Elizabeth: June 1583, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Elizabeth: June 1583, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp396-408 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1583, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp396-408.

"Elizabeth: June 1583, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp396-408.

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June 1583, 11–20

June 11. 364. William Harborne to Walsingham.
On the 11th 'past' I wrote you amply of such occurrence as here passed; the copy whereof, on the 18th following, I sent by the good ship called the Susan, then departing; which God prosper. In both these I used no cipher, persuading myself of safe conveyance. In her I sent you a dozen of coloured cordovan skins, being the best time offered; which I beseech you (although unworthy) may be accepted with that honourable affection you have ever conceived towards my simple proceedings; for which, and not less your piety and favour towards my poor aged parents, resting more 'redevable' than I can by any means express, I shall not cease daily to crave of the Almighty to grant you full proportion of His divine graces, accompanied by continuance and increase of most honourable estate, etc.
Since I doubt not that one or both of my former will be presented to you. I do not herein include any copy. What has happened since is the following.
Sundry complaints against Achmet Aga, an eunuch, Bassa of Alexandria here heard, have provoked the Grand Seignor to send another in that place by sea, in 'conduct' of the Admiral; whereof he advised fled thence overland having 'formerly' sent by sea his treasure, which the Grand Seignor has taken, and sent, to meet him on the way, the Master of his Horse, with charge to strangle him. The detestable cruelty and insatiable avarice of this man have been extreme, which God, the just judge of the oppressed, revenges; according to the singing of the Greek Euripides; Ultio ultionem vocet, et caedes caedem.
The Admiral returning from Alexandria, with thirty galleys, giving out 'to go for' Algier, passing by Candie, through treason of certain Greeks, thought to have taken Canea; whose pretence discovered, caused the departure thence of the one, and just, severe execution there upon the others.
Here beginneth some difference between the chief of their religion, striving for preeminence of place; which God grant may continue, to the discovery of the false prophet's blasphemy, and increase of true religion. Which if it do, I shall by my next largely certify.
We have not 'understood' anything out of Persia since my last, 'either' from the General Ferat, who last departed.
John de Marilano's servants are departed with a safeconduct for the coming of their master, to whom they carried from the Viceroy sundry presents, in lieu of a very fair diamond esteemed worth six hundred pounds, delivered to the Viceroy from him; for hope of gain has between them knit great friendship and promise of league. If the war in Persia cease, the Grand Seignor will never hold this but to his advantage; for both of them allow of that ungodly sentence: Nulla fides infidelibus tenenda.
The Tartar, denied his tribute by the King of Poland, has determined to invade his country; whom the King of Poland preventing awaits with a great army on the confines of it. But since the Grand Seignor, needing the aid of the Tartar against the Persian, is sending him treasure, and requires the King of Poland not to invade his country, which by his ambassador he has promised,' so far forth' as he do not hereafter demand any tribute and not molest his country, which the Grand Seignor promised for the Tartar, and the king accepteth.
The French and Venetian ambassadors (fn. 1) are now very quiet. With gifts the Venetian ambassador has 'procured' the Viceroy wholly his, which with time after the like sort [I] must seek to make mine; for it is common with them to use both hands, and give good words to both parties.—Pera, 11 June 1583.
Decipher interlined. Add. Endd. (21 Junii). 1 p. [Turkey I. 7.]
June 11/21. 365. P. des Roues to Walsingham.
To the letter which you were good enough to send me on January 6 of this year I replied a few days after I received it, namely on March 13; whether it ever reached your hands I do not certainly know, for Mr. Gilpin, to whom I directed it, has signified nothing to me from that time. Among other things I mentioned therein that I had compiled an epitome of my work, which I intended to bring out about Easter. But some of my friends dissuaded me from so doing, judging that it would be better for me to publish the work itself, wherein all things might be set out more clearly, more at length, and more explicitly. For certain reasons therefore I fell in with their opinion, and have in the mean time more diligently hammered (excussi) and revised my work; and by the Emperor's orders have dealt in regard to it with certain persons deputed by him. He is at present two miles away from hence in order to recruit his health; when he comes back to us at Vienna, and I have dealt with him about the thing as revised, I have decided to publish my work. I will not omit (? committam) to transmit one or another copy to Mr. George Gilpin, to 'communicate' to you.
