Index: D

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



D. T., report from, to Prince of Orange on Spanish affairs, 677.

D'Aerschot, Duke. See Croy, Philippe.

D'Aremberg. See Aremberg.

D'Ask, M. See Assche.

D'Avila. See Avila.

D'Oria. See Doria.

Dale, Valentine, D.C.L., Judge of the Court of Admiralty, appeal from, 483.

-, Dalem, Dalen, Dalin, near Maestricht, cannonaded by Spanish, 33, taken, the defenders butchered, 42
-, held by Don John, 53.

-, Dammartin, 'Don Martin,' Master of Requests in the Household of Duke of Anjou, 33
-, his oration to the Estates on his master's behalf, 42, text, 45, 46
-, at Antwerp, for master
-, formerly servant of Lady Lenox, 65
-, meets Walsingham, 89 (p. 69), 106
-, mentioned, 109, 118 (p. 97)
-, Agent from Duke, to confer with English Ambassadors, 126
-, book attributed to, 174
-, letter of credence for, to the Estates, 462
-, his speech, mentioned, 468 (p. 361), 473, 476, 494 (p. 377).

Damville. See Montmorency.

Dan Janist. See Johannists.

-, Danske, English trade with, 131
-, restrictions in, on English trade, 664.

Darpe, M., commands company for Prince of Orange at Ath, 60 (p. 48).

-, Petrus, Councillor of Duke John Casimir, his evil influence with, 351 (p. 268), 357
-, issues pamphlet in Flemish against Prince of Orange, 455.

Daubermounte. See Aubremont, d'.

Dauphin of France, a Dolphin, 58.

Dauphin, Prince. See Bourbon, Franois de.

Dauphin, reported revolt in, against King, 468.

Davison, William, English agent accredited to Estates General of the Netherlands :

declines to make advance to Estates on English loan, 1.

Queen's instructions to, pending arrival of Special Embassy, 3.

Walsingham apprises, of Spanish designs near Calais, 4.

'his private suit,' Walsingham's efforts to advance, 4
-, mentioned, 299, 300, 308, 356, 411, 459, 472, 489, 506, 549.

Agents sent to, by Duke John Casimir, 5.

Wilson informs, of good acceptance of his letter by Queen, 6.

his praises reported to him, from home, 12.

mentioned by M. de Villiers, 14.

correspondence with, of Captain Bingham, touching English troops in service of the Estates, 22, 23.

instructed by Queen's Ambassadors to warn all and sundry against too high expectations from their mission, 24.

letter to, from Tomson, with enclosure to be shown to M. Villiers, 26.

reports series of Spanish successes to Burghley and Wilson, and persistence of Duke of Anjou in enterprise, encouraged, as alleged, by Queen Elizabeth, 33, 36.

pressed by Estates, in matter of loan
-, reports to Ambassador, 34, 35.

Ambassadors announce their arrival to, and direct him to meet them at Steken, 38.

instructions to, from Walsingham, as to reasons to be used to induce Queen to forward bonds and to forego the first 20,000l. received on them, 40
-, applies to Lord Burghley for bonds, with particulars of sums 'taken up,' 43, 44.

reports determination of Estates to fight, without waiting for Duke John Casimir
-, also rumour that French preparations are to defend themselves against the Duke, 80.

letter from, to Lord Burghley, discussing situation created by arrival of Duke of Anjou at Mons, 87 bis.

directed to raise no more money on bonds, 91, 94.

discusses question of Duke of Anjou's intervention in letters to Lord Burghley, 97, Wilson, 98, Hatton, 104, and Lord Burghley, 105.

his remonstrance at non-delivery of Queen's bonds, 'as touching her credit,' 98.

acknowledges orders, touching bonds, in letter to Wilson, but renews his protest, 112.

his letter approved by Queen
-, advised to write oftener, 113

applied to, by Duke John Casimir, for final instalment of Queen's loan, 116.

memorandum of his negotiations for English loan to the Estates, 129, 130.

reports English gallantry at repulse of Rymenan, 135, 136, 137, 138.

brief note to, from Lord Leicester, 150.

acknowledgements to, from Lord Burghley, 153.

reports military intelligence to Lord Burghley, 157.

