Elizabeth: June 1582, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: June 1582, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp98-109 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1582, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp98-109.

"Elizabeth: June 1582, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp98-109.


June 1582, 21–25

June 21. 102. Masino del Bene to Walsingham.
I wrote lately to you, and tried to refute with the best reasons I knew the opinion which you wrote me was held concerning the king's mind in regard to the affair of Geneva and also of Scotland. In order that you may see with regard to Geneva how his Majesty proceeds, you must know that Lucerne was the place where five Catholic—that is, fanatically Papist—cantons held a diet; where, at the persuasion of Phyffer and some others in the pay of the Duke of Savoy and at present perhaps of the King of Spain and the Pope, it was resolved to aid the Duke of Savoy in the enterprise of Geneva. But afterwards, in the general diet held at Baden, the authority of our king was of such force that the representations made on his behalf by his ambassador to that nation brought those five cantons back to the opinion of his Majesty and the others, and the twelve cantons have sent a magnificent embassy to the Duke of Savoy tending to such end as you will see from the copy of the article taken from the original as it was resolved in the diet aforesaid. Those of Bern did not send, being interested in the matter; to whom his Majesty has sent word that he will be ready to observe point by point all to which he is bound by the treaty for the protection of Geneva, namely 15,000 crowns per mensem, and to let his subjects go freely to their aid and service. His Majesty has also written privately to Phyffer and others of the more factious to warn them that if they do not abstain from doing these bad offices towards him he will use all the authority he has with the nation to get them chastised as for a thing that may breed the ruin of the whole. Albeit it appears that the Duke of Savoy persists in his intention; but it is hoped that when he sees the resolution of the diet of Baden, he will take a little more heed to what he does; and the number may possibly increase of those who have found themselves the worse for attacking that nation. Meanwhile he has a report spread in his Court that he has done nothing without well knowing his Majesty's will thereon; which, in order that no doubt may remain, his Majesty will easily cause to be declared by his ambassadors how it is in regard to what was done in full Diet. You may believe me that in this matter the king is walking honestly (ra di buon piede); and that the others are fuming with rage at seeing that contrary to what they thought we are about to ally ourselves more closely than ever with the Swiss. Not being able to hinder it, they would like to stir up civil war among that nation in order that it may be ruined, and we consequently left unsupported (? priri). The Bernese are not asleep, and Geneva is provided with victuals and munitions for a long time, and every day soldiers pour (piovano) thither, with good testimonials from their ministers to their life and valour; nor do they lose heart a bit.
Our king has been amusing himself for the last two months, without however neglecting business.
The Turkish fleet departed at last from Genoa on the 10th. They say that it was going to Negroponte. There had appeared 140 galleys, and others to the number of 200 were arriving every day and taking in biscuit there, in order to start when the general arrived with the commission for the enterprise. This and the other fleet from here are keeping the mind and the plans of the King of Spain in suspense, and gave and will give us much convenience. God grant that we may recognise it.
It is full four months since I pointed out there that it was necessary his Highness provided some good chief, and that if he thought to conduct his affairs in the same way as last year, he was mistaken, and his affairs would go to ruin; that in this kingdom there was no person more to the purpose than M. de Biron, whom I had so disposed that I felt sure that if his Highness asked for him he would make up his mind to serve him in any way soever. On this point I had great difficulty, the gentleman in question being very ill content with his Highness for the small account he made of him. To do these offices with his Highness, I addressed myself to the Prince of Orange, from whom I have never had any particular answer; only in a general way by one of his he tells me that he has received several letters from me full of good advice and advertisements, of which on occasion they will make capital, without however saying anything else to me of it. His Highness has written to the said gentleman by MM. Bellièvre and Villeroy, asking him to write to him, with commission to Bellièvre to press him to consent. This he has done, and has brought back an excellent answer. If his Highness had done it when I advertised him, with a great opportunity for the reiters with a chief like him, there would no longer be siege laid to Oudenarde. I wished to tell you of this, assuring myself that her Majesty will be pleased with it. The gentleman in question has not acted like them; rather he has had a good remembrance of the trouble I took over it, and as soon as he received his Highness's letter, he sent it to me by a Secretary of his, and sent me word that I should go and see him and he would tell me the rest. If I had wished, as they say, to look at the matter minutely, I should long ago have made a retreat with very good cause, which I had done at the time when you were here; but as it is a question of ruining the Pope and the Spaniard, I must at once put myself in the traces again; and in the hands of that gentleman I saw a letter from a personage who guides all the affairs of his profession, in which in these terms he bids him have patience à propos of some discontent of his, and that things between the neighbour and us were in such a state that they could not long stay so.