While Mr. William 'Wath' the Queen's envoy to the Emperor, was getting ready to depart hence, I returned from Hungary. I approached him chiefly in order to have an opportunity of writing this, and dealt somewhat with him concerning my Rotic 'foenus sive census sine censu.' He wondered at my putting so much labour into that study, and mentioned that his father had worked somewhat at it, and some days before had pointed out a way of abolishing usury. I think that when my way is compared with his, there will be a great difference in the means of so doing. For the Monti di Pieta, in frequent use in Italy, and the Thesauri Rotici of which I introduced the use, differ in both form and effect. Usury is not removed by Monti de Pieta, though diminished. The Thesauri Rotici entirely abolish usury arising from a true loan. But time will disclose the truth. So convenient an occasion of writing being offered I neither could, nor ought to neglect it; and I beg you to keep me in her Majesty's favour, as you put me into it.—Vienna, 21 June, 1583.
Add. Endd. Latin. 1 ½ pp. [Germany II. 69.]
June 13/23. “A relation of divers sorts of ships, seafaring men, and men of war, which do go in his Majesty's Army for the taking of the Isles of Terseres; over which Army goeth general the Marquis of Sancto Cruce, and departed out of the river and Haven of Lyshbon the xxiiith of Juue, 1583.”
There is in the said Navy 98 ships, viz.:
2 Galliasses with 496 rowers, 188 mariners, 315 soldiers.
12 Galleys armed, with 2,212 rowers, 612 mariners, being galleys of his Majesty's own band.
3 Great ships, with 290 mariners, 520 soldiers, being altogether of the burden of 2,200 tons.
2 Gallions, with 180 mariners, 486 soldiers, being of the burden of 1,546 tons, appertaining to the Marquis of Santa Cruz.
3 other great ships of the province of Guipuzcoa and Biscay, of the burden of 5,450 tons, with 671 mariners and 2,545 soldiers.
4 Venetian ships of the burden of 2,342 tons, with 227 mariners and 1,558 soldiers.
1 Great ship of Portugal, of 498 tons, with 47 mariners and 274 soldiers.
2 Ships of Genoa, of 898 tons, with 87 mariners, 374 soldiers.
3 ships of 'Catalumia' of 2,191 tons, with 203 mariners, 801 soldiers.
2 ships and 5 small barks of Castro and Urdialis, with 237 mariners.
4 small barks of Guipuzcoa with 110 mariners.
15 small barks for landing men, with 311 mariners.
14 carvells of Portugal with 148 mariners.
7 small pinnaces for discharging things, with 42 mariners.
The provision of victual which the said Navy carries:
35,500 quintals of biscuits—250 quintals of meal—4,900 pipes of wine—450 pipes of cider—3,520 quintals of bacon—1,530 quintals of cheese—85,500 lbs. of salt beef—2,600 barrels of tunny—580,000 pilchards—1,550 quintals of rice—1,500 'hannecks' (i.e. fanegas) of beans—1,500 'hannecks' of peas—3,350 roves (i.e. orrobas) of oil—280 pipes of vinegar—4,700 butts of water—7,600 small barrels of water.
The particular persons which go with the Navy:
The Marquis of Santa Cruz is captain-general over the whole army.
One Lope de Figueroa is general of the camp.
Don Francisco de Bovadilla.
Don John de Sandoval, second son of the Marquis of 'Denya,' governor over 15 companies of Spanish foot of the garrison of Portugal.
The Conde de Lodron, with 4 'ancients' of Almaynes and 3 of Italians.
Persons who have charges in offices:
Don Georgio Manrica, muster-master of the army.
Michael de 'a Guerre,' treasurer of the navy.
Adventurers that went in the same Army:
Don Pedro de Toledo, Marquis of Villafranca, and Duke of Ferrandina.
The Marquis of Favera.
Don Pedro di 'Panelea.'
Don John Manrica, second son of the Duke of Najara.
Don Christopher Erasso.
