Elizabeth: January 1579, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Elizabeth: January 1579, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp388-400 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1579, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp388-400.

"Elizabeth: January 1579, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp388-400.


January 1579, 11-20

Jan. 11. 511. DUKE OF ANJOU to the PRINCE OF ORANGE.
Having resolved to start next Wednesday on my way back to France I wished to let you know that I have written to the States to provide for the safety of Binche, Maubeuge and the other towns, where there are French garrisons. I have decided to move these into France, leaving none, so as to remove all cause of complaint and outcry from those of this country. I am also ordering Combelle, who is with M. de Montigny, to withdraw to France with his troops, which I am sure he will do at once. In future, wherever I am, I shall always retain the good will of which I have made demonstration towards the States, of which I beg you to assure them. For yourself, you will always have as good a share as you can desire of my friendship, as I will show when occasion offers. And inasmuch as the States have not, as I believe, taken measures for the security of the places which I took from the enemy, it has seemed to me advisable to send word to Count Lalaing to attend to it before Tuesday next, when the soldiers will go out, in case no steps are taken by you or the States.Cond, 11 Jan. 1578. Copy. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 24.]
Jan. 13. 512. DAVISON to WALSINGHAM.
Just after my arrival here on Friday last, I received yours of Dec. 31 touching the order for sending over her Majesty's obligations, which on my return to Antwerp I will not fail to accomplish, as also to move the States either to treat with Spinola for prolonging the term of their payment of the sums for which her Majesty is bound or else for the discharge thereof so that through their default he be not called upon for that debt at the time limited ; though in my opinion it will be as hard to bring Spinola to agree to the one, and so frustrate the effect of his bonds, as it is unlikely that the States will be able to perform the other. Which makes me doubt that they will be driven to have recourse to her Majesty, who being 'cautioned' by their pledge in my hands, which she can at any time have sent over, together with the bonds of the States, I cannot see (under correction) any great cause to refuse to satisfy them unless she will do wrong to her own credit, which you can judge better than I. As for the note of the terms when the sums are to be paid, I sent it over to you a good while ago, at the same time that I advertised you of the error committed in writing the bonds, which came about 400 short of the general sum, as I think Mr Thompson can better inform you. Howbeit, at my return to Antwerp I will not forget to send you another 'double' of it. Touching the proceeding in recovery of Spinola's other bonds for the 30,000 florins adding the 400 which came short in the last, and for which I am personally bound, you will not do amiss to procure it ; so that the bond be sent to me, and not handed over to him, till I am fully satisfied in all things here for my discharge, and till I have a clear account from him of all that he has paid, which I cannot yet obtain, any more than of what I have received ; of which I will also send you the perfect note under his own hand. And whereas you desire to know the ground of the difference between him and me, it grew chiefly at the time of delivering the obligations in the presence of Schetz, where he would have served me as he offered to do you in your bond for the 38,000 fl.somewhat loosely, to speak truth ; and since, in charging my men in their absence with having received 2,000 fl. more than was ever paid them, wherein he has since confessed his error ; besides delaying to give me his account, and deliver copies of my general acquittance, and of my bond for the 400 ; with divers other discourtesies unworthy the friendship which I have shewn him. But all this is forgiven, and our reconcilement wrought by the Treasurer Schetz, so that in any respect I would be loath you should restrain your favour towards him. For other matters, I refer you to my general letter.Ghent, 13 Jan. 1578. P.S.Between Duke Casimir and me the peace is made since my return hither. The day I came to the town, I supped in his company at the Prince's, where we concluded the matter in a glass of wine [draft : with an Almaine Carouss] to her Majesty's health. Next morning he did me the honour to come to my lodging and invite me to dinner with him ; where the matter was confirmed and sealed up with half-a-dozen other Santees, too heavy for some of the company. But Beutrich and I remain yet 'at square' [draft : But with B. I have neither peace nor truce concluded yet]. I understand he has written two long letters to my lord of Leicester and yourself in his purgation, in which he speaks his pleasure of my proceedings here. If so, I hope you will let me have copies, that I may answer them ; and if I cannot do so to his discredit, I am content to lose my credit utterly. The Duke told me yesterday in general terms of the staying of the Bishop of Ross in Germany, coming from Rome, and of the intercepting of certain letters about him, 'detecting' a new conspiracy in Scotland. He had received some private advice of this, which I think he is minded to send over