Elizabeth: August 1582, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: August 1582, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp236-253 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1582, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp236-253.

"Elizabeth: August 1582, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp236-253.


August 1582, 11–15

Aug. 11. 232. Marchaumont to Walsingham.
I know it is her Majesty's intention that Monsieur's subjects should be favourably treated in judicial matters; which is not being done in the case of some who are detained here contrary to all right, in favour of a doctor. I send you their memorials. I did not wish to trouble her Majesty, since it is an ordinary affair; but if they continue to be treated in this fashion I shall have occasion to complain strongly. I know that you desire what is just, and therefore I beg you to have their bail discharged from their bail. — (undated.)
Add. Endd. with date: and in a later hand: Anjou Marriage; letters to Sir Fra. Walsingham. Fr. ½ p. [France VIII. 11.]
Aug. 11. 233. The King of Sweden to the Queen.
Having made an arrangement with Mark Hess, a subject of the King of Denmark, vice-burgomaster (proconsul) of Copenhagen, to buy in England for our use 500 English cloths, and see to their shipment as far as Hamburg we heard from him a few days ago money to England, but learning that the customs' tariff had been raised, and fearing for that reason great difficulties and the loss of his money, and also that the cloths would not be brought over in time, he asked us to send our request ourselves. And since it is important to us that the cloths should reach us in time, we beg you at our request to remit so much of that duty as you may please. Which if you will do, be assured it will be most acceptable to us, and we will do as much for you, if anything from our realm can be of use to you. — Upsala, 3rd of the Ides of August, 1582. (Signed) Johannes R.S.
Add. Endd. Lat. 1 p. [Sweden I. 6.]
Aug. 12. 234. Herle to Walsingham.
I send you herewith the copy of sundry important things which I caused to be translated and written out of the Allmayn tongue; and since I have no leisure to make more copies, I beg you to impart yours 'with' my lord Treasurer and my lord of Leicester, who I hope will pardon me if I do not severally write to them at present. Please direct me further if there by any other thing you would have done here at this time, and I will faithfully obey you, in doing her Majesty the best service I am able, which is not unneedful, as the season and the affairs be.
Last night Monsieur was looked for at Flushing, and from thence to repair to Ghent, to make his entry there as Earl of Flanders and to take their oaths; but his coming is deferred for a se'nnight, to await the arrival of the French forces who are with the Prince Dauphin on the frontier in good number and equipage, as Monsieur is informed. The Prince of Parma has marched in person to Gravelines, to stop the passage, or to fight with them before they join with our camp; wherein if he should prevail, this side were utterly borne to the ground, and driven to a defensive war. The camp is not be yet mustered, but the money is brought together.
The said camp continues in great disorder, and the murders increase, as well between the reiters and the English as the French and English, Rochepot having neither authority nor gravity to govern things. And if severe order be not taken, and things redressed with another manner of discipline before these new supplies have joined, we shall have more war among our own people than against the enemy.
Our English pikes did notably on 'Friday come se'nnight,' in a great skirmish with the enemy, sustaining our cavalry, who otherwise had been broken, and the whole camp defeated. Yet truly the reiters did their part like men. A hundred of the enemy's horse were slain and about 400foot, 6 captains taken, among whom was Montigny's lieutenant-colonel. Monsieur shewed Mr Norris and Col. Morgan great 'countenance' for this at Bruges, commending our nation to be valiant, if they would join obedience with it. But he neither remembers the insolences of his own people, nor the extreme poverty that might occasion our poor men to demand some relief. After he has been at Ghent, it is intended he shall come hither, which truly will give him and affairs small reputation. In respect of the great conspiracies intended against him, they persuade him to abstain from the field (a thing easily dissuaded), and to govern the army by his lieutenant the Prince Dauphin. The perfumer of this town, that was wont to serve him with gloves, is in suspicion, and detained upon it, that he has prepared some for him of M. René's fashion.
The bailiff of Flushing has received letters from the King of Spain, 'some heretofore, and now presently some' to deliver up the town to him. Though he acquainted the Prince of Orange with these letters, yet to avoid temptation, the place importing so much, it is thought convenient that he be removed from the island to some other charge.
On Friday the townsmen of 'Lyre' were publicly sworn in the market-place to be true subjects to the King of Spain and utter enemies to the French king, to the Duke of Alencon, the prince of Orange and to all those who either adhered to them or were aiders and favourers of the said duke; which is material for her Majesty to understand. There is set up on the gate of 'Lyre' in great letters: Di Stat van Andwerpen is tho hueren tegen Ballmes, 'The city of Antwerp is to be let or hired towards Michaelmas mart. 'The enemy comes daily from 'Lyre' to 'this town gates,' and takes the cattle and people away. But today they have 'erected' 3 ensigns of townsmen, consisting of 350 . . . . to lie in the trenches, to whom they give 12 guilders a month, to be well paid, and they mean to have 3 cornets of horse to join them, at the city's expense. The inhabitants of Berchem and of the villages about are commanded out of this town to their houses again. They had by common Council determined to have pulled down and levelled to the ground half an English [? mile] without the town, to discover the enemy, but the richer sort have altered that decree.
