Index: U-Z

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: U-Z". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Uffele, Severin van, Greffier of Antwerp, 548.

Ughtred. See Owtred.

Unton [see Onthon], Sir Edward, le Brumen attends, in his illness, 90.

-, Edward, elder son of above, 90.

-, Henry, younger son, 90.

Upsala, letters dated at, 145, 201, 202, 233.

Utrecht, bad management between Count William and men of, 55;

la Roque intends to travel to, 85 (p. 78);

garrison of, defeats enemy at Limburg, 157;

Norris to receive money from people of, 165;

deputies from, expected at Ghent, 260;

Norris at, 337 (p. 327);

States of, disunited in opinion, 338, 350;

country of, quiet, 438 (2).


Vachan. See Vaughan.

Vacquyers (qy. Vacaresse) M. de, sent by Châtillon to French king, 424 (p. 417).

Valée, — la, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115 (p. 115).

Valenciennes, Monsieur hopes soon to gain, 43;

Lalaing at, 53 (p. 45);

report of Lalaing's death at, 81;

enemy said to be making preparations at, to besiege Cambray, 284;

people of, refuse to allow Spaniards to enter, 364;

said to have been taken by Balagny, 376.

Valle, M. la, house of, plundered by men of Geneva, and himself slain, 478.

Valois, Duchy of, Queen of Navarre's dowry assigned to her in, 62 (p. 53);

house of, reference to friendship between Scotland and, 143 (p. 140);

duchy of, granted to Queen of Navarre, 188.

Vandermolen, Andries, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Vanegas, Luis, of the Order of St. Jaques, in army for Terceras, 112.

Vanni Geronimo, a banker of Lyons, requests Cobham to write on behalf of an Italian going to England, 378.

Vanweelput, P., notary of Antwerp, copy by, of commission from Duke of Anjou to North, 39.

'Vardembourg,' near Bruges, Monsieur's army at, 499;

'Ardembourge,' 500.'

Varembon, Marquis of, brother of, leads Burgundian cornets against English at Berghes, and is taken prisoner, 221;

statement of pay of troops under, 328.

Vaudemont, House of, Salcedo related to, 203.

-, Madame de. See Lorraine, Margaret of.

Vaudrey, Charles Louis de, Seigneur de Mouy, proposed marriage between daughter of, and youngest brother of Duke of Joyeuse, 457.

-, Claude de, daughter of above, proposed marriage of, with brother of Duke of Joyeuse, 457.

Vaughan, George, in Williams' company, 263.

-, Philip, in Williams' company. 263.

-, 'Vau,' Captain detained by Don Antonio, 60. 'Vaine,' 74 (p. 68);

'Vachan,' 137 (p. 134).

Vaux, William, Lord, son of, comes to Paris, 396 (p. 394).

Vaz, Francis, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Veere [Walcheren], Stewart embarks from for Scotland, 185;

mentioned, 300.

Vega, Antonio de, sent with letter from Don Antonio to Walsingham, 11.

Velham, Ferdinand Vaz de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Vellutelli, Vellutello, Acerbo, Ferrabosco wishes his accounts with, to be settled, 301;

Mauvissiére writes on behalf of, 411.

Venables and Co., Venero tries to recover sum of money from, 45.

Venavides, Alvaro de, nephew to Marquis of Santa Cruz, in army for Terceras, 112.

Venavides, John de, administrator of hospitals, in army for Terceras, 112.

Venero. Antonio, a Spaniard, cashier to Añastro, reference to his death, 45.

Venero, Francisco de, brother to above, letter from, 45.

Venetian, partners of Capponi. letter concerning. 84;

ambassador at Constantinople attends festivities at Hippodrome, 178;

ships, Jesuit refugees in England to be allowed to embark in 461;

Archduke Charles enters into league with, 518 (p. 510).

