Index: F

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Falye, Delafalye, Martin de la, merchant of the Steelyard, 625, 627.

Famars, M. de. See Livin.

Fant, Fante, , Walsingham's servant, 242, 244.

Farnese, Alexander, Prince of Parma :

Don John's design to 'erect a camp' under, near Calais, 4.

reported killed by explosion, 33, 42, 49.

present at the repulse of Rymenan, 134, 139.

his letters to friends, on desperate plight of army, 287.

chosen general in place of Don John, 294, 302, 304.

reinforcements for, from Germany, arrive at Marche
-, famine and plague make their arrival a danger, 302.

'he is light-brained,' 304 (p. 236).

the Emperor's order, intended for Don John, conveyed to, viz., that he should retire from Netherlands, pending Emperor's decision
-, his answer awaited, 309, 313.

his position attacked by Estates' army, 318.

his deputies to treat for peace, expected at Antwerp, ibid (p. 244).

acknowledges, but does not reply to, Emperor's letter, 329 (p. 253).

growing strength of forces of, 339 (p. 260).

letter from, forwarded to citizens of Arras, with good promises, 343, 363.

his forces recruited by Swiss and Germans, he rejects peace overtures, the Estates' army, weakened by disease and desertion, and unpaid, owing to civil war in Flanders, unable to oppose, 352.

squadron of his cavalry cut up by enemy, 358.

money for his army sent vi Paris and Rouen, 362.

informs Queen Elizabeth of his appointment to succeed Don John, her reply to be forwarded by Davison, 372, 385, 459, 472.

reported deputation to, at Namur, from citizens of Arras, 374.

further letters from, in circulation ibid (p. 289), 379.

growing strength of
-, reinforces Louvain, Diest and Leeuw
-, aggressive tactics of, 380 (p. 293).

his troops 'tired of fighting' withdraw to Louvain, Diest, Leeuw
-, garrison of Louvain replaced by Germans
-, the garrison withdrawn for service in Burgundy, 398.

informs the Estates that he has king's orders to obey Emperor, ibid.

money on way to
-, aggressive movements of troops
-, reported appointment of chief to supersede, 407.

reinforced, 413 (pp. 322, 323).

Count Schwartzenberg goes to, 413 (p. 323), 443.

letter from, to M. de la Motte, on progress of reconciliation of Hainault, &c., to Spain, 422.

Artois accepts his good offers, 425, with conditions, 443.

at Limburg, to make fort on Meuse, 443, to attack Maestricht, 450, 453.

evidence of his intrigues in Artois handed by Davison to Prince of Orange, 446.

his intrigue in Artois foiled by the Viscount of Ghent, 455, 457.

the Imperial Ambassador follows him to his camp near Maestricht, 457.

at Ruremonde
-, besieges Maestricht, 460, 468.

the peace Commissioners of the Emperor coming to confer with, 468 (p. 360), 473.

constituted heir to Don John, in jewels, furniture and marquisate in Milan
-, renounces claim to crown of Portugal, ibid.

appointed Governor of Netherlands, ibid.

reported death of his mother, ibid.

the Bishop of Arras sent by, to Estates of Artois, 473.

his 'intelligence' in Maestricht, discovered, ibid.

welcomes Imperial Ambassador, 476.

his head-quarters at Limburg
-, his army paid for two months
-, besieges Carpen and Maestricht, 488, 494, 496, 502, 504
-, threatens Vilvorde, 504.

agrees to a truce, 496.

his army recruited from Germany, 'reiters' serving with, dismissed, ibid.

report that the Estates of Artois have sent deputies to, 499.

undertakes to accept absolutely the Emperor's award, if the Estates will do same, 506.

Carpen, &c., taken by, 516, 522, 523.

Davison's spies with, 519.

won to grant truce by Emperor, 520
-, informs Ambassador he has no powers to treat, 523, 535.

Ambassador again sent to, by the Estates, with offer to submit, as fully as the King, to the Emperor's arbitration, 535, 540, 555, 573.

besieges Geldern, 535 (p. 404), 540, 555, abandons siege, and crosses Maas, 555 (p. 417).

the Duke of Guise to co-operate with, in attacking Netherlands, 568 (1).

takes castle of Weert, defenders butchered
-, takes Boxtel
-, drives 'reiters' out of Turnhout, 573, 576.

his deputies attend meeting of the Estates of Artois, 380 (4), 581 (1, 2, 3), 587.

threatens Antwerp
-, gives Duke John Casimir's 'reiters' a free pass home, 587, 591, 592, 595.

the Emperor's Ambassador suspected of playing into his hands, ibid.

his advance on Antwerp made to influence Artois, 591.

his design on Cologne, ibid

conducts attack on Borgerhout in person, 595, 601.

retires on Herenthals and Bois-le-Duc, 600.

threatens Maestricht, 601 (p. 447), 609 (p. 452), 614, 621, 623, batters and assaults, 629, 630, 634, mines, 635, 638, 641, 642, 647, 653, 654, 655, 656, 675, 684, 687, 688, 691, 692, 694.

his army resting at Namur, &c., 609.

to meet Imperial Ambassador at Werdt, 614.

sends trumpet to the Estates, with like offer as to those of Artois, viz. peace on the basis of the 'Pacification of Ghent,' and due obedience to King, 621
-, they send summary reply, 623, 629
-, printed copy of his letter, 629.