I beg you to keep me in your favour, and to make in my name humble reverence to her Majesty.—Paris, 21 June 1582.
(In French.) “Touching the warlike movements which may supervene between our allies of Bern and the Duke of Savoy, we have dispatched a notable embassy to go and visit his High-ness, and admonish him to peace, and to withdraw the garrisons which he has placed on the frontiers of our confederates. We have made a similar representation to our allies of Bern. If they have any claims the one against the other, let them dis-charge them by the way of justice according to the conventions that they mutually have. We can in no way tolerate the con-tinned stay of the garrisons on our frontiers, and we hope that both parties will accommodate themselves to our representations. Otherwise our lords and head men (superieurs) will take steps that our common country may remain in peace, and that our neighbours be not disquieted and disturbed.” Extracted from the acts of the Diet; where it befell, very much to the purpose, that our ambassadors happened to be.
Add. Endd. Ital. 5 pp. [France VII. 109.]
June 21. 103. The King of Denmark to the Queen.
We have received your letter in which you aim at testifying to the goodwill which you have shown towards settling the business of Herman Oldensel and John Elmenhorst, citizens of Lubeck, commended to you by us, and then show the reason why it was not your fault that it was not finished. The substance of this letter having by our order been communicated for their information to those whom it concerns, they replied that they would not deny that you put forward no uncertain arguments to show your devotion to their cause, for which they expressed suitable thanks. But if their demands have failed to obtain the issue that was meet, they do not lay the blame on you, but only upon those to whose care and good faith the cause was committed. For they affirm that Sackford, the accused party and their opponent, is so backed by the patronage and good will of his relations, who are in high favour and authority at your Court, that it is hardly probable that the business and the arguments on both sides have been honestly reported to you, much less conducted with them. This they would prove by the fact that you mention on the evidence of others, among the rest, that they would not accept the sum of money offered them unless they obtained from you the right to export 200 cloths free of the usual payment. For they say they did not propose this as a condition in the present business, but by way of a petition, that having been several times spoiled of their goods, and detained there so long over this case, while the exportation of cloth was generally forbidden, they might have leave to send over 500 pieces on payment of your customs' dues.
As for their refusal to accept £66 14s. 4d. as compensation, it was because that sum did not equal the amount of their expenses and losses, much less the value of the plundered goods, and therefore they could not honestly subscribe that condition. Also at that time they declined to prosecute the case further, both because they are unable to bear the necessary expenses, and because the accused with his patrons was their superior in authority and favour, which though it ought not to do so, usually has great weight in judicial affairs.
But since the accused calls for law, not because he relies on law, but that he may entangle the accusers in legal complications and so exhaust them and compel them to drop the case, they have to ask [?] that they may either obtain their rights against the accused without a prolix process of law, or by an order take their case elsewhere to a court which would have fewer suspicions against them. So, as that misfortune betel them in our waters, they have called upon us for permission to have that tried by our leave [?]. We have preferred however to intercede with you again, that you would first see to the clearing up and removal of all the suspicious matters with which the defendant's case appears to be packed; and next, since the owner of a pirate vessel is bound by universal [communi] law to [make good] all property stolen and damage done, even if only a part or none at all has come into his hands, and his agents have fled away, and it is clear that Seckford was the author and chief doer of the crime, and thus the case is plain and open, and needs no further explanation in the law-court, that you would seriously induce Seckford, setting aside any longer delays and other dodges [praestigiis] which he and his patrons are seeking by process of law to compensate them for the goods stolen and damages incurred, and let them have no reason for further complaint, or the adoption of other methods.
