Elizabeth: July 1584, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Elizabeth: July 1584, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp591-603 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1584, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp591-603.

"Elizabeth: July 1584, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp591-603.

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July 1584, 6–10

Oct. 6/16. 149. Pietro Bizarri to Robert Beale.
By the last from Cologne, we hear that Duke Casimir had retired towards Bonn, and that Count Neuenaar (Nuinar) had crossed the Rhine with 1,000 horse and 2,000 foot. Others write that Casimir, leaving a certain village on his way to Bonn, set it on fire, but that the enemy extinguished the flames. Casimir meanwhile returned and attacked the enemy, who had fortified themselves with some palisades, in which fight he received some damage, and then went on his way. The cause of his retreat is as yet only conjectured. The commissioners and deputies of the prince electors and of the Emperor are said to be already chosen, and will shortly assemble in Frankfort to confer concerning the present state of Germany.
July 5. 723. Stafford to Walsingham.
The deputies from the States are to stay where they are until they have further orders. Marshal de Retz has announced to the Prince of Parma that the King has sent him to look to the preservation of Cambray, and has required the Prince to enterprise nothing against it. The Prince's answer not yet received. The Queen of Navarre has consented to see d'Epernon. Turenne out of prison and in Paris. Sends copy of Monsieur's will.—Paris, 5 July, 1584.
Calendared fully in Report on the Cecil Papers, iii., 44, from copy sent to Burghley. Printed in Murdin, pp. 411, 412.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France XII. 4.]
July 5/15. 724. “Discourse before the King of Navarre, betwixt M. Marmet, his minister, and M. Roquelaure, upon the message of Due Epernon, touching his return to the French King's Court, and to conform him to the King's religion. Upon the reasons of both, M. du Ferrier tells his opinion at Nérac, 15 July, 1584.”
Fr. 85 pp. [Ibid. XII. 5.]
July 5. 725. Ortell to Walsingham.
I have received letters from the States of Zeeland informing me in all haste that on the 10th instant, new style, at two o'clock after dinner, the Prince of Orange, going into his chamber, was unhappily and wickedly murdered with a pistol shot by a traitor, a Burgundian, the very man who brought him the first news of the death of his Highness, which first shot hit his heart and killed him outright, without his uttering a word (“lequel l'a touche du premier coup au coeur tout royde mort, sans que son Excellence encques parla parolle” ).
The Estates of Holland and Zeeland desire me at once to advertise her Majesty and her Council of this miserable event, and to assure her that they are resolved, notwithstanding all extremities, to live and die in union and concord in the service of God and of the common cause, and by God's help to revenge this massacre by every means in their power; having already taken order for the safety of their two countries. The murderer was taken alive, and has promised to declare the whole affair.
My pen can say no more in a matter which lies so near my heart, knowing how faithful a servant Christendom, her Majesty and you English have lost. I pray God to protect her Majesty and all who love his word from treason and evil designs.—From my house, 5 July, 1584, stilo veteri.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 29.]
July 6/16. 726. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
The distress of her Majesty and the good disposition and affection which she shows at the loss of such a servant and friend as the late Duke, the King's brother, was to her, would make me of my own accord delay as long as she shall please my request for an audience, in order not to renew her grief.
Therefore I pray you, as also the lords of the Council, shortly to take some resolution whether I am to perform the commission given me by the King my master to visit the Queen and King of Scotland, to impart to them his good and faithful counsel, together with that of the Queen, your mistress, in order to assure to their Majesties and their kingdoms and subjects a perfect amity, and remove all suspicion and mistrust on either side, very dangerous guests in a house and preventing all good actions.
It is quite time that I gave some answer to my master and to the Queen of Scots of what may be hoped therein, in order that each may resolve, and I myself also, on my own account, on yes or no. The said Queen wrote me some time ago a letter of which I am giving the copy and showing the original to the Lord Treasurer, that he may speak of it to her Majesty and learn her wishes.