Wilson encourages
-, his reward will come, 158.

application to, on behalf of wool trade of Holland, 164.

reports to Lord Burghley that Don John shows inclination to peace, 167, 168.

Wilson apologizes to, for not sending back his servant, 172.

note to, from Lord Leicester, 173.

desired by Walsingham to raise money for pay of English troops, 176.

note to, from Walsingham, on way to Don John, 177.

letter from, to Wilson, covering above
-, speculations on Don John's desire for peace, 178.

news-letter from, to Lord Burghley, 180, 181.

memorandum addressed to, by Estates, of arrangements made for subsidizing Duke John Casimir's troops, with urgent request for further assistance, 182.

notes to, from Walsingham, 195, 206.

the Queen's interpretation of his dealings re loan, 197.

note to, from Wilson
-, his dispatch shewn to Queen, 204

news-letter from, to Lord Burghley, 211, 212.

identical letters from, to Lords Burghley and Leicester, 236, 237.

Wilson instructs, touching bonds now forwarded, for which he held procuration, 244.

news-letter from, to Lord Leicester, 246.

note to, from Wilson, sent by Davison's servant, 257.

news-letters from, to Wilson, 259, 276.

reports to, by Fremin of movements of armies, 263, 272, 278, 279, 286, 291, 307, 317, 502.

note to, from Walsingham, recommending Sootheake's case, &c., 282.

news-letter from, to Walsingham, 287, 288, 289.

note from, to Sir Walter Mildmay, 290.

letter to, from Rowland Yorke, with account of operations at Binche, 293.

note from, to Lord Burghley, 294.

letter to, from Walsingham, in England. 299.

letter to, from Lawrence Tomson. on form of service in the English House at Antwerp, 300.

news-letter from, to Lord Burghley and the Secretaries, 302, 303.

letter to, from Wilson, with Queen's orders for delivery of 8,000l. for pay of Duke John Casimir's troops, 306, the like from Walsingham, 322.

informs Walsingham of progress of dispute between the Governor and Chaplain of the English House at Antwerp
-, and of payments made by him, without orders, to the Estates, 308
-, Walsingham obtains Queen's sanction to payment of 8,000l. to the Estates, 322.

first instance of his signature as 'Davidson,' ibid.

news-letters from, to the Secretaries, 309, 311, 312
-, to Lord Leicester, and Lord Burghley and Walsingham, 313, 314, 315.

the Queen's orders to, to recommend the Estates to cease their dissensions, and to be moderate in religious change, 316.

Walsingham's advice to, unofficially, for his conduct, re Duke John Casimir, &c., 319, 320.

letter to, from Walsingham, who had left for home, to engage Queen to allow 8,000l. to be paid to the Estates by him, 323. Cf. 306, 308.

letter of credence from Duke Casimir to, for Councillor Junius, 324.

letter to, from Randolph, 326.

advice to, from Walsingham, how to write home on subject of loan to the Estates, &c.
-, to send express messengers on such occasions as Don John's death, 328, 357
-, good effect of instructions, 349.

letters from, to Lord Burghley and Walsingham on dissensions in Flanders, 329, 330, 331, 332.

Rossel conceals his correspondence with Walsingham from, 333.

promissory note by, to Spinola, for balance of 400l. due to, 334
-, his indemnity in respect of note, from the Estates, 349.

letter to, from Killigrew, with advice as to whom of the Privy Council to court, 336.

directed to secure arrest of thief, 337.

Wilson laments in letter to, the internal disputes in Netherlands, 345.

dispatch from, to Walsingham
-, had conveyed tenour of Walsingham's instructions, re bonds, Duke Casimir, &c. to the Estates officials, with good effect
-, about to go to Ghent, 349.

note from, to Killegrew, 350.

reports from, to Lord Leicester, the Secretaries and Lord Burghley, on growth of civil war in Netherlands, arising from dispute between Ghent and the Walloons
-, going to Ghent at request of the Estates, 351, 352, 353, 354.

pays balance of loan, as directed, to the council of the Estates, for use of Duke Casimir
-, gives promissory note for 400l. due to Spinola
-, obtains bond from City of Antwerp
-, promised bonds from Bruges and Brussels, 353
-, letter from the Estates requiring towns to give him such bonds, 354.