Copy. Endd. with date. Latin. 2½ pp. [Denmark I. 14.]
June 22. 104. Duke Casimir to the Queen.
George Zolcher, a citizen of Strasburg, having represented to me the services which he has done, and wishes to continue, to your Majesty, begs me to intercede for him that you would appoint him some annual pension, with the post of courier or messenger to yourself. I beg you to give him a share of your favour.—Fridels-heim, 22 June 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Germany II. 32.]
June 22. 105. Henry Richards to Walsingham.
Tercera, 22 June.—I must let you understand the arrival of Monsieur Landrew [l'Andereau], who came with 8 sail of small ships and pinnaces, in which he brought between 600 and 700 soldiers. Shortly after, in the road here, he brought two ships more, about the burden of 200 tons apiece: one he made his 'admiral,' the other his 'vice-admiral.' Having so done, and refreshed himself and his company, he determined to set sail for St. Michael's, where myself and another English captain called Sackfilde, in two small ships, accompanied Monsieur, being our general. Coming 'thwart' Road of St. Michael's we discovered 6 sail of Spaniards at anchor under the castle; two of them great galleons, being admiral and vice-admiral to the other four sail, they being caravels, yet very well provided. It was agreed by our general to 'put in with' the road, and he to board the admiral of the Spaniards, commanding his grapnel to be cast into the Spaniard, he being off the shore, and 'accorant' [qy. a current] against our general, was [sic] put to leeward, and could not 'fetch up' the admiral, so that he did little good. M. Truite (?), vice-admiral, boarded the Spanish vice-admiral. In boarding, the captain of the French was slain, with 60 or 70 men the most of them slain. She was extremely spoiled with great shot, so that they had great 'care' to keep her from sinking between St. Michael's and this place. There were aboard together [or qy. to get her] 6 only; and for my own part and the English captain, we discharged that we agreed on.
We judge divers of the Spaniards were slain; they came from the shore with fresh men aboard the Spaniards. This was all we did against St. Michael's.
Daily we look for the coming of M. de 'Stros.' It is reported he comes with 50 or 60 sail of ships. I doubt his coming, for the island is of such force that if no more aid comes, we hope to 'defend' the enemy.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Portugal I. 80.]
June 23. 106. M. de Maisse to the Queen Mother.
Considering how much it imports the king's service today to be faithfully informed of all movements and their causes, I would not fail to dispatch to you my brother, the present bearer, to advertise you that his Holiness, taking the same road which he is said, as I then gave you to understand, to have essayed last winter, a fortnight ago made very pressing advances towards the ambassador of these Signiors at his Court, about a league offensive and defensive of the Catholic princes, and for two consecutive days treated of this business alone with him, deeming that he could thus conduct it more secretly than in full 'senate.' as would have been done by the other. Wherein, among other persuasions which he used to attract them, he is said to have assured him that he would make the Catholic king intervene as principal executor, towards whom he was to that end dispatching Signor Odescalco. He felt sure that his Majesty's good will was such that he would not fail to enter into this plan (parti). He had moreover offered to give these Signiors as a perpetual security for this league the territories of Ravenna and Cervia, they handing him for them 300,000 crowns once for all. Being advertised by their ambassador of this negotiation, after holding several councils on this affair they have let his Holiness know that as regards the league offensive and defensive they have by no means resolved to bind themselves to it, both because they wish to remain at peace with all the princes 'comprised by it,' without making further enquiry about their religion, and because they see that the affairs of Italy, and particularly of their own state, are so tranquil that there is no need at this moment to have recourse to defence. Having dispatched [sic] a courier to Rome upon this resolution, the Pope has thought it well not to content himself with the first refusal, but to return again and more hotly to the charge by his resident legate here. This was done four or five days ago, in such wise that their dealings about it are very close and these Signiors occupied in making up their minds.
