Elizabeth: July 1584, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Elizabeth: July 1584, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp603-615 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1584, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp603-615.

"Elizabeth: July 1584, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp603-615.

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July 1584, 11–15

July 11. 742. Stafford to Burghley.
I send this bearer to tell you of the despatch of Pinard's son, which is very sudden to me, having heard nothing from you of her Majesty's determination to have something done in Scottish matters by the French King's means. In your last about these things, I had direction “to make the King not take in any evil part Mauvissière's not going, being grounded upon the Queen of Scots' own coldness in the matter,” which I did, and never heard further from your honour in those affairs. But now, hearing suddenly of young Pinard's despatch, I thought good to advertise you of it, who would have left yesterday, but upon these news of the Prince of Orange's death, is stayed two or three days.
His father this day told me that before going, his son would come and take leave of me, and that his departure was upon Mauvissière's writing “that it was her Majesty's request to have the King intermeddle with her in these matters and pacification of Scotland,” and that though the King had no interest in Scottish affairs save for the ancient league, yet to satisfy her Majesty, he would do anything. What the effect of his despatch is “I cannot so suddenly know, and perchance not at all, because I think he carrieth his chief despatch in mind not in writing, but I will do the best I can” and let you have it with speed.
Pinard's reason for coming to me this morning was this. Upon receiving your letter with the unfortunate news of the Prince of Orange, last Thursday after dinner, I sent a man to the Court and wrote a word to the Queen Mother, asking that I might have conference with some of trust, and at the end of the letter I wrote the news of this accident, whereupon she sent Pinard this morning, with a letter “to trust him as herself.” I am sorry she did not send another, for I think him the man in France least worthy to have trust in; but being sent, I was fain to confer with him.
And so “I used all the cunning I had to aggravate the naughtiness of the fact and the fear that other princes were to have of the King of Spain's ambition, that might bring them to a like accident, of the which the French King was not exempt,” for, if he were dead, the King of Spain had so many at his devotion in France that, “the realm being divided either for matter of Religion or otherwise, he might hope to have some part of it, and that not small.”
Then I laid before him the “nakedness of help” that this death had brought to them of the Low Countries, who, if not assisted presently, must put themselves into the wolf's mouth, and that they could look for no help but from the King and her Majesty; wherefore I hoped the King would look to it in time, and by his courage, help to encourage her Majesty, who, I was sure, would concur with him in so good an action, which touched him more than us, he having embraced the action of Cambray, and also being joined “by continent” to the Low Countries, whereas we had a good ditch between us and the King of Spain, and nothing of his whereby he might “take a just quarrel to assault us.”
To be short, I left nothing undone to make him know their state, and the danger of the King of Spain's greatness, or to assure him that if the King would begin, her Majesty would concur with him. But I find no hope from him that the King will do anything worthy of a King of France, and especially to be the first mover. Seeing this, I asked whether he thought that if the Queen made any motion, the King would hearken to it, and am not out of hope of this, for when I said that if she made such a motion and the King answered as he did before, “it were but labour and wind lost, and a plain mockery,” he answered that then Monsieur and the Prince of Orange were alive, and that he would confer with the King and Queen Mother, and presently after I should have answer.
I think it would be well for my cousin Sydney to have instructions for both, either to answer upon their propositions or to persuade them to it. In the meantime I will spare no labour, “but if I do any good with them that have not power to do themselves good, it is more than I look for.”—11 July, 1584.
Postscript.—The ships that were at Rochelle, for Don Antonio, as they gave out, were, on the day that Monsieur died, all either sunk or disabled by a violent storm. They had to cast their munition and victuals overboard, and the soldiers are dispersed.
I have been requested by a friend to give a passport to some Italian gentlemen to go into England to see the country and her Majesty. They had letters of recommendation, and I could not refuse it, but I give you this warning of their coming, because, since this cruel accident, “every body I know not very well is suspicious to me”; also, my friend was asked it by Schomberg, and “therefore somewhat suspicious to me.”
