Index: C

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Caetani, 'Gayetanur Sermoneta,' Nicolas, cardinal, likely to be sent as legate-extraordinary to Paris, 465.

'Cahors,' M. de, See Cavour.

Caithness, 'Catnesse,' Earl of, See Sinclair, George.

Cakoy [?], —. reference to letter from Walsingham to, 174.

Calais, States wish French king to close passages between Mézières and, 18 (p. 16);

letters from, 29;

States wish French king to forbid all trade with enemy at, 53 (p. 46), 70;

Italian, Spanish and French troops said to be about to embark at, for England, 73 (p. 66);

passages between Mézières and, to be closed to enemy, 85 (p. 81);

French king does not shut up passages of, 118 (p. 119), 143 (p. 139);

Count of Mansfeldt goes to Antwerp from, 135;

French forces between Gravelines and, 146, 147, 160, 206;

soldiers come to Dunkirk, from, 219;

mentioned, 225;

Guises lay wait to intercept letters passing to Flanders by way of, 249;

Lesieur at, 252, 253;

Cobham's messenger not to go by way of, 267;

no victuals or munitions to be sent into Artois and Hainault from, 284;

letters passing through, likely to be intercepted, 287 (p. 280);

cornet of French horse shipped at, 304;

Mayor of, takes boats of Dover to bring soldiers to Low Countries, 325;

Gascons arrive in Low Countries from, 336;

couriers and merchants pass safely from, to Prince of Parma, 343 (p. 334);

French king makes proclamation at, 349;

French troops arrive at Antwerp from, 363, 374;

news from, 375;

French arrive at Antwerp from, 377 (p. 376);

la Mothe-Fènelon to convey money to Scotland from, 424;

vessels leave Antwerp for, 456;

Swiss to be shipped at, for Low Countries, 463;

Biron conducts his forces towards, 465;

French and Swiss troops to be shipped at, for Low Countries. 475;

French camp afoot near, 477;

English mutineer embarks at, 514.

Calamartier, Pierre de, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Calendar, New. See Gregory XIII;

Style, Change of.

Calvi, Eliano, Italian banker, imprisoned in Paris, 396 (p. 393);

to leave France, 441 (p. 434);

French king allows, to stay, 442.

Cambrai, Cambray, men of, trouble enemy much, 14;

French forces arrive at, 29;

mentioned, 43;

governor of Bouchain yields town to men of. for Monsieur's use, 53;

Monsieur's forces said to have come to, 69;

Noyelles flies to, 85 (p. 80);

Monsieur's reiters near, 110;

Laval expected at, 118 (p. 118);

French forces said to be near, 121, 126 (p. 126), 128 (p. 129);

Count of Mansfeldt's reiters at, 135;

Monsieur's forces said to be coming to, 235;

enemy said to be preparing to besiege, 284;

reference to league of, against Senate of Venice, 295;

enemy said to have retired towards, 311;

people of, said to have burnt Saint Pol, 321;

great numbers of French said to be about, 336;

Prince of Parma marches towards, 337 (p. 328);

French strong about, 338;

Prince of Parma near, 350;

French army about, 363;

Prince of Parma's forces go towards, 364;

courier of Prince of Parma sent to, 369;

people of, defend 'Lesoluse,' 375;

Villiers to conduct forces from, 377 (p. 376);

said to have yielded to enemy, 404;

passage from France to, impeached by loss of Cambresis, 414;

Biron puts garrison into, 423 (p. 415);

French army said not to be coming by way of, 439;

French king sends money to pay garrison of, 441 (p. 433);

enemy's camp near, 454.

Cambrésis, men of, trouble enemy much, 14 Monsieur's reiters in, 79, 86,100, 110, 118 (p. 118);

people of, said to have burnt Saint Pol, 321;

'Cambrisaye,' Prince of Parma said to have won, 394 (p. 390);

'Cambeses,' 405;

'Cambrysse,' 414;

reference to taking of, 428;

loss of, a disgrace to French, 439;

Prince of Parma destroys, 440.

Camer, —, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

'Camphine' (Campen), Stewart to take ship for Scotland from, 118 (p. 120).

Canary Islands, the, Kenne plunders Portuguese at, 469;

suggestion of certain persons to go to, in order to attack Spaniards, 538.

Candia, Turkish rovers captured by Venetians in, 538 (p. 526).

Canto, Peter Anos da, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452;

witness to depositions against Kenne, 469.

Cappello, 'Guissard,' Genoese merchant in Paris, King orders books of, to be burst, 396 (p. 393);

to leave France, 441 (p. 434).

Capponi, Piero, a Florentine, said to be intriguing in Paris against Elizabeth, 3;

goes about with Spaniards at Rouen, 91;

visits Pope's nuncio on behalf of Italian prisoners in England, 114 (p. 114);

returning to Rouen, 223;

reference to letter from Masino del Bene sent to Monsieur by, 225;

mentioned, 226, 266;

death of, 471, 472 (p. 460).