I will not offer any judgement on this proposal, nor on the intention of his Holiness, because you have been, and will in future be, able to see something of it by the recent action compared with the preceding words and promises. It will be sufficient for my duty to warn you to be on your guard lest in this affair there be something concealed; inasmuch as in all that has been or is being discussed here, no design or basis has been mentioned of aiding France, but simply of making a conjunction of the forces of the Catholic princes, to attack and to defend themselves against states and princes who have accepted another religion, which is a thing very remote from aiding. It has caused these Signiors to walk cautiously, fearing lest under a generality of words and without specifying anything, it is desired to bind them, in order afterwards to compel them to declare themselves so far as, and against whomsoever, it may seem good to his Holiness, who, accordingly, is not likely to get from them an answer other than the first; all the more so that any instance to this effect has proceeded from the king, and they cannot think, seeing the good credit which he has in this Signiory, that if this practice tended solely to the assistance or good of France, it would not have been set on foot, or at least aided by his Majesty's favour.
Hereupon, Madam, I feel sure that in whatever position affairs here may be, you will know well how to command me what you will, when you perceive there is need of it. Meanwhile you cannot enlighten yourself better than by having attention diligently paid to the doings of Odescalco, in order to compare them with those of the ministers who have been sent to you from his Holiness to entertain you 'upon' offers and words, while he makes every effort to conclude this league; and for the defence of Avignon to put as many troops as possible in Provence, which are aids and remedies that sometimes result in great local inconvenience, principally where by internal divisions foreign armies are nourished and sustained. Which may God not permit, but as it is hoped here give you grace to conclude by your prudence a final agreement between these peoples, to the great good of the king and the tranquillity of his realm.—Venice, 23 June 1582.
P.S.—There arrived in this town a few days ago a servant of the Duke of Florence. He has this morning had secret audience of these Signiors, and pursued the same subject as the legate of his Holiness is doing. This makes me humbly beg of you to let me know the king's intention and yours, for the hope I have of bringing the Signiors to a complete settlement herein. (Signed) Hurault.
Copy, made in France. Endd'. in French: Duplicate of the letter which the ambassador of the King of France at Venice wrote to the Queen the 23rd June 1582. Fr. 2 pp. [Venice I. 5.]
June 23 107. Count da Silva to Walsingham.
I have always much wished to write to you, but I lament the business which I have: which is such that till today it has not let me have an hour to do it. Now I have desired to steal one to remind you that in this island I hold myself so ready to your service as you will plainly see if you like to send me word wherein I may serve you, or occasion offers in which I may show it. I hold myself bound to do this for you, as I am your debtor on behalf of the king my master. And how delighted I am with this, I trust in (rod to show you clearly when I get to Portugal, where I shall be better able to do it. I shall be happy if meantime you will send me word to this island of anything for your service, that you may understand the good will with which I will see to it, and the desire I have to have an opportunity.—Angra, 23 June 1582.
Add. Endd. Fort. ½ p. [Portugal I. 81.]
June 23. 108. Horatio Pallavicino to Walsingham.
Since my last to you I have heard more precisely what were the tortures that my brother and Signor Prospero Spinola had in prison at Rome. So grievous and cruel were these that they could not move even though four weeks had elapsed, and my brother could hardly sign his name so that the characters (literatura) might be recognised. He still remains at Rome, not securely confined, not daring to write to me, and has informed of his state through a third person, I doubt above all things that these most reckless and cruel people will never let him go, and that he remaining subject to their lack of judgement (indiscrezionc) will fall from one mishap to another. If M. Arnault does not help him in so small a matter as his release from the aforesaid confinement, I shall judge that it is hopeless anxiety, and shall take steps at once to set myself free and to be independent of them in things small and great, and be entirely free without prejudice to my brothers, to whom I have explained the necessity in regard to this, and I ought soon to have a decision from them.
Letters from Spain of the 12th inst. are just to hand. The king who had been ill was quite well. He had sent off Giovan Andrea Doria and declared him viceroy of Sicily, whence Marcantonio Colonna was to go to Milan to be governor. This appointment of a governor at Milan, and the number of soldiers who are levied and assembled there, cause it to be believed that the king means to attend with unwonted diligence to the affairs of Flanders, and that he suspects the French more and more every day; of which they talk pretty openly in Spain.