The Queen of Scots also wrote me another letter, which you have sent me, almost to the same effect, to beg the Queen, her good sister, to send back the commissioners and put an honourable end to what has been heretofore deliberated.
I send you a copy of this also to show to her Majesty or inform her of its contents, that she may decide what she wishes and give me notice thereof, so that I may not add anything to it, but only show them for my discharge both to the King my master and to the said Queen of Scots, who has again told me by her valet de chambre, La Rue, who is withdrawing into France, that all these designs are for no other purpose than to satisfy the Queen, her good sister, as regards the past, present and future, and that she will never cease to honour, please and obey her, and will use all means to induce the King her son to do the same. This is also the intention and desire of the King my master, who offers very honourably to mediate, as a good friend, kinsman, neighbour and ally of both, but the said La Rue has also told me that that Queen sent me word that she foresaw they wished always to separate her son from her, which was not for the good and honour of either party, or the way to link France, England and Scotland in a stronger and closer friendship than ever before.
I have always endeavoured to this end, and for recompense, I have been suspected and complained of, and they have wished to make it believed that I favoured Spain, because an ambassador once came to my lodging. This is to take the show for the reality (prendre l'ecorce pour le fruit), and for my part I have always held that a good Frenchman and a good Englishman ought never to desire that the Spaniards should rule the world, as it is easy to see that they have a mind to do and are making great preparations for it. God grant that the death of the poor Prince of Orange may not enable them to win the game.
I pray you to kiss her Majesty's hands very humbly on my behalf and assure her of my desire to do her faithful service, if she will employ me, in pursuance of the sincere friendship felt towards her by my master, of which I have assured her hitherto, without finding any to traduce me; and as my reward, Mr. Stafford has made all these fine complaints of me, which, thank God, are without any foundation or reason. When ambassadors treat of matters, one without the other, it is not a sign of much confidence. There is still time to do some good thing, but it should be begun at once.—London, 16 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [France XII. 6.]
July 6. 727. Walsingham to Stafford.
“This morning we received very unpleasant news of the second of this present from Middelburg, that the Prince of Orange was the day before treacherously murdered by a Burgonian, who, having made his errand unto him to bring him news of Monsieur's death, and pretending, as the Prince was going out of his dining chamber, that he had a letter and some further matter to deliver unto him, shot him through with a pistol under the breast, whereof he presently fell down dead, without uttering any speech at all.” How nearly this touches us, I leave to you to judge.
Her Majesty had determined before this ill news came to send Sir Philip Sydney to the French King to condole Monsieur's death, but now she means to hasten his departure, and I think he will set out in five or six days. I suppose he will have direction to feel the King's disposition, whether he will enter into some good course for bridling the King of Spain's greatness, which it so greatly imports both her Majesty and him to agree “presently” upon, as I do not see how they can any longer defer it without manifest peril to themselves and to the whole of Christendom.
You will do well to prepare their minds not only to hearken willingly to any motion her Majesty may make, but also to show themselves so forward as to make the motion to her themselves, and to seek to stir her up to join with them, in which case I doubt not but that she would concur therein to their reasonable satisfaction; for upon this news of the Prince's death, I find her very resolutely disposed to seek to stop the greatness of Spain, as her own safety and the necessity of the time requires.—6 July, 1584.
Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XII. 7.]
July 6. 728. Gilpin to Walsingham.
By William Page I informed you of the death of the Prince of Orange, and now Captain Williams can tell you of all things during his abode here, but I cannot omit to give you such news as falls out.
