Index: H, I

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Haarlem, Bizarri goes to, 398 (p. 428);

proclamation to be made in, forbidding all sectaries to exercise their religion in, 619.

Hadersleben, “Hadersleve,” letters dated at, 387, 390, 391.

Haerbrugge, Monsieur wishes bridge to be made at, 204 (p. 221).

Haersolt, Arnoult de, Doctor of Laws, letter of commendation of, 185.

Hague, “Hay,” the, Court of States General held at, 298;

Bizarri goes to, 398 (p. 428);

general Assembly of States to be held at, 592.

Hainault, Malcontents in, send letters to Flanders, 47 (p. 55);

“Henogo,” poverty and famine in, 65, 84;

“Henoye,” Malcontents discharge All-mans serving in, 84;

Prince of Parma said to have offered to Monsieur to pass through, 110;

forces of, assemble between Lille and Douay, 165;

Prince of Parma stores provisions in, 180;

Prince of Parma borrows money from towns in, 194;

Prince of Parma takes garrisons out of towns in, 231;

forces from, before Eyndhoven, 245;

Malcontents in, expect to be victorious, 371;

Walloons in Menin send for aid to, 529;

agreed with Prince of Parma, 530, 532;

Protestants ordered out of, 533;

letter from Fresin, to one of chief men of, taken, 535, 538;

mentioned, 539;

commons of, dislike agreement with Spaniards, 540;

still discontent in, 541;

commissioners from, at Liège, 542;

mentioned, 545;

towns of, may trouble Malcontents, 546;

Count Mansfeldt in communication with, 552;

Madame de Parma looked for in, 556;

Malcontents of, 580;

Monsieur might do good service in, 639;

those of, write to Magistrates of Antwerp, 703;

reference to carriage of provisions from Cologne to, 722;

documents relating to negotiations with, 778.

-, Seneschal of. See Melun, Pierre de.

-, (Hengouve), Bergen in. See Bergen Hengouve.

Haines, Robert, English merchant in St. Sebastian, 576.

Halberstadt, Bishop of, son to Duke of Brunswick, ambassadors of, pass by Cologne, 731.

Halewyn, Charles de, Sieur de Piennes, Governor of Metz, eldest son of, to marry Lavalette's sister, 9.

-, François de, Seigneur de Sweveghem, Zueveghen, Governor of Courtray, reference to letter from, 65;

to remain at Tournay, 165;

his death, 347;

envoy from Alva in England (in 1571), 409 (p. 440);

M. de Bours is displeased at appointment of, as Governor of Courtray, 598;

de Bours surrenders governorship to, 599.

-, -, letters from, 4. 34.

-, —, eldest son of Sieur de Piennes, to marry La Valette's youngest sister, 9.

Halewyn, Hallewyn, company of enemy's soldiers in, give themselves up, 14.

Halle, Administrator of, at Princes' banquet in Augsburg, 653 (p. 613).

Hamburg, no complaints made by Hanse merchants of, against English, 282;

reference to letters to Elizabeth from City of, 284 (2);

reference to possibility of treaty between Merchant Adventurers and, 333;

English ship at, 348;

Herbert at, 357;

Bizarri goes to, 398 (p. 42);

mentioned, 571 (p. 548). 589;

reference to treaty of, 613 (p. 576), 616, 617, 633;

reference to posts going by way of, 616 (p. 579);

will support Dantzic, 693 (p. 643);

means of reaching, 740.

-, letter dated at, 348.

Hamilton, Archibald, Jesuit, to dispense money for Scottish Jesuit's enterprise, 10.

-, Lord Claude, brother to Lord Hamilton, displeases his brother by strange dealings with Earl of Angus, 10;

mentioned, 108, 395.

-, John, Lord, “Lord” (Commendator) of Arbrothe, sends servant to Walsingham, 10;

loyal to the Queen, 10;

reference to letters from, 127;

d'Aubigny does not wish, to be restored to his estates, 168 (p. 188);

friends of d'Aubigny try to make reconciliation with, 197 (p. 213);

intends to repair to baths of Plombières, 261 (p. 284);

Cobham receives news from, 288 (p. 319);

Smallet confers with friends of, 338 (p. 372);

at baths of Plombières, 362;

returns from Plombières, 379 (p. 409.)

-, -, letter from, 395,

John, Jesuit, meets Earl Morton by appointment in Paris, 389 (p. 419).

Hammond, Haymond, Hammon, Dr. John, LL.D., Burnam hopes will be delivered to him, 80;

may be used against Norris, 110;

mentioned, 228;

sent by Elizabeth to assembly at Schmalkalden, 522.

Hannenberg, Duke of, at marriage of Duke of Würtemberg's sister, 333 (p. 370).

Hans Priedrich, late Duke of Saxony. See John Frederick.

