Elizabeth: July 1582, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: July 1582, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp159-170 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1582, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp159-170.

"Elizabeth: July 1582, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp159-170.


July 1582, 16–20

July 16. 162. Cobham to Walsingham.
Since this bearer, the Earl of Sussex's servant, brought me letters from you, I could not but return him with these; signifying that I have received the king's letters addressed to M. de Pierrecourt, the vice-admiral of Normandy, for the redressing of d'Armeville's roving. I purpose to send them by an express messenger, whereby the perfect and good event of those letters may be truly certified to you. I am this day departing towards Fontainebleau, to deal with their Majesties about Alderman Osborne's ship detained in Malta; wherein I will by all means solicit his Majesty to favour those Englishmen and ship, and get Shewte the king's protection, without which the Inquisitors will perhaps extend their malice, for it seems that the Pope and the tribunal of the Inquisitors have extended their snares to entrap her Majesty's subjects.
They certify me that this king has consented that 'easily and stilly' the discipline of the Council of Trent shall be put in practice within this realm, first on the clergy, and so to proceed to the laity. As for the Jesuits, they are now nestled even on the shores next to England; being hived there with hope to swarm over into England upon every bad occasion, if God and zealous policy do not prevent their subtle designs.
It is feared that in this assembly of the noblemen to be held at Fontainebleau, the 'matters of orders' of popish religion will be propounded and advanced. At the least, little hopes of good can be where the Guises have so many voices, together with those other Spanish and Romish hirelings. The king likes peace well, and is content to accommodate himself to save his state and stake which is to all appearance his course.
They persuade him that he is the Pope's eldest son, as King of France, and that for default only of his zeal and intelligence the French have failed of their former credit in Rome and Italy. Howbeit, these persuasions are but abuses; notwithstanding the king is induced thereby, and grows more and more 'ceremonious.' He is haunted almost night and day by one M. Saint-Germain, a canon of Notre Dame, the Pope's nuncio's creature, and an 'entire' officer of the Bishop of Paris. He lodges this priest in Court, and haunts his prayers. In this humour he shows himself as 'apassionated' as he has done in others past.
The Duke of Guise says the Prince Dauphin does not go to Flanders.
I have not as yet received answer from Mr Phillips.
The Duke of Montmorency has taken arms, as I am informed by a near friend of his.
Mr Copley spoke with the Duke of Maine at Rouen, and went to Gaillon to confer with the Duke of Guise.—Paris, July 16, 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [France VII. 130.]
July 16. 163. Herle to Walsingham.
To the end you may see that I have not written to you without foundation, in my former letter, of the mutiny that was among our men, I send herewith Col. Morgan's letter touching the same; praying you to return it to me sealed in your next, that I may answer any cavillation that may be objected to me, if speech should come of it. For as I am anxious to do good offices among them, so on the other side there reigns such ambition and envy that it is hard to admonish them to that which the honour of our country, and their service, requires. The camp of the reiters, and of our men, as we understood here to-day, is about the abbey called The Dunes, a league from 'Newport.'—Antwerp, 16 July 1582.
Add. Endd. ½p. [HolL and Fl. XVI. 67.]
July 16. 164. Audley Danett to Walsingham.
'Presently upon the yielding up of Oudenarde' the whole camp marched from before Ghent towards Dunkirk, to join with the French forces so long looked for, which arrived last week to the number of 2,000 horse and as many foot, but very poorly appointed. Daily forces arrive, and it is said the Prince Dauphin and M. Fervacques come shortly with more. They remain all together about Dunkirk as yet, awaiting further direction at the Duke's coming to this town, which will be to-morrow; for yesterday morning he and the Prince of Orange certainly came to Flushing. Monsieur's coming hither is said to be to make a general muster of his whole camp and to set some order among them, whereof there is great need; for already the French offer many insolences and great injuries to our nation and to others, which must be redressed, or else some great inconvenience will ensue. Our people likewise are not of the best government, or oldest regiment; having lately entered into a mutiny, alleging their want of pay. The matter is now well appeased, and they marched with Col. Morgan towards the camp. This mutiny has grown chiefly from the captains, who, imagining that the general detains their pay, which he has received only in paper, have been the secret contrivers of this disorder. The French have helped to blow the coal, and therein have used Row. Yorke for an instrument; who being sergeant-major of the whole camp, runs his course altogether amongst them and seems to be altogether at their devotion. But I think Mr Norris's regiment will not easily be 'cast,' although I think the French will attempt it 'what they may'; and some English captains, by permission that they shall 'have the room,' will under hand be as forward as they, not seeing that ere long the French would be well content to be rid of them all.