Madame de la Noue has intreated me to be a means to you, if she can get her prisoners out of Zeeland, “that they may be in safety in England, because she doubteth they shall not now be safe there.” She writes to Mr. Geoffrey [Le Brumen], which I pray you to send him. [So far, the letter is written to “your honour.”]
“My very good lord, I pray you pardon me if, being in haste I write no more to you, but send you a copy of Mr. Secretary's letter.” Pray let me know if you receive it, for I do not altogether trust this bearer.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. 3 pp. [France XII. 12.]
July 11. 743. Stafford to Walsingham.
The same letter as that sent to Burghley, but with a few slight differences. 11 July, 1584.
In the postscript, after giving Madame de la Noue's request that the prisoners she has “in lieu of her husband” may be kept in England, he adds:— “I told her I thought it would hardly be done. I would to God for her husband's sake, who is so honest a man, as you know, there might be anything done that conveniently may be.”
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. XII. 13.]
July 11. 744. Ortell to Walsingham.
One Mathias Gouertsh, shipper, was freighted by certain merchants of Antwerp for this realm, and one Moses Fouching likewise shipped in him some small parcels of goods, but the colonels of Antwerp caused him to be laid aboard by their officers, and took out the said Fouching's goods, under pretext that he
was at the surrender of Alost, and “served the enemy with a target.” The said shipper, coming hither, has been arrested by Moses and forced to put in sureties to answer to the law. But as Moses has no right to trouble him, but ought to seek remedy for his wrong (if any were offered) from the colonels and town of Antwerp, I pray you to see the good man (who lies here at great charges) discharged with his sureties.—London, 11 July, 1584.
Signed. Add. Endd. English. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 40.]
July 11 745. Gilpin to Walsingham.
When Mr. Waad or any other comes from her Majesty, I will be ready with my service, desiring nothing but to be employed for my prince and country, and praying that I may be remembered when occasion falls out for my preferment.
The enemy continues before Lillo, providing “great number of faggots and hay,” and having increased his men to make up the number of thirteen regiments. Within the fort are above a thousand good men, who sally out daily. In a skirmish, Captain Godt, a brave Frenchman, was shot in the leg, and of the enemy were slain Captains Don Juan de Verdugo and Don Luis de Toledo, and three principal miners taken, “whereby all their secrets touching those matters are discovered.”
The waters, by the great winds, are grown so high that the sentinels of the enemy stand above the ankles therein. The enemy has only five pieces of great ordnance on Flanders side, whereof three are dismounted, one burst, and the other so sunk that it cannot be used. Pioneers have been sent from hence to Lillo and more ships of war are preparing to lie near it.
It is said the enemy have stopped the Borne creek, which turns up by Barrow towards Holland, with intent to drive the ships to pass by this island, or “to make preparation to get over the deep, and then along the sands and drowned land to Tergoes land,” whither undoubtedly they will bend their forces when they have done their uttermost to get Lillo, which they will not lightly give over.
Herentals, by order of the States of Brabant, is abandoned, and the garrison are under the walls of Antwerp, awaiting orders. It is reported strongly that Zutphen is surrendered to the States, which God grant.—Middelburg, 11 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [Ibid. XXII. 41.]
July 12. 746. Queen Elizabeth to the Princess of Orange.
Expressing her grief at hearing the sad news of the death of the Prince of Orange, and her sympathy with the Princess in her great loss, but hoping that she will bear it with Christian resignation.
If nature could give place to reason, so that she might think rather of his good than of her own loss, who by his last words, recommending himself to God with the poor afflicted people of those countries, manifested to the world his Christian determination to carry on the cause which he had embraced; then she would have no less occasion to rejoice at the happy issue of his life (contrary to the calumnious reports of his enemies) than the authors of this execrable act have had reason to wish that they had never been born, whose more than barbarous malice will endure, to their infamy, for all time.