Out enterprise against Breda has failed. And Lochem in Guelderland was victualled by the Earl of Hollock before the enemy could prevail there. Diest was summoned by the enemy and threatened, but they retired without doing anything.
A letter from the King of Spain to the Prince of Parma is intercepted by which he wills him to send some of his force to assist Verdugo in Guelderland, to the end those countries may come the sooner to an alternation.
By advertisements from Germany the King of Spain gives these Low Countries in dowry with his eldest daughter to the Emperor. But if the Emperor, as is affirmed, be unfit for generation, it is to abuse the world, and 'namely' to entertain England, France, Germany, and the subjects here with vain hopes.—Antwerp, 12 Aug. 1582.
P.S.—The intent to murder the Queen is increased and confirmed, whereto good vigilance is to be had. The post has 'stayed on me' these 3 hours. Pray consider his attendance.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 100.]
Aug. 12 235 Stokes to Walsingham.
My last was the 5th inst., since which time these are the speeches here.
Next week the Duke of Brabant, the Princes of Orange and Épinoy, with all the Council of State, go to Ghent, where the duke will be sworn Earl of Flanders. It is said he tarries there not above 14 days, and then returns hither again; for the speech is that the Court will lie in this town all this winter.
Those of Ghent rejoice greatly that his Highness will come thither, and are very sorry that they have so short warning of his coming. Notwithstanding this, they will set their town in some 'treme' order, to the end he may see that he will be as welcome to them as he has been to any others; so they are working day and night to prepare themselves in some good order against his coming.
Monsieur's camp and the enemy's lie very near together beside Dunkirk and Berghes, where they skirmish daily together; and great good speeches of the valiant service that the English captains and soldiers do there; and yet small recompense for the same.
It seems the enemy has some fear, or else his meaning is to lie long there; for they begin to entrench their camp, and this week they have sacked and burnt 'Bell' [qy. Bailleul] which was a very fair great open rich village, and a place of great 'clothing' of Spanish wools. Besides that, they have this week sacked Poperinghe, which is a very fair open village, and was rich; and 'it is looked for here every day when it is burnt, 'for the speech is they will sack and burn all the open places here in the country, which is lamentable. God turn it to better.
It is said there are 600 more French foot come to Dunkirk by sea from France, and now the speech is given out that the rest of Monsieur's forces will come in at Cambray and thereabouts; to which I see that few give any credit. Surely many such delaying speeches are given out.
The speech is here that the enemy's forces from Italy to the number of 3,000 foot and 600 horse are arrived beside Diest in Brabant, where they will join with the forces of M. de Hautepenne; for it is said the enemy will make a camp in Brabant besides this which they have here in Flanders. It 'fears them' greatly on this side' to seen the enemy how strong they grow daily, and this side to do nothing.'
By letters lately intercepted, it seems there is some treason revealed against Flushing and some two or three towns in Holland, 'which the King of Spain had put in some practice': for the 'Balewe' of Flushing, being at this instant here to 'follow' some matters at the Court for the town of Flushing, is by command of his Highness taken and put in close prison in this town, for it seems he was the chief dealer for the betraying of Flushing.
Yesterday morning M. de Bellièvre and M. de 'Breuet' [qy. Brulart], both ambassadors from the French king to the Duke of Brabant, came to this town. They landed at 'Slue,' and the speech is they are come to hear the examination of those that are prisoners here in this town that should have murdered Monsieur and the Prince of Orange. For any other matters that they have brought, nothing is yet 'come abroad,'
Yesterday afternoon Count 'Swatsenborgh' [qy. Schwarzburg] and his wife also came to this town.
There still grows a great doubtfulness here that nothing will be done on this side this summer; by which means they fear the enemy will greatly prevail against them.— Bruges 12 August 1582.
P.S.—Yours of the 4th August I have received, and thank you for it. Yours to M. de Sainte-Aldegonde I have sent to him at Antwerp, and in like order I have delivered yours to Mr Danett. Enclosed I send a letter form M. de Villiers.
Add. Enddpp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 101.]
Aug. 12. 236 John Cobham to Walsingham.
The enemy fronts us still in the same place where he lay by Bergues, but does nothing. There will come to him in a few days, as it is thought, 3,000 Italian and Spanish foot, and 1,500 lances; they are in Brabant, coming. As soon as they join with the Prince of Parma, we think they will do some exploit upon our camp. M. Rochepot lies still at Bergues. The French have made four little barricades without the walls there, to lodge their men to skirmish with the enemy. I think we shall do nothing else but 'defend our goal.'
Our Englishmen are so ill handled by the better sort both for pay and victuals that, if there be no better order taken, our soldiers will not tarry here. I am sure the whole camp is decreased 4,000 men since it came hither, and will daily decay. The Commissaries are now come down to muster the camp, with only one month's pay. They mean to muster on Monday next.
On the 10th inst. 60 horse and 50 foot went out of our camp towards Poperinghe and to discover some matter, and some few of them are returned, but the rest put to the sword. M Villiers's wife's brother, who was their leader, is taken prisoner.
