Index: B

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Baçan, Alvaro, Marquis of Santa Cruz, commanded to keep coast of Galicia and port of Lisbon, 86;

in command of fleet for Terceras, 112;

to defend coast of Galicia, 114;

captain-general of Spanish King's army for enterprise of Terceras, 148;

sends report of battle between French and Spaniards to King Philip, 213;

causes French prisoners to be put to death after battle of Azores, 340;

French King much moved with cruel dealing of, towards French prisoners, 343 (p. 334):

mentioned, 348 (p. 339);

dispatches from King of Spain to captured by French fleet, 353 (p. 347);

Strozzi defeated by, 365;

testifies to Strozzi's valour, ib.;

reference to discourse of victory of, 441 (p. 435);

to govern Portugal, 472 (p. 460);

M. de Foix laments cruelty of, towards French, 494 (p. 486).

- Pedro, son of above, in 'army' for Terceras, 112.

Bachalla in Turkey, taken by Persians, 238.

Baden (Switzerland), Swiss assemble Diet at, 71, 102, 209 (p. 208);

assembly to be held at 310 (p. 305). 423 (p. 415), 468.

Baiamonti, bearer of letter from Mauvissière to Walsingham, 384. See Buiamonti.

Bailleul, Bailleu, 'Bealle,' enemy near, 160:

'Bell,' sacked by enemy, 235;

enemy's camp near, 284, 321.

Baker, William, trumpeter in States army, 263.

Balagny. See Monluo.

Balenge. See Balagny.

Balfour, Sir James, said to have been restored to Scottish King's favour, 370.

Ballanson, 'Balloduc,' Captain de, brother to Marquis Varambon, commander of Burgundian horse, alleges himself to be Montigny in battle with States near Berghes, 217, 219.

Balsac d'Antragues (François?) de, captain in the King's guard, sends dispatches to Scotlan, 74 (p. 68).

Bandini, Mario, Florentine merchant at Lyons, money in hands of, offered to Bishop of Glasgow, 441 (p. 434).

Banister, John, in Williams' company, 263.

Banning, Paul, English merchant in Venice, 295.

Bapaume, conspiracy of priests at, 331;

people of, try to take Corbie, 349;

Monsieur's French army said to be beside, 454, 463.

Baqueville. See Martel, Nicolas.

Barbary, English prisoners in, 77 (p. 73).

Barcelona, troops coming from, for Low Countries, 99.

Bari, 'Barry,' Duchy of, King of Sweden claims, by right of his wife, 442.

Barker, John, takes message from Norris to Monsieur, 165.

Barnes, Alderman, Mauvissière requests Walsingham to write to, on behalf of French merchants, 384

Barre, — de la, 'Bar', courtier of Monsieur, joins English pikemen before Ghent, 302 (p. 296);

in favour with Monsieur, uses Norris with great courtesy, 428.

Barrington, Henry, Cobham's cousin, 498, 510.

Barwick, Benedict, Cobham's servant, 267;

reference to capture of, at Nampont. 484.

Baselier, Jan, Eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Bastille, the, Salcedo brought to, 396 (p. 392);

Salcedo removed from, 423;

horsemen of Duke of Guise let out from 'St. Anthony's gate' beside, 441.

Basurto, Pedro de, reference to his debt to Martinez and Zubiaur, 45 (p. 40).

Batemburg, Battenburg, 'Battenburgh,' Lady of, Colonel Stewart about to visit, 18 (p. 17);

Stewart will shortly marry, 55;

Stewart's visit to, postponed, 118 (p. 120);

Stewart to marry, 126 (p. 127);

Stewart goes to, 143 (p. 141);

Stewart marries, 185;

Scots betray castle of, to enemy, 302 (p. 296).

Batemburg, castle of, on the Maas, Norris attempts to recover, 376;

States' forces to go to, 428;

held for King of Spain, 438 (2).

Batte, — la, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95.

Bauassert [qy. Beaudesert]. Robert de, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Baume, Françoise de la, widow of Carnavalet, French king lodges in house of, 86;

marriages of her son and daughter, 114 (p. 113);

house of, mentioned, 152.

Bavaria, Duke of. See Albert V.

Bayeux in Normandy, bishopric of, bestowed on Princess of Conti, 206 (p. 208);

kinsman of Princess of Conti to be Bishop of, 369.

Baynert, —, servant of Swift, factor of French merchants gives commission to 430.

Bayone, Islands of (Bayona), Don Antonio proposes landing his army at, 383.

Bazadois, assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Baza, Francisco, an Italian arrested for complicity in Salcedo's plot, 203, kills himself in prison, 220, 227, 231;

'Masa,' his birthplace, 238.

Bazet, —, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

Béarn, King of Navarre in, 309.

-, Princess of. See Catharine of Navarre.

Beale, Robert, Clerk of Privy Council, 2;

Queen of Scots commends, 47;

mentioned, 389,

Endorsements etc. by, 386, 400, 401, 417, 434, 443, 486, 539 (and perhaps some assigned to L. Cave).

Beaton (Beton, Belhune), —, brother to Bishop of Glasgow, message sent from Queen of Scots to Mauvissière by, 218.