-, letter from, 84.

Capres, M. de. See Bournonville.

Cardona, Don Giovanni de, late Viceroy of Naples, returns to Spain, 465.

Carduino, 'Cardloyn' Maria, statement of pay of Italian infantry under, 328.

Carelli, Ferrante, brother to following, sent to Scotland by Duke of Guise, returns to Paris, 472 (p. 461).

-, Paulo, brother to Duke of Guise's master of horse, comes to Paris from Scotland, 465.

Carenzon, Carentzoni, Nicolas, Monsieur writes to recommend, 418;

goes to England, 431.

Carey, Sir George, sent by Elizabeth into Scotland with Bowes, 298;

(Sir Edward), 357 (p. 354).

Carleil, Christopher, Walsingham's stepson, reference to letter about, 190.

'Carlo Franco,' in service of Walsingham, 513.

Carnavalet, Mme de. See Paume, Françoise de.

Carpen, said to have yielded to Monsieur, 169. See Kerpen.

Carrouges, M. de. See Le Veneur.

Carrs, the, might be stirred up to favour d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

Cars, Baron of. See Monteith.

Cartwright, Thomas, Danett speaks with, at Antwerp, touching Brown's book, 303.

Carvehulo, Marcelo, in 'army' for Terceras, 112.

Cascaes, Spanish king reinforces garrison in, 86.

Caserme, Jean;

owner of Cantareine, 292.

Casimir, Duke, of the Palatinate, expected at Strasburg, 71;

King of Navarre sends gifts to, 482.

-, letters from, 76, 104, 312, 313, 459, 476, 495, 496.

Caspian Sea, reference to English ship trading in, 6.

Cassel, enemy's camp removes to, 205.

Cassie, Walter, takes letter to Cobham from Walsingham, 287, 288 (p. 281);

reference to d'Armeville's depredations against, 324;

Cobham writes and obtains letter from the king to Sigogne on behalf of, 344, 348 (p. 340).

Cassillis, 'Cassil,' Earl of. See Kennedy, John.

-, -, tutor of. See Kennedy, Thomas.

Castelberger [qy. Sebastian], from 'Obern Grawen' Bund, ambassador to French king, 519.

Castelli, Giovan Battista, Bishop of Rimini, Papal nuncio in Paris, Abate del Bene's communications to, 33 (p. 30);

mentioned, 114 (p. 114);

has audience with French king, 150 (p. 150);

mentioned, 152;

displeased at bishopric of Bayeux being bestowed on Princess of Conti, 209 (p. 208);

gives Scottish advocate letter from Pope, 210;

intreats Queen Mother not to send Bishop of Ross from Rouen, 348 (p. 339);

consents that Princess of Conti's kinsman should be Bishop of Bayeux, 369;

reference to Italians at house of, 396 (p. 394);

declares that d'Aubigny has a strong party in Scotland, 397 (p. 395),

count from Bologna lodges at house of, 401;

anxious for French king to deal speedily in matter of d'Aubigny, 423 (p. 414);

Irishmen take letters from, to Cardinal of Como, 423 (p. 415);

Pope commands, to maintain peace between Kings of France and Spain, 441 (p. 434);

wishes to sell certain lands belonging to the Church, 442;

mentioned, 467;

delivers money to Scottish king's minister, 472 (p. 462);

reference to favour obtained by, for English fugitives and rebels, 480 (p. 472);

Duke of Guise lodges in house of, 484;

mentioned, 485, 494 (p. 485);

does not wish Bellievre or du Ferrier to be admitted to king's new Council, 494 (p. 485);

receives pardon from Pope for English Papists, 497;

French king promises, that clergy of France shall be reformed, 538.

Castelnau, Michel de, Seigneur de la Mauvissière, French Ambassador in England, 33 (p. 29);

writes that Elizabeth is much inclined to marriage with Monsieur, 54, 77 (p. 71);

mentioned, 101, 150, (p. 149);

is sure that Elizabeth is fervent is desiring marriage, 151;

French king writes to, touching defraying of Monsieur's charges in wars of Flanders, 179;

has access to Elizabeth, 183;

consideration of report of, touching French king's wishes concerning marriage of Elizabeth and Monsieur, 200;

reference to letter from, sent to Cobham, 229;

reference to conference of, with Elizabeth, 229 (p. 231);

mentioned, 268;

'unjust and injurious suit' of, against Knollys, 280;

receives news of encounter between Don Antonio's and King of Spain's fleets, 298;

premier maitre d'hôtel of, wounded before Ghent, 302 (p. 298);

Elizabeth does not wish letters sent to Queen of Scots from French king and queen through, 357;

deals much in favour of Scottish affairs, 386;

mentioned, 396 (p. 392), 398,

Elizabeth objects to his meddling in Scottish affairs, 421;

reference to letters from, 424 (p. 427);

Mme de Mauvissière wishes him to return to France, 433;

reference to his dealing about the marriage, 449, 479;

order sent to, from French king to accord Elizabeth all she could demand for conclusion of marriage, 480 (p. 471);

Cobham wishes him to write on Gower's behalf, 480 (p. 472);

reference to negotiation of, with Elizabeth concerning marriage, 507, 508 (p. 500);

to declare French King's wishes to Elizabeth, 517.

