Elizabeth: November 1559, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: November 1559, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp116-129 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1559, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp116-129.

"Elizabeth: November 1559, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp116-129.

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November 1559, 16-20

Nov. 16.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 22.
278. The Queen to Augustus, Duke of Saxony.
1. Has received his letter of 1 Oct. in which he has admirably expressed his desire for the protection of the true doctrine of Christ, and his good wishes for her happiness and prosperity. It is her intention and shall be her study to carry out, as far as possible, the same object. She will devote her chiefest energies to restore in all the churches of her realm that religion which is delivered in the prophetic and apostolic writings and in the creeds, purging out all foul errors, all vices in morality, and restoring holy discipline among her subjects of every estate and condition. Should the devil or his ministers attempt, by force or fraud, to hinder this free course of the Gospel among her subjects, she counts upon the assistance of those Princes whose sentiments correspond with her own.
2. She thanks him for his expressions of good will towards herself so fully marked in his letter.—Westminster, 16 Nov. 1559.
Lat. Letter-book.
Nov. 16.
R. O.
279. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Mr. Aster, late of Calais, the bearer, who was hitherto content to remain with him here for the address of his [Challoner's] household things, now repairs home to his wife and children, he having lost all his living at the loss of Calais; he is a man who, for his language, experience, and honesty justly deserves the writer's recommendations; as Mr. Armigill Wade and others can report to him. Having written so lately to him and the Queen by Mr. Gresham's servant, has nothing to add, saving certain Italian advices, which he encloses; and also sends by this bearer the books which mentioned in his other letters, with a note of their titles.
2. Wishes that he might have leave at the approaching Christmas for a fortnight or so to repair to the Court and kiss the Queen's hands, leaving his family behind him, to put some order in his things. Not without great cause did he make motion to have the warrant of his diets renewed; for being with much ado now paid for September, he has not yet received it over by exchange, and is now unpaid for two months more, expiring the 20th inst. Cecil is not ignorant how costly a country Flanders is, well nigh the double of France, though he uses all convenient means to husband all things; but everything here is so extremely dear, wood, wine, bread, extraordinaries and house room, which alone, with his host's plate of meat, stands him in 10s. a day. Begs the Queen that in lieu of the two months diet already due and unpaid, and of other two months now next to be due as by way of advancement before hand, she will grant him a licence for so many tons of beer free of impost, as the said four months shall amount to after the rate of 13s. 4d. custom and impost to the Queen upon every ton; and so the Queen, saving the sum of four months diet, without any charge to herself will do him a great benefit to have ready payment, with some gain in the exchange, whereas this payment at the after hand consumes no small thing in the sending and serving for it. Will always look to him for help. Signed.
3. P. S.—Late news have come from Portugal that the Duke of Braganza, the Duke of Averno, the Count de Mari alva, and another great man, are put in prison because they contracted a marriage between the son of the Duke of Braganza and the other Duke [sic] without leave first obtained at the King of Portugal's hands. The said Duke is of great and suspected power in Portugal.—Antwerp, [16] Nov. 1559.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: Received 27 Nov. 1559. Pp. 5.
Nov. 16.
R. O.
280. Copy of the above, omitting the P. S.—Antwerp, 16 Nov. 1559.
Endd.: 16 Nov., sent by Haster. Pp. 4.
Nov. 16.
R. O.
281. Challoner to Cecil.
Since the writing of his other letters, last night arrived here M. Bernardine Grenado who at Brussels obtained with difficulty from the Regent a passport for four horses only, and no more. He said that the Court at Elvestein is already come to Brussels, towards England. On Thursday last the Count de Feria and M. D'Arras visited him at his lodging, and that night he despatched one of his gentleman (thinks Colaredo) with letters to the other Ambassador now in England. To-morrow the writer will see him at Brussels, for old acquaintance, and will then write further if occasion serve. He was looked for there three weeks past.—Mechlin, 16 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16.
