Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Sa Menesses, Francis de, Lord Chamberlain of Portugal, 689.

Saettia, saite, or pinnace, 85.

Saies, 'scies,' trade in, 58.

St. Agatha, Abbey of, 'reiters' burned in, 555 (p. 417).

St. Alegoonde. See Sainte Aldegonde.

St. Amour, in Franche-Comt, captured by Duke of Anjou, 283, 287, 295.

St. Avold, St. Avour, St. Avo, in Bishopric of Metz, sold by Duke of Guise to Henry III, 13.

St. Bernard
-, Abbot of, sent on mission by the Estates General to the Duke of Anjou and the Estates of Artois, 544, report from, 580 (4)
-, reply of the Estates to his negotiations, 581 (1)
-, returns, 609 (p. 452)
-, detained at Arras, escapes 'by dint of riding,' 647, to Mons, 656.

-, See also St. Gertrude, Abbot of.

St. Bertin, M. de, 283.

St. Denis, near Paris, 686.

St. Esprit
-, Order of
-, Pope's licence sought for creation of 'half-spiritual knights' of
-, opposition of clergy, 323
-, to crusade against Protestants, 407 (p. 312)
-, statutes of order (not set out) 481
-, list of members of (not set out) 541
-, their oath, 623.

Saint Gelais
-, Gui de the younger, Seigneur de Lansac, cedes Brouage to M. de St. Luc, 187
-, assists Queen Mother to win over the King of Navarre, 393
-, equipping ships
-, visits Simier, 552.

St. Germain-en-Laye, King hunting at, 494 (p. 377), going to, 619 (p. 465).

St. Gertrude
-, Abbot of, Commissioner of Estates to take dispositions against Champagny, 246
-, proposal to send, with the Marquis of Havrech, on mission to Duke of Anjou, 535
-, Deputy from the Estates to Peace Conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417), 642.

St. Gertruydenberg. See Gertruydenberg.

St. Jean de Luz, taken by Spaniards, in revenge for Duke of Anjou's attack on Binche, 318.

St. Homer. See St. Omer.

Saint Lary, Roger de, Seigneur de Bellegarde, Marchal de France, assists the Queen Mother, 393.

Saint Laurent, Laurens, de la Roche, in 'Franche-Comt,' town belonging to Prince of Orange, captured by Duke of Anjou, 283, 287, 295.

Saint-Luc, M. de. See Espinay.

St. Maigrin, M. de, one of the King's minions, murdered by order of the Duke of Guise, 548.

St. Malo, 71.

St. Michael, Abbot of, held to ransom by English soldiers, 638.

St. Michel, Order of, 232 (p. 183).

St. Omer
-, 'St. Homer,' description of, 60
-, Prince of Orange warned to secure, 328
-, M. de la Motte said to be at, 339 (p. 260)
-, M. de Capres intrigues at, 367
-, Count of Egmont at
-, intrigues of his lieutenant, the Governor, with 'mal-contents,' 380
-, M. de la Motte visits Count Egmont at, 399
-, furtherintrigues of M. de Manuys, the Governor, 444, 450
-, M. de la Motte's soldiers killed by peasants near, 455
-, faithful to the Estates, ibid.
-, M. de la Motte returning to ('St. Thomas'), 480 a town of Artois and in agreement with rest of province
-, at present for the Estates, 488 (p. 372)
-, understanding between, and M. de la Motte
-, opposed to the 'Pacification of Ghent,' 496 (p. 379)
-, Agent sent to, by the Estates, 600
-, regarded as lost to the Estates, 609
-, soldiers at, mutiny against M. de Mauny and summon their Colonel, Count Egmont, 621, who goes thither in disguise, 623, but fails in enterprise and abandons place to M. de la Motte, 629, 630, 631
-, M. de la Motte fails to occupy, 635
-, guns sent from, to M. de Montigny, 684.

-, Bishop of, lord of Poperinghe, 58.

-, Dean of, fled to Don John, 60.

-, Governor of. See Aubremont
-, Croy
-, Escars.

St. Quentin, money for Duke of Anjou stopped at, 84.

St. Remy, Baron de, nobleman of Burgundy, in service of the Estates, 295.

St. Sebastian, 682.

St. Stephen, knight of, 32.

St. Thomas. See St. Omer.

St. Trond, St. Trayen, Estates' camp at, 358.

St. Trayen. See St. Trond.

St. Vaast, Pierre de, magistrate of Arras, 374 (p. 289).

