Elizabeth: July 1582, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: July 1582, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp148-159 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1582, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp148-159.

"Elizabeth: July 1582, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp148-159.


July 1582, 11–15

July 12. 150. Cobham to Walsingham.
Having had access to the king on the 5th inst. at Fontainebleau I informed him of the advertisements the Queen had received that certain gunpowder had lately been transported into Scotland, sent from Dieppe out of his Majesty's storehouse; 'inferring' further to him that, since his pleasure had been to promise the Queen his assured singular amity, she hoped he would think it to be to no small purpose that such acts should be done, which might breed doubts in his friendship toward her. I alleged further so much as I was instructed in your letter.
The king said there was nothing which he more embraced and accounted of than her Majesty's amity; but for the transporting of the powder, he knew nothing of it; howbeit he would be well informed therein, and then meant to satisfy her. He added how he understood only that the Duke of Guise had lately sent horses and a present to the Scottish king. I showed him how under colour of the same occasion, the powder might have been passed likewise.
After thus much said, the king entered into wishing for the good success of the marriage, showing how greatly he desired it. To this I answered that her Majesty was thereto disposed, and found for the present no greater difficulty than that through the accomplishment of the marriage, she should be overburdened with the great charge of defraying the expenses for his brother's wars in the Low Countries. The king said he found those expenses so difficult that he could not undertake them. I showed him how in seeking the accomplishment of the marriage he was to accommodate that difficulty. He willed me to inform him if I knew any remedy to ease the defraying of the charges; wherein I showed him I could not obey him, in consideration I was servant to her Majesty, and because likewise it seemed rather to appertain to Monsieur and his best friends to seek the remedies which might effectuate the marriage; wherein none could do more than his Majesty. He said his desire was such to see the conclusion of the marriage that he would presently enter into consideration of the defraying of the charges.
After this I moved him in behalf of the English merchants of Rouen and other of her Majesty's subjects. Whereon he called Secretary Pinart to him, telling him of the matter of the powder, and then declared to him what he had delivered to me concerning the marriage. M. Pinart 'charged' me how M. Mauvissière had written that her Majesty had given me commission to declare her resolute disposition in the marriage without any difficulty. I told him I had informed the king so much as I was commanded, which I would have sooner have performed if I had got opportunity to come to his presence being moved in the cause, as was written by me in my late letter to M. Pinart.
The king lastly said again he would presently enter into the consideration for the defraying of those charges. Then I went from his presence to the Queen Mother, whom I found so well disposed that incontinently after I had done my reverence with a few words of compliment, before I could 'enter' to show her what I had delivered to the king, she assailed me with earnest speeches concerning the marriage, in which she gave me to understand she could have no longer patience to see it so long lingered, her desire being so much increased through the understanding of her Majesty's bountiful and gracious dealing with her son. I told her it was much to be marvelled to hear her and the king show their desire in their earnest words; and yet they are not pleased to remedy those difficulties which in all reason and honour 'refrain' her Majesty's consent to conclude the marriage. Therewith I delivered to her what I had spoken to the king touching that matter. The queen said she hoped he would do what he might; whereon I wished she could persuade him to strengthen his brother and make open show of his brotherly love, whereby other princes may be encouraged, and take occasion to favour her son's enterprises. I added that she had, through the assistance lately given to Don Antonio, dealt as a Christian queen in giving him aid, which would render her name immortal. Whereto she answered that since King Philip had got what he could, she meant to 'take the ways' to get something if she might, and in favouring Don Antonio her meaning was likewise to help herself.
I informed her of the transporting of the powder, wherein she assured me the king would not suffer anything to be done which in any sort might be disagreeable to her Majesty. This is as much as I could for the present 'receive' of the king and his mother.
The king gave audience the day before my coming to the Court to the Pope's nuncio and the ambassador of Venice, to the ambassador of the Duke of Savoy, and to M. de Chatillon, the duke's gentleman sent extraordinarily with a message touching the affairs of Geneva; wherein he desired the king's good liking, considering the town of right appertained to him. To which 'purpose,' as I understand, his Majesty answered with many fair words of compliments, rehearsing the kindred and alliance he had with the duke; but as for the enterprise, he meant to deliberate what he should best think thereof. It is thought he will temporise till he sees the humours of all other princes, before he discovers his open intent. I have been otherwise given to understand that the duke has sundry gentlemen of Auvergne and Provence who offer their service for that enterprise. He has employed sundry French gentlemen to pass into the town disguised, to discover how they carry themselves in Geneva.