Artois concludes three months' truce with, 634, 638.

suffers heavily by sortie from Maestricht, 641, 642, 643
-, his storming party repulsed, 647, 653, 654, 655.

reinforcements on way to, from Italy, 641, reach Burgundy, 647, landed at Genoa, 661.

seeks to convert anti-Spanish into religious war, 642.

fears his line of communications with Italy may be cut by Duke of Anjou, 647.

required by Duke of Terranova to leave siege of Maestricht, 653, 654, 694.

safe conduct from, for Estates' Commissioners, 668.

letter to, intercepted, from King's Commissary at Gravelines, expressing doubt as to M. de la Motte, 668, 670.

the Estates of Hainault conclude with, and accept as governor, 675, 691.

gains bridge into Maestricht, 687, 688, gains tower on wall, 694.

sends 1,500 Spanish horse against Estates' army, 694.

deputies from Hainault and Artois insulted in his camp, 695.

his ambassador, to urge his claim to the crown of Portugal, attends the Cortes, 696.

letter from, 422.

-, Margaret, Duchess of Parma. See Margaret.

Fauqenbergh, Focynberge, Count. See Ligne, Philippe de.

Fenteria, Myn de la, 542.

Ferdinand, of Arragon, 638.

-, Prince of Spain, son and heir of Philip II., his death, 347, 362, 372, 407.

Ferrand. See Ferdinand.

Ferrara, Duke of. See Est, d'.

Ferrette, , Captain of French in service of Estates, killed at Borgerhout, 595.

-, Jean de, Vidame de Chartres, application by, to Davison for funds, 378, to leave Ghent, 396
-, expelled from Ghent, as being French, 401, 413
-, fresh application by, to Davison for funds, 436
-, his expulsion from Ghent, 455.

Ferrol in Galicia, letter dated at, 685.

Fervacques, , officer of Duke of Anjou, 84.

Fez, Kingdom of. See Morocco.

Field, Matthew, partner with Edmund Hogan, 636.

Fiennes, Eustache de, Seigneur d' Esquerdes, brother of M. de Lombres, candidate favoured by the Prince of Orange for the governorship of St. Omer, 455.

-, Guillaume de, Seigneur de Lumbres, ibid.

Figareto, Dr. Gaspar de, 689.

Fin, la. See La Fin.

-, James Fitzmaurice, Fitzmorris, 'Jacques de Desmond, Lord of Kerrykurrihy,' 'James Geraldine,' Captain General of His Holiness the Pope, 'the greatest rebel in all Ireland,' 7
-, in Paris, 9.

-, -, like to 'take the sea again,' 21.

-, -, peacefully housed at Dinan, with wife, &c., 71.

-, -, pawns plate, 110.

-, -, takes ship for Spain with family, 232.

-, -, buys a ship, 528, 562.

-, -, troops being raised for (?), 542.

-, -, letter from, to the Papal Nuncio in Portugal, to hasten delivery of arms, for lack of which his expedition was delayed, 685.

Fitzmorris, James. See Fitzgerald.

Flanders, internal trade in, 58.

-, cavalry from, in service of Estates, 61, 62, 63.

-, dislike in, to coming of French, 76.

-, held by men of Ghent for the Estates, 112.

-, deputies from, invited to confer with La Motte, ibid (p. 91), 126.

-, fate of, dependent on La Motte's action, 155.

-, alteration of religion in progress in, 211, 236, 237, 271.

-, revolt of Walloon regiments, who seize town in, 287.

-, danger to, from rabble of unpaid soldiery, 292.

-, evil example in, of Ghent, based on Religious pretexts, ibid.

-, Walloons in, introduced by M. de la Motte, 295 (p. 225).

-, civil war in, between Walloons and men of Ghent, 302, 309.

-, rumour that Duke John Casimir is to seize, for English, 304.

-, Queen Elizabeth's advice re divisions in, 316
-, Walsingham's observations on situation in, 319, 328.

-, other provinces withhold their quotas from the Estates pending payment by, 333.

-, some provinces of, join in the Union of Utrecht, 339.

-, Duke of Anjou sends Agent to discuss situation in, with the Estates, 346.

-, organization of opposing parties in
-, efforts to patch up agreement
-, efforts of chief towns in, to bring Ghent to reason, 351, 352.

-, effect of dispute in, on army of the Estates, 352.

-, French desert from Estates' army and make for, 358.

-, other Members of, expected to join Catholies, against Ghent, 374.

-, civil war in, fomented by French party, to induce the Estates to accept Duke of Anjou, 397.

-, Prince of Orange invited by party in Ghent, and by other Members of Flanders, to accept Governorship of
-, opposed by the Governor, the Duke of Aerschot
-, requested by the Estates to accept, 394, 395, 397, 398, 399, 407.

-, deputies from, attend the Estates of Artois, 430.

-, determined to find funds for expulsion of Walloons, 448
-, deputies from the four Members of, go to treat with them, 449, 455, 498.

-, ravages in, of M. d' Argenlieu's and Duke John Casimir's French and 'reiters'
-, proposal to pursue at sound of Toxain, 447, 450, 451
-, efforts to pay off, 458, 492, 496
-, they begin to remove from, 540.

-, the Estates request the Duke of Anjou to recall French soldiery from, 465.

-, Walloons not yet dislodged from
-, pesants in, 10,000 strong, attack French and Scots, and murder officers, 550, 555, 560, 587.

-, allotment of money received from, for army, 585.

-, dependence on, of Artois, for provisions, 587.

-, the war to be transferred to, 609.

-, renewed peasant rising in, provoked by the Walloons, 621, 629.

-, M. de la Noue's campaign in, 634, 635, 638, 642, 647, 653, 655, 657, 668, 684, 694.

-, deputies of, arrive to attend the session of the Estates General, 647, 656.

-, the four Members of, required by M. de la Noue to decide whether they will have offensive war, furnishing him with canon and 3,600 men, or defensive
-, their decision hampered by fresh 'novelties' from Ghent, 695.