As I am credibly informed, the brother of M. de Bours who betrayed Mechlin is the commander of the Englishmen who fled to the enemy. They are very much accounted of and lodged close by the Prince of Parma's tent. —Dunkirk, 12 August 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI.102.]
Aug.12. 237. Thomas Doyley to Walsingham.
My sickness last week hindered my advertising you of the loss of 'Leyr,' a fair strong town hard by Antwerp, lost as follows. 'Sim Pel,' a Scottish captain of the regiment of Col. Stewart, discontented, partly being disgraced with the bastinado by his colonel lately at Antwerp, partly for want of pay, and partly in choler against 'Heetfeld,' governor of 'Leyr,' who would have all the soldiers' pay pass through his hands, made a complot with the enemy to betray the town. The 2nd of this month, the day before, he was here in Antwerp (the town being but 2½ Dutch miles hence), and by importunity got out of the States a sum of money for the contentment of his soldiers, and stretched out his credit as far as he could for velvets, silk, or what else he could get. Returning to Leyr the same day, he desired the governor to lend him some of his resolutest soldiers to send out with a squadron of his men, to get some 'boutin': which was but a subtle policy to mask his treason, to procure himself readier re-entrance by night, having some of the governor's own soldiers to disable resistance, and make the enemy give him perfect credit in his treacherous pretence. For he presently brought them towards Aerschot, into the enemies' laps, who put them all to the sword. 'Sym Pel,' remaining still in 'Leyr,' to solicit their speedier entrance, and to foresee all inconveniences, hearing a trumpet between 2 and 3 in the morning, hastened to the governor, assuring him that token was given him by the trumpet that they had a rich 'boutin' and were chased by the enemy. He, too credulous, too 'slightly' delivered the keys to Krickart, an escherin of the town, without any soldiers to guard him. He had no sooner opened the postern gate, but 'Sym Pel' presently slew him, took the keys, and opened the great gate. The enemy with his cavalry and infantry presently entered, and without resistance got the market-place, and consequently the town, spoiling and putting every man to his ransom.
The governor and the burgomaster escaped to 'Tunkskens' [qy. Tongs], a sconce on the river between Mechlin and 'Wileborowe' [Willebroek], and there he remains for the shame of his folly. The enemy now daily presents himself within a musketshot of Antwerp walls, and our great artillery sometimes play on them. They have sworn the inhabitants of 'Barkam' [qy. Berghem], a village within half an English mile of Antwerp, to be true to them, and so suffer them to live unspoiled.
Last week the 'Grave van Hovenlo alias Hollock' was at Bruges with the Duke, to crave some help for the relief of Lochem, a town by Zutphen, besieged by the enemy, and M. la Garde with his regiment was sent with him.
The enemy 'has' divers times prepared 'themselves' before Diest, a small town beyond 'Leyre,' where if 'he' once resolutely set on, it cannot long hold out.
There was a hot report throughout all Antwerp that the Prince of Épinoy had revolted, but it is not so. But there was a treason intended for the betraying of Flushing, to which effect the King of Spain sent letters to 'Rowleman,' the bailiff of Flushing and to another escherin of the town. The one presently discovered his letters, the other not.
The posts that come from Bruges report that for a certainty the Duke and Prince remove shortly to Ghent.
The French that are coming are multiplied to 30,000; but assuredly they are most part arithmetical cyphers. Most part of them that are already come have not 40 in a company. I see no hope of any end of these wars; the jealousy of princes never suffering it to end. Until they be 'cantonized,' or a government absolute of themselves [sic], they can have no peace.
The matter is hotly debated at the Diet, whether it be not prejudicial for the state of the Empire for the heir of France to nestle here. The like question England may make; God turn it all to the best. A country got and entered into with the sword, will not be forsaken for articles.
Our men lately behaved themselves very honourably in a hot 'escarmouch,' the report of which I remit to Mr Danett, remaining at Bruges.—Antwerp, 12 Aug. 1582.
P.S.—I cannot forget to commend to you the very good offices and intolerable pains of Mr Henry Knollys, not only to our general but to all our nation; which his industrious and honourable mind I wish you to commend with request to persevere therein.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 103.]
Aug. 12 238. Pietro Bizarri to [Walsingham]
Of the conspiracy discovered at Bruges, and of that which they say has in like manner been discovered at the Court of the Most Christian king, I do not venture to write to you, assuring myself that you are already fully advertised of it by divers means. The Italian who killed himself in prison was born, they say, in a Brescian castle called Martinengo, and was called Francesco Masa ['Baza' erased]. It is understood here that besides those who were first named, two or three other persons have been captured at Dunkirk for the same business, and other accomplices at the same time. They have abstained from giving the cord and other tortures to the Count of Egmont, by the direction and through the clemency of the Prince of Orange, to whom this youth has anyhow shown himself most ungrateful.
It is said for a certainty that his Highness, with the Prince, will remove to Ghent by way of Flushing, that he may make his entry, and give and receive the usual oath; and that immediately afterwards the camp will depart, of which it is understood that a muster shall be made, and a month's pay given; also that a skirmish has taken place, in which by the valour of the noble and brave English nation the enemy received some loss, and Montigny's lieutenant was taken, with the captains.
