Elizabeth: September 1582, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: September 1582, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp306-314 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1582, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp306-314.

"Elizabeth: September 1582, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp306-314.


September 1582, 6–10

Sept. 6 312. Duke Casimir to Walsingham
Zolcher being on his return to England I wished to give him this to assure you more and more of my good and entire affection to you.
I have charged my ambassadors at Augsburg to solicit the release of Mr Rogers, for whose misfortune I feel much compassion. I do not know what has been done about it, having had no news. If I could do anything further for him and all other Englishmen, believe that i would very willingly set to work.
Please send Zolcher back as soon as possible, that he may be in time to take charge of the wine which I mean to send to England after this vintage, if God grants us to get it in. You too shall have your share of it.—Frankenthal, 6 September 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germany II. 38.]
[Sept. 6] 313. Duke Casimir to Walsingham
Poor Zolcher has told me that you showed yourself favourable in his case on account of my recommendation. Please continue your favour in such wise that he may bring back the results of it, that he may continue the service which he has vowed to her Majesty. You know the troubles he has borne, the risks he has run, and the difficulty of meeting with men at once daring (hasardeux) and faithful. So consider him recommended, and further his affair all you can for my sake.—Datum ut in literis.
Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. II.. 39.]
Sept. 7 314. The Duke of Wurtemberg to the Queen
William Ratcliff, a native of your kingdom, has been for some time residing in my University of Tubingen, and so far as I can understand from my professors, has lived for all that time honestly, soberly and quietly, so that no complaint of him has reached the Rector or the Senate. He has now decided to return home to set his affairs in order, and knowing that a strict watch is maintained at the entrance to the realm, and being afraid lest as he has not yet been able to lay aside all Popish opinions in regard to religion some harm might befal him on that account, he has asked me to give him letters of commendation to you. Now although reasons were not wanting why I should refuse his request, since I would not willingly commend to you or any other a man totally unknown to me, yet as he pressed me and solemnly declared that he had nothing bad on his conscience, but was afraid solely on the ground that he had hitherto professed another religion, and as last summer he diligently attended the lectures of the Divinity Professors in Tubingen University, I thought it would be foreign not to true piety only, but to humanity if I refused him this intercessions. I feel sure that whatever this service amounts to, you will take it as it proceeds from me. For although he has hitherto followed the Popish religion and says that he has never known or learnt any other than that, whose outward splendour still holds captive the minds even of many noblemen, we must never despair of anyone's salvation; since it is the work of God only to turn the hearts of men to the true and salutary knowledge of His Son, our Lord. Wherefore I beg you of your kindness to let him understand for his security that my letter has availed him.—Stuttgart, 7 September 1582.
Add. Endd. Lat. 2 pp. [Germany II. 40.]
Sept. 7 315. Etienne Lesieur to Walsingham
I wrote to you from Reez on the last day of last month, to let you know that I was on my way towards the lord of Anholt, and begging you to tell me by what means Mr Rogers's expenses would be paid. I sent my letter to Mr Herle at Antwerp, and I make sure he has forwarded it to you.
I arrived at the King of Spain's camp before Lochem in Guelders on the 4th inst. not without great difficulty and danger, and found the lord of Anholt there. On receiving the Prince of Parma's letters, he made some doubt whether he could absolutely perform what the prince commanded him; the reason being that Schenk's wife had been a suitor to the prince to have a letter written to the lord of Anholt that Mr Rogers might not be released until her husband was out of prison and in his former freedom, and so the prince wrote about 10 weeks ago. Now the lord of Anholt to oblige the lady, on receiving this letter, though the two last were sufficient excuse to give her, has so far not been willing to grant me [Rogers's] liberty unless I first get him another from the prince, ordering that, notwithstanding this letter in favour of Schenck, Mr Rogers's shall be released. If I get him this, and the expenses paid, he has promised, and given me his hand on it, to hand him to me at a place of the Duke of Cleves's. Being unable to get any other answer out of him, I have betaken myself again to this town, to give you the above information. Tomorrow I shall take my way for Cologne, to write thence by the ordinary post to the Prince of Parma of the difficulty I have mentioned, as he bade me do; and shall address my letter to his secretary, who has promised to send me an answer at once. I make sure it will be sent as I desire, so that when it comes, the only thing to stay for will be the money for his expenses, I beg you to think about this and advertise me of it, in order that I may not go beyond what you may please to order. The hourly danger in which I am in those countries, which thank God I have so far escaped, and the great expenditure I am compelled to make, force me to trouble you so often with my letter; together with the misery in which Mr Rogers is, who for 10 days has been dangerously ill, but is now better.
From Cologne I shall go to the Duke of Cleves, who is hunting thereabouts, in order to give him her Majesty's letter. Then I shall return to Cologne to await the Prince of Parma's answer, and if you write to me, Mr Herle can forward me your letter by the ordinary post from Antwerp to Cologne.