Walsingham repeats Queen's orders that he shall visit Ghent
-, instructions to, re loan
-, his suit for a reversion (cf. 299, 300, 308) favourably considered by Queen
-, to obtain satisfaction for Merchant Adventurers from Holland and Zealand, 356, 357.

report to, on military matters, by Fornari, 358.

Duke John Casimir returns him, with indignant letter, his summary in writing of his remonstrance with the Duke, 364.

abuse of, by Beutterich, in letter to Rogers, 365.

complaint of, by the Duke, to Walsingham, 366.

letter to, from Walsingham
-, Queen vexed at his delay in going to Ghent
-, to 'deal roundly' with Beutterich and the Duke
-, money designed for Duke to be otherwise applied, 369.

letter to, from Mr. Travers, with arguments reported, for and against the toleration of Papists by the men of Ghent, 370.

his wife mentioned, and children, in Antwerp, ibid.

letter to, from Wilson
-, fears Prince of Orange in danger, 371.

Walsingham reports to him receipt by Queen of letter from Prince of Parma
-, he is to forward her reply
-, Queen annoyed at not hearing from him
-, to be more 'diligent in advertising,' 372.

Grobbendonck hopes he may procure release of prisoners at Ghent, as essential to settlement with the Walloons, 373.

Duke John Casimir writes to Lord Leicester with complaint of, 375, 376.

applications to, by the Vidame de Chartres for funds, 378, 396, 436.

letter to, from Spinola, with excuses for not furnishing small sum required by
-, and with application for his 30,000 florins, 381.

letter to, from same
-, he is bargaining for a 'coif'
-, requests repayment, by Queen, of 30,000 florins advanced by him (for redeeming jewels), and (400l.) deficiency on Queen's obligations, 382.

despatch from, to the Secretaries, with summaries of his discourses to the men of Ghent and Duke John Casimir, 383, 384, 385.

dispatches from, to the same, reporting internal dissensions in Ghent and successes by the Walloons, 394, 395
-, the Prince of Orange invited to assume Governorship of Flanders
-, decision of Ghent not yet known, 399.

reports that Spinola has 'dealt very lewdly' with him
-, desires he may receive no consideration, 399
-, Walsingham's reply, 411.

M. de Famar sent to, by Prince of Orange, 400.

letter to, from Fremyn, offering him the refusal of carriage and horses, 401.

notified by Walsingham of Powlett's discovery of reconciliation of southern part of Netherlands to Spain, 403.

the Queen approves his speech to Duke John Casimir, ibid.

letters to, from Walsingham
-, to promote reconciliation between the Prince of Orange, and Duke John Casimir, &c., 411, 419.

his suit to the Queen alluded to, 411.

dispatch from, to the Secretaries, reporting his return to Antwerp having obtained bonds of Bruges and Ghent
-, describes position of Ghent, between Hembize, the Prince of Orange, and Duke John Casimer
-, general revolt of Southern Provinces to Spain, 413, 414, 415
-, covering letter, 417.

letter from, to Lord Burghley on Duke John Casimir's offence with him, 416. Cf. 413 (p. 323).

letter to, from Zuleger, on meeting between Duke John Casimir and the Prince of Orange, 421.

letters to, from Jacques Somere, with news from Ghent, 425, 449, 458, 492
-, from Antwerp, 684, 688.

letters to, from Wilson, and Lord Leicester, announcing Rogers' dispatch, 428, 438, 439, 440.

dispatches from, to the Secretaries and Lord Burghley on negotiations of Prince of Orange at Ghent, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 444.

news-letter from, to Walsingham, 445.

letter of thanks to, from Prince of Orange, for his action at Ghent
-, also for intercepted letters, 446.

dispatches from, to Lord Burghley and the Secretaries, on affairs at Ghent, Artois, &c., 450, 451.