St. Vaast, Vast, the abbey of, Arras, letters, &c., dated at, 500, 501, 581.

St. Winocsberg. See Bergues.

Sainte-Aldegonde, St. Alegoonde, Seigneur de. See Marnix.

Saintguy, Saingny, in Franche-Comt, captured by Duke of Anjou, 283, 287.

Sale, M. See Salet.

Saleneccerus. See Selnecker.

-, Sale, M., of Hainault, Captain, Governor of Bourbourg, 60
-, the Estates General advised to send pay for his garrison, 580 (4).

Salignac, Bertrand de, Seigneur de la Mothe-Fnelon, assists Queen Mother at conference with King of Navarre, 393.

Salinar, Thom, de, 547.

Sallee, in Morocco, 210.

Salsas. See Solson.

Saltonstall, Saltonston, Richard, of London, merchant, memorandums touching his connexion with English loan to the Estates, 129, 130.

Saltpetre. See Powder.

San Miguel, Vallano, 615 (p. 458).

Sandwich, 567.

Sandys, Sandes, , brother of Lord Sandys, wounded at Rymenan, 136, 137, 138.

Saney, Castle of. See Chiny.

Sansonate, 615 (p. 459).

Santa Cruz, Marquis of, in command of Spanish fleet, 682.

Santa Maria, Juan de, 547. to. Giovanni, 682.

Sardinia, Kingdom of, offered to the Duke of Anjou, with hand of Infanta, 298.

Sarplers of wool, 624.

Saunders, Nicholas, sent with Mr. Killigrew, 59.

-, reinforcements for Don John pass through, 71
-, Italian troops arrive in, 323.

-, College of, ? in Louvain, 339.

-, Duke of. See Emanuel-Philibert.

Saxony, 673.

-, Duke of. See Augustus.

Scharemberger, Staremberg, , Secretary to Don John, devoted to his master, 53.

-, passage of, barred, by people of Tournai, to parties to the Union of Utrecht, 339 (p. 259)
-, town on, occupied by Duke of Anjou, 362.

Schelm, Duke John Casimir proclaimed, in Antwerp, 374.

Schenck, Skincke, Martin, Hauptman in command of 'reiters,' for Estates, 61, 62, 63.

Schetz, Caspar or Gaspar, Baron de, or van, Grobbendonck :

'Treasurer Schetz,' receives Walsingham's hints (No. 328) for letter to Queen, re bonds, from Davison, 349.

letter from, to Walsingham, welcoming Davison's mission to Ghent, and requesting him to procure Queen's bonds, and sum advanced by Spinola to redeem jewels, 373.

mentioned, 472, 512.

Deputy from the Estates to peace conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417).

his Castle of Grobbendonck stormed by Spaniards
-, his servant rescues M. de la Noue and Colonel Norris from, 601.

letter from, to Davison, re letters to Queen, 612.

Schlei, Sleyh, Count of, in command of Duke John Casimir's 'reiters,' killed, 560.

Schlick, Count Jerome, Divinity student in England, 563.

-, Smalcalden, meeting at, to subscribe the Corpus Doctrin broken off, 2, 25, 47
-, Queen Elizabeth's letter to Duke John Casimir touching, 54.

Schouteete, Franois, Seigneur d'Erpe, or Herpe, 'M. van Harp,' 'prisoner of Ghent,' escapes to Lille, 694.

-, M., Councillor to Duke John Casimir, sent to Davison, 5
-, in Low Countries, 561.

Schroder, Johannes, Secretary and Protonotary of the Senate of Hamburg, 29, 30.

-, Swarsembourg. Gnther, Count of, brother-in-law of Prince of Orange, passes the Meuse with 'reiters' raised for the Estates, 22
-, in camp at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63
-, his wife, godmother to child of Prince of Orange, 276
-, deputed by Estates to soothe Duke John Casimir, 295, 296 (p. 229)
-, his 'reiters,' 408 (p. 314).

Schwarzenberg, Zwartzberge, Otto Henry, Count of, Marshal of, Court of, Emperor, Commissioner from the Emperor to the Estates of the Netherlands :

instructions to English Embassy to confer with, 17.