Signor del Bene is sending you a letter.—Paris, 23 June 1582.
Add, Endd. Ital 1 p. [France VII. 110.]
June 23. 109. Audley Danett to Walsingham.
Since my last of the 20th inst. sent by my brother, no great matter has happened. His Highness is very well, and of late has openly exercised himself, at tennis, in riding, in running at the ring, and sometimes hunting the otter with spaniels in the water. The Prince of Orange has also these two or three days been present at these sports and exercises; the swelling in his left cheek being clean assuaged, and he in outward show, God be thanked, in very good state of health.
Oudenarde yet stands fast against the enemy; who having since Sunday last ceased to batter the place with his artillery, is feared to have wrought by some undermining far into the town. And albeit in this point the fear may be greater than the danger, yet there is no likely hope of succour in any time however speeches are given out by such as wish them well; because the States' forces already assembled are so far inferior to the enemy, that the resolution is taken here not to hazard anything upon so great a disadvantage, and the supply of other forces which is daily expected are so long in their journey that the town is in danger of being gained by the enemy before their arrival.
M. de Rochepot, who is master of this new camp for his Highness, with certain forces, English, French, and others, to the number of 500 foot and 200 horse, has marched towards Bruges and Dunkirk, to surprise a convoy of the enemy's, as is reported; but it is believed rather, to find some fit opportunity to join with the French forces that are already said to be come into Picardy, and certain reiters arrived about 'St. Quinten's.' and so march in more safety toward the camp near Ghent.
It is said for certain that M. de Famars, Governor of Mechlin, has this morning at break of day surprised Arschot, a town of some moment, because it cuts off some trade to Louvain. Yet some Englishmen that seem to know the place very well are of opinion that it was easily gotten, being slenderly guarded, and that the States will never think it worthy the planting of a garrison to keep it against the enemy.—Antwerp, 28 June 1582.
Add. Endd. by Burghley's secretary. 1¼ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 41.]
June 23. 110. Fremyn to Walsingham.
It is 8 days since I wrote to you from the camp, from which place M. de la Rochepot set out yesterday with 400 cavalry to try and execute some enterprise.
Last Sunday the enemy delivered an assault on the ravelin of Oudenarde, when they were well beaten, and repulsed with great loss; which makes the Prince of Parma despair of being able to take the place, whereas at first he represented it to himself as easy. They are short of powder and shot, which is the reason that they have since made no attempt on the town. The Prince of Parma has sent for munitions to Lille and other neighbouring towns, which they have refused, saying they did not want to leave themselves unprovided; in such wise that some rest has been given to the place, enabling them to entrench and fortify. The enemy reckon that if they win the ravelin, they can plant their artillery there, and that they will easily achieve their design of carrying the place by assault. They are having pontoons made to cross from the ravelin to the rampart. The ditch is wide, and they will find themselves in a difficulty there. The besieged are in very good heart, if only it continues. They have all things necessary. Spies go in and out daily, who have reported to his Highness that he is to run no risks to succour them; but make his preparations very securely, and that with God's favour they can hold out a good two months.
His Highness's reiters arrived in the Cambrésis 5 days ago, and are at present 4 leagues this side Cambray, where they have been joined by 3 regiments of infantry and a lot of noblemen, who come there daily; insomuch that in a few days they reckon to succour Oudenarde. There are also a lot of French troops assembling round Guise tor his Highness. Our camp is being fortified daily. Mr Norris's troops entered 3 days ago; they are tine. There are in our camp at present 4,000 foot and 1,200 horse; but the mischief is that they are so badly paid that it is pitiful. It is more than six weeks since any money has been given to the soldiers, or provisions, which is a cruelty that will cause disorder if not promptly remedied. They are so long here about carrying out what they promised his Highness that one can see no beginning nor end to it; which delays all good business. In short, there is bad management on every side.
