Index: C

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Cabo Blanco, 615 (p. 458).

Cabretes, Captain, his invention, a kind of pinnace decribed, 85, 86.

Cadiz, Portuguese expedition leaves, 85.

-, government of, for King's minion, 37
-, garrison at, 551.

-, Spanish intrigue at, 4
-, mentioned, 33, 136
-, ancient trade at, in wool, between England and Holland, 164
-, the Duke of Anjou to cross from, 667, 667 bis.

-, Governor of. See Gourdon.

Callao de Lima, Drake at, 615.

Callis, John, English pirate, to be handed over to Danes, 47.

Calvinistic preferences of Walsingham, Davison and Tomson, and their dislike to Prayer Book use, 299, 300, 308, 327, 328.

Calvinists, in Antwerp, league of Catholics, Lutherans and Anabaptists against, 374.

-, Cambray, description of, 60 (p. 47)
-, M. de Wanctin of, 374
-, mutiny of garrison, at instigation of Bishop
-, pay sent by the Estates, 504
-, safe, for the Estates, 635, 670.

- Bishop of. See Berlaymont, Louis de.

-, Governor of Citadel of. See Gavre.

Cambresis, Cavalry from in service of Estates, 61, 62, 63.

Camisade, en, attack, 595.

Camizado, 136, 641.

Cammell. See Campbell.

Campbell, Cammell, , Captain, in command of Scots in service of the Estates General, massacred, with his wife, by peasantry, 555.

-, Colin, sixth Earl of Argyll, overtures to, 124, in rebellion, 141. See 171.

Campen, , of Ghent, 357.

- See Kempen.

Candyshe. See Cavendish.

Cantecroy, Spaniards at, 591.

-, Walsingham writes from, 41
-, Duke John Casimir at, 561, 567
-, M. du Vray at, 686.

-, letters dated at, 24, 26, 561.

Cape of Good Hope, 615 (p. 458).

-, San Francisco, 615.

-, Verde, 615.

Capel, Cappelle, Mr., Queen at his house, on progress, 254, 257.

Capelle, , money for Spanish army consigned to house of, near St. James the Great, Paris, 362.

Capres, Caper, M. de. See Bournonville.

Caravel, Kervells, small boats called, 71.

Carbonel, Simon, magistrate of Arras, 374 (p. 289).

Carces, Count of. See Escars, Comte d'.

-, Carleill, Carlill, Christopher, stepson of Sir Francis Walsingham, carries dispatches, 472, 516
-, letter from, to (?) Walsingham, with description of Count Egmont's treason at Brussels, 687.

-, , deputy from Hainault to the Estates of Artois, 600
-, wins over Mons to Spanish party, 623.

Carneiro, Pedro Dulcaona, controller of the Treasury to King Sebastian, punished for abetting his African enterprise, 696 (4).

Carouss. See Karouss.

Carpen. See Kerpen.

Cartagena, 682 (p. 513).

Cary, Captain, report by, on state of Netherlands, 60-63.

-, Sir George, carries news to England from Netherlands, 66.

-, Henry, Lord Hunsdon, governor of Berwick, Lord Chamberlain of Queen's Household, desired by Walsingham to bring about good understanding with Scotland, 66
-, at Berwick, 171
-, plate with his name and arms stolen, 606.

-, letter to, 66.

Casal, Ochoa del, sells a ship to James Fitzgerald, 528, 562.

Casimir, Duke John, of the Palatinate :

English loan to Estates General of Netherlands payable to, 1.

his consent sought to payment of part of loan direct to Estates, 1.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, with request for Mr. Sidney as envoy, and reporting assembly at Schmalkalden broken off, 2.

sends Agents to Davison, 5.

the Duke of Guise's preparations against, 13.

mentioned, 16.

English expectations from his employment in the Netherlands, 17.

English intervention promised, in event of his and Estates' forces being insufficient to withstand Don John, ibid (p. 12).

his Agents to be commended by English Ambassadors, to Estates, ibid (p. 13)
-, difficulties attending, 33 (p. 26).

to be attacked by Don John while Duke of Anjou kept forces of Estates occupied
-, French report, 21 (p. 16).

English Ambassadors anxious his approach should be well advanced before their arrival, 24.

due at his rendezvous, 33.

levies for, by MM. de Mouy and Ranty, 37.

declaration by English Ambassadors that money for payment of subsidy to, is in their hands, 39.

arrives in Gueldres, 42.

bullion in hands of English Ambassadors, designed for pay of his troops, to be delivered to Estates to be coined, 51.

letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, announcing non-dispatch of English Divines to Schmalkald, 54.

his aunt, widow of Lamoral, Count of Egmont, 58.

troops under, to be held in reserve by Estates, 68.

at Zutphen, 76.

Wilson's confidence in, as able to 'make an end of all,' 77.

in Gueldres, 'passing his musters'
-, determination of Estates to risk battle, without waiting for
-, rumour that French preparations were due to fear of, 80, 87 bis.

complimentary letter to, from Walsingham, conveyed by Mildmay, 82.

letter to, from Duke of Anjou, desiring to co-operate with him, and the Queen of England, for relief of Netherlands, 83, 104, 112, 120.

his arrival awaited by Estates, before hazarding battle, 86.

his design to winter with army in France, 87 bis.

passing his muster in Gueldres
-, expected shortly ibid.

excellent quality of his force, 90.

Queen's demand for repayment of money advanced for, 91.