Venice, news from, 4 (p. 4);

M. de Maisse to be French ambassador in, 62 (p. 53);

Pope makes pressing advances towards ambassador of, at his court, 106;

news from, 238;

Muscovite ambassador to repair to, 266;

reference to Henry VII's wish for alliance with, 295;

French king makes complaint against King of Spain before Senate of, 381;

treatment received by Muscovite ambassador in, 385;

information given to Signori at, by French ambassador, 397;

Cobham sends remonstrance of Scottish lords against d'Aubigny to, 424;

friend of Bizarri captured by Turks between Sicily and, 445;

French king recommends his brother's cause to Signiors of, 467;

Signiors of, desire to renew their league with France, 520;

Turk evil satisfied with Signiors of, 538 (p. 526).

-, letters dated at, 106, 295.

-, ambassador of, in Paris. See Moro.

Venicome, —, leader of English mutineers at Ghent, 514.

Venlo, on the Maas, Berlaymont's enterprise on, frustrated, 18;

failure of Verdugo's attempt on, 30;

held for Monsieur, 438(2).

Vérac. See Saint Georges.

Verdugo, Francisco, Spanish commander in Low Countries, 18 (p. 15);

his troops march from Guelderland to Namur, 18 (p. 18);

failure of his attempt to deliver Schenk, 30;

increase of his forces, 118 (p. 119);

Parma to send forces to assist, 234 (p. 238);

M. d'Anholt with, at siege of Lochem, 297, 306, 315 (p. 308);

report of his death, 319;

statement of pay of companies of, 328;

surprises Steenwyk, 473.

Vere, Francis, in Williams' company, 263.

-, John, lieutenant in States' army, 263.

Verger, M. du, brings letters to Mauvissiére, 13.

-, -, letters from, 255, 379.

Vergne, Hugues de la, captain of Monsieur's guard, Salcedo feared threats of, 436 (2);

arrests Gauville, 456.

Vermyll, captain, slain at Oudenarde, 143 (p. 141).

Viana, 'Vienne,' Portugal, Don Antonio takes, 209 (p. 208);

Don Antonio said to be in, 240.

Vianen, on the Rhine, held by Monsieur, 438(2).

Vicenza. Signor Aragon to receive inheritance in, 339.

Vicgas, Galas, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Vieira. Custodio, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Vienna, Emperor returns to, 468.

Vienne, Claude Antoine de, Seigneur de Clervant visits Cobham, 230;

to go to Germany, Switzerland and Savoy, 424 (p. 417);

reference to journey of, 434.

-, -, letter from, 372.

Vierendeel. Adrien, colonel of Antwerp, 548.

Villafranca, in Isle of St. Michael's, Don Pedro Ponce de Leon sent with report to King Philip from, 213;

Anaviso captured in, 353 (p. 347).

Villa Nova, Portuguese caravel conducted to by English ships. 6.

Villeneuve. See Cormont.

Villequier, Charlotte Catherine de, daughter of following, to marry d'O, 396 (p. 393).

-, Rene de, one of the King's minions, Governor of Paris, d'O to marry daughter of, 396 (p. 393).

Villeroy. See Neufville.

Villeroy ( ), French king goes to, 74 (p. 67).

Villers, Villiers. M. de. See Zoete, Josse de.

Villers-Coterets, 'Velleocotroy,' Queen Mother and Queen of Navarre at, 114 (p. 113);

assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Villesaison. M. de, seeks Prince of Condé, 9.

Villevorde, 'Vyllford,' people of, not yet reconciled, 118 (p. 121);

French forces in garrison at, 319;

enemy likely to attack, 512;

troops from, come to Antwerp, 533, 534.

Villiers, M. de. See Loyseleur.

Vimioso, Count. See Portugal, Don Francis of.

Vitar, Nicolas, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Viteaux, Baron de. See Prat. Guillaume de.

Vitelli, Jacomo, slain by Piccolomini, 74 (p. 68).