Part of the enemy's forces in Friesland is on the road to Brabant since the English troops are departed. They mean to make a flying camp in Brabant of which M. de Haultepenne will be commander. Last week Bergen-op-Zoom thought it would be surprised by the enemy, who attempted it two nights running. M, de Famars, Governor of Mechlin, with the neighbouring garrison, has, as they say, surprised the town of Aerschot at dawn today, with 800 harquebusiers. There were two ensigns in it. It is not yet a certain thing, for his Highness has as yet received no letters.
The people of Mons would not allow the bells to be rung for the death of Count Lalaing; saying that he was a traitor and had resolved to deliver their town to the Duke of Alençon.
The Chevalier Breton, captain of his Highness's guards, does not stir from his lodgings, because his Highness gave orders that he would not have him come to Court any more; wherefore he will not walk about the town unless he is permitted to go to Court. Meanwhile Quinsay governs his master. God grant that it be for his Highness's service and the good of the country.
Last Friday a number of sailors came to the lodging of the Chancellor of Brabant, threatening him and all the councillors, saying that he had favoured the sailors of Brussels against them by making them unreasonably lose the lawsuit which they had in their town; for which cause, if they did their duty, they would sack the whole place so long as chicaneries went on—which much astonished the Chancellor and all his councillors. He wanted to commit some of those gallants to prison, by his sergeants, which he thought would break up (gaster) the whole thing. They said there were 1,500 of them, to smash (assommer) anyone who attempted anything against them. That is how the commons talk; it is a very serious matter, however.
I am sending you a letter which has been sent me from Strasburg. The Diet continues; M. du Plessis is to be there on behalf of his Highness. M. de Bellièvre sends word hither that the king will do all he can for his Highness.
Some boats of the Malcontents passing by Mézières were plundered by the commons of the suburbs, to the number of three; for which reason no more boats are at present going on the Meuse, fearing to be served the same. The king's attorney of the town en a fait une force d'anguste (?) to chastise those who did this.—
Antwerp, 23 June 1582.
P.S.—Mr Norris is in this town. There are some of them here from Brussels who ask for 'temples' to say mass; which is not acceptable to many, nor other things that are going on.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVI. 42.]
June 24. 111. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last was the 17th. Since that time etc.
This week the enemy has given two great assaults at the ravelin before the town gate of Oudenarde. The ravelin is but small, and at the first assault they could not fasten on it, for they were sharply repulsed; but at the second, which was given two days after, the enemy came upon it with such a great force in such sort that they made the townsmen give place, so that they got the ravelin. But it stood them in small stead, for between the town and it is a great deep trench, 'made' that they could enter no further; so that the great artillery out of the town came so fast among them that they durst not tarry on the ravelin. At these two assaults they lost many soldiers, four principal captains and one lieutenant-colonel.
The day after the last assault was given, the Prince of Parma sent a trumpeter to Oudenarde, thinking forasmuch as they had lost the ravelin that they would be willing to come to some parley and to yield the town. But after they heard the trumpeter's message they willed him to depart and come no more with any such message, for if he did, they would kill him; with further speech they sent to the Prince of Parma by him, that they were better able to keep the town than he was to get it. So these speeches show they are able to keep the town yet for a time; and all the captains and soldiers that are in it are all Flemings.
Last week there passed through this town towards Meenen 4 cornets of horse, which came from the camp beside Ghent; and two days ago there passed by small troops, in like case from the camp, 600 of their best horse and about 1,000 of their best foot, who are gone towards Meenen. Of captains are gone with M. de Rochepot, M. de Teligny, M. de Villiers, M. de 'Villeneffe,' and (apt. Yorke, with others of their best captains, and from this town are gone 200 of the best French soldiers; so it seems they have some great enterprise in hand, God send it to take place; but what it is no man can tell, for it is kept very secret.
This week the enemy burnt a very fair open village called Isinghem, within 2 small miles of Corttrick, belonging to M. de Rassinghien. This village was ever on the enemy's side, and paid them weekly a great tribute; so the burning of it is strange to all men.