Hanse Towns, syndic of, brings complaint before the Circle of Westphalia, 36;

Gilpin attempts to discover practices of, 73;

von Holtz writes concerning, 282;

reference to controversy between Elizabeth and, 333.


mentioned, 542, 571;

letter from Elizabeth concerning, 583;

Lord Burghley writes concerning taxes imposed by, 589;

letter concerning, 613;

commissioners of, repulsed by Earl of Embden's commissioners, 615;

affairs of, 616;

letter from the Emperor to Elizabeth, concerning, 622;

old amity of England towards, 633;

cause of, has been mentioned by Imperial Senate, 651;

grievances of, 661;

letter from Elizabeth concerning, 664;

defence for Merchant Adventurers against, 666;

cause of, 667, 671;

mentioned, 672;

reference to oath of merchants of, 674;

affairs of, 675, 677, 678, 679, 681, 682, 692, 709, 714;

decrees of Princes of the Empire concerning, 720;

mentioned, 740, 741.

Harborne, Harbrowne, William, ambassador to Turkey, well received at Constantinople, 325 (p. 360);

bearer of presents to the Grand Turk, 733;

sent to the Porte by Elizabeth, 763, 765.

-, -, letters from, 364, 738, 745.

Hardy, Henry, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Harfleur, mentioned, 480 (p. 484).

Harling, troops land at, 574.

Harman, John, complaints of Barbary merchants against, 266 (1), 266 (3).

Harrison, Thomas, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Harte, Mr., preacher, 696.

Hasselt, reports from, 533.

Hasti, Signor Carlo, chief commissary of King of Spain at Cologne, 206 (p. 227).

Hattem, Hattan, Castle of. betrayed by its captain, 601;

castle not yet surrendered, 607.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, as Vice-Admiral of Dorset, 343;

said to have become Spanish. 635.

Haultepenne, M. de. See Berlaymont.

“Haultfort,” M. de, master of Duke of Guise's household, M. de “Roclor” marries lady intended for nephew of, 325 (p. 359).

Haulx, letter dated at, 32.

Hautemer, Guillaume de, Comte de Grancey, Seigneur de Fervacques, Fervarques, taken prisoner at attack on Antwerp, 30 (p. 37);

cowardly behaviour of, 40;

with Monsieur, 40;

Monsieur lays blame of attack on, 40;

threatens des Pruneaux, 40;

a prisoner in Antwerp, 44 (p. 51), 58;

with Monsieur, before attack on Antwerp, 45;

talks with burghers in prison, 80;

still a prisoner in Antwerp, 102;

Monsieur bestows abbey of Lisières on, 290;

Monsieur desires to bestow bishopric on, 309;

daughter of, to marry Sieur d'Avrilly, 321;

Monsieur draws to himself, 734 (p. 692).

Hauterive, garrison of, makes raid near Bruges, 329.

Havana, Drake seizes carvel sent to, by officers of Spanish King in Seville, 505 (p. 501);

ships arrive in Spain from, 585.

Havrech, Havré, Marquis d'. See Croy, Charles Philippe de.

Havre de Grace, Newhaven, ship belonging to M. de Bours captured by English pirate off, 254, 255 (1), 255 (3);

mentioned, 594.

Hawkins, Haquins, Captain John, complaints against, made by Spanish King, 505 (p. 501).

-, Robert, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Hawley, Francis, deputy vice-admiral of Dorset, answer to six articles objected against, 343.

Hay, Edmund, Jesuit, meets Morton in Paris, 389 (p. 419).

Haye, Captain de la, taken prisoner at Leith, and escapes from Sir John Hetherington, and now asks for safe-conduct and justice of Queen, 504.

-, -, letter from, 504.

Haynvuyt (? Hannuye), gained by Prince of Orange, 404 (p. 435).

Heath, William, servant to Mr. Robert Burde, 597.

Heberte, Gilbert, master of ship of Dieppe, 343 (p. 380).

Heidelberg, Bishop of Cologne at, 729.

Heilbronn, assembly of Protestant Imperial towns at, 714.

Heligoland, Helgaland, English traders not to sail towards, 156 (p. 173).

Helmont, castle of, mentioned, 6.

Hembyse, Embise, Jean de, people of Ghent and Ypres wish for return of, 180.

Heneage, Thomas, Sir Thomas Smith refers to letter to, 460;

Smith desires his wife to pay debt to, 461.

-, -, letters to, 425, 430, 436, 442, 459, 475, 497.

-, —, daughter of above, 497.

-, Mrs., Sir Thomas Smith desires interpretation of his dreams from, 422;

mentioned, 475.

Hennin-Liétard, Jacques de, Baron d'Auxy or Haussi, brother of Comte de Bossu, Governor of Alost, plots with Malcontents, 541.

-, Maximilien de, Comte de Bossu, reference to imprisonment of, by Spaniards, 510 (p. 505);

returns to Flanders, 517.

-, -, letter from States General signed by, 61.

Henry II., late King of France, reference to grant passed by, concerning trade with Scotland, 325.