Vivonne, Jean de, Sieur de Saint-Goard, afterwards Marquis Pisani, French ambassador in Spain, Don Antonio's declaration sent to, 247 (p. 248);

sends news of cruelty of Marquis of Santa Cruz towards French prisoners, 343 (p. 334);

news from, 348, 365 (p. 363);

returning to France, 480 (p. 471).

Voecht, Nicolaes de, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Vos, Thomaes de, eschevin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Voyer, René de. Vicomte de Paulmier, Paulmy, sent by French king to Duke of Savoy, to dissuade him from marriage with Spanish Princess, 348 (p. 338).

Vray, Jacques du. Sieur de Fontorte, dispatched by Monsieur to King, 26, 143 (p. 140).

Vyraque, M. See Saint-Georges.

Vys, near Arras, French troops try to take, 118 (p. 118).


Waad, Wade, William, Herle refers to 'cause' between himself and, 28, 85 (p. 79);

mentioned, 290;

sent to Emperor on behalf of Merchants Adventurers, 550.

-, -, letter from, 215.

Waal, river, note of towns held for King of Spain and Monsieur on, 438 (2).

Wachtendonk, on the Maas, held by Monsieur, 438 (2).

Wadley, Ouddle, letter dated at, 90.

Waes, land of, pioneers from, sent for to fortify camp at Ghent, 143 (p. 139);

'Waest,' States' forces in, 302 (p. 296);

Wast, Scottish cornet sent into, 473;

Gascons and French in, 477;

in danger through continuance of frost, 487;

English horse in, 491;

new French army in, 526, 533, 536.

Wageningen, on the Rhine, held by Monsieur, 438 (2).

Wagner, George, letter from, 333.

'Waktendong,' Marshal, Councillor to Duke of Cleves, 438.

-, Seneschal, Councillor to Duke of Cleves, 438.

Wales, Knollys lands Breton crew in, 280 (p. 272);

French merchants in, 430.

Walloons regiments of, at Dunkirk, 175;

captains of horse at Ghent, 180;

ensigns of, in camp at Dunkirk, 185;

at Dunkirk, Chamois accused of wishing to replace by French, 257 (p. 228);

in Nieuport and Ostend, 259;

statement of pay of, infantry, 328;

defeated near Menin, 359;

discord between Spaniards and, 375;

French and, keep Alost 392;

at Cambray, said to have been won over by treason to receive enemy, 404;

blows pass between Spaniards and, 527, 531;

near Eyndhoven. 535.

Walsingham, Sir Francis, Secretary of State, 'Mr Secretary,' 7;

reference to letter to Mendoza from, 38;

wishes to know the truth about siege of Geneva, 73 (p. 63);

du Ruisseau promises to speak well of, to Queen of Scots, 218;

mentioned, 247 (p. 249);

Rogers wishes him to write to Norris on his behalf, 366;

Giraldes promises to pay debt due to, 399, 407;

reference to letter to, 451;

petition to, from merchant, 544.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, [10], 42, 77, 101, 127, 141, 183, 298, 357, 402, 449, 479, 508, 509. 510.

-, -, his mark, 64, 66.

-, -, endorsements, etc., in hand of, 73, 77, 183, 296, 371, 402, 442, 492, 508 515, 537.

-, -, letters and dispatches to, all except, 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 17, 21, 25, 26, 27, 38, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 60, 63, 64, 66, 67, 71, 73, 80, 101, 103, 104, 106, 112, 117, 129, 130, 132, 140, 141, 144, 145, 148, 165, 172, 178, 183, 193, 196, 198, 200, 201, 202, 211 (a), 211 (b), 211 (c), 213, 219, 228, 233, 239, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 251, 263, 270, 274, 282, 286, 292, 293, 298, 299, 308, 314, 327, 328, 329, 333, 341, 351, 353, 357, 365, 366, 373, 383, 399, 402, 403, 407, 409, 410, 411, 415, 429, 436, 438, 449, 450, 451, 452, 469, 477, 479, 488 (2), 494, 504, 506, 507, 508, 534, 543, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 553.

