Elizabeth: June 1582, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: June 1582, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp90-98 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1582, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp90-98.

"Elizabeth: June 1582, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp90-98.


June 1582, 16–20

June 16. 93. T. Longston to Walsingham.
With yours of the 9th 'instantis' I received others inclosed for M. du Plessis and 'Petro Bezari,' which I delivered to their hands respectively. Since then those of the 2nd were, in the absence of Mr Gilpin, delivered to me by Mr Danett, to whom in regard of your writing I am desirous to do any service I can. I will also, as I may, observe your commission touching these Dutch merchants' ships here lading for England, etc., 'though much rather I would that other ways the Queen should be contented by them.' These Dutch merchants have intelligence that their goods in England are like to be arrested to 'answer' payment, and therefore their secretary, whose name is Paul Aurad, 'pretends' a solicitation of the magistrates of this town, to procure and give contentment otherwise. And because I would learn 'what fruit were of it,' I spoke to-day with Van der Werke the pensionary, to know whether or not, since Mr Gilpin's going, any better resolution were taken for her Majesty's contentment, whereof they would have you to be advertised. His answer was that no other resolution is taken in that respect than is mentioned in their last answer in writing; hoping that her Majesty will be satisfied therewith towards this town, 'and whereof' to understand, they are in expectation.—Antwerp, 16 June 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 36.]
June 16. 94. Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
This bearer, a Fleming named Martin de Coester, a great workman in coaches, carriages, and litters, asked to serve the Duke of Anjou when he was here; and as he is an affable prince who refuses nothing, he gave Coester hopes. Afterwards through the medium of his Highness he sought a license for beers; but his Highness having more important affairs at his departure, charged me with the memorial and note for the license, that I might speak, if it was her pleasure, to her Majesty. I have been so much solicited, that I have spoken to her, and she has referred me to you; also of some other matters about which I am sometimes asked. You told me in the presence of the Lord Treasurer, about 25 days ago, to send the said Martin to you, and you would answer him. He did not cease till he got this letter from me; which comes to present my humble recommendations to you, and beg you to give him such answer as you please.—London, 16 June 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 107.]
June 16.
See Letters de C. de M. vii, p. 388.
95. “State of the French army, raised for the assistance of Don Antonio, King of Portugal, which sailed with him from Belle Isle roads, 16 June 1582.”
M. Philippe Strozzi, general of the army.
Count Brissac, lieutenant-commander in Strozzi's absence.
M. de Sainte-Soline, maitre-de-camp of 15 companies: his own; M. de Borda, marêchal-dc-camp, 2 companies; Captains Sauvat, Bazet, Momeran [sic], Guillonville, Fautrière, Brame, la Batte, Alexandre la Valade, Antoine Sauger, du Ruyau, each one com-pany; and Fauvelles, which is that of Scalin.
M. de Buze, maitre-de-camp of 9 companies: his own; Captains Mommor, la Berge, du Dresnay, du Mesnil, Scavenacque, Arman the elder, de Plessis, each one company.
The companies come with M. de Brissac:—M. de Beaumont his lieutenant, two companies, of which the captains [sic] Ocagne, and Porquet his lieutenant; Captain d'Orival, who is in the count's ship, one company; Captains Roquemoret, Thomas, Crinville, Maucomble, la Bade, each one.
There are 50 sail, to wit, 30 ships and 20 pataches.
There are several volunteers, among others M. de Fumée, who joined with 5 vessels large and small, and 400 soldiers, commanded one company by himself, the rest by Captains Goninville, la Valée, Thomas the elder, and Hurtault.
It is reckoned that there are in the army more than 1,200 gentlemen, for there are some companies [with] 30 or 40, apart from the volunteers; and the King of Portugal, his constable Don Francisco de Mineones [qy. Vimioso] and others of his suite.
Besides 7 English vessels with French soldiers on board, com-manded by the Captains [sic] Pardin, and another ship of war named la Farguv, with its patache and barque, commanded by Captain Antoine Scalin, who are awaiting the fleet at Sables d'Olonne, to join with 700 or 800 men.
It is reckoned that when all are together there will be full 5,000 fighting men without the sailors. Besides, M. de l'Andereau embarked more than a month ago before M. de Strozzi, and he has in his troops about 600 fighting men.
Endd. Fr.pp. [Portugal I. 79.]
June 17. 96. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last was the 10th inst. since that time 'having received' the speeches following.
By merchants' letters from Lille it is written that Count Lalaing was cut open, and that they found in his body that he was poisoned, to the great discontentment of the commons under the Malcontents' government.