Touching the Princess's own affairs, considering the warm affection which her Majesty bore to the late Prince, and the devotion which those of her Excellency's house have always shown to her, and which will ever dwell in her memory, she will never fail to do her all the good offices she can.—Richmond, 12 July, 1584.
Fr.pp. [S.P.F. Entry Book 162, p. 118.]
July 12. 747. Walsingham to Davison.
Knowing that it will stand you greatly in stead to know what has ensued in the Low Countries since the death of the Prince of Orange, I send you enclosed the confession of him that did the murder, and a letter giving such particularities as have happened there since; by which you will see that the people have shown themselves “but little amazed with the accident, rather the wickedness of the deed hath hardened their stomachs to hold out as long as they shall have any means of defence.” If the princes their neighbours, whom this fact doth nearly touch, will roundly join to assist them, it might be that God would make it an occasion to work their relief and safety; otherwise, if left to themselves, there is no appearance but that “they shall be forced ere Christmas next to become Spanish.”—Richmond, 12 July, 1584.
Postscript in Walsingham's own hand. “The best hope we can have is that our good God, in the midst of their weakness, will show his own strength to the end he may have the whole glory.”
Mr. Sommers goes over presently to comfort the poor afflicted people, and to see what change this accident is like to work there.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 42.]
July 12. 748. Pietro Bizarri to [Walsingham].
Those people of Antwerp who lately showed themselves so fearless and valiant against the French fury, now show themselves so timid and cowardly at the name of the Spaniard that at his approach, abandoning their beautiful country, they have fled to the maritime parts to the number of about two thousand, and that of the best of the city, with their wives, children and their most valued possessions—a detestable thing and far from what might be expected of them, seeing that the city is so fortified as to be almost impregnable. The chief magistrate has been forced to make the proclamation which I send enclosed, partly to call these back, upon the penalties therein contained, and partly to strengthen the courage of those who are here, that they may not depart like the others; and to this end also, the gates of the city have been closed for four or five days.
The soldiers who are defending Lillo behave valiantly and faithfully, repelling the enemy and often attacking them and doing them great damage, besides ruining some great pieces of artillery. Also they have discovered a mine which was being made under the water, and taken three engineers, of whom the chief is eighty years of age, a very uncommon man in our times, who served the Emperor Charles V for many years and did his Majesty notable benefits by his arts. They have been brought hither prisoners, with some Spaniards.
We hear that in the enemy's camp it is common talk that the King of Spain is dead, and that it was written by M. d'Epernon (du Pernu) sent by the King of France to the King of Navarre. Some say he died of schirantia angina, which is a disease of the throat. Whether all this is true or no, your honour is no doubt fully informed. His death would be a heavenly manna to these poor countries, liberating them from the violence and fury of so cruel an enemy.
The Prince of Parma has withdrawn into the Pays de Waes. The most part of his camp stubbornly besiege Lillo, where are about twelve hundred good soldiers, and M. Teligny (Tiligni), son of M. de la Noue (Lanoy) is their chief, who has with him good captains, one of whom was lately wounded, and is come here to be healed. They do not lack what is needed for the preservation and defence of the fort, either in victuals or other necessaries, unless it be earth to repair the places damaged by the enemy, who, from the other captured fort do not cease firing upon them, which does no little damage, the defenders finding themselves surrounded by the enemy's squadrons on every side.
It is reported that a hundred or more empty carts have lately come into the enemy's camp, but for what purpose is not known.
The waters, by the cutting of the dykes, have caused them much damage, and the defenders much assistance. The navigation still goes on as usual. May it please God that it may remain free to all, that this poor place may be able to breathe, as also Brussels, Malines, Vilvorde, Dermonde and Ghent, all of whom chiefly depend thereupon.
Herentals has been abandoned by the garrison, upon orders from their superiors, in order to succour other important places. The loss has been great, but of two evils we must always choose the least. The enemy has entered and it is said, has sacked it, using great cruelty according to their barbarous custom, worse than Tartars.
