Elizabeth: September 1582, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: September 1582, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp314-324 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1582, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp314-324.

"Elizabeth: September 1582, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp314-324.


September 1582, 11–15

Sep. 11 323. Cobham to Walsingham
Since the writing of my last to you, dated the 4th inst. there has much speech been 'delivered forth' in the Court that d' Aubigny and James Stewart have been apprehended by the rest of the nobility, as likewise that the Scottish king has been deprived of his liberty.
The Prince Dauphin departed four days since, having repaired to his troops in Picardy, where, beside la Fère, they mean to make their rendezvous, staying thereabouts till the coming of their Swiss. It is given me to understand that the French 'pretend' to enter Artois, where they will encamp for a time
The French horse are very well appointed, and there are sundry good companies of Gascons, so this 'power' may be sufficient, if they are well commanded. The Prince Dauphin is willing and desirous to have Marshal Biron to keep him company, but no certainty is as yet discovered of his going.
The duke of Montpensier is gone to Nantes in Britanny to exercise the government of that province, that it may be thought he is not 'parted from that charge,' as it was 'esteemed.'
The President de Thou, the duke of Brabant's Chancellor in this realm, and M. Perrot, one of his learned Council in law, were present at Salcedo's examination, when he revoked the greatest part of what he had confessed in Flanders.
Salcedo's mother and wife were these last days suitors at the Court, when it was overheard that his wife said to his mother that the duke of Guise saw them, but would not seem to see them.
They write that since Captain 'le Marle' entered into Geneva with his 200 French horsemen, and after the approach of M. Châtillon with his 40 companies of foot, the Duke of Savoy has withdrawn his forces further from Geneva. This happened upon composition made between the duke and M. Châtillon, agreeing to retire both their 'powers.'
The Spanish agent in this Court had had letters from Spain that in Madrid 'there should be fires made of joy' for the victory had on the French navy. Howbeit those news are as yet but delivered 'after a cold sort.'
By letters from Augsburg I understand that Mr Ashby was 'in his parting' from thence towards the Prince of Parma and the Duke of Cleves about the deliverance of Mr Rogers. They write likewise to me that Mr Ashby will have letters from the Emperor to her Majesty. By the last letters from thence it is certified that the princes had granted the Emperor 8,000 guilders yearly during five years, but the free cities had not as yet consented thereto.
When the matter of the Low Countries was 'put to be had' in deliberation among the Electors, the Duke of Saxony said that he found it not a matter 'pertinent' to make that cause an action of state of the Empire; because it was not material to them whether the French or the Spanish enjoyed those provinces, so as the homage and duty to the Empire were satisfied. He had, he said, found that the Spanish government had been more troublesome and prejudicial to Germany than the French. Howbeit, his further advice was that Monsieur should be sent to, to know how he would carry himself towards the Empire for the provinces he possessed.
On August 14 the Count of Arenberg came to Augsburg, sent from the Prince of Parma; to deal in the matter of the Low Countries, as is there thought. I am advertised that Mr Gatton has arrived at Augsburg.
I enclose advertisements from sundry places.—Paris, 11 Sept. 1582.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France VIII. 37.]
Sep. 11 324. Cobham to Walsingham.
I have received your letters sent by Paulo, my Italian, wherein I find confirmed the news which was advertised to the Queen Mother concerning the Scottish affairs, wherewith the Guises are perplexed, and by their 'collatural' manner have caused me to be enquired of touching these Scottish causes. When they gave me to understand of the 'bruiles' happened in Scotland, for I had heard nothing thereof out of England, I seemed not be believe it, 'showing' rather to think that d'Aubigny caused by his friends and letters those bruits to be spread, whilst he might convey the young king into Spain, the intention of which I said had been espied long since; in which humour I continued till now. M. Pinart has been inquisitive, asking after the new stirs chanced in Scotland of my servant whom I employ in this Court.