English Ambassadors inform the Estates of their wish to co-operate with, 57 (pp. 39 and 41).

requested by Ambassadors to proceed to Don John, 89 (p. 70), 93, about to go, 104, 112.

memorandum of English Ambassadors' Conference with, 114, 115.

the Duke of Anjou informed of English overtures to, 118 (p. 98).

obtains safe conduct and goes to Don John, 120 (p. 99), 126, 127.

letter from English Embassy forwarded by, to Don John proposing to wait on him, 128.

the Estates General await result of his interview with Don John, 136.

reply of Don John to letter forwarded by from English Ambassadors, referring them to his reply to the Emperor, 146, 147.

returns from Don John
-, to go to him again, 166, at the Estates' request, 167.

reports Don John inclined to peace, 167.

works with English Embassy to secure peace, 194 (p. 152).

notified of Emperor's authority from Spain to conclude peace, 211.

request to, by English Ambassadors for copy of Don John's reply to, 282.

Rossel's argument with, to secure peace 318, 333 (p. 255).

Prince of Parma acknowledges receipt from, of Emperor's letter to Don John, but makes no reply to
-, he sends for an answer 'for his own discharge,' 329.

appointed by the Emperor to conduct peace negotiations, 412, in lieu of solemn embassy promised
-, Davison's suspicions of, 413 (p. 323)
-, goes to the Prince of Parma, ibid., at Namur, 426, 430, 443, 444
-, at Louvain, 450, 453, at Namur, 455
-, follows the Prince to camp near Maestricht, 457, 460, 468.

the Archbishop of Cologne coming to confer with, 468 (p. 360).

news awaited, of his negotiation
-, Queen Elizabeth's letter to, forwarded, 472, 473.

announces his good reception by Prince of Parma, 473, 476, said to have secured a truce, 496, hopeful of result, 498, returns, 502, to Antwerp, 504.

'the exercise of the Reformed Religion where it exists,' a point reserved by, for discussion at Peace Conference, 504, cf. 505.

induces the Prince of Parma to 'submit absolutely' to the 'sentence' of the Emperor, if the Estates will do the like, 506.

applied to, by Walsingham for copy of Egremond Ratcliffe's confession, 510, 519, 538.

his offices, qua peace, suspect, 519.

the Emperor reports his proceedings to the Estates, 520.

Rossel's poor opinion of his negotiations
-, he reports to the Estates, 522, that the Prince of Parma declared that he had no commission to treat
-, but that peace might be had on two conditions, viz., the withdrawal to Holland of the Prince of Orange and the observance of the 'Pacification of Ghent,' 523.

requested by the Estates to return to the Prince of Parma, 535, 540, 555
-, the Prince delays his audience with, 573, professes to be offended, 587.

alleged to have withdrawn, 591, to have been dismissed by the Estates as unwelcome, 600.

to have audience with Prince of Parma at Werdt, 614.

the Estates adhere to terms sent by, 656.

-, Swendi, Lazarus, Baron, to be sent by the Emperor as peace Commissioner to the Netherlands
-, distasteful to the Prince of Orange, 380 (p. 293), 398.

'Scies'. See Saies.

Scluis. See Sluys.

Scotland :

epitome of news from, 47.

Regent and Council of, seeking Queen Elizabeth's favour, 49
-, Walsingham's anxiety that she should accord it, 66.

Ambassador from, in England, 113
-, Walsingham's good wishes for his success 121.

the Queen of England loath to 'entertain as Ambassadors' the Scottish representatives, being in rebellion against their Queen, 121
-, remonstrances of her Privy Council, 123, a good result hoped, 124
-, Ambassador dismissed with general promise of aid, 141.

revolt in, of Lords Atholl, Argyle, and others, 141, against the King and Earl of Morton, vigorously prosecuted
-, English intervention prepared, 171, 172, 173.

improvement in affairs in, 223.

English Privy Council forced to hold out hopes to without Queen's cognizance, 208.

denunciation by Walsingham of Queen's policy in, 215, 216.

representations respecting, by France to Queen Elizabeth, 228.

Powlett's exhortation to Queen to secure, 232.

troubles in, continue
-, rebel lords profess greater goodwill to England than the Regent, 245.

profit to England of growth of Protestantism in, 260.

alleged heavy English expense in defence of, 268.

affairs in, 'well appeased,' 299.

a new conspiracy in, discovered by letters on the Bishop of Ross, 512, 516, 565.

Jesuit Colleges for, 516.

Colleges founded for Scots, in Italy, Germany and France, to be renewed ibid., 565.

trade advantages for, at Lbeck, 664.

Sturmius on church in, 673.

plot of the Guises to land 5,000 troops in, 686.

-, Ambassador of, in France. See Beaton.

