Index: T

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Tabot, Simon, owner of Cygne of Middelburg, 63.

Talbot, Edward, son of following, with Cobham, 354.

-, George, Earl of Shrewsbury, 255;

two sons of, with Cobham, 354;

du Ruisseau made prisoner by, 395.

-, Henry, son of above, with Cobham, 354.

Tanchon, M. (qy. captain of the archers), accompanies Swiss ambassador into Paris, 494.

Tangiers in Africa, alcaldes of King of Fez received at, 113 (p. 111).

'Tarrentini,' gentlemen of, apprehended by Inquisition, 518 (p. 509).

Tassis, Francisco, payment made to, for cost of lading wheat, 46.

-, Taxis, Juan Bautista de, agent of King of Spain at French Court, refused audience, 74 (p. 68);

secretary of, obtains passport for Spanish merchants from French king, 86;

receives letters from Milan, 86;

Greek maid of the bedchamber dismissed by Queen Mother for 'trading' with, 114 (p. 113);

mentioned, 150 (p. 151), 152;

anxious to hear news from England of battle of the Azores, 287;

receives news of rejoicing in Madrid over battle of Azores, 323;

gives money to Bishop of Glasgow's nephew, 343 (p. 335);

courier of, robbed by Monsieur's horsemen, 348;

news from Flanders received by, 352;

King of Spain sends news of Stroxxi's defeat to, 365;

mentioned, 369;

receives and bestows great sums of money in Paris, 397 (p. 395);

Count Ottavio Landi visits secretly, 401;

Irishmen take letters from, to Milan and Rome, 423 (p. 415);

objects to Salcedo's head being put over gates of Antwerp, 441 (p. 433);

receives news of defeat of Saint-Luc, 465;

Catalonian gentleman confers with, 167;

mentioned, 472 (p. 460);

Pinart receives news from, 480 (p. 471);

complains about capture of Marquis of Pescara, 483;

mentioned, 494 (p. 484);

steward of, brings news from Spain, 518 (p. 509);

mentioned, 538.

-, See Taxis.

Tatam, Thomas, letter from, 228.

Tayde, Galas Viegas de, account of his capture by Kenne, 469.

Taxis, John Baptist, lieutenant to Verdugo in Spanish force before Loehem, said to have killed Chastelet, 315 (p. 309).

Tayda, Luis de, Viceroy of Portuguese Indies, friend to Don Antonio, 114 (p. 113).

Tayllur, John, in Williams' company, 263.

Teligny, M. de. See None, Odet de la.

Temple. See Tympel.

Terceiras (Azores) and Tercera, Isle of, ships from, arrive at Nantes, 4 (p. 4);

Don Antonio's credit small in, 18 (p. 17);

letters from, 62 (p. 53);

Spanish ships prepare for, at Lisbon, 86;

relation of army departing from Lisbon towards, 112;

King of Spain levies companies for enterprise of, 113 (p. 111);

Count of Torres Vedras offers to send men to Don Antonio from. 114 (p. 113);

'Tarzeres,' note of numbers of Spanish king's army embarked for enterprise of, 148;

French ships go towards, 187;

Spanish king's army ready to depart towards, 230;

Don Antonio said to be dead at, 265;

reference to defeat of Spaniards by French at, 307, 333;

Botelho writes from 'this island,' 317;

Don Antonio said to have gained, 338;

'Tarzeres,' Strozzi's secretary comes to Paris from, 343 (p. 334);

Don Antonio said to have fled to, 350;

news of approach of French fleet sent to, 353 (p. 345);

Strozzi's secretary comes to Paris from, 365;

merchant-ships from, arrive at Flushing, 377 (p. 375);

reference to Don Antonio's intention to take, 383;

reference to news from, 393;

Queen Mother prepares ships for, 423 (p. 415);

news from, 457;

refugees from come to Southampton, 461;

Spaniards hope to recover, 465;

Kenne plunders Portuguese at, 469;

news from, 471;

departure of Chevalier de Châtre for, postponed. 472 (p. 460);

Portuguese attainted of high treason to Don Antonio in, 481;

news of Don Antonio from, 498;

people of, weary of Frenchmen's insolence, 518 (p. 509), French sovereigns not contented with Don Antonio's return from, 520.

Terranova, Duke of. See Arragon, Charles d'.

Tether, William, in Williams' company, 263.

Thiant. See Mérode.

Thionville, statement of pay of regiment of, 328.

Tholen, 'Tretolle,' Spanish enterprise against fails, 55.

Thomas, James, Péna refers to his honourable dealing towards, 360.

-, the elder, joins French fleet for Don Antonio, 95, 115 (p. 115).

-, —, captain in French fleet for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

-, Father, English priest in Paris, sends for Jehan Gower, 66 (p. 57).

