Elizabeth: June 1583, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Elizabeth: June 1583, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp381-396 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1583, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp381-396.

"Elizabeth: June 1583, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp381-396.

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June 1583, 1–10

June 1. 345. Cobham to Walsingham.
I perceive that d'Entragues, with his brother, 'Dunnes,' alias 'Dangtraget' [Entraguet] have been sent to follow their suit to her Majesty and the Scottish king, to get their nephew, d'Aubigny's son, to repair into Scotland, to enjoy the duchy of Lenox, with his father's other livings. If they cannot obtain this with her Majesty's favour, (having 'presently' dispatched Smallet to be their means both to the Queen and to the Scottish king, and having requested me to write in that behalf), I hear tell that if they fail of their purpose by this mediation, then they give out that they and their friends will, with their means and forces, attempt to transport their nephew by force; in which hot French humour they are for the present occupied, sending sundry into Scotland.
Those of the papist faction move themselves towards new practices, and meet often 'on their consultation.' They make account the Earl of Argyle will not long remain alive, being 'extenuated' with sickness; whereby, through contention like to happen between the 'tutors' of his children, they suppose his forces will be divided and scattered.
Smallet being favoured by her Majesty to enjoy the lands d'Aubigny gave him, will, it seems, be content to run the course she thinks convenient, for it appears to me that among 'those countrymen,' Et cum fortuna statque caditque fides.
Smallet desires he may be accompanied by one directed from her Highness, whereby he may be admitted to the Scottish king's presence with the letters he carries, written as from d'Aubigny. He wishes to be with his king before Henry Nesbet or any other whom they have sent hence by sea or through England should arrive in Scotland. I have sent Touper to pass in his company that he may observe what they said, and the company that goes with Smallet. I have given Smallet a passport for himself, to repair to her Majesty's Court, with a letter to Adams upon his 'humorous' importunity, since he will in any wise be brought to the Queen's presence in that sort, giving me to understand her pleasure is such. I perceive he has a strong imagination of his own ability to deal in these affairs.
I hear that the French king intends to place the Duke of Épernon in his government at 'Messiers' [qy. Metz], 'Tou' [Toul] and Verdun, with such absolute power that the Duke of Guise seems to be displeased therewith.
I 'am written to' from Italy that new practices are being taken in hand to trouble her Majesty's estates.
Cassiotte is now departed, who before his going hence was by the French king's command with the ambassador of Venice, to give him account of his journey. He declared that the king sent him to Rome about the confirmation and authorising of the Confraternity of Penitenciers; as also to obtain absolution for sundry 'particulars' for gifts of benefices and bishoprics bestowed contrary to the Pope's canons. And that lastly he has instructions to do 'accomplishments with' the Signiors and Duke of Venice and the like with the Dukes of Ferrara and Mantua. I cannot hear tell that the French king minds to return hither before August or the end of July.—Paris, 1 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France IX. 120.]
June 2/12. 346. Henry Unton to Walsingham.
My troublesome and contrary letters I know may make you much marvel. But my credulity has been no cause of this; only others' uncertainty and irresolute opinions have forced me in my letters to be so contrary to myself and troublesome to you. Wherefore I beseech you to excuse me and accuse them. What I gain thereby is nothing but trouble for my pains, and grief upon grief. Therefore if I would willingly 'entertain these occasions' to you, I were little 'respective' and less wise.
My last letters assure you of my brother's delivery and 'short return. The former is true, but the latter not likely, unless it be caused by your goodness. Out of prison he is, but not free; for he is 'in Darby his bandes,' after our English proverb—which is, both in body and purse, not to 'depart Milan.' The forfeiture is 10,000 crowns, too great a sum for him to pay, and for me to give sureties; therefore what course to take I know not unless your wisdom direct us, and your goodness procure some means. I have sent to Rome notwithstanding, to 'labour' his release, for which I have proffered much money to three or four, who put me in good hope; yet have I little probability to lead me thereto. The return of the answers from Rome I only expect, which causes my stay; else had I now returned with Mr. Pyne. But I have sent him, and he has been hitherto fortunate in the enterprise, so in his soliciting you and my master, I trust he will continue. If our hope of you fail us, then is my brother's case desperate, and I hopeless. The particulars of my brother's case, and our petition to you, he will deliver; the effect we beg and expect. Mr. Pyne's most sudden departure does not suffer me to write anything of it; wherefore being leisureless, I may the better (and most of necessity) refer all to his delivery, and commit the consideration of it to your accustomed goodness.