-, - letters from, 2,13, 47, 58, 65, 72, 78, 82, 89, 94, 166, 168, 218, 291, 292, 326, 380, 384, 395, 403, 411, 430, 464.

-, Jacques, son of above, godson to Elizabeth, 326.

Castelyn, —, merchant of London, spoiled by Bacqueville, 150 (p. 151).

Castile, Cortes in, 113 (p. 111);

Duarte de Castro, flees from, 472 (p. 460);

Duke of Alva accompanies king into, 478, 480 (p. 471);

Comendador of Leghorn to succeed Cardinal Granville in, 494 (p. 485).

Castilians at St. Michael's prepare for siege, 353 (p. 346).

Castillo, Antonio de, Ambassador from late King of Portugal in England, consults King of Spain al out Drake's piracies, 52.

-, letter from, 56.

Castro, Duarte de, not imprisoned, 74 (p. 67);

said to have been beheaded by Don Antonio, 472 (p. 460);

reference to conspiracy of, 498. See also Craste, Roderigo de.

Catalonia, gentleman of, comes to Paris, 467.

Catherine de' Medici, Queen Mother of France, intrigues with Capponi, 3;

delivers 'singular commendations' of King of Navarre, 4 (p. 3);

mentioned, 5;

Cobham's audience with, 33 (p. 28);

Cobham hopes to be sent to Monsieur by, 37;

Pallivicino begs help from, for his brother's cause, 49;

mentioned, 54, 59;

Masino del Bene complains of being unkindly treated by 61;

lodges at M. d'O's house in Paris, 62;

Count Brissac confers with, 74 p. 67);

at Saint Maur, 86;

intends to go to Monceaux, 87;

mentioned, 113;

spends much money on Portuguese exploit. 114 (p. 113);

reference to title of, to kingdoms of Portugal, 122;

mentioned, 133;

Cobham has audience with, concerning Elizabeth's marriage, and aid given to Don Antonio, 150 (p. 149);

mentioned, 179, 183 (p. 184);

grants Duchy of Valois to Queen of Navarre, 188;

Egmont said to have written to, concerning Salcedo's conspiracy, 199;

expected in Low Countries, 203 (p. 203);

Monsieur awaiting answer of, concerning Salcedo, 204;

goes to Saint Maur, 200;

said to have written favourable letters to Duke of Savoy, 209 (p. 209);

doing all in her power for Monsieur, 214, 223;

reference to letter from, 227;

reference to right of, to Crown of Portugal, 229 (p. 231);

Cobham has audience with, 229 (p. 232);

denies that she knows of any commissions that might restrain Elizabeth's subjects from trading freely with Spain, 230;

mentioned, 246;

Cobham has audience with, 247;

to be Regent of France during king's absence, 248;

report of battle of Azores sent to, 266;

at Saint-Maur, 287;

at christening of Duke of Guise's son, 287 (p. 279);

Cobham has access to, 288;

intends to speak with Salcedo, 288 (p. 282);

mentioned, 300, 302;

has interview with Salcedo, 307;

receives letters from Monsieur, 309;

reference to aid given by, to Don Antonio, 317;

mentioned, 324;

Cobham sues to, for English pirates, 331;

at Saint Maur, 333;

sends news of Strozzi's defeat to Low Countries, 338;

mentioned, 343 (p. 334);

Spanish agent complains to, of being robbed by Monsieur's horsemen, 348;

wishes to send Bishop of Ross from Rouen, 348 (p. 339);

Cobham makes complaints to, of d'Armeville's piracy, 318 (p. 340);

sends news from Portugal to Low Countries, 350;

mentioned, 352;

Elizabeth does not wish letters from, to be sent to Queen of Scots through Mauvissière, 357;

Don Antonio writes to, lamenting Strozzi's death, 365 (p. 364);

Cobham's interview with, touching English merchants in the Levant, 368;

wishes Duke of Lorraine to help to restore Monsieur to French king's favour, 370;

said to be going to Calais, 375;

said to have paid Swiss troops for Low Countries, 377 (p. 376);

said to have decided to bring great hulks from Flanders to aid Don Antonio, 383;

pressed by Bishop of Glasgow to deal in favour of d'Aubigny 396 (p. 392);

reference to speeches of, to Cobham touching affairs of Don Antonio 402;

mentioned, 408;

continues to set forth ships to be sent to Terceras 423 (p. 415);