At Dunkirk there are in garrison 7 companies of French, 3 of Scots, and 3 of the Dutch. The 6 latter will be removed shortly, it is said, and French to come in their place. In this town are 5 companies, which will be increased at his Highness's coming hither; and as it should appear, the chief cause of the 'viage' hither is to plant the French in some strength in these quarters.—Bruges, 16 July 1582.
Add Endd.pp. [Holl and Fl. XVI. 68.]
July 17. 165. Audley Danett to John Norms.
I was purposed to have waited upon you, to have given you to understand what I have done in your business; but finding this messenger by good hap, and not having as yet procured you any lodgings (which by the good help of one of the Prince's secretaries I hope shall be done tomorrow), I have thought good to write to you.
Touching your letters to his Highness, I found the means, by M. lioquetaillade, to have them delivered; his Highness and the Prince being both together. J received answer that he was very well content with your letters, and was glad of what you wrote, touching the punishment of the late mutineers; and this was all M. de 'Roque' wished me to write to you touching that point. After the Prince was despatched from his Highness, and retired to his own lodging I delivered him your letter. Upon the receipt of it, he enquired how you did, &c. I delivered further to him the substance of your message sent by Mr Barker. Touching the mutineers he said he was sorry such an inconvenience should fall upon you, being one of his very good friends; but was glad the matter was well appeased, and that you had written in such sort to Monsieur, who had shown him your letter. For his own part, you might assure yourself of his aid and assistance therein, whensoever you should demand it; and in a far greater matter should find him ready to do you what pleasure he could. Touching the 6,000 guilders, I had no sooner spoken of them, but he said 'I know it well enough, and even now I spoke to his Highness concerning that; who tomorrow will take order therein to your contentment.' And because I would give occasion of further speech therein, not understanding perfectly what was his meaning, I said that by Mr Dorpe's means and credit you took up of a sudden 6,000 guilders in this town; and being desirous to 'discharge' Mr Dorpe, and to keep your credit, you besought him for an ordinance to the treasurer of Zealand for the said sum, whereof 4,000 being due by them of Zealand, the 2,000 should be rendered again out of the money to be received from Holland and Utrecht. The Prince 'made strange' at money due to you from Zealand, and asked certain questions; since when it was due, how much had been paid, and that they ought but to pay their part. In all which I was ignorant, and therefore was forced to be silent; only I said I thought 4,000 to be due, because you had given me my instructions to deal with his Excellency touching the same. But he said he thought no; because those of Zealand had very lately told him they had paid you all. I durst not reply, nor trouble him again to explain his meaning touching your contentment which his Highness would give for the 6,000 guilders; and therefore am constrained to send you an imperfect answer.
Mr Barker procured yesterday a wagon to Antwerp of the lieutenant of the munition of wagons, as going upon your business; which he beseeches you to take upon you, and to thank the lieutenant for it, if he shall chance to repair to you. He further prays me to let you understand that Mr Lester is shortly to repair into Holland about business of his own; and if you like him to deal in your business with the States there, which he is very willing to do, you would send your commission and direction to him. He would have signified thus much to you at his being at the camp, but he did not remember it.
Monsieur and the Prince arrived here this afternoon; and although I cannot learn the certainty of their abode here as yet, such as I have enquired of, think they will not depart hence in haste.
I received letters today from Mr Longston at Antwerp, dated the 16th inst., in which he writes it is reported there that the French king is very sick, and not like to recover. Also that the Prince of Parma has retired to Namur, to join the forces coming to him out of Savoy.