-, Frances, daughter of above, 433, 448.

-, Ursula, Lady, wife of Sir Francis, daughter of Henry St. Barbe, 13;

Henry Unton's wife a relation of, 90;

mentioned, 433, 448.

Warcop, Thomas, to receive payment from French king, 89.

Warneton, fort, near Menin, States' troops may attack, 500.

Warsaw, Poles about to hold Estates at, 468.

Wast, land of. See Waes.

Waterflyte, M. de, in command of cornet of horse at Ghent, 180.

Wavre, near Brussels, part of enemy's forces at, 319.

Webb, John, corporal in States' army, 263.

Webb, —, North stabs, 70.

Weert, Swiss, French and German troops to march towards, 28;

'Werode' on the Rhine [sic], held for King of Spain, 438 (2).

Weez, Doctor, Chancellor of Cleves, 438.

Welsh, cotton, tax on, in France, 341 (p. 332).

Wercke. Jan van der, Pensionary of Antwerp, promises to pay interest on Elizabeth's loan to States, 12;

opposes endeavour to content Elizabeth, 27;

assures Gilpin that men of Antwerp would do all they could to pay debt. 44;

Longston speaks with, 93;

fails to give contentment to Elizabeth. 123;

sent to Diet on behalf of States, 205.

Werne. Jonkheer Symon Van den, 'Le Sieur Margrave,' magistrate of Antwerp, 548.

Wesel, enemy said to have crossed Rhine near, 347, 350;

foreign goods brought to, instead of Antwerp, 388;

'Weysell,' Williams refers to his letter written from, 512.

Westmoreland. Earl of. See Nevill.

Weston, —, letter bearer, 196, 214, 217.

Wickrat, Herr. Councillor to Duke of Cleves, 438.

Wier (?), by Utrecht, Williams makes passage of, 191.

Wight, Isle of, English captain takes Flemish ship off, 60;

note of spoils taken by French pirates from merchants in, 543.

Wilford, Thomas, badly treated by sergeants of Lord Chancellor, 511.

Wilkes, qy. Thomas, 360.

Willebroek, 'Wileborowe,' 237 (p. 241).

Willers, Johann, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

William, Duke of Cleves, 85 (p. 79);

reference to letter from, 177;

Rogers wishes Elizabeth to write to, on his behalf, 194;

Lesieur about to go to, 252, 315 (p. 308);

Asheby goes to court of, 316, 323;

said to have helped enemy to cross Rhine, 347;

Emperor writes to, to set Rogers at liberty, 366;

executes one of Rogers' captors 416 (p. 407);

names of councillors and family of, 438.

-, letter from, 327.

Williams, Charles, in Captain Williams' company, 263.

-, Griffin, in Captain Williams' company, 263.

-, Hugh, in Captain Williams company, 263.

-, John, in Captain Williams' company, 263.

-, Roger, Captain in States' army, North brawls with, 70;

skirmishes with enemy, 118 (p. 117);

endeavours to ascertain number of enemy's horse, 142;

in command of cornet of horse, 180;

delivers letter to Fremyn from Walsingham, 185;

takes enemy's colours in action near Berghes, 217;

drives enemy back from Berghes. 219;

uses Norris badly, 259;

his musterbook, 263;

makes complaints of Norris. 277;

withdraws his company from among English, and joins French, 280 (p. 273);

list of magistrates of Ghent sent by, 284;

offers to charge enemy before Ghent, 302 (p. 296);

mentioned, 345.

-, -, letters from, 138, 154, 175, 191, 470, 512.

-, —, brother of the above, slain in encounter near Berghes 219;

buried at Dunkirk, 222;

reference to death of, 243.

Willik, —, van, Lord of Diffort. Steward and Councillor to Duke of Cleves, 438.