The Genoese here have received letters stating that the Prince Doria has arrived at Genoa with many galleys and three millions of gold, to be used against these poor countries. Cursed gold, which has done so much evil, and has lately bereft us of the good Prince of Orange, and at so necessary a time. But the divine decree cannot be stayed by human prudence, and as the Stoics used to say, Inexordbile fatum !
We hear that the French have taken a ship coming from Spain, laden with casks of gold for the same purpose. Please God that the three millions may be as unlucky.
If our men at the fort had sallied out half an hour earlier when they discovered the mine and took the engineers, they would also have taken 'Monsieur Dragone' [Mondragon], who had been there to look at it.
Zutphen is not yet taken, but is in extreme case, and it is hoped that in the end the Count of Neuenaar will make himself master of it, which would be of great assistance, seeing that the flower and sinews of the States are engaged in that siege.
I lately had letters from M. Jenitzio, private secretary and counsellor of the Elector of Saxony, sent me by M. Nicolo Brom, agent of that prince and the chief man in Frankfort, and also a note in his own hand which I send you, that you may see what he writes and his great desire to have a dog from your parts to guard his great garden. I have already written two or three times about it to Mr. Robert Beale, praying him to do me this favour, and to consign it to M. Emanuel Demetrius, that it may be sent to me at Antwerp, when a ship shall be coming hither.
Now I pray your honour to remind him of my ardent desire to please so honourable and deserving a gentleman, and that it may come in time to be sent for this next Frankfort fair. It should be young, of the shape of a wolf, and of good race, such as are certainly to be had there in abundance. I beg you humbly to do me this favour and to grant me four lines to say whether you have received my letter or no.—Antwerp, 22 July, 1584.
Postscript.—I send two epitaphs which I have written on the death of the Prince of Orange; also a printed copy of another, published this morning.
Yesterday a vessel in which were the Sieur Ryhove, governor of Dermonde, the Sieur Famars, governor of Mechlin, and Captain Marchetto [qy. Marquette], all going into Holland to treat with the States, was fired upon by the enemy, and two of the sailors were killed or wounded, because there was a calm and they could not get out of the way.
It is said that there have died, of the enemy, more than 1,500, including four famous captains, amongst whom is a Toletano, a relative of the Duke of Alva.
Covering page wanting. Italian. 4 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 43.]
(1) M. Jenitzio to Bizarri.
I have received your letters to our Elector, and given them into his own hands. If you have any further news I beg that you will impart them to me. The King of the Muscovites is dead, and because his son is half imbecile they are praying Stephen, King of Poland, to be their protector. Samuel Sworoski, being caused to be beheaded by command of the Lord Chancellor, relatives of Samuel now besiege the Court of Cracow in which the Chancellor is.—Ravestein (?), 28 June, old style, 1584.
I pray you to remember the English dog at the next autumn fair, by the servant of “Dominus Plantinus.”
Latin. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl XXII. 43 a.]
(2) Two short epitaphs upon the death of the Prince of Orange.
Italian. 4 + 10 lines. [Ibid. 43 b.]
July 13/23. 749. The Queen Mother to Stafford.
Asking him to accept what she has desired Pinart, the bearer, to say to him on her behalf. Is most anxious that the Queen, his mistress, should be satisfied, and knows that the King her son would be grieved not to receive whatever comes from her with all honour and demonstration of the friendship he feels for her.
Begs to be commended to “Madame de Sheffeild.”
Endd. “The copy of Queen Mother's letter to Sir Edward Stafford, July 23, 1584, stilo novo.”Fr. ½ p. [France XII. 14.]
July 13/23. 750. St. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
I have read your letter, but have not seen your man. The arms which you wish to be transported from hence shall not be delayed, and in all other matters in which it pleases you to make use of us, and especially of myself, you will find us always ready.
You will have heard by M. de Grise of the miserable murder of our late prince. You understand the consequence. I pray you to think of it in good earnest, and to employ yourself in the matter as it deserves.