Mr. Mildmay's negotiation with
-, professes himself ready to cooperate with Duke of Anjou and Marquis of Havrech, while protesting against Duke's character, 96, 143.

his musters in Gueldres not yet finished, 97, 98, 104.

his troops drive off succours sent to Deventer, 107.

suspicious of Duke of Anjou's intentions, 112.

applies to Davison for sum to complete loan of 20,000l.
-, difficulties with his 'reiters,' 116.

English Ambassadors claim credit for his introduction into Netherlands, 120.

the Duke of Anjou seeks 'by all means' to conciliate, 120.

Queen insists on repayment of advances made to, 123.

French contingent in service of Estates on way to join, 125.

has passed his musters
-, about to attack Deventer, 126.

memorandum of negotiations between, England, and the Estates, 129.

Don John attacks army of Estates, before his arrival, 136.

compounds with 'reiters' for their 'nachtgelt,' ibid.

letter from to Queen Elizabeth, excusing his delay at Zutphen
-, he failed to attack Deventer for lack of canon
-, professes friendship to the Marquis of Havrech, 143.

complimentary letter from, to English Ambassadors, 144.

prepares to cross Rhine, 144.

Queen's offence at his giving out he came to Netherlands at her bidding
-, the Estates invited him, and the Estates should support him
-, Lord Leicester forbids his nephew Philip Sidney to carry the message, 149 (p. 122).

his slow advance, 157.

named in treaty between Duke Anjou and the Estates, 163.

arrives at Bois-le-Duc, 166.

joins army of the Estates at Rymenan, 178, 180.

urgent application from, to England for subsidy, 181.

money provided for by Estates
-, his troops in excess of what they had bargained for, 182.

his inaction
-, excesses by his troops, 211.

pledges his jewels and plate for pay of troops, 211, 212.

repents his coming to Netherlands
-, Queen Elizabeth to blame, 215.

manner of his encampment, 227.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth
-, his army and her reputation ruined for lack of the assistance she had promised him, 231.

Queen's plan to secure payment of 11,000l. to him by the Estates, 241.

curses the time he left his country
-, Queen Elizabeth and himself alike odious to the Estates, 243.

his Agent Dr. Junius returns to, from England, without hope of assistance, 245, 248.

threatens, if not contented, to do what 'would be to her,' the Queen's, 'disliking,' 247.

skirmishes before Louvain, 259.

writes from Brussels to the Ambassadors
-, his difficulties immense
-, resolved to 'disentangle himself and return whence he came,' 264
-, at Brussels for his health, his 'reiters' insubordinate, 271.

defence, drafted by Daniel Rogers, of Queen's treatment of, 268.

the Ambassadors explain to the Queen the impossibility of making payments to, as suggested, 269.

overtures to, from Duke of Anjou, for a pension and 'living' in France, 271.

his 'reiters' refuse to move, invite French to join in mutiny, in his absence at Brussels, 272, 276, 278.

godfather to child of Prince of Orange, 276.

declines to return to his camp from Brussels till his men are paid
-, 'it would not be very safe for him,' 278.

French Captains apply to, for their pay, 279.

his scurvy treatment by the Estates
-, his disgust
-, will go home, ibid.

attempt by the Estates to compound with his forces
-, their refusal
-, he lingers at Brussels, 286
-, malcontent and resolved to retire, 287
-, still at Brussels, 291.

refuses to obey any but the Archduke
-, his jealousy of the Duke of Anjou, and complaint to the Estates, 295.

M. de Sainte-Aldegonde replies to his complaints, soothes his offended pride, and urges him not to retire, 296, 297, 308.

'greatly wronged' by the Estates, in Walsingham's opinion, 299.

without notifying the Prince of Orange, Count Bossu, or the Estates, goes with horse to aid of men of Ghent, against Walloon regiments, 302
-, rumours as to his intentions, 304.

excuses and denials by members of the Estates who desire his dismissal, 304.

8,000l. for pay of his troops to be paid by Davidson to Council of the Estates, 306.

his errors due to ill-advice of Councillor Beutterich, 308.

justifies his presence at Ghent
-, his supposed ambitions
-, alleged English support of, 309.

his distrust of French
-, his dislike to serve under Count Bossu, ibid.

his hope to get his troops paid by men of Ghent, ibid.

part of his 'reiters' to be dismissed by the Estates, 317.

his 'reiters' engage the Walloons with loss, 318.

Walsingham, unofficially, recommends Davison to disavow, 319.

Queen orders money lent to the Estates to be applied for benefit of, 322.

letters of credence from, to Davison, for Councillor Junius, 324.

Davison to deal with, directly, to procure repudiation of English connivance in his intervention at Ghent, 328.

at Ghent
-, invites Prince of Orange to join him, 329.

visited at Ghent by Count Egmont
-, respect for him saves Count from arrest, 338.

gratification in Netherlands at Queen's disapproval of his move to Ghent, 338.

'that marauding palatine,' his 'reiters' defeated at Courtray, 339 (p. 259).

Davison departs to Ghent to remonstrate with, 349.

his folly due to evil counsel of Beutterich, ibid.

responsible for obstinacy of Ghent
-, excusable, his honesty abused by his servants Beutterich and Dathenus, 351.

generally reprobated for his support of Ghent, 352.

balance of English loan handed by Davison to the Estates, for use of, 353.

desires to be declared 'general of the army of Ghent'
-, dismisses Zuleger, who opposes him, 362.

indignant letter from, to Davison, on receipt of summary, in writing, of Davison's conversation with, 364.

letter by Beutterich, recounting circumstances of his expedition to Netherlands, with strictures on Queen and Davison, 365.

summoned to Antwerp
-, willing to go to Dendermonde
-, consults Languet, ibid.

letter from, to Walsingham, to enquire if his instructions to Davison were by Queen's orders, 366.