Flanders, Count of, allusion to his crusade, 296 (p. 228).

Flanders, West, deputies of, 165.

Fleming, John, Lord Fleming, his 'restitution' opposed by regent, 47.

-, proposed to circulate English declaration in, 369
-, pamphlet in, against Prince of Orange, 455.

Fleurance, Florence, seized by King of Navarre, 494 (p. 377).

-, Estates' camp near, 295
-, French forces at, 318.

Florence, Portuguese Ambassador at, 32.

-, Duke of. See Medicis, Franois Marie de.

-, M. See Florennes.

- See Fleurance.

Florennes, Florence, Baron de, Governor of Philippeville, 'devoted' to Don John, 53.

Floudd, Mr., 548.

Floyon, M. de. See Berlaymont, Florent de.

-, in Isle of Walcheren, English demand for, in pledge, 17 (p. 12), 91
-, mentioned, 429
-, Duke John Casimir crosses to, 567, arrives at, 571 (p. 426), 573
-, flight to, of English thieves, 606
-, merchants of Ipswich taken to, 662
-, claim against, of Ferdinando Pointz, 676.

Focynberge, Count. See Fauqenbergh.

Foix, Paul de, Archbishop of Toulouse, assists Queen-Mother in conference with King of Navarre, 393.

Foncq, Fonke, , officer of Don John, 194 (p. 152).

Fonseques, Ren de, Seigneur de Surgeres, nephew of the Marchal de Coss, attempt to introduce into Rochelle, 187.

Fontainbleau, King at, 232, 362, 393.

Fontarrabia. See Fuenterrabia.

Fordar, , kinsman of Randolph, to be ransomed from Spaniards, 524, 570.

Forez, Forest, deputies of, protest to King against burdens, 323.

Fornari, Raymond de, muster master, report on military matters by, to Davison, 358.

Forster, Sir John, at Berwick, 171.

Fothers of lead, 624.

Fougre, Fugires, M. de la, Agent of Duke of Anjou in Netherlands, 71, arrives in Paris, 84.

Fouker. See Fugger.

Fourques, M. Morin, imprisoned at Arras, 367.

France :

general arming in, 13.

Duke of Anjou's 'journey' 'greatly embraced' in, 21.

Geneva threatened by, 21 (p. 16).

benefit to, of Duke of Anjou's expedition, in drawing off discontented spirits, 25.

'cunning dissmulation and subtle treachery of the French,' 37.

M. de Vaulx in, as Don John's Agent, 53, 60 (p. 48).

effect in Germany of French successes in Netherlands, 57 (p. 42).

French dissimulation, 68.

warlike preparations in, directed against 'those of the religion, 71.

piratical expedition from, to Newfoundland, 71.

fear of Duke John Casimir's invading, 80, 286.

'the French marriage,' 95.

Holy League between, and Spain, ibid (p. 78).

a book in praise of French nation, 174 (p. 141).

discontent in, at King's relations to the 'minions,' 232.

King detested in
-, quarrels between King and Parliament, 298.

'troubles will be renewed in,' 309, 'civil war is beginning to stir in,' French flock back to, from Netherlands, 317.

Spanish retaliation on, for attack by Duke of Anjou on Binch, 318.

dislike in, to creation of 'half-spiritual knights' of St. Esprit, 323.

protest by deputies of Burgundy, Lyonnais, Auvergne and Forez, addressed to King, against 'burdens and impositions,' 323.

Ambassadors accredited to, be lodged at Melun or Moret, ibid.

'chattering Frenchmen,' 333.

meeting of Estates General of, at Blois, 392.

growing discontent of, 393, revolt of Provinces, 468, 478, 551, 579.

the Queen-Mother seeks to counteract leagues of provinces in, and between provinces and nobility, by provoking religious discord, 393.

wealth of, not confined to towns, as in Netherlands, 457.

discontents in, denied, 494 (p. 377).

equal rights with, obtained by England, in Turkish ports, 613.

'inconstancy the natural vice of those of this nation is now encountered, or rather surmounted, with infidelity
-, no care of credit, no regard of honour, no love of virtue, no shame of vice,' Poulett's epitome, 619
-, 'you must bear with him
-, he is a Frenchman,' Poulett's comment on an untruth, ibid (p. 464).

provinces expected to be appeased, 619 (p. 464), 667.

poverty of, ibid.

-, chancellor of. See Birague.

-, constable of. See Montmorency.

-, King of. See Henry III.

-, Queen-Mother of. See Catherine.

Franche Comt
-, French County, or Burgundy, French designs on, 235
-, Duke of Anjou's successes in, 283, 287, Count Bossu's jealousy of, 293
-, Baron de Chevreaux sent to oppose French in, 295, 304
-, French retire from, 318
-, the Duke of Anjou proposes to share, with Swiss
-, the Duke of Savoy said to be going to relief of, 323
-, French abandon everything in, 333
-, protest by Parliament of Dijon against breach of neutrality of, by King, 362
-, the Duke's loss of credit from fruitless attack on, 365
-, French renew attack on
-, Baron de Chevreaux and Swiss go to defend, 398
-, return of M. de Montlouet, the Duke of Anjou's Agent, from his mission to the Lords of the Leagues in, 463.

Francis, Dr., 356 (p. 272).

Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alenon, 'Monsieur,' brother of Henry III. :

English loan to Estates General of Netherlands conditional on their negotiations with, 1.

Queen Elizabeth's orders to Davison touching negotiations between, and Estates, 3.

his mother's congratulations to Queen Elizabeth on renewed overtures of marriage with, 8.

the King, his brother's jealousy of, fomented by the 'minions,' 9.

report to, by M. de Rosne, his deputy at court, 9.

desires to pledge his domain to meet expenses in Flanders, ibid (p. 6).

troops offered to, ibid (p. 7).