What good opinions they have of me, I will not brag of, yet not conceal. I am offered 50 crowns a month to sell my country; I answer, they wish me to my loss [sic]. Many great promises have also been offered me. In the end, finding no hope of me, they promised Mr. Pyne 'a' 2,000 crowns to procure my coming to Chiavenna and to have me they would deliver my brother. The means how I should have been taken Mr. Pyne will deliver to you. What offence I have given them, or what desert I have in me why they both love me and hate me, I know not, nor mean to try. At my return you shall know much which I cannot and will not commit to paper. I have won one Aldred, the player of my brother's tragedy, to come into England upon your assurance of his safety. He is one in show simple, but better acquainted with Romish practices against England than any. He has delivered much to me, and promised me, upon my writing to him from England, and performance of certain conditions, he will become a right Englishman, whereas now he is but unnatural, and of little honesty. Yet he is one very worth the winning.
Intelligence is lately gone to Rome of devices against the Pope's factors in England, and that her Majesty will stay them and others. If this be, it will prejudice my brother greatly.
I was, not long since, in most parts of Languedoc, where I find those of the Religion very thankful to her Majesty and yourself. They have given me letters to you, wherein they refer the particulars to my delivery. I therefore keep them till my own return, they being to little purpose without me.
The King of Spain is practising at Marseilles against the French king; and they being mal contents, put the French in fear. It is but three weeks since I returned from Marseilles, where I was put in great fear of a massacre, and wished by divers of the Religion there to depart within an hour, which I did. There are 1,000 of the Religion in the town, and they expected every hour either a massacre or banishment; which was true, for 200 were banished immediately upon my departure. The rest 'made friends' to stay.—Lyons, 12 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 1 ½ pp. [France IX. 121.]
June 2. 347. Stokes to Walsingham.
Since my last, of the 26th ult., these speeches have passed here.
The soldiers at Meenen, being all Scots, found themselves sundry times not well used at their colonel's hands, whose name was Preston. Last week the colonel with six of his captains was here in this town, suing for their pay; and the soldiers at Meenen, who are 9 ensigns of foot, each ensign 'to be' 150 men, being malcontent against him, agreed all together to find some out of every ensign to make their complaint to the magistrates of this town aganist him. So they sent 30 of the chief, who came and told the magistrates their griefs on many matters, and especially how much the colonel and captains deceived them, saying there were not 500 soldiers in all their nine ensigns which ought to be 1,350. This complaint, done in this sort, was greatly to the shame of the colonel and captains, to want so many men of their number. They excused the matter as well as they could, and so the magistrates passed it lightly over, and paid the colonel a months' pay, 'after' 150 soldiers to every ensign. When he had received this money, he and his captains with the 30 soldiers rode to Meenen, and the next day he paid his soldiers a month's pay. And within two days after, which was on Wednesday last, the colonel to be revenged took six of the principal of those 30 soldiers that made the complaint to the magistrates and put them in prison. The soldiers with great violence broke the prison, and 'fatte' them out, and so fell upon the colonel, and killed him and his provost-marshal, and gave the colonel many wounds; for he fought with his sword against them as long as he could stand. And the captains seeing this great disorder towards, drew every one to his lodging, and meddled nothing in the matter; and when the fury was done, every soldier came to his captain, and told them that notwithstanding they had done this against the colonel, they would live and die with them in the service of the States, and keep the town against the enemy to the last man. So now the town is governed by the serjeant-major and the captains, and all things in quiet order again. But surely it is great pity of the death of this colonel, for he was a good captain and valiant, and 'one whom the King of Scots has written to the Prince and States greatly in his favour.' The enemy lying hard by, and hearing of this great trouble in the town, sent to the soldiers that if they would yield the town to them, the town of Lille shall pay them all that the States owe them, and give them a great overplus for a reward. But to this they made them a sharp answer, and would not harken to them.
