Index: R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Rabaudy, Louis, merchant of Toulouse, 525

Radcliffe, Frances, Countess of Sussex, at Bath for health, 205, for the stone, 249.

-, Ratcliffe, Egremond, executed at Namur, in spite of Don John's order for his release, 473
-, confesses, under torture, to a design on Don John's life, at the instigation of Walsingham
-, Walsingham's repudiation of the charge, 510
-, enquiries as to confession, 519, report confirmed, that he accused Walsingham, 538.

-, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, P.C., signs letter of Privy Council, 91, 92, 174
-, letter from, to Walsingham, giving the opinion that the Netherlands, in the hands of either France, or Spain, would be a menace to England, and that only by marrying the Duke of Anjou could the Queen hope to influence him, 148
-, letter from, to Walsingham, to same effect, favourable to match, 205
-, letter from, to same
-, a peace, to be procured by England, France and Empire can alone save the Queen from the effectsof her policy, 249
-, letter to, from Davison, 554.

Rambouillet, M. de. See Angennes, Nicolas d'.

'Rampire', 58.

Randolph, Thomas :

letter to, from Walsingham, mentioning his wife, Randolph's niece, &c., 121.

note from, to Davison
-, his wife and child ill
-, long absent from Court, 326.

letters from, to Davison, on behalf of a young kinsman, prisoner with the Spanish, 524, 570.

letter to, from Davison, 539 (c).

Ransom. to found for young Englishman, prisoner with Spaniards, 524, 570.

Ranst, Spaniards fall back on, 595.

Ranty, , raises troops for the Prince of Orange, 37

- See also Renty.

Rassenghien, Rasingham, Rassingham, Baron de. See Gand.

Ratcliffe. See Radcliffe.

Ravestein, English troops at, 687.

Rebreviettes, Rebreivettes, Adrien de, 339 (p. 260).

Recourt, Philippe de, Seigneur de Licques, devoted to Don John, 53, with Don John, 60 (p. 48), recalled to Artois, 407.

- See also Licques.

Reioy, M. de, with Don John, 60 (p. 48).

- See also Rulx.

-, effort by Spaniards to attack, in Gueldres, 13, 33
-, those raised by Count Schwarzburg for the Estates pass the Meuse 22
-, attacked near Bois-le-Duc, 33
-, in camp at Enghien, 61, 62, 63
-, excellent quality of Duke Casimir's, 90
-, their 'nachtgelt,' 116, the Duke compounds with for, 136
-, notes of proposals made by England for their employment by the Estates, 129
-, Count Bossu's doubts of, 136, 139
-, in the service of Don John, 142
-, Duke John Casimir's, still behind for their 'nachtgelt'
-, the Duke's, pledges his jewels and plate to satisfy, 211
-, on way to Don John, 259, 271
-, Duke John Casimir's, in revolt, in his absence, 271, invite French to join them, 272, 276, 278
-, Duke John Casimir afraid to face, 278
-, they swear not to disband till paid in full, 286
-, refuse to stir, 293
-, Duke John Casimir invited to use his influence with, to bring them to accept what the Estates could afford, 296 (p. 228)
-, those for the Prince of Parma, pass the Rhine, 302
-, others already in his service withdraw on Don John's death, 304
-, part of Duke John Casimir's, to be dismissed, 317
-, engage Walloons with loss near Ghent, 318, at Courtray, 339 (p. 259), 374
-, in the army of the Estates, inclined to mutiny, on false suspicion, 358
-, blame Beutterich for their predicament, 365
-, offer to serve for two months, for three months' pay, 398
-, encamped near Maestricht, 407
-, narrative of Duke John Casimir's dealings with, 408
-, artillery left in pawn with, by leaders, 413 (p. 323)
-, excesses by, in Flanders, 450, 451, they converge on Ghent, 451
-, demand their pay in full, and hostages, to take home with them, for the residue, 457
-, schemes to clear Flanders of, 458, instalment of pay offered to, by the Estates, 488 (p. 372)
-, the Chtellanies near Ghent 'cry murder' on, 492
-, Estates Generals solely occupied in considering how to get rid of, 494, 504
-, fresh supplies of, for the Prince of Parma arrive
-, those serving with him dismissed, 496
-, Duke John Casimir's, begin to quit Flanders, 450
-, their Colonels return to, from bargaining with the Estates, unsatisfied, and bent on revenge, 550, 555
-, defeat of a cornet of Duke John Casimir's, near Guick, burned to death, with their horses, in an Abbey, 555
-, defeat of other parties of, 560, opposite report concerning, 561
-, driven from Turnhout, 573, 576, the French recalled to their aid, 576
-, form of the Estates' bond to, for their deferred pay, 582
-, the Prince of Parma gives those in service of the Estates a free pass homewards, 587, 591, 595
-, in service of Prince of Parma, 591
-, those retired to Bergen-op-Zoom take service again with the Estates, 595, organized by Count Hohenlohe, 601, 609, 621, 623, 628, return 3,000 strong, 641, 653, to relieve Maestricht, 668.