They also write from Lille that the Prince of Parma has made Count Mansfeldt governor of 'Henogo'; which greatly mislikes M. de Montigny and others who think they have better deserved that state than he that has it.
At Tournay, Lille, 'Corttricke' and Armentieres they swore all persons from the highest to the lowest to be true to the King of Spain and to maintain the Romish religion; and all that refuse this oath, they 'lees' [loose] the Spanish Inquisition upon them. The like oath shall be used in all other towns under their government, so that divers depart secretly out of those parts, because they will not swear to maintain the Romish religion. But to swear to be true to the King of Spain, it seems they were willing to do it.
Also by order from the Court here in this town, they begin to swear all persons of what degree soever they be to renounce the King of Spain and to be true subjects to Monsieur, Duke of Brabant; for which cause divers go away out of the country because they will not take any such oath. So it is much feared this oath will make some further trouble, for most of the commons in this town and hereabouts murmur very much against it.
The enemy still follows his enterprise against Oudenarde very hard, and fears 'nothing' the forces that are coming against 'them,' so that it is greatly feared that no such forces are coming for Monsieur as the speech is given out: whereby it is much doubted by many they will put the town in some danger, for the cannon plays at it in four several places. God send them to be succoured in time, or it will not go well. The enemy's chief battery is against a ravelin before one of the town gates, and this week they gave two sharp assaults at the breach of this ravelin, and were valiantly repulsed by those of the town, with the loss of their good captains and many of their best soldiers. By good advice from the enemy's camp, it seems those within Oudenarde show themselves very valiant and of good courage, and fear not the enemy. So it is hoped the town will 'keep out' six weeks or two months, in hope it will be succoured in that time.
It is said also that M. de Licques is slain with a great piece from Oudenarde. He was one of the best friends that the Spaniards had of that side.
Many speeches still go here of great forces of horsemen that Monsieur has coming out of France and Germany, and that the Prince of Condé comes with them; which speeches have continued long here, and nothing else followed, so that the magistrates and commons in these parts begin to mislike them and the delays, especially those of Ghent.
Two days ago 4 cornets of horse passed through this town, coming from the camp and are gone in diligence 'to Meenen; so it seems there is some enterprise in hand, God speed it well—' but not knowing' what it is.
This is all I can write at this time, saving that I see and hear in these parts a great sudden discontentment among the commons because they see so small appearance for the succouring of Oudenarde; for if that town be lost, it is much feared it will make some new trouble, for the people's heads are much troubled for the succouring of that town and for the taking of this oath, for it seems that if that town were succoured, a number would be willinger to take the oath.—Bruges, 17 June 1582.
P.S.—Great store of wheat and malt comes here daily from Sandwich, and they say there are at present four or five ships more lading for this place; and it is said that grain is scant and very dear in Kent.
Also certain news is come that Colonel Norris and all his soldiers from Friesland, being about 100 sail of ships, are arrived at the Sas, which is the river that goes up to Ghent. So now it is hoped that something will be done for the aid of Oudenarde, for the enemy loses no time at it now with 'their' battery. This after-noon letters are come from Ghent that at 3 A.M. on the 15th the cannon began to play on the ravelin before the gate, and so continued till 10 o'clock; and then they gave a great assault, and were well repulsed, with great loss of life on their side. So the small number that are in the town show good will to keep it as long as they can. God send them to have help in time, for it seems the enemy is very eager upon it.
Add. EnddI. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 37.]
June 18. 97. Passport for the Low Countries, valid for two months, granted by Don Bernardino de Mendoza to Francisco Cortes.—London, 18 June 1582. (Countersigned) Joan de Mandojana.
Endd. in Walsingham's office. Span. Broadsheet. [Spain L. 98.]
June 19. 97. Audley Danett to Walsingham.
I can advertise you of no new accident' in these parts since my last of the 17th inst. Oudenarde yet holds good, but I fear will in the end be yielded up, because I can hear of no likely succour to give them relief. Some say they have already had one parley with the enemy; which I dare not affirm to be true, because that were a manifest presumption of their distress. The Duke and the States would have no refusal at Mr Norris's hands, but he must needs to the camp, and join his force with M. de Rochepot, notwithstanding his sufficient allegation of unableness to do the enemy any annoy, or the distressed town any good, because of their small number of foot and less of horse in respect of the enemy's forces, which exceed them very far, but especially in horse.