Marshal de Coss sent to detain
-, ibid.

Queen Elizabeth's efforts to detain
-, advised to conciliate her, ibid.

refused loan of troops by brother, ibid (p. 8).

his commissioners detained in Hainault and their recall urged on the Estates General
-, his continued preparations, 13.

Rochepot reports negotiations to, 13.

instructions for English Embassy to Netherlands, in regard to, 15, 16, 17, 18.

English policy, to prevent him 'altering the government' of the Netherlands, 17.

project of English co-operation with, in Netherlands, communicated to, by Poulett
-, his deputies to confer with Queen's Ambassadors in Netherlands
-, Poulett instructed to incite Huguenots to join, 21.

Poulett reports the popularity of his enterprise in France, and approves English negotiations with
-, his Agent in England, 21.

his expedition a respite for Geneva, 21 (p. 16).

said to be acting in accord with King and in concert with Don John
-, statement devised to 'make him odious' to Huguenots, ibid.

to be visited by mother and sister at Alenon, ibid.

Huguenots begin to distrust, ibid.

Queen Elizabeth's reply to his Agent in England
-, her disposition to assist, 25.

letter from, to Poulett, with thanks for his good offices
-, his Deputies instructed to confer with the Queen's Ambassadors, 28.

Queen Elizabeth's encouragement of him, unknown to Davison, who reports his further proceedings with the Queen's connivance, as alleged, 33.

understanding between, and brother, generally credited, 33
-, discredited by Poulett, 37.

'not affected to the Spaniard,' 37.

visited by mother and sister at Alenon, ibid.

his 'plain dealing' in negotiation with Queen Elizabeth, commended by Poulett, ibid.

advised by la Noue, ibid, 84.

Dampmartin's oration to the Estates on behalf of, 42, text, 45, 46.

doubts as to influence with, of mother and sister, to stay his enterprise, 47.

supposed in England to be inclined to 'depend on' Queen, 49.

statement by English Ambassadors of Queen's attitude to
-, she was content that her Ambassador should confer with his deputies, but averse to his interference in Netherlands, 57 (pp. 42-43).

delivery to, by Estates of Netherlands of frontier towns, made the basis of demand by England for 'Cautionary towns,' 57 (p. 41).

his invitation to intervene in Netherlands due to the action of the province of Hainault, ibid (p. 43), 58 (8-9).

his party misliked at Bourbourg, 60.

his Agent at Mons, with Count Lalaing, 60 (p. 47).

Lord Cobham reports general distrust of
-, proposed interview between his Agents, and English Ambassadors, 65.

'a book made of his doings in France,' sent to Lord Burghley, ibid.

cause of Netherlands dependent on his sincerity of which Walsingham declines to judge, 67, 68, 70.

his mother fails to disuade from enterprise in Netherlands, 71.

false report that he had banished his 'minions,' ibid.

proposes to send Bussy d'Amboise to represent him in Netherlands, ibid.

his friends in France arming
-, disunion between, and King his brother, never greater, 71.

his enterprise approved only by Hainault, 76.

Queen Elizabeth's reliance on his word, 77.

continues his preparations in teeth of King's proclamation against, 77.

letter from, to the Estates, announcing speedy junction of his forces with theirs, 78, 79.

progress of his negotiation with Estates
-, rumour that his forces were collected on frontier to oppose Duke John Casimir, 80.

complimentary letter from, to Duke John Casimir desiring to co-operate with him, 83, 104, 112, 120.

Poulett remonstrates with his Agent in Paris on his neglect of English Embassy at Antwerp, 84.

at Mons
-, money forwarded to, his troops in readiness
-, his brother reconciled to him, ibid.

urged on by the 'ambition of his young counsellors,' ibid.

his visit to Mons, mentioned, 87, perturbation caused by, 87 bis.

arrival of English Embassy, without plan of assisting Estates, drives them to accept him, ibid.

disquisition by Davison on situation created by his intervention, 87 bis.

excuses offered by his Agents, for delay in meeting English Ambassadors, 89.

suggestion that he should send a Herald to Don John, ibid. (p. 68).

comments of Prince of Orange, to Walsingham, on his intervention in Netherlands
-, the Estates compelled to accept, in default of English aid
-, the Queen's delay in signing bonds wins him adherents
-, the title 'Defenseur de la libert Belgique,' to be conferred on, ibid.

like to become master of Hainault, 90.

English Embassy recalled, subject to completing negotiation with, 91.

Pope assured by Henry III. that he disapproves the Duke his brother's designs, 95.

Duke John Casimir professes himself willing to act with, in deference to Queen's wishes, but under protest, 96.

Davison's views on his advent, 97, 98, 104, 105.

welcomed by Duke of Aerschot on behalf of Estates, 97.

expected at Brussels, ibid.

the Estates desire him to send an Agent, with full powers, to treat jointly with them, and the English Ambassadors, 99, 100, 101.

sends Bussy d'Amboise to conduct siege of Maubeug, 104, 107, 112.

rumour of marriage to be had between, and daughter of Prince of Orange
-, Queen Elizabeth's annoyance
-, Walsingham to wait on, and find out truth, 106.

his alleged disinterestedness, 107.

'a Prince with a sword in his hand,' the Prince of Orange at a loss how to deal with, without English aid, 108.

Mr. Somers' mission to, 109.

- See also Somers.

Ambassadors with, from Pope, Venice and Savoy to dissuade, 111, 120, 126.

his brother's Agent with, M. de Bellivre, 111, 120.