Guises try to persuade, to send Maineville to England, 424;

refered to in cypher as 300, 434;

writes on behalf of English merchants in the Levant, 441;

busies herself in procuring money. 441 (p. 434);

del Bene refers to his conversation with, 444;

reference to wishes of, to help Portugal, 458;

attends funeral of President de Thou, 465;

mentioned, 467;

thought not to admit Giraldi to her presence, 472 (p. 460);

borrows money from Gondi, 472 (p. 462);

la Neufville has conference with, 478;

mentioned, 482;

troubled with a mysterious voice, 486;

receives much money, 494 (p. 484);

Captain Perdini recommended to Don Antonio by, 498;

Biron goes to Low Countries at request of, 504;

goes in solemn procession to Notre Dame, 507;

Cobham confers with, touching marriage of Monsieur and Elizabeth, 507 (p. 496);

Cobham to speak with, concerning Elizabeth's marriage, 508 (p. 501);

reference to letter from, to Elizabeth, 509;

Biron thought to have secret instructions from, 514;

Don Antonio has secret conference with, 518;

does not approve of Don Antonio's intention to go into Flanders, 538 (p. 526);

Don Antonio lodged near house of, 540;

Cobham has audience with, 541.

-, -, letters to, 106, 436 (2).

-, -, letters from 410, 425.

Catherine, Queen of Sweden, daughter of Sigismund I. King of Poland and Bona Sforza, daughter of John Galeazzo Sforza and Isabella of Aragon, King of Sweden claims Duchy of Bari by right of, through her grandfather, the Duke of Bari, 442.

-, -, letter from, 202.

Catherine, Princess of Béarn, sister of King of Navarre, French king wishes Epernon to marry, 179;

Duke of Savoy wishes to marry, 288 (p. 282), 309;

Duke of Savoy's ambassador confers with, 348 (p. 339), 424 (p. 417);

reference to debts due to, from French king, 442;

Elizabeth said to wish that Monsieur would marry, 472 (p. 462);

reference to arrears of money due to, 482;

treaty of marriage between Duke of Savoy and, broken off, 498;

talk of marriage of Monsieur with, 529.

Cato, de Péna compares Walsingham to, 269.

Cauchon, Laurent, Sieur de Trelon, brother-in-law to Brulart, sent by Monsieur to Imperial Diet, 30 (p. 33).

Caugingnan (?) Captain, 'Cauquiguy,' captures Biscayan vessels off Azores, 353 (p. 347).

Cave, Lisle, endorsements, etc. by, 41, 299, 452, 469, 481, 504, 551.

Cavour, 'Cahors,' M. de, Count of Racconigi, chief favourite of Duke of Savoy, said to have come disguisedly to French Court, 150 (p. 150);

no longer sole manager of Duke of Savoy's affairs, 331.

Cea, Jerome Ferdinand de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer of England, 18 (p. 16), 36;

offers to sign order for Nicolson's deliverance, 64;

mentioned, 94;

Marchaumont refers to money promised by, for Monsieur, 128;

mentioned, 156;

calculation in hand of, of some part of Duke of Anjou's revenues, 172;

answer to articles sent from French King passed by, 229 (p. 233);

mentioned, 234;

reference to letter to, 271;

reference to letters from, 285, 295;

mentioned, 331, 367, 384, 489.

-, -, letters and dispatches to, 89, 193, 219, 373.

-, -, endorsements, etc. by, 318, 545.

Cervia, territory of, to be given by Pope to Signiors of Venice in consideration of adherence to Catholic leagues, 106.

Cerveira, Stephen, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Chabannes, François de, Marquis of Curton, sent by King and Queen Mother to King of Navarre, 113.

Chabot, Guy, Seigneur de Brion, late Admiral of France, father of following, 396 (p. 393).

-, Jacques de, Comte de Charni, Grand Escuyer of Frances, Lieutenant-General in Burgundy, Duke of Elbœuf to marry daughter of, 396 (p. 393).

Châlons in Champagne, Monsieur's Swiss troops arrive at, 225;

'Caloné,' muster of Swiss to be held at, 226.

Chamberlain, lord. See Batolyffe, Thomas.

Chamberland, Piere, merchant of Rouen, writes to La Mothe-Fènelon, 129.

Chamois, 'Shamaye,' 'Shamuel,' colonel of French regiments at Dunkirk, 208;

complaints made against, of favours shown to French, 227 (p. 228);

regiment of, at Dunkirk, 329, 531, 533;

Monsieur displeased with, 536.

Champagne, Monsieur's gentleman levying companies in, 62 (p. 53);

Swiss troops in, 225, 333.

Champagny. See Perrenot.

Champernon, Champernowne (? Arthur), Walsingham's servant, 114 (p. 114), 152.

Champigny, Duke of Montpensier's house, French King and King of Navarre to meet at, 179.

Chancellor, the, of England. See Bromley.

Chantonnay. See Perrenot.

Chanvallon. See Harlay.