- Archibald, second cousin to the following, gone with a 'malicious message' to Scotland, 210.

-, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, Scottish ambassador in France, reference to letters from, 13;

sends dispatches to Scotland, 74 (p. 68);

mentioned, 150 (p. 151);

kinsman of, takes letters to Scotland (from Duke of Guise, 210;

news from, 250;

said to have practised the betraying of Lierre, 348 (p. 339);

supposed to have been giving sinister information against Protestant lords of Scotland, 368 (p. 367);

mentioned, 369;

presses Queen Mother to deal in favour of d'Aubigny, 396 (p. 392);

news from, 397 (p. 395);

sends dispatches into Italy and Spain. 401;

utters many lamentations at French court, 423 (p. 414);

sends letters to Pope, 424;

nuncio offers money to, 441 (p. 434);

mentioned, 444;

receives news from Scotland, 472 (p. 461);

sends money to d'Aubigny, 482;

receives letters from England, 498;

reference to letters from Queen of Scots to, 508;

Dominican friar leaves letters with, 538.

Beaumont, Jean de, lieutenant in Brissac's company, 95, 115;

his lieutenant killed in battle of Azores, 213;

his encounter with Spanish gallions, 266;

captures Biscayan vessels. 353 (p. 347);

Strozzi goes on board ship of, to fight, 353 (p. 349);

his death (p. 363).

-, M. de, a religious, living at Tonques, furnishes Armeville's ship with victuals, 211 (c).

Beaumont, troops march from Artois by way of, 118 (p. 118).

Beaune, Renaud de, Bishop of Mende, wishes to become Monsieur's chancellor, 442.

Beausoncles, Charles de, Sieur de Sigogne, governor of Dieppe, French king writes to, on behalf of Cassie, 344;

reference to death of, 465.

Beauvais-Nangis, 'Beauvais Langi.' See Brichanteau.

Beauvillier, Claude de, Count of Saint-Aignan, accompanies French army to Low Countries, 492;

arrives at Antwerp, 514.

Becknes, Thomas, English merchant at Rouen, signs petition, 341.

Beeck, 'Beech,' near Xanten, enemy crosses Rhine at, 347.

Beken, Thierry van der, military treasurer-general for States, Williams' company to be paid by, 263.

'Beleluo' (qy. Bois-le-duc), on the Maas, held for King of Spain, 438 (2).

Belgard, M. de, Duke of Savoy's ambassador, confers with Princess of Navarre, 348 (p. 339);

'Bellagard,' sent by Duke of Savoy to King of Navarre, 424 (p. 417).

Bellegarde. See Saint Lary.

Belle Isle, English ships at, 4 (p. 4);

French navy at, 62 (p. 53);

Strozzi arrives at, 74 (p. 67);

ships for Don Antonio said to be at, 85 (p. 78);

fleet for Don Antonio sails from, 95, 114, 115, 353;

Don Antonio said to have landed at, 497, 498.

Bellièvre, Jean de, Sieur de Haultefort, President, brother of following, French King does good offices to Geneva through negotiation of, 113;

returns from Switzerland with nothing concluded, 122;

present at assembly of Swiss at Solothurn, 310 (p. 305);

returns from Switzerland, 348 (p. 338), 423 (p. 415);

accompanies Swiss ambassadors to Paris, 494.

-, Pomponne de, Secretary of State, to be sent to Monsieur, 37, 53 (p. 46), 55;

Low Countries prepare to receive him honourably, 77 (p. 72);

French king's promises to States to be executed through return of, 79;

leaves Antwerp, 85 (p. 81);

has private access to king, 86;

gives out that French king is willing to perform all that Elizabeth wishes to further marriage, 101;

sent to Biron, urging him to aid Monsieur, 102 (p. 99);

sends word that the king will do all he can to help Monsieur, 110, 113 (p. 111);

mentioned, 150 (p. 151);

to pay Swiss troops for Monsieur, 209 (p. 208);

reference to journey of, to Monsieur, 214, 225, 'Beaulievre,' 226;

said to have gone to Monsieur to procure treaty of accord with King Philip, 230;

arrives at Bruges, 235, 243;

to hear Salcedo's confession, 249;

goes to Ghent, 259;

leaves Ghent with Salcedo, 273, 283;

daily expected to return to Paris, 287;

comes to French Court, 288 (p. 282);

mentioned, 300;

Salcedo sent into France with, 304;

sent to French king, 307;

brings commission from French king to Biron, to take command under Prince Dauphin, 343;

mentioned, 436 (2);

complains of Cobham, 444;

Swiss ambassadors feasted by, 494;

nominated to be of king's new Council, 494 (p. 485).

Bene, Alfonso del, Abate, to go into Flanders, 33 (p. 30);

news from, 61, 225;

Abate Delbene, 441.

-, Captain Tommaso (Masino) del, to go into Flanders, 33 (p. 30);

reference to letters from, 61, 83, 108, 276;

reference to letters to, 264.

-, letters from, 5, 37, 102, 225, 275, 444, 513, 520.