Queen's anger with
-, Davison to 'deal roundly' with, and with Beutterich
-, money designed for, to be otherwise applied, 369.

Beutterich's intrigue on behalf of, with churches of Languedoc, ibid.

his presence at Ghent causes Duke of Anjou to press for a settlement of his claims by the Estates, 373.

proclaimed schelm in Antwerp, 374.

complains to Lord Leicester of Davison's language, 374, 375.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth
-, he can not believe that memorandum handed to him by Davison was authorised by her, 377.

accepts appointment as chief of the army of Ghent, 383 (p. 295).

text of Davison's discourse to, ibid.

his person in danger at Ghent, thanks to Beutterich's opposition to appointment of Prince of Orange as Governor, 394.

promises Davison to meet Prince
-, Davison's anxiety the promise shall be kept, 399.

Fremin hands over his company to, 401.

Queen endorses Davison's speech to, 403.

his reconciliation to Prince of Orange desired by Queen in view of discovery of Spanish plot in South, ibid, 411, 419.

marriage proposed for, 407.

his men kill gentlemen of Duke of Anjou, ibid. 413, 455, 460.

text of his Justification addressed to the Estates
-, a narrative of his movements, 408, 409, 410.

Lord Leicester sending Daniel Rogers to, 411, 419, 428, 438.

Davison vainly persuades, to meet Prince of Orange, 413 (p. 321).

his anger with Davison, 413 (p. 323), 416.

dines with Prince of Orange, and toasts him
-, quarrels with Beutterich, 421, 430.

representations to be made to, by Rogers on behalf of the Earl of Leicester, 439, 440.

French troops under his command, spoiling country near Bruges
-, their junction feared with French serving with Walloons, 447, 449.

excuses himself for coming to Ghent, 'to have some fun'
-, on good terms with Prince of Orange, 449, 450, 451, 460.

Zuleger describes his skilful handling by the Prince of Orange, and MM. Languet and Junius
-, he retains Beutterich, and prefers Ghent to the camp, 452.

letter of introduction from, to Lord Leicester, for German gentlemen, with expression of his own desire to visit England, 454.

letters from, to Lord Leicester and Walsingham
-, contented with Mr. Rogers' explanations
-, proposes to send envoy to England, 466, 467.

excuses himself to the Princes and Churches of France, 473.

Rogers reports interviews with, 488, 496.

arrangements by the Estates for the pay of his 'reiters,' ibid (p. 372).

illness of his brother
-, he would gladly return, ibid.

Queen approves Davison's courage and wisdom in dealing with, 490.

reconciled to Davison, 496, 498, 506, 512, 513.

Rossel to pay off, and see out of country, his French troops, 504, 505.

about to leave Ghent, leaving household there, 504 (p. 385).

presented by Lord Leicester with rapier and horse
-, proposes to visit England, 506, in a few days, 512.

informs Davison and Rogers of 'staying' of the Bishop of Ross in Germany, 512, 516.

enquires of Rogers, if he should be welcome in England
-, about to start, 516, departs 519.

Walsingham expresses satisfaction at Davison's reconciliation with, 526.

welcomed in England as maintainer of Religion
-, the Queen gracious to, on finding he asked for no money, 530.

the best Rhine wine grown in his country, 531.

the Duke of Anjou's ministers jealous of his visit to England, 531.

his 'reiters' begin to dislodge from Flanders, 540.

his great entertainment by nobility and commons in England
-, about to return to Germany, going to Low Countries, 545.

cornet of his 'reiters' burned to death in Abbey, 555, other parties of, defeated, 560
-, opposite report, 561.

at Canterbury, on way to Dover, 561.

letter from, to Walsingham, recommending Count Schlick to English Bishops, 563.

letter from, of farewell to same
-, requests copy of Statutes of the Garter, 564.

Ehemius recommends that application should be made through, for copies of the Bishop of Ross's correspondence, 565.

embarks at Margate, returns to Dover. 567, arrives at Flushing, 571 (p. 426), 573.

his 'reiters' accept a free pass homewards from Prince of Parma, 587, 591, 595
-, some of them rallied by Count Hohenlohe, 595, 601, 621, 623, 628, 641, 653, 668.

his charges in England defrayed by Queen, receives Garter, entertained by city, 569.

bill for his expenses at Somerset House. Hampton Court and Windsor, for 21 days, and supper at Westminster, 586.

French brought into Netherlands by, serving under M. de la Noue, 635.

alleged design of Spain to attack, in his 'own house,' 677.

letters and dispatches from, 2, 5, 96, 116, 143, 144, 231, 264, 324, 364, 366, 375, 377, 408, 454, 466, 467, 563, 564.

letters and dispatches to, 54, 82, 83, 296, 297.

-, Castel, taken by Walloons, 380
-, Montigny, at, 394
-, French occupy, 430
-, plot to betray to M. de la Motte frustrated, 535
-, Walloons at, 555
-, they evacuate, 675.

Castagno, Cardinal, Papal Nuncio at Cologne Conference, 647, 655, 656, 657.

Castel. See Cassel.

-, Michael de, Seigneur de Mauvissire, French Ambassador in England, mentioned, 71
-, renews overtures for marriage of Duke of Anjou with Queen Elizabeth, 123
-, received in audience by Queen, 141, his credit with her, 153
-, his Secretary at Paris, 188
-, negotiates Duke of Anjou's match with Queen, 228
-, the Queen-Mother of France writes to Wilson and Walsingham desiring them to communicate with, touching match, 250, 251
-, his maitre d' hotel proxy for Duke of Anjou at baptism of child of Prince of Orange, 276
-, invites Lord Burghley's aid to promote Duke of Anjou's suit, 305
-, letter to, from Simier, to induce Queen to dispense with interview, 340, negotiates to that effect, 389
-, letter from, to Privy Council, touching woad impounded at Guernsey, 402
-, his alleged connection with plot of Spain and the Guises for the invasion of Scotland, 686.