One Tundorff, steward to the Princess, is sent to the King of France from the States to advertise the Prince's murder, but stays here for wind and weather. The Junker Van den Dorp and the Pensionary of Brussels are going to England. The States are still at Delft, resolved to continue in unity and withstand the enemy, “being hoped that the loss of the Prince will do them good some ways, though otherwise their business—considering the present estate, the forwardness, attempts and success of the enemy—greatly hindered.” For so long as his Excellency lived no foreign prince would intermeddle, seeing he reserved to himself Holland and Zeeland, the chief places of all the rest, and none would be drawn to enter into war to establish the greatness of another. Moreover, the common people, wearied by daily contributing and seeing nothing done, the soldiers unpaid and the enemy prevailing, grew so to dislike the government that they were loth to contribute any longer. “His Excellency (who neither would nor for causes could command absolutely) was of late slenderly accounted of amongst them, and surely his words of that small sway as at length would have been able to do no more than themselves had pleased. Also there began a general murmuring that to make and maintain his greatness all these wars were continued.”Now, in order to withstand the brunt of the enemy, they may open their purses and contribute largely in hope to have the money employed as it is meant and given. The towns of Holland and these islands never agreed better, promising to hold and abide together, succouring each other to the last man and their uttermost endeavours. From Friesland and Guelderland the like is heard, and it is hoped Zutphen will be forced to yield, victuals being very scarce there.
The States of Zeeland have been in the lands of Schowen, Duyveland, Tertole, Tergoes and other places to see and set good order, and now are all returned and meet here again to-day.
The Flushingers and those of Camphere daily bring in prizes which they meet on the Flanders coast, going to the enemy. The Governor of Calais is said to have been ordered by the King to let nothing pass from thence for Flanders.
The Prince of Parma continues at Beveren. The Viscount of Ghent's enterprise against the ferry was hindered by cutting the ditch over against Osterwele, “where and in other breaches, with these great winds and spring tides, the water cometh in apace and very high,” to the great annoyance of the enemy, who is making a sconce on the Flanders side, on the point of the said breach, to trouble the passage. But they of Antwerp have armed a ship with ordnance, which continually beats and hinders them shrewdly.
The enemy still charges Lillo [fort] on all sides, but the place is now so furnished with good soldiers and provision of wool sacks, dung &c. to repair breaches or make defences that it is hoped it will be kept.
Those of Antwerp “by reason of the difference of religions are somewhat the more dismayed.” Women and children come forth daily but no men without passport, which however is not denied to strangers. Proclamation has been made there that all burghers departed thence within a certain time should return “by a day,” or their goods would be confiscated and used for the common cause. The Prince of Parma is said to have made large offers to the city if they will negotiate, which some are inclined to do, saying “as good at first as at last,” but others will not hearken to it till they see and hear further.
More men are put into Bergen (Barrow) and provisions sent thither, and to Brussels, Mechlin, Vilvorde and other places.
The enemy, these last three or four days, has not shot at any passage coming from Antwerp, but at those going thither, and divers boats are stirring in the river, so that none travel without danger, besides excessive charges, which rise daily without reason.
Here arrived lately the Lord Dumfermline (Downefarmlyn) with whom I was at Camphere, and who has since been at Antwerp. He is altogether addicted to her Majesty and religion, deploring the alteration in his country, ready here to do any good office, and wishing her Majesty happy success in all her affairs, which will be the better assured if the Queen of Scots' devises be nearly looked to, who will never cease to practise to compass her wicked purpose, as the said lord “affirmeth most surely to know” by former experiences and these late dealings in Scotland.—Middelburg, 6 July, 1584.
Postscript.—“Since the above written, I understand that the murderer is executed; his right hand pressed and burnt off with a hot iron engine made to that end, afterwards the flesh pulled from his legs, arms and other parts with fired pincers and then his body cut open and quartered alive; during which torments he continued resolute, and so little moved as was wonderful and incredible, having used such words and jests both of his Excellency and his resolution to commit the fact as if he had been nothing dismayed or grieved, wishing to the Prince all good and long life so as he would reconcile himself to his King, not knowing that he was dead, which was thought good to be kept from him.”