Rogers anxious to meet, 456.

letter to, from Walsingham
-, his 'suit dispatched'
-, bidden to write more 'seasonably'
-, his reports forestalled 'by some other's diligence,' 459.

news-letter from, to the Secretaries, 460, 461.

letters from, to Lord Burghley, and the Secretaries, reporting general news, and the treachery of the Duke of Anjou at Mons, 471, 473, 474, 475.

letter of thanks from, to Walsingham for 'the dispatch' of his 'particular cause,' 472.

in reply to Lord Leicester, promises to go again to Ghent, 477.

report to, by Thomas Stokes, from Bruges, 480.

summary of his negotiations, A.D. 1584, 482.

warned by Sir Francis Walsingham's servant to get exemplification under Great Seal of his grant, 489.

letter to, from Wilson
-, the Queen had found fault with him
-, Wilson had instanced his dealings at Ghent, as proof of 'courage and wisdom,' 490.

'the discontent and black looks of the Agent,' alluded to by Rossel, occasioned by Rossel's activity in purveying news, 494.

Rogers reports Duke John Casimer partially reconciled to, but Beutterich still 'intemperate' as to, 496, 498, 506, 512, 513.

letter from, to Lord Leicester
-, has delivered presents sent, to Prince and Princess of Orange and Duke John Casimir
-, will buy him wine as ordered, &c.
-, with thanks for securing the 'dispatch' of his 'poor suit,' 506, 507.

letters to, from Walsingham, on behalf of Horatio Pallavicino, and concerning the alleged confession of Egremond Ratcliffe, 509, 510.

letters from, to Walsingham, on matter of Spinola's bond, and the wrong the Queen would do her own credit, the arrest of the Bishop of Ross, &c., 508, 512, 513, 515, 517.

desires to be associated with any special embassy Queen may send to promote peace negotiations, 512, Walsingham's reply, 526.

requests more frequent payment, 513.

letter from, to Lord Burghley, 514.

letter to, from Walsingham, on behalf of Pietro Lupo, 518.

deprecates Beutterich's attacks on himself, in letter to Walsingham, 519, Walsingham's reply, 526, 530.

alludes to his spies in camp of Prince of Parma, 519.

letter to, from Femyn, foretelling war of Religion, under cloak of which Nobility would gratify their spite to Prince of Orange, 397.

application to, by Randolph, on behalf of a young cousin, prisoner with the Spanish, 524.

letter to, from Walsingham, recommending dispatch by the Estates of an Agent to treat with Queen, &c., 526
-, followed by letter the next day, from Walsingham's clerk, to opposite effect, 527.

letter to, from Walsingham
-, on Duke John Casimir's reception
-, the Queen proposes to recall, to save expense, and finding the Estates 'ingrate,' 530.

letters from, to Lord Leicester
-, touching supply of wine, &c., 531, 534.

letter from, to Lord Burghley, with urgent request for six months' 'diets' beforehand
-, his expenses double his salary, 532, 533.

dispatch from, to the secretaries, with general news, 535, 536, 537.

letter from, to Walsingham, touching Ratcliffe's confession, 538, 539.

owes his life to an old servant, 538.

letter from, to (?) Randolf, 539 (c).

dispatch from, to the Secretaries, 540 (cf. 507, 539).

letters to, from Adolf, Count Neuenahr, 543, 628.

letter from, to Walsingham, reporting delivery to the Estates of Queen's letter, touching the Duke of Anjou, 544.

letter to, from Walsingham, bidding him write oftener
-, he will not be 'revoked,' 545.

instructed to inform the Estates of the Queen's repudiation of her bonds, 546.

letter from, to his cousin Cheek, acknowledging congratulations on his 'late obtained suit'
-, hints at his retirement, at his own request
-, mentions affection of his eyes, 549.

letters and drafts of letters from, to the Secretaries, Lord Sussex, and Lord Burghley, 550, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560.

pain in eyes has almost blinded, 559.

letter to, from Walsingham, on Duke John Casimir's reception in England, and Queen's repudiation of bonds, 569, his reply, 571, 572.

anxious that, in any case, Queen's bond for the 400l. in which he was bound, may be given, 571.

protests against arrests in England under colour of bills of the Estates, ibid.

requests Walsingham to send him book of Treaties, ibid.