The Prince of Parma has lately tried to get the town of Flushing by way of treason, having promised great rewards to the bailiff of the place. But he, like a lover of his country, and inclined to the good cause, discovered the whole to the Prince of Orange. Shortly after it befel that a burgher having received information of this, advertised the Prince of it on a sudden; who rejoiced to find both of them faithful and constant in the preservation of liberty, and in rendering entire obedience as bound by the oath taken to his Excellency.
The Scotch captain who has to his eternal disgrace betrayed Lierre, at the same time sought to ruin Count Hollock, by giving him hopes of getting Breda, or, as others say, Bois-le-Due, saying that he had treated of it with those in the place. But the count was warned in time, and avoided the snares set for him and his reiters.
The enemy who are in Lierre, of whom, besides 2 or 3 ensigns of infantry, they say there are some 500 cavalry, have called all the citizens and inhabitants of the place together, by sound of drum, and made them swear fidelity to the King of Spain and totally abandon their obedience to the Duke of Brabant; against whom they utter many imprecations. As to the Prince of Orange, they can by no means believe that he is alive. Moreover, to the greater scorn of this city, they have caused to be written in great letters on the gates of Lierre, that Antwerp is to be let from the 1st of October, as houses are wont to be let here. Two days ago they made some excursions close to the walls of this city, and although four or five cannon-shots were fired at them, they took away some herds that were there.
The Prince of Orange would have come to Antwerp after this great loss of Lierre, but his Highness did not allow him. Meanwhile he has sent M. de Sainte-Aldegonde, and M. Junius, who, with the chief magistrates and the colonels, are not failing with all diligence to see to all that is necessary for the safety and preservation of this city. May God assist them with His grace, for very true is the saying of the prophet:Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat qui custodit eam.
Today meets the Great Council, called by them 'Brienrat,' to make such proposals as the present state requires. I can tell you nothing more now that I know of, except that they say there are already arrived towards Namur the 30 ensigns of Spaniards and 50 of Italian, to the hurt of these wretched countries. May God destroy them with the rest of the enemy, and bring them to ruin.
It is of late written from Constantinople that the Persians routed about 3.000 cavalry, of 10,000 that were there, with 4 sandjaks killed and 20 taken prisoners, and that they have taken a place called Bachalla; and that therefore they have in Constantinople thrown down the platform where the Persian ambassador stood to see the pageants (trionfi), and put him in prison, and were sending 13 galleys to transport men and munitions into the Mediterranean, and further bidding Sinnan make haste to address himself to the field.
From Venice they write that a thunderbolt (saetta) struck the tower of St. Mark's at night in the same place where one struck a few days ago; and has spoilt what they had just put right. —Antwerp, 12 August 1582.
P.S.—It is said that 200 of Count Mansfeld's reiters were surprised on a sudden in a village by the enemy, and put to flight, and some slain and taken prisoners. But you will have better information about it.
A sailor late arrived here from Rouen relates that in that city and other places in Normandy a royal proclamation has been made that no one shall in future on pain of his life traffic into Spain.
Endd. Ital.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 104.]
Aug. 11 and 12 239.The Prince of Parma to the Baron of Anholt
(1) You will see by the Queen of England's letter, a copy of which is appended, that she complains of the small effect produced by those which I wrote these last days to you and to Colonel Schenck for the release of Daniel Rogers, who she says is still detained. This moves me to send you afresh this word of reminder, to request you and at the same time order on behalf of the King, my master, that whether Rogers be detained by you or by Schenck, he is to be released in conformity with our former letter, to which I refer; being assured that according to the contents thereof my order will have its full effect in giving all satisfaction to the Queen, as his Majesty has commanded. As for the expenses, you will see that they are not charged unduly and unreasonably, so that they may not proceed to further complaints. —From the camp by Berghes-Saint-Winock, 11 August 1582.
(2) Since I wrote the letter herewith, the bearer of this sent to me by the Queen of England has complained of the costs and expenses which he says Daniel Rogers has been charged for what has been furnished to him during the time of his detention there. Since in order to please the Queen, his Majesty and I in his name have ordered the release of Rogers, it seems to me that to give her all the more entire satisfaction, it will be necessary to moderate the sum at which his expenses are reckoned (taxés) and to reduce it to the fairest possible price. I have meanwhile ordered that in case any difficulty should arise (sourdist) on this matter between the party and you, the first and senior member of the Chamber of Accounts in Guelderland should intervene to settle the difference, upon a review of the whole, and to level down (esgaler) the sum in question on the most just and reasonable rate (taux) that may be possible. And seeing that by the further detention of Rogers the expenses may be further increased, it will be well that after taking reasonable guarantee (caution solvente) you should release him pending the negotiation as to the furnishing of such sum as the whole may amount to. I expect that both in this and the former matter you will adapt and regulate yourself as I hope from your good natural disposition; wherein you will do what is agreeable to me, for the desire I have to give satisfaction to his Majesty, who it seems will regard the above as a singular service. — From the camp by Berghes-Saint-Winock, 12 August 1582.
Copies; (1) in a clerk's hand, (2) in that of Étienne Lesieur. Endd. Fr. ½ p. and ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 105.]