Scots :

in Gueldres, 13
-, in camp at Enghien, 61, 62, 63
-, in action near Rymenan, 134, their bravery, 139
-, those in the service of the Estates, armed with shot only, no pikes, 227
-, wastage among, from disease, &c., 272, 278
-, exploit by 358
-, at Anstrate, with English
-, likely to be attacked, 407
-, will go anywhere, if paid, 502
-, massacre of, by peasantry, 555 (p. 417)
-, employed to defend Antwerp, 591
-, mentioned, 600
-, to be sent to Flanders, 623, 629, under M. de la Noue, 635, 642, 647
-, at Meghen, mutiny for pay, 694.

Sebastian, King of Portugal :

his expedition against the Moors, his departure
-, to marry the Emperor's sister on his return, 32 (p. 24).

like to weary of Stewkley, 47.

sails from Cadiz
-, his equipment
-, takes El-Araish, 85.

full description of his overthrow by the Moors, 210.

his defeat 'what often happens to ambitious people,' 279.

his successor, 287 (p. 219).

the Infanta of Spain promised to, in marriage, 298.

pedigree of his house, 484.

allusions to, by his Uncle, King Philip, 607.

allusion to losses of men, armour and horses with, 682.

sentences passed on the advisers who abetted his expedition, 696 (4).

-, Sellis, Sellys, M. de. Agent from Duke of Anjou to Duke John Casimir, 271
-, sent by the Duke to the Estates, 283.

- See also Silly, Antoine de.

Seckford, Seckforth, , 'minister of' Queen's 'Court,' fits out piratical expedition 577.

Secretaries, The (Walsingham and Wilson) :

letter to, mentioned, 71.

news-letters to, from Davison, 303, 309, 311, 312.

news-letter to, from Poulett, 323.

dispatches to, from Poulett, on the Duke of Anjou's suit, &c., 348, 393.

reports to, by Davison, on progress of civil war in Netherlands, 352, 353.

dispatch to, from Davison, with report of his discourse to men of Ghent, and Duke John Casimir, 383, 384, 385.

dispatch to, from same, reporting internal disputes in Ghent, and successes of Walloons, 394, 395.

dispatch to, from same, the Prince of Orange invited to accept the governorship of Flanders
-, final decision of Ghent not yet known, 399.

dispatch to, from same
-, reporting his return to Antwerp, having obtained the bonds of Bruges and Ghent
-, Duke John Casimir declines to visit the Prince of Orange
-, the faction of Hembize triumphant in Ghent
-, spread of Catholic and Spanish reaction, 413, 414, 415
-, covering letter, 417.

Poulett announces Simier's departure to
-, forwards copies of documents furnished by spies, 423.

dispatches to, from Davison, on progress of Prince of Orange's negotiation in Ghent, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 444, 451.

news-letters to, from Davison, 460, 461, 474, 475, 535, 536, 537, 539, 540 (cf. 507), 550, 555, 556, 557, 560, 587, 588, 589, 590, 592, 593, 594, 597, 601, 602.

dispatch to, from Davison, reporting religious disorders in Ghent, 614.

dispatch to, from Poulett, 619.

dispatches to, from Davison, 621, 629, 638, 641, 656.

-, letters and dispatches to, 21, 303, 309, 311, 312, 323, 348, 352, 353, 383, 393, 394, 395, 399, 413, 423, 430, 444, 451, 460, 474, 475, 535, 540, 550, 555, 560, 587, 592, 597, 601, 614, 619, 621, 629, 638, 641, 656.

Secretaries to Don John
-, See Berty
-, Scaremburgh.

Seigehennt. See Ziegenhain.

Seine, Duke of Anjou crosses, on way home, 569.

Selles, M. de. See Noircarmes.

Sellis, Sellys, M. de. See Sechelles.

Semiers, M. See Simier.

Semyng, Peter, merchant of the Steelyard, 624.

Selnecker, , Saleneccerus, his quarrel with Andreas, 673.

Seneschal, the. See Hainault.

Serbelloni, Cerbelone, Gabriel, brings Spanish reinforcements to Don John, 112, 126.

Srizay, , 110.

Serranus. See Serres.

Serres, Serranus, J. de, presents his 'Plato' to Queen, 548.

Setrocho. See Setropo.

Setropo, Setrocho, Zuani, merchant in London, 665.

Sevbrande, M., commands company for Prince of Orange at Ath, 60 (p. 48).

-, description of fire at, 275
-, lad born at, on board Drake's ship, 615.

Ship, of new device, experimented with for Spanish navy, 85.

Ships :

the Barkesmith, of Leigh-on-Sea, 625, 627.