Don Francisco Perenot.
The Count of Santa Cruz.
Don Philippo de Cordeva, son to Don Diege de Cordeva.
Don Alonza Idiaquez, eldest son of the Secretary.
Don Huge de Moncada, second son of the 'coundy' of 'Itons.'
Don 'Lowes' de Sandoval, of the Order of Calatrava.
Don Alonzo de Turois of Portugal, second son of the Count of Villar.
Don Godfrey de Mendoza, Lord of Lodasa, of the Order of Calatrava.
Don Pedro 'Henricus,' of the county of Samora.
Don Pedro Ponce de Leon, cousin-german of the Marquis of Santa Cruz.
Don Diego de 'Vassan,' of the Order of St. John, son to the Marquis of 'Vassan.'
Don Felix de Aragon.
Don Antonio 'Henricus,' son to Don Henrico, his Majesty's steward of the Order of St. John.
Don Alvaro de Venavedes, cousin-german to the Marquis of Santa Cruz.
Don Pedro Ponce de Granada.
Don Lewis Vanegas, of the Order of Santiago.
Don Martinez de Recalde, of the Order of Santiago.
Captain John de Urbena of the same Order.
Don Alonzo di Roias.
Don Gonzalo 'Runquelia' of Arevaleo
Don Rodrigo Manrique de Almagro.
Don Pedro de 'Aquonio' of 'Ubitha.'
Don Gonzalo de Guaverra de Segovia.
Don Hernanda de Agnela de Avila.
Don John de Granada de 'Valadeleth.'
Marcello Carrecolo, gentleman, of Naples.
Captain Rodrigo de Vergus.
Captain Marolen of John de Arrogos.
The number of the whole of the Army:
The Marquis of Santa Cruz, general of the army.
The 4 masters of the field.
2 persons of charge and offices.
Particular persons of lords and gentlemen—32.
Persons allowed by his Majesty to attend upon captains, ensigns, serjeants and others—132.
Seafaring men—3,923.
Gentlemen and other particular persons, 'Portingales'—120.
Likewise there are to be embarked in this Navy 2,600 men of those in the garrison of the Islands of St. Michael.
All which men, beside rowers, are in number 15,659 persons.
Artillery and munitions for the said Army:
978 pieces of artillery, great and small; 1,500 quintals of powder; 1,500 quintals of match; 500 quintals of lead; 100 quintals of shot for musket; great store of iron shot for the ordnance; 1,000 spare harquebuses, besides those the soldiers carry with them; 400 spare muskets after the same order; 1,500 spare pikes; wild-fire and other engines of firework, great store; great store of 'toles' and instruments to fortify withal.
Endd.; Copy of the relation of the Spanish king's power to the Terceres 1583. 3 pp. [Spain II. 3.]
June 13. 366. Duke Casimir to Walsingham.
I will not amuse my self here by telling you at length the reasons which have moved me to wait so long before writing to the Queen on the occasion which you will see in my letter to her, and which this bearer, Herr John Christopher Schar of Schwarzburg, has orders from me to explain very fully to you; to whom you will give credit as to myself. This will only be to beg you to display at this moment all your affection towards the advancement of God's glory, and to employ all the good offices of the friendship which you bear me to influence her Majesty to grant me what this bearer will request of her in conformity with my letter, for the maintenance of the estate of the Elector of Cologne; on account of which we have been constrained by the proceedings of our enemies, to make up our minds to fight after using all the means in our power to arrange it by gentle methods.
Nor will I go to any length in declaring to you the importance which [sic] this business is for the Churches throughout Christendom. This is what we principally have in view, and to ensure the repose of the Empire in this matter in such wise that it may not easily be disturbed hereafter. I pray you therefore, seeing that my personal interest also is at stake, for the charge which has been committed to me of commanding the forces, to be so kind in the matter that this bearer may have a good and speedy dispatch, and to ensure always my active desire to do you service.—Friedelsheim, 13 June 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 p. [Germany II. 70.]
June 14. 367. P. Beutterich to Walsingham.