Berchem, near Antwerp, inhabitants of, commanded to return to their own houses, 234 (p. 238);

'Barkam,' inhabitants of, promise not to attack enemy, 237 (p. 241).

Bergamo (Lombardy), Spanish King 'practices' to take, 266.

Berge, — la, captain in French fleet for Don Antonio, 115.

Bergen, Berghe, Graf van. See Witthem, Jean de.

Bergen-op-Zoom, Bergues, companies of Flemings and Scots enter, 9, 31;

Spanish enterprise against, fails, 55, 110;

'Bergen Upsone, 'Barrough,' La Garde's regiment goes to, 219;

French soldiers placed in, 258;

'Barrow,' trade of merchants adventurers well understood at, 550. See also Bergues-Saint-Wynoe.

Berghen. Gilles Thomas, eschevin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Bergman, George, letter to, 333.

Bergues-Saint-Wynoek, near Dunkirk, States camp near, 160, 169, 180;

Rochepot goes to, for medical treatment, 185;

States' camp near, 203 (p. 203), 204;

Berghes, Rochepot ill at, 205;

John Cobham visits camp near, 208;

'Bargus,' between enemy and States' camp, 217;

skirmish near, 217, 219, 220, 221;

Monsieur's camp and enemy's close to, 235, 236, 258;

companies of French placed in, 259;

reference to encounter between English and enemy at, 278.

-, letter dated at, 239.

Berlaymont, Barlemont, Claude, Count of, (formerly Haultepenne), frustrated in enterprise on Venlo, 18;

to be commander in Brabant, 110;

'Hougtopen,' takes Lierre, 222, 231;

Italian forces to join troops of, 235;

statement of pay of companies under, 328;

enemy under, crosses Rhine near Xanten, 347, 350;

aids enemy before Lochem, 363;

'Houtpen,' marching towards Cologne.

Berlaymont, Florent de. Seigneur de Floyon, statement of pay of companies under 328.

Berne, forces sent from, to defend Geneva, 4 (p. 3), 5, 37;

people of, wish to have Geneva under their jurisdiction, 62 (p. 52);

reference to league of Geneva with, 73 (p. 64);

people of, increase garrisons on frontiers, 86;

people of, seize bailiwicks of Geneva, 91;

French king allows help to be sent to Geneva from, 102;

people of, protest to Duke of Savoy about loss and damage into which they have been brought, 225;

ambassador of, present at assembly at Solotheim, 310 (p. 305);

people of, lay down their arms, 333 (p. 324);

people of, make difficulty to admit the little Cantons into their association, 352;

reference to meeting between Duke of Savoy and people of, 468;

Count Montreal seeks French king's favour for appeasing of people of, 520.

Berry, Mme de Mauvissière does not expect to have Elizabeth as duchess in, 433.

Berton, Louis de, Sieur de Grillon, accompanies king to Auvergne, 248.

Berwick, forces from, to repair into Ireland, 538 (p. 526).

Betaneort, Francis de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 453.

-, Henry de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

-, Vital de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Beutterich, Beutrick. Dr. Peter, counsellor of Duke John Casimir, reference to news from, 152;

has been among Swiss Cantons, 434.

Bex, Bee, Jean du, takes letter to Waleingham from Knollys, 280 (p. 272);

mentioned, 303.

Bianco, El Caho, Spanish merchant from, plundered by French pirates, 521.

Bianque, René, perfumer to Queen Mother, suspicion of attempt to serve Monsieur with gloves after fashion of, 234 (p. 237).

'Bicker,' Henry, lieutenant of, examines English pirates, 451.

Billing, John, inventory of books found in ship of, 22.

Billy, M. de. See Robles.

Birago, Mario, levies soldiers in Paris for Monsieur, 152.

Birague, Charles de, to have government of Saluces, 457.

Birague, René de, Cardinal, Chancellor of France, Queen of Navarro takes possession of house of, 287;

examines Salcedo, 307;

news of cruelty of Marquis of Santa Crux towards French prisoners sent to, 343 (p. 334);

present at examination of Salcedo, 396 (p. 398);

to be in King's new council, 494 (p. 485).

Birboum, Gerhardt van der, his bonds to be renewed with those of Pallavicino, 211.

-, letter from, 186.

Biron, M. de. See Gontaut, Armand de.

Biscay, Stronzzi's men ravage country of, 29;

mentioned, 289;

King of Spain orders ships to be built in, 471, 472 (p. 460).

Biscayans, at St. Michael's prepare for siege, 353 (p. 346).

Bivon (?) the, Prince of Chimay disembarks at, for Antwerp, 389.

Bizarri, Pietro, reference to letter from, 28;

'Petro Besari,' reference to letter from Walsingham to, 93.

-, letters from, 231, 238, 260, 347, 364, 374, 389, 406, 445, 513, 524, 529.

Blackbarony, 'Blackebarron,' Lord of, brother to Lady Fernhurst, comes to Paris, 465, 472 (p. 461).

Blackness, d'Aubigny to give up fortress of, 326.

Blanck, John, mariner, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

Blaye, government of, to be given to Matignon, instead of Lanemo, 86.

Bloemart, Lodowick, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Blois, French Court at, 33 (p. 29).

