Elizabeth: January 1579, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Elizabeth: January 1579, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp400-406 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1579, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp400-406.

"Elizabeth: January 1579, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp400-406.


January 1579, 21-31

Jan. 22. 528. Document dated Portugalete, 22 Jan. 1579, in which Pedro de Arandia witnesses the acknowledgement made by Ochoa del Casal that he has received from James Geraldine 50 ducats 'which are worth 18,750 mrs. of Castilian money' ; 'being part payment on account of a bond which I have given to Juan Alonso de Muxica in the name of the said Count, in consideration of the sale of my ship and for the work I have to do on the said ship.' Signed, in the presence of Henry Ryan and Laurence More, clerk, chaplain to his lordship, 'Ochoa del Casal,' 'Pedro de Arandia.' Spanish. p. [Spain I. 18.]
Jan. 22. 529. POULET to WALSINGHAM.
'Good Sir Francis Walsingham,'Though I confess with joy that I have many ways before this received at your hands most evident testimonies of your unfeigned good will, and may say that I have always placed your friendship in the first rank of the blessings which God has given me in this world ; yet I am moved by many reasons to prefer your late condoling letter before all your other benefits and to account of it as of the most singular and absolute token of your favour. 'You write not after the common manner of men of this time, and as we commonly say, for the manner sake, but you write at length, seriously and pithily,' and God knows I have been much comforted by it. The burthen is the easier that is borne by many ; and it does not suffice you to have put on my person and to participate with me in my trouble, but you seek also by good and godly counsel to moderate the portion which remains to me and cannot be imparted to any other. Time, reason, and religion ought to have framed in me a perfect tranquillity before the receipt of your letter, but I must confess, to my shame, that I never had greater need of comfort than at the time when I received it. My days were full of thoughts, and my nights were full of dreams, and my head and body were dangerously altered. But your letter set forth my faults to me as in a glass ; and seeing them, I have repented, and, repenting, I feel the mercy of God towards me, and now I trust, if I cannot forget this late 'accident,' at least never to remember it in sin. Thus you may more easily conceive than I can express, the comfort which I have received by your letter, and I thank you most humbly for it. Paris, 22 Jan. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France III. 3.]
Jan. 24. 530. WALSINGHAM to DAVISON.
I have received your letter sent by Mr Rogers. Duke Casimir landed in England the Sunday after his departure from Ghent [i.e. Jan. 18]. He has been very honourably received, his coming being acceptable to her Majesty and grateful to the people, for the cause of religion, of which they know him to be a maintainer. Some malicious persons have not been wanting, who have given out that he came to receive somewhat at her Majesty's hands, thereby to work dislike of his coming, but that being now proved false, he is the more welcome to her. I have not yet seen him or Beutrich, but whatever I hear from them against you, be sure I will suspend my judgment.London, 24 Jan. 1578. P.S.(Autograph.) I understand from Mr Secretary that her Majesty is disposed to 'revoke' you, only in respect of the charges, and that she finds that people 'ingrate' for the benefits they have received. Add. Endd. p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 38.]
[Week ending Jan. 24.] 531. [DAVISON] to LEICESTER.
You may perceive by the enclosed what has passed here of moment since my last. Touching your provision of wines, I have written three or four times to Collen, but know not what to assure you, having received no answer. Those which you 'most reckon of' grow in Duke Casimir's country, by whose favour you might be best sped in that behalf, as the merchants here inform me ; but I will not fail to let you know what I hear from Collen. For better surety I have been in hand with the Prince, that if I cannot 'speed from Collen to any contentment,' I may have it provided by his factor and brought down with his provision ; which he has promised to give order for. I look to hear your opinion by the next. Duke Casimir's journey, and Monsieur's embassy to England have occupied 'the witty of our discourse' here. The first is suspected by our Catholics to tend to some new league for the advancing of religion and alteration of the State here ; and the Duke of Anjou's ministers are jealous also of his hindering the success of their master's designs. I should be glad to have your opinion of it in a line, that I may accommodate my doings here. The Prince has spoken to me the last day of the old motion for your coming over ; the 'cross success' of which seems as he asserts, to grieve him not a little ; being persuaded that if it had gone forward both the cause of religion and the common weal would have been in better terms than they are ; though, thank God, the one is amid all these difficulties reasonably well advanced. If there were any hope of prevailing, those here are ready to renew their suit ; but her Majesty's indisposition to enter into a war makes them despair of any such succour. The Marquis before he went to Artois complained to me of the wrong he had received in England to be thought so much French as to have forgotten his and his countrymen's obligations to her Majesty ; but however he would disguise it, I cannot see that he has been injured by such apprehensions. Draft. Endd. p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 39.]
Jan. 25. 532. DAVISON to BURGHLEY.