There is great expectation of horsemen under the conduct of the Prince Dauphin, and fresh speeches given out of reiters for Monsieur's service, and they are daily expected to be sometimes in one place, sometimes in another, upon the frontiers; but yet none appear, nor no likelihood to have them here in time to do Oudenarde any good. Yet to satisfy Monsieur and the States, and somewhat to content the Gauntois and the countries thereabouts, Mr Norris repaired with his forces to the camp yesterday the 18th; but, finding their whole force so far unable to 'levy' the siege, I think not with any purpose to fight, unless they find the enemy at some very great advantage. If either the town were able to hold out, or the States' forces strong enough to raise the siege, men of good judgement here are of opinion that it were such a 'mating' of the enemy that he would not be able to bring a new camp into the field or otherwise this year greatly annoy the States. And surely if Monsieur's forces could come in any time, especially his horse, there were great likelihood to do some good in this time of service, and something would no doubt be attempted.
Monsieur has stirred little abroad out of his own lodgings, except once, or twice to the Prince of Orange and once to the Prince of Epinoy. His Court is very slenderly furnished with gentlemen, either of this place, or of his own country, and those few of the French that have been here, depart daily; whether to levy some force in France as some say, or for what other cause, I know not.
There is some speech here that Marshal Biron will shortly come into these parts, to attend continually about Monsieur; but this report is not easily believed by the French, and I think will be worse liked by others, because he is said to be one that has always by cunning practice deceived those of the Religion in France and being so 'notoriously deciphered' there that he can no more abuse them some will fear he may be an instrument to do the like in these parts.
By the enclosed I trust you will understand more particularly and more certainly the state of things here; for these from me are but rumores populi; which I pray you to take in good part as a signification of the duty I owe you.—Antwerp, 19 June 1582.
P.S.—This evening, the 19th, by certain persons of good credit arriving from Ghent, it is reported that on Sunday last Oudenarde was very hotly assaulted at one ravelin, being the weakest part of the town, and valiantly defended by the inhabitants, the enemy being repulsed with the loss of 400 men at least; and if haply they can hold good 10 days longer, the States make account to give them succour.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 39.]
June 19. 99. Villiers to Walsingham.
I have received the two letters which you wrote me through Mr Danett. I will do what I can for him, both because you recommend him, and because he is an old acquaintance of mine. As for Mr Norris I am bound to him by the friendship which his father bore to the late Cardinal de Chatillon, and for the good reception which he and lady Norris gave me after St Bartholomew; also because Mr Norris deserves it, insomuch that I have always said openly to all who have asked of me anything to his prejudice, that I should be for him, as I have done and am resolved with the help of God to continue, although just now his Highness being in these parts I have not had the same means as heretofore.
As for our news I can tell you nothing save that those of Oudenarde continue to defend themselves well and the enemy to lose heavily. Our people are encamped four leagues from the enemy, and will today be reinforced by Mr Norris's troops.
The succour which his Highness expects from France was on the 14th inst. at Crevecêur, two leagues from Cambray. I think it will soon join, and that the enemy will then be compelled to raise the siege with shame and loss; if he is not so sooner, for other reasons which paper cannot carry, but you will be able afterwards to hear.
There are coming to the enemy from Naples 13 cornets of cavalry, and 3 of Burgundians, who have arrived; also two tercios, one of which has started from Barcelona and already arrived at Genoa, and the other is to leave Sicily by sea. To fill their place the King of Spain is levying 6,000 landsknechts in Tirol. There is no doubt that the Duke of Savoy is trying to make his profit out of them against the Swiss, but they are well armed and ready. Anyhow, the duke disavows the enterprise against Geneva.
The Duke of Saxony and other princes are on their way to the Diet at Augsburg. The Emperor has been ill, and they say has been stopped by illness.
The Bishop of Liege has proclaimed the Inquisition. The Duke of Lorraine is banishing all gentlemen of the Religion from his territories. Those of the Confession have presented a request at Cologne to have 'temples.'—Antwerp, 19 June 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Hall and Fl. XVI. 39.]
June 20. 100. Hekle to Walsingiiam.
Last Friday those of Ghent sent to his Highness persons of 'principal condition,' to 'show' that on the Wednesday night before those of Oudenarde had made fires 'out of the town' to declare some extremity they were in; wherefore they came to bespeak his aid and advice. To which it was answered by him that upon his credit, before 15 days from Friday at the furthest, the place should either be really delivered from the siege by forces 'apt' to remove it, or by such diversions as should stand them in stead. Whereupon those of Ghent returning home chose 5 resolute fellows to bring this assurance into Oudenarde, of whom two entered on Monday before day and made signs acceptable to the beholders, that they of the town were willing and able to endure a longer time without precipitation of aid before it were thoroughly ready. But the enemy 'presently' that Monday gave a great assault to the town, prevailing little, saving that they would weary the defenders with continual labour.