La Capitana, 615 (p. 457).

the Elizabeth, of London, trading to Bilbao and Bayona, from Harwich, 32.

the Foresight, Queen's ship, 567.

the Neustra Seora, of La Concepcion, 615.

the Queen of Spain, 429.

the San Francisco, bought by James Fitzgerald, 562.

the Seaflower, of Leigh-on-Sea, 625, 627.

the Swiftsure, sent against pirates, 25.

Short cloths, trade in, 665.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot.

Sichenen, reported abandoned by Don John, 178, 180.

Sidicieux (Sditieux), 304.

Sidney, Henry, knight, Lord Deputy of Ireland, mentioned, 567.

-, Philip, his uncle Lord Leicester prefers that he should 'perish at sea,' than carry Queen's message to Duke John Casimir, 149 (p. 122)
-, mentioned, 516
-, blames Davison for his treatment of Beutterich, 519
-, salutations to, from Ehem, 565
-, complimentary letter to, from Davison, 639.

Sidoigne. See Jodoigne.

Silk, commissioned in Antwerp, 631.

-, Antoine de, Comte de Rochepot, Chamberlain and of the Council to the Duke of Anjou, reports negotiations with the Estates of Netherlands to his master, 13, writes to his colleague, des Pruneaux, 33
-, to conduct French troops to the army of the Estates, 71
-, gathering his forces in Picardy, 80
-, English irritation at his delay, 84
-, on frontier, 87 bis, 97, 98
-, besieges Beaumont, 126
-, sent by Duke to the Estates at Antwerp, re Walloons, 362.

-, See also Sechelles.

Silva, Don Juan de, 682.

-, Luis da, Controller of the Treasury to Don Sebastian, 696 (4).

Silveira, Silvetha, Don Diego de, Count of Sortelia, 689.

Silvester, Thomas, merchant, trading to Hamburgh, 665.

Simerye, M. de, Governor of Ath, 60 (p. 48).

Simier, Cymier, Semiers, Symier, Jehan, Seigneur de Lamenitre :

beyond hope of making his peace with France or Spain, he uses his influence with the Duke of Anjou, in favour of English alliance
-, rejects bribe from Pope, 298.

to be sent to England by the Duke, ibid. (p. 231).

expected in Paris, 323.

letter from, to M. de Mauvissire, to induce Queen to dispense with interview with the Duke, and at once to negotiate sureties to be given on either side, 340.

letters from, to Walsingham and Stafford, to like effect
-, undertakes to bring small train, at Queen's desire, 341, 342.

Poulett reports his pretension that Queen had assented to the Duke's suit, 348.

his mission to England, 359.

dispatch to, from Walsingham
-, the Queen declines to dispense with interview
-, he may discuss obscure points in former marriage treaty, his suite must be small, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391.

awaiting further orders from Duke in Paris
-, interviews Poulett, 393 (p. 302).

his commission from the Duke, as 'Jehan de Simier, lord of that place Baron of St. Mary, &c., our Councillor, and Master of our Wardrobe,' 405, 406.

departs for England, after baiting Poulett like a bear at a stake, with questions he couldn't answer, for a month, 423, 424.

procures the Queen to write to the Estates to complain of their unfriendly treatment of the Duke, 527.

secret interviews between, and M. de Lansac, connected with a naval enterprise, 552.

returns from Queen to Duke, 566.

bill of his expenses at Sion and Richmond for seven days, 586.

mentioned, 603, 605, 618, 620, 667 bis, 698.

to be sent to England with the Duke's assurance of his approaching visit, 619.

letter from, to M. des Pruneaux, on his negotiations in London, 652.

Queen's commendation of his negotiations, 674.

exonerated by Scottish Agent from any knowledge of plot to rescue Mary, Queen of Scots, 686.

-, letters from, 340, 341, 342, 652.

-, letters to, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391.

Simonis, Simon, Dr., Physician to the Prince of Orange, 378, 396.

Sion. See Syon.

Sitha Mahomet Benaisa, 210 (p. 168).

Skincke. See Schenck.

Sleyh. See Schlei.

-, Scluis, Scluse, Sluse, castle and town of, English demand for, formulated, 17 (p. 12), 91
-, Papists expelled from, 276
-, Davison's ship weather-bound at, 675, 678.

Smalcalden. See Schmalkalden.

Smith ('Customer'), 240.

Soest, route vi to Frankfort, 626.