Chappelle, la, musician writes to Elizabeth, 352.

Chapelle-des-Ursins 'La Chappelle Ursino,' Christophe Jouvenel de la, Lieutenant-Governor of Ile de France, Cobham sends letters from, to Walsingham, 352.

-, letter from, 356.

Charlemont, statement of pay of garrison of, 328.

Charles V, late Emperor, Geneva granted to Duke of Savoy by, 73 (p. 64);

reference to Francis I being kept prisoner by, 507 (p. 498).

Charles IX, late King of France, reference to Order bestowed on King of Denmark by, 217 (p. 216);

note of taxes on English commodities transported out of France by Englishmen in reign of, 341 (p. 332).

Charles, Crown Prince of Sweden, letter from, 228.

Charles III, Duke of Savoy, grandfather of following, reference to, 5.

Charles Emanuel, Duke of Savoy, his enterprise against Geneva, 5, 33 (p. 30), 37, 62 (p. 52), 71, 73 (p. 63);

Swiss cantons urge, to abandon enterprise against Geneva, 86;

disavows enterprise against Geneva, 99;

Catholics at Lucerne agree to help, 102;

reference to his enterprise of Geneva, 113;

three Cardinals visit, 113 (p. 111);

reinforces his army, 122;

tries to win the Chevalier Breton to his devotion 152;

forces increase daily round Geneva, 167;

charged by Cantons with breach of league and promise, 169;

Cantons intend to repulse from Geneva, 209 (p. 208);

his people still about Geneva, 225;

sorry for advice taken from King of Spain and Pope, 226,

possible meeting between French King and, 248;

forces of, not withdrawn from Geneva, 248 (p. 250);

report of death of, 283;

Swiss request, to remove forces from Geneva, 287;

cause of, to be decided by Swiss Cantons, 288 (p. 282);

sends Bellegarde to woo Princess of Navarre, 309;

Bernese deputies sent to, 310 (p. 305);

withdraws forces from Geneva, 323;

mentioned, 324;

shows himself 'too much Imperial,' 331;

suggestion of marriage of, with Duke of Lorraine's daughter, 343 (p. 335);

proposed marriage of, with Spanish Princess, 348; (p. 338);

M. de Fleury to treat on agreement between Swiss and, 348 (p. 338);

reference to aid given to, by five little Cantons, 352;

reference to letters from, 396 (p. 394);

said to have married Duke of Florence's daughter, 397 (p. 396);

Giraldi's son visits, 399;

continues secret preparations towards annoying of Geneva, 419;

Duchess of Braganza sends gentleman to, 423 (p. 415);

sends Bellegarde to King of Navarre, 424 (p. 417);

report of his marriage denied, 441 (p. 434);

meeting between Swiss and, postponed, 468;

French King thought to be making some confederation with, 472 (p. 460);

may marry King of Spain's daughter, 482;

visits Comendador Mayor 494 (p. 485);

Swiss demand help from French King for injury done to Geneva by, 498;

treaty of marriage between Princess of Navarre and, broken off, 498 (p. 490);

renewal of suit of, to Princess of Lorraine, 520.

Charles, servant to Walsingham, Doyley sends letter by, 350.

Charlevoix, —, news of battle of Azores sent to Queen Mother by, 266;

mentioned, 369.

Charni, Count of. See Chabot.

Chartier, le. Mathurin, 'Chartyers,' Monsieur's secretary, reports that Douay has submitted to Monsieur, 118 (p. 121);

sent to learn true particulars of Monsieur's army from France, 319;

takes letter from Monsieur to Walsingham, 346;

sent by Monsieur to King of Navarre, 352;

mentioned, 442.

Chartres, French King passes through, 369.

Chessey, John, Irish Franciscan friar, to be suffragan to Bishop of Bayeux, 369.

Chassincourt, M. de, agent of King of Navarre, visits Cobham, 230.

Chastelet, Captain, attacks Verdugo's troops, reported killed, 315 (p. 308).

Chataigneraye, M., present at council before battle of Azores, 353 (p. 348).

Châteauvilain, Comte de. See Diaceto.

Châtellerault, 'Chastellerowe,' Duke of, heirs of, overthrown by d'Aubigny, 421 (p. 412).

- Duchess of. See France, Diane de.

Châtellerault [Vienne], duchy of, given to Duke of Montpensier 138.

Châtillon, Odet de, late cardinal, 99.

-, M. de. See Coligny, François de.

Chaton, Captain, takes Breton ships, 168.

Châtre, 'Chartre,' [qy. Claude], Chevalier de la, of the Order of Malta, to be in command of new ships for Terceras, 423 (p. 415), 457;

receives government of Dieppe, 465;

departure of, for Tercoras postponed, 472 (p. 460);

visits Don Antonio, 540.

'Chattellett.' Captain (called an Italian, but probably identical with following), offers services to Monsieur, 18.

- See Chastelet.

