 2.
324. The French Conquest of Scotland and England.
1. Arguments to prove that the French mean to seek the conquest of the realm by pretences of the title which they make thereto; which may be reduced under the following heads. (1) their open challenge at the treaty of Cambresay; (2) the bearing of the arms; (3) the using of the style; (4) the making of commissions under the seal and with the style of England and Ireland. This is most feared to be attempted this present year, for which five reasons are given.
2. They will not defer it because of doubt of the Queen's life.
3. They have an occasion to conquer Scotland, and have already men of war there, both French and Almains, captains, victuals, and ships in rigging.
4. They shall within a month have their wills in Scotland.
5. That done, they will most likely war against England, which hath no fort to stay them but Berwick, and that imperfect, and will be these two years.
6. If they offer battle with Almains there is great doubt how England can sustain it, through lack of good captains and generals, and lack of people, through the sickness and death that have been these last three years. And if they defend it with strangers, the charge will be too great to be borne.
7. Therefore the Question is, (1) What to do?
8. (2.) Whether it be better to impeach their entry into Scotland now in the beginning, before their army be come, and so take away their landing places, or permit them therein and to provide for the defence of the realm.
9. Upon the second Question is to be considered;—
10. That the Queen do with speed send to King Philip to understand his mind and obtain his friendship.
11. That one also be sent to the King of Denmark to stay him, and cause him to doubt of the French.
12. To send one to the Princes of Almaine.
13. To provide all manner of ways for money, armour, etc.
14. To send with all speed to the French King to declare the occasions the Queen has to doubt his proceedings, and that if they increase as they are begun she must provide to prevent the dangers.
15. The ships to lie in the Frith, and to pick as many quarrels as they can to hinder any more succours from coming out of France to Leith, and this to be done by them upon their own heads, without notice of any commandment so to do, and so to use the matter that the cause may come of the French.
16. If the French arm any greater navy to the seas which may annoy ours in the Frith, then the same to be armed by the Queen.
17. The Duke of Norfolk to have a power of horsemen and footmen on the borders ready to defend, and invade and offend if cause be given.
Endd.: 1559. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25.
R. O.
325. The King of Sweden to the Queen.
1. He has already despatched an embassy for the purpose of forming a matrimonial alliance. Although the answer which he had received has compelled him to remain in uncertainty as to the issue, yet he has sent his son, John Duke of Finland, who he trusts has discussed with her the proposed marriage. (fn. 14) He believes that her answer will be in the affirmative; if so he will rejoice exceedingly, if not, he will accept it as God's dispensation. Thanks the Queen for her good services proferred to his subjects.
2. Reports of war by land and of piracy by sea are rife with him; he therefore requests that when his son is returning from England, she will furnish him with a convoy of armed vessels to bring him in safety home.—Stockholm, 25 Nov. 1559. Signed: Gustavus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Nov. 25.
R. O.
171 B.
326. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25.
Sadler, 1. 600.
327. Cecil to Sadler and Croftes.
1. Looking for some good thing from them he has forborne to write. Ruby is at Court, and has spoken with the Queen this day, on his way to France. He came to expostulate from the Scotch Queen on certain griefs. He says the Scots report they have had 6,000l. in aid from England, but for which the matter had been quieted; also that Barnaby accompanies the Earl of Arran, of whom the French speaks very dishonourably for his revolt from France. He says that the Queen Regent knew of Drurie being there to view Leith, and what advice he gave for the assailing thereof, and that Somerset and two or three more captains were there also, and offered them aid. Of Ormeston, he says that with the 1,000l. was taken a bill of the coin, written by one in Berwick, viz., of royals, English crowns, angels, and French crowns. He says that Lethington is coming with offers hither. The Queen answered that their tales must have proofs, and if these were brought, she would punish any subject. Ormeston can best tell where he had the money.
2. He also requests from the Dowager that a proclamation be made that no Scot come into England without her passport. The French Ambassador also requires that any ship driven by tempest into the English havens should be well used. These two requests are worth delay in answer, which they shall have in two or three days. Ruby departs to-morrow, but Ross stays for answer to Scotland. He has brought letters from the Queen for restitution of two ships driven on land near Berwick, which the Queen, in justice, must permit. Begs them to advise Ledington to be more secret in his journey and arrival than has been used. "Of all other the Scotts be the openest men that be." Has heard nothing of Abington, but the Treasurer, Mr. Cave, and Mr. Sackvile have charge of victualling that town.