Bloys, William van, Sieur de Treslong (Trelon), Admiral of Zealand, Governor of Dunkirk, refuses to lodge new men in the town, 227 (p. 228);

said to be discontented with French, 392;

wishes to bring Flemings into Dunkirk, 531, 533, 536.

Biyenbeck, in Guelderland, Rogers fears he may be delivered into hands of people of, 194 (p. 194), 416 (p. 407);

States' forces repair to Castle of, 428;

held for King of Spain, 438 (2).

Boas, Jorge de, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Bobadilla, Bovadiglia, Francisco de, companies of, 112, 148.

Bochaert, Jan, eschevin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Bochetel, Jeanne de, wife of M. de Mauvissière, 13;

requests that Nicolson may be released, 47;

mentioned, 65, 89;

Letter from, 433.

Bockholt, 'Buckehault,' house between Lierre and Antwerp, French at, attacked by enemy, 336,

'Bouchout,' 337 (p. 328).

Bodenham, William, Zubiaur sends letter to Walsingham by, 285.

Bodley, —, treasurer to Merchants Adventurers in Antwerp, 377 (p. 376).

Bogge, Sandy, brother to Scottish king's porter, takes dispatches from France to Scotland, 74 (p. 68).

Bohemia, pioneers from, join Parma's army, 143 (p. 139);

troops said to be levied in for service against Turk, 180 (p. 180);

Parma expects pioneers from, 252.

Bois de Vincennes, 'Vincent,' Salcedo to be imprisoned at, 288 (p. 282);

Queen Mother has conference with Salcedo at, 307;

windows of, to be blocked up, 348 (p. 340);

King visits Salcedo at, 390 (p. 392).

Bois-le-duc, Boliduck, enterprise against, 118 (p. 118);

receives a garrison, 205;

mentioned, 238, 533;

'Beleluc,' held for King of Spain, 438 (2);

Monsieur's forces assembled to blockade, 535. See 'sHertogenbosch.

Boissy, Queen Mother at house of, 309.

Bolanise, 'Bollonese,' M. de, captain of compagnies d'Ordonnance of Prince of Epinoy, 180;

money for Prince of Parma paid to, 518 (p. 518).

Bologna, Count from, comes to Paris, 401. (See Ascania.)

Bologne, M. de, a Burgundian, a creature of Granvelle's, seeks to sow division between Counts of Embden;

goes to Scotland from King of Spain, 358.

Bommel, 'Bombylle,' Boumen, near St. Bernard's, States' camp passed to, 302 (p. 297), 306;

held by Monsieur, 438 (2).

Boncompagni, Jacomo. Duke of Sora, death of son of, 423 (p. 415).

Bonelli, Michele, 'Cardinal Alessandrino,' visits Duke of Savoy, in order to forward enterprise against Geneva, 113 (p. 111).

Bonn, Provincial Diet announced at, 524.

Bonnivet, M. de. See Gouffier.

Borcht, Burch, Frederick Vander, M. de 'Bourghe,' governor of Oudenarde, writes to Four Members of Flanders that he does not fear enemy. 29;

to be allowed to depart from the town, 140;

compelled to deliver up Oudenarde to Parma, 143;

comes to Ghent, 143 (p. 141), 146.

Borda, Étienne de, Maréchal-de-camp in army for Don Antonio, 95, 115;

action of, in battle of Azores, 353 (p. 345);

present at council before battle of Azores, 354 (p. 348).

Bordeaux, news from 4 (p. 4). 29;

Monsieur's revenue from, 172;

letters from, 248;

English merchants will not find credit at, owing to detention of wine from, in London Customs, 291.

Bordel, Antonio, killed in battle off the Azores, 213 [qy. see Fumée.]

Borge, — la, captain in army for Don Antonio 95. See Berge.

Borgerhout, 'Berganhooth,' near Antwerp, ensigns of States at, 311;

'Burgherhawlt,' English, French and Scots at, 319;

'Bubginhault,' 320;

English companies at, 336, 337 (p. 327), 350;

'Burganhoth,' 390, 413;

French troops go to, 414, 428;

English regiment at, 477, 487.

Borja, Geronimo de, son to Duke of Gandia, 112.

Borne, John, persuades Lord Chancellor not to set Zubiaur free, 511.

Borromeo, Charles, Cardinal, visits Duke of Savoy, 113 (p. 111);

said to be arranging marriage between Duke of Savoy and Spanish princess, 348 (p. 338);

to come to Paris, 472 (p. 461);

chief of Pope's new Council, 494 (p. 485).

Bosnia, people from, take part in festivities at Constantinople, 178.

Botelho, 'Botielo,' Diego de, English ships conducted by, at Belle Isle, 5 (p. 4);

'Botiglia,' nephew of, comes to Olonne, 498;

with Don Antonio in Paris, 540.

-, letter from, 317.

Bothwell, Earl. See Francis Stewart.

Botolph Lane, Popish books consigned to shop in, forwarded by Merchants Adventurers to Walsingham, 22.