Religion, i.e. Reformed Religion :

proposed authorization of 'both religions' in the Netherlands, 13.

matter of religion still 'upon the frame,' in the Netherlands, 33.

'secret protestants'
-, efforts of Roman Catholic clergy to hinder toleration
-, reports on attitude to 'religion' of the Southern States of the Netherlands, 58, 60.

'the common people much embrace it,' 'few of the nobles affected to it,' Lord Cobham's report, 65.

Walsingham's anticipation of trouble to come from toleration of, in Netherlands, 66, 67, 69.

formal demand by the Estates for recognition of both religions, 72, 73, 74.

toleration of, proclaimed by the Estates General, 76

question of, remitted by the Estates General to each province, to be considered
-, all quiet, 87.

'public authorising of religion' 'hangs in balance'
-, open preaching at Antwerp, Ghent and Courtray, 126.

protest by the Estates of Hainault against toleration of, 157.

petition against toleration of, presented to the 'Lords of Brussels,' 166.

riot on the occasion, at Brussels, 167.

Queen Elizabeth's disapproval of toleration, 197 (p. 157)
-, cf. 77.

exercise of, allowed in Flanders
-, monks expelled from Ghent
-, places of worship granted to Protestants and Lutherans in Antwerp, 211.

popery suppressed in Ghent, 236, 237.

open preaching at Lille, Ypres, Bruges, Antwerp, Brussels, 236, 237.

the chief obstacle to peace
-, Queen Elizabeth anxious thatan 'Interim' should be arranged for pending peace negotiations by Emperor, 253.

Religionis freidt, generally accepted by Provincial Estates
-, Protestants everywhere 'discover themselves' disturbances at Bois-le-Duc, 259, 276.

the growth of, in the Netherlands, in Walsingham's opinion, like to be the salvation of the country
-, the free exercise of, accepted by all the Provinces, except Hainault and Artois, 260.

preaching in towns of Flanders and Brabant, by consent of the Estates, 271.

the Estates grant toleration in every town where 100 persons demand it, 276.

Papists expelled from Sluys, ibid.

churches at Antwerp allotted by agreement for exercise of, 287, 295 (p. 225).

image-breaking by men of Ghent, 287
-, their excesses rebuked by the Prince of Orange, accompanied by profession of his own faith, 292.

image-breaking at Bruges stopped, 295 (p. 225).

men of Ghent refuse liberty of worship to Roman Catholics, contrary to the 'religions friedt,' 309, 313.

