Elizabeth: August 1582, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: August 1582, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp253-261 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1582, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp253-261.

"Elizabeth: August 1582, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp253-261.


August 1582, 16–20

Aug. 16 253. Etienne Lesieur to Walsingham
Before my departure from this town the camp was raised, which happened last night, and they are gone towards 'Newport.' I have not as yet been able to learn the reason, unless it were the coming of the Spaniards to the other camp, which I mentioned in my letter. When passing through Calais I heard that all licenses and passports for the transport of munitions of war were prohibited, both on our side and on the other. Matters are at present in a piteous state for these poor countries if God do not set a hand to it. You shall soon hear the result of this change. Dunkirk, 16 August 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. XVI. 111.]
Aug. 18 254. Arnold Wittfeldt to Walsingham
In common with all good men it is given me great joy to witness the investiture of my master with the Order of the Garter by Peregrine, Baron of Willoughby and Eresby, and the venerable King of Arms. The Order, as historians tell us, took its rise from an honourable and praiseworthy thought; and its insignia are of great force in conciliating the minds of princes and will always remain the symbol of mutual amity. Our king having accepted them most kindly, amid public rejoicings, we cannot doubt but that that matter will be brought to the desired end, to be a joy to friends, a grief and envy to enemies and rivals. Therefore we, who are the ministers of princes that worship God aright, must work all the more zealously, that this friendship so honourably confirmed between the King and Queen may not only be lasting, but may increase from day to day. If I with my moderate powers can do anything for the good of the Church and the Christian Commonwealth (though owing to my weak health the king has graciously released me from public functions, and I lead a private life), I feel that I must strive with all the powers of a mind that is not failing to let you understand that your kind communication to me upon those matters was especially agreeable to me, and had very great weight with me. In this I follow in the first place the counsel of Nicolas Kaas, our Chancellor, and president of the king's senate, whose conduct is so much directed to the glory of God and the promotion of the common benefit that both the Church and the Commonwealth of these realms regard him with deserved gratitude.—Elsinore on the Öresund, 18 August 1582.
Holograph. Add. Endd: The Secretary of Denmark. Latin. 2½ pp. [Denmark I. 19.]
Aug. 18 255. Du Verger to Walsingham
Whereas her Majesty has lately written to us to send her a dispatch, and we have thought it our duty, since we find she is not sufficiently informed on various points concerning the administration of her dowry, to give her the information she desires, as we are doing by these, which we are now sending by the present bearer, one of my special messengers (? exprès); and inasmuch as she has seemed to us to complain that she has heard nothing of matters on which we have heretofore written to her in sundry letters, which we can only think has proceeded from their failure to be delivered to her, I humbly beg you, as do all the gentlemen of her Council here, that for her good and service you will cause this bearer to be allowed free passage to go and visit her, while M. du Ruisseau, who has gone to her, is there; in order that in person she may be, and may satisfy and clear up everything, and that she has received our dispatch, in order that he may bring the reply. And if you please to instruct the bearer to let her understand, or the Earl of Shrewsbury, that we humbly beg her to see our dispatch herself, we shall remain your much obliged and your humble servants, as sincerely as I assure you that there is nothing in the dispatch but what concerns her dowry, as you may see if she (sic)pleases.-Paris, 18 August 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VIII. 17.]