It is thought that Piccolomini with most of his banished men will be employed in those wars against Geneva.
The ambassador of Savoy gives out that the Elector of Saxony has not only sent a comfortable message to his master, but has also dispatched a gentleman to the Cantons to recommend to their good consideration the Duke of Savoy's title and right to Geneva.
I have been informed that M. 'Cahors,' the most favoured person about the Duke of Savoy, and the chief 'carrier' of this enterprise, has passed disguisedly to this Court, and had conference with their Majesties.
On the same day the ambassador of Savoy had audience, the king dispatched M. 'Langrone,' belonging to the finances, to his commissioners still remaining among the Swiss with good satisfaction to their requests, and in favour of those of Geneva, as I have learned.
Advertisements are come to-day that the Duke of Savoy has entered the vale of St Martin, beside the vale of 'D'Angrone' [Angroyne], where he has caused those of the Religion to be murdered, contrary to the composition made by his father and him with those of the vale of St. Martin.
The duke has got 2,000 from the papist Cantons to serve him, who have already marched about by the way of Piedmont.
The Duke of Mantua has lately sent a gentleman to this king about the private controversies between him and his brother the Duke of Nevers.
The General of the Franciscans, who is of the House of Mantua, had audience of the king on the 3rd inst. in the Queen Mother's outer chamber. There were present hard beside the king, to hear what he said, the Cardinal of Bourbon, M. de Bellièvre and M. de Chiverny. The General informed his Majesty he was come to accommodate the disorders of those of his own order, but would not deal therein till his Majesty's pleasure were known, nor yet resort to Paris unless he first gave him leave. The king answered he liked very well his manner of proceeding, intending to take advice of the ancient fathers of the Gallican Church, what they should think meet to be done. This was the sum of 'what passed between the General of the Franciscans and the king.
An Italian friar has been sent to prison by President de Thou, because he began to ruffle with the Parisian Franciscans on the authority received from the General.
The king has deferred the meeting of his princes and chief personages till the 22nd.
The ambassador of Spain has given out that in the Portugal Indies they have chosen a governor in the name of King Philip, contrary to what Don Antonio's faction affirms.
I understand from Eu in Normandy that the Duke of Guise has erected a little house for the Jesuits, as this bearer can more particularly inform you.
I used likewise the 'other mean' you advised me; by whom I was advertised that there is no extraordinary novelty nor shipping in those parts.
It may be that M. Bacqueville seeks to spoil the Englishmen in respect of Mme de la 'Granache,' whom it has been thought he would marry; because he has been condemned in the Courts in certain sums of money for spoils done to Anthony Garvet, Howe, and Castelyn, with other merchants of London.
I was visited by Earl Bothwell before his departure. He is at present at Rouen, with intention to pass by sea into Scotland. He shows himself zealous in religion and much affected to her Majesty. I have seldom seen a young nobleman of a better behaviour and of more considerate speech in the state and affairs of his country. Lord Hamilton was also with me yesterday, returned from Germany; where he has seen Strasburg and other places. He now takes his journey towards Rouen, where Earl Bothwell stays for him, there being great good friendship between them. Thence Lord Hamilton goes, as he informs me, into Normandy, there to pass some time before returning to Paris.
I am given to understand by a Scottish gentleman, a friend of mine, to whom the Bishop of Glasgow said and assured that the Scottish king 'conformed himself with his mother's meaning, both to run one course,' how that all the inconveniences and matters passed were accommodated.—Paris, 12 July 1582.
Add. Endd. 5 pp. [France VII. 125.]
July 12. 151. Herle to Walsinham.
I send you herewith a copy of the capitulations of Oudenarde [see No. 140], and a book newly printed of letters intercepted.
On Saturday our camp moved from Ghent towards Bruges, leaving a garrison behind them, to join with the reiters. The enemy followed, to cut between them and the other companies, which would make us desolate, if any defeat happened to us. In their march from Bruges to 'Owdemburgh 'the English soldiers mutinied, and took Mr Norris and the rest of the captains prisoners,' pretending 'that they had received 3 months' pay, and 'answered' them but half a month; which forced Count Rochepot to march with the Scots and the French, God knows unwillingly, towards Dunkirk. This moved the English soldiers, in respect of their honour, to appease themselves, and to follow Rochepot with speed. But the advertisement of this disorder coming hither bred such a care in Monsieur that he deemed all to be lost if these forces should be thus separated from the rest in such a time of danger and service. He therefore dispatched Pruneaux, Bonnivet, and another in diligence to them with his own letters, to admonish them of their duty. But they were in good terms and marched away before Rochepot was gone far before them.