There is also great speech now here that Monsieur's forces out of 'Docheland' and France are come to Chimay, which is on the frontier not far from Marienbourg, and that their meaning is to march through the country towards Brussels; the number of them to be about 9,000 horse and foot. God grant it be true.—Bruges, 24 June 1582.
Add. Endd by Burghley's secretary. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVI. 43.]
June 24. 112. “The relation of the army, men and ships, which departed from the haven of Lisbon on Midsummer evening towards the Terceras.”
Galleasses, 2; galleys, 12; galleons, 5; ships, 32; 'patages,' 17; qabras, 15; caravels, 14; frigate, 1. Total, 98.
Soldiers: The tercio of Don Lope di Figueroa, 20 companies 3591
The tercio of Francisco de Bobadilla, 12 companies 1967
The 7 companies of the Castle of Lisbon 779
The 4 companies of Oporto 535
The 4 companies of Andaluzia 211
The 4 companies of Almaines 1500
The 3 companies of Italians 215
Total soldiers 8798
Number of mariners embarked 3823
Number of the men who row 2708
Gentleman adventurers with their servants andcertain captains, ensigns-bearers, sergeants,soldiers entertained beside the aforesaid ordin-ary bands 436
There are moreover to join with this army 2600Spaniards who are the Isle of St. Michael'sunder the charge of the Master of the CampAugustin Yniquel 2600
The army is furnished with the following victuals and necessaries which are to serve for four months. A list follows, including: Biscuit, meal, wine (4900 pipes), cyder (450 pipes), bacon, cheese, salt beef, 'a kind of salt fish called Atun,' sardines and herrings, pease, beans, oil (3350 'rouves'), vinegar, water (4600 butts, 7000 barrels).
The particular persons who go in the 'army.'
The Marquis of Santa Cruz, general.
Don Pedro de Toledo, Marq. of Villafranca.
Don Lope de Figueroa, master general of the camp.
Don Pedro de Padilla.
Don John Manrique, second son to the Duke of Najera.
Count Gerom° Ladru [qy. Lodron], col. of the Almains.
Don Francisco de Bobadilla.
Don Cristofero de Erasso.
Don John de Sandoval, brother to the Marquis of Leiña.
Don Francisco Perenot, Count of Sta. Cruz.
Don Jorge Manrique, purveyor-general.
Don Diego de Cordova.
Don Alonzo de Idiaques, eldest son to Don John de Idiaques.
Don Iñigo de Mendoza [Moncada], second son of the Conde Aytona.
Don Luis Vanegas of the Order of St. Jaques.
John Martinez Recalde of the same Order.
John Diego Ramerez, son to Don Diego Ramerez.
Don Alonzo de Roses.
Don G, Ronquillo of Ascoale.
Don Gonçalo Manrique.
Don Luis de Sandoval, of the Order of Calatrava.
Don Alonso de Torres, second son to the Conde del Villar.
Don Godfrey de Mendoza, of the Order of Calatrava.
Don Pedro Enriquez, born in Canara.
Don Geronimo de Borja, son to the Duke of Gandia.
Don Pedro Ponce de Leon, nephew to the Marquis of Sta. Cruz.
Don Pedro Bazan, son to the Marquis of Sta. Cruz, of the Order of St. John.
Don Felix de Aragon.
Don Anton o Enriquez, son to Don Fadrique, steward to his Majesty.
Don Alvaro de Venavides, nephew to the Marquis of Sta. Cruz.
Don Pedro Ponce, son to the Marquis, born in Granada.
Don Pedro de Acuña.
Don Go. de Guevarn.
Don Herdo del Aquilo.
Don John de Granada.
Marcelo Carvehulo.
Don John de Venavides, administrator of the hospitals for the hurt and sick.
The licentiate Marquero Figueroa, administrator and auditor for the men of war.
There remain in the haven of Lisbon for the defence of the coast, 13 galleys and the 2 galleasses that came from Naples, and 5 great ships, all well furnished and appointed.
Endd.pp. [Spain I. 99.]