-, Captain of ship equipped by Armeville to attack English vessels, 213 (c).

Thoms (?) Captain in Spanish army, said to be wounded, 319.

Thou, Christophe de, First President of Parlement of Paris, imprisons Italian friar for ruffling with Franeiscans, 150 (p. 151);

objects to Italian being made General of Cordeliers, 248;

present at Salcedo's examination. 323;

Duke of Ferrara will lend money to Monsieur upon caution of 348 (p. 338);

questions Salcedo. 396 (p. 392);

his death, 441, (p. 433);

Bishop of Mande wishes to become Monsieur's chancellor in place of, 442;

King and Queen Mother attend funeral of, 465.

-, Madame de. See Tulen, Isabeau de.

Throgmorton,' Frogmorton,' Francis, delivers letters to nuncio in Paris, 494 (p. 485).

Thys, Willem, eschevin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Tiel, on the Waal, held by Monsieur, 432(2).

Tiffis, 'Typhis,' Persians besiege, 347.

'Tiger,' [qy. Tiward], regiments of, at Dunkirk, 175.

Tirol, King of Spain levies landsknechts in, 99.

Tiwarde, M. de, Captain of compagnies d'Ordonnance of Prince of Epinoy, 180.

Toledo, Ferdinand Alvarez de, Duke of Alva, reference to route taken by, to Low Countries, 73 (p. 66);

Portuguese have no liking for, 472 (p. 460);

accompanies king into Castile, 478;

letter of spiritual consolation to his wife on death of, 553.

-, Hernando de, the Grand Prior, son of above, his vessels in fleet for enterprise of Terceiras 148;

to be general of Spanish horse in Portugal, 478.

-, Pedro de, Marquis of Villafranca, in army for Terceras, 112.

Tomson, Laurence, reference to letters from Gilpin to, 44;

mentioned, 194 (p. 195).

-, -, letters and dispatches to, 1, 12, 17, 27, 67, 80.

-, -, drafts and endorsements in hand of, 26, 27, 77, 101, 127, 130, 298, 402, 447, 503, 550, 551.

Torre, Ottaviano de la, Genoese merchant in Paris, king orders books of, to be burnt, 396 (p. 393).

Torres, Alonso de, son to Conde del Villar, in army for Terceras, 112.

Torres Vedras, Count of. See Silva, Manuel da.

Torretto, M. di, Cobham receives visit from Italian professing to have come from house of, 179.

Torsy, near Dieppe, soldiers assemble at, 75.

Toulouse, Mauvissiére writes, touching case of merchants of, 78, 384.

-, Count of, Châtillon makes complaint against, 424 (p. 417).

-, Bishop of, to be present at meeting between King of Navarre, Condé and Montmorency, 288 (p. 282).

Touques, a 'religious' living at, furnishes Armeville's ship with victuals, 213 (c).

Tour, — de la, goes to King of Navarre, 75.

Touraine, Duke of Ferrara promises to lend Monsieur money upon caution of certain rents in, 369.

Tour d'Auvergne, Henri de la, Vicomte de Turenne, might be put to death if Salcedo should be executed, 348 (p. 339);

reference to intention of to marry Tremoille's sister 538.

Tournay, reference to loss of, 14;

artillery brought to Oudenarde from, 15;

ordnance embarked at, 18 (p. 19). 28;

fascines and ladders brought to Oudenarde from, 79;

Viscount of Ghent said to have been sent prisoner to, 85 (p. 81);

terms of surrender of, refused to those of Oudenarde, 92;

people of, swear to be true to King of Spain, 96;

gentleman of, laments Egmont's dishonour, 199;

Parma goes to, 204, 220;

Germans in, mutiny for want of pay, 284;

Prince of Parma places Spaniards in, 304;

Burgundian regiments in, 328;

reference to taking of, 454;

news from, 475;

horsemen of Ghent capture Malcontents near, 489;

trumpeter comes to Bruges from, 516.

-, Governor of, See Mondragon.

Tours, Count Vimioso 'pretends' to return to, 59;

Don Antonio departs from, 114, 137 (p. 134);

Antonio Brito at, 230.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 11, 60, 379.

Trayll, Colonel, Scots regiment under, to be reduced, 18 (p. 17);

'Tryell,' in command of Scots infantry at Dunkirk, 175;

defeats enemy in skirmish near Menin, 359;

in command at Menin, 377 (p. 375);

death of, 475;

companies of, given to Preston, 493.

Treasurer, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Trelon, M. de. See Bloys.

Trémoille, Charlotte Catherine de la, Prince of Condé intends to marry, 538.

Trent, Council of, 66 (p. 58);

French king consents that discipline of, shall be put in practice in France, 162;

French king resolves to have new council for introduction of authority of, 472 (p. 462), 494 (p. 485), 510, 515;

king promises that clergy shall be reformed according to ordinances of, 538.