-, Soigney, Soigny, in Hainault, abandoned by Don John, 104, 112, 126
-, troops of the Duke of Anjou in winter quarters at, 329.

Solson, Salsas, 682.

-, Jacques de, reports news from Ghent to Davison, 425, 449, 458, 492
-, describes religious riot in Antwerp, provoked by the Archduke Matthias, 684, and Count Egmont's attempt on Brussels, 688.

-, Sommers, Mr. John, in Netherlands, employed to decipher letters, 52
-, carries dispatches, 65, 66, 69, 76, 77, 81, 89 (p. 71), 91, Queen's anger with, as bearer of a request for money and supplies, 93
-, mentioned, 102, 103, 106
-, again in the Netherlands, 108, dispatched by the Ambassadors to the Duke of Anjou, to notify their speedy return to England, that he might send them properly accredited deputies forthwith, which he had delayed to do, and to recommend him to open negotiations for peace with Don John, 109
-, mentioned, 112
-, text of his report of his interview with the Duke of Anjou, 118, 120 bis.
-, mentioned, 119
-, the reason of his mission to the Duke explained by Ambassadors to the Privy Council, 120
-, his fresh mission to M. de Champagni, ibid., mentioned, 127
-, mentioned, 144, 166, 167, 170, 199, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 241, 244, 245, 247, 255, 271.

Somerset House, Duke John Casimir lodged at, 585.

Somme, river, passage of, assured to Duke of Anjou, 9 (p. 7).

Sootheake. See Southwick.

-, Sophy. See Ismael
-, Mohammed.

-, Roch des, Seigneur des Pruneaux, Commissioner from the Duke of Anjou to the Estates of the Netherlands, 33, at Mons with Count Lalaing, 60 (p. 47), 65, 71
-, fails to meet English Ambassadors, 89
-, sent by Duke of Anjou to the Estates to discuss situation in Flanders, 346, arrives at Antwerp, 362
-, returns to Mons, having negotiated pension for the Duke, 407, text of his negotiation sent to England, 426, 430
-, sent again to the Estates
-, his letters of credence, 442
-, complains of outrage on M. de Bonivet, 455 (p. 352)
-, his discourse before the Estates, 457, 460
-, mentioned, 468
-, left by Duke, on his return to France, as his Ambassador resident with the Estates, 473
-, text of his address to the Estates, 485, 486, in defence of the Duke, 496
-, hopes to 'obtain the Garland' for the Duke, at general assembly of the Estates 573, 576, 587 (p. 440), 629, 638
-, letter to, from Simier in London, 652
-, assures the Estates that the marriage of the Duke of Anjou with Queen Elizabeth is concluded, 675.

Sorgue, township of, evacuated by Walloons, 262.

Sortelia, Count of. See Silveira.

Sousus, 179.

-, spy to go from, to Portugal, 47
-, woad sold in, 525.

-, Sootheake, George, of London, Walsingham recommends care of his suit in Netherlands to Davison
-, he had married a kinswoman of Lord Burghley, 282.

Souza, Soyza, Dr. John de, chancellor of the Civil Court of Portugal, 689.

Spain :

O'Hely, Bishop of Mayo, preaching in, 7.

danger of arrest in, of English goods, on account of assistance given by Queen to the Estates of the Netherlands, 24.

attempt by Spaniards on castle of 'Patroneryo,' 32.

treasurer sent from, to Naples, plundered by Turkish corsairs, 32.

recruiting by, in Italy, for Don John, 32.

Spanish garrisons in Italy withdrawn for Netherlands, 95.

jealousy in, at friendly relations between Turk and Tuscany, ibid.

Holy League between, and France, ibid. (p. 95).

treasure fleet reaches, 287 (p. 219).

Turkish attack on coast of, 304 (p. 236).

plots to rescue Philip, Count Buren, from, 362 (p. 276).

recruiting in, 407.

Estates of, convened, to aid King in conquest of Portugal
-, they decline, 468.

trade between, and Ipswich, 662.

Protestant congregations in, 673.

-, Ambassador from, in England. See Mendoza.

-, King of. See Philip II.

-, Prince of. See Ferdinand.

-, New, 275
-, Viceroy of, 615 (p. 458).

Spaniards :

their depredations in garrison at Tournai, &c., 58.

companies of, on way to Don John, pass through Savoy, 71, arrive in Luxembourg, 112, serve with, 142.

effect of successful stand made against, by English, 162.

withdrawn by Don John from small towns, 263.

mortality among, at Namur, from penury and plague, 287.