All the United Provinces are resolute and their courage rather increased than lessened. Lillo is still besieged, but the enemy does nothing and hardly moves at all, except that from the other side of the river, viz. from Liefkenshook, he shoots continually and damages both the ships and the fort of Lillo. But for all that, he does not stop the passage.
Monsieur, if ever there was a time to take our affairs to heart it is now.—Antwerp, 23 July, 1584.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 44.]
July 13/23. 751. M. Calvart to Walsingham.
You will see by those of the States to her Majesty and to you in what state our affairs are, and what haste they require. I can assure you that never were poor people nearer their ruin than we are, for want of sufficient forces, [vainly] expecting succours, being reduced to extremities and seeing ourselves abandoned by our neighbours, from whom we hear nothing at all.
Some little aid, however small, on the part of her Majesty, with some show of wishing to help us, would serve marvellously to encourage this people, cast down by the death of his Excellency, and with two camps of the enemy at their gates. The bourg of Lillo has to-day been set on fire and is almost all consumed, to the great distress of the enemy. The Sieur de Teligny is there, who assures us that the fort is well guarded, but we need some shoulders on which to lean, both for men and munition. Would that at this point we may experience your favour, who have at all times been the chief support of our unhappy affairs. I can speak because I have felt it.
Zutphen had not yet surrendered on the 20th, but their convoy has been defeated and put to flight. This news has just come; the reports of the surrender have been very frequent.—Antwerp, 23 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 45.]
July [14]. 752. Stafford to Walsingham.
“Presently after the receipt of your letters on Saturday, of Sir Philip Sydney's coming, by John Wells,” I sent Mauvissière's packet to Pinard, who sent them to the King at the Bois de Vincennes, where he was and is still, and where “nobody dare come at him,” but all things are delivered to old Marcel the porter, and by him taken to the King and the answer brought back to the messenger waiting without the gate.
When Pinard received the King's answer, he came to me, on Sunday afternoon, and told me that the King perceived by Mauvissière's packet that my cousin Sydney was coming with an honourable train, to condole Monsieur's death and also “to open” some matter about the protection and safety of the Low Countries; that the King was in a great perplexity, seeing that the Queen honoured him by sending so honourable an embassy, and did “take such sorrow” as his ambassador told him, for his brother's death:—that he had broken up his court and had but four left with him; that his voyage to Lyons, upon very important causes, was resolved on and he was to start in four days, having already sent away his guard and having “no creature in the world left with him.” That therefore he had desired Pinard, as of himself, to pray me to be a means that Mr. Sydney might be “stayed” till his return from Lyons, “because he would be loth (lofte) to receive him otherwise than with all that honour that her Majesty's goodwill towards him deserved.”
Pinard would have had me presently send this away and advise Mr. Sydney's stay. I asked if this were the King's commandment. He said no, it was but his own advice. I told him I durst not send a “stay” upon his advice, without the King's commandment, and that if it were true, as Mauvissière wrote, that he had other matter of importance about the Low Countries,” whether he thought that the world, knowing that, and that in a matter that required present remedy he [the King] made so slight an excuse of delay, what opinion would be had of his little care of a matter so much importing his estate.”
Pinard answered that he would go to the Queen Mother for her advice, for the King, being where he was, did but half understand things. He “would have denied that he had said to me that the King had read the packets or knew of it, but that he himself only had read them, and had given me his advice upon that he knew of the King's small court now, and the resolution of his journey.”
I answered that I left that to his pleasure, and that what he sent me, I would send it off as I received it. He took post-horses and went away to the Queen Mother, and last night at eleven o'clock brought me a letter of credit from her, which I send enclosed. [See p. 610 above.]
His credence was to the same effect as his excuse on Sunday, adding that Mr. Sydney's coming with such a mourning message, in mourning attire, the King could only receive him in state, in mourning robes, as on the day of our audience; that he and his court had left off their mourning weeds three days ago, that all the princes and nobles are departed to their houses, and that she desired me to stay Mr. Sydney, being assured that he “was not yet passed.” That if the King of Spain sent one, as they say he is doing, they should send the same [message] to him.