It has pleased God to call to His mercy M. de Rassenghem, Governor of Lille, and M. de Swevinghem, Governor of Corttrick, who were two great enemies to this side.
The speech is here that at Amsterdam and 'Leithe' [qy. Leyden] in Holland the commons in those two towns have 'denied' to take the Prince of Orange for Earl of Holland; and withal have made answer that they will hold King Philip for their earl and prince.
Their meeting at Ghent, it seems [sic] the chief matter that was there handled was about the receiving of Monsieur again, which was long debated among them; but Ghent, Ypres, and the towns under them will by no means, by no persuasions nor reasons, agree to take him again.
The speech is here that those of Ghent have sent to the Prince and States that they find it of all matters most needful to devise some means to make peace with the Malcontents. It surely seems they will do it; and if they do, other towns will follow that course, so there is great fear of disorder between town and town.
Monsieur is still at Dunkirk, awaiting some good answer from the Prince and States.—Bruges, 2 June 1583.
Add. Endd. with summary of contents. 2 ½ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 55.]
June 3. 348. J. Herbert to Walsingham.
Having done my best endeavour to embark at the hour 'peremptorily prefixed 'by Mr. Barnes and Mr. Towerson, it so fell out, 'what' by contrary winds that drove us to linger on the English coast, 'and' through extremity of weather and the inconstancy of the wind, which drove the master to 'hale' into the main seas, I could not attain to this port of Hamburg in 18 days after I parted from you. Such fortune must men abide that commit themselves to winds and seas.
Now being come hither, and so hence to depart by land towards the king, according to the directions of the merchants, I find the charge great, the danger not small, and the journey most of all doubtful, for I cannot have any notice here where to find the king. His whole delight at this time of year is in hunting, and he does not remain above two nights in a place. So I cannot perform this message with such speed as they expect, and perhaps is requisite for their cause. Being in the seas, and meeting certain sail coming from the Sound, they all agreed that eight of the king's ships were already departed into the main oceans and 17 more were in readiness. Thus much I thought good to impart to you at this time to the end you may assure yourself that neither sparing of charge, nor eschewing of danger, nor the incertitude of the king's abode shall cause me to use any delay further than I must of necessity.—Hamburg, June 3.
Add. Endd.; (W. Harbart.) 1 p. [Denmark I. 30.]
June 3. 349. Henry Unton to Walsingham.
My often letters may witness my own desire to advertise you of the success of my journey for my brother's good and my comfort undertaken. I have written to you thrice since my coming to Lyons, and once from Paris. My last from Lyons, dated May 25, can suffice to deliver my knowledge and hope of my brother's delivery. I can add nothing more to it now, for I have no further advertisement. I have found my lord ambassador most favourable by means of your recommendations, for which I beseech you to thank him.
The course of my brother's imprisonment I have unfolded in my former letters, whereof some witness my grief and little hope, the rest comfort and assurance. I daily expect his liberty and short return, his process having been returned, sureties for him procured, and bonds of great sums entered into, without which he could not be delivered; for recommendation and reconciliation and abjuration are the servants attending upon every Inquisition. All this by bonds, sureties, and bribes, the only instrument of his delivery, is avoided. His cruel 'intreaty' has bred him a most sickly body and melancholy mind, which promises me much fear of him; yet it is the consequence of such imprisonment. I am loath to dwell any longer on this matter, my last letter being sufficient to 'ease' you of this relation, which may be cumbersome to your weighty and honourable affairs.
Of our occurrences my former letters also make mention; others since I have none but such as I dare not write, being of consequence, and my letters not safe. At my return to England, which will be within six weeks, you shall know my knowledge. How much I am bound to you for my brother, as he for himself, I had rather my service and his deserts should manifest, than naked words, wherefore we will refer ourselves thereto.—Lyons, 3 June [qy. N.S.], 1583.
[Add. Endd. 1 p. France IX. 110.]