-, -, letter and dispatches from, 305, 402.

-, -, to 340.

-, 615 (p. 459)
-, allusion to history of, 696 (1)
-, mentioned, 696 (4).

Castilian money, 528.

Castro, Don James de, 689.

Caswarth. See Cuswarth.

Catalonia, Viceroy of, 682 (p. 513).

-, Cattaneo, Filippo. or Philip, advances money to the Estates on Queen's bonds, 43, 517, 571, 610
-, agent for Spinola, 381, 382.

Cteau Cambrsis, Bishop of Cambrai at, 504.

Catherine de Mdicis, Queen-Mother of France :

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, as her prospective daughter-in-law, 8.

suspected intrigue of, against House of Guise, 9.

opposed to her son, the Duke of Anjou's, adventure in Flanders, 9, but would be willing, if he received English co-operation, his 'greatness' being the source of her power, 21.

going to the Duke at Alenon, ibid (p. 16).

message from, to Prince and Princess of Orange, 27 (p. 21).

profoundly opposed to Duke of Anjou's expedition to the Netherlands, in Poulett's opinion, 37.

arrives at Alenon on visit to Duke, ibid, 47, 95.

her favourite ousted from government of Caen by King's, ibid.

returns dissatisfied from Duke of Anjou, unable to stay his adventure in Netherlands, 71
-, reported to have consented to it, 84.

her overtures to Queen Elizabeth for match with her son, Anjou, alluded to by Queen, 106.

her Agent at Mons, with Duke, 111.

conducts her daughter to the King of Navarre, arrives at Poitiers, distrust of her on his part and the Prince de Cond's, 187, 188.

Spanish match proposed for her son, 187, 188.

not likely to hinder Duke of Anjou's enterprise, 205.

Neufville sent to, by Duke, 232 (p. 183).

leaves Cognac, with daughter, to meet King of Navarre, ibid., 235.

writes from Cognac to Wilson and Walsingham, to communicate with M. de Mauvissire, 250, 251, 252.

her intrigue to secure the Infanta for her son, the Duke of Anjou, 298.

secret design of her journey to Gascony, ibid, viz. to meet King of Spain at Monon 'about some new treason'
-, suspicions in the Netherlands, 318, 362.

meeting between, and King of Navarre
-, to meet Damville at Toulouse, 323.

enjoined by son not to solicit the hand of the Infanta for him, 338 (p. 258).

sent by King to appease disputes in Languedoc and Provence, 347.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, 359, 360.

report of her death, 362.

enflames religious discord in France, as best protection of Crown against leagues of provinces and nobles, 393.

intrigues with Damville, ibid, 407 (p. 312).

alleged to be treating for hand of the Infanta for the King, whose wife was barren
-, was herself like to have been divorced for barrenness, 393 (p. 302).

understanding between, and Spain
-, supposed hostility of, to King of Navarre, 423.

Duke of Anjou 'can do nothing without,' 479.

her plotting in Toulouse discredited, 494.

the Bishop of Ross accredited to, 516
-, by Papal brief, 565.

foiled by the astuteness of the King of Navarre, at Nrac, 579.

complimentary letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, 604.

'Queen-Mother's stock will never prosper,' 609.

one of the King's 'minions' sent to, with message, dangerous to Huguenots, 619.

settles her daughter at Pau, departs for Toulouse and Bayonne, ibid.

her 'winter's travell' designed to one end, 'to root out Religion by all means possible,' ibid (p 464).

urgent for son's marriage to Queen Elizabeth, 650 (p. 486), 667 bis.

on way to Lyons, 667 bis, 686 (p. 519), on return from Spain, 695.

sends Ambassador to Portugal as claimant to throne, 696 (2).

letters and dispatches from, 8, 250, 251, 252, 359, 360.

-, -, to, 604.

Cato, saying of, quoted, 84.

Cattaneo, Filippo. See Cataneo.

Cauchy, 568 (3).

Cautionary Towns
-, demand by Queen Elizabeth for Sluys and Flushing, as base of operations and security for expenses, in the event of English aid being given to Netherlands, 17
-, demand renewed, in return for loan, based on delivery of frontier towns to Duke of Anjou, 57 (p. 41)
-, allusion to, by Walsingham, 81
-, formal demand for, 91
-, Queen's desire for
-, the Queen 'might have a maritime town upon a fresh supply,' Lord Cobham's opinion, 107
-, proposed offer of, to Duke of Anjou, 151
-, renewed demand for, by Queen Elizabeth, 159
-, list of, assigned to Duke of Anjou, 163 (p. 133).

Cave, Lisle, endorsements, &c., by, 82, 84, 85.

Cavendish, Candyshe, -, Poulett suspects of intrigue with Bishop of Ross, 553.

-, Henry, Colonel of English contingent in service of the Estates, 117
-, his force in action, 134.

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer :

his theological advice to M. de Villiers, 14.

complimentary letter to, from Poulett, 20.

matter referred to, 25.

Hoddesdon complains to, of arrest of copper, in course of transhipment, 32.

Davison applies to, for Queen's bonds for repayment of sums taken up by Estates under her procuration, 43.

Latin books forwarded to, by Cobham, 48.

communicates with Walsingham, by Wilson, 50.

intercepts correspondence, 52.

Lord Cobham's letters to, on the negotiations at Antwerp, accompanying a present of books, 65, 76
-, his comment on book, 153.