3. Letters are gone to send thither 2,000 men; from Yorkshire, 300; Lancashire, 300; Nottingham, 200; Derbyshire, 300; Cheshire, 300; Salopshire, 300; Stafford, 200. Takes his leave, "wishing to hear some certainty of the rest of your next Queen."—Westminster, 25 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Add. by Cecil. Endd.: Received at Stilton, 27 Nov. at 6 p.m.; at Newark, 28 Nov. at 9 a.m.; at [blank] 28 Nov. at 2 p.m.; at Newcastle, 1 Dec. at 11 a.m.
Nov. 25.
B. M.
Calig. B. x. 188.
Sadler, 1. 602.
Keith, 1. 393.
328. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
1. Lethington and Barnaby arrived on Thursday at Holy Island, and when the night came Croftes received them into Berwick Castle secretly. They brought letters from the Earl of Arran, Lord James, Commendator of S. Andrews, and Balnaves, which are sent herewith. Yesterday the writers had conference with them, and perceive the Lords of the Congregation are more than ever bent to revenge themselves on the French. As Lethington is sent specially to the Queen for aid, they [Sadler and Croftes] have practised with him, and shown him the Articles which came from him [Cecil] as though they had framed them themselves, which he liked very well, and wishes he could have brought the same under their hands, whereof he has now written to the Lords. This morning before day he and Barnaby left for London, and if he [Cecil] would have them bestowed anywhere secretly, the writers advise they should be met at Ware or Waltham.
2. They have not sent Captain Randall to the Lords yet, as they have learned from Barnaby and Lethington that they do not prepare themselves to the fields in this dead time of winter, but have divided themselves at Glasgow and S. Andrews, and will remain quiet until Ledington's return. For the rest they refer to him and Barnaby.
3. The French in Scotland now exceeds not 2,500, and if they send more, it must be impeached by the English navy. They advise him to have especial regard to their doings in France.—Berwick, 25 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Railton's hol. Pp. 2.
Nov. 25.
329. Another copy of the above.
Nov. 25.
Sadler, 1. 608.
No. CLV.
330. The Lord Admiral to Sadler and Croftes.
Whereas the Earl of Northumberland has written to the Council of a certain ship run aground, to know what is to be done with the goods; their Lordships have written to him that they should be delivered to his [the Admiral's] officers to answer the same to such as it shall appertain, unless the goods be wrak or forfeit, in which case they belong to him [Lord Clinton] by virtue of his office of Admiral. He therefore requests their favour that his officers may be assisted.— Westminster, 25 Nov. 1559. Signed: F. Clynton.
Nov. 25.
Sadler, 1. 599.
No. CL.
331. Lord Hume to Sadler.
Reminds him that he [Hume] had asked for an appointment of meeting for the settlement of justice to the observation of the amity betwixt the realms, but as yet had received no answer, which he requests may be sent by the bearer.—Home, 25 Nov. 1559. Signed: Alex. Hume.
Nov. 25.
R. O.
332. Munitions for the North.
List of munitions at Bainard's Castle, 25 Nov. 1559, consisting of canon, shot, powder, bell metal, bow strings, arrows, morrispikes, and harquebuts.
Pp. 2.


  • 1. Hubert Languet to Ulric Merdesius.
    Nov. 18.
    Langueti Epp. ii. 20.
    According to his directions forwards the following information about the English match. Has this day received letters that the son of the King of Sweden is in England, hoping to bring about this marriage; but in the opinion of many he will fail. It is commonly supposed that the more favoured suitor is the son of the Emperor Ferdinand, which the writer does not believe, unless it is that the English think thus to strengthen themselves against the French. Nearly the whole of Scotland has revolted from the French, who are closely besieged, short of provisions, and likely to surrender forthwith. Dr. Adam Traciger, who went into England in the name of Adolph, Prince of Holstein, has returned laden with many presents, and has obtained from his master an annual salary of 4,000 crowns. Prince Adolph himself may possibly cross over into England ere long with some troops; for the Queen fears, or pretends to fear, these disturbances in Scotland. If this be so it will bring him a step nearer towards his marriage than any other of the foreigners. If the French think the Queen has any leaning towards the son of the Emperor, they will support any other person so as to thwart such a design. Does not think that King Philip would like any one of the House of Austria to attain that dignity, as being too near the Low Countries, especially during these troublous times about religion . . . . . —Wittenberg, 18 Nov. Lat.