Queen Elizabeth recommends moderation of the heat for reformation in the Netherlands, 316.

the granting of the Religion Wlictz, or religions friedt by the men of Ghent, the condition of the other provinces aiding them against the Walloons, 318
-, Ghent assents but refuses Walloon's demand for restitution of Church property, and surrender of prisoners, 329
-, promise to spare prisoners' lives, 351.

townsfolk expel Jesuits from Douai, 329.

attempt to thwart 'religion' at Arras and Bethune, ibid.

men of Ghent say that they 'want to be all one thing or the other,' i.e. Protestants or Catholics, 333.

deputation re religion from Artois to the Estates, ibid.

Prince of Orange suspected of design to introduce, everywhere, ibid.

Killigrew anxious the Prince of Orange should 'join with' men of Ghent, for advancement of Gospel, 336.

the religious element in the dispute between Ghent and the Walloons, 351.

Jesuits recalled to Douai, 374.

Catholics, Martinists and Anabaptists, in Antwerp, unite against Calvinists, ibid.

preachers expelled from Brussels, ibid.

religion Wlitz, refused by Artois and Hainault
-, accepted by Tournay, Brabant and Brussels, 407, 457, 468.

terms offered by Ghent qua religion, 413.

religions vrede urged on Ghent, as condition of peace with the Walloons, 425.

exercise of, in Brussels will cease when garrison is withdrawn, 443.

the religions vreydt allowed by Ghent, 448, 449, 450.

no mass renewed in Ghent at present
-, the 'religion freed' to be published there, 455, but not likely to be observed, 458.

Friars still excluded from Bruges, ibid.

Ghent refuses to protect Catholics, 468.

those 'of the religion' persecuted in Artois, Douay, Lille, 473.

agitation by Catholics in Gueldres against Count John of Nassau, 473.

dislike of the Nobility in the Netherlands to the Publication of the 'Religion-freedt,' 488 (p. 371).

Papists in Groeningen, 488 (p. 372). crowds of Catholics in churches of Ghent, on resumption of their public worship
-, Protestants in minority, 492.

petition against, from Friesland, Overyssel, &c., 496.

King Philip will never grant the 'religions freidt'
-, those who have 'obtained this liberty of religion' will never abandon it
-, hence no hope of peace, 498.

the exercise of the Reformed Religion where it exists
-, point reserved by Count Schwartzenberg for discussion at peace conference, 504, the 'Pacification of Ghent' insisted on, 505.

the Bishop of Ross' plot against, 516.

war of Religion about to commence in Netherlands, under cloak of which the Nobility would gratify their spite against the Prince of Orange, 523.

the harmony among the citizens of Antwerp in resisting Spanish assault on city, attributed to the religions wlitz, 600.

Hembize's faction suppress Catholic worship in Ghent 614.

Artois consents to the religions wlitz in six towns, 642.

policy of the Prince of Parma to turn Anti-Spanish war into a war against Religion, 642 (p. 480).

King Philip expected to allow the religions wlitz, 642 as his father did in Germany, 643.

the proceedings at Ghent do more harm to Religion, elsewhere, than they advance it there, 643.

religions freidt allowed at Zutphen, 670, in Antwerp, 684.

religious disturbance provoked in Antwerp by procession attended by the Archduke, 684.

as consequence of religious disturbance at Antwerp, the Prince of Orange's garrison, and most of the Protestants, are expelled from Mechlin
-, and Brussels is attempted by Count Egmont, 688.

'mass-priests' received back into Antwerp
-, mass said openly in four churches, &c., 694.

regulation at Antwerp, that persons both of the old and new religion shall work together for defence of the town, 697.

Religion, those of. See also Huguenots.

Religions freidt, peace, Vrede, Vreydt, Wlictz, Wlit, or Wlitz, 253, 259, 276, 309, 313, 318, 329, 333, 338, 407, 425, 430, 448, 455, 457, 458, 468 (p. 360), 488 (p. 371), 496, 498, 523, 600, 614, 642, 670, 684.

Renegados, 'ronogathes,' in service of Morocco, 210.

Renty, M. de. See Croy, Guillaume.

- See also Ranty.