The reiters are between the country of Oye and St. Omer's, burning and spoiling the whole country to the gates of St. Omer's, appertaining to the enemy; yet still keeping themselves beyond the river 'Ha.' It is to be feared lest the enemy surprise them before the other companies arrive; and then are they all in danger, for the enemy has 56 cornets of horse in the field, and has from Cortrick to St Omer's but 7 leagues.
It is determined here, when our companies are joined together and may return unbroken to Bruges, there to 'address' our camp, to keep the country called the 'Free' and the coast of Flanders that way from the incursions of the enemy. Also it is, determined that Monsieur and the two Princes, of Orange and Epinoy, with the States-General, shall tomorrow depart to Flushing, and thence either by Sluys or Hardenburg repair to Bruges, there to 'hold state' and provide for the affairs of the camp and for all that may occur; which is done to content the people, who are without measure moved against the French for Oudenarde and for the proceedings of this time. If her Majesty or the French king do not in good earnest help with money and with the other forces promised, speedily, the king of Spain will make a great hole this year into the country, and things will grow to extreme confusion. The French king has assembled the great persons of his realm to consult how to proceed in this affair, for things may be no longer disguised. But yesterday Monsieur received a little 'ticket' from France, by which it was advertised that the king was so sick that it was doubtful whether he would recover or no. Hereof some 'make construction' that if it prove so indeed, he will from Flushing (where it is meant to sojourn till the camp returns to Bruges), depart for France to 'set order in his things. This accident of the French king's death (if it happen), behoves [sic] her Majesty to foresee the inconveniences depending thereon beforehand. I speak in duty and zeal, hoping that your wisdom will pardon it in me.
On Sunday I saw letters from the French 'ligier' in England, assuring Monsieur that the Queen was never so fervent in desiring marriage as now, having by oath assured him that in case the French king would 'discharge' her of those wars, she would roundly conclude marriage with Monsieur. This is received here as matter of 'entertainment' to draw them in, and to free ourselves.
We look for the Duke of Aerschot and his son the Prince of Chimay here forthwith, understanding that the prince has become a Protestant, and has received the Communion at Sedan; but the race is very light.
The Scotch commissioner is here as yet, and has some private dealings with Monsieur, which I shall shortly learn. He and George Hackett have 'been in hand' for some munition and arms, but I do not see their credit nor purse answerable. I will observe what follows: assuring you that the discontentment of Scotland grows more and more, and d'Aubigny urges it incessantly. The whole house of Guise is together in consultation in Normandy.
The burgesses of Oudenarde did not do their devoir as well as the soldiers, for they were won to the enemy by practice, whereof 'Lochingam,' Sr de Pamele, who was within with them, was the author. Nor was there so great resistance as Monsieur was informed of, 'in the order' as I wrote to you by the last post.
They of Malta have taken a very rich English ship in her return from Constantinople. I wish Mr Osborne and the Company would fee me well to solicit in her Majesty's name the delivery of this ship and goods; to which journey I have good disposition, or to any service I am capable of.—Antwerp, 12 July 1582.
Add, Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 61.]
July 12. 152. Cobham to Walsingham.
I have delivered to Mr Doyly, and to a French gentleman, the money I received by your order from Signor Horatio Pallavicino, assigned to be delivered to Mr Champernon your servant; by whose letters I understand that he has lately been sick, but is recovered of his ague, remaining as yet somewhat weak. He has given me means to send to him from time to time.
Mr Doyly departs presently towards Rouen.
It is signified to me that the Duke of Savoy has 'given order' in this town to win the Chevalier Breton to his devotion, if he resort hither. So I thought good upon the knowledge thereof to put you in mind how if 'the said Briton' should go for the Duke of Brabant's service, and be entertained by the Duke of Savoy, he might be 'compassed' to do her Majesty secret service at the Court of Savoy, where much intelligence might be had of matters 'pretended' against her and those of the Religion, now that that duke is entered so deeply into the confederation with the Pope and the Catholic king; 'presuming' I have an acquaintance who will win the Chevalier Breton to her Majesty.
I know not whether you will think it good that by Monsieur's means the Prince of Geneva, son to the Lady of la 'Granache,' might be. practised out of prison, where he lies at Paris; so that he might be 'raised up an opposite instrument' to the Duke of Savoy and those of the House of Nemours.