It is to be wished that her Majesty might be moved to remove by some just means, if it might be, that heavy mountain which hangs over our heads ready to fall daily on her subjects upon every moving of changeable fortune; threatening, even in her lifetime, the inducing of trouble to the danger of her person and her 'reposed estate.' The good occasions of redress would not be slacked, if it pleases God, especially now, while this people are amused in Flanders. In which action, and in the enterprises against the Spaniards, it seems the French go yet but slackly and unluckily to work, being 'most impatient to abide' in the doing of any one enterprise.
De 'Reax' (Réaux), since knowledge was had in this Court of the troubles in Scotland, enquired of me of the Lady Arbella, daughter to this Scottish king's uncle, and desired to be informed of her descent. This gentlemen is agent to Monsieur, brought into credit by M. Marchaumont, whose wife is judged to be affected towards the Guises, and her husband, M. de Marchaumont, was, at his being here, esteemed to be an enemy towards them.
Those here of the Scottish faction have to late muttered that they will 'pretend' to have a marriage intended between the Scottish king and the King of Denmark's daughter, or with his kinswoman. But I trust 'there may be some strong hatch put afore that door.'
Pasquier, 'Mons. Mava:' secretary, has brought lately sundry complaints of the English pirates committed against the French. It may be such complaints have been framed at the request of Baqueville, to the intent that his brother's 'excess' committed against Walter Cassye might thereby be qualified or in part appeased. I have informed their Majesties with great earnestness of d' Armeville's depredations, and have received their letters directed to him; but he appears not since Cassye's coming over, nor shows any direct meaning to intend to make restitution.
There is come to this town Mr William Middleton from Naples where he has continued for the most part in prison ever since last winter. As I understand him, he was examined there 'if he did appertain' either to Sir Christopher Hatton or to yourself, and if he received any letters from any of you. Further he was 'demanded' of Fante and Hunt, and to what intent he 'pretended' at that time to repair to Malta.
This gentleman being released departed from Naples about the beginning of August, coming from thence 'on' the galleys wherein the companies were embarked which, as he understood, were assigned to serve the Duke of Savoy against Geneva. So that at Mr Middleton's departure from Genoa these Neapolitan companies remained in their galleys, not landed. I suppose this gentleman will return presently into England, because his 'license' is expired.—Paris, 11 Sept. 1582.
Holograph. Seal. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. VIII. 38.]
Sept. 12 325. John Cobham to Walsingham
The enemy bends his force towards Friesland and Guelderland as well as we. M. Gourdan and the Mayor of Calais have 'taken up' by force three boats of Dover to bring soldiers hither. The poor men are here, suitors for their money, but they are like to have none unless you write to M. Gourdan in their behalf. The French that arrived here report that the 'P: Dolphinœy' comes hither at once by land, with 8,000 foot and 4,000 horse; I wish it to be true, for there is great need of them, but I much doubt of it, because he sends these by sea. New supplies have been sent to Herentals and Diest very lately. Since Monsieur's last coming hither, no exploits are done here. We expect daily to hear of Mr Norris's good success at 'Lockham.' The cornets and ensigns that went with him were many, but of force very weak.—Antwerp, 12 Sept. 1582.
Add. Endd. ¾ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 11.]
Sep. 13 326. Mauvissiere to Walsingham
Please thank her Majesty for her command given to you to impart to me the news from Scotland; how M. de Lenox is departing for France and quitting Scotland by order of the prince of that country, and is to place the fortresses of Dumbarton and Blackness into the hands of the person appointed. For my part I have always desired that the affairs of Scotland should not be the cause of any altercation between France and England. M. de Lenox will still find himself M. d' Aubigny in France, and cousin to the Prince of Scotland; who I hope will be very wise, and always take good advice. When princes want to be too enterprising, God, who is more powerful than they, bounds and bridles their ambition. The Queen your mistress is of a good natural disposition, wise, and fortunate. These are three special graces of God, which I pray Him to preserve to her with a long and happy life.