Renyngham, Rymmeghem, M. de. See Croy, Eustace de.

Role, La, meeting at, between King of Navarre and wife, 323.

-, Don Luis de, Commendator of Castile, search for copy of his instructions to Mendoza, 254
-, mentioned, 443.

Rethelois. See La Fre.

Retz, Marchal de. See Gondy, Albert de.

Riethove, Martin van, Bishop of Ypres, prisoner at Ghent, to be sent to Cologne, 535 (p. 404).

Reuents, Count of. See Roeulx.

Reux, Count de. See Roeulx.

Revers, pirates, 47.

Revers, M. de, Agent of King Henry III., his instructions in reply to letters of Prince of Orange, 27.

Rewe, Count de. See Roeulx.

Rhenish wine. See Rhine wine.

-, Duke John Casimir crosses, 144, 166
-, 'reiters' for Prince of Parma pass, 302
-, mentioned, 408 (p. 315).

Rhine wine. Rhenish wine
-, Walsingham thrives on, 254
-, ordered for Lord Leicester, 506, to be procured from Cologne
-, the best, grown in Duke John Casimir's country, 531.

Rhodes, knights of, 407 (p. 312).

-, M. de, Privy Councillor, Commissioner from the Estates General to Arras, 333, his reported arrest at, 374
-, sent to meeting of nobility of Artois at Hesdin, 623.

-, Francis, 'late M. d' Arras,' 374.

Richebourg, Rysbourg, Risbourg, a 'signory' in Artois, title of Marquis of, conferred by Philip II., on the Viscount of Ghent, 634, 635, 638.

Richelieu. See Plessis du.

Richmond, co. Surrey, bill for M. de Simiers' supper at, 586.

Richmond, co. Surrey, letters dated at 299, 300, 306, 316, 322, 325, 327, 328, 337, 345, 356, 369, 371, 372, 389, 403, 411, 419, 428, 459, 489, 490, 518, 526, 527.

Rimenande. See Rumenam.

Rio de la Plata, 615.

Riova, de. See Ryhove.

Risbourg. See Richebourg.

Rivire, Captain la, at Calais, 4.

Robert, , post of Dover, 456.

Robles. Gaspard de, Seigneur de Billy, devoted to Don John, 53.

Roche, Marquis de la, late Governor of Artois, abets Duke of Anjou, 9 (p. 7).

-, M. de la, sails for Newfoundland, attacked by English on way, 71
-, native of Brittany, prepares ships, with King's commission, protest of the Estates of Brittany against his exactions, 552, 553.

Rochelfin, M., his enterprise against M. Mansart, 425.

-, irritation of Henry III against men of, 71, he sends Marshal de Coss to
-, the plot foiled, 187.

-, dislike in, to new Governor of Brouage, ibid.
-, news from, 212.

Rochepot, M. de. See Silly, Antoine de.

Rochester, 569.

-, Rocquetaliado, Roctalliade, M. de., sent from the Duke of Anjou to the Queen Mother, 423, by the Queen of Navarre to Queen Elizabeth, 603, 604
-, interviews Poulett, 650, 667 bis.

Rodriguez, Costodio, with Drake, 615.

-, Ruremonde, Prince of Parma at, 460, 468, 476
-, antipathy of, to 'the religion,' 496
-, the Prince of Parma bridges the Maas near, 555
-, mentioned, 561.

Roeulx, taken by forces of Duke of Anjou, 126, who go into winter quarters there, 329.

-, Reuents, Reulx, Reulx, (?) Reux, Rewe, Count of. See Croy, Jean de. See also Reioy.