Perfect unity continues among the States, and all towns resolute, having since the Prince's death got more granted than in three months before. It is certainly reported that Zutphen must surrender before long, the States having paid all their men that lie there, and “entertained” the reiters, which are above 2,500, for three months longer, so that no rescue can come, unless the enterprise of Lillo should break up and the Prince of Parma bend all his forces for Guelderland.
Those of Lillo having on Monday last repulsed six or seven charges of the enemy, M. Teligny, as is credibly reported, issued out and overthrew a whole regiment of Spaniards, called the tertia of Flanders. They of Antwerp pay the soldiers of the forts aforehand, and let nothing be wanting to refresh and encourage them. On Monday, three fresh companies were sent thither.
Now there is a rumour that the enemy have forsaken Lillo and gone to the ferry, but no certainty can be known, as for two or three days none are come out of Antwerp, it is thought because of the stormy weather.
It is feared that a passage [boat] which left Flushing on Saturday is cast away on the coast of Holland, with Captain Morgan, Captain Williams, Carenzone and others.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 30.]
July 6/16. 729. The States of Brabant to the Queen.
We cannot without tears announce to your Majesty the pitiful death of the Prince of Orange, your affectionate servant, by an unhappy assassination contrived by the King of Spain. And as the death of this prince, so true a lover of our liberty that we may truly claim him as the father of his country, comes upon us the more unfortunately in that we have not yet concluded the treaty begun, by permission of your Majesty, with the King of France, and are still uncertain of its issue, because of the divers humours of those who may be mixed up with this affair, and moreover that in this conjuncture we find ourselves assailed in divers places by our enemies with great force;—we have esteemed nothing of more value to remedy the approaching ruin of so many flourishing churches and the loss of our liberty, so dearly bought, than to have recourse to your Majesty, and humbly to pray that you will be pleased, according to your accustomed kindness, which we have so often experienced, to favour us in this conjuncture and time of need with a good number of soldiers, with which we find ourselves entirely unfurnished.
And moreover to pray your Majesty to send an ambassador to the King of France, to lay before him the importance of these divers occurrences, and in consequence thereof, the certainty of a new Spanish monarchy, with danger to all its neighbours, giving him good cause now to embrace the defence of these provinces by openly declaring war against the King of Spain, in which we assure ourselves that he will indubitably be supported by your Majesty.
It may please you to put before him clearly that this is expedient for the safety of your kingdoms, in which truly your Majesty cannot doubt the said King of Spain has intelligences and strong support for the execution in due time and place of the enterprises which he has long ago encheminées.
This unhappy death of a Prince so virtuous and so much your Majesty's servant will have (we doubt not) great weight with these to realize in the future that there is nothing certain in this world, if murders so detestable, born under the ancient races of Saracens and Marans, once more begin to be current amongst men.
We very humbly recommend to you the welfare and guardianship of these provinces, and pray you to give gracious audience to the Sieur de Grise, Grand Bailiff of Bruges, whom we have sent to explain matters to your Majesty and to supplicate you as to certain points with which we have charged him.—Antwerp, 16 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. Seal of Brabant. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. XXII. 31.]
July 7/17. 730. The States of Brabant to Walsingham.
You have been so much the friend of the Prince, that we are assured you will have heard with great regret of his unhappy death. And our lord having ended his life saying these last words, “O Dieu, ayez pitié de mon ame! O Dieu, ayez pitie de ton peuple! “we are also assured that having loved him in his life, you will aid him in preserving the people who were so dear to him, now that he is dead.
We pray you therefore to help us with her Majesty, in what will be represented to her by the Sieur de Grise, whom we have sent to her for this purpose, having desired him to address himself particularly to you, as to the ancient Mæcenas of these provinces.—Antwerp, 17 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. Seal of Brabant. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 32.]