Trento, Giovanni Battista di, Signor Aragon to confer with, 339.

Tréport, bark laden with artillery goes to Scotland from, 75.

-, English goods taken to, by French pirates, 543.

Tresam, William, visits Walsingham, 50.

-, —, brother of above, 50.

Treslong, 'Turlon,' M. de. See Bloys.

Tretolle, See Tholen.

Treves, Archbishop and Elector of. See Eltz.

Treville, Ane de, slain in battle of the Azores, 213.

Triest, Jonkherr Joos, lord of Bovendeghem, eschevin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

-, Jonkhear Joos (Fus Gilles), esohevin of lower benoh in Ghent, 284.

Trigo, James, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Tripoli, English ship detained at Malta on return from, 211 (a).

Trubbach, Rudolf, of Schwyz, ambassador to Paris, 519.

Truchsess, Gebhard, of Waldburg, Archbishop of Cologne, 85 (p. 79);

makes banquet in Parma's behalf, 175;

announces a Provincial Diet in his State, 389;

a secret friend of Earl of Neuenahr, 438;

broils between people of Cologne and, 473;

marries sister of Count of Arenberg, 477;

about to introduce Reformed Religion into his diocese, 496;

wishes to remain temporal and spiritual lord of Cologne, 499;

Bishop of Liége wishes to remove, 500;

married, in the Religion, 537.

Truite, M., vice-admiral of French fleet at Tercera, 105.

Tschudi, Balthazar governor of 'Liechtenstag,' bailiff of Toggenburg, ambassador from Abbot of St. Gall to French king, 519.

'Tsherenberge' on the Rhine. See Herenberg.

Tubelli, Martin de, killed in battle of Azores, 213.

Tübingen in Würtenberg, William Ratcliff returning to England from University of, 314.

Tuileries, the, 114 (p. 113);

French king at, 396;

King and Queen Mother examine Guises at, concerning Salcedo's confession, 441 (p. 433).

Tulen Isabeau de, wife of President de Thou, daughter of Jean de Tulen, Seigneur de Celi, French king visits, 465.

'Tunkskens' [qy. Tongs], governor of Lierre escapes to, 237 (p. 241).

Tupper, John, servant to English embassy in Paris, 269, 478, 483.

Turenne, Viscount of. See Tour d'Auvergne.

Turin, three Cardinals visit, 113 (p. 111);

Ferrabosco at, 301;

King of Navarre's gentleman returns from, 498.

-, letter dated at, 301.

Turk, the Grand Signior, present at tournament at Hippodrome, 178;

truce of Empire with, to be renewed, 198;

reference to peace between Persia and, 209 (p. 209);

said to be dead, 217 (p. 217);

Russians to enter into league against, 266;

money granted to Emperor for defence of his frontier against, 310 (p. 305);

much troubled by Persians, 347;

English merchants trading at Court of, 368;

Pope tries to stir up jealousy between Muscovite and, 385;

Knollys would rather serve, than return to England, 394 (p. 390);

English merchants trading with, 421;

peace between Persians and, said to be broken, 467;

peace feared between Sophy and, 468;

reference to peace between Persians and, 471;

ill-satisfied with Signiors of Venice, 538 (p. 526).

Turks, reference to Spaniards taken captive by, 6;

Pennachi wishes Elizabeth to help release his kinsfolk from, 62 (p. 54);

mentioned 73 (p. 66);

King of Fez sends ambassador to, 113 (p. 111);

Pope's galleys taken by, 167;

troops said to be levied in Bohemia for service against, 180 (p. 180);

money voted for Imperial war with, 333 (p. 323);

war between Persians and, at end. 333 (p. 324);

friend of Bizarri captured by, 445;

peace continues between Persians and, 494 (p. 486);

captured by Venetians in Candia, 538 (p. 526).

Turkey, English captives in, 77 (p. 73);

fleet of, leaves Genoa, 102 (p. 99);

prince of, circumcised, 178 (p. 175);

Pigafetta writes book of his travels in, 339.

Turnhout, Touruehault, in Brabant, Monsieur's army to be sent to, 535.

Tuscany, Duke of. See Medici, Francesco Maria de.

Tuve, Peter, reference to letter from Cobham sent by, 136.

'Tyllebarne' [qy. Tullibardine], — Murray, Lord of, said to have been apprehended by King of Scots, 250.

Tympel, 'Temple,' Olivier van den, Governor of Brussels, colonel in States' service, reference to taking of Alost by, 30;

withdrawn from Brussels, 534.

Tympel, Temple. —, brother of above, comes to Antwerp, 460.

Tysnacque, Madame, French colonel lodges at house of, in Brussels, 534.