Bouchain, said to have yielded to Monsieur, 43;

governor of, delivers town to men of Cambray for Monsieur's use, 53 (p. 45);

reference to Noyelles' failure against, 85 (p. 80);

said to be at Monsieur's devotion, 126 (p. 126), 169.

Boudios, —, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Bouillon, Duke of. See Marok.

Boulogne, French King's dealings with Flemish fugitives at, 29;

some of M. de Guise's household cross to England from, 91;

mentioned, 118 (p. 118);

Cobham's messenger not to go by way of, 267, 268, 287 (p. 280);

Don Antonio appoints ship to attend on him near, 518.

Boulonnois, French troops to pass through, 143 (p. 139), 284, 463.

Boumen. See Bommel.

Bourbon, Charles de, brother to Condé, takes deacon's orders, 30 (p. 30);

to be created cardinal, 442;

at feast given by bishop of Paris to Swiss ambassadors, 494 (p. 484).

-, Charlotte de, Princess of Orange, sister of following, her death, 9;

her funeral, 17;

reference to death of, 18;

her funeral, 30, 31.

-, François de, Prince Dauphin of Auvergne (later Duke of Montpensier), to be Monsieur's lieutenant-general, 62 (p. 53);

preparing levies for Monsieur, 86;

expectation of horsemen for Low Countries under conduct of, 98;

forces of, on frontiers before Gravelines, 100;

continues preparations for levying companies, 113 (p. 111);

desires to marry one of Prince of Orange's daughters, 126 (p. 127);

report that he will not go to Flanders, 162;

looked for at Dunkirk, 164, 175;

horse coming to Low Countries under conduct of, 181 (p. 182);

said not to be coming to Low Countries, 185;

French King wishes him to repair to Monsieur, 209 (p. 208);

advancing slowly towards Low Countries, 214;

using all possible diligence in levying troops for Monsieur, 225;

will come to Low Countries if the King bid him, 227 (p. 228);

said to be on frontier, 234 (p. 237);

marches slowly in Monsieur's affairs, 249;

in Paris, 268;

hopes soon to go to Flanders, 287, 288 (p. 281);

supplies his father's place at christening of Duke of Guise's son, 288 (p. 282);

no further news of, in Low Countries, 302 (p. 296);

'P. Dolphinœ,' rumour of his coming to Low Countries, 306;

still in Paris, 309;

repairs to his troops in Picardy, 323;

'P. Dolphinœy,' said to be coming to Low Countries at once, 325;

Biron likely to go with, 331, 343, 348;

goes to his father, 352;

Biron to go with army of 369;

at Amiens, 375;

ready to come into Flanders, 473;

near Gravelines, 487;

at Bruges, 492, 493;

due to arrive at Antwerp, 499, 500, 502;

feasted at Bruges, 504;

expected at Antwerp, 512, 514;

arrives at Antwerp, 524;

feasted in Ghent, 527.

-, François de, Marquis of Conti, brother of following, at feast given by Bishop of Paris to Swiss ambassadors, 494.

-, Henry de, Prince of Condé, expected at Antwerp, 9;

Monsieur does not desire presence of, 62 (p. 53);

said to be coming to Low Countries, 96, 135;

Huguenots wish Princess of Béarn to marry, 179;

will repair into Gascony, 230;

goes to Bordeaux, 248;

appoints a meeting with King of Navarre and Duke of Montmoreney, 288 (p. 282);

at Saint Jean d'Angely, 309;

confers with Montmorency in Languedoc, 348 (p. 339);

Bourbon (Condé) King grants tax on salt in Langnedoc to, 348 (p. 340);

goes into Langueduo, 482;

hopes to effect an exchange for la Noue, 483;

said to be going to marry Tremouille's sister, 538.

-, Louis de, Duke of Montpensier, Prince of Orange sends one of his daughters to, 126 (p. 127);

duchy of Chatellerault given to, 188;

gives up government of Britanny, 209;

Monsieur urges, not to depart from his government, 249;

earnestly affected to Monsieur's cause, 287;

godfather to Duke of Guise's son, 288 (p. 282);

governs Britanny, 323;

said to be going to yield up government of Britanny to Duke of Mercœur, 343 (p. 334);

very ill, 348 (p. 340), 352;

'goods' of, reference to, 300.

Lancy, declaration signed at, 318;

'Bourbonnensi,' 248.

French king to meet young queen at, 287, 288 (p. 281).

Bourbonnais [qy. Bourbonne-les-bains] French king wishes queen to take baths 'at,' 86;

young queen goes to baths at, 209.

Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de, Cardinal of Bourbon, Guise said to be going to visit, 91;

mentioned, 150 (p. 151), 348 (p. 339);

governed by 'Maningvil' 424;

plot of Guises told to, 441;

goes to Normandy, to hold Provincial Council, 465;

Grey discourses to, 494 (p. 485);

to be in King's new council, (p. 485).

Bourbourg, French and English forces meet with enemy near, 154, 160.

Bourdelles, sieur de. See Fumée.

Bourdin, — de 'nephew to Pinart' [sic; but really cousin to Brulart], sent by French King to Duke of Savoy, 113.

Bourdoul, Adrien, Colonel of Antwerp, 548.