Tomorrow morning I will 'travail' with one of the Prince's secretaries, called de Hugues (?), who very friendly offers to go to the burgomaster to procure your lodging in this town. Please thank him when you come hither for his friendly travail in this behalf.—Bruges, Tuesday, 17 July 1582.
Add. in French. Endd, (in Walsingham's office). 3 pp. [Holl and Fl. XVI. 69.]
July 17. 166. Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
I am sending to ask after her Majesty, and to know how she is, and when she will be pleased to give me an answer; also to thank you for your great trouble in regard to all the kinds of dogs and greyhounds which the king my master wants to have from this realm. I take the same opportunity of thanking you for all your kindnesses to all Frenchmen, and the good cheer you lately made me at your house. There will also be these poor Breton folk, who go with the bearer to thank you for the good will you have borne them up to now, and to pray you to continue it to them, to the recovery of their ship when it comes back; which most of them have decided to await here rather than to return. I am also very urgent about the Hermine of Brest, which is in the hands of Messrs Knollys; this bearer having taken steps to solicit for it. I beg you to be favourable to him, and give him a little hearing; and to command me in all things wherein I may serve you.—London, 17 July 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 131.]
July 17. 167. Maximilian Cobham to Walsingham.
Although at this time there are not many novelties current in these parts worthy of writing, yet remembering both my duty towards you and my promise to you, I thought it not meet to suffer this respondent to pass without my letters.
The Duke of Savoy's forces increase daily. They are placed in villages round about Geneva. Some say they are strong 20,000 foot and 2,000 horse. If the 'papish' cantons hold with him, as some judge they will, his camp will be greater [than] the country will be able to furnish with victuals.
The Spaniards pass daily in great troops for Flanders; they are welcome wherever they come, for they pay frankly.
The Pope sent two galleys with 'bandityes' to 'Son Altezze,' which were taken prisoners by the Turks. The Duke of Florence has since armed three galleys 'to the sea,' which by chance 'might' with the Turks that took the Pope's galleys in fight, and took them, and much riches which they robbed from others, to the value of 600,000 crowns.
Such occurrents as this place yields, you shall know from time to time. I would to God my pen could give such grace to describe with what zeal and singleness of heart I have always honoured you; or that you might descend into the secret parts of my mind. Then you should certainly find how I am affected to you. But many words may breed suspicion of flattery. My love towards you is not so great in affection, as I desire to effect it in action.—Lyons, 17 July 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. VII. 132.]
July 18. 168. Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
This bearer, named Jehan de Buse. a poor French seaman, having a small vessel of 40 tons laden with wine, was taken off the coast of Normandy by one Captain Chaton, and Thomas Parson, of Poole (la Poulle), who brought the vessel to Poole and sold the wine to some gentlemen who were in the roads and others of the country. They kept Jehan de Buse and his companions sixteen days, for fear they should find out where they were; afterwards they took them back to the coast of France. The vessel on which, they took them is Breton, armed for war. Immediately after they had landed these poor people, they fell in with a vessel of Saint-Valéry, going to load salt at Brouage, and put the master to torture, to make him find money. I beg you to hear Jehan de Buse, and have such justice done him as you shall see that the case deserves.—London, 18 July 1582.
P.S. (autograph).—I will here say that I am ready myself to send an answer to the king, when the Queen is pleased to give me one. I have sent M. de Marchaumont an extract from the letter which the king wrote me; and he whom I pointed out to you in the garden (?gendrin) at nunchis [Nonsuch], M. des Ouches is urgent with me for his departure, or to buy here such dogs as he may be able to get for money; seeing that those who have been charged by his Majesty to provide him find it a long business, since everyone hides his dogs and curses the French, saying that they come to take away their dogs, and many bad words, which I wish des Ouches had not heard.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 133.]
July 18. 169. Herle to Walsingham.
Monsieur and the Prince of Orange, with the whole Court, departed from Flushing on Monday about 10 A.M. and lay that night at 'the Sluse,' and so to Bruges. Our camp is as yet between Dunkirk and Berges St. Wynock. The horsemen newly come, the reiters, are but 1,500, the foot as many, very ill-furnished and chosen. There are some of the flower of Mr Norris's companies gone to the enemy, in spite of all that Colonel Morgan could do.