Chavange, 'Chavanci,' statement of pay of garrison of, 328.

Chefdostel, —, French trader, tries to redeem a small ship, 292.

Chenonceau, 5.

Chester, reference to piracies done to merchants of, 34;

Jehan Gower born in diocese of, 66;

Walsingham deals with merchants of, 77 (p. 72);

reference to letters from, 137 (p. 134).

Chimay, Princess of, comes to Antwerp, 387;

said to have persuaded her husband to turn Protestant, 389.

-, Prince of. See Croy, Charles of.

Chimay, near Marienbourg, Monsieur's forces said to be at, 111.

Chiverny, Comte de. See Hurault.

Chordon, Captain in States' army, slays Gourmette, 70.

Christian, surgeon in States' army, 260.

Christierne, former King of Denmark, reference to treaty between Kings of England and, 551.

'Christovallett,' agent of Don Antonio in Antwerp, 18 (p. 17);

goes to England, 143 (p. 141).

'Chuelchier,' John, Spanish merchant at Calais, money sent to Gravelines by means of, 343 (p. 334).

Church, Thomas, English merchant at Rouen, signs petition, 341.

Cicero, reference to Laws of, 269.

Citolino, Paulo, to be paid for taking letters for Walsingham to Cobham, 298.

Civille, François de, letter from, 20.

'Clarentius,' herald of Henry VIII, 507 (p. 498).

Clausse, Henri, Seigneur de Fleury-Saint-Martin and du Ponts, brother of following, sent by French King to Geneva, 113;

returns from Switzerland with nothing accomplished, 122;

to treat on agreement between Duke of Savoy and Swiss, 348 (p. 338).

-, Pierre, Seigneur de Marehaumont et Courrances, agent of Duke of Anjou in Paris, 13;

Baqueville to be appointed resident in England in place of, 18 (p. 19);

mentioned, 33 (p. 29);

Herle considers that he was sent out of England through means of, 85 (p. 80);

reference to letters from, to Monsieur, 177, 199;

mentioned, 308;

wife of, thought to be affected towards Guises, 324;

will deal with Elizabeth in favour of d'Aubigny, 386;

too much affected to Duke of Guise, 401;

mentioned, 418, 464, 483;

writes to Duke of Guise of matters of Scotland, 485.

Clausse, letters from, 128, 232.

Clemment, — alms to be given to, by x, 137 (p. 134).

Clermont, Louis de, Comte de Bussy d'Amboise, revenge taken by Balagny for murder of, 498.

Clermont d'Amboise, Georges de, Huguenot Captain, insults Mme de Duras, 4 (p. 4).

Clermontais, College of the, at Paris, Jehan Gower goes to, 66 (p. 57).

Clervant, M. de. See Vienne.

Cleves, Duchy of, Lesieur returning to, 177;

one of Rogers's enemies in prison at, 194 (p. 194);

Lesieur goes to, 297;

Asheby sent to, by Duke, 316;

Council in, to devise means to set Rogers free, 327;

enemy crosses Rhine in, 347;

Lesieur tarries in, 416.

-, letters dated at, 297, 315.

-, Duke of. See William.

-, son of Duke of. See Jehan.

Clinton, Edward, Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral, 367, 450, 451.

-, Captain, plunders French pirates, 292.

Closter, Jacques de, in Williams' company, 263.

Cluses, Duke of Savoy garrisons passage of, 37.

'Clyncarne,' Earl of. See Glencairn.

Cobham, John, suits of, to States, 462.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 208, 219, 222, 236, 279, 281, 306, 311, 325, 335, 359, 390, 414, 422.

-, Henry. See Brooke.

-, Lady. See Brooke, Anne.

-, Lord. See Brooke, William.

Coblal, Antonio de, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Coehere M. See Cauchon, Laurent.

Coester, Martin de, a Fleming, takes letter from Mauvissière to Walsingham, 94.

Coldbath, 'Colburque,' Zubiaur detained in, 511.

Coligny, François de, Seigneur de Chatillon (Chastillon-sur-Loing), Admiral of Guyenne, Montmorency solicits him to 'run his fortune,' 114 (p. 114):

sent to Savoy with message touching affairs of Geneva, 150 (p. 150);

advancing to aid Geneva, 288 (p. 282), 323;

returns from Geneva, 340;

complains of Count of Toulouse, 424 (p. 417).

- Gaspard de, Seigneur de Chatillon, late Admiral of France, reference to shooting of, 61.

-, Guy de, Sieur de Laval, Count of Andelot, reference to his brother's governor, 31;

mentioned, 71;

licensed to levy companies for Monsieur's service, 74 (p. 68);

expected at Ghent, 79;

preparing levies for Monsieur, 86, 113 (p. 111);

expected at Cambray, 118 (p. 118);

coming to Low Countries, 180 (p. 180);

Swiss coming to Low Countries under conduct of, 181 (p. 182);

troops of, pass into Picardy, 187;

troops to be conducted by, 288 (p. 282);

rumour of his coming into Flanders, 306;

still in Paris, 309;

before Bapaume, 463;

near Gravelines, 487;

at Bruges, 492, 493;

arrives at Antwerp, 512, 514.