June 4/14. 350. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
I am sending this bearer to make a request to you in a particular case which touches me, in order that I may have my rights of two bankers, Scipio and Hippolito Baiamonti, who have been withholding certain great sums of money from me for a long time with the utmost dishonesty, whereof they are full. I wish the matter to be looked into by commissioners, whomsoever the Council may appoint; and I beg you to beg them from me that when the Baiamonti are arrested they may not be admitted to bail, as the fashion of this country is, to drag the affair out with all the dodges of those who are willing to deceive, but that according to their own writing and the truth they may be made to give up to me what they have of mine, and also the moneys which they lately received at Paris for the Queen of Scots. I beg you also that regard may be had to my quality, and to the post which I hold, and that I may not be treated like the common sort. Other bankers here, I may observe, have also defaulted to me, as you will see by the bills of exchange. And if I demand a penny which is not due to me, I am ready to lose a crown. I am told that they say and boast that if they are assisted to give bail, they will, as they have done, enjoy my money for a long time before I get my rights.
I send the bearer on purpose to tell you all, and bring back your answer.—London, 14 June 1583.
P.S. [crossed out].—I beg you to kiss her Majesty's hands, whom I hear to be much vexed that M. Chartier, secretary to his Highness, is a prisoner. For my part I much regret it, having known him on that journey. He seems to me an instrument very capable of doing some good for the friendship of the King, the Queen, and his Highness, and for attaching them so closely in good accord that many little suspicions which do no good may be got out of the way and do better than in the past. M. Chartier and I looked out for the best expedient, and I wrote very openly of it to his Highness. M. de la Mothe will see in my letters if he opens them that I am not one of those who seek the greatness of the Spaniards.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [France IX. 122.]
June 5/15. 351. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
The States of Holland and Zealand being advertised that in the realm of England representations are daily made against subjects and inhabitants of those countries trading with that realm; and being desirous, for the wish they have to be at her Majesty's continual service, to give her all good satisfaction over the differences that might arise, and that by the management of some person of quality, are now to this effect sending M. Joachim Ortel, the present bearer. And since to fulfil my duty and the office which I hold in Holland and Zealand, coupled with the great desire I have to see all differences removed between subjects on one side and the other, I am beseeching her Majesty by letter, that continuing her accustomed favour to them, it may be her pleasure to receive Ortel and give him a kind hearing whenever occasion requires, taking him under her royal protection. I am sure that she will be the more disposed to hear him, if previously by your good means he may receive the instructions [? addresses] which will be necessary to him. This is why I have thought it well to write this to you to pray you to give entire credence to what Ortel will say to you, and to show him the favour to keep him always commended to her Majesty. I shall receive it in augmentation of my obligations towards you.—Antwerp, 15 June 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 56.]
June 5/15. 352. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
Asking his good offices in the matter dealt with in the following letter.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. 62.]
June 5/15. 353. The Prince of Orange to the Lords of the Council.
It is some time since I wrote to her Majesty about the complaints which Everart Huberts and some other merchants of the County of Holland had made to me concerning two ships which had been taken from them on the sea by certain English captains. I besought her Majesty after giving a kind hearing to these merchants' just complaints, to be pleased to give express order that restitution might incontinently be made to them, both in respect of the two ships, and of the merchandise, artillery, munitions, and other goods loaded therein; as you may see by the appended duplicate of the letter. Further these merchants, in their hope that my letter would bear some fruit for them, have sent a man to England on purpose to solicit this restitution; who notwithstanding his long prosecution of the cause and the great expenses he has incurred there, has not been able to recover any of the property, to the great loss of the merchants, who if justice be not done them will be in great extremity. This has in no way been deserved by them or the people of Holland, for the zeal and affection which they have always had to do service and pleasure to those of the English nation; and they have asked me once again to intercede for them, so that to avoid their complete ruin reasonable satisfaction may be given them. For this reason, considering the equity of their cause, and the obligation upon me to use my endeavours, on account of my position in Holland, and having the advantage of this bearer M. Joachim Ortel, whom the States of Holland and Zealand, and I, are sending to England on other business of these countries, I could not omit writing this to ask you kindly to attend to the matter.—Antwerp, 15 June 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 ¾ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 57.]
June 5/15. 354. The Prince of Orange to the Queen.
Recommending Joachim Ortel, sent to look after Netherlands interests in England.
Add. Endd. 1 ¼ pp. [Ibid. XIX. 58.]