Walsingham desires him to procure recall of embassy, and to obtain advance of money from Queen for the Estates, 81.

letter to, from Walsingham, plainly declaring folly and dishonesty of Queen's policy, 87.

Davison's letter to, on situation created by arrival of Duke of Anjou at Mons, 87 bis.

signs dispatch from Privy Council, 91, 92.

describes outburst of Queen's anger, falling on himself and Walsingham, leading to recall of embassy from Netherlands and refusal of aid
-, condemns her action, 93.

letter to, from Davison, re advent of Duke of Anjou, 97.

letters to, from Lord Cobham and Walsingham, with thanks for his good offices, 107, 108.

Poulett recommends a cut-purse to, for pardon, 111.

Walsingham expresses his soreness to, at Queen's treatment, 119.

letter from, to Walsingham and colleague
-, he had remonstrated to no purpose with Queen touching loan, he was not in her confidence touching Duke of Anjou
-, he had urged her to accept overtures from Scotland, with uncertain result, 123.

apology to, by Lord Cobham, for proceedings of embassy, 127.

dispatch from, to Walsingham, covering Queen's orders
-, describes her mood
-, favours break-up of Netherlands, 153.

Davison reports to, 157.

doubts Queen's continuance in new resolve to assist Estates with men and money, 161.

letter to, from Lord Cobbam, urging that Estates should be supplied with aid in money, 166.

Davison reports to, that Don John is inclined to peace, 167, 168.

Walsingham thanks, for friendly advice, 170.

his signature, as Privy Councillor, 174.

report to, from Davison, 180, 181.

letters to, from Poulett, 188
-, from Lord Cobham, 193.

Walsingham reports his impression of Don John to, 196.

letter from, to Walsingham, covering Queen's dispatch
-, the Anjou match unpopular, 200.

reports to Walsingham that Queen is influenced by some that went over with embassy and had returned, 208.

news-letter to, from Davison, 211, 212.

letter to, from Walsingham, condemning Queen's policy in all departments
-, thanks to him for civility to Walsingham's wife, 215
-, the like, 218, 219.

report to, by John Digges, on military state of Netherlands, 227.

one of three persons present at Queen's interview with Bacqueville, to invite Duke of Anjou to England, 234.

Poulett's letter to
-, the Duke of Anjou like to be reconciled to Spain
-, dangers therefrom, &c., 235.

his report to Walsingham of the Queen's speech to M. de Bacqueville, with his comments, 238.

Walsingham, in letter to, recapitulates fruits of Queen's policy in alienating her friends, 243
-, Lord Cobham's report to, to same effect, 247.

called in, by Wilson, to support his remonstrances to Queen, 245.

consulted by Queen
-, at 'Tybaldes', 255.

letter to, from Walsingham, on Queen's mislike to what was most profitable to her, &c., 260.

letter to, from Bizarri, touching his publications, 267.

Lord Cobham urges, to procure recall of embassy, 271.

his influence with Queen solicited by Prince of Orange to procure aid, 277.

his kinswoman, Mrs. Sootheake, and her husband's suit in Netherlands, 282.

news-letters to, from Davison, 294, 302, 329.

letter to, from M. de Mauvissire, with enquiries after health, and to recommend to him the suit of the Duke of Anjou, 305.

Killegrew advises Davison to court, 336.

letters to, from Poulett, congratulating him on recovered health
-, soliciting his recall
-, anticipating trouble in France next year, 347, 478.

report to, by Davison, on progress of civil war in Netherlands, 354.

allusions to, by Beutterich, in letter to Rogers, 365.

letter to, from Davison, deprecating Duke John Casimir's annoyance with himself, 416.

letters to, from same, 417, 435, 450, 471, 473, 596.

requested by merchant adventurers to revoke licence of export from the Steelyard, 503.

letters to, from Davison, 514, with urgent request for advance on salary, 532, 533.

letters to, from Davison, 558, 559, 630.

memorandum by, of arguments, under heads, for and against Queen's marriage to Duke of Anjou, 633.

Cotton forwards 'occurrents' to, and a 'little tree,' 653.

Sturmius submits his 'Antipappi' to to, 673.

news-letter to, from John Cobham, 694.

-, -, endorsements, &c., by, 30, 92, 130, 131, 132, 133, 151, 175, 198, 199, 234, 260, 273, 285, 329, 354, 537, 624, 625, 626, 627, 633, 682, 689.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 93, 123, 153, 161, 200, 208, 238.

-, -, letters and dispatches to, 14, 20, 32, 33, 43, 48, 53, 65, 76, 81, 87 (1), 87 (2), 97, 105, 107, 108, 111, 119, 126, 127, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 145, 157, 166, 167, 168, 170, 180, 181, 188, 196, 211, 215, 218, 219, 227, 235, 236, 243, 247, 260, 267, 271, 277, 294, 301, 302, 303, 305, 314, 315, 329, 330, 331, 347, 416, 417, 450, 471, 473, 478, 503, 514, 532, 559, 596, 630, 653, 694.

Cecil, Sir Thomas, Sir Thomas Cotton sends him a 'horse of Turkey for his race,' 653.

Cerbelone. See Serbelloni.

Chamberlain, Lord, of Queen's Household. See Cary, Henry, Lord Hunsdon.

-, Vice. See Heneage.

Chamberleyn, Bryan, of Newbury, clothier, 627.

-, musters in, for Henry III, 9
-, proposed levies in for Duke of Anjou, ibid (p. 7)
-, Duke of Guise levies troops in, 13
-, complaints from, to King. 21 (p. 15)
-, reported levy in, 276
-, revolts from King, 468.

