Index: G

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Gaillon, 'Gallion,' king to meet brother, the Duke of Anjou, at, 9.

-, Turkish attack on, 304 (p. 236)
-, mentioned, 682.

'Gallion'. See Gaillon.

-, Maximilien Vilain de, Seigneur de Rassenghien, his small influence, 58 (9)
-, escapes from Ghent to his governorship of Lille, 694.

-, M. de la, sent by Count Bossu to the Estates, 307, 317
-, to command companies for the Estates, 585
-, his men making war on peasantry, 642
-, English troops serving with his regiment, 687.

Garter, Order of the, copy of the Statutes of, desired by Duke John Casimir, 565, order conferred on him, 569.

Gasbek, 695.

-, Queen Margaret's reluctance to rejoin husband in, 21 (p. 16)
-, occasion of Queen-Mother's journey to, 298
-, towns in, submit to King of Navarre, 323.

Gastel, Seigneur de. See Marmier.

Gauntois. See Ghent.

Gauvairdin. See Coeweerden.

-, Baudouin, Seigneur d' Inchy, Governor of Citadel of Cambrai, protests, as deputy from Artois, to the Estates, re religion, 333
-, Rossel praises his diplomacy in Artois, 591.

-, Charles de, Seigneur de Frezin, Commissioner from the Estates for the delivery of frontier towns to Duke of Anjou, 236, 237
-, letter from, reporting his negotiation, 283, 284
-, not disposed to go to the assistance of Count Lalaing, imprisoned by the burghers at Mons, 494
-, sent to the Duke of Anjou, 642, and to the Estates of Hainault, at Mons, 656.

-, Gueldres, 'reiters' in, 13, attacked, 33 (p. 26)
-, Duke John Casimir arrives in, 42
-, Deputy of, Dr. Bonar, 65
-, dislike in, to intervention of Duke of Anjou, 76
-, Duke John Casimir 'passing his musters' in, 80, 87 bis, 97, 98
-, Kampen and Deventer surrendered to Estates of, 104, 112
-, destiny of, 153
-, refuses to pay assessment for Duke John Casimir's force, 182
-, Deventer holds out against the Estates of, 237
-, deputies from, at Nimuegen, to arrange offensive and defensive league with Holland and Zealand, 287
-, effect of their refusal to contribute to expenses of Duke John Casimir, 296 (p. 228)
-, join in the Union of Utrecht, 339 (p.259), 544, 555
-, no help from, for Ghent, 383 (p. 295)
-, adhere to the Pacification of Ghent, 443
-, agitation in, for removal of Count John of Nassau, from governorship, 468 (p. 360). on part of Catholics, 473, 496, 504 (p. 385)
-, castles in, taken by Prince of Parma, 516, the town of 'Gueldre' besieged by, 535, 540
-, sums to be charged to, for army, 585
-, 'reiters,' deserting from army of the Estates, return to, 587
-, represented at meeting of the Estates General, 647, 656.

-, Governor of. See Nassau Dillenburg.

-, Gembloux, defeat of, alluded to, 72 (p. 56), 76
-, Estates' army near, 259, abandoned by Don John, 272, 278
-, surprised by Estates' troops, 291, 293
-, camp of the Estates near, 304, 329
-, one of the three towns taken by the Estates' army, 350
-, Estates' camp moved from, 351, 352.

Genappe, Don John fails to relieve, 263, taken by Estates, 271, 276.

-, its danger from France and Savoy, 21 (p. 16)
-, allusion to history of, 130 (p. 111)
-, Duke of Anjou requests passage through, consequent alarm in, 623, 647.

-, money sent via, to Don John, 32
-, news from, 95
-, merchants of, 225
-, shortage in supplies sent via, to Don John, 243
-, History of, 267
-, Don John's letter to Ambassador of, intercepted, 287
-, money arrives for Don John at, ibid. (p. 219)
-, Don John's letters to, 295 (p. 225)
-, agreement between, and Philip II.
-, debt to be paid
-, to coin all Spanish gold exported, 362
-, money arrives in, for war in Low Countries, 619 (p. 464)
-, Spaniards refused admission to, 661.

George John, Duke of Lutzelstein (Pettit piere), Count Palatine, cousin of Duke John Casimir, 'stays' the Bishop of Ross, 516, 565.

Geraldine, James. See Fitzgerald.