The gentleman who bears this is one of such intelligence (tant accord), and you have no doubt so many advices from all quarters about the affair of Cologne, besides the 'vivacity of your discourses,' that it would be an unseemly thing for me to entertain your eyes with the reading of too long a letter. I will only say that the business is just, very useful for the furtherance of the Religion and the liberty of the States professing it, and more than necessary for those who desire to maintain themselves against the terrible assaults of the common foes. I tell you further that on the assistance of your Queen depends the fulness (comble) of all the good that can be hoped for. My lord has such confidence in her that he includes as it were in his reckoning (met comme en ligne de conte [sic]) that which he hopes for from her; which is little in comparison with what she can do, and has heretofore done in the case of others. In short, 12,000l. sterling, coming from England, under the title of a loan, will put us out of great trouble, and set our affairs on a firm footing. You can do much therein, and I am assured you will be willing, for I measure you by your procedure (le pied qu' avez tenu) in the past. The gentleman who bears this is honourable. He has not acquaintance (communication) with our affairs except what has been explained to him for this business; which I mention that you may know what he is.
I am off to-morrow to meet our French troops, and bring them down here as soon as possible. Our reiters are fitting out. All goes well, if you give us the small assistance we desire, which is so little for you, much for us.—Friedelsheim, 14 June 1583. (Signed). P. Beutterich zu Neydenfels.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germany II. 71.]
June 14/24. 368. Mendoza to Walsingham.
Of the Portuguese ship which has been brought into 'Oliet' [qy. Holyhead] was master a Portuguese, who by advice of the Ambassador, Antonio de Castillo has renounced and left his case (part) in my hands, as minister of the king my master, to demand justice against those of Tercera in Portugal [sic]. And because it appertains to my charge to send clearly to Portugal the accounts of the goods that came in the said ship, I have sent to tell William Van der Meiden, a Flemish merchant, who has a procuration to recover part of the said goods, to complete the accounts. This he has not, in eight months, thought fit to do; wherefore I beg you to give orders to the Judge of the Admiralty to command him to make up the accounts and give me a copy authorised by the said Judge, to send to Portugal. Herein you will do me a singular pleasure. The rest I leave to the bearer.—London, 24 June 1583.
Add. Endd. with precis of contents by L. Tomson. Fr. 1 p. [Spain II. 4.]
June 15. 369. Geoffroy le Brumen to Walsingham.
This young man the present bearer has lived here a long time, and learnt his profession. He is determined to become thoroughly accustomed to it, and take a share in it here, which he will not easily do unless he is naturalised and receives letters of denization. The case is before the Lord Chancellor, and I expect you to favour him with a letter of recommendation to the Chancellor, in order that he may get it on the payment of the usual dues. I am sorry to importune you so often, but your goodnature and kindness towards poor folk is the cause why [car] I am the bolder. He comes of good parents, who have always lived in the fear of God. He too will remain your servant for this benefit.
I have spoken with the surgeons who opened the Earl of Sussex. They told me that the intestine was all ulcerated [rongé] more than three fingers upwards, which shows that the disorder greatly needed the balsams which I wanted to administer and had prepared with that view if I had not had a reason for withdrawing from it, as you know.
Madame de la Noue has returned to France. It seems that the Estates of the Low Countries want to divide, and each wants to take sides in it; Holland and Zealand for the Prince, for Monsieur what he can get. It would be a great disaster for them.
The king has gone to Metz, to put M. d'Épernon in possession. Messieurs de Guise are daily 'practising' the nobility, and especially the échevins and magistrates of the towns. That is the news which we have at present.—London, 15th June 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 ½ pp. [France IX. 126.]
June 15/25. 370. La Motte to Lord Cobham.
Having received yours without date, in the form of an attestation that the English vessel and sailors who brought Chartier from your country to Dunkirk were not in the service of the French and the Prince of Orange who are at war with the king, I have had them set at liberty.
For the rest, when the Queen said to you that she found it strange that the secretary of the Duke of Alençon and his papers ought not [sic] to be arrested even in this place, in this particular I will refer to what I have said in other letters. I shall remain, if I can, willingly the Queen's servant, subject to the obligations laid on me. It will be found, when the facts are known, that nothing unreasonable was done.—Gravelines, 15 June 1583. (Signed) Valentin de Pardieu.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 71.]