The Prince of Épinoy and Sainte-Aldegonde are sent for hence. One departed on Monday and the Prince is to follow tomorrow, as it is intended.
There are two places granted at Brussels for the exercise of the Catholic religion; that is, the 'Cowberg' church, and the chapel within the palace. By this means we hope to have the Catholics more ready to obey and to contribute; and to entertain the Malcontents with the Religious Frede.
There are speeches of Bouchain and Carpen, one in West Flanders, the other by Cologne, that they are reduced to our 'obeyssaunce'; but these are mere tales.
Letters are come from Geneva, signifying that the ambassadors of the Cantons are with the Duke of Savoy, with resolution to bring thence war or peace, and to charge the duke with breach of league and promise; wherefore they will seek to be restored to those four bailiwicks, that some years past they delivered up to the Duke of Savoy upon condition that he should not encroach further.
The French king has sent to the Cantons the moiety of the money which was due to them, with promise to furnish the rest shortly, and in the meantime he renews the league between them. He promises further to aid them against the Duke of Savoy with men and money, and has sent special ambassadors to the duke to admonish him to give good contentment to the Cantons and to desist from the enterprise of Geneva; otherwise he will declare himself absolutely against the duke in favour of Geneva and the Cantons. These letters from Geneva I have seen, and know to come 'from good place' and written by the consent of the magistrates there.—Antwerp, 18 July 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl and Fl. XVI. 70.]
July 18. 170. The Prince of Chimay to Walsingham.
Having heard of the authority and credit which you have with her Majesty, I would not fail to send the present, to introduce myself to your good grace, and at the same time to beg you to have me always recommended to her, wherein you will do me a great pleasure, which I shall not fail to recognise on all occasions when it may be your pleasure to employ me.—Esdan [qy. Sédan], 18 July 1582. (Signed) Charles de Croy.
Add. Endd, Fr. ½ p. [Ibid, XVI. 71.]
July 18. 171. Custodio Leitam to Walsingham.
I should have started but for the letter which I am expecting from her Majesty in answer to that which I brought her from the king my master, without which I cannot write to him. Kindly do me the favour of sending it to me by Captain Prim. Her Majesty promised to write when I took leave of her. She also gave me permission for the ships that wish to go and serve my master, which will be given to him secretly; but it is long since the ship presented itself (?), as the aforesaid captain will tell you. Please give him a permission in such form as may seem to you good, for him to keep secret according to her Majesty's will; which is the sole object of this. I am very sorry not to have had the pleasure of saying farewell to you.—London, 18 July 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 131.]
July 18. 172. A calculation in Burghley's hand of some part of the Duke of Anjou's revenues—' the Convoy of the town of Bordeaux for three years,' 'the third of the impositions on linen and canvas for three years,' 'the arresting [sic] of the waste lands of his apanage,' &c.
Endd.: 18 July, 1582. At Nonsuch. The note of money growing to M. d'Anjou in France. 1¼ pp. [Ibid. VII. 135.]
July 20. 173. Cobham to Walsingham.
I have now had access to the king and informed him of the detaining of Mr Osborne's and Staper's ship at Malta. I enlarged on it to him as amply as I had received instructions by William Shute, delivering withal the Queen's letter to him, requesting he would take Shute into his protection, who was the party to be sent to Malta for the delivering of the ship; otherwise it would be to small purpose if the bearer of his despatch would not go and return safely.
The king promised to consider of the matter and to deal on behalf of her Majesty's subjects so far as he could. He directed me to give the memorials touching the arrest of the ship and men to Secretary Villeroy, with whom I spoke in the cause. I found from the Secretary the king had been advised of it before.
I left Shute with one of my servants to 'follow' and obtain the king's favourable letters and means in that behalf.