Henry III., King of France, conference with Queen Mother mentioned, 2;

mentioned, 6;

goes to S. Germain's, 9;

rumour of entitling him to Low Countries, 13;

means to go to Dunkirk, 21;

Duke of Ferrara wishes to renew league with, 23;

seeks to send a gentleman to Sweden, 23;

“not yet returned to Paris,” 23;

mentioned, 24;

desires to overthrow the religion of the Low Countries, 31;

well inclined towards people of Flanders, 32;

displeased at news of attack on Antwerp, 50;

returns to Paris, 53;

wishes to marry Duke of Lorraine to Mme. de Montpensier, 53;

wishes that Monsieur had never entered on “actions” in Flanders, 54;

anxious for Monsieur and his army, 54;

renews league with the Swiss, 54;

receives grant from the Pope, 55;

sends M. de Mirambeau into Flanders, 57 (p. 65);

Albanian Colonels and Captains will levy men for service of, 57 (p. 65);

desires Monsieur to retire to Mézières, 60;

intends to send messenger to Sweden, 60;

vision seen by, 60 (p. 72);

gratitude of, towards Elizabeth, 68;

Nicolson praises Walsingham to, 69;

sends ambassador to the States to promise assistance, 81;

policy of Elizabeth towards, 82;

sends ambassador to Monsieur, 84;

copy of letter of, to Prince and States, sent to Walsingham, 84;

attitude taken by, in affairs in the Netherlands, 85 (p. 98);

offers friendship to Elizabeth, 87;

has received no news from Monsieur, 92;

resolves to send money to Monsieur, 92;

prohibits pamphlet inveighing against Prince of Orange, 92 (p. 104);

gives away Elizabeth's present no advice of the Pope, 92 (p. 105);

demands sum of money to send to Scotland, 93;

policy of, towards Scotland, 93 (p. 107);

Queen Mother dislikes friendship of Minions with, 94;

does not wish to hasten Monsieur's marriage, 94;

increases guard, 95;

lays new tax upon English ships arriving in France, 99;

sends Bellièvre on commission to Low Countries, 105;

Cobham seeks audience with, 105 (p. 122);

Cobham seeks interview with, 105 (p. 122);

Mirambeau promises redress by, to people of Low Countries, 111 (p. 127);

petitioned by Parlement to send help to Monsieur, 112;

said to have granted Prince of Condé two years' longer residence at S. Jean-d'Angely, 112 (p. 130);

said to be preparing forces to send to help of Monsieur, 114;

sends message to Monsieur, 117;

reference to, 119;; Lords of Berne join league with, 119;

Elizabeth writes to, concerning release of Nicholson and Gower, 123, 169;

commission from, to hear requests made by English subjects, 125;

reference to, letter to Elizabeth from, 126;

Bellièvre sent to Antwerp from, 130;

reference to: letters patent of, 133;

wishes Monsieur to come to reconciliation with States, 135;

Bellièvre comes to Antwerp from, 136 (p. 150), 138;

reference to letter to States General from, 144;

Cobham offers to procure help from, for Unton, 146;

reference to letter from Elizabeth to, 147;

goes to the Palais and establishes edicts, 148;

reference to Elizabeth's friendship towards, 149 (p. 165);

petition of English merchants at Bordeaux to, 151;

commands Fleury to receive deputies from Zürich and Berne, 153;

mentioned, 155 (p. 171), 160;

sends money to Monsieur, 165;

forms religious Order des Battus, 167;

gives money to d'Aubigny, 168;

la Mothe-Fènelon brings letters from Elizabeth to, 174;

dislikes Huguenots, 174 (p. 192);

will not consent to Duke of Savoy's enterprise against Geneva, 175;

d'Aubigny would be content to give up support he has from, 182;

Earl Gowry at devotion of, 184;

punishes those who scoff at his new order of Penitents, 186;

intends to publish Council of Trent, 186 (p. 204);

mentioned, 197;

goes in procession of new order of Penitents, 198;

has not yet consented to publishing of Council of Trent, 200;

angry with Marshal Montmorency, 200 (p. 217), 201;

mentioned, 202, 204;

companies of, for Don Antonio, 207;

fears Monsieur's return to France, 216 (p. 235), 218 (p. 237);

desires union between Elizabeth and Queen of Scots, 224;

does not wish Condé to marry Mile, de la Trémoille, 232;

arranges conference to discuss causes of English merchants, 236;

resolves to cause towns to pay new impositions, 237;

goes to Dollenville, 239;

Montmorency resolves to go to war with, 240 (p. 263);

returns to Paris, 246;

Monsieur cannot maintain himself in Flanders without aid from, 248;

returns to Paris, 254;

mentioned, 259;

Gowry sends assurance of his fidelity to, 261 (p. 284);

mentioned, 267 (1);

places garrison in Libourne, 273;

mentioned, 277 (p. 301);

appoints commissioners to confer with Cobham on causes of English merchants, 286;

to take waters in Lorraine, 286 (p. 317);

favours received by d'Aubigny from, 288;

people of Rochelle refuse to receive tax collector sent by, 290;

causes soldiers to be levied in and about Rouen, 293;

mentioned, 297;

reference to resolution of, for order for avoiding piracies, 309;

reduces his household, 309 (p. 340);

allows Don Antonio to coin money for Azores, 310;

mentioned, 314;