letter from, to Walsingham on his servant's escape and with general news, 573, 574, 575.

applies for extra allowance
-, food in Antwerp at famine prices, 573.

letter to, from the 'Prisoners of Ghent,' then at Dendermonde, for further aid, 583.

letter to, from Walsingham
-, the dearth at Antwerp might lead the Queen to recall him
-, if she repudiated her bonds it would be difficult to 'have over' the pledged jewels
-, she proposed to provide for her own safety by marrying the Duke, 584.

dispatch from, with military intelligence, to the Secretaries, 587, 588, 589, 590, 592, 593, 594.

forwards all bonds in his hands home
-, desires orders touching jewels, 592

'half blind and very ill and sickly,' ibid.
-, excuses himself to Lord Burghley on account of 'an humour fallen into' his eyes, 596, 'some infirmity in my eyes,' 630.

dispatch from, to the Secretaries
-, he has sent the bonds
-, advises the jewels should be sent over, when the Queen might, without prejudice, honour her bonds, 597
-, to the like effect, to Walsingham, 610.

letter from, to Walsingham, to let beer come over duty free for Prince of Orange, 598, 599.

suspected by Rossel of hindering the dispatch of his letters, 600.

dispatch from, to the Secretaries with account of the fight at Borgerhout, 601, 602.

directed to search for English thieves, 606.

letter to, from Schetz, 612.

dispatch from, to the Secretaries, reporting revolution in Ghent, 614.

dispatches from, to same, 621, 629, 638, 641.

letter to, from Wilson, who has failed to obtain extra allowance for, from Queen
-, she had wished to recall him, 622.

compliments to his wife and little girl, 628.

letter from, to Lord Leicester, 631, 634.

anxious for receipt for bonds sent over, 638.

complimentary letter from, to Philip Sidney, 639.

directed by Walsingham and Wilson to apply for Mr. Cobham's pay, &c., from the Estates, 640, 659.

letter from, to Robert Browne, an old friend, 643.

directions to, from Queen and Walsingham, to bring over jewels pledged by the Estates, by the 'fleet of the Staplers, at Bruges'
-, and to inform the Estates that they must give bond for the interest on Spinola and Pallavicino's advances, which she was unable to repay
-, also that she refused to pay the 30,000 fl. advanced by Spinola to get jewels out of pledge, 645, 646, 648, 649.

news-letters from, to Lord Leicester and the Secretaries, 655, 656.

letter from, to
-, speaks of Queen having 'vouchsafed' him 'long-desired leave' of absence, &c., 657.

letter from, to Walsingham
-, hopes Queen for sake of her credit will honour her bonds, 658.

letter to, from Tomson, 660.

letters from, to Walsingham, with general news, opinion conceived of his recall to England, and conveyance over of jewels, 668, 669, 670, 671.

complimented by the Estates on occasion of his recall, 669.

in doubt how he can depart with the jewels, leaving Spinola's claims unsatisfied, 670.

letter to, from Tomson, 672.

letters from, to Walsingham, explaining his delay in starting and with general news, 675, 678.

letters in commendation of, to the Queen, on his recall, from the Prince of Orange and Marquis of Havrech, 679, 680.

receipt by, to Spinola, for bond of the Estates in 3,000l. odd, for which Queen's bond was sought to be substituted, 681.

letters to, in England, descriptive of religious disturbances in Antwerp, 684
-, of Count Egmont's treason at Brussels, 687, 688, 691.

letter to, from M. de Villiers, with compliments to his wife, 692.

Jan van Witenhorst recommends his suit before Privy Council to, 693.

endorsements, &c., by, 46, 55, 56, 58, 129, 178, 226, 283, 289, 303, 311, 312, 320, 324, 325, 327, 357, 368, 585, 590.

letters and dispatches from, 1, 13, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 80, 87 (2), 97, 98, 104, 105, 112, 126, 135, 136, 137, 138, 157, 167, 168, 178, 180, 211, 212, 236, 237, 246, 259, 276, 287, 288, 289, 290, 294, 301, 302, 303, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 329, 330, 331, 332, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 394, 395, 399, 413, 416, 417, 430, 435, 444, 445, 450, 451, 460, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 477, 506, 508, 512, 513, 514, 517, 519, 531, 532, 534, 535, 538, 540, 544, 549, 550, 554, 555, 559, 560, 571, 573, 587, 592, 596, 597, 598, 601, 610, 614, 621, 629, 630, 631, 634, 638, 639, 641, 643, 655, 656, 657, 658, 668, 669, 670, 675, 678, 681.