Bourges [Cher], Jackson sent with dispatch to, 188;

plague at, 333 (p. 324).

'Bourghe,' M. de. See Borcht.

Bournonville, Oudard de (Count of Hennin) Baron de Capres, Governor of Arras, tries to bring Spaniards in Arras, 364;

ill, 478.

Bours, M. de. See Noyelles.

Bovnon, Rone, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Bowdler, Richard, deputy of merchants Adventurers, 22.

Bowes, Sir Jerome, reference to conference to be had between Cobham and, 8, 510.

-, Robert, Treasurer of Berwick, sent by Elizabeth into Scotland, 298, 357 (p. 354).

Bowsse, Joshua, master of boat taking Papists from Dieppe, 75.

Boyle, —, 114 (p. 114).

Brabant, English troops not to be assembled in, without permission of Estates or Members, 39;

magistrates of, get ready the interest on Elizabeth's loan, 40;

preparation of troops in, 100;

enemy's force on the road to, 110;

sailors threaten Chancellor of, 110 (p. 107)

States of, present Monsieur with benevolence, 121;

captains of horse at Ghent, 180;

order given for contingent of, to furnish part of debt due to Pallavicino and Spinola, 197;

Monsieur gives banquet to States of, 204;

reference to revolt of, from King of Spain, 209 (p. 209);

French ensigns to go to, 219;

La Garde's regiment goes to, 221;

enemy said to be making camp in, 235, 236;

tales of enemy's prevailing in, 243;

Monsieur puts soldiers into towns in, 258;

States' camp to lie in, 259;

Merchants Adventurers have no authority to send English minister out of, 271;

Monsieur's troops thought to be going to 279;

camp removes from Dunkirk to, 280 (p. 272), 283, 284;

war thought to be coming into, 300;

States'troops marching into, 302 (p. 296), 304;

English merchants relieve poor in, 319;

Norris goes through, 320;

Statement of monthly pay of Spanish force in, 328;

Monsieur's forces to follow enemy if they march towards, 363;

Norris's troops to come into, 376;

Monsieur's troops engaged upon enterprise in, 389;

Scottish companies sent into, 391;

enemy goes into, 392;

States' troops in distress in, 394 (p. 388);

enemy retires into, 439, 440, 473 475;

French troops march into, 489;

promises to furnish money for army, 499;

States' army may go into, 500.

Brabant, Duke of. See Francis, Duke of Anjou.

Braganza, Catherine, Duchess of, Doña Caterina, Giraldi's son visits, 399;

sends gentleman to Duke of Savoy, 423 (p. 415).

-, John, Duke of, eldest son of, to marry Emperor s youngest sister, 209 (p. 208);

Giraldi's son visits, 399;

King of Spain said to be going to marry daughter of, 518 (p. 509).

Brame, —, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

Brandenburg, Elector of. See John George.

Brazil, cases of sugar presented to company of Emanuel by Portuguese, 6;

Kenne robs Portuguese vessel bound for, 469.

Breda, reference to Prince of Orange's loss of, 9;

failure of State's enterprise against, 234 (p. 237);

Sempill tries to ruin Count Hollock, by giving him hopes of getting, 238;

'Brydothe,' Norris's troops pass through, 320, 337 (p. 327);

mentioned, 533;

Monsieur's forces assembled to blockade, 535.

Bredeforde, Brevoort, on the Rhine, Sohenck's friends contract with Drost and Rittmeister of, for detention of Rogers, as security for Schenck's ransom, 194 (p. 194);

'Bredford,' Rogers detained for charges made at, 366;

'Brevoirde,' held by King of Spain, 438 (2).

-, letter dated at, 194.

Brereton, alias Watts, William, Jesuit, letter sent to, 286.

Bresse, La, Italian foot said to be going into, 122.

Brest, fleet said to be assembling at, for Scotland, 51;

Mauvissière wishes ships of, to be restored, 82, 166.

Breteuil near Amiens, French captains with Prince Dauphin at, 348 (p. 338).

Breton, M. le Chevalier, under arrest, 55, 70:

not allowed to come to Court, 110;

Duke of Savoy wishes to win to his devotion, 152;

joins in skirmish before Ghent, 302 (p. 296);

comes to Paris, 467;

Queen Mother has secret conference with, 478;

returns to France, 514.

-, Thomas, in Williams' company, 263.

Bretons, request Walsingham to help them recover their ship, 166;

ship taken by English, 168;

Knollys refers to his action with, 280.

Brevedent, Captain, of Count Brissao's division, action of, at battle off Azores, 353 (p. 351).

Brevet, Captain le, a Provencal, to be la Châtre's lieutenant in expedition to Terceras, 472 (p. 460).

Brichanteau, Antoine de, Sieur de Beavais-Nangis, former Captain of the king's guards, comes to French court, 287 (p. 280).

Brionne, 'Brious,' [Eure], companies assembled at, 91.

Brissac, Comte de. See Cossé, Charles de.

Brisson, Bernabé, Sieur de Gravelles, President of Parlement of Paris, to be of king's new Council, 494 (p. 485).

Bristol, frieze, tax on, in France, 341 (p. 332);

French merchants at, 430;

Spanish goods taken by Englishmen to, 451.