-, Daniel, his negotiation with Duke John Casimir, referred to, 129
-, letter from, to Walsingham, touching copy of Requesens' instructions to Mendoza, 254, 516 (p. 393)
-, letter drafted by, to Junius, on Queen's refusal of further loan, 268
-, letter to, from Beutterich, with strictures on England, Davison, and the Queen, 365
-, to be sent by Lord Leicester to Duke John Casimir. 411, letter of credence for, 419
-, Wilson and Lord Leicester announce his mission to Davison, 428, 438
-, news-letter from, to Walsingham, 455
-, anxious to meet Davison, 456
-, mentioned, 473, 480
-, dispatch from, to Walsingham, 488
-, Wilson's remembrances to, 490
-, mentioned, 492
-, reports from, to Walsingham, on Duke John Casimir's reconciliation to Davison, and general news, 496, 498
-, mentioned, 506
-, Duke John Casimir entrusts with news for Walsingham, in preference to Davison, 512
-, letter from, to Walsingham
-, anxious as to former correspondence
-, reports Duke John Casimir's resolve to visit England
-, the arrest of the Bishop of Ross, &c., 516
-, returns, 530, 532, 535
-, escourts the Duke John Casimir to Dover, 561
-, Ehem greets, 565
-, proposes to go over, with Duke John Casimir, 567
-, Sturmius applies to, for pecuniary aid, 673.

-, -, endorsements, &c., by, 268, 365, 439, 486.

-, -, letters from, 254, 455, 456, 488, 496, 498, 516, 561, 567
-, to, 365.

-, John, LL.D., proposed mission for, to Denmark, 47.

Rohan, Ren II. de, Vicomte de Rohan, rivalry between, and Laval, 667.

Roman Catholics :

houses of monks and friars, nests of sedition in Ireland, 7.

in Netherlands, oppose authorization of Protestant worship, 13, 33.

English grey friar gives Poulett information, 37.

'usurped authority of Rome,' 54.

intrigues of, in Hainault and Artois, 58 (8-9).

'horses to be in a readiness upon recusants,' 171.

- See also Religion.

-, Roome, news-letter from, 32
-, news from, 95
-, Pallavicino's brother arrested at, 509.

Ronnygate, 413 (p. 321).

Roome. See Rome.

Rosbeck, in Flanders, burned by Walloons, 455.

Rosingberg, Rousbrugge, 59.

Roskilyen, 179.

-, M. de, Lieutenant of men at arms of Duke of Anjou, his report from the Court to his Master, forwarded by Poulet, 9
-, refused audience by King, ibid. (p. 7)
-, intermediary between Duke, and Duke of Guise, 552.

Ross, Bishop. See Leslie, John.

Rossel, Jacques, of Burgundy, Mustermaster :

letter from to Walsingham
-, anxious to requite his kindness in 'enrolling him among the servants of Her Majesty'
-, military news
-, has been appointed to pass the musters of the French troops, 295.

reports remarks by Villiers injurious to England, 304.

annoyed at his letter being unacknowledged, 318.

conceals his correspondence with Walsingham from Davison, 333.

formerly in service of the King of Spain in France, 338.

alludes to 'a person sent to arrange a new tragedy, which would be memorable,' ibid.
-, it fails, 362 (p. 276).

apologizes to Walsingham, for mixed nature of his 'occurrents,' 362.

reports growing strength of the 'malcontents' in the Netherlands, 380.

letters from, to Queen Elizabeth, on progress of French plot, 397, to Walsingham with general news, 398.

letter from, to Walsingham, confirming plot to elect the Duke of Anjou, as Lord, in place of King of Spain, with support of Prince of Orange, 407

news-letter from, to Walsingham, with request for promised pension, 426.

letter from, to Tomson, to secure his payment, 427.

letter from, to Walsingham, on Spanish intrigues in Artois
-, disaffection to the Prince of Orange, &c.
-, enquires if he may write to Lord Cobham, 443.

letters from, to same, on French intrigues, 453, with renewed application for pension, 457.

to be employed to take pay to the Walloons, 457.

allusion to anonymously, in letter from Walsingham to Davison, whose dispatches his diligence had forestalled, 459.

news-letter from, to Walsingham, with application for pension, to pay copyist and secretary, 468.