Aug. 13 240. Dr Hector Nuñez to Walsingham
I send you enclosed such news as I have received by way of Flanders concerning the matters of my county. This day I was told in the Exchange that King 'Antoney' was in Viana; but I believe it is untrue, because I spoke with one man who came thence, and the 10th of last month there was no such news, and all the country was quiet. — From my house, 13 August 1582. Your most 'ombell.'
Add. Endd. 10 ll. [Portugal I. 82.]
Aug. 13 241. Thomas Longston to Walsingham
My last were of 2nd and 4th inst. Since then I have not had occasion of writing till now that I received the enclosed from Augsburs, whereby you may understand Mr Gilpin's proceeding there. — Antwerp, 13 August 1582.
Add. Endd. ¼ p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 106.]
Aug. 13 242. The Council of State in the Low Countries to the Lord Chancellor and Privy Council
M. d'Ohain, postmaster-general for the Low Countries, having represented to his Highness that one Raphael Van den Putte, postmaster to the merchants' exchange at London, presumes daily to molest and interfere with d'Ohain's postmen arriving and sojourning there and departing thence, greatly to the disservice of his Highness and his said countries, we are compelled to beg that, by the interposition of her Majesty's authority, you will take steps to prevent any such molestation and hindrance in future— Bruges, 13 August 1582. (Signed) A. Meetkerke, (countersigned) Houfflin.
Add. (seal). Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. XVI.107.]
Aug. 13 243. Audley Danett to Walsingham
I received both your last letters at once, and think myself greatly bound to you that you take in good part the small service I can do in these parts. I am here altogether unacquainted, and those few I do know are either unable or unwilling to deliver any matter to me worth the advertising. Your letters written hither in my favour stand me in this stead, that sometimes I have been bold 'with the one' to use his help in some money matters of Mr Norris's business, but not further; but with 77, after my first repair to him, I have not the hap to be known, unless at every occasion to speak to him I put him in mind of your letters, and then is he every way so strange that I forbear to trouble him. There is a mislike conceived here that men are very easily commended hither by great persons out of England, and commonly such men as are indeed unworthy, as they say, of any commendation. And being some way or other known here to be such, and therefore not receiving the credit they expected by their letters commendatory, they grow discontent with the state here, and are apt to enter in any practice against them. This discourse has been used to me but to what end I know not.
Some speech has been likewise used to me concerning the revolt of our English mutineers, lately gone to the enemy—who are reported to be 300, though I think in truth they are not threescore—that her Majesty being very wise, and seeing the issue and success in all wars to be doubtful, to avoid all quarrel hereafter with the king of Spain, if he should prevail, does not at all mislike the departure of the said mutineers; or rather is it to be thought, that revolting in so great numbers, they have been advised thereto by some secret direction from England. I have thought it not amiss to signify these speeches to you, without naming the authors, because it may be that this opinion is conceived by some great ones.
The 'speech is revived again to' go to Ghent, but is deferred now till next week, the 20th of this month. There is such suit made to have his Highness thither, that I think in the end he will go; though in all men's opinion much against his will. The last speech of mutineers was Polin (?) the first 75 ['Villiers,' in Walsingham's hand].
On Saturday morning the 11th inst. arrived MM. de Bellièvre and Brulart from the French king, 'and' are said to be come hither to hear the confessions of Salcedo and his accomplices, and so to return very shortly.
M. du Plessis departed hence long ago towards Paris, to take instructions from the French Court for his journey to the Diet in Germany, having found the means before his departure to get 6,000 florins into his hands for the charges of his journey. But the Duke of Bouillon stays yet at Sedan, his agent here not being able to procure for him one penny as yet, so hardly are these people drawn to disburse any money. 'Being' advertised hither from Germany that the Emperor has proposed some matter not liked by the Princes Protestants, who thereupon are retired, it is thought the Duke of Bouillon's journey to the Diet will be stayed.
The enemy's camp lies not far from our forces, without attempting anything since 'Thursday was sevenight,' at which time the loss fell on their side; Captain Williams slain. Our English pikes saved the overthrow of the whole camp that day. The enemy has taken that advantage of the way that the French forces of foot are constrained to come over to Dunkirk by water; and what way the horse will take, whether by water, or by some part of Hainault, is yet uncertain, for being thought to be scarce 4,000 they are too weak to encounter the enemy, though they should come all at once, which is not likely. Their arrived a se'nnight ago or thereabouts some 1,500 very brave foot from France, so that now in the whole army, as is certified by the commissaries of the musters, there are 102 ensigns of foot and 33 cornets of horse, besides 1,500 reiters.
The commissaries were sent to muster the camp, but some of them have returned again, having mustered only the reiters. Some say the camp will not muster for one month's pay, considering the 'arrearings' due to them; but I think they are returned rather to certify the whole number of the camp, and to show that the treasurer has not sufficient for one month's pay, and to crave a new supply.
Today those of Ghent have received his Highness's answer that on the 20th he will make his entry at Ghent, and there is great preparation there to receive him, because they will be no whit inferior to this town of Bruges.