July 7/17. 731. St. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
Although we have heard that the States General, being now in Holland, have sent to her Majesty to pray her, in this our perplexity, to embrace our cause and send us help, having at the same time represented to her the present state of our affairs; yet we have thought good, on the part of the States of Brabant, whom this evil touches very particularly and who are also the most pressed by the forces of the enemy, to do the same; in order to lay before her Majesty the need which presses us to have recourse to her accustomed clemency to assist us with some number of men, paid for three months, in order that we may be able to resist this attempt of the enemy, so as to have better opportunity afterwards to provide for what else concerns the conservation of this State, in order to be able to do all humble service to her Majesty.
I pray you therefore, at this crisis, to show the goodwill and affection which you have always borne to this country in general and to me in particular, whom you must account as one of your very affectionate servants.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XXII. 33.]
[July 7.] 732. Instructions from the Queen to Mr. Somers.
To let the persons to whom he is addressed and the States General understand her grief at the death of the Prince of Orange, not only in respect of losing so good a friend, but chiefly in regard to the afflicted people of that country, to see them deprived of so grave a director of their affairs in their extreme necessity; which point he may amplify in such sort as to show her love and care of them.
To further let them understand that he is sent thither to confer with them how best to prevent the peril into which by this accident they are likely to be thrown, assuring them that she will have such princely care of them as may stand with her honour and consideration of her own estate; first desiring to learn how far they have proceeded with the French King, what offers have been made to him and upon what conditions.
To inform himself of these particulars following:—
What form of government they mean to take, and whom to choose as their head.
What number of troops they have and their means to maintain the same. Whether they will not be driven to increase the number, and if, of their own means, they can do so.
Whether this accident has bred in the United Provinces a disposition to disunite, or if they are disposed to maintain the union.
What towns they fear may revolt and their course for “assuring” them.
Whether traffic to Antwerp will be “impeached” by the enemy's possession of sconces on the river, and what hope there is to expel them from the same.
Whether, if the passage continue stopped, Antwerp may not make composition with the enemy.
Also any other points on which she should be resolved, after conference had with men of best judgment there.
To “feel their minds,” in case she agree to take them into her protection, what support they will require of men or money or both; whether they can contribute greater sums for the war than they now do, and what likelihood there is of the continuance of the same. And if she yields them support, what towns they will give her in pawn, both for repayment of the same, as also “that they shall grow to no accord with Spain” without her assent and privity.
To enquire whether they are disposed to call in Duke Casimir or any other prince of the Religion for their support, and what hope of their acceptance; and whether they do not mean to send to the princes of Germany for support and what hope they have “to do any good that way.”
To give her letters to the Princess of Orange, with “such comfortable speeches as are fit to be delivered to a personage of her quality, standing in that discomfortable state that she doth.”
And whereas her Majesty has received letters from the Elector of Cologne, certifying her of the Prince's murder and praying for her favour to those countries in their extremity, he is to deliver her answer and tell him how greatly she was grieved by the said murder, and how much she cares for the well-doing of those poor afflicted people, desiring to have his advice what is fit to be done for their relief, and what help he judges may be got from the Princes of Germany; whether they may be moved by pity of the afflicted state of those professing the same religion, as also to stop the greatness of the King of Spain, whose increasing power will be no less dangerous to them than to their neighbours. Finally, he is to advertise her of his proceedings before returning home, in case there should be cause for his further employment. Sign Manual.
Endd. “Instructions for Mr. Summers.” 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 34.)
July 7. 733. Draft of the same Instructions, with many corrections and additions by Walsingham, the result agreeing with the Instructions to Mr. Somers, above. But the draft is both headed and endorsed “A Memorial for Mr. Waad, 7 July, 1584.”
Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 35.]
July 7. 734. Ortell to Burghley.
“esteem needless to declare unto your honour any further the present desolate estate of the poor afflicted Low Countries, wherein the same (chiefly Holland and Zeeland, with their confederates) are fallen by the murderous deed and loss of so faithful, constant and wise director as my late lord and master, the Prince of Orange, . . . and though the said two provinces write unto me that they with the generality and united neighbours hope to have provided in sort whereby the enemy shall not prevail by his execrable and filthy act, is nevertheless greatly to be feared that he will not rest, either by way of dissension, diffidency or any other whatsoever deceitful means to overthrow our whole estate, if the Almighty do not prevent him, and that we without delay be not assisted with some present help and your grave counsel.