Huguenots to serve with, 111.

his Agent reaches England, 113.

report by Mr. Somers of his interview with
-, he had at last sent his Deputies to settle with the Estates General
-, he could not inform Queen of his intentions till he had come to terms with the Estates
-, he had used force at Maubeug, &c., to 'save the harvest' from enemy, &c., 118, 120A.

Walsingham's sense of the futility of interviewing him, 119.

military successes of, augment his credit in Netherlands
-, advocates of Spanish allegiance detest, 120.

embassy to, from Duke of Ferrara, to dissuade from enterprise, ibid.

seeks 'by all means' to conciliate Duke John Casimir, ibid.

his Agents in England, 123, 124.

renewed overtures on behalf of, for match with Queen Elizabeth, ibid.

his Commissioners arrive at Antwerp to confer with the Estates, 126, 127.

Lord Sussex opines the Queen can only influence, by marrying, 148.

the Queen is afraid of his present proceeding, but hopes to direct his policy, without marrying him, while she resents opposition to match, 149.

Queen Elizabeth directs Walsingham to put the sincerity of his professions to her to test by 'moving him to desist,' admitting his coming was with her assent
-, if the Estates cannot dispense with his aid, their suggestions for guiding him to be followed, 151, 152.

M. de la Motte won over by, 155.

apologetic letter to, from English Ambassadors, touching their intervention in negotiations between, and Estates, 156.

his Commissioners return to, hopeless of concluding with Estates, 157.

text of agreement between, and the Estates, 163.

tithes for, 'Defender of the liberties of the Low Countries,' and of 'Premier,' when present with the army, ibid.

list of towns assigned to, ibid (p. 133).

M. de la Motte declines overtures of, 165.

agreement between, and Estates, forwarded to England for ratification, 166.

Prince of Orange inclined to, 170.

Walsingham returns from visiting, ibid.

M. Rambouillet in England to forward match between, and Queen, 171.

Queen Elizabeth approves treaty between, and Estates, subject to their retaining their allegiance to Spain, 174, 175.

his brother's support assured him, 185.

alleged schemes of, and his brother, to set the Turk on the Empire, and to attack Spanish empire in West Indies, 185. of. 552.

Spanish match for, with the Infanta, 187 (of. 95), 188.

outrages by French troops on way to, 188.

puts no credit in Queen Elizabeth's professions, 196.

exception taken by Queen to articles in treaty between, and the Estates, 197, 198, 199.

marriage negotiation with, unpopular in England, 200
-, comments on, of Lord Leicester, 201
-, approved by Lord Sussex, 205.

protest by inhabitants of Quesnoy, against delivery of town to, 209.

proclaimed 'Dfenseur de la libert Belgique,' 211.

Commissioner sent to deliver frontier towns to, ibid, 236, 237.

Walsingham discredits understanding between, and Spain, 217.

expected to join the Estates' camp, 227.

negotiation, by M. de Rambouillet, sent by his brother, for his marriage with Queen Elizabeth, 228, 229, 230.

repudiation by Henry III. of complicity in his adventure in Netherlands, ibid.

Poulett repeats his belief in absence of understanding between, and Spain
-, such understanding might grow up, &c., 232.

sends Neufville to France, with orders to King of Navarre to be in readiness to serve with full force, 232.

the Queen's invitation to, by Bacqueville, to visit England, withou committing herself to accept his suit, 234.

Poulett communicates to Cecil his belief that the Duke would end by becoming reconciled to Spain
-, dangers to grow therefrom, 235.

Lord Burghley's comments on Queen's message to, by Bacqueville, 238.

danger of Queen's alienating
-, her other friends already lost, 243.

Walsingham to go to, if summoned, re de Bacqueville's negotiation, 245.

expected to come over to England 'on hope only,' ibid, 'to take his adventure,' 245, 248.

Quesnoy, and other towns, protest against being delivered to, 246, 247, 259.

his mother writes to Wilson and Walsingham to forward match with Queen, 250, 251, 252.

to be invited not to bring up more troops, if the Estates and Don John can agree to lessen their armaments pending negotiation of peace by Emperor, 253.

awaits order of the Estates for junction of his forces with theirs, 259.

Walsingham resents time wasted in negotiating Queen's marriage with, 260.

absolute refusal by Quesnoy, &c., to be delivered to
-, a substitute suggested
-, the Duke's annoyance, 261, 276.

his Agent thanks Walsingham for his good offices to promote match with Queen
-, desires him to return home to urge it, 266.

offers Duke John Casimir a pension and living in France, 271.

desires to have two of his servants present in council of the Estates, ibid.

besieges Binche, 271, 272
-, his fine infantry, 272, 276, 278, 279.

godfather to child of Prince of Orange, 276.

outrages by his troops, 278.

in lieu of Quesnoy, &c., demands any two, of Tournay, Bruges, Lille,Mechlin, Douay, or Bapaume, withright to reside in Brussels, 283
-, desires Mons, 286, or Mechlin, 304 (p. 236).

forwards interceptd letters and announces towns seized by his troops in Franche-Comt, and renewed assault on Binche, to the Estates, 283, 287, 295.

his army ready to desert for home, 286, deserting, 291.

alleged secret intelligence between, and brother, ibid.

principal men about ready to leave, and to go home, 291.

plague in his camp, ibid.

'would pay a million crowns' never to have come
-, will soon retire, 291.

inefficiency of his operations against Binche, 293.

his operations in Franch-Comt occasion the return home to Burgundy of the Baron de Chevreaux, ibid, 304.

Duke John Casimir declines to serve under, 295.

his troops suffer by sortie from Binche
-, he wishes to have place 'at his mercy,' ibid, fresh repulse at, ibid (p. 226).

plot to win over Walloon regiments to, ibid (p. 225), 302.

begins 'to talk big,' 'not ashamed' to ask for Brussels, &c., ibid.