June 16. 371. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last was of the 9th inst. since which there is nothing to give you to understand but of the great fear that all men still continue [sic] among them in these parts that the Malcontents will before long be masters of all; and surely I see the greatest number wish it so, rather than to be under the government of the French.
The meeting at Ghent of those of Flanders is all done; and there it seems they have agreed to receive Monsieur again upon certain conditions; amongst which one is that they will have the King of Navarre to be his lieutenant here. This has made the gentlemen the better to yield; for if they do not like all the rest of the conditions, they like that point very well. But it is greatly feared that the King of Navarre will not take it upon him.
Also next Tuesday the Four Members of Flanders, each by itself, will assemble all their commons together to give them to understand what is done at Ghent and have their consents to it.
By letters from Lille is written that the Queen Mother of France has victualled Cambray with 300 waggons, and has sent into it 400 horse and 400 foot; and since coming thither they have overthrown a cornet of Albanese that lay at Douay. They have besides taken again three of the forts that stood on the passages to Cambray. They write further from Lille that though the Queen Mother 'bears the name,' it is thought it is the French king's doing.
Monsieur is still at Dunkirk, where he is preparing to depart thence into France. Yet some think he will not depart at all.
At Tournay, Lille and Corttrick there is great preparing of many things for an enterprise upon some town; which is thought to be Meenen or Dixmude, both which are of great importance, yet are but slenderly furnished with victuals, men and munition.
As yet no governors are chosen for Lille and Corttrick; for the Prince of Parma seeks to place some Spaniards governors of them, and the towns desire to have some gentlemen of the country.
Captain 'Boyed' a Scottish gentleman, is made Governor of Meenen, and also colonel of all the Scots of Preston's regiment.
The Malcontents in every town of Artois and Hainault make great shows of gladness for the victory that they hope to have of this side very shortly. So it seems they make account that all will be theirs; which they can do very well, for surely it is very likely it will be so.—Bruges, 16 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 63.]
June 16. 372. Gilpin to Walsingham.
I neither have any worthy matter, nor have I heard from you since April last; and yet cannot forbear troubling you with my rude writing as occasion presents. In my last I touched briefly upon the news of the enemy's overthrow given to the States' men, which were summarily certified hither by men of credit, lying at 'Tortoll,' a league from 'Barrow.' But it is since affirmed not to have been so great, though in very deed our nation felt the most loss. The cause or chance of it is so diversly reported of that I am loath, understanding here nothing but uncertainties, to molest any persons with the reading; especially yourself to whom I hear the particulars are written at large by divers from Antwerp. Emulation, envy, and hatred breed dissensions and factions, which cause disorders, and impeach all good government. God, I beseech, send such care to all that profess the knowledge of His true word, that their outward show and inward minds may be as agreeable together and conformable, as the duty of Christian love and charity requires.
The enemy has since retired to Hoogstraet, with intent, as is thought, to besiege the 'house' there, which he summoned, and upon refusal will bring the cannon to it.
Other parts rest the while in more quietness, save that about Cambray, as is written from Lille, the Malcontents have taken most of the forts, and so distressed the place that none can come thither without great danger. Yet some say it was of late victualled and succoured 'of' all necessaries by the French; but there are others that verify the contrary.
They of Flanders await the assembly of the States-General at Antwerp, to know what will be resolved touching the receiving again or refusing of Monsieur. But they of Holland and this Isle are not yet departed thither, being still busied to determine about the accepting of the Prince for their earl; to which this town, and Amsterdam in Holland, will not yet condescend, unless they are restored to their ancient liberties. This refusal many judge to be done in policy, to the end the other provinces may not draw back from joining with the States, 'doubting' themselves separated after a sort from those they most trusted to. 'Once' great alterations are expected, and the miseries of these countries to man's judgement rather increasing anew than diminishing.
I send herewith a copy of the letter sent by them of Holland to the General States; delivered to me so late that I could not have it copied out as fair as duty required, which I beseech may be imputed to the shortness of time.