June 5. 355. Edward Unton to Walsingham.
The favours which our house has received by your favourable assistance from time to time make me assure myself of the continuance of the same, in this my unfortunate distress, and have emboldened me at this present to trouble you with these few lines. I am informed of certain malicious reports given forth to my discredit, and that I should voluntarily have yielded myself here into the Inquisition; a thing most false, which the bearer hereof, Mr. 'Piyne', is able to signify at large to you. Wherefore I am most humbly to beseech you to suspend your judgement until such time as by good proof in the end you shall perceive; beseeching God to grant me no longer life than I shall continue a dutiful subject to her Majesty.—Milan, 5 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 1 ¼ pp. [Italy I. 6.]
June 7/17. 356. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
This Irish soldier served my eldest brother, and my nephews who are captains in this Flanders war, after my late brother's death, in whom you lost a servant and affectionate friend. This Irishman is determined, as he tells me, never to do service but to his country and sovereign, and has asked me to write a line that he may pay his respects to you and request you to see if he can have a place at Berwick or any other place where her Majesty keeps soldiers. But as this is a matter which depends on your consideration, I will say no more.—London, 17 June 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France IX. 123.]
June 7. 357. J. Herbert to Walsingham.
Being at Hamburg, and making the best inquiry I could where to find the King of Denmark, not being able to have any notice where he made his abode, I was advised to take the way to 'Reinsborowghe in Holst,' a town and country lately come to his hands; and that he was there occupied in hunting, with the nobility of those parts; with familiar usage, to assure their minds to him. When I came there, they of the town and the captain of the castle signified to me that I should find him at 'Fleinsborowghe,' at the solemnizing of a marriage between Dr. Peter, his doctor of physic, and one of some credit with him in other weighty affairs [sic]. There I found great preparations and great 'haunt' of people, but not the king. Thence I took my journey to this town, called 'Hadersleve,' where he was reported to be entertaining the Marquis of Brandenburg's ambassador. Here remains the ambassador, and the Chancellor Ramells gives him entertainment. But the king 'applies' his pleasure of hunting, and is two leagues beyond 'Collym,' whither I mean to-day to send to him to understand his pleasure for my access to him; for I may not without offence attempt to come near the place where he solaces himself without first craving licence. So I perceive outward ceremonies and compliments will spend some time in these parts.
Being here, I have used the best means I could to have notice of the king's fleet. I perceive for certainty the captains, soldiers, and mariners of this second fleet, to be licensed to depart to their houses, and so discharged. The former fleet are but eight, and very meanly manned. So the Company that trade to Russia need not at all distrust any danger. Thus much I thought good to let you know of my repair hither, and the discharge of the second fleet.—Hadersleve, 7 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 1 ½ pp. [Denmark I. 31.]
June 9. 358. Geoffroy le Brumen to Walsingham.
I have brought from France a little tract about a child petrified (lapidifiè) in its mother's womb, which remained there 28 years; and because I know that the thing is certain, and also that it was composed by M. Dallibous, a very worthy man, doctor to the late Admiral, who was an eye-witness of the thing, and sent the tract to M. de la Noue, I thought that for the friendship you bear to that gentleman, I should do you pleasure by sending it to you. After you have seen it, you can show it to Dr. Baillif. These books are not for sale; he had them printed to give to his friends. The thing would not be believed if they were sold; for many others come out which are for the most part inventions of printers. The child is now in existence (en estat) at Sens in Burgundy, and may be seen there at the house of the surgeon who dissected the mother after death.
I am also sending you a letter from Mme de la Noue, which was with my things (hardes) which I did not dare to have brought into my house. Now I am having everything brought, because there are no more sick, God be praised; and my wife is well cured, and going about the town, the legal period having expired besides.
I forgot to mention Mr. Henry Unton to you, and let you understand how affectioned he is to you. He has found his man, who is going in order to get 'letters of favour' for his elder brother.