Spanish intrigues to win over, reported by Poulett
-, he prefers English alliance, under influence of Bussy and Simier, who have no hope of making their peace with Spain, 298.

intends to send Simier to England, ibid (p. 231).

his suspected connivance in Walloon revolt, 302.

rumour that he is to seize Hainault
-, the Prince of Orange, Brabant
-, and Duke John Casimir, Flanders, 304.

the garrison of Binche massacred, in spite of his pledges, 304.

his troops to join the Estates' camp, ibid.

his suit for Queen's hand commended by M. de Mauvissire to Lord Burghley's good offices, 305.

at Mons
-, expected to make war on men of Ghent
-, great part of his force has deserted to France, 307.

Duke John Casimir's distrust of, 309.

part of his troops, under Combelles, go to the aid of the Walloons, against men of Ghent
-, the rest going home, discontented
-, hope that he may follow them, ibid, 313, 317
-, some cut up by peasantry on way home
-, civil war about to revive in France, 317.

troops and powder sent by, to revolted Walloons, 318.

his troops at Fleurus, ready to pounce on towns
-, opposition to his occupation of Mechlin
-, growing distrust of, owing to suspicions of Queen Mother's journey south, ibid.

plot to marry, to the Infanta, ibid.

writes to Poulett
-, sends Agent to Swiss to excuse his raid on Franche-Comt, with proposal to share country with them
-, troops returning from, to France, killed, 323.

detachment of troops of, under Combelles, sack Lannoy 329.

at Mons
-, precautions of burghers against his troops mastering the town, ibid, 333.

Mechlin offered to, by the Estates
-, stands out for Brussels, ibid.

troops remaining with, in winter quarters at Binche, &c.
-, many fear to leave, their comrades having been slaughtered by peasantry on way home, ibid.

men of Arras arrest their magistrates on suspicion of an intrigue with, ibid, 333.

his army returning to France, and withdrawn from Burgundy, for want of money, 333.

a centre of disaffection, as against the Estates, ibid.

said to have enjoined mother not to solicit further the hand of the Infanta, ibid (p. 258).

allusion to his position at Mons, 339 (p. 259).

Simier on his behalf, negotiates by letter, that Queen Elizabeth shall dispense with interview, and proceed at once to discuss sureties to be given and required, 340, 341, 342.

letter of credence from, for M. des Pruneaux, sent to the Estates, to discuss situation in Flanders
-, recommends them to agree to proposal of the Estates of Hainault, 346.

the non-publication by the Estates of their treaty with, made his excuse for not joining their army with his, ibid.

Queen Elizabeth's consent to receive Simier construed as acceptance of Duke's suit, 348.

espouses cause of Walloons against Ghent, 351.

the Marquis of Havrech become a great favourite with, 352.

deputation to, from the Estates, to hinder his aiding the Walloons, ibid.

letters on behalf of, to Queen Elizabeth, from brother and mother, 359, 360, 361.

threatens the Estates, by MM. des Pruneaux and Rochepot, that he will join Walloons, unless they answer their engagements to him, 362.

occupies Mortagne on the Scheldt, to bar the passage to men of Ghent, 362.

danger of French, under Duke Casimir, fraternizing with French in his service, ibid.

strange proposition to, by Parliament of Dijon, ibid.

Beutterich's abuse of, in letter to Rogers, 365.

Pope refuses application of Hainault and Artois for, as Governor
-, hopes to become their Protector, 372.

his 'jealousy' of the Prince of Orange, ibid.

presses the Estates to come to a settlement with him, out of 'jealousy' of Duke Casimir's presence at Ghent, 373.

desire in Hainault and Artois to be rid of, 374.

his Agent at Arras, ibid (p. 289).

Queen Elizabeth declines to discuss articles with his Agent, before interview with, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391.

reports re English marriage, by his Agents in Paris to Poulett, with assurance of his sincerity, 393 (p. 302).

his illness
-, supposed to be Plague, 397, keeps his room, 407.

effort on his behalf, to induce malcontents, at Mons, to make war in Flanders
-, supposed connivance of Prince of Orange
-, the object being to induce the Estates to accept him as Lord, 397.

his brother ready to assist, if he can secure title of 'Lord' of the Netherlands, ibid (p. 305).

his coming into the Netherlands, promotes reconciliation between provinces and Spain, 403.

text of his commission to Simier to negotiate English marriage, 405, 406.

the Estates resolve to elect, as their Lord, if in three months' time the King of Spain does not make peace, 407, cf. 397
-, 413 (p. 323).

intrigues with Villiers, 407.

pension granted to, ibid.

one of his gentlemen killed by Duke John Casimir's men, ibid, 413, 455.

messenger from, to Queen-Mother avoids waiting on King of Navarre
-, deductions from the occurrence, 423.

Simier, after awaiting instructions from, at Paris, departs for England, 423, 424.

treaty between, and the Estates, mentioned, 426, 430, 443.

his troops occupy Cassel
-, he recalls them, 430.