letters and dispatches to, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 38, 40, 94, 95, 113, 116, 125, 150, 158, 164, 172, 173, 176, 177, 182, 189, 195, 204, 206, 244, 257, 263, 272, 278, 279, 282, 286, 291, 293, 299, 300, 306, 307, 316, 317, 319, 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, 336, 337, 345, 356, 357, 358, 364, 369, 370, 371, 372, 378, 381, 396, 400, 401, 403, 411, 419, 421, 425, 428, 436, 446, 449, 452, 456, 457, 458, 459, 480, 489, 490, 492, 502, 509, 510, 518, 523, 524, 526, 527, 530, 543, 545, 546, 569, 570, 574, 583, 584, 606, 612, 622, 628, 640, 646, 648, 659, 660, 672, 683, 684, 687, 688, 691, 692, 693.

'De Cyprio et Pannonico bello', printed at Basle, 267.

Deane, James, of London, clothier, 627.

Dehayes, M. See Hze.

Delafalye. See Falye, de la.

Delanoye, John and Nicholas, of Lille, merchants in London, exporting cloth to Hamburgh, 665.

Delbene, Masino, servant of the Queen Mother of France, to be sent on mission to Tuscany, 21.

Delmenhorst, Delmanhurst, 626.

Demer, Demere, river, 112, 329.

Demetrius, Emanuel, merchant of the Steelyard, 624.

Dems, Annibal. See Hohenems.

-, Duke John Casimir, willing to go to, 365
-, Prince of Orange expected at, 399, at, 401, 407, 413, 436, 492, 496
-, prisoners arrive at, from Ghent, 535 (p. 404)
-, rising of peasants near, 555
-, men of Ghent killed at, 609
-, prisoners of Ghent removed back to Ghent from
-, Catholic worship suppressed in, 621, 638.

-, letters dated at, 400, 583.

Denebran, M., a German, Deputy Governor of Douai for the Estates, 60 (p. 47).

Denmark, King of. See Frederick.

-, -, his suit for Queen Elizabeth's hand, 234.

Dennetierres, Dentiers, A., countersigns letter of King Philp II, of Spain, 580 (5).

Dentiers. See Dennetierres.

Deputy, Lord. See Sidney, Henry.

Derberg. See Driburg.

Deryove. See Ryhove.

Desfontaines, , signs memorial from Lille, 420.

Desme, Captain, 677.

Desmond, Jacques de. See Fitzgerald.

Deurne, Duren, in suburb of Antwerp, forces of Prince of Parma reach, 587.

Deventer upon the Yssel
-, held by Don John, 53
-, expected surrender of, to the Estates of Gueldres, 104, 107, 112
-, preparations for attack on, 125, 126
-, Duke John Casimir fails to attack, for lack of cannon, 143
-, holding out against the Estates of Gueldres, 237, relieved, 318
-, surrender of, reported, 398.

Deynse next Peteghem, taken from Gauntois by M. de Montigny, 374.

Diamond-cutters of Antwerp, 429.

Dienquerque. See Dunkirk.

-, garrison at, 551
-, Poulett's dispatch sent vi, 579 (p. 431).

-, Don John's army near, 87 bis, 97
-, expected evacuation of, by Don John, 104, 112
-, Don John near, 126
-, Don John abandons, 178, 180
-, portion of army of the Estates to winter at, 329, 338, 350
-, reinforced by Spaniards, 352
-, Estates' camp near, 362
-, reinforced by Spaniards, 380 (p. 293), 398
-, aggressive movement from, 407
-, Spaniards retire to, 609, reinforced, 675.

Digges, John, his report to Lord Burghley on the military strength of the Netherlands, 227.