I can do no less, considering my obligations to them, than recall to you a notable story of the Bernese and the Swiss over a matter of this kind (pour un tel faict). It is that the Swiss having received as their pay certain jewels from M. de Chatillon, took them to Milan for sale, with his consent. At Milan some of the jewels were recognised by a Spaniard as having been lost by him at sea. He complained to the governor, who would not give him any power to take action in the matter, saying that it had been an act of war, and the things had often changed hands. The Spaniard, seeing this, goes to the Inquisitors and accuses the Swiss of heresy, and also tells them his story, finding means to get them to speak of their religion, in order to get a better hold on them. They straightway go to arrest them as heretics. This coming to the knowledge of the League, they sent an embassy to the Governor. He answers that he was not detaining the men, and that he had even refused right of action to their accusers; but that the Inquisitors had laid hands on them as heretics who had wanted to sow their false doctrine, and that herein he had no power. They should therefore go to the Inquisitors. The ambassadors on this answer returned to their masters and told them what had happened. Straightway the Lords of Berne, Basle, and others arrested all the Italians and Spaniards who were going through their territory to Frankfort Fair, with their merchandise, and imprisoned a good many of them. The news of this being brought to Italy, the Swiss magistrates were promptly sent to; who made the same answer that the Governor had made, namely, that they should go to the Inquisitors, which they did so well that they soon sent back all their Swiss prisoners with all their goods and their costs (coustages) safely and honourably.
There is a story which shows the way to everybody. If the Governor of Milan will not set Mr. Unton free, put the Spanish ambassador here and all the other papists, Spanish and Italian, in prison, and you will soon see their [sic] deliverance, and your State more dreaded, by an equal justice. It is an insult to you that your people should be killed and imprisoned for religion, and that, for certain regards, you did not resent it.
I have made a tedious discourse; but my desire to serve Messrs Unton, ay, and your State too, led me to do it.—London, 9 June 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [France IX. 124 bis.]
June 9. 359. Gilpin to Walsingham.
Since the making up of my other letter, sent away last night, news are come this morning to the States here that the enemy, who made a show towards Maestricht, has cast about on a sudden, and taken the States' camp unlooked-for; so that being 'scant' in order and provided as for the resisting of such a force is required, they were charged and overthrown, most of our countrymen slain, and a great number of others defeated, not without the loss of many of the enemy. The particulars are not yet known. The place where the enterprise was attempted is called Castell. The remainder of the States' men are retired to Steenberghen, and thence towards 'Barrowe,' fearing that the enemy will pursue them, or attempt to besiege Barrowe; for being now full master of the field, he may without fear or danger range over all at pleasure. This is all I understand hitherto, but will not fail to satisfy you farther as I hear the particulars.—Middelburg, 9 June 1583.
Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 56.]
June 9. 360. Stokes to Walsingham.
Since my last, of the 2nd inst., all things in these parts have been very still, so that at present there is little to write of; save only of great fear that all men are in here of the enemy, the Malcontents, who are preparing at Lille and thereabouts to do something in these parts. This they may easily do with a small force, for on this side they have no men here able to do anything, nor yet any good order or government amongst them. Besides they lack specially money to pay their 'few number' of soldiers. So there is great fear that the state on this side is not able to continue long; for never since the troubles began were they in such danger to be overthrown as they are now, which comes for want of a good commander and a good government, which is their only overthrow.
This week good advice is come from France that the French king does not favour Monsieur nor his dealing in these parts; for the speech is here for certain that he will not help him with 'nothing.' This makes the commons the worse minded towards him; yet great speeches are given out here to comfort the commons that her Majesty will help him with men and money.
The Prince has so earnestly wrought that he has brought those of Ghent to treat with Monsieur for his return into their country again, so that they are now drawing out at Ghent certain articles to be sent to him. But forasmuch as the Gentners are so variable in all their doing, it is thought this will not hold; so Monsieur stays still at Dunkirk in hope to be received into the country again. Yet speeches go here that he is preparing to go into France.
Those of Cambray had made ten forts on sundry passages about the town, for the better passing of all things to it. This week the Malcontents sent all their garrisons out of every town thereabouts to the number of 2,500 men, with three pieces of artillery, and have taken all those forts, and put men into them. This keeps them of Cambray so short that nothing can pass in or out; and the town is very splendidly victualled, especially of corn, so that they write from Lille that the Prince of Parma means to besiege it very shortly.