Unton hopes to obtain letters from, for his brother's deliverance, 319;

allows victuals to be carried from Calais to Malcontents, 320;

order taken by, with Nesbett, 325;

commands his sister to return to her husband, 325 (p. 358);

suppresses quarrel between Dukes of Guise and Epernon, 325 (p. 359);

approves statement of privilege of Rochelle to admit goods duty free, 326;

Keir has pension from, 327;

Epernon in great favour with, 330;

walks from Paris to Chartres for devotion, 331;

sends for Swiss guard, 338 (p. 373);

intends to make Epernon governor of Metz, Toul and Verdun, 345;

King of Spain “practises” at Marseilles against, 346;

mentioned, 350;

said not to favour Monsieur's dealings in Low Countries, 360;

mentioned, 362;

Prince of Parma sends messenger to, 363;

goes to Metz, 369;

mentioned, 370;

thought to have been sender of help to Cambrai, 371;

Monsieur has small assistance from, 373;

those of Protestant religion thought to be going to make suit with, 379;

sends members of his Council to Queen of Navarre, 379 (p. 409);

intelligence between King of Spain and, feared, 386 (p. 416);

will pass from Mézières to Lyons, 389 (p. 418);

Lord Morton to go to, 389 (p. 419);

taking baths two leagues from Vienna, 393 (p. 422).


when Duke of Anjou, mentioned, 429 (p. 452);

Elizabeth sends token to, not wishing him entrapped, 500;

to be asked not to send heip to Don John, 515;

places favourites in best posts, 527;

castle of Beaucaire to be rendered to, 527 (p. 517);

receives Monsieur, and will shortly go to Lyons with him, 528;

mentioned, 556, 557;

de Vrey confers with, 563;

Monsieur will meet at Fontainebleau, 563 (p. 533);

unwilling to go to war with Philip II, 563;

gift made by, to Monsieur, 604;

ambassador to Emperor from, 605;

Monsieur will communicate message only to, 608;

Monsieur said to be asking leave of, to go to relief of Cambrai, 618;

Spanish ambassador suspects, 621;

will get all possible advantage from all countries, 635 (p. 599);

naval preparations of, 638;

unlikely to be a party to the enterprise against Geneva, 639;

has meetings in Council at Fontainebleau, 657;

probably has intelligence from Monsieur concerning the Low Countries, 664;

Cardinals kiss Pope's foot on behalf of, 693;

ambassadors of, bring grievances of, against King Philip before the Pope, 693;

reference to letters from, 693 (p. 642);

visits Don Antonio in Paris, 702 (p. 653);

Don Antonio tries to get help from, 706 (p. 659);

gentleman from, comes to the States, 708;

returns to Paris, 710;

Elizabeth dismisses ambassador of, 711;

is sending money to Monsieur, 713;

intelligence between merchants and, 722;

Bishop of Cologne asks for help from, 722;

mignon of Cardinal Granvelle goes to, 728;

has no hope of having children, 734 (p. 684);

King of Navarre holds Conté of Foix by homage to, 734 (p. 685);

may fear Monsieur, 734 (p. 692);

reference to alliance of, with King of Spain, 740 (p. 698);

at Meziès, 743, 747;

assures Damville of his gratitude, 752 (2);

approves measures for suppressing pirates, 761;

dealings of, with Bishop of Liège, 762;

treats with Protestant Swiss Cantons in Geneva, 766;

renewal of league between Swiss and, 774;

letters from, 752 (1–9);

commission of, to Soisson, to treat of marriage between Elizabeth and Anjou, 775.

-, letters to,. 752 (13, 14, 15, 16).

-, mentioned under the cipher symbol Bi, 333, 740.

Henry, King of Navarre, to be interceded with, on behalf of Sturmius, 11, 119;

does not see to re-payment of Sturmius, 11;

mentioned, 70;

Calvart comes to Paris from, 148 (p. 164);

Matignon goes to receive Bazas from, 167 (p. 185);

personages from Germany come to, 197 (p. 214);

French King sends “San Martin” to, 198;

at Nérac, 209;

wishes to enter into action for cause of religion, 216;

has conference with Damville, 216 (p. 235);

affairs of, improving, 232;

Saint Martin sent to, 239;

mentioned, 254;

enters into good intelligence with Montmorency, 261;

Colvill expected to treat with, about marriage with his sister, 261 (p. 284);

about to go to Béarn and Foix, 288 (p. 320);

French King writes to, condemning affair at Antwerp, 290;

might be induced to join with King of Spain against Low Countries, 306;

Cobham writes concerning, 310;

French King commands Queen of Navarre to return to, 325 (p. 358);

Gascon gentleman belonging to, causes quarrel between Dukes of Guise and Epernon, 325 (p. 359);

Monsieur wishes, to repair to French King, 327;

mentioned, 362;

people of Flanders desire to have as Monsieur's lieutenant at Bruges, 371;

sends secretary to Duke of Alençon, 379 (p. 409);

Duke of Savoy sends gentleman to, 389 (p. 419).


reference to marriage of, 483, 484, 497, 498;

mentioned, 500;

to govern Guyenne and Béarn, 506;

warning sent by Dr. Beutterich to, 514;