“Please, therefore, your honour, to embrace our present and dangerous estate, and to show unto her Majesty how needful it is forthwith to tender the same by a Christian zeal and compassion and to be careful of our conservation.
“Her Majesty (being one of the greatest lights of this world) is bound both in conscience and justice not to see such a murderous and traitorous act (by example whereof no prince even in his own closet should be out of danger) escape unpunished, and besides that to see our estate (of long continuance already more afflicted than it is well able to bear) to be by all manner of treason and forces utterly undone and brought under foot, unto which terms, if it should come (which God of His mercy forbid) it is not to be thought that the unquiet enemy therewith would take his rest and stay his course; but rather go forward with his practices and to grow in the end so strong that without respect of any he durst presume to make his attempts where he listed, in so much that it is better to avoid perils and quench the fire of his neighbours in convenient time than to see the same with continuance reinforce and go forward.”
The Almighty preserve her Majesty and realm and incline your honour's heart to move her to “tender our extremities.” Whereof having any sure hope, I am ready to go myself to the General States, and particularly to my masters of Holland and Zeeland, and certify them with all secrecy and fidelity of her Majesty's goodwill.
I would have come to the Court, if want of health had not stayed me, but hope all good furtherance therein, and that “for the death's sake” you will advance my humble petition to her Majesty.—London, 7 July, 1584.
Signed. Add. Endd. English. 2 pp. [Ibid. XXII. 36.]
July 7. 735. Ortell to Walsingham.
The same letter as to Burghley.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 37.]
July 7. 736. Ortell to the Earl of Leicester.
The same letter as to Burghley.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XXII. 38.]
July 7/17. 737. M. Calvart to Walsingham.
I am infinitely sorry to recommence my old correspondence with you, interrupted since it pleased his Excellency and the Estates of Brabant to recall me to their service, by so lamentable a matter.
It having pleased God to take away his Excellency in the way that you have heard, whose last words were, O God have pity on my soul! O God have pity on thy people! I could not but condole with you on his unexpected death, knowing that you have always loved him dearly, because he sought above all the glory of God and the liberty of these provinces; which, being truly his own work through the grace of God, I feel assured that for the sake of his memory and the friendship you bore him in life, you will help in preserving and maintaining after his death.
To do which there now presents itself a fair opportunity, in so much as, humanly speaking, unless aided by her Majesty and other neighbouring princes, there is little prospect of our being long able to subsist.
We are sending, in order to represent these things to her Majesty and her Council, the Sieur de Grise, a truly virtuous gentleman, well versed in our affairs, and especially knowing what has passed in Flanders and Bruges, of which town he is burgomaster. May it please your honour to hear him favourably and give him the direction which is fitting for him.
Our forces at Lillo are much encouraged, and God helping them will constrain the enemy to retire to his shame, although he has there fifteen cannon and 8,000 footmen; and if the enemy hits his head at this beginning there is hope that his furies will, for the future, be less violent.
I shall not fail henceforward to write to you each week, to make up for the silence of past years, although at present, as you may imagine, we have here much on our hands, M. de St. Aldegonde and myself supporting the most weighty charges.—Antwerp, 17 July, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. XXII. 39.]
July 8. 738. Instructions from the Queen to Sir Philip Sydney.
In the first place, he is to condole on Monsieur's death, assuring the King of her own great cause for grief, no prince having ever had greater cause “to lament the loss of so rare and constant a friend in these days of hollow and unsound friendship.” Is not to use long speech on this unpleasant subject, or arguments of consolation, the best both for herself and the King being not to think of their loss but of his gain, who now “resteth in place of bliss, free from a world that yieldeth more cause of grief than of comfort.”
