Index: J, K

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Jacob, Robert, doctor, sent by Elizabeth to Russia, 74.

Jacson, Dominie, merchant of Antwerp, boat belonging to, 206.

Jamaica, English accused by Spaniards of having committed robberies in, 505 (p. 501).

James VI, King of Scotland, La Mothe sent to Scotland to entertain ancient amity with, 2;

proposed marriage of, with Duke of Lorraine's daughter, 5;

rumours that marriage of, with Duke of Lorraine's daughter is to be dealt with, 53;

falls from horse, 60;

would like d'Aubigny to abandon French faction, 75;

Queen Mother promises to help, 93;

affairs of, 93 (p. 107);

Stewart and Colvile to be sent to Elizabeth from, 108, 122;

d'Aubigny tends to alienate, from Elizabeth, 124;

mentioned, 149 (p. 165);

d'Aubigny wishes to arrange marriage between Duke of Lorraine's daughter and, 168;

La Mothe-Fènelon treats with, 174;

d'Aubigny considers him a deep dissembler, 182 (p. 200);

mentioned, 183, 197 (p. 213);

reference to rumour of marriage of, with Princess of Navarre, 216 (p. 234);

reference to letters written by, to d'Aubigny, 216 (p. 235);

mentioned, 224;

Elizabeth will not be assured of, till he is married to her contentment, 237 (p. 257);

d'Aubigny will leave, if he finds his course will prejudice religion, 261 (p. 283);

said to be a Catholic at heart, 267 (4);

rumour of attempt of Scottish lords to transport, into France, 288, 310;

reference to letters from, on behalf of Scottish merchants, 325;

French King and Queen Mother promise to send ambassador to, to help d'Aubigny, 327;

mentioned, 332;

d'Aubigny recommends his sons and bequeaths his heart to, 338;

Shawe trusted by, 344;

d'Entragues and Entraguet sent to, 345;

Colonel Preston favoured by, 347;

talk of marriage between Princess of Navarre and, 362;

sends servant with token to d'Aubigny, 363;

mentioned, 389 (p. 419);

reference to ambassadors of, in England, 395.


Spanish King plots, to take, 480 (p. 483);

King of Spain wishes to marry his daughter to, 602 (p. 568);

mentioned, 635 (p. 600);

marriage between Princess of Béarn and, treated for, 657;

Roman Catholics in Scotland wish to send to France, 711.

Janissaries, Aga of, mentioned, 706 (p. 661);

present sent to, 733;

quarrel with Spahis, 738;

to make assault on St. Elmo, 749.

Janville. See Joinville.

Japan, Pope orders money to be paid to Jesuits in, 699.

Jenitzio, Janitzio, Secretary to Elector of Saxony, shows kindness to Bizarri, 398.

Jennings, William, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Jennisac, —, 563.

Jerningham, J., letter from, 384.

Jesohka, George, papist, of Dantzic, letters addressed to, by James Bosgrove, 590 (p. 560).

Jessa, tribute of, 695.

Jesuits, apprehend Gower, 7;

Scottish, Italian, French and English to offer disputation, and their bodies to be imprisoned and burnt, 10;

embark at Calais, from Douay, 16;

English, cause Nicholson to be imprisoned at Rouen, 123;

governor of, sends money to papists in England, 197 (p. 214);

cause certain “fancies” to be printed, 200;

Charles, “Monsieur” brought up in College of, 239 (p. 260);

those of Inquisition hope to employ money on, instead of Unton, 259;

intend to spend much money in Ireland, 261 (p. 283);

in England, to be watched, 282 (p. 310);

visit Irish Bishop in Paris, 327;

Spanish ambassador in Paris gives money to, 342;

meet by appointment in Morton's lodgings in Paris, 389 (p. 419).


Spanish, sent by Pope to treat with Don John, 516;

mentioned, 613 (p. 577);

list of English, 616 (p. 583);

bells brought from Low Countries to Rome by, 625;

said to be going to England, 654;

feast Princes and Bishops in Augsburg, 671;

in danger, at Augsburg, 677;

Pope orders money to be paid to, in Japan and East Indies, 699;

are prevented from building a new Church in Cologne, 743.

Jews, reference to loss of trade of, in Barbary, 266 (3).

Joachim, Master, communicates with a man who makes saltpetre, 70.

John III, King of Sweden, King of Poland wishes to go to war with, 11;

King of France wishes to send a servant to, 60 (p. 72);

Elizabeth desires to thank servant of, for offer of service, 82;

complaints made against, by the cities of the Empire, 156 (p. 174);

means to oppose King of Poland, 243;

reference to relations between Emperor of Russia and, 340 (p. 376), 374;

will not cede Narva to King of Poland, 625;

messengers to be sent to, from the Emperor, 671;

will support Dantzic, 693 (p. 643);

King of Poland seeks to appease wars between Russia and, 698;

King of Poland wishes his niece to marry son of, 699;

differences between King of Poland and, appeased, 701.

-, -, letter from, 303.

John, Count of Mecklenburg, nephew to Duke of Mecklenburg, goes to Augsburg, 645;

at Diet, 649;

at Princes' banquet in Augsburg, 653 (p. 613).

-, Jehan, son of Duke of Cleves, proposed marriage of, with Princess of Lorraine, 92 (p. 104);

mentioned, 690;

Princess of Lorraine likely to marry, 710;

to go to Düsseldorf, 731.

-, brother of Palsgrave of Neuburg, at Diet of Augsburg, 646, 649.