I wrote to you from Ghent by Mr Rogers, the more briefly because he could tell you at large in what state he left things here. What has occurred since you may see by the copies enclosed. It seemsas no mischief happens alonethat having overcome the troubles in Flanders they are entering into a new labyrinth with those of Hainault and Artois, whose malice to religion has already divided them from the rest of the country. The Marquis 'is addressed' to them, to see if he can repair that accident ; but I vehemently suspect his success.Antwerp, 25 Jan. 1578. P.S.I am driven to be a humble suitor to you, that I may be assisted with five or six months 'diets' always beforehand, that I be not forced to consume myself still on the exchange, as I have done hitherto. I hope that in a demand so honestthe rather considering the incredible dearth of things here, and the slenderness of my allowance, doubly inferior, I protest, to my necessary expensesyou will not deny me your favour ; which I shall be at all times ready to deserve with my uttermost service. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 40.]
533. Draft of the above. Endd. p. [Ibid. XI. 40a.]
[Jan. 25.] 534. DAVISON to LEICESTER.
Almost identical with first part of the above. Draft. Endd. p. [Ibid. XI. 40b.]
Jan. 25. 535. DAVISON to the SECRETARIES.
You may have heard from Mr Rogers on what points the Walloons were 'accorded,' and in what state he left the doings in Flanders. Nothing has happened since in those parts, save that Baron de Montigny, having discovered some intelligence between la Motte and certain captains of the Walloons for betraying Cassel into his hands, has apprehended 40 of the chief conductors of that practice, and as it seems intends to do such justice on them as their act deserves ; thereby the rather to testify his own integrity and good disposition to maintain the accord. Of this he has already yielded some argument by sending honest letters to Artois, Hainault, Lille, Douay, and Orchies since the conclusion with the Flemings ; though the malice of the time and unhappy destiny of those frontier provinces seem to carry them headlong to ruin, as you may guess by their new association (in which Lille and Tournay have as yet made difficulties about participating) and by the project of their reconciliation with the King. Of both these I send copies, referring further judgement to the success of the Marquis of Havrech ; who being dispatched, with the abbot of St Gertrude and Meetkercke, to the Duke of Alenon, is from thence to repair into Artois to divert or at least defer all that he may, the effecting of their reconciliation. As for the general pacification 'set abroach' by the Emperor's ambassador, I see not yet what good to hope. The last answer of the Prince of Parma was that he had no commission to treat either of peace or truce, because the matter on the King's behalf was wholly referred to the Emperor, to whose judgement unless the States likewise remit themselves he thought the motion impertinent. Hereupon the States have decided to send the ambassador back once again, submitting themselves as fully as the King to the arbitrament of his Imperial Majesty ; to whom they have nevertheless written on their own part that they understood his interposition to be as mediator, a title which he has always 'pretended,' and not as judge. But whereto all this 'directs,' or what fruits it is likely to yield, is not hard to foresee ; though the infinite alteration and changes which grow from hour to hour in the actions of our life, but especially in matters of war (in the event of which the conjectures of the unrest are many times 'deceavable'), feeds some men with a hope of a good result, notwithstanding that the advices from all parts manifestly argue a contrary inclination in the King's behalf, which no doubt the growing divisions for religion and decayed credit of the Duke of Alenon will not a little advance. As touching the Duke's stay or departure, it seems to hang in suspense. He has accepted the town of Ath, and so deferred his return for a few daysa good part of his train having already departedto see if the States will alter their wonted trifling in their behalf ; but it seems he has already gathered his best crop of this year's seed. To-morrow the Marquis, the abbot of St Gertrude and Meetkercke should take their journey towards him, with a 'legatie' full of compliments, the substance of which is to excuse the States for not having hitherto been able to answer his expectations as they would, to persuade him to stay in the country, if it may 'stand with his commodity,' to ask him to be content with the town of Ath for his abode, till they have taken some better order ; or, finding him resolute to return, to conduct him honourably to the frontier, endeavouring by all means so to remove, or at least to qualify, the 'malcontentment' which he may receive, that the amity between them may be preserved. But as men are more mindful of injuries than of benefits received, and more apt to avenge the one than to 'acquite' the other, it is thought the indignities which he 'presumes' to have received will not so easily be forgotten by him. Touching the enemy's proceedings, we hear that from Carpen, a place of some importance, lying upon a branch of the Rhine this side Collen, which he won ten or twelve days ago, he is come down to the siege of Gueldre, on the confines of Guelderland, not far from Venlo, which being of no great force, will, it is thought, have surrendered ere this. Of a new general there is yet no resolution. Monsieur has laboured to have the place as his due ; but that has many impediments.Antwerp, 25 Jan. 1578. P.S.The prisoners are come from Ghent to Dendermond, where they await orders for their transportation ; Champagny with the Bishops of Ypres and Bruges to Collen, and the rest to Cleves. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 41.]
Jan. 25. 536. Draft of the above. Endd. [Ibid. XI. 41a.]
Jan. 25. 537. Copy of the above. Endd. by Burghley. [Ibid. XI. 41b.]
Jan. 25. 538. DAVISON to WALSINGHAM.