Don John's death lamented less by, than by soldiers of other nations, 302.

the Prince of Parma not beloved of, 488.

demand that none shall be employed in Netherlands, 568 (2).

Spencer, John, clothier, 665.

-, Baptista, merchant of Genoa, advances money to Estates on Queen's bonds, 44
-, makes a small advance to the English Ambassadors in Antwerp on bonds, still unsigned, 88
-, Davison's remonstrance at non-delivery to him, of bonds, 98, 112, Lord Burghley's, 123
-, bonds to be delivered to, 199, on Lord Sussex's advice, 205
-, bonds signed, 208
-, note of bonds made to, 225, 226
-, payment made to, 240, 244, 245
-, Wilson's fear that, driven to desperation, he might arrest persons of English Ambassadors, 245
-, further delay in satisfying, 269
-, Davison settling with, 287, 400l. short, 308
-, Walsingham desires copy of his account, 319
-, Walsingham declines to trouble Queen for fresh bonds for 400l. still due to, and advises him to obtain the sum from the Estates, 328
-, Davison gives him his own promissory note to obtain Queen's bond for 400l., 333 ;
-, note, by Tomson, of bonds to be given to, for said 400l., 344
-, instructed by Davison in tenour of language to be used to Queen re bonds, 349
-, Davison indemnified by the Estates in respect of his private bond to, ibid.
-, Davison gives him his own promissory note, as above, 353
-, Queen's disposition to repudiate debt to, 356
-, Grobbendonck applies to Walsingham for money to satisfy, for sum advanced by, for redemption of jewels, 373
-, letter from, to Davison, professing himself unable to furnish him with an advance, and forwarding letter, addressed by the Estates to the Queen, for payment to him of 30,000 florins (his advance to redeem jewels), 381
-, further letter from to same, concerning a 'coif,' the advance on jewels, and deficiency (400l.) on Queen's bonds, 382
-, Davison desires he may not receive the 30,00fl., having 'dealt lewdly' with him, 399, Walsingham concurs 411
-, Walsingham enquires what is due to, 459
-, Davison marvels Queen should wrong her credit by not meeting obligations to
-, recommends he should receive the 30,000fl. and the 400l.
-, explains cause of complaint (see No. 399) against, 512, 517
-, Walsingham desires he should receive the 30,000fl.
-, advises the dispatch of an Agent by the Estates to bring Queen to better mind re bonds to, 526
-, clearing his accounts with the Estates, 538
-, the Queen repudiates her bonds to, 546, 569
-, refuses to apply to the Estates for payment, or to deal with any but the Queen, 571
-, mentioned, 592
-, Davison suggests that the Queen could safely pay, if she had over the jewels, 597, that her security is sufficient, 610
-, request by the Estates to Queen for the 30,000fl. advanced by, for the redemption of jewels, 611
-, mentioned, 638
-, Queen refuses to pay, term to be prolonged
-, Queen will not find the 30,000fl. advanced by, 645, 646, 648
-, counter representations by the Estates and Davison, 658, 670
-, delivers the Estates' bond for 3,000l. odd, for which Queen's bond was to be substituted, or else returned to him, 681.

-, letters from, 381, 382
-, to, 681.

-, Benedetto, Agent of Baptista Spinola, 44
-, a 'merchant stranger,' in England, pressing for delivery to him of bonds promised by the Queen and the City of London, 77
-, bonds for, still unsigned, 86
-, in London, bonds not yet delivered to him, 88
-, application by, to Walsingham for money withheld from him by Mr. Smythe, under the award of the Commissioners for 'Portugal Causes,' 418.

-, Spritwell, Spryttwell, John, 'Post of Dover,' with Mr. Killigrew, 59
-, carries dispatches, 135, 316.

Sta Croce, M. di. See Santa Cruz, Marquis of.

Stafford, Edward :

conveys message from Queen Elizabeth to Catherine de Mdicis, favourable to match with the Duke of Anjou, 8.

carries Poulett's dispatches, 9.

his French mission alluded to, ibid (p. 7), 21 (p. 15).

Simier desires his good offices with Queen, 340, 341, 342.

Staplers, their fleet at Bruges, 646.

'Starchamber day', 25.

Staremberg. See Scharemberger.

'State Papers, Domestic,' letters in, complementary to Foreign Series, cited, 336, 350.

Stechen, Steken, Davison to meet English Embassy at, 38, 42.

Steedes, the. See Hanse Towns.