-, 'Almans,' their employment against Don John, 17, in campat Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63
-, driven off by Duke John Casimir, from Deventer, 107
-, fresh levy of, for Don John, 236, 237, 259, 276
-, garrison small towns for Don John, 263
-, reach Marche, to join Prince of Parma, 302
-, in Spanish service at Binche, massacred, 304
-, employed in Spain, ibid (p. 236)
-, on way to Prince of Parma, 309, reach, 352 garrison Louvain, 398
-, in service of the Estates near Maestricht, 407
-, to be employed as bodyguard to the Estates, 504
-, garrison Herenthals for the Estates, 587, 591
-, strength of, under Prince of Parma, 591
-, to be employed for conquest of Portugal, 661, 677.

Germany :

Gilpin's financial mission to, 11, 33, 40.

Monmorin sent on mission from France to Bishops of, 21 (p. 15).

English mission to Schmalkalden, 2, 25, broken off, 47.

English merchants dismissed from Hamburg, 29, 30.

Protestant Princes of, abet Duke of Anjou's enterprise, 33.

expected jealousy in at aggrandizement of France by success of Duke of Anjou in Netherlands, 57 (p. 42).

Emperor and Electors of, named in treaty between Duke of Anjou and Estates, 163.

alleged design of France to set Turk on, 185.

attempt to suppress Protestant worship in, 212.

levies for Don John in, 236, 259, 271, 295, for Prince of Parma, 302, 309.

Bishop of Ross 'stayed' in, 512.

long abode in, of Mr. Candyshe, 553.

Ubiquitarians triumphant in, 565.

Gertruydenberg, St., Estates' army near, 426.

Gertruyl, abbot of. See St. Gertrude.

Gheel, occupied by Spaniards, 407.

Ghent, men of, Gauntois :

ancient league between, and Lille, 58.

list of expenses at, 59.

men of, surprise Ypres, 104, by stratagem, 112, 126.

reformers preaching openly at, 126.

the 'Gantoyes a very disordered people.' 127.

'conquest' of, by Prince of Orange, 130 (p. 112).

M. de Champagni conveyed to, from Brussels, 178, 180, 181.

alteration of religion progressing in, 211.

two regiments of Count Lalaing quartered on, 'cut in pieces' by the 'Gauntoys,' ibid.

magnificent fortifications of, 227.

inclination of, to reformed religion, ibid
-, popery suppressed in, 236, 237.

M. de Champagni confined at, 246.

men of, conduct armed operations against Montigny's Walloons, 262, 276.

English Ambassadors write to men of, 282.

Walloons fortify town against men of, 287 (p. 219).

violent dealings of men of, they seize Count Bossu's brother on his opposing their image breaking, ibid.

letter addressed to Magistrates of, by Prince of Orange, on their factiousness, and their attacks on Roman Catholic establishments, 292.

execution at, of Councillors, 294.

Count Bossu's brother released by, ibid.

prepare to attack Walloons, restrained by Prince of Orange, 295 (p. 225).

abet image breaking at Bruges, but are hindered there, ibid.

compel Count Bossu's brother to give orders to his garrison to admit them, ibid.

defeated by the Walloon regiments, invite Duke John Casimir to their aid, 302.

the Estates endeavour to obtain surrender by, of M. de Swevingham, and other prisoners, ibid, 304 (p. 236).

Duke John Casimir received at, 304.

mission to, to induce them to pay quota of moyens generaux, ibid.

Walloons refuse to come to terms with
-, they determine to behead prisoners on whose behalf Walloons are acting, ibid.

reported to have English support, ibid (p. 236).

the Duke of Anjou expected to attack, 307.

bond of the city for English loan, 308, 321.

their dispute with Walloons unsettled, their promises to Duke John Casimir
-, French troops sent against
-, refuse to surrender prisoners, or to allow liberty of worship, 309, 313.

encounter between Duke John Casimir's 'reiters' and their enemies the Walloons
-, other provinces will aid against Walloons, if they will grant 'religions freidt.' 318.

Walsingham's observations on policy to be pursued with, re Walloons, 319, his letter to them mentioned, 329.

Walloons demand that they shall cease molesting their neighbours, suffer Catholic worship in city, and set the prisoners at liberty, ibid.

Duke Casimir invites Prince of Orange to join him at
-, Prince's reasons for declining, ibid.

hesitate to grant terms required by Walloons, wishing to be 'all one thing or the other,' i.e. Catholic or Protestants
-, other provinces withhold their quotas from the Estates pending settlement of dispute, 333.

Killigrew anxious the Prince of Orange should 'join with,' for own safety and advancement of Gospel, 336.

refuse to agree to 'Religion Wlitz' unless other provinces accept. &c.
-, deadlock between, and Walloons, 338.

enraged at execution of three of the Fifteen at Artois, ibid.

desire to arrest Count Egmont as malcontent, ibid.