-, Albrecht, Count, at the Diet of Augsburg, 649.

-, Frederick I, Hans Friedrich, former Elector of Saxony, grandson of, marries sister of

Duke of Würtemberg, 243, 398 (p. 426).

-, Frederick, son to following, Administrator of the Bishopric of Magdeburg, expected in Augsburg, 645;

at Diet in place of his father, 649, 650;

at Elector of Saxony's banquet in Augsburg, 653;

controversy about precedence of, 660 (p. 620).

-, George, Elector of Brandenburg, enjoins obedience to Archbishop of Cologne, 117;

advisable for Elizabeth to send letters to, 282 (p. 307);

Pope stirs up King of Poland against, 309 (p. 341);

King of Denmark said to be entertaining ambassador of, 357;

daughter of, marries the son of Elector of Saxony, 398 (p. 426);

not expected at Diet of Augsburg, 642;

son goes to Diet of Augsburg in his place, 646;

arms of, carried in Imperial procession into Augsburg, 653;

mentioned, 660 (p. 620);

sends forces to the aid of Geneva, 697;

ambassadors of, go to Cologne for the Diet, 704;

letters from, arrive in Cologne, 711;

King of Poland will spoil country of, if he declares for the Bishop of Cologne, 715.

-, -, letter from, 316.

-, -, son of, Administrator of Magdeburg. See above.

-, William, late Duke of Saxony, son of John Frederick I, marriage of his son, 322, 398.

Joinville, “Janville,” Duke of Guise intends to repair to, 53;

Dowager of Guise lived at, 119.

Jones, Griffith, of the Griffin Inn, Walbrook, addicted to the Jesuits, 616 (p. 583).

Jouzac (qy. Cusac), belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Joyeuse, Duchess of. See Lorraine, Margaret of.

-, Duke of. See Arques.

Juan de la Cerda, Spaniards of, in St. Elmo, 749.

Jugoria, 526.

Jules, M., Italian, sent with letters from Monsieur to the States, 112 (p. 129);

“Julio,” 117.

Juliana, daughter to Elector of Saxony, 653.

Juliers, Prince of. See William, Duke of Cleves.

Juliers, Julichland, “Luckeland,” Spaniards lie in, 538 (p. 525).

Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, fortress of, mentioned by Bizarri, 398 (p. 427);

sons of, at marriage of daughter of, 398;

force sent by, to help Prince of Orange in 1568, 405;

ambassadors of, pass by Cologne, 731.

Juniper, Francis, English Jesuit, 616.


Kaas, Nicolas, letters from, 145, 391.

Kaiserswerth, on the Rhine, surprised by the Chapter of Cologne, 112;

boat coming from, is seized by Duke of Saxe Lauenburg, 705;

Chapter of Cologne recovers, 711.

Karnkowski, Stanislas, Bishop of Cujavia, nominated Archbishop of Gnesen, 613 (p. 576);

letter from, 623.

Kars, Turks wish Persians to withdraw army from, 167 (p. 186).

Keir, Keer, Ker, Henry, a Papist, with d'Aubigny, 273;

said to have betrayed d'Aubigny to Duke of Guise and Glasgow, 288 (p. 319);

leaves Paris, 310;

excuses himself for his dealings with d'Aubigny, 327;

visits Cobham, 362.

-, -, letter from, 332.

Keith, Andrew, knight, commissary from, King of Sweden, 303.

Kemerlinck, Peter, of Danske, 616 (p. 581).

Ker, Janet, sister of Sir Walter Scott of Buccleugh, Lady Fernihirst, “Fanhurst,” has brought letters from d'Aubigny to Scottish King, 10.

-, Thomas, Laird of Fernihirst, “Fanhurst,” servant of, bears letters to d'Aubigny's faction, 55.

Kerr, Walter, to be sent in d'Aubigny's ship into Spain, 261 (p. 284).

Kerton, —, married to Cobham's niece, takes letter to Walsingham, 55.

Kethulle, François de, Sieur de Ryhove, governor of Ghent, reference to letter to, 65;

restored to government of Dermonde, 218;

people of Ghent send forces to M. de Lanoye, under, 529.

-, -, letter to, 17.

Kieffel, G —, letter signed by, for the City of Antwerp, 63.

Killigrew, Henry, brother-in-law to Cecil, sent in haste to Scotland, 410;

takes part in negotiations of marriage between Elizabeth and Duke of Alençon, 429;

returns to England, 438;

joins in discussion of treaties, 443.

-, -, letters to, 448, 465, 487.

Kilsythe, in d'Aubigny's company, sent with message to Elizabeth, 75.

Kilult, in the Ardes, 493.

Kilwarney in the Ardes, 493.

Kineston, John, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Kirkcudbright, “Kerkcombry,” in Galloway, d'Aubigny's ship said to be going to, 288.

Klever, Ritmeister Ulrich, arrives in Cologne for service of the Chapter, 740.

Knollys, Henry, son of Sir Francis Knollys, reference to funeral of, 101;

servant of, sent to England, 256.

Koch, John, protonotary of Dantzic, 609.

Königsberg, Rogers goes to, 590 (p. 560);

one of the Hanse Towns, 613 (p. 575).

Kostka, Monseigneur John, death of, 623.

Kover, (? Kirkover) Castle, near Ghent, Malcontents at, 668.

Kray, Baron de, life sentence passed upon, 577.

Krichingen, Baron of. See Créange.

Kruze, Tives (?), 616 (p. 581).