Willoughby, d'Eresby, Peregrine, Lord, Baron 'Willibye and Ersbye,' letter of oredence for, from Elizabeth to king of Denmark, 130;

Waad visits at Copenhagen, 217;

takes Order of Garter to king of Denmark. 245, 254;

to hear cause between Sackford and citizens of Lubeck, 282;

successful negotiations of, with Denmark, 290;

citizens of Hamburg make complaints against Sackford to, 351.

Wilson, Dr Thomas, of the Privy Council, late Secretary of State, 472 (p. 463).

-, Thomas, Captain in States' Army, does good service in action near Berghes. 217;

'Wyllson,' makes Couche his ensign, 403;

wounded at Louvain, 439;

mentioned, 470.

Windsor, Mauvissiére wishes to find a lodging for la Mothe at, 464.

Winsman, Gerhard, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

Winter, Sir William, 'Ullenhuinter,' gives trouble to Zubiaur, 285;

mentioned, 289.

Wittfeldt, Arnold, Secretary of Denmark, letter from, 254.

Witthem, Frederic de, brother of following, nephew of Prince of Orange, in Lochem, 306, 315 (p. 309), 337 (p. 327);

in safety, 359, 362, 394 (p. 388).

-, Herman de, son of following, nephew of Prince of Orange, in Lochem, 306, 315 (p. 309), 337 (p. 327);

in safety, 359, 362, 394 (p. 388).

-, Jean de, Seigneur de Beersel, Marquis of Bergen-op-Zoom (Earl of Berghe, Bergen), Stadtholder of Guelderland, brother-in-law to William of Orange, defeats enemy at Limburg, 157;

'Adenburge,' sons of, besieged in Lochem, 306;

three sons of, defeated in defence of Lochem, 315 (p. 309), 337 (p. 327);

Chancellor of Guelders writes to, 456.

-, Oswald de, son of above, nephew of Prince of Orange, in Lochem, 306, 315 (p. 309), 337 (p. 327);

in safety, 359, 362, 394 (p. 388).

Wittwronghele, Jacob, notary, takes depositions of Portuguese at Southampton, 469.

Wouters, Hanz, merchant of Antwerp, prosecuted for debts by Fernando Poyntz, 68.

Wrey, Sir Christopher, Lord Chief Justice of Queen's Bench, obtains pardon from Elizabeth for Gower, 149.

Wulf, Gilles de, eschevin of Lower Benoh in Ghent, 284.

Würtemburg, Duke of, sister of, marries a Duke of Deux Ponts, 310 (p. 305;

leaves Augsburg. 333 (p. 323).

-, -, letter from, 314.

Wyk, on the Rhine, held by Monsieur, 438 (2).

Wymbach, Cristoffel, from Biel, ambassador to French king, 519.


Xanten, 'Santo,' 'Santum,' in Cleves, enemy crosses Rhine near, 347.

Xanton, François de, French priest, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

'Xiuhusu,' Gui de, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

'Xiusu,' Claudio de, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.


Yarmouth, cost of carriage of Tassis's letters from, 46;

'Iermeuy,' in Norfolk, Duke of Anjou writes on behalf of merchant of, 450.

Ymans, Jacques, Pensionary of Bruges, 180 (p. 180);

has commission to satisfy Pallavicino and Spinola in England, 197;

said to be at Bruges, 501.

Yniquel, Augustin, master of camp at S. Michael's, 112.

York, Jehan Gower born in province of, 66.

Yorke, Captain Rowland, with Rochepot, 111;

fails in enterprise upon Courtrai, 118 (p. 118);

at devotion of French, 164;

in command of cornet of horse, 180;

pacifies English and French soldiers, 208;

wounded in action near Berghes, 217;

drives enemy back from Berghes, 219;

wounded, 243, 258;

comes to Bruges, 259;

withdraws his company from English and joins French, 280 (p. 273);

John Cobham chooses, to decide controversy between himself and Norris, 390;

in land of Wast, 473;

mentioned, 489.

-, -, letter from, 432.