Cologne, those of the Confession wish to have 'temples' at, 99;

preparation of munition for Parma made at, 118 (p. 119);

news from, 203 (p. 203);

magistrates of, resolve to have no religion but Roman, 260;

people of, make edict against Protestants in, 310 (p. 305);

Lesieur about to go to, 315 (p. 308);

'Colen,' Asheby writes from, 316;

enemy believed to have crossed Rhine near, 338;

reference to ships of Duke of Cleves coming from, stayed by Baron of Anholt, 366;

foreign goods brought to, instead of to Antwerp, 388;

Provincial Diet to be held in, 389;

Lesieur goes to, 416;

Bishop of, places garrisons in small villages about, 473;

reference to news from, 489;

Duke Casimir wishes some person of understanding to be sent from England to, 495, 496;

Bishop wishes to introduce Confession of Augsburg into, 499;

Haultepenne and Mansfeld marching towards, 512;

money to be paid to the King of Spain in, 518 (p. 569);

commissioners of magistrates at, to take part in Diet at Bonn, 524.

-, letters dated at, 186, 317.

-, Elector of. See Truchsess.

Colombiers, M. de, coming to Low Countries. 180 (p. 180), 181 (p. 182).

Colonna, Marcantonio, to be governor of Milan, 108,

'Don Antonia' Colonna, 113 (p. 111);

made governor of Milan, 143 (p. 140).

-, Pedro, signs statement of pay of Spanish forces in Low Countries, 328.

-, Prospero, looked for in Netherlands as general for King of Spain's forces from Italy, 28, 85 (p. 81).

Colph, Thomas, apothecary, bill from Dale to de Péna in keeping of, 458.

Colson, (?) William, returns to Paris from Rome, 33 (p. 30).

Combelles, M., reference to note from, to Cobham, 74 (p. 68);

reference to letter from Walsingham to, 114 (p. 113).

Comendador Mayor. See Zuñiga.

Comer, —. Englishman in Paris, 66 (p. 57).

Commendone, Francesco, 'Comendonus,' Cardinal, a Venetian, to be sent to King of Spain, 465.

Commines, fort near Menin, States' troops may attack, 500.

Commissioners from French king to Elizabeth, reference to marriage negotiation passed by, 229, 507.

Como, Cardinal of. See Gallio.

Conciergerie, prison of, Salcedo brought to, 423.

Condé, Prince of. See Bourbon, Henri de.

Condoumois, assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Coningham, Robert, servant to Lord John Hamilton, takes letter to Cobham, 25.

Constantinople, English ship captured at Malta in her return from, 151;

account of festivities in, 178;

news from, 238;

great fire in, 347;

Cobham intends to deal in cause of agent for merchants trading to, 352, 368;

French king dislikes English agent to be sent to, 396 (392);

Elizabeth intends to send agent to, 421;

news from, 494 (p. 486);

French king intends to recall Germigny from, 520;

gentleman of Marseilles comes to Paris from, 538 (p. 526).

Conti, Princess of. See Goeme, Jeanne de.

Cooper, Lionel, in Williams' company, 263.

Copcott, Reynold, obtains promise of payment of debt from Van der Werke, 12;

accepts commission given him for receipt and disposal of money, 16;

Gilpin confers with, about payment of debt to Elizabeth, 44;

reference to 'substitution' made by Hoddesdon to, 67.

Copenhagen. 'Copenhaven,' Waad visits English ambassador at, 217;

burgomaster of, sent to buy cloth in England, 233.

-, letter dated at, 290.

Copley, Thomas (called Lord Copley), confers with Duke of Guise, 162;

Governor of Jesuits gives money to, 520.

Corbie in Picardy, priests of, try to deliver, into Malcontents' hands, 331;

people of Bapaume try to take, 349.

Cordeliers, the, reference to chapel founded by Spaniards at house of, in Rouen, 91;

Queen Mother wishes, to accept the Italian General, 248;

King builds chapel and cell at Louvre for, 369.

- See Franciscans.

Cordova, Diego de, in army for Terceras, 112.

Cormont, Antoine de, Sieur de Villeneuve and des Bordes, his lieutenant colonel slain, 70;

with Rochepot, 111;

colonel of French at Dunkirk, 175, 180;

will not receive orders from la Pierre, 205.

Corse, Alfonso, son of following, to trouble Corsica, 538.

-, Pietro, 538.

Corsica, Alfonso Corse to trouble, 538.

Corsini, Philip, Mauvissière writes on behalf of, 403.

Corstorphine, Lord of, surnamed Foster, comes to Paris, 472 (p. 461).