King of Spain seeks to make league with, 517;

desires to maintain what he already holds, and to avoid open war, 527;

efforts made to bring, to King, 528;

mentioned, 563;

said to be coming with forces to succour the States, 607;

agent of, 608;

to command Monsieur's forces in the Low Countries, 611;

at Avignon, 706 (p. 660);

an account of the estates of, 734;

a prince of merit, 734 (p. 694);

mentioned, 752 (4);

asks help from Elizabeth in event of Spanish war, 759 (1);

asks repayment of certain sums, 759 (2);

fears outbreak of war, 759 (3);

reference to condition of places in Guienne Languedoc and Gascony to France, 759 (3);

to interview Don Antonio, 760;

articles of treaty between Duke of Anjou, deputies of Religion and, 769.

-, father of Duke of Brunswick, mentioned, 398 (p. 427).

-, brother to Palsgrave of Neuburg, at Diet of Augsburg, 646, 649.

-, King of Portugal, Cardinal-King, governors appointed by, 57;

mentioned, 559;

death of, 560, 561;

mentioned, 706 (p. 659).

Herbert, John, English Ambassador in Denmark, writes to King of Denmark on behalf of English traders, 381, 382;

mentioned, 390, 391.

-, -, letters from, 348, 357.

-, -, letter to, 383.

Herentals, might be in danger if Eyndhoven were lost, 135 (p. 149);

soldiers desire to be paid at, 155;

Biron takes castle near, 256;

enemy likely to besiege, 294, 386;

enemy's forces drawn out of, 393;

grain to be taken to, 396;

Prince of Parma besieging, 398 (p. 428);

enemy reported to be going towards, 544;

horsemen of, surprised at Hoogstract, 569;

enemy reported to be going to siege of, 764.

Herle, William, letter to, 570.

-, letter from, 635.

Hernandez, Gaspar, frigate of, taken and robbed by English pirates, on coast of Tierra Firme, 505 (p. 502).

Hert, Steven de, owner of ship captured near Gravelines, 196.

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour, Edward.

Hesdin, French troops near, 722.

Hesse, Landgrave of. See William.

Hetherington, Houdrington, Sir John, a prisoner in charge of, escapes from, 504.

Heusden, “Huysden,” Estates' camp to march towards, 121.

Hèze, M. de. See Hornes.

Hickens, William, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

High Ester, tenants at, 491, 494.

Hilson, Robert, English merchant, married to daughter of Peter Kemerlinck, 616 (p. 581).

Hitchcock, Thomas, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Hoddesdon, Christopher, letters and dispatches from, 537, 540, 542, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 552, 555, 557, 569, 572, 573, 574, 578, 584, 585, 588, 591, 592, 593, 598, 599, 600, 601, 607, 610, 611, 612, 615, 618, 619, 621.

Hoemaker, Jasper de, serjeant-major, valiant conduct and death of, at Antwerp, 24.

Hohenlohe-Langenburg, “Van Holloc,” Philip, Count of, reference to his taking of Eyndhoven, 1;

“Hollock,” might have commanded troops in land of Waes, 85;

to bring troops from Guelderland, 121;

expected at Antwerp, 155;

to marry daughter of Prince of Orange, 178, 187 (p. 205), 193 (p. 210);

at marriage of Prince of Orange, 220;

hopes to take Ruremonde, 537;

lieutenant of, 538;

gets troops into Venlo, 539;

said to have overthrown Malcontents, 572; 574;

becomes unpopular with people of Netherlands, 585;

tries to persuade discontented reiters to return, 588;

report of his death, 728;

to marry Prince of Orange's eldest daughter, 731.

-, letter to, 502.

Holland, people of, bent against French, 46;

recalls deputies from Monsieur, 47 (p. 55);

Prince of Orange will go to, if people of Netherlands make peace with Malcontents, 65;

Prince of Orange wishes to reserve for himself, 73;

Prince of Orange departs towards, 92;

mentioned, 110, 111;

war drawn out of, by Brussels, 135 (p. 148);

Gilpin endeavours to learn mind of people of, towards King of Spain, 136 (p. 150);

troubles in, somewhat appeased, 136 (p. 151);

States send deputies to, 155 (p. 171);

news from, 163;

people of, accept Monsieur, 172;

forces from, to succour Eyndhoven, 193;

reference to sentence passed in, on chief of intended factions, 218 (p. 237);

garrison from, assemble at Hoogstraat, 229;

Norris receives friendly warnings from, 263;

Diego Botelho goes to, 272;

said to have elected Prince of Orange as their Count, 276;

Prince wishes to go into, 280 (p. 304);

people of, choose Prince of Orange as their Earl, 295;

Diego Botelho returns from, 298;

mentioned, 305 (p. 333);

choice of Prince of Orange as Earl of, breeds suspicion, 318 (p. 350);

people of Amsterdam and Leyden refuse to take Prince of Orange as Earl of, 347;

State of, wishes to be at Elizabeth's service, 351;

reference to the complaints brought by merchants of, against English captains, 353;

wishes to side with Prince of Orange, 369;

will not yet consent to take Prince of Orange for Earl, 372;

mention of letter from, to States General, 386;

merchandise sent from Ostend and Nieuport to, 397 (p. 424);

States of, meet at the Hague, 398 (p. 428).