I will further ask you here to thank her Majesty for the permission which she gave me for 500 quarters of wheat and some pieces of iron artillery to put into a ship of 200 tons which I have been made to but much against my will (en mon corps defendant). I have given it to my son, who is English—the Queen's godson—and a gentleman of the chamber to Monsieur the king's brother. The captain of this ship begs me to let him go in search of M. Strozzi, if he be alive, or the French fleet, to take them something to make soft bread of. He will start as soon as you send him the passport for the ship, which is at Southampton, with the license for so much as her Majesty and you may think reasonable, that he may not leave this kingdom empty, and go and waste his time elsewhere. As for the wood of which you asked Courcelles the quantity, it, will be as much or as little as you wish, not wishing to place any limit other than may please her Majesty.
In conclusion, I beg you to have the license and the passport dispatched for what you have granted to Courcelles, who will come tomorrow evening to get them from you, that he may be off to Southampton, to see the ship and make them start.—London, 13 September 1582.
P.S.—I will also trouble you, if you please, to kiss the Queen's hands for me, and thank her for the honour she has done to these French gentlemen, for which they will ever be grateful. I have dispatched Baron . . . . to the king. He will tell him he never saw anything so honnête as your Queen.
Sep. 13 327. The Duke of Cleves to the Queen
Your letter of July 17 last from Nonsuch has this day been handed to me by Stephen Lesieur. In reply to it I may inform you that the Emperor some time ago directed me to use all the efforts in my power that your envoy Daniel Rogers might at length be delivered from the captivity in bonds that he has so long endured. I have indeed, by force of the Imperial mandate, not omitted again to admonish my Council in Cleves to leave no stone unturned, but to devise means by which he may be set free and restored to his former state. Up till now I have not failed, nor will I fail henceforth, to do whatever may appear to me in any way to traduce to the furtherance of this matter.—From our castle of Hamboch, on the Ides of September 1582. (signed), Guilhelmus dux Juliæ etc.
Add. Endd. Lat. ½ p. [Germany II. 43.]
Sep. 14 328. The Spanish Force in the Netherlands
Statement of the monthly pay of all the soldiers serving his Majesty in these States, alike in Flanders, Friesland, and Brabant, and in garrison, with the number of people in the regiments.
Soldiers Florins per mensem.
The 24 companies of Spanish infantry under Colonel Christobel de Mondragon 2816 29682
The 17 companies of Pedro de Paz 1820 21110
The 8 companies of Italian infantry under Mario 'Cardoyn' 2377 21418
As many under Camillo de Monte 2300 18874
12 companies of Upper (? altos) Burgundians, 10 of the Marquis de Varambon's regiment, and 2 in garrison at Tournay 1700 1967 (sic)
15 companies of Walloon infantry, M. de Montiguy's regiment 2253 18601
16 of Count Egmont's 1985 16764
10 of Gabriel de Licques' 1244 11036
As many of Count Octavio de Mansfeldt 1500 12236
As many of Count Charles of Manderscheid (Mandricheta) 1000 7832
12 companies of Philippe de Licques 1800 14834
10 of M. de Bours 1287 10597
As many of Baron d'Aubigny 873 8000
As many of 'Masnuy' 1466 12239
10 companies of High Germans under Robert de Gumberg (?) 2800 41476
9 companies of Count Frundsberg 2600 33188
10 companies of Count Berlaymont 3144 40326
Don Julio 'Manruque' 9qy. Manrique) as many 3144 40326
Count Charles of Mansfeldt 3144 40326
21 companies extra-regimental 3793 33657
4 companies of M. de Floyon 600 5675
The ordinary garrisons of Luxemburg, Thionville, Montm´dy, 'Davilcre' (qy. Damweiler),and 'Chavanci'(qy. Chavange) 617 6000
The castle of Kerpen, Sauzon (?) Charlemont, Mariembourg, Avesnes, Landrecies, Quesnoy 1187 10451
M. de Haultepenne's regiment which is in the open country (campiña), 10 regiments 1500 12330
As many of M. de la Motte at Gravelines 1500 12330
37 companies of Italian and Spanish light horse, and mounted harquebusiers 2187 46329
12 others of local lancers and harquebusiers 1000 15853
In Friesland are the following people:
M. de Billy's regiment of veteran ( ? Vezos) Germans, containing 12 companies 3000 37000
Baron de Havault the same 3000 37000
2 companies in Groningen 600 6000
10 companies with Ool. Verdugo 1500 13000
3 companies of light horse and 1 of mounted harquebusiers 350 6000
Entertainment of persons serving in that country 2000
In the army, about his Highness's person, pay amounting to 10000
60083 671857
This is the amount of one month's pay for the soldiers of the army and garrisons in these States, without that made up by the artillery and victualling department (offraceces en victuaillas) taken from the books of the aforesaid since they have been in my charge.—At the camp, 14 September 1582. (Signed), Pedro Coloma.