Ypres, 118 (p. 119);

enemy goes towards, 189, 190, 192, 195, 208;

Parma joins army at, 203 (p. 203), 204;

enemy's camp leaves, 206;

loss of, important to Antwerp, 221;

enemy in Flanders makes attempt on, 231;

enemy said to be going to besiege, 258;

will not take in French soldiers, 284;

Prince of Parma makes fort near, 337 (p. 328);

Prince of Parma thought to be going to besiege, 391;

prisoners executed at, 405.

Yssel, river, Monsieur intends to keep at Bronkhorst, 18 (p. 16);

note of towns held for King of Spain and Monsieur on, 438 (2).


Zante, Isle of, reference to decree published in, 295.

-, Procurator of. See Michieli.

Zealand, ready to repay Elizabeth's loan, 12;

Buys goes to, 18 (p. 16);

ships from Bordeaux come to, 29;

Longston's letters delayed in, through contrary winds, 67;

edict published to forbid trading of, with enemy, 70;

Martin Dro to be admiral of ships of, 85 (p. 78);

Sainte-Aldegonde goes to, 85 (p. 82);

people of, discouraged by failure of French king's promises, 118 (p. 119);

people of, come to assembly of States-General, 143 (p. 140);

Monsieur and Prince of Orange pass through, 158;

money due to Norris from people of, 165;

Monsieur passes through, 185;

Stewart in, 185 (p. 187);

Schenck conveyed into, 194 (p. 194);

to furnish part of money for debt due to Pallavicino and Spinola, 197;

Monsieur gives banquet to States of, 204;

Villiers goes to, 205;

mentioned, 224;

no money received from, for pay of English troops, 227 (p. 229);

Merchants Adventurers hope to suppress Browne's book in, 271;

mentioned, 302 (p. 295);

news in, of Don Antonio's overthrow, 303;

French troops arrive in, 362.

Zoete, Josse de, Sieur de Villers, maréchal de camp at Ghent, 79;

with Rochepot, 111;

skirmishes with enemy, 118 (p. 117);

Norris to be superseded by, 120;

mentioned, 146, 147;

skirmishes with enemy, 154;

marshal of camp at Dunkirk, 175;

in command of cornet of horse, 180;

commands at Dunkirk in absence of Rochepot, 185;

leaves government of camp to M. de la Pierre, 205;

brother-in-law of, taken prisoner at Poperingen, 236;

mentioned, 259;

sent into France, 364;

to conduct forces from Cambray to Artois, 377 (p. 376);

gives advice against surprising Lierre, 439;

in Land of Wast, 473.

Zolcher, George, citizen of Strasburg, Duke Casimir writes to Elizabeth on behalf of, 104;

complains that he receives little pay for his services, 310 (p. 306);

returning to England, 312;

Duke Casimir writes on behalf of, 313;

leaves Germany, 396 (p. 394);

a swift traveller, 468.

Zubiaur, Pedro de, merchant of Seville, living in London, Basurto's debt to, 45 (p. 40).

-, letters from, 52, 285, 289, 511.

Zuerins, Jacob, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Zuñiga y Requeseus, Juan, Comendador Mayor of Castile, late Viceroy of Naples, Duke of Savoy visits, 494 (p. 485).

Zurich refuses to enter into alliance with France, 468.

Zutphen, on the Yssel, garrison of, defeats enemy at Lymburg, 157;

Norris at, 336;

held for Monsieur, 438 (2);

States' place garrison in 474.

Zweirücken, John, Duke of, leaves Augsburg, 333 (p. 323).

-, Deux Ponts, Otto Henry, Duke of, marries sister of Duke of Wurtemburg, 310 (p. 305).

-, Deux Ponts, Wolfgang, Duke of, married to daughter of Duke of Cleves, 438.

Zweveghem, M., governor of Courtray, orders villages round to bake bread day and night, 304;

dislikes Spaniards entering Courtray, 321.

Zwol, 'Suel,' on the Yssel, held for Monsieur 438 (2).