R. O.
282. Challoner to Cecil.
Returns answer to his letters by Sir Richard Leigh, who he thinks has found himself satisfied touching the cause of his coming, for he has not been idle whilst he was here. Both he and Mr. Gresham are to be cherished, each for their profession of service, as men whose like he knows not. The man here of whom he wrote to Cecil touching the frank mart at Southampton, has lately been in hand with him touching another overture, viz., an invention of his to reduce in a short space their money to the fine standard as it was, without any charge to the Queen and little to her subjects. Thinks if he could bring it to pass he were worth his reward. Before he undertakes his device he would be assured of a pension from the Queen, conditionally if it take place. (fn. 1) Has seen here certain writings, (fn. 2) wherein it appears that four towns of Brabant promise him upon a like case touching their public benefit— a like reward. The King here in certain things had conference with him, (fn. 3) and so had certain of his Council. (fn. 4) En- closes him the note of his overture, and what he thinks of it will serve him to use as the answer, which will be looked for at his [Challoner's] hands. Of his ableness or the contrary he cannot ought promise, but the man seems to him to be wise and of great experience in the world, and a Florentine head full of matter. Possibly he wants not ground. The proof would show. The Almaine miner is here fallen sick; he is the King's pensioner and has 400 crowns a-year; a singular man, noted in his faculty. Esteems not so much the search for silver as that of the alum. When he is recovered the writer will speak with him.—Antwerp, 16 Nov. 1559.
Draft. Hol. Endd.: M. to Mr. Secretary, 16 Nov., sent by Sir Richard Leigh. Pp. 3.
Nov. 16.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 586. No. CXXXVIII.
283. Sadler and Croftes to the Privy Council.
The writers having made suit for a further supply of victuals for Berwick, according to their [the Council's] commands, John Abingdon, having left his charge with a trusty man, and having given them a declaration of all victuals now in store, (a copy of which is here enclosed) now repairs to the Council for the purpose aforesaid. They beg the Council to employ Abingdon in supplying the victuals necessary for the town, for the workmen at present employed, and for those to be employed next summer. They also commend his suit to be restored to such preferments at Court as he has lost by his service.—16 Nov. 1559.
Nov. 17.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 587. No. CXXXIX.
284. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
Last night they received letters in cipher from Randolph, which they enclose deciphered; and as in the same he speaks of two letters and certain instructions which the writers sent him before the Lords' departure from Edinburgh, they send these also enclosed.
2. They also wrote to Randolph since, desiring him to remain at Edinburgh until he should have licence from the Queen to return, he having used so little secresy that the Queen Dowager is well aware of his being there; but their messenger not daring to pass Edinburgh (the Lords being departed thence) Randolph has no advertisement of this. And now he and Lydington are coming hither, for whose secret conveyance the writers will provide.—Berwick, 17 Nov. 1559. Signed.
3. P. S.—They have received his letters of the 12th; they wish that the matter contained in the same had been well resolved a month ago. They hope, however, that it may be well enough received, but things must rest awhile until Cecil shall see what Lethington brings. In the mean season, according to Cecil's command, they will comfort and encourage them, and yet the passage is so difficult that they know not how to convey letters to them, messengers who had been thirty miles on their way having returned, as they durst not go through. Still, will adventure letters, and think it not amiss to offer them some money for the entertainment of a garrison until they can come into the field again, which they stay upon until Lydington's credence be answered by Cecil.
Orig. in Sadler's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 17.
MS. Burton-Constable.
285. Another copy of the above.
Nov. 17.
R. O.
286. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Albeit, the young Laird of Lithington, the bearer hereof, can sufficiently report their matters, yet, knowing Cecil's great desire for their good success, he further imparts some part of their proceedings by letter.