On the 30th ult. the town of Lochem having been revictualled the day before, and three forts taken by Count William who commands the army in these countries, and Verdugo having retired with most part of his force behind a hill hard by, leaving some harquebusiers, pikemen and cavalry in view, these were attacked by Chastelet accompanied by 200 or 300 horsemen; who thought to rout them, but were repulsed and so pursued that they all fled towards the town. Before they reached it they had several slain, and nearly all the 300 and those who came to their succour forced to run away, seeing with what fury the enemy pursued them; in such wise that instead of getting the victory as they did the day before, that day they lost all they had gained, and their own baggage, both that of Count William of Nassau and that of Count Hohenlohe, and the three sons of the Count of Berghe, governor of the country, and everyone's else who was there. Their spurs were of great service to the above-named noblemen, who escaped to Deventer, except the Count of Berghe's sons who are in the town, of whom it is thought one fell in the action. All M.de la Garde's French regiment is in the town, in which M. Fremin is captain of a company, and some companies of Scots, and about 200 cavalry. It is said there are full 1,500 soldiers in the town, so that it is in a worse state than before, the victuals brought in not being sufficient for so many people for long. They have already come to giving each soldier 21bs. of bread and some water daily. The horses have little or no forage; and if they are not quickly succoured I greatly fear that the enemy will have the place, having, as I have seen, so fortified himself all about, and even up to the ditches, that no one can get out without being seen. Count William with the rest of his army has withdrawn to Deventer and the neighbourhood, to await the Count of Hollock, who is to bring fresh succour. If they could have maintained themselves about the town, after victualling it, they would have the best means in the world of defeating their enemy, who was already retiring, quite worn out (matte) with such a long assault. The enemy has probably taken three field-pieces and some arms and horses. Chastelet was slain; and when he was found, Verdugo wanted them to cut off his head. Some say he did it himself, or Taxis. Durant, a French captain, was also killed; his lieutenant and ensign and a great many wounded, and others who in their haste were going into the town fell into the river. On the enemy's side, so far as I can learn, no one of name died except a baron, captain of a company of light horse, and by what they say, few men. I have heard that Verdugo was at Oldenzeel sick, some say wounded. Taxis is well. Count Charles of Mansfeldt wanted to go in search of these with some forces, but he cannot cross the rivers Maas and Rhine for the armed boats which Nymegen and Arnhem have sent to the crossing places. If God do not put a hand to it, the Duke of Alençon's affairs will succeed badly in this country of Guelders, so far as I can perceive in my simple judgement; both for want of good commanders and good government, and for want of money, and each of the towns wanting to rule by itself.
Having found myself in the place where the above happened, I thought it part of my duty to advertise you as truly as I could learn. I hope you will receive my humble service with your accustomed favour.—Cleves, 7 September 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [Germany II. 41.]
Sept. 8 316. W. Asheby to Walsingham
I wrote on Tuesday, Sep. 4, from Colen. Next day I went to Hambach, to the Duke of Cleves's Court, where I hoped to have found Mr Stephen 'Lisiture' soliciting the delivery of Mr. Rogers. But not finding him there, I notwithstanding delivered to the Duke the Emperor's letter, requesting in his Majesty's name that he would vouchsafe his good favour and help for the delivery of the gentleman taken from Schenck. He answered there should want no service he could perform therein, for her majesty's sake; and also because he finds himself 'touched,' the party being taken within his dominion.
He deliberated with his Council after he had read the letter, staying me there all Thursday and Friday. On Saturday he sent me his letter by one of his councillors, to carry with me to Cleves to his Chancellor there, recommending him with the Council of that province to take order in this matter according to the contents of the Emperor's letter. Mr Gilpin sent you the copy of it at my departure from Augsburg.
To Cleves I am now making what speed I can, to see what order herein I shall receive at their hands. I have small hope that any good will be done in this cause before a letter from the Prince of Parma come to the Baron of Anholt; for he, being no subject of the Duke of Cleves. will give the same answer that he did to Mr. Lesieur upon Schenck's letter. But these places being in my way, I will 'Prove' what will be done, and with God's help make such haste as this dangerous passage will give me leave; for what betwixt the States and the Malcontents these parts were never more dangerous to pass.—Cologne, 8 September '82.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Germany II.42.]