Many tales are brought here of the enemy's prevailing in Brabant, which I forbear to write because they are for the most part uncertain; only it appears that the Spaniard's greatest practice in those parts is by corruption, finding all men generally discontented for want of their pay, which is not sought to be redressed. Yet it is thought that they are 'in case' to deal more liberally, if their covetous humour did not overmuch command them, which will turn greatly to their prejudice in the end.
The common sort are of opinion that these French ambassadors are come hither to publish the king's declaration of himself against the Spaniard; but those of better judgement think the matter is not come to such ripeness, but will take effect according to the good or bad success of Don Antonio's navy against the Spaniard. His ambassador is lately come to this town from Antwerp; but of his master's success I hear nothing.-Bruges, 13 August 1582.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 108.]
Aug. 13 244. The Prince of Chimay to The Queen
It is some weeks since I wrote to offer you my humble service; and fearing that my letter may not have reached your hands, I would not fail, by the opportunity of this bearer, to make this repetition (iterative) in order again to assure you that there is no lord or gentleman in these countries who has must zealously dedicated himself than I have to be all my life your humble servant, and I desire nothing in the world more than to be honoured with your commands.—Sedan, 13 August 1582. (Signed) Charles de Croy.
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ pp. [Ibid. XVI. 109.]
Aug. 15 245. Frederick II King of Denmark to the Queen
Letter of thanks for the order of the Garter ('Garteriorum Ordo,' though the Garter itself is called 'elegans Periscelis') brought by Peregrine, Lord Willoughby, and Gilbert Dethick, King of Arms of the order.-Kronenborg, 15 August 1582.
Aug. Endd. Latin. 2 ½ pp. [Denmark I.18.]
Aug. 15 246. Cobham to the Queen
The French king commands to be made for your Majesty, as M. Pinart has informed me, an exceeding princely coach; having moreover caused diligently to be provided four of the fairest 'moyles' that may be found, to serve for your 'lyttiere,' being moved to show himself in this sort grateful to you on receiving the present you sent him by his falconer.
The Queen Mother supposes that her daughter of Navarre is with child, of which she seems to be 'much' joyful, having used the opinions of the most experimented ladies in this Court and other wise matrons for the discerning of the 'lytkyll' likelihood. By their judgements it is esteemed the queen of Navarre is with child; but otherwise there is perceived as yet no especial appearance nor certainty of the matter.
'Beseeching' you to grant me your grace, and to give me joy through the receiving of your benefits which I have so long sued and importuned your Highness for.-Paris, 15 August 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [France VIII. 12.]
Aug 15 247. Cobham to the Privy Council
whereas I lately received your lordship's letters with command to seek to have access to the king and his mother, I have obeyed your wills, and had audience of them. I enlarged to them so much as your pleasure was concerning the printed declaration of Don Antonio, published French, of his intention against King Philip, with all the circumstances contained in your letters. The king first answered me, that he had not heard tell of any such declaration given forth by Don Antonio within this realm, nor did he understand that Don Antonio should give such commissions to his subjects or any other, by the authority of which her Majesty's subjects might be impeached of their trade or in any sort damnified. But since it was the first time he had been moved in this cause he would confer with his mother and his Council to be better informed thereof and consequently send me a more direct answer.
As for the Queen Mother, after I had signified to her as before, she assured me she had not seen the 'abovesaid' declaration of Don Antonio of which I had made mention to her according to the contents of your letter. Howbeit, she had seen, she said, the commissions delivered to Strozzi and others from Don Antonio, by which none could take occasion to have authority in any sort to use hostility to the Queen's subjects. She assured me that any little fault committed that way the king would cause to be punished so that it might serve for an example. In which matter she 'pretented' likewise to deal with the king to his Majesty's further satisfaction.
Now, the 'twelth' of this present, M. Pinart came to me, declaring how the king and the Queen Mother had willed him to signify to me that the cousin of 'Perrador' the consul, dealing for Don Antonio in Flanders, had this other day brought with him a declaration of Don Antonio printed in the Low Countries, much to the effect specified in your letter; which, notwithstanding, Secretary Pinart said that the king and his mother did not conceive or understand to be meant or interpreted to stretch to the prejudice of her Majesty's subjects, except they showed themselves enemies to Don Antonio. As for the commissions which were delivered out for his service, they were intended only against the Portuguese favouring the party of the Spanish king in Portugal or in the Isles Don Antonio was repaired with his forces.
M. Pinart further specified to me how the King and his mother had willed him to assure me that there should be had that singular regard to her Majesty's subjects according to the friendship they receive from her divers ways, which they acknowledge.
After M. Pinart had delivered me thus much, I requested him that I might have the sight or a copy of the 'above Don Antonio's declaration' sent out of Flanders by 'Perrador's' cousin. To which he answered he had sent it to the king's ambassador ligier in Spain, and had kept no copy, being 'a matter printed.' Then I desired him, as I had moved their Majesties before, that the king would write letters to his governors and captains on the sea-coast, that they might advertise such as took commissions of Don Antonio that they should forbear to commit any hostilities against her Majesty's subjects. And that moreover in case any under pretence of Don Antonio's service should bring as a prize ship or goods belonging to her subjects, those ships and goods should at once be set at liberty by his governor and captains.