Champagne, Nicolas de, Comte de Suze, quarrels with M.d' Escars, who refuses to admit him to the governorship of Provence, 323, 347.

Champagny. See Perrenot.

Champigny, Champagny, house of the Duke of Montpansier, plot to seize the Prince de Cond at, 187.

Chancellor, The, of France. See Birague.

Chanvallon, Champvallon, M. de. See Harlay, Jacques de.

Chapelle-aux-Ursins, M. de la, sent by King to the Duke of Anjou, 553.

Chappell, John, draper, refused the freedom of Lbeck, 664.

Charlemont, held by Don John, 53.

'Charles'. Sir Francis Walsingham's cook, 316.

Charles V
-, the Emperor, 'liberties as in the days of,' offered by Philip II to Netherlands, 27
-, Cambray fortified by, 60 (p. 47)
-, his settlement of religion in Netherlands obsolete, 72, 73, 74
-, no force of his at sea ever equal to the Portuguese expeditionary force against Morocco, 85
-, liberties 'as in the time of,' 130 (p. 111)
-, alluded to, 194 (p. 152)
-, allusion to, 643
-, his belief in the efficacy of prayer, 682.

Charles IX
-, of France, his suit for hand of Queen Elizabeth, 633
-, his provision for brother's voyage to Poland, 667 bis.

Chartres, knights made at, 541.

-, Vidame de. See Ferrires.

Chastillon. See Chtillon.

-, M. de la, officer of the Duke of Anjou, 84
-, deserts him with his horse, 317.

Chtillon, Chastillon, Seigneur de. See Coligny, Franois de.

Cheek. See Cheke.

Cheke, Cheek, Henry, carries Poulett's dispatch, 298.

-, [Edward], Davison's cousin, carries his dispatches, 385, 394, 416
-, letter to, from Davison, 549.

Cherbourg, garrison at, 551 (p. 413).

Cheverny, Chiverny, Comte. See Hurault.

-, Chevreaulx, in Franche-Comt, captured by Duke of Anjou, 283, 287
-, the castle of the Baron, de, Chevreaux at, 295.

-, Baron de. See Vienne.

Chichester, ship to be freighted with corn from, to Portugal, 47.

Chief, Richard, of Newbury, clothier, 627.

Chile, 615.

Chimai, Cimai, Prince de. See Croy, Charles.

Chimney-tax, 695.

China, 615 (p. 458).

Chiny, Saney, castle of, in Luxembourg, 259, 260.

Chippenham, co. Camb., letter dated at, 208.

Chiverny. See Cheverny.

Cimaroon, a, 615 (p. 458).

Cimay, Prince of. See Chimai.

Cinque Ports, Lord Warden of. See Brooke, William, Lord Cobham.

Ciphers, difficulty of deciphering, 52.

Ciudad de los Reyes. See Lima.

Clappenburg. See Kloppenburg.

Clayes, M., captain of company at Bourbourg, 60.

Claymont, 542.

Clerk, Thomas, of London, piracy by, 577.

Clerke, Roger, merchant, 665.

-, Louis de, Comte de Bussy, Bussy d' Amboise, Chief Gentleman of the Chamber of Duke of Anjou, proposal to appoint as Duke of Anjon's lieutenant in Netherlands
-, unsafe away from the Duke, 71
-, sent by Duke to siege of Mabeuge, 104
-, takes it, ibid (p. 104), 112
-, appointed by Duke to confer with the Estates General, 118, arrives, 126, 127
-, his professions of the Duke's submission to Queen Elizabeth's wishes, 149, 151
-, returns to Duke, from Antwerp, 156, having negotiated agreement, 163
-, mentioned, 170
-, expected in camp of the Estates, 227
-, arm grazed by musket ball, 291
-, unable to make his peace with France, or Spain, influences Duke of Anjou in favour of English alliance
-, bribe offered to, by Pope, 298
-, endeavours to protect garrison of Binch from own troops, 304
-, undertakes to find men for La Noue, 317
-, ambush laid for, 488
-, effort to put responsibility on, for the attempt on Mons, 494 (p. 376)
-, on very good terms with the Duke of Guise, 552
-, his father employed to bring about meeting between King and Duke of Anjou
-, rivalries between, and other servants of the Duke, 619 (p. 464)
-, King's jealousy of
-, Poulett's approval of, 667 bis.

Clervant, M. de. See Vienne.

Cleve, Duke of. See William.

Clinton, Edward, Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral, letter to, 68.

Clisse, Cleish, lord of, Master of Household of Scottish King, 141.

Clothing or Cloth
-, trade in Netherlands, 58, 164
-, troops paid, half in money, half in cloth, 309 (p. 241), 338
-, export of, from England, 624.

Cobham, John. See Brooke.

-, Lord. See Brooke.

-, Colborne, Cockebourne, Cokborne, Captain, friend of Walsingham, 121
-, sent to Netherlands, 171, 172, 175, 196, 221, returns, 254, 276.

Coeweerden, Gauvairdin, letter dated at, 262.

Cognac, the King of Navarre to meet the Queen-Mother at, 187, 232.

-, letters dated at, 250, 251.

Coif, Davison wants a, 382.

Cokborne, Colborne. See Cockburn.

Coldingen, in Denmark, letters dated at, 577.

Coligny, Charles de, Marquis d'Andelot, son of the Admiral, held prisoner by the Comte de Damville, 347.