Privy Council enquires how many English are in, 499 (p. 498);

Spaniards blame Bossu for revolt of, 510 (p.505);

mentioned, 512;

Don John may accept peace with, 513 (p. 508);

Don John demands withdrawal of Prince of Orange into, 515;

those of, contribute towards pay of soldiers going to Maestricht, 537;

will not ask for help from Monsieur, 540;

Prince of Orange still in, 558;

those of, will send ships to Spain, 558 (p. 535);

ships of war from, repulse the enemy, 572;

foot regiments from, 573;

Princes of Orange and Condé embark for, 575;

those of, send ships to the Ems, 578;

mentioned, 588;

Norris with Prince of Orange in, 598;

those of, with Dode Van Lay, overthrow the enemy, 618;

proclamation to be made, forbidding all sectaries to exercise their religion in, 619;

in league with Zealand and Antwerp, 635 (p. 600);

trade of Merchant Adventurers in, 696;

will not acknowledge Monsieur as lord, 703;

Monsieur's negotiations to be referred to, 711;

treaty papers concerning, 776–781.

Holland, Francis, of Ayamonte, wins towns in Portugal, without bloodshed, 597.

Holloc, Van. See Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

Holstein, Duke of, serving Prince of Orange in, 1568, 405.

-, (?) “Astote,” Duke of, to go to Hainault, 751.

Holtz, Heinrich Von, letters from, 282, 651.

-, Joachim von, at Emperor's Court, 282 (p. 309).

Hondry, farmer, reference to suit between English merchant and, 287.

Honduras, English pirates do much damage on coast of, 505 (p. 602);

ships arrive in Spain from, 585.

Honfleur, “Homflete,” bark of, 343 (p. 379);

mentioned, 480 (p. 484).

Honorius, Emperor, Alfonso Cicharelli imprisoned because he declares he has found Bull of, 9, 699.

Hoogstraat, States' camp to assemble at, 220, 229;

enemy has been at, 305 (p. 336), 372;

loss of, mentioned, 398 (p. 428);

Spaniards still at, 548;

horsemen surprised at, 569;

taken by Spaniards, 764.

Hoogstraeten, Count, Colonel of Low Germans in Prince of Orange's army in, 1568, 404 (p. 432), 405;

leads skirmish against Spaniards, 404 (p. 434);

cruel treatment of, by Spaniards, 510 (p. 505).

Hooke, Robert, ship master, 597.

Hovroleno, Neaodach, under-secretary to Pedor of Shatesky, Russian ambassador, 74.

Hording. See Ordingen.

Horne, Philip Count of, cruel treatment of, by Spaniards, 510 (p. 505).

Hornes, Guillaume de, Baron de Hèze, men of, with Egmont, take Ronsin, 541;

apprehending of, mentioned, 569;

said to have been beheaded in Mons, 592;

reference to trial and execution of, 756;

negociates and signs Accord with Walloons, 778.

Hosius, Stanislaus, Cardinal, Founder of College at Bransberg, 590 (p. 561).

“Hotoman” [qy. Hotman], M., secretary to Earl of Leicester, reference to letter from Waad sent under cover to, 323.

Houfflin, signs for States General of Netherlands, 777.

Houghton, “old Mr.,” death of, 570.

Howard, Thomas, late Duke of Norfolk, Gordon formerly in service of, 362;

reference to treason of, 429, 430.

-, “Ouart” Mr., Marchaumont appeals to Walsingham on behalf of, 15, 56.

Huberts, Everart, Dutch merchant, reference to complaints brought against English captains by, 353.

Huget, Huguet, Hugues, Captain, detained as prisoner at Falmouth, 91, 269;

may be set at liberty, 270.

Huguenots, Gower made to swear not to “haunt into” company of, 170;

French King has no love for, 174 (p. 192);

towns belonging to, to be restored to French King, 186;

said to be preparing to resist Council of Trent, 198;

complaints against, 200;

King fears they will give Aiguesmortes to Marshal Montmorency, 201;

mentioned, 202;

Montmorency reconciled with, 209;

Elizabeth said to have made small account of, 216 (p. 234):

Montmorency will stick to, 216 (p. 235);

Elizabeth wishes for information concerning, 219;

greatly regret de Mouy's death, 232;

would be benefitted by entering into alliance with towns, over new impositions, 237;

King of Navarre thought to be going to have conference with principal persons of, 239 (p. 260);

resolve to go to war with French King, 240 (p. 263);

seek to have money ready in Germany, 261;

fear restitution of towns given them for assurance, 290;

reference to state of, 310;

Monsieur has no great favour towards, 327;

in Languedoc, grateful to Elizabeth, 348;

King of Navarre furnishes his court with, 362 (p. 394);

conference between Queen Mother and, expected to hold good, 527;

Sigura affirms that all Frenchmen are, 694;

fears in Avignon of plot of, 706 (p. 660).