Endd.: Muster 'roole' of the Spanish forces, 14 September 1582. Spanish. 2 pp. [Spain I. 105.]
Sep. 14 329. The Count Da Silva to the Queen
We, the vassals of the king my master are under so great obligation to your Majesty that we deem it a great error to let pass any occasion of showing any recognition of it and telling you how much we are content to confess the promptitude and goodwill with which we ought to serve you. This will always be found in me for your service, wherein I am particularly your debtor, as you will see when occasion offers; for which I would wish my life like the most loyal of your subjects, as which let your Majesty hold me since I am that of a king who has such affection to your affairs. He remained in this island, feeling his troubles, but with much certainty that they will be remedied; and with reason, since all depends on your greatness and goodness, which cannot fail the afflicted, and has never been seen to the extent that it here is, as a true remedy for the recovery of Portugal, as his ancestors always did to those of your Majesty.
I am confident that to you alone I have to owe the liberty of my sons, and he who hopes in you alone, ought to serve you alone and hold you for his true queen.—Angra. 14 Sep. 1582.
Add. Endd. Port. ½ p. [Portugal I. 86.]
Sep. 14 330. Count Da Silva to Walsingham
I am delighted to be able to let you know how great a desire I have to serve you, and that an occasion may offer wherein you may clearly see that wish. It would give me great pleasure if you liked to try, by commanding me in his country in matters for your service, if you have perchance any there. But I trust that what I now show as desire will be seen in effect if our master takes me to Portugal, where I shall be better able to do it than here. It would delight me that you should have this certainty of me, and if you have it, it will be for me a great favour, and one by which I shall remain as much obliged as by any received from you.—Angra, 14 Sept. 1582.
P.S. (autograph).—In the affairs of the king my master I have nothing to remind you of, since you have always proceeded therein as you should and as he deserves. I remind you only that what has happened to this fleet ought much to facilitate his [or your] designs, since it is seen that at so great cost the enemy sent to sea 30 vessels, large and small, all of such quality that if the French had been willing they might have had the victory. I hope that all will be kept for that [qy. your] nation, and that to it we may owe our liberty.
Add. Endd. Port. I p. [portugal I. 87.]
Sept. 14 331. Cobham to Walsingham
There now appears more hope of Marshal Biron's going with the Prince Dauphin, for he buys horses and other preparations for the use of the war, and received yesterday 25,000 crowns upon assignations that the king had assigned for him.
They account to have in the army of the Prince Dauphin 10,000 French foot, beside their 4,000 Swiss, and there are gone out from sundry parts of France 1,500 horse, and 1,000 horse more with M. Puygaillard have gathered in Picardy and other places on the frontier; so that it is accounted the whole army will amount to 16,500 fighting men. It has been deliberated these two days in Council how Monsieur should have presently paid for him the whole sum of 150,000 crowns, which the king long since assigned to him on the salt.
Some of the councillors in this Court complain that the Duke of Savoy shows himself 'too much Imperial'; imputing this course of his to the counsels of M. de Cahors, his chief favourite, who now does not altogether alone manage the duke's affairs, since the enterprise of Geneva has had no better success, the duke having called to his favour again M. de Ligni, his father's chief counsellor, being persuaded thereto by his Grand Ecuyer, brother-in-law to Cahors. who has seemed to 'prefer more' the duke's service and estate 'than that' he would see the duke decay through his brother's insufficiency. Count Pancalier, one of the principal men of the duke's estate, is lately deceased.