-, Francois de, Seigneur de Chtillon, Chastillon-sur-Loing, Admiral de Guyenne, quarrel between and Comte de Damville, 323, 347
-, intrigue with, to call Duke John Casimir into Languedoc, in opposition to King of Navarre, 369
-, Catholic attempts to pervert, 393
-, open war in Languedoc between, and Damville, 579
-, the King of Navarre's remonstrances with, his reply, ibid.

-, Louise de, daughter of Gaspard de Coligny, Admiral de France, late the wife of Charles, Seigneur de Teligny en Rouergue, 'Madame de Teligny,' [afterwards wife of William, Prince of Orange], held prisoner by the Comte de Damville, 347.

Collen. See Cologne.

Collsell, Mr., his negotiations in Germany, 488 (p. 372).

-, Collen, mentioned, 130
-, the Commissioners of the Emperor, to negotiate peace between Spain and the Estates General of the Netherlands, assemble at, 399, 468, 494, 496
-, the question of Reformed Religion reserved for discussion at Conference at, 504
-, appointed as place of conference by Emperor, 520
-, Rhine wine brought in, 531
-, the prisoners of Ghent to be sent to, 535 (p. 404)
-, conference appointed at, 555
-, names of the Deputies to, from the Estates, 555 (p. 417)
-, accident to Queen's Messenger on way to, 571
-, difficulties in dispatch of Deputies of the Estates to Peace Conference at, 573, the Duke of Aerschot to attend, 576
-, the Prince of Parma had intended to besiege, 591
-, conference alleged to have been abandoned, ibid., resumed, 623, the Duke of Anjou seeks to hinder, 629, deputies to, not yet appointed by the Estates, 638, the Estates of Artois to be represented at, 441, 642, 643, the Estates General excuse themselves to Duke of Anjou for sending deputies to, 641, 642, Emperor to attend, 642
-, Estates deputies start for
-, safe conduct required, the Estates having 'stayed' Cologne goods as reprisal for provisioning enemy
-, Duke of Torranova and Papal Nuncio arrive at, 647, 655, 656, 657
-, 'Diet' to be 'kept' at, 653
-, delay in departure to, of Commissioners of the Estates, 657, 668, news from, awaited, 675, 680
-, the arbitrators at, all Papists, 684
-, the Duke of Terranova's 'articles' presented to, preclude hope of peace, 692, 695.

-, letter dated at, 574.

-, Archbishop and Elector of. See Truchsess.

-, Carpen near. See Kerpen.

-, Combell, , officer of Duke of Anjou, 87
-, on frontier, 97, 98, besleges Beaumont, 126
-, goes to aid of Walloons against men of Ghent, 309, 313
-, sacks Lannoy, 329, 351
-, ordered by Duke to withdraw to France, 511.

Comines, reported seizure of castle of, by Walloons in revolt, 287.

Commendator of Dunfarmlinge. See Dunfermline.

-, Maior. See Requesens.

Compagnies d' ordounances, list of officers for (not set out), 541.

Compigne, Marquis de la Roche at, 9 (p. 7).

Comptroller, Mr. See Crofts, James, knight.

Concepcion, La, 615.

-, Duke of Anjou at, 473, 476, 487, 488, 494 (p. 377), 496, 497, 499, 504
-, garrisoned from Valenciennes, 504
-, the Duke at, 516 (p. 393).

-, letters dated at, 487, 491, 497, 499, 511.

-, Prince de. See Bourbon, Henri de.

Confolant, barony, for sale by the Vidame de Chartres, 436.

Confreries, at Bordeaux, &c., suppressed, 323.

Constable of France. See Montmorency.

-, news from, 32, 95
-, mentioned, 296 (p. 228), 661.

-, letter dated at, 613.

Constray. See Courtray.

Copley, Mr., English Roman Catholic, in pay of Spain, 37.

Copper, shipped from Hamburg, vi Harwich, to Bilbao, 32.

Corcuera, Juan de, alcalde of Bilbao, 578.

Coria, Portugal to be attacked vi, 682.

Corsairs. See Piracy.

Corsback, , in command of Hungarians, in service of the Estates, quarrels with Prince of Orange, 587, persuaded to return, 601 (p. 447).

Corsini, Philippo, merchant of the Steelyard, 624.

Corteville, M. de, with M. de la Motte, 580 (6).

Cortrick. See Courtray.

Corua. See Corua.

Corua, Corua, 682.

Corvinus, Matthias, King of Hungary, his case cited, 296 (p. 228).

-, Artus de, Marshal of France, sent to Duke of Anjou, to hinder enterprise of Netherlands, 9 (p. 7)
-, to be sent to King of Navarre, 71
-, King's consent sought to his employment in Netherlands, 84
-, foiled at Rochelle, in attempt to introduce his nephew Surgires, 187.

Coss, Marshal de. See Coss-Brissac.

Ctentin, 667.

-, Thomas, knight, letter from, with 'occurrents,' to Lord Burghley, 653
-, to receive the jewels from the Estates, for conveyance to England, 670.

Cottons, exported from England, 624, 627.

Count Hannibal. See Hohenems.

Countenance. See Muff.

Court, the, letters dated from, 6, 25, 31, 52, 77, 82, 106, 113, 150, 153, 154, 155, 172, 203, 239, 245, 254, 257, 268, 306, 606.

Courtemer, Baron de, servant of the Duke of Anjou, commended by Queen Elizabeth, 620.

-, Cortrick, open Protestant preaching at, 126
-, Walloons near, 276 (p. 209), they seize Meenen near, 287, 295, 302, defeat Duke John Casimir's 'reiters' at, 339, they leave, and Walloons occupy, 374
-, forces of Ghent concentrate at, 430, 447
-, attack on, by M. de Montigny feared, 684.