And because, after my former audience I received from the king in answer to my complaint against “Armeville” only his letter to the vice-admiral of Normandy to such effect as will appear by the copy I enclose, I thought well again this last conference to move him that Armeville might be sent for to the Court, whereby the truth of his piracy might the better appear, as likewise that he might be constrained to make restitution of the ships and goods taken from her Majesty's subjects, and be bound to put in securities for his well carrying himself hereafter to Englishmen.
The king found this demand reasonable; and thereon, at my departure out of the cabinet, I saw him call for M. Joyeuse. So that by the time I was a while retired into the ordinary chamber appointed for the ambassadors, M. Pinart came to me from the king, declaring that his Majesty had referred all seafaring causes and depredations to M. de Joyeuse, his admiral; who, M. Pinart said, was desirous to confer with me to be informed of the complaints against d'Armeville. I offered myself willing to perform therein the Duke Joyeuse's will in such sort as he might think good. Therewith M. Pinart departed, sending to me after a while a gentleman by whom I was conducted to M. Chiverny's chamber, whither there came presently M. Joyeuse, accompanied only by Secretary Pinart. I declared to the duke what Pinart had said to me concerning the king's pleasure that I should inform him of d'Armeville's depredations committed on her Majesty's subjects, which I particularly and briefly enlarged to him; beseeching him that since it has pleased God and the king to place him in that estate of the admiralship of France, he would have in recommendation the just dealing with my sovereign's subjects. He answered that because it had been the king's will to do him the honour to put him in trust 'with' the affairs of the Admiralty, he meant, for the discharge of his duty, to take care all things should pass well for the conservation of the amity which is between his master and my sovereign. He requested me to deliver him the memorials of d'Armeville's disorderly dealing, and promised that all expedition should be used for the redressing of the piracy. He assured me also he would permit none hereafter to trade the sea with shipping, but that they were first to put in good assurance for their good behaviour towards the king's subjects and his confederates. He prayed me that upon any disorder done from henceforth to her Majesty's subjects on the seas, I would address my complaints to him, as he in like sort meant to signify to me when any information were exhibited of anything committed amiss on the sea to the French by her Majesty's vassals.
Of this I have thought well to advertise you at large, that she may understand the king has referred all his 'admiral' causes to the confidence of Duke Joyeuse. I send herewith the copy of the duke's answer to mine, in which I sent him the memorial of the depredations.—Paris, 20 July 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [France VII. 136.]
July 20. 174. P. Des Ouches to Walsingham.
Excuse me for my boldness in writing to you; it is because you kindly sent me yesterday two 'pairs' of letters, one to take to M. de Lanssac and the other to M. Cakoy [?]. I will not fail to hand them to them. Please do not take it amiss if I yesterday returned the passport which you sent me to Mr Audry who brought me the letters and it. The reason is that I am taking two or three horses, one for 'le Singe' [qy. Simier], another that I have bought for the king, and another for myself. There is no mention of horses in the passport. Please put in it also that no wrong is to be done me by rummaging [fouler] me for the two or three crowns which I carry for my expenses, or for my belongings [attirail] which are not very small, thanks to God, the Queen, and you. I promise you shall be thanked for it on the king's part for the kindness and the honour and the good welcome you have given me.
I have also been so bold as to beg you to grant something to this bearer, who goes with this lackey to seek my passport. He asks for a letter from the Queen empowering him to approach the coasts [tenir la mestrize de jouster les cotz]. He is taking the letter all ready; you will see it, if you please, and if it is a thing easy for you to do, I commend it to you as though it were for myself, because he is my host, who has treated me well and shown me favour in this town.
I will say no more, save that I pray God. to give you health for a hundred years, and a hundred thousand crowns every year.—London, 20 July.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 137.]
July 20. 175. Roger Williams to Walsingham.
I understand by a soldier of mine that you have received no letters from me these three months. I assure you this is the seventh letter I have written to you in that space. Had I anything worthy to trouble you, I would every post.
I understand you wish to understand the order of our camp. Thus it stands until the Prince Dauphin comes; these are the chiefs' names:
Count Rochepot, general of all; M. de Villiers, marshal; la Pierre, one of the four marshals—we call them in English the four corporals—of the field; he is it alone. Mr Morgan, colonel-general of the English infantry. Colonels of the infantry English, Mr North, Morgan, Cotton; strong at this hour, near 3,000.