-, Stilliarde, the company of the Stilliard or Stedes of the Hanse, in London, Alderman of, to be notified of withdrawal of licence to export cloths, 503
-, list of shipments by members of, 624, 625, 626
-, decree of the Privy Council abolishing their privileges, and forbidding all trade to Hamburg, in the event of the privileges of English merchants in Hamburg not being renewed, 644.

Steenbache, Colonel, to serve the Estates in coming year, 585.

Steenbeke, Stenbeche, M., Governor of Donai, for Estates, his death, 60 (p. 47).

Stein, Stevne, Colonel, attached to Duke John Casimir, 33.

Stenbeche. See Steenbeke.

-, Colonel William, his regiment at Enghien, 61, 62, 63
-, on the Estimates for coming year, 585
-, reinforces M. de la Noue, in Flanders, 647
-, English under, 653, 687.

-, John, Earl of Athole, Chancellor of Scotland, his grievance against Earl of Morton, 47, in rebellion, 141
-, becomes an "earnest Protestant," 245.

-, See also Stuart.

Stewkley, Stukeley, Sir Thomas, knight :

English suspicions of his preparations in Brittany, Poulett's re-assurances, 21.

alarm at his project in Ireland
-, Queen makes light of affair, 31.

discredited at Rome
-, his Irish designs
-, bound for Africa, 37.

the Pope and King of Portugal weary of, 47, 49.

Stickhausen, Stickhusen, in East Friesland, 626.

Stilliarde. See Steelyard.

-, Lord 'Mountrosse's' escape from, 141
-, rebel forces near, 171.

-, Thomas, advices forwarded by, to Davison, from Bruges, 447, 480
-, at Bruges, 498
-, forwards Roger's letters, 516.

Stracs, M. de, expelled from Douai, 339 (p. 259).

Straelen, Straten, castle in Guelderland, taken by Prince of Parma, 516.

Straelen, Van den, Strate, , of Brussels, sent on mission to Ghent, 304.

Stralle, , Burgomaster of Antwerp, sent to Ghent, 362.

-, Senate of, refuse to advance money on Queen Elizabeth's procurations, 11
-, mentioned, 673.

Strasburg, letters dated at, 11, 673.

Strate, Straten, Van den. See Van den Straelen.

Strenchant, , Lieutenant Colonel of Montigny's Companies, seduced by French, 494.

Stringer, , connected with Catholic plot, 686.

-, Philippe, to attack Spain in West Indies, with Dutch ships, 185
-, naval preparations by, 552.

-, Charles, fifth Earl of Lenox, the succession to his lands
-, Scottish demands touching, referred to English judges, 124.

-, Margaret, Lady Lenox, Dampmartin formerly in her service, 65.

-, See also Stewart.

Stukeley. See Stewkley.

-, John, Rector of Strasburg, helps George Gilpin on financial mission, 11
-, mentioned, 254
-, letter from, to Walsingham, submitting his 'Antipappi,' which he desires to dedicate to Queen, &c., 673.

Suffolk. Duchess of, returns to England, 436.

Suffolk cloths drest, 665.

Sugars, exported from Morocco, 636.

Sun-dials, trade in, 429.

Surgeres, Surgires, M. de. See Fonseques.

Surgires. M. de. See Surgeres.

Susa, Count of. See Suze.

Sussex, Earl of. See Radcliffe, Thomas.

Suze, Susa, Comte de. See Champagne, Nicolas de.

Swarsembourg, Count. See Schwarzburg.

Swartsberg, Count. See Schwartzenberg.

Sweden, King of. See Eric XIV.

Swendi. See Schwendi.

Sweveghem, Swevingham, M. de. See Halewyn.

Swiss :

garrison of, for Geneva, 21 (p. 16).

memorandum touching proposal to retain, for the Estates, 129.

expected to reach the Prince of Parma, 352.

Switzerland :

Popish Cantons threaten to renounce league with France for lack of pay, 232.

notice sent to, from France, not to molest the Duke of Anjou's troops in Burgundy, 318.

the Duke of Anjou sends Agent to, to excuse his raid on Franche-Comt with offer to share country with, 323.

protest by the Parliament of Dijon against breach of the neutrality of the County and Duchy of Burgundy by King, contrary to agreement with Swiss, 362.

Swiss go to defence of Burgundy against French, 398.

return of the Duke of Anjou's Commissioner from the 'Lords of the Leagues' in Franche Comt 463.

Swynfurt, Lord of. See Ghestell.

Symier. See Simier.

Syon, Sion, M. de Simier lodged at, 586.