2. On the arrival of the writer in Scotland, (seeing that it was necessary before the enterprise of any thing that he should commence with those who had already in hand this their common cause, and were most able to advance the same,) so soon as he could, he passed where they were; and after conferring, they resolved to join their forces for the forthsetting of the true religion and the maintenance of their liberty, apparently in peril, for that the Dowager had lately began to fortify Leith. And first, to remedy what was in greatest danger, they determined that every nobleman should pass in his conntry, and with all speed raise and bring into the field such force as he was able for expelling the strangers. But the season, being the time of harvest, when the whole commons are occupied in "winning" and gathering their corn, would not permit diligence to be used. So that, the enemy's soldiers and pioneers labouring day and night, their fort was already in good security before the Earl's company assembled at Edinburgh. At the first they took purpose to assay it by assault; but having examined it, and their own forces being for the most part men unexperimented, and the enemy's soldiers a long time trained in wars, it appeared to them that if they continued in their former resolution they would not only be frustrated of their enterprise, but also themselves perish, and would expose to a manifest hazard their whole cause; whereupon it was thought that they should rather assay by famine to compel them to dedition.
3. Necessity however constrained them to alter this purpose; for after the commons had remained with them a season, they conveyed themselves secretly away, so that at length there remained none but the gentlemen and the small number of waged men whom they had listed. These also were in some necessity through lack of the money lately taken with the Laird of Ormeston, on which account they were scarcely a match for their enemies lying in security in a "forted" town, whilst they were uncovered with any defence. Finding some likelihood that at length the castle of Edinburgh would become enemy to them, and also that if they continued in that place they were in daily peril to have sustained great loss, and not being able to do the enemy any annoyance, they have taken other purpose, as the bearer will more amply inform Cecil.
Nov. 17. 4. Though they have not yet been so prosperous as they looked for, yet they have undoubted hope with time to bring it well to pass, and so there is no cause why their friends should be discouraged; seeing that as they have not yet obtained victory, so have they had no notable loss, the cause is in no worse estate, the same persons remain in the same mind as before, their adversary's condition is nothing better, their own minds nothing dejected, and nothing to be regained but loss of time.
5. The Council has directed the bearer sufficiently instructed to the Queen, to whom he has also communicated all things concerning himself privately. Prays that Cecil will advise him, both in the common cause, and in his particular affairs, which he asks for the assured friendship which he has formed with him already. Requests that he will advise the bearer how to proceed.—St. Andrews, 17 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 17.
R. O.
287. The Earl of Arran to Croftes.
Thanks Cecil for his good will to further this common action and cause, and for his gentle entertainment of him during his passage. He has of new entered him into another obligation by sending his [Croftes'] morion and target, for which he heartily thanks him, and hopes to prove that he is not ungrateful.—St. Andrews, 17 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 17.
R. O.
288. The Earl of Arran to Sadler.
Although he has not since his home coming thanked Sadler either by letters or yet other means for his humanity shown in his passage, nor for his favourable mind shown to the furtherance of this their common cause, yet he prays him not to ascribe it to ingratitude, as he has purposely delayed it until the departing of the Laird of Lethington, to whose report he remits the rehearsal of all his proceedings.—St. Andrews, 17 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 17.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 187 b. Stevenson's Illustr. p. 78.
289. The Prior of S. Andrews to Sadler and Croftes.
Although he has written to them of late, yet having lately had knowledge that M. Ruby is directed from the Dowager to the Queen of England, to impeach her, he doubts not, if it may be, from aiding the common cause, he advertises them thereof, in order that by their letters they may meet the malice of their common enemies. Refers them to the bearer. S. Andrews, 17 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Nov. 18.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 263.
290. Killigrew and Jones to Cecil.
1. On the 15th they despatched by a lackey of the Ambassador a packet directed to him with two letters to the Queen, a letter to himself and a packet to the said Ambassador; which they trust have arrived.
2. The King removing hence on the 18th inst. they thought it convenient to follow the Court to Châtellerault. According to what they had mentioned in their last letter to the Queen, this day D'Albœuf and Martigues departed for Scotland. They recapitulate their last letter to the Queen, since the despatch of which they are informed that those matters of Scotland, joined with the despatch of the King of Spain's wife, have so perplexed the Councillors here as that suitors can have no despatch. The doing and spending of the French King's treasure in this war of Scotland by the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine does not please a great number here; and the Chancellor within these three days has refused to seal a determination for prosecution of the wars there, alleging the danger in achieving their purposes there, hazarding the friendship of the Scots and dispensing the French King's money in so incommodious a time as this. The French say that the Queen puts in readiness certain ships, whereof they have been inquisitive. The writers have told some that the Queen minds not to do but as she is provoked, and for her part minds not to break war.