Mario Birago, being lately come out of Flanders, is levying 500 or 600 soldiers in Paris and hereabouts for the Duke of Brabant's service.
I am given to understand by a personage of quality, conversant with this nuncio and the Spanish agent, that those two are assured the Prince of Orange has such an indisposition that he cannot continue alive above a month or so.
Dr Beutrich, I hear, has written to some of his acquaintance that the Imperial Diet is deferred till the end of August. The Emperor having started on his way had returned again, upon advertisements received a practice was to be made against his person and dignity.
The King of Fez has sent letters to this king with great offers of his favour, and all other means, with promise to send an ambassador to this Court.
My neighbours about Carnavalet's house whisper that the king has, since his diet, enjoyed the overmuch favour of Mlle de Stavay, one of his mother's maids.
Shoute came yesterday with her Majesty's letters and yours; in which cause I will use all diligence and expedition.
The Duke of Guise went hence yesterday to Fontainebleau.—Paris, 12 July 1582.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France VII. 126.]
July 12. 153. Custodio Leytam to Walsingham.
The Queen gave me permission to speak with her last Tuesday, but being pressed to catch the tide had not time to hear what I was charged by the king my master to say. She said it should be for today or tomorrow, and that I might go to you, whom she would cause to let me know her will. I send this bearer to ask if it will be tomorrow morning or when she pleases. The ambassador's letter will be with this. I took it to Greenwich, but you were gone. Excuse delay.—London, 12 July 1582.
Add.: a M. Walsingào. Endd. Fr. ¾ p. [France VII. 127.]
July 13. 154. Roger Williams to Walsingham.
I wrote you the last day how the French and we could not agree. 'Aster' [qy. yester] day we were together in the wars; 200 lances French, led by Mr de 'Tilleny,' 500 shot led by Dalyne [?]. I was with them with threescore English lances. We met with 200 lances of the enemy within half a league of Bourbourg, and had them in chase to the gates, retiring with no loss. At a bridge a league from the place we met Mr de Villiers, who had been to view Pettin [qy. Pitgan], where we meant to camp this day. He left 100 shot at the bridge, and commanded all the cavalry to march 'afore' with all the rest. We would have had 100 horse to stay with the 100 foot, he would not. His reason was because he would have the enemy to follow, and those shot should take a house which was hard by. Before we were a league from the place the enemy had engaged them in such sort that before they could 'recover' the house, ran [sic] through them and took some 30. Some 'friend of us' told them that it was the horsemen's fault. Before we were at our camp they fell a-railing at us in such sort that we began to fall out. Hearing us speak English amongst them, when they came to the camp laid [air] most part of the fault on us, knowing nothing of Villiers's command. I fear me within few days we shall fall all by the ear. Although the honest men and gentlemen of both nations agree very well, but for jealousy of their honour in service, yet there pass such great abuses betwixt the common soldiers, that unless it be redressed 'presently' it will fall out shortly.
This night enter the camp 14 English and Gauntoys ensigns; I mean the 11 ensigns which came from Friesland, and which continue yet in their humour to our shame all. Today the Prince comes to Bruges; then there is no doubt but he will make them march. I told our general a hundred times bare captains will never advance a regiment to honour, and that a dozen gallant fellows were too few amongst a regiment. We are grown to that pass that we are so jealous of our honours that we had rather be a companion with base-minded fellows than to hear any overmuch commended.
There arrived here yesterday 5 cornets of French lances. We look for Fervacques every day. Our camp begins to be fair; yet we dare not abide too long in the field. This morning the news is the enemy is with all his force before Meenen. I do not believe it, because there are in Meenen 30 companies of Scotch and French; but ill will. Count Charles Mansfeld is past Namur with 22 ensigns of Allmans. They look also for the three old 'terlias' with the Italians. Great 'bravathos' of forces 'is' given on both sides. We shall see what will come of it shortly.
I fear I must trouble my lords of Leicester and Pembroke, and yourself, for dinner and supper. Therefore your honours may do well to speak to her Majesty to give me some.—Dunkirk, 13 July.
P.S.—When I came out of England there was many gentlemen willing to break lances for the honour of their 'favours.' Let them come hither; I will be bound to them they shall have their wills within 10 hours.
Add. Endd. 1 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 62.]
July 13. 155. Copy of the above, not quite complete.
Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVI. 62a.']