Davison about to go to, to remove suspicion of Queen's connivance in Duke John Casimir's presence at, and to promote accord, 349, at request of the Estates, 351.

cause of the Walloons against, espoused by the Estates of Hainault and Artois, the Duke of Anjou, and the malcontents, e.g. the family of Croy, 351.

terms offered by, recapitulated
-, promise by, not to injure the prisoners
-, encouraged in their obstinacy by Duke John Casimir, 351.

three other 'members of Flanders,' Holland and Zealand, and Brussels remonstrate with
-, Arras revolts from
-, but they continue obstinate, 352.

bond of city to be given to Davison for English loan, 353.

disturbance at, according to Rossel, grounded on a prearranged threefold partition, i.e. of Netherlands, 362.

Duke of Anjou threatens to declare against
-, he bars their passage of the Scheldt, ibid.

Duke John Casimir desires to be named 'General of army of,' ibid.

recruiting by, ibid.

Duke John Casimir prepared to leave, 365.

the attitude of, due to 'revolted lower classes,' 367.

Walsingham suggests they might be induced to arrest Beutterich, 369.

their chiefs to be blamed, the people excused
-, Walsingham's suggestion to Davison for his discourse there, ibid, 369.

arguments, reported by Mr. Travers, for and against their magistrates tolerating Popery in, 370.

if, at Davidson's request, the prisoners at, are released, the dispute between, and the Walloons, in Grobbendonck's opinion, half settled, 373.

Bruges and other members of Flanders expected to side against
-, town of Deynse taken from, by the Walloons, 374.

fresh proposals to, by the Estates, 380.

text of Davison's discourse in their assembly
-, they reserve their reply, 383.

Colonel-General Ryhove proposes the Prince of Orange as Governor of
-, Burgomaster Embize opposes, 394
-, protest of the Governor, the Duke of Aerschot, 397, 398.

defeat of companies from, by Walloons, ibid.

Prince of Orange goes to, to take up office, 398.

up in arms at arrest of Embize, ibid.

invitation from, to Prince of Orange, sent, but the final decision of the nobles, burghers and commons, not yet known, 399
-, horsemen sent from, to meet Prince, 401.

Frenchmen expelled from, 401, 455.

Walsingham upon the discovery of the defection of the Southern provinces to Spain, urges the Prince of Orange to come to terms with, 403.

terms offered by, re religion and prisoners
-, attitude of, to Duke John Casimir and the Prince of Orange
-, quarrel between Ryhove and Burgomaster Hembize described, 413.

the Prince of Orange at, 421
-, rebukes Embize, 425.

leaders of the Walloons make overtures to, from fear of Spain, 425.

hopes of their coming to terms, 426.

report by Davison of negotiations of Prince of Orange at, 430-435.

Lord Leicester's instructions to Daniel Rogers, reciting their relations with Duke John Casimir, 439.

the Prince of Orange solicited to take the Governorship of
-, he refers matter to the Estates
-, desires Count Bossu as his deputy, 443
-, good progress of his negotiation at, 444, 445, 446, 448, 449, 450, 451.

Davison thanked by Prince of Orange for his action at, 446.

allow the religions vreydt, 448.

news from
-, spoliation of church property in, stopped
-, a new constitution for, 449, 492.

apologies by, to the Duke of Anjou, for attack on M. de Bonivet, 449, 452.

Duke of Anjou resents not being consulted by the Estates touching, 457.

the Prince of Orange taxed with encouraging the faction of Embise in, ibid.

bond of, not yet delivered to Davison, 458, forwarded to England, 517.

the 'religions vrede' not likely to be observed at, ibid.

Prince of Orange urges them to protect Catholics, and to except Meghem from general amnesty
-, they refuse, 468.

fresh sedition brewing in, 476. dislike of nobility to proceedings of Prince of Orange at, 488.

the courage and wisdom displayed by Davison at, approved by Queen, 490.

churches in, crowded with Catholics, on resumption of their worship
-, difficults ahead in observance of 'religions freidt,' 492.

prisoners at, to be delivered to Duke of Cleves, 506, 516, and part to be sent to Cologne, 535 (p. 404).

confusion elsewhere, during Prince of Orange's stay at, 519, 522.

joins the Union of Utrecht, 555.

the prisoners, removed from, to Dendermonde, thanks to Queen's letter, petition Davison for further aid, 583.

arrest at, of goods destined for Artois, 587, 629.

Davison forwards bond from, to England, 592, 610.

fresh outbreak at, 609.

Hembize's faction in, suppress the exercise of the Catholic religion, &c.
-, probable effect, 614, 623.

churches in, defaced
-, prisoners of Ghent brought back to
-, like revolutions provoked by, at Oudenarde, Hulst and Dendermonde, 621, 638, 643, foiled at Alost and Douay, 675.