Aug. 18 256. M. de Éena to Walsingham
It is certain that every truly noble soul, endowed with some singular grace by the sovereign, naturally takes pleasure in aiding and giving a helping hand to even those who do not beg of it, of themselves [sic] desiring to have an opportunity of exercising the virtuous gift, that they may not have received it in vain. All the more have I, being so humble and old-standing a servant of yours, and knowing the honour and sincerity wherewith God has so Lavishly (planteureureusement) adorned you, ventured to beg you, as I do again most humbly, to do me the favour of letting Mr Dale know how ill I have been recompensed for all the honourable service that I did for him, even for the sum of 50 éeus soleil which I lent him at Lyons, of which it is now the seventh year that I cannot get any account, nor even an answer to all my letters and prayers which I have made to him and had made by others. In such wise that of all whom I have ever known of his calling and nation, he had had the least consideration and worthiness as regards me. For looking to the quality of the service I did him, and many another detail and circumstances, it will be found that I deserved other thanks. He was at the time Lyons, where he could not easily get anything; money was going up, and no one knew anything of him. Nor should it be forgotten that he employed it on wine and other goods, which he sent elsewhere, where, as I am told, he made a great profit on the money. I had no other knowledge of him save that I judged he could not be your successor without being your intimate servant and friend, as he assured me he was when occasion arose to make mention of it. Further the desire and obligation which I had, and shall have all my life, to serve those who serve the Queen and a country where I have received so much good treatment and courtesy induced me to do this in so modest a style that I would not summon (? compeller) him as a merchant or mercenary person would have done, but let him have the convenience of the money so long as he wanted it; judging that as a person of so honourable quality and office, not only would he not wish to make his convenience out of my inconvenience, but would himself indemnify me alike for the principal, and for certain honourable apports established in the country. And inasmuch as I am told that you are of opinion I should present a request to her Majesty, whose divine spirit will soon comprehend the equity of my case when recited by you, please do me the honour of letting one of your secretaries draw up the paper or placet. I humbly beg that as I have always desired to be held for one of your servants, though I have never done you any service, you will intercede favourably for me herein.-Paris,18 August
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [France VIII. 18.]
Aug. 19 257. Cobham to Walsingham
I am entreated by this bearer, Signor Carlo Doni, to recommend him to you, having likewise been desired by other 'gentlemen Italians' to accompany him with letters of favour, where by he might the better pass into England, to see London and her Majesty's Court. This gentlemen is brother to M. Doni, one of Queen Mother's treasurers, and kinsman to Count Châteauvilain. I beseech you he may be received into your grace.-Paris, 19 August 1582.
Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. VIII. 19.]
Aug. 19 258. Strokes to Walsingham
My last to you was the 12th inst. Since when there is a great sudden alteration here, to the great misliking of all men here; and that is because Monsieur has very suddenly caused his camp to remove from Dunkirk and those parts, and will put his soldiers into towns here in Flanders and Brabant; for they 'give out the speeches' they were too weak to lie there, or to keep the field any longer. This discourages the hearts of all 'these country people' from the highest to the lowest, for surely they wholly mislike these dealings; for now that the enemy has the open country at command he will put some principal towns in danger to be lost or it be long. So there is great fear among them, and it is grievous to hear the great disorder there is among the soldiers on this side, which is only for want of good government. They make more spoil of the country and their friends than the enemy does, which makes the country people desperate; who 'seem' rather to yield to the enemy than to continue in this great misery. So at present here is a troublesome state; God send it better for them.
In Berghen, Dixmude, Feurne, 'Newport,' Dunkirk, Ostend, 'sluc' and Damme-in all these towns are placed 'full' of Frenchmen; and though these towns greatly mislike these dealings, yet it is thought by some it is done for the better contentment of the French king, to the end he may see what good credit the country gives to Monsieur and the French soldiers.
The rest of the camp lie about this town, and it is said they will be mustered this afternoon or tomorrow, and 'will' pay them a month's pay, and then they will march towards Ghent and then into Brabant.
There are now sundry speeches given out here of Monsieur's forces that should come from France; for some say they are stayed in France and will not come, and some say they will be here before the end of this month. But I hear the most part greatly fear there will none come, for they say the King of Spain has too many great friends in France.
This week 41 ensigns of foot, Italians and Spaniards, arrived in the enemy's camp; 500 of them halberdiers, well armed with good corselets, and 500 great musket-shot. The rest are pikes and small shot, well in order. After these companies had entered the enemy's government, the Prince of Parma caused them to march day and night, because his camp was before too weak in footmen. So now they are strong, and they will yet be stronger, for the speech is they look for more horse and foot from Germany; so it is feared they will put this side in great danger this winter.
The enemy's camp lies still in their old place beside Berghes, where it is said they will besiege that town, and some say they will besiege Dixmude or Ypres. But most think they will fall upon Dunkirk' which is the 'likest' of all, because they have no seatowns under their government.