I answered that this being a commandment from the Queen Mother, I would send it, but desired him to look well what consequences it might bring, especially as the King knew from Mauvissière that besides the condolence he had a matter of so great importance to deliver.
He answered that the King knew nothing of. all this, but that the Queen Mother, knowing his state at this time, had made this answer, and that Mauvissière had not written certainly “but only that peradventure he thought Mr. Sydney might move such a matter.”
“I answered there were none so worthy to be deceived as they that took pleasure to deceive themselves,” and therefore, seeing it was their will, I would deliver it, but asked him, if Mr. Sydney had already passed the sea, whether I should send him back. He said he had no such commandment. I asked, if he were in Mr. Sydney's case, would he return back; he told me no. It now rests with her Majesty to command Mr. Sydney what to do. I am not wise enough to give advice, but if the other matter did not require expedition, they are not worthy so much honour as her Majesty does them.
Assure yourself that whatever Pinard says, nothing has come to me until the King was made privy to it. “Poor Queen Mother, to maintain a show that she hath some credit, is fain to have all things come from her, and bear the burden of all, to please her white son that careth no more for her . . . than I care for her I never saw.”
On the other side, I dare avow the King does not do these things from contempt of her Majesty or ill-will; for if it stood upon the loss of his state, if he had a foolish toy in his head, or a monk's weed to make, or an Ave Maria to say, he would let his State go to wrack,” rather than not do it.
Pinard told me he informed Queen Mother of the conference he and I had as to the Low Countries upon this death, and that on the Kong's return to Fontainebleau she will confer with him, and afterwards with me.
“If there be anything that hath made the King fly the tilt and be unwilling to hear Mr. Sydney (which in truth I think is not, but his own fond toy of this journey), it is that he is advertised from Mauvissière that he hath to deal with him about the Low Country,” which, if Mauvissière had not known, he could not have told. They never make us acquainted with anything before-hand, and if we “would leave our old course and take the same way with them, I think you would find we should reap commodity thereby, and they not be so prepared when they know not afore hand our 'arrant' afore we come.
“If Mr. Sydney had come or do come (I will crave no thanks for it, for it is not for your sake but for his own, whom I love as well as I can love any man), he shall find that if mine own brother came I would not seek to honour him more.” I have sent him this letter open, that if he find it by the way he may see it and then seal it and send it to you.—Paris, Tuesday, three o'clock in the morning.
Postscript.—“It is very true that there is never a prince nor nobleman of quality left at the court, but all gone away. Most be discontented greatly, among the which the whole house of Guise, at the least in show, most men think in deed. For my part, I am of them that believe nothing till I see the end of things.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. 4 pp. [France XII. 15.]
The letter is only dated as above, but the allusion to Pinart's letter of credence, brought the night before, and the day of the week show that it was written on the 14th.
July 14. 753. Stafford to Walsingham.
Has been asked by the ambassador of Venice, his very good friend, to recommend the Count of Mirandola, that, on coming into England, he may kiss her Majesty's hand, and receive such favour as a gentleman of good birth and behaviour deserves. Is beholden to the ambassador for many friendly courtesies, so prays that by his honour's favour, the gentleman may find such “entertainment of strangers” in England as he has heard of by report.—Paris, 14 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. XII. 16.]
July 14. 754. Walsingham to Stafford.
It being the accustomed course for her Majesty to recommend to her Ambassador resident any special ambassador sent over, the Queen intended to have given my son Sydney her letter to you, which was ready for her signature, but by reason of her indisposition she desires me to acquaint you with the substance of what she would have written:—which is, that besides his special charge, she has directed him to feel the King and Queen Mother's disposition as regards giving assistance to the poor afflicted people of the Low Countries and making some stay of the King of Spain's greatness, if upon conference with you he finds they will hearken thereto, on which she supposes you will be able to give him some light, nothing doubting that you will have used your best endeavour to prepare their minds to embrace such a motion, or rather, if it might be, to make the same to her themselves, and desiring you to further him with your best advice and assistance.—14 July, 1584.