letter from, to Walsingham, with account of the Duke of Anjou's treachery at Mons
-, reports his own share in scheme to get all Frenchmen in the service of the Estates 'broke,' before Prince of Orange can return, 476.

letter from, to Tomson, with reminder as to his pension, 493.

news-letter from, to Walsingham
-, noting that it was a capital offence, on his part, to have forwarded certain documents, and commenting on the 'discontent and black looks of the Agent,' i.e. Davison, 494.

news-letters from, to same
-, employed to get the French under Duke John Casimir out of the country
-, would be glad to be quit of job, if he could arrange with Walsingham, 504, 505, 521, 522.

letters from, to Tomson and Walsingham, with thanks for good hope given him of reward, and reports, 521, 522.

news-letter from, to Walsingham
-, had begun to get French out of the country, when they were recalled to oppose the Prince of Parma's advance, 576.

letter from, to same, with military news
-, busy bringing up troops for defence of Antwerp, 591.

describes fight at Borgerhout, 595.

attributes delay in forwarding his letters to Davison's jealousy, 600.

letter from, to Walsingham, on the war, and the Queen's marriage, 609.

letter from, to same
-, out of favour on account of his English sympathies, 623.

letter from, to same
-, is employed on bringing French troops to M. de la Noue in Flanders, 635.

news-letters from, to same, 642, 647.

would have asked to be attached to deputation from the Estates to Peace Conference at Cologne, if agreeable to Queen, 647.

reminds Walsingham of patent mentioned by him
-, desires it so as to be numbered among the Queen's servants, &c., ibid.

news-letters from, to Walsingham
-, passes muster of light horse at Lierre, 654
-, employed in arranging fresh supply of troops for M. de la Noue, 695.

-, -, letters from, to Sir Francis Walsingham. 295, 304, 318, 333, 338, 362, 380, 398, 407, 426, 443, 453, 457, 468, 476, 494, 504, 505, 522, 576, 591, 595, 600, 609, 623, 635, 642, 647, 654, 695
-, to Queen, 397
-, to Tomson, 427, 493, 521.

Rossignol, Losignol, M. de (Jean de Noyelles), with Don John, 60 (p. 48). promoting Catholic reaction in Artois, 379, recalled thither, 407.

-, King at to pacify, 95
-, English rebels at, 228
-, pay for Spanish army sent vid, 362
-, Spanish creditor of Don John at, ibid. (p. 362)
-, Parliament at, stops preaching in, 393
-, Parliament at, mentioned, 551, 667
-, Poulett's dispatch by English merchant at, 579 (p. 431)
-, warning sent from, to the Estates, to beware of treason at Antwerp and Mechlin, 591.

-, documents dated at, 392.

Rousbrugge. See Rosingberg.

-, Rouselare, spoiled by Walloons, 430, burned by them on departure, 656
-, M. de la Noue at, 684.

Royon, M. de, ex-governor of Hesding for the Estates, 60.

Rudolf II., Emperor :

sends Ambassador to Netherlands
-, English Embassy to confer with, 17
-, Ambassador's intervention with Don John requested by Walsingham, 89 (p. 70).

proposed match between his sister and the King of Portugal, 32.

expressed desire of Queen Elizabeth to co-operate with, for peace in Netherlands, 57 (pp. 39, 41), negotiations with his Ambassador, 89, 93.

respect due to the Archduke Matthias, as kinsman of, 89 (p. 70).

his Ambassador, Baron Preinder, sent to hinder the Duke of Anjou, returns home
-, his other Ambassador in Netherlands to repair to Don John, 104, 112.

memorandum of Conference between his Ambassador and the English Ambassadors, 114, 115.

Don John replies to, 146.

reported dispatch to, from Spain, of Ambassador, to authorize him to negotiate peace in Netherlands, 178.

alleged French design to let loose Turk on, 185.

his mediation with the Duke of Anjou, in Spanish interest. 187, 188.