This morning at 8 o'clock the Duke of Brabant and the Prince of Orange departed from this town overland towards Ghent. . . . God speed them well. The speech is, he will return hither again in less than a month; notwithstanding, by many it is thought to the contrary, for all his baggage is sent from hence.
By all reports the Gentners have made great preparations for receiving Monsieur, so that it seems he will be received with many 'true' shows of gladness, which will surpass all other towns.
This morning M. 'Amyralle' Egmont is sent with a strong guard to the castle of Sluys, where he will lie a prisoner; and Captain Salcedo is sent to Ghent, also this morning, in a 'waggen' with fetters of irons on his legs and arms, with a strong guard of soldiers. The rest will remain in prison in this town
This morning came to this town, before Monsieur departed, 7 small firkins with money out of England, which seemed very joyful news to the Commons here. Monsieur has carried them with him to Ghent, so that the coming of this money has comforted their hearts, and it came in great good time to pay their camp.-Bruges, 19 August 1582.
P.S.—The camp is commanded to march to Eeeloo, where they will muster and receive their pay. This evening Captain Yorke came to this town in a horse-litter, and tomorrow rides to Ghent. His hurt in his foot mends very well. He will write to you from Ghent.
Herewith I send you a letter froe M. de Villiers.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 112.]
Aug. 19 259. Audley Danett to Walsingham
Since my last of the 13th, sent to you by the Dutch post, I received yours of the 11th, and with it a packet directed to the Prince, which I delivered immediately upon the receipt of it. I moved him touching Browne the minister, and because M. de Sainte Aldegonde was not back from Antwerp, he gave order to M. Villiers to put him in mind of an order to be taken in that behalf, which M. Villiers promises to see performed 'with' the first opportunity.
The enemy's camp has lately been increased to the number of 6,000 foot and 1,200 horse; our forces being too weak, if they had been assailed (whereunto the enemy had made great preparation, as well for bridges to pass the river as otherwise) suddenly about one or two o'clock in the morning on Thursday the 16th, dislodged, without drum or trumpets or any 'brute' at all, and marched that night beyond 'Newport' and this day passed on the same day also in the morning his highness, the Princes of Orange and Épinoy, MM. de Bellièvre and Brulart. The enemy's camp is also on foot, as it reported in this town; but Captain Yorke, who came yesterday at 9 o'clock in the morning from Dunkirk, says they were not all risen, but only some few, who ranged up and down to take the spoil as they could find it.
The people in these parts are greatly grieved that the camp is risen without anything done against the enemy: who it is feared will attempt some town or other hereabouts. Nevertheless there is great difficulty made to receive any garrison, especially of the French. Bergen by Dunkirk has received 9 companies French; Dunkirk 'will no more than was placed before.' 'Newport' has admitted with much ado 5 companies Walloons, and Ostend still say they will none; yet it is said that now they are content to take two or three Walloon companies, but to continue no longer than the enemy's camp remains in these parts.
The camp is not yet mustered, nor the soldiers paid, except the reiters. The musters have for long been put off from day to day, so that the poor country is clean out of all hope of any pay; but since yesterday morning they have taken better courage, hearing of 7 firkins of money arrived at Sluys. Our nation grows daily discontended, and truly not without great causes. The better part of all the camp, either for number or for strength, are the English, and yet are not their numbers full by much; and I cannot perceive that any great account is made of them, especially of late, since the departure of our late mutineers, who by the report of 'Stevens' [i.e. Étienne Lesieur], one that follows Daniel Roger's cause, coming lately from the enemy's camp, are said to be 300. Daily our people either repair into England, or some number go to the enemy, who treats them, as it is here said, very well, and has given them three ensigns; which will cause many to follow after, if the States here do not use them better.
On Thursday the 16th, certain persons of this town, both men and women, were cited before the magistrates, and being convicted 'for' going to mass to his Highness's chapel within his Court, were condemned to pay 30 guilders apiece, and as did not pay were commanded to prison till they satisfied the magistrates' ordinance.