The enclosed letter comes from one of the Earl of Embden's doctors, who at both times I was with the Emperor was also there, and most ready on all occasions, both by his counsel and otherwise, to yield me assistance; for which also 'at either voyages' I had care to see him honestly gratified. He professed great good will to our nation, and readiness to do you service, which in some respects he could have done, being very 'great' and familiar with the Spanish Ambassador at the Emperor's Court. But however much I urged some matters, I found a kind of fear and doubt in his willingness and dealing. He is a Hamburger born, and promised me to take in hand a practice to induce that town to receive our Company again, so the burghers of that town might be received and entertained in England. To this I encouraged him, both by words and letters, all I could, but have not as yet heard from him of any matter of moment. I therefore wait to understand if his letter tends to any such subject.—Middelburg, 16 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 1 ½ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 64.]
June 18/28. 373. The Duke of Anjou to the Municipal Authorities of Bruges.
Our long patience and spending of time (temporisement) in this very inconvenient place, where the contagion of a very evil malady holds us still in great suspicion and personal risk, should make you judge what our inclination is towards the welfare of the country. We have always closed our eyes to every danger in order to await the deputies of the States-General, who were to come and visit us, as they are bound to do by the terms of the treaty of Dendermonde, immediately upon our arrival here; whereof many good hopes have been given to us without result. Hereof we feel great displeasure, more for the loss of the time which should have been employed in fighting our enemies, than for any inconvenience, however great, that we may have incurred. Finally, when the 2nd of this month, which has been fixed for their arrival, had passed, being informed that nothing was any more settled than three months ago, in order to deprive our enemies of all hope of mastering Cambray on one of these opportunities so well suited to their design, and after the numberless representations which have been made to us by the magistrates and inhabitants to stand in the way of their approaching ruin, we resolved to go thither in person. To this our honour and our promise are engaged; and if we reckon the importance of the place, you will find that it concerns these countries so closely that the loss of it would be more ruinous on this side than that of any other. Furthermore, an appeal is made to us by our lady mother to repair to a place where we may be able to see her; which we deeply desire to do; both as a duty, and for the hope we have of treating with her on the affairs of these countries, and that on our letting her know the inconvenience caused to us by the small assistance which we have from the king, she may be persuaded to procure from him a succour more assured than in the past. Thus in this short journey we hope to do something which will be of very great use to you and the public.
Hereof we have thought good to advertise you, besides what we have written to the States, to beg you, during our absence, to bear a good hand that no alteration take place to the prejudice of these countries, since there is nothing in this business which may not turn to their advantage—not to ours, who only bear the cost, the risk and the trouble of it; from which, being by birth such as God was pleased to make us, we might easily have been dispensed. This we hope you will in your turn recognise by some demonstration worthy of our authority and rank; considering more the examples of the magnanimity of princes than any other private inclination. This makes us the more resolved to continue our enterprise of the restoration of your ancient liberties and splendours, which we would above all things have in special commendation; assuring you that we shall be always ready to be in this place at the moment when the States shall advertise us that they have fixed a date for the arrival of their deputies; or if not, and if we are compelled by the operations about Cambray to stay there longer, as will happen in matters of that kind, in that case we doubt not but they will be kind enough to come and find us there, where they will be as honourably received as in any town in the world.
It only remains to commend to you the entertainment of the army commanded by Marshal Biron which upon this departure might take occasion to disband, from the necessity they are enduring rather than for any other cause. You know how very necessary it is to you; and that the occurrence of such a disaster could never be more inopportune than now; which makes us entreat you, with all affection, to give it the means of remaining together to serve the public weal, and to show favour to the marshal, who, if he is assisted as his virtues deserve, will keep it up by his presence and authority. This is what we hope from you, and all favourable assistance in what may concern us.—Dunkirk, 25 June 1583. (Signed) Francois: le Pin. “To the burgomasters, échevins and Council of Bruges.”
Copy. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 65.]
June 19. 374. “The Addition unto her Majesty's instructions given to Sir Jerome Bowes deputed her Ambassador to the Emperor of Moscovia.”