Copy. Add. Endd. 2/3 p. [France XII.17.]
July 14/24. 755. de Gondy to Mauvissière.
Although I have not written for a long time, I am sure you do not doubt that I have the same desire as always to serve you, as also I assure myself of the continuation of your favour and good graces, of which, desiring to avail myself even for my friends. I have assured these two gentlemen that they will participate in it and will receive from your kindness all the honour and courtesy that I could hope for myself. One is the Seigneur Francois Guicciardini, the other Seigneur Jerome Rucelay, gentlemen of the most noble houses of Florence, come hither to see the country and court of France; to whom I have so much sung the praises of the greatness and magnificence of that of England, and the admirable virtues, greatness and excellences of your Queen, that they have desired to see them with their own eyes, in order to bear witness thereof wherever they may go. I pray you very humbly that they may return satisfied, and that by your favour they may have the honour of seeing her Majesty, which is their great desire.—Paris, 24 July, 1584.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. ¾ p.[Ibid. XII. 18.]
July 15. 756. Gilpin to Walsingham.
The enemy is reported to have fired the town of Lillo and other places thereabouts and so retired, intending, it is thought, to attempt “Barrow” or pass over into Tergoes land, whither three companies are already sent to help the boors to keep the entrance, who knows that the coming over would be only to refresh their soldiers and, “with the spoil of so rich a platt the more to encourage them, for such feasts as they had at Lillo would both cause disliking of service and move them to mutiny,” there being nought to be had there but hard lodging and blows. Most think they will not venture over, for the town of Tergoes is very strong and orders have been given to increase the garrison.
Part of the enemy is come to Terneuse, where they have entrenched themselves. There has been skirmishing daily and they of the scance plied daily with their ordnance; the other side has brought none as yet, “yet is thought will do all he can against it.”
The news of Zutphen's surrender is not so good; the new Bishop of Cologne bends that way to rescue it, but the States' forces prepare to impeach his intent. “If he prevail, then is the States' case the harder, if the contrary happen, then were they not these two years in better terms, nor the enemy in apparenter to go backward.” They of Antwerp are greatly encouraged by the holding out of Lillo. “They will suffer no goods to pass forth without the payment of five per cent., which is thought to be brought unto two per cent., so to hinder the conveying away, or else to benefit the town with the same.” All burgers and native town dwellers are called to return “by a day.”
Ships are taken and brought in here daily by the Flushingers “that venture to the enemy notwithstanding the interdict,” so that now none can pass without setting sureties to bring certificates of his arrival and discharging at the place whither he was bound. Some of the States ask me to entreat you to do the same, for divers of Norfolk and Suffolk, under pretence of going for London or other places not forbidden, bend their courses for Flanders and succour the enemy.—Middelburg, 15 July, 1584.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 46.]
July 15/25. 757. Advertisements out of the Low Countries.
The enemy has left Lillo with a loss of 2,500 men, Mondragon and others of reputation dead and divers taken, which has won great honour for M. Teligny and the Scottish Colonel, who was hurt in the siege.
The enemy have dispersed their camp, some being gone to Zutphen, led by the Marquis of Richebourg and the rest remaining with the Prince of Parma about Callo, “where he fortifieth in so dangerous a place” that no ship can pass to Antwerp without great risk.
Terneuse, a fort on the river, holds good; in the last sally they made they took Vincent, who yielded Alost, and the Earl of Westmorland hardly escaped.
Certain Hungarians have come from the enemy, from Nieuport, and 200 more are leaving the Spanish service. Those which came hither [qy. to Middelburg] were sent into Holland to convey the treasurer of Zeeland and a gentleman who came from France, “by whom” it is thought no help is to be looked for from thence.
The States General have not yet placed or displaced any governors, so all stands as before, and the people yield more willingly to any imposition than they ever have done.
A public fast was kept here last Wednesday with great reverence and devotion.
Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Newsletters I. 66.]