Britanny, Knollys takes ship bringing goods from, 47;

ships said to be going to Scotland from, 75;

companies levied by Fervaques, said to be about to retire to, 91;

government of, assigned to Duke of Mercœur, 188, 209;

mentioned, 300;

Duke of Montpensier governs, 323;

French King wishes Duke of Mercœur to have government of, 343 (p. 334);

la Mothe-Fènelon wishes to go to, 423 (p. 414);

Duke of Meroœur to govern, 441 (p. 434);

Sainte-Souline's vessel wrecked off coast of, 471.

'Brithempton,' Brighton, English ship plundered near, by Armeville, 544.

Brito de Pimentel, Antonio de, Don Antonio's agent at Tours, 114 (p. 113);

Cobham awaits letters from, 230;

Cobham writes to, 247 (p. 249).

Bromley, Sir Thomas, Chancellor of England, Zubiaur detained by order of, 511.

Bronkhorst, Dietrich, old Baron of Anholt, Rogers wishes Elizabeth to write to, 416;

wishes to make agreement with States, 456.

-, Jacob, young Baron of Anholt, reference to letter from, to Lesieur, 159;

Rogers wishes Elizabeth to write to, on his behalf, 194;

reference to letters from, 252, 297;

mentioned, 302 (p. 297);

Lesieur visits, on behalf of Rogers, 315;

Prince of Parma to write to on Rogers' behalf, 316;

reference to death of, 366, 377, 416, 428, 456.

-, -, letter to, 239.

-, -, widow of above, 416 (p. 408).

Bronkhorst on the Yssel, 18;

castle of, likely to be captured by States' forces, 404, 416 (p. 408);

held by King of Spain, besieged by States, 438 (2).

Brooke, Anne, Lady Cobham, mentioned, 355.

- alias Cobham, Sir Henry, English ambassador in France, 83;

summary, in hand of Burghley's secretary of news conveyed in letters from, 116;

mentioned, 161;

French king writes to Pope on behalf of, concerning English ship detained at Malta, 211 (b);

informs French king of Armeville's attacks on English ships, 211 (c);

mentioned, 224, 264, 298;

deals with Schomberg on Nedham's behalf, 371;

mentioned, 408;

Elizabeth wishes letters from France to Queen of Scots to pass through hands of, 421 (p. 412);

Bellièvre complains of his unwillingness to form alliance against Spain, 444;

Giraldi promises to pay debt due to, 471;

mentioned, 522;

Addison hopes to have redress from, 544;

fragment of dispatch to, 546;

brief summary of negotiations of, 547.

-, -, letters from, 4, 24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 50, 54, 57, 59, 61, 62, 74, 86, 87, 113, 114, 115, 122, 133, 136, 149, 150, 152, 156, 162, 173, 179, 183, 187, 188, 209, 210, 229, 230, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 257, 266, 267, 268, 287, 288, 307, 309, 323, 324, 331, 332, 339, 340, 343, 344, 348, 352, 354, 355, 368, 369, 370, 378, 385, 386, 396, 397, 398, 401, 412, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 434, 437, 441, [442], 457, 465, 467, 472, 478, 480, 482, [484], [485], 486, 488, 494, 497, 498, 507, 517, 518, 520, 538, 540, 541, 552.

-, -, letters and dispatches written to, 25, 26, 60, 77, 101, 127, 141, 183, 151, 298, 357, 399, 402, 407, 449, 479, 508, 509, 510.

-, Maxmilian, son of following, nephew to Sir Henry Cobham, 352.

-, -, letter from, 167.

-, alias Cobham, Thomas, brother of above, 87.

-, William, Lord Cobham, Governor of Cinque Ports, 15.

Brouage, ships for Don Antonio go down river to, 33 (p. 30);

St. Lue, governor, 205 (p. 206),

ship from, brings news to Low Countries of, battle of Azores, 300.

Browne, Peter, mentioned in letter from Lyons, 137 (p. 134).

- -, English minister, Middleburg, 259;

reference to book written by, 271, 303.

Bruce, —, Captain of Scottish horse in Bruges, put to flight by enemy, 504.

Brufa, Miguel de, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Bruges, affairs of, 92;

Rochepot marches towards, 109;

infantry from, in Rochepot's attack on Courtrai, 126 (p. 126);

wishes to have English ensigns for garrison, 143 (p. 139);

camp at Ghent moves towards, 143 (p. 141), 151;

council of state to be held at, 151;

Prince of Orange comes, to, 154;

French troops retire towards, 157;

council of state to be held at, 158, 169;

Lesieur goes to, 177;

Monsieur goes to, 180, 181, 185;

Count Egmont sent from, 192;

Salcedo's plot discovered at, 197;

Lesieur comes to, 199;

reference to discovery of conspiracy at, 203;

fire at, 205;

'Bridges,' 208;

Norris comes to Dunkirk from, 222;

reference to conspiracy at, 231;

Monsieur shews great 'countenance' to Norris and Morgan at, 234 (p. 237);