3. The King of Spain will be married at a town called Guadalajara, five or six days journey on this side Toledo, where he attends his wife, who is thought will not arrive there till after Christmas. The marriage of the Queen to the Duke of Austria is judged by all strangers here to be a bridle to both the great Princes. The Ambassador of Spain seems to take no knowledge thereof. The Cardinal of Bourbon is appointed to conduct the Queen Catholic into Spain, together with the Prince of Roche sur Yon.
4. The Duke D'Aumale continues his journey into Scotland in the spring, and the number appointed to his charge is increased one half. For the better victualling whereof it is appointed that ships pass to and from all this winter; and that no Scotchman convey any merchandise hence into Scotland unless he promise to land the same at Leith, or in some place near thereto, that the French may be furnished. The Duke of Longueville and the Prince of Mantua are appointed to go with the Duke D'Aumale, who lately gave them fifty men of arms apiece. Since the Ambassador's departure, the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise have reported that his wife was in no such danger as he seemed to take upon him, and that his going was for some purpose besides, which was smally, as they said, "pour leur advantage," and added, that if he had not come into France the Earl of Arran had still remained here.—Blois, 18 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd, by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Nov. 18.
B. M. Sloane, 4135. 36.
291. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Nov. 18.
R. O.
292 [Jones and Killegrew] to Cecil.
1. The matters of Scotland joined to the despatch of the Queen Catholic towards Spain have greatly perplexed the Council.
2. The doing of the house of Guise and the spending of the French King's treasure in the war of Scotland do not please many here. The Chancellor has for three days refused to sign a determination for the prosecution of the war, alleging the danger in achieving their purposes, the hazarding the friendship of the Scotch, and the dispensing of the King's money.
3. There is a report that the Queen is preparing ships, whereof many are inquisitive.
4. He takes upon him to know nothing but that the Queen is minded not to do but as she is provoked, and not to break war.
5. The King of Spain is to be married at Guadalajara, where he waits for the Queen, who is not expected to arrive till after Christmas.
6. The Queen's proposed marriage with Charles of Austria is thought to be a bridle to both the great Princes, but the Spanish Ambassador seems to have no knowledge thereof.
7. The Cardinal of Bourbon and the Prince of Roche sur Yon are appointed to conduct the Queen into Spain.
8. M. d'Aumale will go into Scotland in the spring; the number appointed to his charge is to be increased one half for the better victualling whereof ships will pass to and fro all the summer, and no Scotchman to take merchandise hence to Scotland unless he promise to land it at Leith, or some place near thereto.
9. The Duke de Longueville and the Prince of Mantua are appointed to go with D'Aumale, who, since the Ambassador's departure, have had given them fifty men at arms apiece.
10. The Cardinal and Duke of Guise say that the Ambassador's going hence was not from the cause he gave out, and that they knew that the lady his wife was not so ill as he seemed to take upon him, but that his going was for some purpose smally "à leur advantage;" and though they could not directly say that it was so, still if he had not come into France the Earl of Arran would have remained there still.
Orig. Portions in cipher. Endd.: Extract of certain intelligence sent to Mr. Secretary, 18 Nov. Pp. 3.
Nov. 18.