They also write from Lille that the Prince of Parma is going hence to his country in Italy, and that Don Frederic d'Alva is coming hither in his place, to be the king's governor; whose coming greatly mislikes the gentlemen on this side.
The Prince of Parma seeks to make Spaniards governor of Corttrick and Lille, but those towns are great suitors to have some gentlemen of the country to be their governors; which it seems will hardly be obtained.—Bruges, 9 June 1583.
P.S.—'Even presently' letters are come from Dunkirk, from President Meetkcrke, wherein he writes that Monsieur intends to depart into France the latter end of next week.
Also letters are even now come from Lille, wherein is written that the Malcontents have taken a great 'debt' of wine and other victuals going to Cambray out of France, and have slain a great many Frenchmen that came with it.
Add. Endd. 2 ¼ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 60.]
June 9. 361. The Queen of Sweden to the Queen.
Commends the ambassadors who are about to start, to the Queen's favour, and hopes they will convey her own friendly sentiments.—Stockholm, 9 June 1583. (Signed) Catharina.
Add. Endd. Latin.p. [Sweden I. 8.]
June 9. 362. Cobham to Walsingham.
Upon the occasion of Mr. Pyne's passage by, I would not 'leave' to advertise you that Mr. Gordon, cousin to Lord Huntley in Scotland, resorted to me on the 2nd inst. as sent from d'Aubigny's widow, with request that I would do some good offices on behalf of his children towards her Majesty. In this conference he declared to me that he was well known to the Lord Treasurer and yourself, when he belonged to the Duke of Norfolk, professing to have been nourished in the Religion, wherein he remains, he says, well affected. He had 'persuaded' so far with the Lady d'Aubigny, that she 'yielded' to deliver her eldest son to him to be brought up in the Religion, and so to be transported by him into Scotland. He further signified to me that from his tender age he was sent from Scotland by the Scottish Queen to these parts, and had his education maintained with money from her purse. So it may be he bears partial affection that way, through the remembrance of her benefits. My answer to Mr. Gordon was that if Madame d'Aubigny would write to the Queen, I would convey her letter to you to be delivered. Otherwise it seemed to me I could not intermeddle to make such an overture to her. With this he was satisfied, 'pretending' within two or three days to bring me Madame d'Aubigny's letter; which is not yet performed.
I have only signified this to you as an intelligence of what has passed from Gordon to me, in order that if they should proceed further with me I may be commanded how to deal with them to her Majesty's contentment. At the end of Gordon's speeches he desired that if any other Scottish gentleman should repair to me as from Madame d'Aubigny, I would not be [qy. make] known what he had said, nor accept of them, because she meant to pass this matter only by his means.
M. Chassincourt has informed me that Gordon lately made an overture that he would willingly repair into Scotland, if the King of Navarre would write to him to deal in the marriage between the Scottish king and the Princess of Navarre. This purpose of his is held suspected by M. Chassincourt, who mistrusts that the king and the Queen Mother may set Gordon a-work to discover what is meant by the King of Navarre in that matter, and answer Gordon accordingly.
I have discovered that a month before the king's departure Gordon had continually private access to him and so to the Queen Mother, and was much favoured by them. I hear tell, as heretofore I have written, that they intended to 'serve themselves of' him, under the cloak of his religion, to do their business in Scotland according to their will.
Since this, Henry Keir has been with me, showing his disposition on behalf of d'Aubigny's son, and wishing her Majesty would favour him towards his advancement and repair into Scotland; concluding notwithstanding that he desired this no otherwise than should be to her liking, and that he would not repair into Scotland, nor intermeddle in the matter any further than she would permit him. Thus their minds are occupied in their old humour, desiring that d'Aubigny's young offspring might serve to continue their faction; which it is to be trusted her Majesty will not suffer nor 'like of.'
I have been informed that William Shawe, who went in the company of Smallet, carried with him the heart of d'Aubigny, to be presented to the Scottish king. His widow gives out this was done without her knowledge. Smallet did not discourse this to me, but desired me to write to you that they might be dispatched to pass with speed into Scotland. I leave the consideration of his dealings with me to your judgement.
There is come hither Murray, a pleasant servant of the Scottish king, sent with some kind messages to d'Aubigny. He returns to-day.