Hulcherath, Hulqueraet, Hulkraet, “Hulsraet,” Castle of, besieged by Count of Aremberg and Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, 206, 714, 715, 719;

orders from Emperor for camp at, to withdraw, 722.

Hull, new tax laid upon ships arriving at Rochelle from, 99.

Hullen, a citizen of, 686.

Hulst, near Courtrai, enemy “make a show towards,” 573.

Humphrey, Lawrence, Doctor of Theology, sent by Elizabeth to meeting at Schmalkalden, 522.

Hungarians, captain of, 538;

mentioned, 565.

Hungary, Turk sends for garrisons from, 243;

Emperor finishes Diet of, 322;

mentioned, 553;

Archduke Ernest leaves, 565;

Emperor goes to diet in, 625;

nobility of, arrives in Augsburg, 646;

better defence of, discussed at Augsburg, 646, 649;

Archduke Maximilian appointed governor of, 675, 693;

Archduke Maximilian solicited to go into, 698;

diet in, to adjourn, 699;

Emperor wishes to make necessary provision for, 699;

Diet of, shortly to begin, 703, 706 (p. 661);

Emperor is in, 732;

Imperial ambassador in, 738;

reference to league with, 738.

Huntley, Captain in States' army, 136, 138;

Norris writes on behalf of, 171.

Huntly, Lord. See Gordon, George.

Hurault, André de, Sieur de Maisse, “Mez,” French Ambassador to Venice, goes to Mantua, 176, 186;

honourably received in Venice, 693 (p. 642);

visits Dukes of Mantua and Ferrara and Marquis of Mirandola, 694;

goes to Solemn Vespers in Santa Maria Formosa, 706 (p. 660);

discourses upon the late events in Antwerp, 710.

-, Philippe, Comte de Chiverny, Keeper of the Seals of France, to confer with merchants of Rochelle, 174 (p. 192);

present at conference to discuss causes of English merchants, 236;

makes his peace with Cardinal Birague, 310;

dealings of, with Scottish merchants, 325;

France “wholly possessed by,” 527;

mentioned, 768.

-, — de, daughter of above, marries Marquis de Nesle, 310.

Huy, Don John at, 513.

Huysden. See Heusden.

Hyrde, —, servant to Walsingham, 69.


Iceland, English traders not to sail towards, 156 (p. 173);

English traders may safely pass into any port of, 382 (p. 412).

Idiaquez, Don Alonzo, eldest son of Don Juan de Idiaquez, Spanish Secretary of State, goes on Spanish expedition to Terceiras 365 (p. 399).

Ilaire, Jehan, signs deposition against English pirates, 255 (2).

Ilsing, Sieur Michael, at Diet of Augsburg, 649 (p. 609).

Imperial Diet, reference to sitting of, at Augsburg. See Augsburg.

India, fleet of, mentioned, 389 (p. 420);

Don Antonio has money brought from, 706 (p. 659).

Indianno, Don, sent to King of Navarre from King of Spain, 216 (p. 224).

Indies, the, 160 (p. 178);

Spanish King's fleet coming from, 304;

Oriental, ships leave Lisbon for, 309 (p. 342);

Spaniards said to have discovered hew land in, 338 (p. 373);

piracies in, 505;

mentioned, 513, 516, 568;

ships from, arrive in Spain, 585;

gold and silver comes daily out of, to Spain, 640;

ship arrives from, 744.

Infantazzo, Duke of, 273.

Ingid, William, of London, statement of, 597.

Inglefield, Sir Francis, in Madrid, 602 (p. 570).

Innsbruck, Cardinal of Austria retires to, 322.

Inquisition, not in France, 7;

Bishop of Malta ordered to appear before, 92 (p. 106);

Huguenots threatened with, 198;

sellers of books in Paris searched and punished after manner of, 200;

not to be established in France, 209;

worse in Milan than in Rome, 240;

those of, receive money from Pyne for Unton, 259;

Englishman in Paris newly delivered from, 331;

reference to Unton's imprisonment by, 349, 355;

Swiss arrested by, 358;

brought into Liège by the Bishop, 662.

Ireland, Lord Grey suspected of intrigue with Elizabeth's enemies in, 47 (p. 54);

ship with ammunition sent from Biscay to, 55;

mentioned, 148 (p. 164);

title of Priory in granted to French Knight of Malta, 167 (p. 186);

Pope sends “religious person” into, 186 (p. 204);

reference to capture of goods of Liberge in, 191;

mentioned, 197 (p. 214);

a chosen Judas to be sent to England from, by Pope, 237 (p. 257);

Romish practices in, 261;

Spanish “army” for Low Countries may come by way of, 327.


mentioned, 409, 449, 456;

enterprise in, 457, 466, 468;

matters of, 474;

Queen's charges in, 492;

mentioned, 493;

invasion of, plotted by Spain and the Pope, 524;

King of Spain preparing army in Italy for, 542;

de Laro thought to have gone into, 560;

Spanish fleet thought to be going against, 561;

barque from Spain sent into, 562;

mentioned, 566 (1);

Spanish army said to be for, 566 (2), (3), (4), (5);

fleet prepared for, 568;

Spaniards said to be going for, 576;

Pope's men intended for, 581;

Bishop of, 586;

Catholics in, mentioned, 590, 594;

Pope's ships arrive in, 596;

doings of King of Spain and Pope against, 602 (p. 567).