Colonels of the Scots infantry, Stewart, Preston, Tryell [Traill]; strong at this hour, near 2,000.
In camp there are of the 800 colonels of the French, Villeneuve, Dalyne (?) that was la Garde's lieutenant 'Seye cheval' [Sais-seval], 'Fackeral' [Faqueral], the last to come with the last French succours; strong altogether, 3,000. There are four companies of his Highness's guard; they may go in the 3,000.
Walloons and Flemings of the regiments of 'Tiger' [qy. Tiward], 'Aymon' [qy. Egmont] and Loker [qy. Lokeren], 8 companies, strong 700.
Cavalry.—Count Mansfeld, 5 [qy. 15] cornets, 1,500 reiters; lancers 33 cornets, strong 2,200; 2 cornets of carbines, strong 200. Of the lances, 6 cornets came with the reiters and the two regiments. This is all our force at present. I would trouble you with news of our succours, but that I am sure Herle, Danett, and Doyley do it in far better order than I can.
I hear the King of Spain has sent one 'Sanckes' [qy. Sanchez], one of good judgement, to proffer the Count and the State of Emden the government of all that he has in Friesland and those parts. If it be so, he would fain 'layge' his 'armatho' in those quarters. He 'arms to sea' very strong, assure yourself, not for King Antonio, for he has no fear of him. It is either for Flanders or Scotland or Ireland. In Flanders they have no port. The broils of Ireland and Scotland you know best. I could write a number of speeches from some of good judgement. For 'Strosso' and his troops, they are not for Don Antonio, but for a show.
The Prince of Parma is gone to Namur, 'afore' his own succours. The body of his army lies at Oudenarde. He dares not besiege any place for fear of our forces; but you may be sure by his succours he means to be master of the field.
At the Diet you will see great change in the Emperor about 'Muntier's' entry into these parts. The Duke of Saxony is arrived there already, with 2,000 brave reiters. There are four of them joined together for something; it is thought to 'conteray' the House of Austria. The town where the Diet is kept has levied and taken into it a regiment of 12 companies.
The Bishop of Colen made a great banquet to a number of rittmeisters (?) in the Prince of Parma's behalf.—Bruges, 20 July.
I came here to speak with the Prince, thinking to depart presently. His Highness commanded me to stay this day, saying 'To-morrow thou shalt carry good news to the camp.' I pray God it may be loaves, else I do assure you they will not come from France so fast hither as we shall run away. You would not believe the poverty we are in.—Yours, Ro. Williams.
P.S.—I told him plainly as the States give me commission for 100 lances within 15 days, he should find me the lances.
Add. Endd. 4 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 72.]
July. 176. “The names of the principal officers in Monsieur's camp, and the present state of his forces.”
Apparently taken from the last letter, in Walsingham's office. Qy. Darison's hand. Endd. 1p. [Ibid. XVI. 72a.]
July 20. 177. Étienne Lesieur to Walsingham.
I have received your letter, and £20 from Mr Longston at the rate of 30 Flemish sols to the pound. I am this evening setting out for Bruges, to carry M. de Marchaumont's letters to his Highness. As soon as I receive her Majesty's and the Duke of Cleves's letter which you mention as about to be sent to me, I shall have to use all necessary diligence. You comfort me greatly by letting me know that her Majesty is satisfied and designs to take in good part my humble labour in her service, which I shall hold myself very happy to be able to employ whenever it shall please her to employ me, were it at the risk of my life, worse than the journey I have now to make. I am sure that her opinion only proceeds from your favour towards me, which I never merited.
On my return to Cleves, I think I shall see the Count of Moers whom I mentioned in my former letter. If you wish me to say anything to him from you, I should be glad to know.—Antwerp, 20 July 1582.
P.S.—I could wish that you would write to Mr Longston, if I want any more money, to furnish me with it. I have already disbursed some of my own, and this will not suffice, seeing the occasions I shall have for great expenses. I will give you a good account of them.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 73.]