Touching the general of the English regiments, lately he assembled the captains and some other officers, and there before all so cleared himself of the slander raised of him touching the detaining of their pay, that not one man was able to charge him. Mr Norris surely is wise, and of a singular patience, so that there is good hope all unkindness will be forgotten. Only Capt. Williams, who has been most beholden to him, uses him worst; but I trust upon better advisement he will frame himself to a better course.
I am now presently repairing towards Ghent, where his Highness will remain six or seven days, as it is said; and so to Antwerp, as I hear, and the camp to lie in Brabant, whence I will advertise you of such things as fall out. —Bruges, 19 August 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 113.]
Aug. 19 260. Pietro Bizarri to Walsingham
As concerns the Imperial Diet, and the departure of certain princes, and finally about the results of it, I write nothing to you, in order not to prejudice the diligence of Mr Gilpin and Mr William 'Herlem,' by whom you are fully advertised.
Recently is come here Count 'Hollach,' and his people are staying within a mile, or rather a league, of Antwerp. The enemy at Lierre have sent for the Bishop of Ruremond to reconsecrate the church of the place. When he was on the road, he was surprised at the gates of Antwerp, and though he offered 3000 or 4000 florins for his ransom, being mounted on a very fiery horse, and not being able to check it, the enemy fearing lest he should escape killed him with a harquebuss-shot, and took about 10 of his company.
It is regarded as a certainty that his Highness with his Excellency will be at Ghent on the 20th inst., and they say that already many deputies from the confederated cities and provinces are arrived there, and that those from Overyssel, Friesland, Guelderland and Utrecht were likewise expected.
It is reported that in Meissen, a province belonging to the Duke of Saxony, there are already raised in the name of the King of Spain about 3000 German soldiers under the command of Colonel Gaspar Kotwitz.
The magistrates of Cologne have resolved to have no religion but the Roman, and have accordingly made vigorous proclamation against those of another religion, giving them a very shortly space to make up their minds, whether they will live like the others, or depart in 2 months at latest. Every day one of them is turned out of the city.
God aid us with His goodness and mercy, ne dicant gentes, ubiest Deus eorum? Antwerp, 19 August.
P.S.—It is said that his Highness's camp will soon be moved here.
It is said that Don Antonio's fleet has taken the island of St. Michael's, although the victory was bloody, with the loss of Count Brissac, and that he had taken some Spanish ships. If it is so you will know it much better than I.
Add. Endd. Ital.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 114.]
Aug. 20 261. Nicolas Kaas to Walsingham
I commend to you in no ordinary terms, but as we usually commend those for whom we desire specially good treatment, the Somerset Herald, who has admirably performed his office among the rest of the Queen's legation. Please do all you can for him, to let him know that he has gained some advantage from our friend-ship, and that this commendation has been of service to him. — Elsinore, 20 August 1582. (Signed) Nicolaus Kaas de Torup Cancellarius.
Add. Endd. Latin. ¾ p. [Denmark I. 21.]
Aug. 20 262. Nicholas Kaas to Walsingham
I received your letter full of kindness, written from Greenwich on July 3, which was acceptable to me under many heads, but for two reasons especially; first because it contained a very pleasant mention of the friendship existing between our sovereigns, and secondly because it testified to your eminent, ay, heroic, efforts to increase the bond between them. The one of these belonging as it does both to God's honour and the common good of Christendom, while the other pertains to your own singular virtue, we may most justly not only congratulate our sovereigns and ourselves on this good fortune and mutual harmony of minds, but also work for its conservation and daily increase, and that it may not be overthrown or diminished by any craft of malevolent men. Wherein if I can do any good I will not fail, and show you and all Christendom my desire to deserve well. [The rest much as in No. 256.] — Elsinore, 20 August 1582.
Add. Endd. Latin. 2 ½ pp. [Ibid. I. 22.]
Aug. 20 263. Captain Williams's Muster-book
Roger Williams, captain; Pages, two. Diggory Hemmar. William May.
Henry Power. Renere Freyste.
John Vere, lieutenant; Page. Henry Sheperde. Mark Angell.
Edward Martin. Tonslow (?) Morowe.