Queen Elizabeth anxious to work with, in Netherlands, 197 (p. 156).

receives authority from the King of Spain to conclude peace, 811.

suppresses the exercise of religion at Vienna and Linz
-, forced to desist, as breach of liberties, 212.

good hope from his negotiations for peace, 221.

Don John breaks off treaty for peace on the ground that the matter was now entrusted to, 236, 237.

Lord Sussex's hopes from his intervention, 249, the Queen's, 253, Walsingham's, 260.

his letter to the Estates mentioned, 255.

treaty for peace likely to be lengthy in hands of
-, a design to gain time, 271, 287 (p. 219).

sends gentlemen to Don John, to order him to leave the Netherlands, the 'arbitrament of the case' being in his hands
-, Don John being dead, they repair to Prince of Parma
-, his answer awaited, 309, 313, 318
-, the letter acknowledged, but not answered, 329 (p. 253).

Queen Elizabeth recommended to write to, 333.

his deputies expected, to treat for peace, 338.

allusion to his intervention, in cause of peace, 339.

Wilson's hopes from his efforts, 345.

wavers in his efforts for peace
-, sends Lazarus Swendi as Commissioner to negotiate, 380 (p. 293).

peace proposed by, 'treated of' at Antwerp, 396.

the Estates informed by the Prince of Parma that he has orders to obey, 398.

solemn embassy from, at Cologne, on its way to Antwerp, 399.

letter to, from the Estates, welcoming his intervention, and appointment of Count Schwartzenberg, 412, in lieu of 'solemn embassy,' 413 (p. 323), 430
-, the Estates of Tournay approve, 437
-, mentioned, 443, 444, 473.

Queen Elizabeth's letter forwarded to, 472.

his marriage with the Infanta Isabella concluded, 494 (p. 376). 505, 550, 595.

the Prince of Parma will accept his award, if the Estates will do the like
-, proposal to asociate Queen Elizabeth with, 506.

letters of credence from, found on the Bishop of Ross, 516.

letter from, to the Estates, appointing Cologne for peace conference, 520.

affairs of the Netherlands wholly referred to, 523, 535.

his claim to be judge, not mediator, rejected by the Estates, 535.

enraged at the Duke of Anjou's setting on the Turk to attack Spain, 550, 555.

intervenes to secure the release of the Bishop of Ross, 565.

alleged to have written to the Estates, bidding them settle their own affairs, as he could only mediate, 591.

sends fresh envoy to the Estates, 614, 623.

to attend peace conference in person, 642.

safe conduct from, for the Estates' Commissioners, 668.

-, -, Ambassadors from. See Preinder
-, Schwartzenburg.

Rue, , la, Agent of the Duke of Uzs, 9 (p. 7).

Ruihauve. See Ryhove.

Rumen Waroux, M. de, Deputy from the Estates to the Peace Conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417).

Rumenam. See Rymenam.

Rumer, M. de, of Antwerp, sent to Ghent, 362.

Runkel, route via to Frankfort, 626.

Ruremonde. See Roermond.

Russe, Bernard, Danish subject, plundered by Englishmen, 577.

Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, Davison's 'occurrents' to be shewn to, by Killigrew, 336.

Russia, English trade with, via Lbeck, 664.

Ruyssiade, 304.

Ryan, Henry, 528.

Rycke, Peter de, Councillor of Zealand, 676.

Rye, goods taken to, from Guernsey, 525.

Ryhove, Riova, Ruihauve, M. de, Deryove, M. See Kethulle.

-, Rimenande, Rumenam, near Mechlin, Estates' forces entrenched at, 112, 126
-, action near, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138
-, Duke John Casimir arrives at, 178, 180
-, allusion to Don John's attack on, 595.

-, letters dated at camp near, 134, 142.

Rymmeghem. See Renyngham.

Rysbourg. See Richebourg.

Ryvett, Mr., Queen with, on progress, 208.