Sept. 8 317. Diego Boterho to Walsinghm
You will know through the doctor [qy. Nunez] what has happened to the fleet which the king my master brought from France, because I wrote it to him in order not to weary you with my letter; and then the Queen has seen how the King of France and his mother have aided my master. He has done also what Majesty advised him in coming to place himself in this island; she ought not to fail him now after what he has done; since he can be aided in so many ways to unite his force, or rather to increase them without such delay as to allow the King of Castile to be master of Portugal in peace and quietness; since if he were that, he would not be content unless he were master of the world. You understand all better than I can say it; and have so much love and loyalty to the Queen that you will advise her how it is to her service and the preservation of her realm. The king my master will not be slow (?) to arrest treason on his side (?); and he is very confident that you will be glad to be of use to him in all things that you are able, by what I have told him concerning the way you proceed in all his affairs.
And because I would not trouble you with more words, I hope that you will hold me as very much your servant and command me in the matter about which I wrote.—From this island, 8 September 1582.
Add. Endd. Port. 2 pp. [Protugal I. 84.]
Sept. 8 318. Declaration by the French king that in the event of the marriage of the Queen of England with the Duke of Anjou she is not to be put to any expense in connection with the wars in Flanders; but that if her realms are invaded in consequence, the king will join his forces with her to resist such invasion, be the assailants who they may; the Queen being reciprocally bound in like manner.— Given at Bourbon-Lancy, 8 September 1582. (Signed) Henry (and below) Pinart.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley: The Fr. king's writing for discharge of the Queen's Majesty from invasion in regard of the marriage. Fr. 2pp. [France VII. 36.]
Sept. 9 319. Audley Danett to Walsingham
Since my last, of the 2nd inst. sent by the English post, Mr Norris wrote to you on the 5th, and therein gave you to understand of the late overthrow received in Guelderland, and of the present aid sent from hence to their relief. The 3 cornets of the reiters were so hardly persuaded to break company from their fellows, that Mr Norris was constrained to wait their coming 3 leagues from Antwerp until the 7th, so that having lost two days they feared lest the forces sent from hence by the enemy, which are said to be Italians of the Holy League, to the number of 4,000 foot and horse, would arrive at Lochem before them, notwithstanding that the enemy is constrained to take a much longer way by Maestricht; whereupon all the French ensigns and other foot are staid behind, and 'are said' shall go after by water, and the horse are marched away in great diligence, in hope to raise the siege before the enemy's 'supplies' can arrive there.
Now that the camp is as it were broken up and the French forces for the most part put in garrison at Brussels, Vilvorde, and other places, M. 'Jenisac,' a Provencal, is arrived here and brings news of a great army ready on the frontiers of France to come into these parts, so that they might be assured of their pay. The number is reported to be 8,000 foot and 2,000 horse, which is hardly believed here. Nevertheless something there is, for I understand that His Highness has this day dispatched Chartier, one of his secretaries, towards those companies, to be advertised by him with all speed the true particulars of all things there.
Our English forces, with some few others of the French and Scots remain at 'Burgherhawlt,' an English mile from Antwerp, where it is said the burghers of this town desire they may remain, and will be careful to see them paid monthly.
The old regiments, with much ado, have received one month's pay this week, almost three weeks after their muster, and have no great hope to receive any more in haste. The new companies have not yet any pay accorded to them, more than one month paid to them at their first coming, wherewith they are greatly discontented; and being in great misery, partly with sickness, wherewith the new men are most afflicted, but chiefly for want of money or victual to sustain their hungry bodies, they die daily. The rest already weary, and without good hope of better usage, seek passports to return home. Our English merchants in this town have very charitably and largely relieved the poorer sort since their coming into Brabant, and by the good care they have had of them have saved many of their lives. It grieves our nation to see the French placed still in garrisons, and that in great numbers, and themselves to be no whit refreshed, but to remain in the open fields—for at Borgerhout they have but one house to every ensign—considering the whole brunt of this summer's service has been sustained chiefly by them. If better consideration be not had here very shortly, I think when the weather grows more sharp, our English forces will be very small.
It is said that in the overthrow in Guelders, Verdugo, the general of the Spanish camp, received a hurt in the neck of which he is since dead; likewise that one Captain Thomas (?), a man of good reckoning among them, is said to be hurt to the death; but the truth I have not yet Understood.
There is also a bruit that Meenen is besieged by the enemy; but I rather think it is reported 'of some fear,' because the Scots who are in garrison there were lately discontented for want of pay, than of any likelihood to be true, and yet the report is grown hot today.
The enemy has some part of his forces at Wavre, about 4 leagues from Brussels; the rest, being now master of the field, he scatters in sundry places, as him best listeth, to his best advantage.—Antwerp, 9 September 1582.
Add. Endd. 2pp. [Ibid. XVII. 8.]