July 13. 156. Cobham to Walsingham.
Receiving your letter by Jackson, I thank you for not only making me in it understand your careful soliciting of my suit to her Majesty, but also of your mindful dealings towards my lord Treasurer for the procuring of the fee-farm, which you perceive her Majesty would not be inclined to grant me. You let me understand, moreover, that you make choice of me to prefer a suit to my behalf which may be more agreeable to her Majesty, and will yield me as you suppose £2,000.
I must surely in this manner of dealing highly esteem the show of your friendliness, and beseech you to frame this matter, and deal in this case, so that I may have just cause to acknowledge your good deeds. I only fear but in altering my suit it may prove to my hindrance, or discontent her Highness. I assure you that when she resolves to bestow on me only a suit of £2.000 in value, I am to gain thereby but labour for my pain, with small comfort. I request you to fashion the suit to be worth to me £3,000 or more, whereby I may have some good cause to think my time, expenses, and service the happilier employed and my obligation to you the greater. I wish her Highness had now done me good with that bountifulness that she might thereby have gladded my heart, and not in this staggering sort have dulled my courage. Notwithstanding, I refer myself to her disposition, acknowledging how much God has power in the hearts of princes and in the works of men, to which divine ordinance I humble my desires.—Paris, 13 July 1852.
Add. Endd.pp. [France VII. 128.]
July 14. 157. Thomas Doyley to Walsingham.
Immediately upon the loss of Oudenarde, before the enemy had ordered his affairs 'intentife' thereon, our camp marched in great journeys towards Dunkirk to join with the 1,500 'Carabins' of Count Mansfeld, 7 cornets of French lancers and 2,000 French infantry, and they are already met. The Frenchmen's report multiplies them to a greater number. Being met they retire again towards Bruges. The enemy follows and makes head towards a place called 'Roislar' [Rousselaere]. There is great expectation of further supplies out of France.
Last week Grave van Hovenlo, alias Holloc, lieutenant for the Prince in Holland, who as report is will also marry his daughter, Grave William van Nassau his nephew, Grave van Berghe, statholder of Guelderland, who married the Prince's sister, the Herr van 'Hofsacks,' who took Schenk prisoner, and the Herr of Nynort, a Frison, with their regiments, and the garrison of Nymegen, Zutphen, Utrecht, &c. defeated 4 cornets of horse and a regiment of infantry in Limburg, and another regiment, newly raising, but unarmed.
This present Saturday the Duke and the Prince, le conseil d'estat, la chambre de finances and des aides are removing to Bruges by Flushing.—Antwerp, 14 July 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 63.]
July 14. 158. Thomas Longston to Walsingham.
The two packets with your letters of the 5th and 7th inst. I received on the 12th, together with the letters for Mr Gilpin and others, as also copies of former letters, written for his direction, with demand of the interest and assurance required for 'Paulovicini's' money. Wherein the States-General have done nothing at this meeting for her Majesty's satisfaction, though they have been together here more than eight days, and solicited thereto by these Dutch merchants that 'trade England'; but are broken up and departed. The loss of Oudenarde so troubled them at their meeting that they are said to have dealt in no matters, but only for 'carriage and provisions' of their wars.
Monsieur, with the Prince, &c. is this day gone by way of Zealand to Bruges, where he is like to keep residence for a time, and where the speedy reassembling of the Estates is expected; so Paul Auradt is repairing thither to urge them for order to content her Majesty. And if it shall seem good to you that Thomas Stokes at Bruges shall deal there in any sort with the Estates in that behalf, I account he will do what you give him order for, as also I in this place will observe your commands all I can.
The packet directed 'for Augsburg to Mr Gilpin' there, on Tuesday next shall be sent by way of Nuremberg, for so is his direction. Also those to Mr Danett and Fremyn are still here for want of bearer agreeable to their commissions. They were at Ghent, and may now be removed to Bruges. The 'rest of letters' are delivered, as by their respective answers I trust they will advertise. Antwerp, 14 July, 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 64.]
July 14. 159. Etienne Lesieur to Walsingham.
I wrote to you on the 6th inst. sending you the details of Mr Rogers's expenses and a letter from the Baron of Anholt's secretary to myself at Cleves; all by Mr Emanuel Demetrius. Therein I asked you to let me know her Majesty's wish touching the said expenses, and what I ought to do. This I ask again, begging you to excuse me for being so importunate. I am constrained to do so by the length of my operations and the smallness of the means remaining to me for the prosecution of my task, unless you remedy it. Mr Rogers's expenses amounted in May last to nearly 10,000 florins, and will increase yet much more if he be not soon brought away. I hope to hear from you by the next post, as I shall have to make my arrangements.—Antwerp, 14 July 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 65.]