R. O. Knox, vi. 98.
293. Knox to Cecil.
Knowing the sufficiency of the bearer to signify their troubles and dangerous estate, and supposing Cecil's heart not to be so hard but that the troubles of his brethren wound him, albeit thereto he be not moved by long discourse, he will not trouble him with a long letter; yet, partly for remembrance of his duty towards Cecil, and partly for his love to the cause, he cannot resist in a few words to renew his old petition, which is, that if he be minded to join in this cause his support be not so long delayed, as that the enemy may so plant himself amongst the Scots that, after oppressing such as resist him, he may have occasion to attempt greater things. To drive time with France may appear profitable to Cecil, but, (as before he wrote, so yet he affirms,) nothing has been, is, or shall be, more hurtful to both than that he dissemble his favour towards the Scots; for in the meantime the godly will be so oppressed that after they cannot be able to serve. Friends do faint and fall back from the enterprise, the enemy has place to practise amongst both nations, and finally, the whole multitude (a few excepted) stand in such doubt that they cannot tell to which party they shall incline; the French they favour not, and they see the Congregation so weak that very friends are afraid to join them.
2. In this extremity, and when he perceived their numbers so decreased that they were unable to remove the enemy from his strength, in grief of heart he wrote to Sir James Croftes to provide some relief of men, which, albeit it then appeared unreasonable, yet, if it had been granted, none of the nobility this day would have maintained the French faction; besides that the castle of Edinburgh might have been in assured custody, the loss whereof he greatly fears, for unless greater force remove the French they will keep it from all victuals. Has oft written for support to some men that he knows so super-expended that they are unable to serve some promises, by which he put such as began to faint in comfort of relief; but now, because God has provided men of greater knowledge to labour in such affairs, he remits the further pursuit to Cecil's wisdom and their advertisements.
3. Desires God to move the hearts of those from whom they seek support, that they understand what care and solicitude the true professors of Christ's name ought to have one towards another, and also to enable Cecil and those who labour in the cause to perceive what is righteous in His sight and profitable to the godly in both realms.—St. Andrews, 18 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 18.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 206 b. Knox, vi. 100.
294. Knox to Anna Lock.
Lest the rumours of their troubles trouble her above measure, he lets her know that their esperance is yet good in their God. They trusted too much in their own strength, and specially since the Earl of Arran and his friends were joined to their number. Amongst them also were such as more sought the purse than Christ's glory. By this overthrow they are brought to acknowledge what is a multitude without the present help of God. The hollow hearts of many are now revealed. Their brethren and sisters of Edinburgh and Lothian are troubled and vexed. They stand universally in great fear, and yet hope deliverance.
2. Has written to her before to be suitor to some faithful to make for them some provision of money to keep soldiers and their company together; and again moves her thereto. Cannot well write to any other, because the action appertains to his own country only. Is bold to say to her that if they perish in this enterprise, the limits of London will be straiter than they are now, within few years.
3. Many things he has which he would have required for himself, as Calvin upon Isaiah and his Institutions revised; but common troubles cause him to neglect all private business. If she can send him these books, or any others that are new and profitable, she shall receive the prices. His wife salutes her. Salutes all the faithful, of whom he craves pardon that he writes not. His only comfort is that their troubles shall pass sooner, peradventure, than their enemies look.— S. Andrews, 18 Nov. 1559. Signed.
4. P. S.—Mr. Goodman is in Ayr, who wishes Knox to salute her in his name.
Nov. 19.
R. O.
295. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Judges himself very happy to have found so dear a friend, to whom he may disclose his thoughts and from whom he may assure himself to receive such counsel as shall be most expedient. Besides what he has written by the Laird of Lethington, he cannot satisfy himself but that by this bearer also he may testify how ready he is to follow Cecil's advice, in the Queen's service, or otherwise.
2. Albeit their success has not been as he thought, yet is the hope nothing diminished that God will in the end prosper so honest a cause. Fears that he shall never be able to show himself worthy of the honour that he has received; but greatly rejoices that God has brought him in that place where he can behold so worthy a work of His providence. Desires him to credit the bearer, who can better conceive the rest of his mind.—St. Andrews, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed: James Hamilton.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Earl of Arran. Pp. 3.
Nov. 19.