To this Secretary Pinart said that if the king wrote any such letters behalf of her Majesty's subjects, the Spaniards would soon have knowledge of it, and his mother hoped the Queen would be contented with this their meaning. Further hr promised to have an especial care hereof, because the affairs of the sea-coasts appertained particularly to his service.
I wrote some days ago to Antonio Brito Pimentelli, remaining agent at tours for Don Antonio's affairs, certifying him of the knowledge her Majesty and your lordships had received of the declaration in the commissions delivered by his King; requiring him to take care and give good order her Majesty's subjects may in no sort be troubled or impeached of their trade by sea by those who arm themselves for his king's service. The answer to this I await; when I receive it, I will send it to Mr Secretary to inform you thereof. This is as much as I have 'passed' for the accomplishing of your letters.—Paris, 15 August 1582.
4 pp. [France VIII. 13.]
Aug. 15 248. Cobham to Walsingham
The king departed hence on the 11th inst. to take his journey of pilgrimage towards Notre Dame de 'Pue' in Auvergne, and as it is said from thence to 'St. Glaude' among the Swisses, not far from Geneva. The intent of this he 'pretends' to be through those merits to have succession. His young queen is gone towards the baths of 'Bourbonnensi,' where she was last, year. The king is accompanied by the Dukes of Joyeuse and Epernon, with his Jesuit priests, and followed by the companies of his guard, led by Grillon and Serillac.
Sundry opinions have arisen of the cause of his Majesty's journey. Some say he means to advance as far as Languedoc, to have Marshal Montmorency come to him, whom he will persuade to leave his government to M. de Joyeuse upon some composition. others have conjectured there will be a meeting between his Majesty and the Duke of Savoy. there are others who have penetrated further into this journey, who judge the king has vowed to go on pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loretto in Italy. And although I cannot perceive by M.Pinart or any other person of quality that the king passes any further than Notre Dame de puy, I would not 'leave' to certify you of those uncertain opinions spread in this court; as how they suppose also that when the king shall not reap the fruit of succession through this manner of meritorious devotions he will wax weary of these painful pilgrimages. He did not content his princes with any gracious parting, having left his mother as regent of France with very ample power; reserving from her the gifts of benefices. She has, since the king's going, seemed very much to force the Cordeliers 'they might' accept of their Italian General, one of the House of Gonzaga. But the Chief President M.de Thou, meeting with the Queen Mother on the 12th inst. at the Holy Chapel in the Palace, by her appointment, showed her that if she should endeavour to place a stranger General on the royal power of the king and the laws of France. He could not consent to serve her therein; — with many speeches contrary to her mind, which she found strange. It is esteemed that if she prosecutes the placing of this Italian General, she will renew the ill-will towards the Italians, withal 'impeaching' very much the proceedings of her son in Flanders.
The Duke of Retz and the Bishop of Paris are often many hours in council with the Queen Mother, and the Italians begin to take courage. Contrariwise, the others grow discontented. This is the humour for the present in this Court, so far as I can signify.
I have received advertisements lately from Geneva that they now again discovered other traitors within their town; so as yet the Duke of Savoy has not retired his forces. Perhaps the approach of the king towards those parts will divert the Duke's enterprise, as they in this Court conjecture.
They have spread about these two days that the French navy has fought with the Spaniards; in which fight Strozzi is said to be slain. But of it no certain advertisement appears, but by letters from Bordeaux.
I hear the King of Navarre has already departed with the Princes of Conde so far as Bordeaux.-Paris, 15 August 1582.
Add. Endd. (Probably serving for this and the last.) 2 ¼ pp. [Ibid. VIII. 14.]
Aug. 15 249. Cobham to Walsingham
Since I hear the Guises had 'by means' laid wait to intercept letters passing towards Flanders by way of Calais, I have resolved to send this by way of Dieppe. The Guises are much 'offended' with the apprehension of Salcedo. the memorials and instructions which Salcedo wrote were left in the Treasurer's clerk's house—Treasurer of Lorraine-were not found.
The Duke of Nevers is returned suddenly from his house, being one of the parties with the Guises in all their causes. Monsieur has written, I hear, to the Duke of Montpensier not to depart from his government. So now too late he says he will not depart from it, whereon there is a broil between him and his wife. The Prince Dauphin marches slowly in the affairs of the Duke of Brabant.
I hear MM. Belliévre and Brulart are sent to understand thoroughly the confession of Salcedo and to treat for the life of the Count of Egmont's brother. But M. Pinart informed me, the last speech I had this last day with him, that they were gone to understand Monsieur's resolution for the marriage; which being known, the king will not 'stick to quyte' the Queen of the charges of the wars of Flanders, so that the marriage may proceed.-Paris 15 August 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. VIII. 15.]