Queen satisfied with bond of, 645.

'prisoners of Ghent' escape from, recaptured, save three, 694, 695.

fresh outrages contrived from
-, annoyance produced in Bruges, 695.

men of, part of Riethove's regiment, cut up at Ninove by Count Egmont, 695.

-, letters dated at, 324, 364, 365, 366, 375, 377, 378, 401, 421, 425, 446, 448, 449, 452, 454, 456, 458, 466, 467, 492, 495, 496, 498, 508, 512, 516, 519.

Ghent, Pacification of. See Pacification.

Ghent, Viscount of. See Melun.

-, M. Symphorien de, Lord of Swynfurt, Governor of Dunkirk, letter to, from M. de la Motte. 368
-, mentioned, 455.

Ghistelles, Gystele, Gauntois defeated near, 394.

Ghisuon, in Morocco, 210 (p. 168).

Gilborne, William, of London, clothier, 627.

-, George, his mission on business of loan to Strasburg, 11, fails, 33, 40
-, mentioned, 130
-, acting for Davison, at Antwerp, 381
-, Wilson desires remembrances to, 490.

Giupsea, See Guipuzocoa.

Glascock, Richard, and Co., 665.

Glen, , de, magistrate of Arras, 374 (p. 289).

Glymes, M. Jacques de, presents petition to Lords of Brussels against toleration of religion, 166.

Gochilly, See Gosseliers.

Goddard, Mr., his claim against Holland and Zealand, 632.

-, Gonye, M. Antoine de, with Don John
-, his brother, M. Archant, lieutenant to Governor of Valenciennes, 60 (p. 47).

Gomez, Ochoa, of La Torre de Plasencia, 562.

Gomicourt, Gouncourt, Adrien, Seigneur de, with Don John, 60 (p. 48).

-, Gondi, Albert de, Marchal de Retz, wholly 'at devotion' of Duke of Anjou, beguiles Poulett, 619 (p. 464)
-, his house at Noisy, ibid (p. 465)
-, sent to appease the Estates of Brittany, 667.

-, Jerme, Baron de Codun, mentioned, 650.

-, Armand de, Baron de Biron, Marshal of France, reconciliation between, and King of Navarre, in Guienne, 37
-, renewed complaints of, by King, 111, continued discord between, and King, 323, attempt to reconcile, 393
-, to accompany the Duke of Anjou to England, 553.

Gonye, M. de. See Goignies.

-, Vespasian, to command Italian levies for Don John 32, mentioned, 142
-, his letters from Don John's camp, on their desperate condition, 287
-, reported killed or wounded, at Maestricht, 655.

Gonzague, Louis de, Duc de Nevers, with King, 667 bis.

Gooding, Ralph, piracy by, 577.

Goodlad. , his ship trading from Hamburg to Harwich, 32.

Goorle, Abraham van, acquittance by, 335.

Gorge, William, commands against pirates, 25, 47.

Gosseliers, Gochilly, Estates' camp at, 295.

Gosson, Nicolas, executed at Arras, 374 (p. 289).

-, Antoine de, son of the last, letter from, to Davison, with account of attempt on Brussels, 691.

Gost, M. de Deputy from the Estates to Peace Conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417).

-, Henri, Seigneur de Bonnivet, Chamberlain of Duke of Anjou, expelled, as a Frenchman, from Ghent, 401, nearly killed on road, 407, by order of Hembize, 413, 430
-, the apologies of Ghent, 449, 452
-, the outrage on, 455
-, reparation claimed, 485, 496
-, letter from, to Davison, on behalf of Madame de Grevenbrock, his mother-in-law, to solicit debt due to, from Queen Elizabeth, 683.

Gouncourt, M. de. See Gomicourt.

-, Gourdan, , Captain of Calais, bribed by Spain, 9 (p. 7)
-, mentioned, 398.

Gourley, Gurley, Thomas, Lord Cobham's man, 113, 152.

Goyon, Jacques de, Comte de Matignon, Marchal de France, favourite of Queen-Mother, ousted from Government of Caen, 37.

Gozzi, Nicholas de, merchant of the steelyard, 624.

Grafton, Richard, imprisoned for 53 days, as spy, at Bilbao, 578.

Graham, John, third Earl of Montrose, in revolt, 141.

Granville, garrison at, 551 (p. 413).

Grave, 23.

'Grave' John. See Nassau Dillenburgh
-, John, Count of.