Her Majesty being very careful that some good accord by her mediation might grow between the said Emperor and the King of 'Swethen,' and being given to understand that the king, having had some advantage in these late wars between them, is drawn by the victories he has gained to stand upon some nicer terms of reputation than otherwise he would, whereby it is to be doubted that he would be loath to send any ambassador to the Emperor to his town of Moscow, according to such direction as is mentioned in the instructions signed by her Majesty, as a thing that in the opinion of the world the same would be interpreted [sic] as though he sought the peace, which might breed in the Emperor a disposition to stand upon harder terms, her Majesty has therefore thought meet that you should persuade the Emperor, in case you shall find him inclinable to give ear to her motion for mediation of peace, then propound to him [sic] that there may be some such place chosen upon the confines of their dominions, subject to some other princes who stand indifferent, as a person neutral; where without touch of either of their honour, the treaty may proceed a great deal more aptly than in either of their kingdoms or dominions.
In case the Emperor shall assent to this motion, as a thing grounded upon due respect had of either of the princes' honours, it is thought meet that you shall advertise the King of Sweden thereof.
And as for such difficulties as may fall out and hang undetermined for lack of the mediation of some neutral, you may offer the Emperor on her Majesty's behalf that she would be glad, in case he can be content to make her an arbitrator, to interpose her mediation in qualifying such difficulties, in case he may be induced on his part to refer them over to her. Whereof if you shall find he has any liking, her pleasure is you shall advertise the king thereof, and learn from him whether he may like (?) thereto. And so both being drawn to the motion, you may persuade the princes, the one by speech, the other by letters, to be content. In the mean time, until the difficulties may be considered by her Majesty, and her judgement set down for the qualifications of these as may stand with due regard to 'the either' of their honours, you shall move them to be content to yield to an abstinence of arms as long as it is likely—the difficulties of the passages duly considered—that she may return her opinion in that behalf.
And in case you shall be pressed to resort to the place where the treaty shall be dealt in, with the mutual assurance of both princes, you shall for your excuse declare to the Emperor that forasmuch as you have received no directions so to do, you cannot without offence of her Majesty and your own 'particular' assent thereto.
On the other side, if the Emperor shall not yield to have a treaty in some neutral place, but shall insist 'to have' it dealt in within his own dominions, you shall then advertise the King of Sweden of your proceeding with him; both in the one degree and in the other letting him understand how careful her Majesty was, for the regard she had to his honour, to have procured that the treaty might have passed in a neutral place. And notwithstanding she is of opinion that princes, for the avoiding of the effusion of Christian blood and other inconveniences that depend upon the continuance of wars [sic] the king should not in so important a case insist upon ceremonies of place and time and suchlike circumstances, but rather have regard to the 'mater' (?); weighing withal that in respect of the great riches that the Emperor of Muscovy has, and the number of martial men, both horse and foot, in which he is not inferior to any prince in these parts of the world, he ought to be moved to think that a dear and disadvantageable peace is worth more than an advantageable and victorious war.
Draft, with many alterations in Walsingham's hand. Endd. 4 ¾ pp. [Russia I. 5.]
June 19/29. 375. Don Antonio to Walsingham.
I cannot but hope much from the Queen of England, although up to now I have not been very fortunate, since you have so cordially taken up my protection. For this I am so content, that although everything is lacking to me, I remain satisfied. Just now there offers that which you will know from the bearer of this, Jorge de Roboredo. I beseech you, provided it be not distasteful to her Majesty, to favour the business which presents itself; and above all, to send me good news of her health.—Rueil, 29 June.
Add. (seal). Endd. Portuguese Italian. 1 p. [Portugal II. 9.]
June 19/29. 376. Don Antonio to Walsingham.
Though I have not often written to you, I know very well under what obligations I am to you, nor shall I ever forget to remember them and confess myself in the highest degree obliged to you. This is therefore for nought else than to refresh your memory of me, and beg of you to preserve your good will towards me, and send me the best news of your good health, which may God preserve.—Rueil, 29 June.
Add. Endd. ¾ p. Italian. [Ibid. II. 10.]


  • 1. The decipherer has mistaken these symbols, rendering them as Paris and Zante.