  • 2. . . . to Languet.
    Nov. 20.
    Langueti Epp. ii. 22.
    . . . . The Legates of William, Duke of Saxony, are reported to have left England without having accomplished their object. It is the general opinion that if the Queen marries any foreigner it will be Charles the Emperor's younger son, for which Count von Helfenstein is earnestly trying. He has been for some months in England as the Emperor's Ambassador, and it is affirmed that he has had many secret interviews with the Queen. . . .—Dresden, 20 Nov. 1559.
  • 3. In the draft the sentence stands thus: "His hand mill, made in form of a mace for a man of arms, is a right pretty invention. The engine, all of steel, is no bigger than a man's fist, that in one quarter of an hour, with one maiden's work, will grind bread-meal to serve six men by the day. By chance I saw the inward privity of the instrument, and with help of a workman could make such another with a noble's cost."
  • 4. For "miss" the draft originally had "repulse."
  • 5. "Will he brook a repulse to his ten near kinsmen."—Draft.
  • 6. "Than against us."—Draft.
  • 7. The draft here added, "The house of Austriche with their members and adherents can make a great practice."
  • 8. "French brags; if with brags only they will leave."—Draft.
  • 9. "For now as many of the house of Guise as govern are so many Kings against us."—Draft.
  • 10. The draft adds, "how little account is now made of our forces."
  • 11. Or that the Queen write directly in that behalf to the Regent.—Draft, cancelled.
  • 12. What follows is in a different hand.
  • 13. The remainder of the letter is written by the first hand.
  • 14. Hubert Languet to Ulric Mordesius.
    Nov. 25.
    Langueti Epp. ii. 24.
    1. "I was not quite certain which of the sons of the King of Sweden had gone into England. I am well acquainted with both of them, for I spent some months in their Court, and they invited me to visit them daily and asked me a great many questions. This I can say, that scarcely ever did I see any young man possessed of more intelligence than the one who is now said to be in England. My daily intercourse brought me at last into that familiarity (if I may so speak) with them that I might, in return, ask any questions I liked, and they were pleased with my curiosity. It is certain that in the whole realm I found none who could better satisfy me in regard to the matters on which I wished chiefly to be informed than this youth, who at this time was only in his seventeenth year. Whatever is pretended, whatever is reported, I feel assured that his father has sent him into England to secure the Queen for himself, and not for his brother; for he is prouder of him and makes more of him than of his brother. This youth speaks Latin not only fluently but even elegantly, and is possessed of a pleasing address. There is a certain majesty in his bearing, for he is erect and tall in figure, and of a fair complexion. His carriage is elegant; his countenance, however, has that unpleasing peculiarity so common to his countrymen, a short nose and long upper teeth. What I write about this youth (and indeed much more), I stated now some years ago to my Lord Preceptor and M. Gaspar, so you need not think that I have invented them. I also showed them his nativity, at which they were much surprised, and they have kept it among what are called their Illustrations.
    2. I must say, however, that I wonder at this marriage, nor can I see what the English can hope to obtain from Sweden. But they frequently manage their affairs so unadvisedly that no marvel if the foolish projects of the persons who deal with them are successful.
    3. We had heard the same reports as those of which you wrote about the Emperor's son; but (as I mentioned) my opinion is that both the French and the Spaniards will do their utmost to thwart it. Belgium will be in some danger if a Prince of the House of Austria reigns in England, if he professes their religion. If Adolph of Holstein goes thither with his troops, as is reported, possibly he may succeed, for he does not want a comely exterior, and is well provided with those costly elegancies (or trifles) which captivate women who are no fools.
    4. . . . . If what we have heard be true, the Danes have nothing to fear from the Scots, for it is reported that the French are driven out of nearly the whole of the island, and the few that still remain are blockaded in a certain town, where they are in want of victuals. If the Earl of Arran expels the French entirely, it is probable that he will marry the Queen of England.". . .—Wittenberg, 25 Nov. 1559. Lat.