-, Graveling, 'at the devotion' of Don John, 4, thanks to bribe, 9 (p. 7)
-, French King s messenger 'stayed' at, by La Motte, 33
-, Duke of Anjou's Agent at, 112
-, design on, 136
-, declaration at, by M. de la Motte, 165
-, Spanish garrison for, 236, 237
-, garrison of Albanese for, 276
-, design in, to attack Dunkirk, 287
-, mentioned, 447, 455
-, the Bishop of Arras at, 457
-, Englishmen in garrison at, 488 (p. 372)
-, M. de la Motte retires to 498
-, mentioned, 580 (6)
-, M. de Hze at, 621
-, M. de la Motte retreats to, 653, 657
-, M. de la Noue's victory near, 655
-, M. de la Motte refuses to admit his own French companies into, 668
-, letter from Spanish commissary at, intercepted, 668, 670.

-, letters dated at, 27, 580 (7).

-, Governor of. See Motte, M. de la.

Gray, , Queen's 'searcher,' at Leigh, co. Essex, his grudge against Hoddesdon, 32.

Graye, , executed at Namur, 473.

Greenwich, letters dated at, 4, 6, 47, 49, 50, 54.

Gregory XIII. (Hugh Buoncompagno), Pope :

abets James Fitzmorris, 7.

'the young Laubespine' to be sent to, 21.

sets on Stukeley, 31
-, weary of him, 37, 47, 49.

secures troops for expedition against Moors, 32.

anxious to arrange peace in the Netherlands, 95, sends Ambassador to Duke of Anjou, 111, 120, the Bishop of Nazareth, 126.

requested by Henry III, to dissuade Duke from enterprise of Netherlands, 228.

his dispensation sought re crown of Portugal, 287.

Don John's appeal to, 295 (p. 225).

his overtures to Duke of Anjou
-, bribes Bussy and Simier, 298.

his licence sought for creation of Knights of St. Esprit, 323, 407 (p. 312).

refuses request of Hainault and Artois to recognize Duke of Anjou as their Governor, 372.

letters of credence from, 'briefs,' found on the Bishop of Ross, 516, 565.

upbraids King of Spain with purchasing peace with Turkey, who replies that it was done in order to be free to bring Low Countries back to Papal obedience, 619 (p. 464).

sends Legate, Cardinal Castagno, to Cologne Conference, 647, 655, 656, 657.

his Nuncio in Portugal, 685.

sends special envoy to Portugal to assert his claims re the succession, 696 (2).

Grevenbrock, M. de. See Bocholt.

Grimberghe, Guiebercy, Jacques de Berghes, baron of, sent as Commissioner of the Estates to Arras, 333.

Grobbendonck, Castle of, belonging to Treasurer Schetz, battered and taken by Prince of Parma, 591, occupied, 600, 601.

Grobbendonck, M. de. See Schetz.

Grobbendonk, the widow, her case, 322, cf. 683.

-, Groningen, deputies of, at Nimuegen, to settle offensive and defensive league with Holland and Zealand, 287, 544, 555
-, trouble in, between townsfolk and neighbouring gentry, 488 (p. 371)
-, contribution from, to Estates' army, 585.

-, Grard de, Prince-Bishop of Lige, village belonging to, 125
-, the Bishop of Ross accredited to, 516
-, allusion to peace made by, 591.

Groningen, See Groeningen.

Guadalupe, Our Lady of Guadalupe, 607.

Guadiaval, the river, 682.

Guanoa, port of, 615.

Guaras, Guerras, Antonio de, Mendoza's instructions touching, 516 (p. 393).

Guayaquil, 615.

Gueldres, Guelderland. See Geldern.

Guernsey :

cargo of woad taken into, by French pirate, sold by Governor of, for own profit, 402, 525.

Governor of. See Leighton.

Guerras. See Guaras.

Guick on the Maas. See Wyk.

Guidon, the, 555 (p. 417).

Guiebercy. See Grimberghe.

Guienne, truce in, 37.

Guipuzcoa, Giupsea, 682.

Guise, Cardinal de. See Lorraine, Louis de.

-, Duke of. See Lorraine, Henri de.

-, House of, opposition to, of King's minions, 9
-, members of, leave the Court, offended with King
-, his reconciliation with them certain, ibid. (p. 7)
-, meeting of 'whole house of' appointed at Dijon, 21 (p. 15)
-, in disgrace with King, 187, 188
-, in 'froward humour,' refuse to come to Court
-, a mighty faction
-, their activity confined to France, since death of Don John, 347
-, attempt of Queen-Mother to satisfy, by provoking war on Huguenots, 393
-, assembled at Dijon, 478.

'Gull' oath, 697.

Gurley. See Gourley.

Gystele. See Ghistelles.