Upon the same Monday, Balagny, Governor of Cambray, sent a gentleman of importance to signify to the duke that the reiters were come to Cambrésis and not to.Chimay, in number 1,500, accom-panied by 800 French lances and 4,000 shot. He desired that they might not be removed thence suddenly, in respect of an enterprise of importance that he had in hand. This is confirmed, and other forces are come to the frontiers before Gravelines to pass that way, said to appertain to the Prince Dauphin.
There are in Cambresis 1,000 footmen more to accompany these reiters, and 400 lances with other troops that daily arrive, but no pikes. This number cannot be defeated in their march hither with any 'parcel' of the Prince of Parma's army, unless he remove his whole power, and frustrate the siege of Oudenarde.
The opinion here now is that the French king does in good earnest mean to make lame' the King of Spain's encroachments and ambitions.
The King of Spain will have, as they say, 200 sail of ships ready by the middle of July to defend Portugal and to offend those who are not well affected to him, as appears by letters of 29 May from persons of importance at Lisbon.
From Italy it is confirmed that 5,000 Spaniards are coming hitherward, and 3,000 Italians, footmen, and 2,500 horse; besides the forces from Germany and Burgundy which are come and coming.
On this side, they most look to three things substantially. First, that Oudenarde be not taken, upon which the Prince of Parma is obstinate, by reason that his enterprises hitherto in besieging have had good luck, and now 'stands him most upon,' to prevail or to be ruined. The second is that their camp do not disband for lack of victuals; which is very 'near' to follow, if they provide not better and sooner. And the third is, that those companies be not defeated by the way before they join the body of the camp.
If Monsieur's army be once established, there will be many revolters on the enemy's side; yet some great and secret mischief is in hand, which will horribly discover itself within short space.
There are 4,000 pioneers in preparation in Brabant and the united provinces, of idle fellows to be employed in the camp.
The Prince of Orange is again troubled with his catarrh, which will be dangerous if it falls inwards, as it threatens. The duke also, with this moist weather, is keeping his bed of rheum since yesternight.—20 June, Antwerp, 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. XVI. 40.]
June 20. 101. Walsingham to Cobham.
This bearer being sent by my Lord Chamberlain to conduct his dwarf over, I could not let him go without my letter, to let you know that I have received your last, sent by your nephew Kerton, and have acquainted her Majesty with the contents of it. Considering she has here declared to the French ambassador that you had commission to answer the king in case he should either deal with you or send to you about the matter of marriage, which you have also been directed to signify to M. Pinart, she greatly marvels that hitherto she hears nothing of the matter; especially since it has of late been given out by Bellièvre in the Low Countries that the king was for his part willing and ready to perform whatever was required of him, and that the stay grows from hence, which gives her cause to conceive that the king has now no more disposition that way.
For my own part I think that he mistrusts her meaning in the matter, and that makes him keep off. It may be, too, that he finds her years to be so far spent that he does not perhaps think it convenient the match should now go forward. Nevertheless it will be well, where you have any convenient opportunity, to put M. Pinart in mind of the direction you have to satisfy the king upon any motion made by him to you; being not convenient for her Majesty, her sex considered, that she should seem to offer herself in the matter, or press it forward.
Meantime they in France, as you may see by the enclosed copy of a letter which I have received from M. de Villiers, seem to be very desirous of our friendship, which considering the terms we stand on both with Spain and Scotland I for my part find it very necessary we should make our profit of. But such is the common course of all our proceedings here, that when we want the friendship of the great princes or neighbours we lament that we have not sought it, but when it is offered us, we make little account of it. I have had this letter now about eight days in my hand, but can as yet draw no resolution from her Majesty touching the certainty of it. The copy I have thought good to send you that you may both perceive how the French now of themselves affect the amity which I was sent thither to treat of last year, and also know the cause of M. Bellievre's ambassage to the Low Countries.
For the Earl Bothwell, you may there use him with all favour and courtesy, and let his governor understand (to whom I pray you 1 may be particularly remembered) that if the young nobleman pleases to pass this way at his return homewards, he will be very welcome, and receive all good usage at her Majesty's hands.—20 June 1582.
Draft. Endd. by L. Tomson.pp. [France VII. 108.]