R. O.
296. Balnaves to Cecil.
1. After the returning of the writer from communing with Sadler, the Lords convened at Stirling, and afterwards rode to Hamilton to the Duke, and took purpose to convene the power they might make in all parts to put the French forth of the realm. But because of the harvest, they could convene no sooner than the 15th of October; which being notified to the Dowager, she, perceiving that the French were not of power to resist the force which was prepared against them, caused them all to convene together and fortify themselves in Leith. The Lords with their army at the time appointed came to Edinburgh, and caused Leith to be viewed by their most expert men of war, who found it too strong to be assaulted with such number as they had. Therefore, after suspending the Queen's authority, they concluded to tarry in Edinburgh and keep all victuals from the French, that by famine with process of time they might be compelled to depart. In the meantime, the common sort of people being with the Lords departed time by time, so that there remained only the gentlemen and freeholders with their men of war. For which cause the Lords thought best to take up more waged men, and tarry in Edinburgh until they had obtained their intent. For the performance whereof they sent the Laird of Ormeston to Berwick for money, who at his returning was hurt and spoiled.
2. Thus the Lords, perceiving sundry impediments and their number daily decreasing, by common consent thought best to retire to Stirling, and would hear of no appointment with the said Queen Dowager. They then concluded to send to the Queen the young Laird of Lethington fully instructed with their minds, and that till his return the Duke, the Earls of Argyle, Glencairn, and certain other Lords and Barons, should reside in Glasgow, and keep a council for establishing religion and treating of the common affairs of the realm, drawing unto them such noblemen as are not yet joined; and that the Earls of Arran and Rothes, the Prior of St. Andrews and the Lords Ruthven, Dunn, Pittarow, and others should remain in St. Andrews to the same effect; and from time to time one of these Councils should advertise the other of their proceedings, so that all things shall be done by one common consent of them all.
3. Now, since the matter is so far proceeded against France and there is no hope of reconciliation, (the action for which they contend being sincerity of religion and liberty of their country, which is, or should be, a common cause to both England and Scotland,) time and occasion requires that they should have such aid of England plainly declared as may be a terror to their enemies and a comfort to their friends. Therefore he doubts not but that Cecil will, for the tender love he has ever had to the promotion of true religion and the common welfare of both realms, so bestow his labour with the Queen that the reasonable desires of the Lords sent by Lethington may have good success.—St. Andrews, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed: Henry Balnaves of Halhill.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 19.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 593. No. CXLIV.
297. Randolph to Sadler and Croftes.
He and Lydington would have been with them before now, but for the Earl of Arran's sickness for four days, who is now very well recovered. Trusts to see them as soon as this bearer, concerning the Lord James' letter. S. Andrews, 19 Nov. Signed: Barnabie.
Orig., with armorial seal. Appended is the following memorandum by Sadler: Received the same day a letter from the Commendator of S. Andrews to Sir R. S. and Sir J. C., requiring them to impeach and defeat M. de Rubaye's purposes and practices with the Queen, as he is directed withal from the Dowager.
Nov. 19.
B. M. Calig. B. ix. 82. Stevenson's Illustr. p. 87.
298. Balnaves to Sadler and Croftes.
Refers to the bearer, Mr. Randolph, for intelligence. Notwithstanding the late alterations and changes, no purpose is altered which ever was begun here by the Lords of this kingdom, either concerning the maintaining of true religion or keeping of the realm from the tyranny of Frenchmen. To disclose their minds to the Queen they have sent Secretary Lydington, until whose return the Council on their side make residence in Glasgow and S. Andrews, for keeping the countries in order and making of more friends, who increase daily, the rather that it is known that they have the friendship of England.—S. Andrews, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 19.