Cunningham, Lord Hamilton's man, is arived in these parts. He finds his master not yet arrived from the baths of Plombieres.
The new-made Earl of Morton was looked for here in France.
They inform me that the Laird of Fentry will presently repair to Eu, where he is to receive the instructions of the Duke of Guise, and thence pass into Scotland.
The king, as they certify, is at Mezieres, having begun to take the water of Spa, and awaiting the coming of the Queen Mother with the Secretary of State. He shows himself now to be more pleasant in disposition, being contented to see dancing and to dance, which had not 'been used' by him for some months.
It is advertised hither that about the 25th Monsieur will come to Lisieux in Normandy; and reported by some that he will first see the king and his mother; intending to frame a new army, to which purpose he has already written to sundry noblemen and gentlemen. But there is small hope that he will be followed, except the king give out his commands with money.
I have heard that the Prince of Parma has resolved, now that M. Puygaillard has victualled Cambray and put in new soldiers, to besiege the town of Dunkirk after Monsieur's departure, whereby he may have a port, the easier to get intelligence by the 'Ocean sea' from Spain. It is esteemed it will be easily taken, because the captain of it is no great soldier, though held to be valiant
There is come one Winter, of Bruges, cousin-german to Winter who 'lies' in Capello's house in this town. This Winter has had both by night and day great conference with the Spanish agent, and this other day received of him 30,000 francs, to be employed about an exploit in the Low Countries.
They think the French king will pass on to Metz in Lorraine, to have conference with some of Germany.
The King of Navarre is in good health, in Béarn. He has furnished his Court with principal gentlemen of the Religion, and reformed his house. The princess his sister has done the like; accommodating herself to the discipline of the Church, both for her 'exercise' and in the fashion of her apparel and attire. Sundry noblemen, Protestants and Papists, have repaired to the King of Navarre's Court; among the rest the Prince of Gimenes, [qy. Guéméné] eldest son, one of the richest gentlemen in France and of great parentage. There are divers special persons of quality of intention to resort to that Court, and others send their children, understanding the honourable order which is there observed.
Duke Montmorency has entered Béziers with his train and family, having discovered that Marshal Joyener intended to surprise the town.—Paris, 9 June 1583.
Add. Endd. 3 ½ pp. [France IX. 124.]
June 10. 363. Cobham to Walsingham.
They have given me to understand these particulars of Murray, the Scottish king's pleasant servant's, manner and cause of coming hither. He had 'in a merriment' promised d'Aubigny to come to Paris, which the king bore in mind. So of late he caused Murray to come to him secretly, to a house where the king's dogs are kept; when he commanded him to repair to d'Aubigny to assure him that within the space of less 'and' two months he should return to Scotland. Therewithal he plucked off a gold button from his doublet, which stood much about the midst of his breast, and caused Murray to certify d'Aubigny he held him thoroughly beloved in his heart and was most affectioned to him above all other men. For token thereof he sent him that button which was fastened nighest his heart, with many other most kind words. This button by mischance was lost about 'Dancastre,' so that Murray was driven to make another like it in London.
I hear that d'Aubigny twice received the Sacrament from the Bishop of Glasgow's hands; and that the last time was a little before his departing out of this life; after what time 'and that' he had lost his sight, they caused a parish priest to come in with their Sacrament. There were then present Nesbet and others, who professed to be of the Religion, and thereon witness that he would not receive after the Papist manner, they calling to d'Aubigny, who somewhat moved his head only, being in extremity. Whereon I hear there are sundry 'abused' with this disguised proceeding, and for a fuller confirmation of it they have caused a certain testimony to be made by a notary, to confirm his manner of deceasing, with the abovesaid 'abuse.' Thus much is understood from a person of credit and of the popish religion.
This I esteemed it necessary to signify; and perhaps if Shawe is well tried, he can discover this practice most particularly. I wish the truth may be discovered to the glory of God, the safeguarding of His Church, the avoiding of other troubles in Scotland.
I hear the Prince of Parma has sent a gentleman with compliments to the French king, excusing the taking of the king's 'moyles' with his carriages, which were 'rendered.'—Paris, 10 June 1583.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 ½ pp. [France IX. 125.]