I have not forgotten to deal with the Emperor's ambassador in the matter you commended to my care. I find that when he was last with the enemy he was particularly informed of it by Fonck, who imputed the motion of that enterprise, as he tells me, wholly to you. While doing my utmost to 'justify' your innocence, I also prayed him to procure me at his return, if possible, the copy of his confession, especially at the time of his death ; not doubting but that if he had any feeling of honesty or conscience he had then sufficiently cleared you, and revoked what was drawn from him by torture, after the manner of those who overcome with the greatness of their torment will confess anything to be eased of the pain. He has promised me to do his utmost to obtain the confession, of which you shall not fail as soon as it comes to my hands. The clearing of Spinola's accounts with the States, on which the delivery of the last obligation depends is the reason I defer to send both it and the rest of her Majesty's bonds till the next dispatch. Antwerp, 25 Jan. 1578. P.S.I beseech you be good to this bearer, my old servant, in his allowance, being the first extraordinary benefit he has ever had in my service. If you will 'examine' the strange accident that befell him, riding with me between Morpeth and Newcastle, I doubt not but you will think he has deserved well of me. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 42.]
[Jan. 25.] 539. Sheet containing rough drafts of
(a) the above.
(b) the following, No. 540.
(c) letter to [?] Randolph :
I cannot often dispose of myself as I would, by reason of the continual travail and occupation which this service yields. If I do not therefore often enough remember you with my letters I hope you will excuse me. I received yours by the last post, the more welcome that I am seldom visited by the letters of my friends. Your opinion of the likely result of our wooing ambassador on that side in no way differs from what I always expected. The ground of this last motion was doubtless only the action of this country. But as men are apt to make easy by hope and imagination that which in itself is full of difficulty, so they had in this respect promised themselves another kind of success than has yet succeeded. The Duke himself is now at Ath, disposed as he pretends to tarry no longer in this country, seeing no hope to change the trifling course of the States in his respect. They have dispatched a solemn embassy to see if they can stay him, pressing that his presence there may much further the King's inclination to peace.
(d) various letters (fragments).
Endd. : to Mr Secretary Wals. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 43.]
Jan. 27. 540. DAVISON to the SECRETARIES.
I wrote two days ago by a servant of mine. Since then we have news of the return of the Duke of Alenon into France, hastened by the difficulty made by those of Ath to receive him into their town notwithstanding the order of the States ; to whom though complaining both by letters and by ambassadors of this as well as other ingratitudes, he pretends to 'postpose' the particular indignities offered him to the affection which he has always borne, and will continue, to their cause, as they will find by further trial of him if their necessity hereafter present the occasionthough the effect be doubted. Meantime, as the country is thus 'uncumbered' of one difficulty by the departure of himself and his forces, whose 'success' could not more differ from their hope on the other side, we 'rest attentive' what will grow both of the ambassador's new journey about the peace, the scope of which traffic tends, in common presumption to a division of the country, and of the doings in Artois, etc. If the commissioners newly dispatched thither, a copy of whose instructions I send you, can do no good, there remains no hope to 'eschew' the long-threatened civil war, unless the variable conditions of the time haply produce some helping accident not thought of ; which depends on the providence of the Almighty. Of the enemy's success about Gueldre we have no news since my last. Duke Casimir's reiters, transported into Flanders upon an 'imprest' of 5 florins a horse, were to begin to dislodge thence yesterday. The rest of the States' forces still remain scattered about the country awaiting their pay. Meantime it is incredible what the poor country suffers, and how much their spoil has 'dearthened' all things and made them scarce. The remedy as far as I see is yet to seek. I received last night by Walter Williams her Majesty's letter addressed to the States in respect of the Duke of Alenon, and have asked an audience of them ; which is appointed for to-morrow morning. I will tell you the result in my next.Antwerp, 27 Jan. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 44.]
Jan. 541. A list of the names of persons appointed to fill vacancies in the command of 'compagnies d'ordonnances,' or to receive additions to their commands, or to command new companies. Also of newly-appointed knights of the order, etc. Endd. : mem. of knights of the order newly made at Chartres. Fr. 2 pp. On the back is a note of five lines : Marchant, do not fail to bring me at 4 o'clock either 32 crowns or my box, if you would ever do me a service, my digestive powder (drage) and some points ; and keep me this note with my other papers. My table service will be set free at another time ; I want a pair of sheets. Do not fail to come at 4 o'clock to speak to Me.. [France III. 4.]
Jan.-Feb. 542. Paper containing receipts for sums of money received from Juan Alonso de Muxica, by Myn de la Fenteria (200 reals at Plasencia,Jan. 3), Pedro de Basteguia (150 reals at Plasencia,Jan. 3), 'Maese' Pedro de Lorrola, to raise troops for the present expedition, which it is offered to make on behalf of the Duke (150 reals onJan. 17, 150 more onJan. 21, and 50 besides, at Plasencia). 'Maese' Pedro also acknowledges the receipt of 100 reals and more at Portugalete, and further 'my charge of 8 ducats which I gave to Maese Pedro de Aldraca that he might have wherewith to keep the soldiers he raised. I have received up to Feb. 5,416 reals.' Endd.? in Walsingham's hand : Here is how Don Juan receiveth as much money as he had of (?) Claymont. Span. 1 pp. [Spain I. 17.]