R. O.
299. Sir John Forster to Sadler.
1. According to Sadler's commandment the writer has been at Hexham and received the office of Tyndale from Marmaduke Slingsbie. Thought to have perfectly known by him the whole state of that office, and required to have had of him a book of all the offenders within the same, whereby he might know the obedient subjects from the rebels. When he required to know what warning he [Slingsbie] had given the bandsmen of Tyndale for their appearance that day, Slingsbie answered that his Lordship [the Earl of Northumberland] had discharged him of that office the 18th inst., and that he was no officer but by Sadler's commandment. Notwithstanding that he had written the bailiff of Tyndall word to warn certain of the bandsmen of the country to be at Hexham, as he shall perceive by Slingsbie's letter here enclosed, for all this there was no appearance. The writer then demanded to have such delivered as were named in the schedule, which Sadler had sent him in his last letter; of which number has received in the prison of Hexham nine prisoners, and Jarrie Charletone of the Hawe Hill, who appears by the said schedule to have been at Newcastle, and who is delivered upon bond, a copy of which bond he sends here enclosed, (they know not that he has that copy,) and for the rest of the bonds they were in the custody of his [Slingsbie's] brother, so that he could deliver them. Thus rawly leaving the office he departed.
2. Forster then sent warning throughout all Tyndale that they should meet him at Chipchase upon Sunday last, and such as came not he should openly proclaim as rebels. On that day the most part of the whole country came without any such assurance as they have been accustomed to have of others their keepers; whereof many were such as have been rebels these two years past, and never came to the Earl nor Mr. Slingsbie. Great suit was made that they might come and speak with him, but this he utterly denied, unless they would submit themselves as dutiful subjects to the Queen: in the end they put themselves in her mercy. Has made a book of all their names and delivered the charge of that evil country unto Mr. Heron, till the writer hears from Sadler further. For the stay whereof he need not doubt the same to be in better case than it has been heretofore.
3. The night after Slingsbie's departure, to welcome him to the office, certain sheep were stolen within a mile of Hexham; he thinks it was purposely done out of spite to him; but he handled the matter so that on the morrow the poor man was restored to his goods and the offenders sent to Newcastle jail with the rest of the prisoners received from Slingsbie.
4. Last Sunday he rode to Church Welpington, where he apprehended two notable thieves, being gentlemen, called Fenwicke, and send them likewise to the jail of Newcastle. Has sent John Halle into Riddsdale, to stay the same as he best can, as there is great disorder and disobedience there, which requires a speedy reformation. Advises him to lose no time, if the country remains in his charge, to put the same in good order.—From his house nigh Alnwick, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Copy, in Railton's hol. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 19.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 613. No. CLVIII.
300. Marmaduke Slingsby to the Bailiffs of Tyndale.
Sadler, who has now the charge of these Marches, having appointed on Thursday next, the 23rd inst. at Hexham, to name a keeper for that country of Tyndale, and for the knowledge thereof has commanded him [the writer] to send for such men of the country as are requisite to be called for that purpose, he requires him to be present, and to give warning to the twenty-two persons (therein named) to be at Hexham on that day.—Newcastle, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Copy, in Railton's hol. Add.: To John Rydley, John Wilkenson, and Wyllie Jamsone, Bailiffs of Tyndale, give these, and come yourselves that same day. P. 1.
Nov. 19.
MS. Burton-Constable.
301. Another copy of the above.
Nov. 19.
MS. Sadler, 1. 589. No. CXL.
302. Sir John Forster to Sadler.
Whereas the bearer, Mr. Counstable, his friend, has required him [Forster] to write to Sadler, asking for such letters as will further his suits at Court; is bold to write for him, he being a serviceable gentleman.—From his house near Alnwick, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add.
Nov. 19.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 590. No. CXLI.
303. Sir John Forster to Sadler.
1. Has received his [Sadler's] letters dated at Berwick the 18th, directing him to repair to Hexham on Wednesday for the receipt of that office. This present night Mr. Heron was at his house, and so conformable that he will not fail to keep the fixed day.
2. P. S.—For his [Sadler's] wine, unless the weather mend, no carriages can pass, so he must be content to drink beer.— From his house near Alnwick, 19 Nov. 1559. Signed.


  • 1. Challoner's draft here originally added: "He demandeth an angel a day, or so much, viz.: the tenth or fifteenth of the thing by him invented; I wot not what it is."
  • 2. "Under the hand of the graphier of the States of."—Draft.
  • 3. "Gave him ear and had conference with him."—Draft.
  • 4. The draft here adds: "By order of the King, which I write only to note that belike they regard any man if he bring matter."