Cortes, Francisco, passport for Low Countries granted by Mendoza to, 97.

Corttrick. See Courtrai.

Cossé, Arthur de, Bishop of Coutances, sends news of encounter between French and Spaniards to M. de Brissac, 307.

-, Charles de, younger Comte de Brissac, to help Huguenots, 4 (p. 3);

mentioned 18 (p. 17);

leaves coast with ships and men, 33 (p. 30), 43;

confers with Queen Mother, 74 (p. 67);

commanding army in Britanny, 91;

lieutenant-commander of army for Don Antonio, 95, 115;

Strozzi's ships join, 114;

said to have been slain at St. Michael's, 260;

report of rout of Don Antonio's fleet related by men of, 265, 266;

said to have brought three Spanish ships to France, 268;

Irishman in ship of, 287 (p. 280);

arrives in Normandy, 300;

mentioned, 307;

to go as Admiral of new fleet against Spaniards, 343 (p. 334);

account of, action of, in battle of Azores, 353;

signs account of battle of Azores, to send to Paris, 365.

Costa, Francisco de, sent to persuade Don Antonio to come to some composition with King Philip, 114.

Cotton, Thomas, serving in State's army, 9;

makes preparations to levy companies, 55;

mentioned, 70;

soldiers under, meeting, 118 (p. 121);

at St. Bernard, 126 (p. 127);

companies under, march towards Diest, 139, 143 (p. 139);

Colonel of English infantry at Dunkirk, 175;

withdraws his company from English, and joins French, 290 (p. 273).

Couche, Martin, made ensign in Wilson's company, letters from, 214, 217, 345, 405;

qy. 'your man that is with Captain Wilson,' 470.

Couroelles, M. de, memorials brought from Mauvissière to Walsingham by, 82;

passport for, 326;

sent by Mauvissière to Walsingham, 395.

Courtray, Corttrick, soldiers sack burghers in, 14;

people of, swear to be true to King of Spain, 96;

failure of enterprise of Rochepot and Yorke upon, 118 (p. 118);

false report of capture of, 121;

reference to Rochepot's defeat at, 126 (p. 126), 135;

Parma's forces pass through, 147;

mentioned, 151;

enemy at, tries to win over mutinous English troops, 160;

Scottish gentleman join enemy at, 220;

enemy crosses river near, 304;

Spaniards come to, 321;

great want of victuals at, 364;

enemy gathers camp near, 449;

enemy removes from, 454;

enemy makes great vaunt of taking of, 475;

failure of French enterprise on castle near, 504;

news from, 527;

enemy between Oudenarde, 531.

Courtray, Governor of. See Zweveghem.

Coutances, Bishop of. See Cossé, Arthur de.

Coutras, Joyeuse goes to, 424 (p. 417).

Cras[te], Roderigo de, detained by Don Antonio, 59, See Castro, Duarte de, Creighton, Father William, said to have promised more than he could perform, in matter of money, 286.

Creil, in Valois, assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Crèpy, 'Crepsi,' in Valois, assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Crêvecœur, near Cambray, French troops at, 99, 121.

Crêvecœur, M. de. See Gouffier.

Crinville, —, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

Croatia, princes of Empire to consider maintainance of garrisons in, 209 (p. 209).

Cromwell, Captain, wounded in skirmish before Ghent, 294, 302 (p. 296).

Cronenborg, in Denmark, King of Denmark sends to England for alabaster for castle of, 117.

Crooch, Dansel de, eschevin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Crosilles, Croiseillis, M. de, captured by Prince of Epinoy's horseman, 475, 489.

Croy, Charles of, Prince of Chimay, son to Duke of Aerschot, said to have become a Protestant, 151, 181 (p. 182);

at Flushing, 375;

comes to Antwerp, 387, 389;

Monsieur makes banquet for, 394 (p. 390);

Norris invites to banquet, 406;

mentioned, 534;

'Simey,' mentioned in pasquinade, 549.

-, -, letters from, 170, 244, 505, 506.

-, Charles Philippe de, Marquis de Havrech, half brother to the Duke of Aerschot, Swiss fail to capture, 15;

said to have come to Paris, 74 (p. 68);

Meetkerke refers to his being in England with, 431;

mass said in house of, at Brussels, 534.

-, Philippe (III) de, Duke of Aerschot, Prince of Chimay, expected at Antwerp, 151;

very ill, 454;

mass said in house of, at Brussels, 534;

'Pere Arscot,' mentioned in pasquinade, 549.

Cujas, Jacques, 'Cujacius,' goes to Paris, 333 (p. 324).

Culenborg, on the Rhine, held by Monsieur, 438 (2).

Cunningham, William, Earl of Glenoairn, 'Clynoarne,' said to have been apprehended by Scottish King, 250.

Curton. See Chabannes.

'Curttontte,' M. de, minister, 75.

Cyprus, English merchant ships stayed in, 421 (p. 411).