Count of Hohenlohe at, 237 (p. 241);

reference to conspiracy at, 238;

ambassador from Don Antonio comes to, 243;

reference to conspiracy at, 305;

provisions sent to Menin from, 336;

Prince of Epinoy comes to Antwerp to get consent of, to be governor of Flanders, 391;

Chanvallon passes through, 463;

Duke of Montpensier to be received at, 487;

French army about, 492, 493, 499, 500;

Ymans said to be at, 501;

to make ready pioneers, 527;

'Bridges,' trade of Merchants Adventurers well understood at, 550.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 14, 22, 29, 43, 53, 81, 95, 111, 135, 146, 147, 160, 164, 175, 181, 182, 189, 204, 206, 220, 227, 235, 259, 284, 294, 321, 334, 349, 364, 375, 391, 426, 440, 454, 463, 475, 493, 503, 504, 516, 527, 531, 532.

Brulart, Pierre, Sieur de Crosneand de Genlis, French Secretary of State, reference to journey of, to Monsieur, 214, 225, 226;

said to have gone to Monsieur to procure treaty of accord with King Philip, 230;

'Breuet,' arrives at Bruges, 235, 243;

to hear Salcedo's confession, 249;

goes to Ghent, 259;

leaves Ghent with Salcedo, 273;

daily expected to return to Paris, 287;

comes to French Court, 288 (p. 282);

sent to French King from Queen Mother, 307;

mentioned, 396, 421 (p. 411), 423 (p. 414), 441, 449, 472.

Brumen, Geoffrey le, doctor, in possession of bill of Mr. Mansfield's, 360;

Dale's bill to de Pena in keeping of, 458.

-, -, letters from, 90, 483.

- Jean zum, of Uri, ambassador to Paris, 519.

Bruno, a Genoese, makes accusations against Calvi, 442.

Brunswick, Duke of. See Julius.

Brussels, will be troubled by loss of Gasbecque, 14;

Chancellor of Brabant said to have favoured sailors of, 110;

Monsieur's forces said to be marching towards, 111;

papist religion said to be introduced in, 113 (p. 111);

great stir at, about Religions vrede, 118 (p. 121);

enemy have intention to besiege, 142;

two places granted at, for exercise of Catholic religion, 169;

enemy has design on, 185;

States' camp to lie near, 283;

enemy thought to be preparing to besiege, 304;

French forces in garrison at, 319;

enterprise undertaken by French for surprise of town near, 363;

mutinous soldiers tried at 377 (p. 375);

Prince of Parma near, 391;

Saisseval takes soldiers from, to attack Louvain, 428;

enemy said to have come before, 439;

English troops transferred to, 445;

English 'troops go towards, 460;

fear that, may be besieged, 462, 463;

Norris's infantry at, 477;

enemy thought to be going to attack, 489;

English regiment at, unpaid, 491;

enemy in neighbourhood of, 499, 504, 512, 514;

enemy thought to have retired from, 526, 527;

French from, come to Antwerp, 533;

news from, 534;

pasquinade published at, 549.

-, letter dated at, 534.

Bruwer, —, Scots captain in command of cornet of horse at Ghent, 180.

Bruzman, Juan de, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Bucceli, François, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Buckton, —, carries letter to Paris, 472.

Buffio, Jeronimo, of Como, Cobham writes on behalf of, 378.

Buiamonti, Signor, 224. See. Baiamonti.

Buis, Gripheus, to be sent from Holland to King of Denmark, 85 (p. 78).

Bur, — de, major-general in French fleet for Don Antonio, 115.

Barford, William, merchant, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

Burgundians, companies of, reinforcing enemy, 55, 92, 99;

in Low Countries, 137 (p. 134);

join Parma's army, 143 (p. 139), 179;

'Borgonions' put some English troops to flight in skirmish near Berghes, 221;

Barwick plundered by, 267;

Cobham's packet not taken by, 309;

statement of pay of, 328.

Burgundy, Monsieur's gentlemen levying companies in, 62 (p. 53);

Geneva obtains coin from, 73 (p. 64);

troops levied in, for service of King Philip, 86, 100;

French troops said to be coming to occupy, 118 (p. 119);

reference to wish of England to hold balance between France and, 300;

Count of Charni lieutenant-general in, 396 (p. 393);

money sent into, for Prince of Parma, 457.

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Burke, Jodocus, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

Burnham, 'Bourham,' Edward, Walsingham's servant, brings letters to Cobham, 210 (p. 211);

sent to Pallavicino, 212, 224;

mentioned, 225, 226, 229, 287 (p. 280).

- letter in hand of, 6.

Bus, Busio, Antoine de, captain of French infantry, killed in battle of the Azores, 213 353 (p. 345). See Bur, Buze.

Buse, Jehan de, French seaman, taken by English, 168.

Bussy d'Amboise. See Clermont.

Butler, Thomas, in Williams' company, 263.

Buxton, Queen of Scots wishes to take baths at, 2.

Buy, 'Bux,' M. de. See Mornay, Pierre de.

Buys, Paul, deputy of Holland, promises to pay interest on Elizabeth's loan to States, 12, 18 (p. 16).

Buze, M. de, maitre-de-camp in army for Don Antonio, 95. See Bus.