M. des Pruneaux' letters of credence from, to the Estates
-, speaks of himself as an 'auxiliary Prince,' &c., 442.

new contract between, and the Estates
-, if they fail within three or four months to compound with King they will take him as their Prince, 445, 453, 457.

apologies to, by Ghent for outrage on M. de Bonivet, 449, 452, upon his complaint
-, he attributes the fault to Duke John Casimir, 455 (p. 352), 460.

discourse on behalf of, to the Estates
-, resents not being consulted re troubles at Ghent, 457.

levies for, in Germany, 460, 473.

announces his approaching return to France to the Estates, 462, and the result of his negotiations in Franche Comt, 463, 464
-, the Estates' acknowledgement, with invitation to him to return, and request for the withdrawal of French troops from Flanders, 465.

his departure, for Anjou, due to revolt of French provinces from crown, 468, and partly to his 'cold success' in Netherlands, 471.

leaves M. des Pruneaux as his resident Ambassador with the Estates
-, goes to Cond, 473.

attempts, at his departure, to treacherously surprise town of Mons, 471, 473
-, the episode described, 476, explained, 488.

proposal to 'break' all French officers in the Estates service, 473.

refuses to go to court
-, bound for Angers, 478.

will not, in Poulett's opinion, go to England, 479.

his defence, as to his action at Mons, &c., before the Estates by M. des Pruneaux, 485, 486, 496.

negotiation with, at Cond by MM. de Froidmont and Martini, 487, 494 (p. 377), 495, 496, 497, 499.

sends to Prince of Orange to furnish garrisons for places he was minded to restore, 488, 511.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, of compliment, 491.

French 'regarded with disdain and as enemies,' in consequence of his attempt on Mons, 494 (p. 376).

M. La Noue again sent to, at Cond by Prince of Orange, 496.

his attempt on Mons discredited, ibid.

his return to France, at brother's desire, ibid.

their Commissioners report to the Estates his dissatisfaction
-, his personal discomfort at Cond, 497, 499.

the Estates offer him Mechlin, Vilvorde and Nivelles pending settlement in full of his claims, 502.

Rossel reports to Walsingham secret understanding between, and Prince of Orange, with suggestion that Prince connived at his seizing Mons
-, towns of Ath and Mechlin offered to him
-, summoned to France by King, 504, 523.

letter of farewell from, to Prince of Orange
-, is withdrawing all French troops, 511, 516.

his withdrawal inclines Prince of Parma to agree to armistice, 520.

Rossel comments on the discouragement occasioned by his withdrawal among the inner council of the Prince of Orange, 522.

desire in England that he should come over, 524.

Queen Elizabeth, at Simier's suggestion, rebukes the Estates for their unfriendly treatment of, 527, 540, 544.

his Agents are jealous of Duke John Casimir's visit to England, as spoiling Duke's embassy, 531.

accepts Ath
-, waits to see if the Estates will 'alter their wonted trifling,' 535.

embassy of the Marquis of Havrech, the Abbot of St. Gertrude and M. de Meetkerke to conduct him honourably, to the frontier, &c., 535, or to detain, 539, 544.

his departure, hastened by refusal of Ath to receive him, 540.

various reports of his movements
-, proposes to await at La Fre the general assembly of the eighteen provinces
-, was refused entry to La Fre by the governor
-, goes through to Alenon, to prepare for journey for England, or to be so far away, as the better to excuse his not going there, 550, 555.

sends M. de Bourges to the Turk, to incite him to attack Spain
-, the Emperor's anger, 550, 555.

suggested existence of understanding between, and the Duke of Guise, for preparation of naval enterprise, 552 (cf. 185).

encouraged by brother to make voyage to England
-, the King's desire to meet, 553.

hopes held out to, by the Estates, to hinder him from joining the Walloons, 555.

the Bishop of Ross has papal brief to, 565.

letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, with felicitations on his escape from a 'true mob,' i.e. the Estates, 566.

across Seine, goes to Angers, 569.

continued hope of M. des Pruneaux to 'obtain the Garland' for, at general Assembly of the Estates, 573, 576, 587.

the Duke of Guise not sure of
-, courted by 'those of best credit' in Normandy, 579 (p. 431).

Walsingham reports to Davison that Queen will probably marry, though match is not greatly to her liking, as the best means to provide for her safety, 584.

the Estates send M. de Melroy to, 595.

his journey to England discussed in Low Countries
-, his marriage with the Infanta Catherine abandoned, 595.

letters from Queen Elizabeth to his mother, sister and himself on his suit, 603, 604, 605.

'noted for perfidy and other lightnesses and vices,' 609.

demand that he shall be declared sovereign of the Low Countries by treaty, since the Estates cannot assemble, ibid.

account by Poulett of audience with, 618.

his reconciliation with his brother
-, his surreptitious arrival in Paris, 618, 619, sleeps in King's chamber, 635.

his relations to the Duke of Guise a test of his feelings to Queen Elizabeth, 619.

letter to, from Queen, 620.

writes to the Estates of Artois, anxious lest their secession should prevent offer to him, at General Assembly of the Estates General, of the lordship of the Low Countries, 621.

requests passage through territory of Geneva, 623, 647.

Count Lalaing true to, 629.

his Agent persuades the Estates that to send Commissioners to Cologne is contrary to their contract with, 629, their excuses, 641, 642.

arguments for and against Queen Elizabeth's espousing, 633.

renewed rumour of his suit for the Infanta Catherine, 634, 638, 641.

'greatly offended' with Count Lalaing, 635.

the Estates nominate certain gentlemen to bring him back as 'Protector,' 635.

his brother's speeches to Poulett as to his marriage to Queen Elizabeth, 650

Simier writes to M. des Pruneaux of his negotiation on behalf of, in England, 652.

his business 'succeeds coldly' in the Estates, 657.

Poulett anxious lest galleys prepared to convey him to England, may be employed otherwise. 667.

returns to Paris
-, met by King
-, travels in same coach with the King, the Cardinal, and the Duke of Guise, and the Duke of Nevers, 667 bis.

preparations for his journey to England, ibid.