Irish, priest coming to England from Rome, 261;

Bishop in Paris, 327;

soldiers, Mauvissière writes concerning, 356;

ready to rebel, 457;

rights of, 468;

English colonels will neither destroy or expel, 472;

money to be given for enterprise, 486;

bishops, 559;

ensigns of, under Busseau, 746.

Isle, Claude de l', Seigneur de Marivaux, 23.

Isle de France, to be governed by M. de Montmorency, 506.

Isle Jourdain, owned by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Issoire, reference to loss of, 734 (p. 690).

Italian, Italians troops of, captured at Eyndhoven, 1, 6, 12;

Jesuits to be sent to Scotland, 10;

2,500 to be embarked in Spanish vessels, 53;

with Prince of Parma's army, suffering from starvation, 57 (p. 65);

in escort of daughter of Philip II, 111;

Prince of Parma treats with Monsieur by means of certain, 115;

for Terceira, 167 (p. 185);

desire to go to England, 197 (p. 214);

treat Bizarri kindly, 206 (p. 227);

at Cologne, 206 (p. 227);

Jesuit, young Queen offended with, 230;

Fentry wishes to go to England in company of, 237 (p. 258), 260;

promises of, not to be relied on, 240;

favour shown to, in England, 247;

permitted to depart from Castle of Wouw, 294;

garrison of, Flanders to be preserved from, 308;

wife of Palatine Laski, 309 (p. 341);

in Spanish 'army' for Terceira, 309 (p. 342);

to accompany Irish Bishop to England, 327;

'provocation,' 330;

'practises' of, for King of Spain in Flanders, 342;

arrested in Switzerland, 358;

Jesuits meet Earl Morton by appointment in Paris, 389 (p. 419);

horsemen under Prince of Parma, 530;

levied for King of Spain. 557, 560;

enter Luxemburg, 563;

levied by Balione, 565;

in Spanish army, 567;

fresh companies of, said to have come to help of Malcontents, 601;

garrisons of, withdrawn from towns, 611;

small troops of, come into Antwerp, 618;

Malcontent nobility in Artois fear the coming of, 629;

arrive at Namur, 643;

troops, pass through Genoa, 654;

march to Low Countries, 656;

to be transported on galleys to Portugal, 657;

soldiers to be transported to Portugal, 662;

ambassador of, mentioned, 677;

in Flanders, leave, through being ill-paid, 694 (p. 644);

soldiers go to Borgerhout, 703;

levied by Pope, 744;

in Mondragon's army, 746;

to be transported to Malta, 749.

Italy, insolence of French in, 51;

report that Spanish King's policy will endanger princes of, 60 (p. 71);

King of Spain's daughter said to have arrived in, 111;

Spanish King's ministers buy weapons and armour in, 148 (p. 164);

evil treatment of English subjects in, 197 (p. 213);

marriages talked of in, for Duke of Lorraine's daughters, 239 (p. 260);

letters from, 239 (p. 261);

Piero Strozzi comes to England from, 247;

Unton detained in, 259;

King of Spain brings forces from, to assist Bishop of Liège, 290;

new practices in, against England, 345;

Prince of Parma said to be going to, 360;

Popish Princes of, mentioned, 386;

mentioned, 398 (p. 426).

Addenda: 405, 407, 510 (p. 505);

Spanish domination in, in danger of being shaken, 513;

forces of, preparing to join Prince of Parma, 516;

King of Spain prepares army in, 542;

ships from, arrive in Spain, 561;

noblemen from, go with Spanish fleet, 566 (3);

mentioned, 567;

Duchess of Parma to go to, 621;

Archduke Ernest going to, 693;

rumour in, of league between Pope, King Philip, and the Duke of Florence, 693 (p. 642);

news from, 699;

money to be sent into, 706 (p. 659);

party of King of Navarre has been assailed by, 734 (p. 690);

news from, 744;

Turkish ambassador offers to conquer, for Charles IX, 749;

Don John de Mendoza has been general in, 751;

King of Spain has troops ready in, 751.

Ivan IV, Vasilievitch, “the Terrible,” Czar of Russia, Emperor of Moscovia, “the Muscovite,” reference to negotiations of Antonio Possevino with, 54;

reference to, in letter concerning trade between England and Denmark, 145 (p. 160);

King of Poland makes peace with, 193;

“Grand Duke of Muscovy,” 253;

reference to war between King of Sweden and, 303;

Sir Jerome Bowes sent on embassy to, 340;

Elizabeth anxious for treaty between King of Sweden and, 374;

said to have followed and slain Tartars at Moscow, 412;

ambassador of, at Diet of Augsburg, 647;

possible marriage between Prince of Transylvania and a daughter of, 698;

reference to peace made by Pope with, 715;

capitulation between Grand Duke of Livonia and, 750.