They of Geneva are in better terms, and hope at the next meeting of the Cantons, which is to be about the end of this month, to have some accord made with the duke of Savoy to their advantage.
There is a captain of Montescu, within three leagues of Toulouse, one of the Religion, who has contrary to the Edict committed great insolences; whereon those of both religions are gone to besiege him.
The priests of Corbie in Picardy have been at Bapaume, to favour a conspiracy for the delivery of Corbie into the malcontents' hands, which is discovered, and they imprisoned. And they of Amiens have put forth all their strangers, doubting the like.
I send herewith enclosed the supplication of six miserable Englishmen here imprisoned, condemned to the galleys for piracy committed on the French. I have sued to the king and his mother that it would please them to stay the poor men, and send them into Flanders for the service of Monsieur; putting their Majesties in mind how may hundred Englishmen daily venture their lives in Flanders against the enemy. The queen has agreed to stay them till the king's coming.
I have been moved to deliver this packet to Mr Gorge, because he is a gentleman who professes to serve her Majesty with a good zeal, and of a kindred which she seems to make much of. Otherwise I should have abstained to send one of my own without very special cause, according to your direction.
I beseech you that my suit and revocation may be remembered now to her Majesty, which I desire you will vouchsafe to move in my behalf, while my Lord Treasurer and my Lord of Leicester are both in Court.—Paris, 13 Sept. 1582.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France VIII. 40.]
Sep. 15 332. Cobham to Walsingham
Having this day received a letter from William Shute, dated 'in' Rome, the 20th of August. I have thought good to certify the contents of it to you, which is that on Aug. 14 Shute arrived at Rome, and on the 17th M. de Foix had audience of the Pope, delivering to him all the king's letters; and moreover that M. de Foix spoke to the Cardinals of 'Sabel' and San Severino. He has likewise already obtained the Pope's letters, with the said Cardinals', for the release of the ship, directed to the Grand Master and the Inquisition at Malta. With these and other letters of M. de Foix to the Grand Master, Shute meant to depart towards Malta on Aug. 21; notwithstanding that he understood the Pope had already in June given order Mr Osborne's ship, with the ship [sic] and goods, should be set at liberty, and as Shute was informed the ship had been released, and departed on her voyage towards England. But he had cause to doubt she was yet at Malta, because since the same time there was no certain news come of her release; for the ambassador ligier resident for Malta in Rome has advertisement how a frigate of theirs coming to Naples was taken with some of the knights and the Grand Master's letters. Wherefore Shute has found it needful to go onwards; being so advised by M. de Foix, because there is no trust or assurance on the first order given, for M.de Foix has told him he doubts he would yet find the ship at Malta. M. de Foix has written very earnestly to the Grand Master, who is one of his tenants in the County of Foix; so that Shute doubts not but if the ship be not already discharged and gone, upon his arrival he will 'compass' the Grand Master and Inquisitors to be satisfied with the Pope's letters.—Paris, 15 Sept. 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 ¾ pp. [France VIII. 41.]
Sep. 15 333. George Wagner to George Bergman, 'gentilhomme Allemand'
I doubted for some time whether I should devote this short time which I have stolen amid my various occupations to answering your letter of Aug. 28, or should wait for more leisure, since you did not mention where you were staying in London. But I thought it better to let this sheet take its chance of failing into unknown hands and only reach you by chance, than to delay writing any longer.
I can quite believe that Alençon is in a pretty bed way (rebus satis accisis). I think that the spirit of his followers has been further weakened by the recent action near Ghent. The unfortunate event near Tercera will have unexpectedly raised his authority and the hope which the Flemings placed in that expedition [sic]. Count Rochefoucauld will shortly follow his men. who have entered Picardy to the number of 500 horse. In Normandy 6,000 or 7,000 footmen are laying waste the country on all sides; and 4,000 Swiss are wasting time and the crop in Champagne. It is not known by what route these forces will enter Flanders, since Parma holds all the places near France with strong garrisons, and will not readily allow them to slip out of his hands by Gravelines and Dunkirk.