Aug. 15 250. Cobham to Walsingham
This other day the King of Navarre's gentleman, M. de Senegas, of whom I lately wrote, came to me and delivered the king his master's letters, a copy of which I enclose herewith. He further showed me that he was dispatched first to pass into Flanders to Monsieur to the intent he should signify to him that the king being of noble courage, and desirous to make show of his valorous inclination, having present commodity through some intelligence in Navarre, has proposed to 'make proof' to recover his kingdom, or a better part of it, which the Spanish king has so long perforce detained. Howbeit the King of Navarre would not move himself to undertake so high an enterprise without the liking and advice first had of the Duke of Brabant and of the Queen. Wherefore likewise for the same purpose, M. de Senegas is appointed to repair into England, as he informed me. And because the King of Navarre has required me to further his intentions so much as lies in me, I beseech you to be a means to her Majesty to like well and encourage the king to prosecute 'in' his lawful name against the common enemy to the Church of God. I refer the rest to your consideration.
I would not 'leave' also to let you know how the Bishop of Glasgow and those of the Scottish faction have reported that the Scottish king has lately caused to be apprehended the earls of 'Clyncarne' and 'Mountrose,' the Lords of Lindsey, 'Ryvaine,' 'Locheleven,' 'Tyllebarne.' But though their intent be such, I hope God will have otherwise disposed those causes.—Paris,15 August 1582.
Holograph. 2 pp. [Ibid. VIII. 16.]
Enclosed in above:
July 23 251. The King of Navarre to Cobham
I am sending M.de Senegas to Monsieur on certain business, and have also commanded him to go to the Queen your mistress, and to see you before setting out to give you news of me. Please trust him as myself, and be sure that she has no relatives in the world nor other person better affected to her service than I, as I hope to shew her by effects that will not be unacceptable to her, and the utility of which she will share, so that I think she will favour me therein. To which I beg you to dispose her.—Les Essars, 23 July 1582. (Signed) Henry.
Copy. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. VIII. 16a.]
One Add. and Endt. for letter and enclosure.
Aug.15 15 252. Etienne Lesieur to Walsingham
Being arrived in this town, I would not fail to advertise you of the Prince of Parma's answer to her Majesty's letter, and to that which I declared to him by word of month, which you see in full by the enclosed copy of his letters to the Baron of Anholt (See No.239) commanding him to release Mr Rogers provided that all expenses are met. Several applications (repliques) did I make to him and his councillors, giving them to understand that her Majesty's intention was to have her ambassador set at liberty without any exception, but my applications failed to get any footing in their regard, as you may see by the copies of the letters; with which, by the help of God, I am on my way to Antwerp to wait there till the next post, in case you write me anything. Then I shall go to the Duke of cleves, and try (while awaiting the money for the expenses) to get Mr Rogers out of that strait prison in which he is. Meanwhile I beseech you to have some care of him, as I know you have, and to be an intercessor for him to her Majesty, that by her means this poor good gentleman, who is her very faithful servant, may be delivered from this long and grievous detention in the hands of worse than barbarians. As for the sum, you have already the particulars of it up to June last; they are and will be larger if he continues longer. It will be an easy thing (under your correction if I presume so far) for the ecclesiastical Estate in England to meet the sum, seeing that his negotiation was set on foot by them. Neither by himself nor by his relations has he the means of meeting it, which is the reason why I am bold to write my notion of it to you, to the end that I may learn from you as soon as possible what her Majesty decides as to the expenses in question, and how I am to conduct myself hereafter in prosecuting this. I will leave orders that your letters may be forwarded from Antwerp to wherever I am.
During my stay at the Prince of Parma's camp, which was by the space of eight days, I was allowed to go nowhere but where my business required, and then accompanied by two gentleman, that I might not go where they did not wish, for some suspicion which they had me. During this time, 'it was not' without plenty of disputes with several gentleman on divers subjects, which would be too wearisome to you if I wrote them down. The English, to the number of 300 or more, who went over to that side, are highly esteemed and caressed. The Prince of Parma has caused them to have three ensigns to make up their companies, and tries to comply with all their requests; which to my thinking is a policy to attract more to him, which no doubt he will succeed in doing, if the French in this camp do not treat the English nation better than they have done up to the present. Yesterday they were excepting 3,000 Spaniards and 2,000 Bohemian pioneers, the Spaniards being the advance-guard of a larger number, Spaniards and Italians, who are to arrive very soon, and who they say are more than 12,000 horse and foot, all old soldiers and in good order.
La Motte at Gravelines has been very ill and in great danger, so much that on the 10th he received the Sacrament. I spoke to him yesterday, and he was beginning to get better. I find a fine and very resolute nobility in that camp, everything very cheap, and all well-disciplined; which makes me fear that if the Duke of Alençon does not make better provision than appearances show' he will have enough to do. I leave you to judge what may happen; the subject is too great for me.
From Calais I took with me a courier and horses of that town, to whom by the secret privity of the Prince of Parma had been given two letters to Don Bernardino de Mendoza, with orders not to show them to me nor let me know anything of them. Notwithstanding the said courier could not keep himself so secret that I did not perceive it. Meanwhile I gave order to certain English passengers, people known to me, that if such letters came to their hands, they should send them to you; as likewise I am sending you the present packet, which was given me by the Secretary of state, named Garnier. I say and do this for the little affection that I know them to have to the good and prosperity of her Majesty and her country; to maintain which, in whatever time and place I may find myself, or whatever I may hear to the contrary, as has already happened several times, I shall not fail to do my duty in that respect.-Dunkirk, 15 August 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 110.]