July 15. 160. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last to you was the 8th inst. which were two several letters, wherein I gave you to understand of all things passed here at that time.
Monsieur's troops that lay between Calais and Gravelines, which were 1,500 reiters, all pistolettiers, 3 cornets of French lances, and 1,500 French foot, are all come over Gravelines river in safety, without any let or resistance, and have joined with Monsieur's camp, so that they lie all together between Dunkirk and Berghes, where it seems they will lie till the rest of Monsieur's forces come from France, who are daily expected.
Also these 3 French cornets and the French foot as aforesaid were sent as guides to the reiters, who in passing through Artois burnt 15 fair villages and spoiled all their corn on the ground as they passed, and brought with them a great rich booty of prisoners and 'beastialle.'
On Friday last there went out of Monsieur's camp 2,000 horse and foot towards Gravelines and Bourbourg, and took all their kine and other 'beastiall' that belonged to those two places, and as they returned home they met with one cornet of horse that was at Gravelines, and overthrew them all.
At the enemy's coming between 'Bealle' [qy. Bailleul] and 'Hounscott' they heard the aforesaid troops were passed over Gravelines river, and had joined with Monsieur's camp; whereupon they returned again to Oudenarde, where they lie, and will not stir from thence till they are paid two months' pay, which it is promised them they shall have very shortly. That being received, the speech is they will go and besiege Dixmude; for it is reported they are making preparations for it.
It is said that Monsieur will be here within 6 or 7 days, but will not yet go to Ghent, because all the enemy's forces lie beside Oudenarde. He has written to the magistrate of this town to be at no charge against his coming. Notwithstanding, they will do something for the receiving of him; and considering the shortness of the time, it will cost them about £200, and all King Philip's arms they take down, and set Monsieur's in their place.
The day after Monsieur's camp passed through this place, 11 ensigns of General Norris's regiment fell into a mutiny for their pay and service in Friesland, in such wise that none of their captains and officers durst come among them. This mutiny chanced within half an English mile of this town, and continued till yesterday. Then they were pacified and set contented by Colonel Morgan, who took great pains in the matter, and ventured his life among them, for they would speak to no man but him. If he had not been, they had gone all to the enemy, for they were marching thitherwards with their ensigns, for in the time of their mutiny, the enemy of Corttrick sent to them to come and serve on that side, and they should be paid all their pay, and have good entertainment at their hands, with other fair promises. And as they were marching thitherwards, the simplest soldiers amongst them on the sudden took the ensigns from them that were the beginners of this mutiny, and returned back; and the rest, about 200 of the best soldiers, are gone with all their weapons to serve the enemy at Corttrick, to the great grief of all these parts, for surely their disorder was very great. Enclosed I send the names of those who began this mutiny, which Col. Morgan gave me, and all those with the double crosses were the stirrers-up of this mutiny.
I have received yours of the 8th.—Bruges, 15 July 1582.
P.S.—This afternoon the magistrates of this town have received letters that Monsieur arrived at 9 o'clock this forenoon at Flushing, and will be here tomorrow afternoon. He makes great haste to be here to send some order in his camp; which God send good fortune.
Also this afternoon the magistrates received a letter from the admiral of Dunkirk, wherein he writes that M. la Motte is departed this world. He died at Gravelines of a hurt in one of his legs above the knee, which he received at the siege before Oudenarde.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 66.]
July 15. 161. Claude Paulmyer to Walsingham.
A short time ago I prepared a little piece in the form of a Christian lamentation for the troubles of France. I have thought good to set it before you for the obligation that I have, in general to the whole country, and particular to my good lords the ambassador Cobham, Baron 'Sandie,' Onthon [qy. Unton] and others; testifying in so small a matter the will I have to serve you all in a better action. I am sure that you will receive it with the same good will that our Sovereign Lord ever did all the small offerings in His first temple; or His Son, our Saviour, the two pittes of that poor widow in the Christian church [sic], and will endure my imperfection as I know you will attribute all perfection to that Heavenly Father, from whom proceed every good giving and every perfect gift.—Paris, 15 July 1582.
Add. Endd.: from Claude Paulm. with a poesy. Fr. ½ p. [France VII. 129.]