Sept. 9 320. Colonel Thomas Morgan to Walsingham
Although I 'assheuer' myself that you are thoroughly advertised of the late service done at Ghent, yet for my particular duty I 'am' thus much to say that in my life I never saw so good a 'retrayet,' in which General Norris showed himself to be a 'sholder,' to his no little honour. We are now come to the keeping of the gardens under Antwerp in 'Bubginhault.' We remain at the will and pleasure of the duke. Moreover General Norris on the 8th inst. departed for Guelderland, to the relief of 'Lockham,' with 11 cornets of horse, 3 English, 3 Dutch, and 5 French. The footmen, who are to meet them by water, are to the number of 600 or 700, certain being chosen out of all their whole troops. We fear greatly the general's journey by land. For the enemy is both at 'Loven' and 'Leer' very strong in horse and foot, if so be they hear of his journey. The Grave van Hollacke is departed with him, all of them taking their journey through Brabant, by 'Brydothe' [Breda], 'Housden,' and 'sartingemburs' ['s Hertogenbosch], passing there a river, which being once passed by them, they are safe.—9 September.
P.S.—For sending you a couple of mares, as yet I am not able, for the sudden departure of us from Dunkirk was such that hitherto it has hindered me; but I will as soon as may be sent you such as I hope shall content you.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XVII. 9.]
sept. 9 321. Stokes to Walsingham
My last to you was the 2nd inst, since which these speeches are current.
The Prince of Parma with all the nobles on the enemy's side 'are' assembled at Lille, where they hold a great general council of war.
Those of Lille are great suitors to the prince to have him besiege Meenen, for they have made an offer to furnish the camp with victuals and powder during the siege, and when they have got the town, they will give him to pay the soldiers 300,000 guilders in ready money; for those of Meenen keep them so short that they dare not almost stir out of 'no' gate, lest they are taken.
It seems the Prince of parma begins to hearken to this offer, for already he has caused to lie between Lille and Meenen, at a village called Hallewyn, 50 ensigns of foot. The speech goes they will make there two great 'bulwarks' to lodge 400 men in each; and it seems they mean some such matter, for they are taking up all the pioneers they can get, and besides in Lille they make great provision of scaling ladders and bridges, so that it seems they will be doing something. This village of Hallewyn stands within twelve score [sic] of Meenen, where if the enemy go forward with those 'bulwarks' they will put the town in danger within two or three months only for want of victuals; so there is great doubt here that town will not be long out of their hands.
The Prince of Parma has sent some of his horse with some foot up into Artois, for the speech is come from Lille that those of Cambray and Cambresis have taken and burnt Saint Pol, which is an old and weak town, and not to be kept. Besides they have burnt many villages in those parts, so that the enemy is kept occupied in every place; and yet all will not help, for if Monsieur's forces come not before the winter, many towns on this side cannot continue long out of the enemy's hands.
The rest of the enemy's horse lie at 'Belle' and those parts, bending towards St Omer's, fearing lest any of Monsieur's forces should come over at Gravelines river or thereabouts.
It is written from Lille that the Prince of Parma has received letters from the King of Spain not to spare the lives of any of those that have oath against him, which seems to be true, for the new-come Spaniards show already, in speech and dealing, great cruelty, to the great disliking of many of the Malcontents; so that it is hoped God will turn the hearts of some of the enemy's side.
This week about 50 of the new-come Spaniards came to Cortrick from the camp at Hallewyn to refresh themselves for two or three days, and at their coming to the gates there was some stay made of them before they entered, until M. de 'Swevingham's' pleasure was known, who is governor there. And because 'he made the matter a little strange,' for so many of them to enter at one time, it made the Spaniards very angry, and after they were come into the town they called him traitor and 'Lewterian' [qy. Lutheran], and the speech goes he takes those words in very evil part.
That is all that is stirring here, save that daily their fear on this side grows more and that their state will not continue long, only for want of good government; which is still wanting among them, to the great grief of the poor commons, who spend their lives and goods in the cause, and yet they cannot help it.—Bruges, 9 September 1582.
P.S.—'Even presently' this morning I received yours of the 2nd inst. and humbly thank you for the same.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVII. 10.]
Sep. 10 322. Don Antonio to Walsingham
I am sending this gentleman, Thomas Streges, to the Queen of England, to report to her what has happened to this fleet and also the state of my affairs, to which I assure myself she will not fail to give every assistance seeing the good beginning which she gave them, the goodwill she has ever shown, and above all the evil plight in which by ill-luck I am at present. I pay you with all my power, upon the confidence I have in your friendship, that you will bear a hand with her and take her [sir] under your protection and favour, that I may at this time know and enjoy the desired effects of her goodwill and your love, which in truth could not be shown on a better occasion or more to the purpose, And believe that I shall never forget this obligation or fail to recognise it to your satisfaction when occasion offers. For the detail of what has happened and of what I hope from the Queen, I say no more, that I may not annoy you, but put myself in the hands of Streges.—Angres [sic], 10 September 1582.
Add. Endd. Ital. Hol ½p. [Portugal I. 85.]