Secondly, he is to thank the King for his assurances that he will not be behind his brother in friendship, and to assure him of her requital of his affection.
The other point of his [previous] Instructions, concerning the Low Countries, to be left to his second audience.
To use the like compliments to the Queen Mother, with special sympathy in her loss as a mother; to thank her for her great protestations of love, given to Sir E. Stafford, and to assure her that her Majesty will show her thankfulness to the dead by her love to those whom he loved.
Touching the Low Countries, if the King and Queen Mother, upon the death of the Prince of Orange, see the danger, thereby increased, of the growing greatness of Spain, and are disposed to do something for the relief of those poor afflicted people, he is to lay their sad state before them, and say that the world, considering the place the King holds in Christendom, has long looked for him to “impeach” the Spanish power.
Is to descend to some particulars touching the Spanish King's greatness-viz. that in Italy the princes wholly depend upon him, the Pope is altogether at his devotion, with most part of the cardinals, and the principal men of the country are his paid pensioners. In Germany, all those of the House of Austria depend only on him, and, by corruption, he has won so many of chief quality, that “Charles the Emperor, in the height of his greatness, could not command more” than he can now.
His increase of treasure and strength by the gaining of Portugal all men of judgment see and fear, and he lacks only the quiet possession of the Low Countries to make him the most absolute monarch “that was ever in this part of the world.”
If the King be so far moved as to demand what the Queen will do, he is to assure him that she will do anything that may stand with her honour and estate. If he asks whether she has given Sydney commission to treat, he is to answer that she has lately noticed such coldness in his Majesty that she saw no reason to give any such commission, but that if he resolve to proceed effectually, she will send authority both to treat and conclude.
But if, on conference with the ambassador, he finds the King coldly affected, he is to forbear to proceed, and to return home.
The French Ambassador having lately renewed his request to go to Scotland and mediate for appeasing of the late troubles, he is to give the King the same answer heretofore made, that as all things are now pacified in Scotland, there is no reason for his repair thither.
Add. “A clause added to Sir Philip Sydney's Instructions.” Draft, corrected by Walsingham. 9 pp. [France XII. 8.]
July 8. 739. The Queen to Stafford.
Besides the special charge given to Sir Philip Sydney, we have desired him to feel the King and Queen Mother's dispositions whether, upon the death of the Prince of Orange, they will do somewhat for the relief of the afflicted people of those countries, and to stay the Spanish King's greatness, if, upon conference with you, he finds they will be willing to hearken to such a motion; doubting not that, according to our directions, you have done your best to prepare their minds to do so, and requiring you to further him with your best advice and assistance.—Richmond, the [8] July, in the xxvi. year of our reign.
Copy. Endd. with date. 1 p. [France XII. 9.]
740. Draft for the above, corrected by Walsingham.
Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XII. 10.]
July 8. 741. Memorandum, headed “Matters negotiated with France touching the Low Countries.”
Instructions, 22 July, 1581. That for the continuing of Monsieur's action in the Low Countries, necessary in respect of the growing greatness of Spain, a secret league might be entered into between the Queen and the King of France, and, in the meantime, some private aid given to him, “lest the open doing thereof might turn her Highness and her State to some trouble.” If such secret aid would not be accepted, her Majesty will be content to join in league and contract to aid Monsieur in such sort as shall be thought reasonable to her and the King.
Memorial to Somers. The private aid to be “referred” until notice is received from the Duke that he stands in need of it, “as destitute of his brother's means; which doing, he shall be supplied with some convenient sum.”
27, 28 August. Lord Treasurer's letter. Notice being given, part was sent him by Lord Henry Seymour, and more by other means, Bellingham &c.
1 February, '81. Sir H. Cobham. “The King promiseth disbursement of half charge upon conditions &c.”
Endd. “8 July, 1584, France.” 1 p. [Ibid. XII. 11.]
[No doubt used in drawing up Sydney's Instructions.]