M. de Bussy, a faithful servant to
-, removed from his person to satisfy King, 667 bis.

demands made on his behalf, on treaty for marriage, and reasons for their rejection, set out by Queen, in letter to Poulett, 674.

his Agent assures the Estates of the conclusion of his English marriage
-, to be chosen Lord of Low Countries, unless peace is granted by Spain in fortnight, 695.

letter on his behalf, to Queen Elizabeth, from his sister the Queen of Navarre, 698.

-, letters and dispatches from, 28, 78, 79, 83, 283 (2), 346, 442, 462, 463, 491, 671.

-, letters and dispatches to, 99, 100, 101, 156, 469, 566, 605, 620.

-, Duke of Saxe-Lawenbourg, bringing 'reiters' to Don John, 259, 276, 295 (p. 226), 339 (p. 260), arrives, 496
-, negotiates a free pass homewards for 'reiters' in service of the Estates, 587.

Francs taupins, Franctaulpins, 333, 427, 494 (p. 377).

Frank, the (of Bruges), deputies from, at Ghent, 383.

-, 378, 496
-, alternative routes to, from Emden, 626.

Frankfort Fair
-, troops to receive arrears of pay at, 504
-, Sturmius' Antipappi published at, 673.

Frederick, Marquis of Brandenburg, Marquis of Anspach, 'the Margrave, Sturmius advises that English embassy be sent to re Ubiquitarianism, 673.

Frederick II., King of Denmark and Norway :

proposed English mission to re piracy, 47.

named in treaty between Duke of Anjou and Estates, 163.

letters from, to Queen Elizabeth, forwarding complaints of piracy, 577.

letters from, on behalf of Englishmen, to Lbeck, 664.

Fredrigo, Antonio, merchant of the Steelyard, 625.

Fremin, Fremyn, M. C. de :

letters from, to Davison, with reports on military operations, 263, 272, 278, 279, 286, 291, 307, 317, 502.

hands over his company to Duke John Casimir
-, offers refusal of carriage and horses to Davison, 401.

letter from, to Davison, prophesying a war of Religion, under cloak of which the nobility would satisfy their hatred of the Prince of Orange, 523.

-, in service of Estates General, near Brussels, 13
-, slighted by authorities
-, their operations described, 125
-, outrages by, in France, on way to join Duke of Anjou, 188
-, those in service of the Estates dying or deserting, 263, invited by 'reiters' to mutiny, they decline, 272, they desert daily, 278, 279, 286
-, massacre the garrison of Binch, 304
-, those under Combelles sack Lannoy, 329
-, in service of the Estates, 408 (p. 314)
-, those serving with Duke John Casimir spoiling country near Bruges
-, their junction feared with French serving with the Walloons, 447, 450, 451
-, those with the Walloons go home, with rich booty, 480
-, the Chtellanies in Flanders 'cry murder' on M. d'Argentlieu's companies, 492
-, those in service of the Estates demand to be paid, before marching to relief of Carpen, 502
-, Rossel employed to pay, and conduct to France, residue of pay to be delivered to them at Frankfort Fair, 504, 505, 521, 522
-, those of the regiments of M. de Boncourt and M. de 'Hargenlieu' attacked by peasants and disarmed, 550, 555, slaughter peasants, 573
-, Rossel had begun to get them out of country, when they were recalled to oppose advance of Prince of Parma, 576
-, in garrison at Herenthals, 587
-, refuse to follow Rossel to Herenthals, 591, he places them at Borgerhout
-, their losses in action there, 595, mentioned, 600
-, continue to be employed by the Estates, 609, to be sent back under M. de la Noue, to Flanders, 623, 629, conducted thither by Rossel, 635
-, other French, under M. de Mouy reinforce M. de la Noue, 642
-, Rossel sent to 'reduce into one regiment'
-, process hindered by neighbourhood of the Walloons
-, M. de la Noue opposed to, 695.

French County. See Franche Comt.

Fresin, Frezin, M. de. See Gavre, Charles de.

Frias, Diego de, 615 (p. 460).

Friberch, Friburche. See Friedberg.

Friedberg, Friberch, Friburche, near Frankfort, in the Wetterau, route vi to Frankfort, 626.

-, Governor of. See Brendel.

Friesland, Frize, Phrize :

French intervention disliked in, 76.

contribution from, to Duke John Casimir's expenses, 182.

send deputies to Nimuegen to arrange offensive and defensive league with Holland, Zealand, Guelders, Groningen and Overyssel, 287 (p. 219)
-, the meeting at Utrecht
-, join in the Union of Utrecht, 339 (p. 259), 544, 555.

Ghent can expct no assistance from, 383.

staunch for the Pacification of Ghent, 443.

deputies from, solicit the Estates, in the absence of the Prince of Orange, that 'the religion' may be removed from, 496.

contribution from, to army, 585.

represented at meeting of the Estates General, 647, 656.

Friesland, Governor of. See Ville, M. de.

Friesland, East, routes from, to Frankfort, 626.

-, Fronsberg, Frundsberg, George, Colonel, brings German levies to Don John, 271, 339 (p. 260)
-, commands 'Germans' for Prince of Parma, 591.

Frize. See Friesland.

Fromont, Froidmont. See Froymont.

Fronsberg. See Frinsberg.

Froymont, Froidmont Fromont, M. de. See Bourgoyne.

Frumentus, Alexander, Papal Nuncio in Portugal, appeal to by James Fitzgerald, 685.

Frundsberg. See Frinsberg.

Frydensheitt, Count of, 488 (p. 372).

Fuenterrabia, Fontarrabia, town near, taken by Spaniards, 318.

Fugger, Fouker, Charles, Colonel, exchanged for Dutch prisoner. 641.

Fugieres. See Fougre.

Furemberg, , officer of the Archduke Charles, besieged at Bitz, 95.

Furryer, Furrier, John, carries dispatches, 385, 399.