-, House of Guise to meet at, 21 (p. 15)
-, Parliament of, protests to other Parliaments of France, against breach of neutrality in invading Franche Comt, 362
-, assembly at, of House of Guise, 478.

-, James Fitzmorris at, 71
-, document dated at, 110.

Dion, M. de. See Yon.

Dixmude, taken by Walloons, 380, 394, 399.

Dobeni, Baron. See Aubigny, d'.

Doberbien. See Auberlieu, d'.

Doesburg, Doesborgh, letters dated at, 143, 144.

Dolinville. See Ollainville.

Dollman, Thomas, of Newbury, 627.

Dolphin. See Dauphin.

Dom Nunalvarez, 696.

'Domestical people', as opposed to foreigners, 49.

Don Bernardino. See Mendoza.

-, John of Austria. See Austria.

'Don Martin'. See Dampmartin.

-, obligation of city of, to be given for English loan, 321
-, mentioned, 358.

-, letter dated at, 628.

Doria, Andrea, Prince of Malfi, letter to, from Don John, intercepted, 287, 295 (p. 225).

-, Antonio, his belief in the efficacy of prayer, 682.

-, Giovanni Andrea, brings troops for conquest of Portugal, 682 (p. 513).

-, Marcello, in command of Spanish galleys, 32
-, takes pirate 'biremes,' 95
-, at Marseilles, with Spanish fleet, bound for Barbary, Poulett's suspicions of, 347
-, reports from, on Portugal, 682.

Dornicq, 437. See Tournai.

Dorp, Adrain, governor of Zerickzee, prisoner with Spanish exchanged for Colonel Fugger, 641.

Dorpes, 480.

-, Douay, subordinate to Lille, 58
-, description of, 60 (p. 47)
-, applies to Estates General for instructions, re overtures of Duke Anjou
-, referred to local Estates, 104
-, demanded by Duke of Anjou, 283, 295 (p. 225)
-, danger of unpaid rabble of soldiery spreading to, 292
-, townsmen expel Jesuits from, 329, 333, 339 (p. 259)
-, Spanish intrigue in, 363, 425
-, Catholic reaction at, Jesuits recalled, 374, 413 (p. 322)
-, composition between, and the Walloons, 420, 444
-, remains loyal to the Estates 449
-, those 'of the religion' persecuted in, 473
-, reported dispatch of deputies from, to Prince of Parma, 499
-, 'honest letters' sent to, by M. de Montigny, 535
-, deputies from, at Artois, 550, 580 (4), declare their reconciliation with Spain, 581 (1)
-, army charges on, for coming year, 585
-, pressure put on, by the Estates, 587
-, effect on, of revolution in Ghent, 614
-, acts with Artois, in desiring withdrawal of Spaniards, &c., 642
-, not represented on the assembling of the Estates General, 647, 657
-, revolution attempted in, from Ghent, suppressed, 675.

-, letter dated at, 441.

-, Governor of. See Ongnies
-, Steenbeke.

Douglas, James, Earl of Morton, late Regent of Scotland :

included in the Council, 47.

seeks English support, 49.

King conciliates, 124.

Lords in revolt against his influence with King, 171
-, 'in hard case,' 173.

his authority as Regent, reassumed by King, 228.

rebel lords profess greater goodwill than, to England, 245.

-, Peter, alleged Agent of the Guises, 686.

Douro, Ruero, river, 682.

-, mentioned, 93, 107, 113, 455
-, Duke John Casimir on way to, 561, at, 567
-, Duke of Anjou to cross to, 667
-, mentioned, 686.

-, letters dated at, 563, 564, 567.

-, Post of. See Robert
-, Spritewell.

Drake, Francis, deposition, taken at Panama, concerning his voyage, 615 (pp. 455-460).

Draper, Clement, merchant, trading with Hamburgh, 665.

Driburg, Derberg, route vi, to Frankfort, 626.

Driutius, Remy, Bishop of Bruges, prisoner at Ghent, to be sent to Cologne, 535 (p. 404).

Drumquhassel, , in revolt, 141.

-, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, letter to, from Walsingham, with details of military preparations in Netherlands, 90
-, mentioned, 548.