Salcedo, who is said to have conspired against Alençon, is kept in close custody in the tower of Vincennes near Paris. Some say he will be sent back to Flanders to undergo his sentence. The king is at the baths of Bourbon-Lancy with the queen; the Queen Mother meanwhile with the whole Court is settled at Saint-Maur, whither I make an excursion almost every day. They ay the king and his wife will come here at the beginning of next month.
In the Diet at Augsburg nothing has so far been decided beyond what the Emperor proposed in the first place to the States, that they should contribute to the expenses of the Turkish war. They voted him 4,500,000 florins, the sum to be paid in the space of 5 years. The Imperial cities were very reluctant, and wanted the affairs of Aachen to be handled before anything was decided about this contribution; but the authority of the princes and churchmen prevailed. Meanwhile those of Aachen were excluded from the meeting and from the place they held among the cities, and not only irritated the Emperor, but alienated the Elector of Saxony. Four princes and four bishops were elected to discuss the affairs of the Low Countries in private, and afterwards report the whole body of States. It is not known what will be subsequently decreed. The Emperor has this business very much at heart. The Duke of Bouillon is said to be coming to the Diet with some Flemings in Alençon's name; but they will be excluded and sent back unheard, for so it has already been decided, if they want to be heard in his name as Duke of Brabant, Count of Holland and Zealand, etc.
The Elector of Saxony left Augsburg on Aug. 5. He showed himself very friendly and attentive to the Emperor, so that the French have remarked that he never would discuss anything which he knew that the Emperor disliked. Mecklenburg, Wurtemberg, Montbéliard, Zweibrücken and other princes departed before; others have come in their place. Cardinal Madruzzi, the Papal legate, has acquired great authority with all the Estates for his singular prudence and moderation. He lately, with great pomp, consecrated the Elector of Treves archbishop in the church of Holy Cross at Augsburg.
They say the Emperor will go away about Michaelmas; others, however, think he will close the Diet in person and not by those of his Council. If the discussion about Low Country matters were done with, the rest would be got through shortly. The next thing is Livonian affairs; in the fourth place the reform of the Chamber at Spires; in the fifth, the matter of the coinage; sixthly, they will decide as to the equal apportionment of the burden of the contributions; seventhly and lastly, as to the prerogatives of the meeting and place, as to which there is a controversy among some of the Estates. Some points in this last article have already been touched upon, for the Archbishop of Salzburg has claimed the primacy of Germany among the archbishops, because the See and Chapter of Magdeburg are in the occupation of profane persons. The Emperor has adjudged that that prerogative shall remain with the Chapter of Magdeburg, as though the See were vacant. Afterwards, on the Elector of Brandenburg's son, who is holding that archbishopric—he calls himself the administrator—urgently demanding to have the first place in the archbishop's assembly, he got a repulse, and soon after, as though annoyed at this, departed from the Diet, leaving his councillors behind. The Elector of Saxony promised the Emperor he would easily set this all right with the administrator's father, and there was not reason for the Emperor to give himself any anxiety about it, This is pretty much all that has been written to me from the Diet, that I can remember at present. If I had leisure to look up (excutere) the letters I have received, more would turn up, as also more can be got from the transactions (actis) which it would be laborious to transcribe. If you were here, I would let you have them all . . . . . our friend Stephanus had not reached Augsburg on Aug. 16 . . . . I had a letter written on that day by a friend to whom I had [? commended] him, who if Henry had given him my letter would have mentioned the fact.
The siege of Geneva is raised, and the Bernese have also laid down their arms.
The war between the Turks and the Persians is recrudescent, to the great convenience of Christendom.
All our countrymen have betaken themselves from Bourges, on account of the increase of plague there, to Orleans and Paris. Cujacins has followed with his household, and it is thought will lecture here next winter.
I have nothing more to write, and if I had, I should not have leisure, nor be able to make this letter any longer.—In haste, Paris, 15 September 1582.
Add. in French; 'payez quatre sols.' Endd. by Beale: Advertisements from Paris. Latin. 2¾ pp. [France VIII. 42.]