Creagh, Craigh, Richard, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, 'Primate of Ireland,' continues to intrigue, though prisoner in Tower of London, 7.

Crete, news from, 95.

Creveld, , of Ghent, 357.

Criado, Dr. Alonso, Judge of the High Court of Panama, 615.

Crofts, James, knight,P.C., 'Mr. Comptroller,' comptroller of Queen's Household, signs dispatch from Privy Council, 91, 92, 174.

-, letter to, 70.

Croy, Eustace, de, Seigneur of Renyngham, Rymmegham, brother of Count 'de Rewe,' ex-governor of St. Omer, 60, governor of, 455.

-, Charles de, Prince of Chimai, at Antwerp to remove his mother the Duchess of Aerschot, 338
-, with his father at Antwerp, 399
-, marriage proposed for, 407.

-, Charles Philippe de, Marquis of Havr, Havrech, half-brother of the Duke of Aerschot :

his horse in camp at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63.

Duke John Casimir desired by Queen Elizabeth to co-operate with, 96.

English loan delivered to, 123
-, summary of negotiations with, touching loan to the Estates, 129, 130.

Duke John Casimir assures Queen of his desire to co-operate with, 143.

the Queen's refusal of aid reported to, by Ambassadors, 247.

the Queen excuses her breach of faith with, re loan, by neglect of Estates to repay her previous advances out of money received on bond for 100,000l., 255.

goes discontented, to join the Duke of Anjou at Mons, 333.

'now a great Frenchman,' espouses cause of the Walloons, 351, 352
-, 'a Frenchman in respect of his natural lightness, now wholly French in nature and profession,' 450.

desires governorship of Valenciennes, 380.

remains at Mons, 399
-, at the request of the Estates of Hainault attends meeting of the Estates of Artois, 404.

Prince of Parma writes to, 422.

his mission to the Estates of Artois, to hinder their accepting Philip II, 430
-, his report thereon to the Estates, &c., 441, 444, 445, 450, 451, 457, 470, 473, 496.

announces approaching departure of Duke of Anjou to the Estates, 468.

to succeed Count Bossu as Grand Master to the Archduke Matthias, 468 (p. 361).

mentioned, 405.

proposal to employ again, on English mission, for promotion of peace, 506, 512, 516.

repudiates anti-English sentiments, 531.

again sent to negotiate with Hainault and Artois, 532, 534, 535, 555.

sent, with the abbot of St. Gertrude and M. Meetkercke, to conduct Duke of Anjou to frontier, 535, 544
-, his journey prevented by Duke's sudden departure, 555.

reports from, to the Archduke Matthias and the Estates General on the proceedings at the meeting of the Estates of Arras, 580 (1 and 3), ibid. (4)
-, reply of the Estates to his negotiation, 581 (1).

alone in his opinion that Artois will remain faithful to the Estates, 587
-, Rossel considers he has 'negotiated very well' there, 591.

detained prisoner at Arras, 600, ordered to remain there by the Estates, 601 (p. 447), detained there, 641, escapes, 647, to Mons, 656.

complimentary letter from, to Walsingham, 617.

at meeting of nobility of Artois, 623.

to return to Artois, 668.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, with compliments to Davison, on his recall
-, and request for his bond for 5,000l., left in England, the Estates' bond being now substituted, 680.

imprisoned in church at Antwerp, when in attendance on the Archduke Matthias, 684.

-, -, letters from, 441, 580, 617, 680.

Croy, Guillaume de, Marquis of Renti, with Don John, 60 (p. 48).

-, Jean de, Count of Roeulx, devoted to Don John, 53
-, his brother M. de Renyngham, 60, 455
-, with Don John. 60 (p. 48), 142
-, deaths of, and of wife, by plague, announced, 295 (p. 225)
-, still living, 455, certainly alive, 488
-, present at attack on Borgerhout, 595.

-, Jeane Henriette, dame de Halluyn, daughter of Jean, Seigneur de Comines. first wife of Philippe III, Due d' Aerschot, to be removed from Antwerp, 338
-, accompanies husband to Cologne, 668.

-, Philippe III de, Duke of Aerschot :

Commissioner appointed by Estates to confer with English Embassy, 65, 72.

dispatched by Estates to welcome the Duke of Anjou, 97.

town of Beaumont belonging to, 104 (p. 85). 126.

Commissioner from the Estates, to deliver frontier towns to Duke of Anjou, 211, 236, 237, 246
-, his report, 283.

recalled by the Estates
-, declines to come without 'security'
-, suspected of scheming, 338.

espouses cause of the Walloons, 351, 352.

goes to Antwerp, 396, on invitation of Prince of Orange
-, protests against Prince's assumption of governorship of Flanders, as infringing own appointment, 397, 398.

at Antwerp, with son
-, will not hazard his fortune with the Walloons, 399.

dispute between, and Prince of Orange, 407.

Prince of Parma writes to, 422.

not disposed to go to the assistance of Count Lalaing at Mons, 494.

deputy from the Estates to peace conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417). 576, 642, 653, takes wife and children, 668.

-, -, letter from, 283, 284.

Crussol, Jacques de, Duc d' Uzs, offers troops to Duke of Anjou, 9 (p. 7).

Crybyle, the king's (Henry III. of France) fool, present at, and interrupts, audience of Ambassador, 651.

Cuerheers, 580 (6).

Cuiss, Cuissy, de. See Quissy.

Cuswarth, Caswarth, Mr., carries dispatches, 385, 430.

Cutts, Sir John, Queen, in progress, at house of, 238, 239, 244, 245.

Cuzco, 516 (p. 460).

Cymier, M. de. See Simier.

Cyprus, disorders in, 32, 95.