Matthew Morgan, cornet; Page. Charles Williams. Jaques de Closter.
Robert Dyamon. William Feding.
Richard Mathew, trumpeter. Richard Deane James Mychills.
William Baker, trumpeter. Robert Lockwood. Thomas Breton.
Burnaby Daniell, trumpeter. Robert Harvye. Nicholas Johnson.
John Rudgis, clerk. John Tayllur. Henry Shanboryne.
Hanse van Emden, smith. John Banister. John Piere.
Christian, surgeon. Richard Jugge. John Dellamoye.
Robert Savage, saddler. Walter Glasse. Jarer (?) Hoyssen.
John Stevenson, corporal. Richard Sturton. Thomas Butler.
John Webb, corporal. Richard Lewes. Anthony Dellahay.
John Owen, corporal. William Tether. Glade Hugoo.
Francis Vere. Philip Vaughan. Hugh Williams.
William Gwynn. Morris Evans. Griffin Williams.
George Vaughan. Richard Pryce. Robert Griffin.
Lionel Cooper. John Rycroste. William Miller.
Leonard Pope. Thomas Farer. Peter Posseyre.
Richard Lowles. William Smythe. Robert Peter.
John Morell. William Emson. Humfrey Matthew.
Richard Smythe. Richard Sutton. John Lewall.
Walter Smythe. John Williams. Thomas Everard.
Lorance Ploton (?) Richard Styage. John Harte.
Lorance Poncherton. Peter Dabescott. Robert Symons.
George Gilbarte. Hanse von Harbrowe. Charles Golding.
Robert Stor. Henry Stafford.
Richard Smythe, senior. John Williams.
We the undersigned, ordinary commissaries of musters for the Low Countries, certify to all whom it may concern, that we have this day, 20 August 1582, passed in muster Capt. Williams's English company of light horse, in the camp at Maldegem; in which we found 62 lancers and 20 mounted harquebusiers, all well mounted and armed for his Highness's service. They will be paid by the military treasurer-general, M. Thierry van der Beken, on the accustomed scale, and that for one month's pay, from the 1st of May last to the 30th inst. reckoned at 30 days [sic], viz, for the 62 lancers at 18 florins, 1116 florins, for their tenth, 111 florins 12 sols, and the 20 harquebusiers at 15 florins, 300 florins, their tenth, 30 florins. The captain's pay, 100 florins, the lieutenant 50, the cornet 25; the total amounting to the sum of 1732 florins 12 sols. When the treasurer brings up this with the captain's receipt it will be passed and allowed (alloué) in his accounts. In witness whereof we have signed the present this 20th of August 1582. (Signed) Jaques Rossel.
Endd.: Rates of pay noted in margin by Burghley. Fr. 16 pp. 6 blank. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 115.]
Aug. 20 264. Piero Landi to Walsingham
I arrived here yesterday, and have given into their own hands the letters given me for Captain Masino del Bene and Captain Sassetti. The packet for Signor Pallavicino, since he had gone, I send back with this to you, and I am writing this only to accompany it. I am handing it to Painter your servant, who promises me to take it safely. He has been sent by the ambassador resident here to go and find a gentleman who was captured by the Malcontents and plundered, and then let go, and is at Nampont. — Paris, 20 August 1582.
Add. Endd. Ital. ½ p. [France VIII. 20.]
Aug. 20 265. Tommaso Sassetti to Walsingham
Your most courteous letter obliges me in such fashion that you will see by the effects how much I am your true and faithful servant; and as soon as I can leave my bed, I will betake myself this time to living in the service of your Queen.
And since I have written at length to Signor Jacopo Mannucci how the rout of Don Antonio's fleet has been reported here, and how it is related by M. de Brissac's men, and there are doubts as to whether there was a failure of loyalty, two ships having been lost, and they say that Strozzi is dead in captivity, and Don Antonio at Tercera, and so they say 'God help them.' And since Signor Mannucci is sure to show you his letter at once, I need say no more. — Paris, 20 August 1582.
Add. Endd. Ital. 1 p. [Ibid. VIII. 21.]