-, Robert, Earl of Leicester :

writing from Buxton, to Walsingham, professes reluctance to return to Court, 41.

letter from, to Walsingham, reporting his remonstrances with Queen touching bonds, &c., 103.

letter from, to same, warning him to abstain from appearing to oppose Queen's match with Duke of Anjou, for which, moreover, she had no inclination, 149.

prevents his nephew's carrying Queen's message to Duke John Casimir, ibid.

brief letter from, to Davison, 150.

disapproves Queen's instructions to Walsingham, 153.

fresh proposal to send, to Netherlands with troops, 161.

mentioned, 164.

deals 'plainly, boldly and faithfully' with Queen, against delays
-, ordered to chose fit captains in shires for campaign, 171.

at Norwich, being near the Netherlands, can hear 'that people' across water 'cry out,' &c.
-, note to Davison, 173.

signs letter of Privy Council, 174.

comments to Walsingham, on Queen's folly in neither satisfying the Duke of Anjou nor the Estates, 201.

letter to, from Walsingham, on motives inclining Don John to war, and the Queen's alienation of the affections of her friends, 217.

present at Queen's inviting the Duke of Anjou to England, 234, 238.

letters to, from Davison, 236, 237, 246, 313, 315.

letter from, to Walsingham, deploring Queen's slackness, 248.

Walsingham, in his absence from Court, makes recommendations to 319.

Killigrew's 'good Lord'
-, Davison advised to court, 336.

Davison reports to, on growth of dispute between Ghent and the Walloons, and consequent civil war, 351.

letter to, from Duke John Casimir, desiring speedy reply whether Davison's speeches were by Queen's authority, 375, 376.

the Queen being ill, he sends Daniel Rogers to Duke John Casimir on own responsibility, 411, 419, 438
-, his instructions to Rogers, 439, 440.

Duke John Casimir recommends German gentlemen to, 454.

letter to, from Duke John Casimir, announcing satisfaction with Mr. Rogers, and his intention to send Agent to England, 466.

letter to, from Davison, proposing, at at Earl's request, to go again to Ghent, 477.

mentioned by Rogers, 488, 498.

letter to, from Davison, touching presents forwarded by to Prince and Princess of Orange, and Duke John Casimir, intercession on behalf of M. de Champagni, and others, prisoners at Ghent, and supply of wine, 506, 507.

mention of the geldings sent by, to the Netherlands, 516.

welcomes Duke John Casimir's coming to England, 516.

makes small account of Beutterich's abuse of Davison, 526.

letters to, from Davison, on supply of Rhine wine
-, opinions touching Duke John Casimir's visit to England
-, and the Prince of Orange's regret that the Earl had not come over, &c., 531, 534.

entertains Duke John Casimir, 569.

commissions silk of Davison, 631
-, letter to, from Davison, 634.

Davison alludes to his obligations to, 639.

news-letter to, from Davison, 655.

-, -, draft corrected by, 440.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 41, 103, 149, 150, 173, 201, 248.

-, -, to, 105, 138, 217, 237, 246, 313, 315, 351, 375, 454, 466, 477, 506, 531, 534, 631, 634, 655.

Dumbarton, in hands of rebel lords, 141.

Dumfermline, Abbot or Commendator of. See Pitcairn, Robert.

-, Dienquerque, threatened by M. de la Motte, 4
-, English Embassy arrives at, 38
-, observations by Embassy on journey from, to Antwerp, 58
-, expenses of journey, 59
-, report on similar journey, 60, mentioned by Lord Cobham, 65
-, English Embassy to return from Netherlands vi, 271
-, to be attacked by garrison of Gravelines, 287 (p. 219)
-, Ambassadors write from, 328
-, letter to, from M. de la Motte, on behalf of Catholic faith and Spanish allegiance, 368
-, design against, 374 (p. 289)
-, mentioned, 351, 498
-, M. de la Motte near 621, 629, 630
-, reinforcements landed at, for M. de la Noue, 642, his victory near, 655.

-, Governor of. See Ghestell, de.

Duren. See Deurne.

Durham, the Bishopric of, levies in, for Scottish war, 171.

Duval, , magistrate for Arras, 374 (p. 289).

Dyle, river, 227.