by Mr Rogers ; being so persuaded by Beutrich, whose charity will not extend to communicate the matter to me. The Duke himself has assured me of his resolve to come over very shortly to kiss her Majesty's hands ; but he has not fully decided on the time, though I think he will start within 4 or 5 days after this bearer. A motion has been made among the States for sending the Marquis to acquaint her Majesty with the state of things here since your return, and to renew their old suits. I have underhand dissuaded the journey as of little profit ; unless it be in respect of desiring her Majesty to assist the Emperor in the newly-determined treaty of peace, I think they are so minded, though I suspect the labour will bring forth as little fruit as the last. If her Majesty send over to that effect, and the personages are not of quality altogether unfit for me to join, I beseech you let me have so much honour, being here 'continuer' for her Majesty, as to have some piece of interest in that negotiation ; the rather because I am somewhat more fully informed of the doings here, than perhaps they will be whom her Majesty shall destine for that purpose. But this I move under correction. I stay my general letter till I can obtain the accord passed with the Walloons, which came only this morning by the commissioners ; letting this bearer pass in the mean time with this because of his haste [in draft ; coming with the resolution of Duke Casimir's journey, who I now hear will follow in two or three days]. Of Monsieur's stay or departure we are yet uncertain. The States have resolved to deliver him the town of Ath for his abode, but it is a question whether he will accept it. The Commissioners are departed towards him with the offer. Add. Endd. 1 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 25.]
[ca. Jan. 13.] 513. [DAVISON] to WALSINGHAM.
By your last of the 2nd inst. I perceive her Majesty is not only in some hard opinion of the States, as of men that neither earnestly affect the general peace nor diligently employ themselves to compound their inward troubles, but also seems to note some lack in me that I do not 'remember' them of their duty in one and the other. Surely for the States, I cannot see but they all generally desire a peace, though the scope in affecting it be somewhat divers ; because some wish it such as may be safe and perdurable, others, moved either with a hatred of our religion, a desire to conserve their own, and jealousy or envy of the Prince's greatness, a wearisomeness of the war or doubt of the success thereof, seem inclined to embrace such a peace as should be rather under that plausible name the seed of a longer and more pernicious war. And how these sittings will be accorded is not yet out of doubt, though the conclusion newly made with the deputies is some 'comfort' that things will speed better than we looked for. As touching myself ; as I am content that the Prince or States themselves should rather report than I, what they have found in my voluntary travail to do any good I might in these respects either publicly or privately, besides the witness which the success of things may yield in my behalf, so I hope her Majesty will graciously 'interpret of' my poor service, as of a man that may have erred rather of ignorance than of will ; as I doubt not you will do your best to assure her. As for the difference between Duke Casimir and me, it is now compounded, and our peace fully made with a treble Karouss to her Majesty's health. But Beutrich and I remain as we were, the quality of our jar being such as will not hastily be accorded. For other things I refer you to my general letter. I must be a humble suitor to you to procure me an advance of my diets from three months to three months, or for 200 or 300 beforehand, that I be not driven to consume myself any further in coming upon the exchange. I address myself only to you, assuring myself that you have the means and will to do me that favour and desiring to be beholden to you alone for it. Draft. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 25 bis.]
Jan. 13. 514. DAVISON to BURGHLEY.
Draft. Identical with the last, less final par. Endd. Jan. 14. 2 pp. [Ibid. XI. 26.]
[Jan. 13.] 515. Draft of letter to Walsingham. P.S. incomplete. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 26a.]
Jan. 14. 516. ROGERS to WALSINGHAM.
Since my arrival in these countries having written sundry letters to you, I have not yet been able to learn that any of them has come to your hands, for neither the letter you sent me with the Queen's packet contains any mention of the receipt of them, and both Mr Carlill and Mr Davison's man told me that you marvelled I did not write to you. Yet I have written often and have been careful in sending them to Mr Stokes ; for I durst not send one expressly to England with my letters, having no such command. Howbeit, I thought good to send this bearer, who came with my lord of Leicester's geldings, and is Mr Philip Sidney's servant, back again with all diligence, that you might certainly receive such things as I thought it my duty to advertise you of. Which is that Duke Casimir has on a sudden resolved to make a voyage into England, to see her Majesty before he return home, being so near the sea as he is. He resolved but yesterday, whereas since my coming, he has often asked me if I thought he would be welcome. But I learn from Beutrich that he has had the same intention this month long. He means to bring 25 or 30 with him, and will not 'be known' in Flanders. He swore to me he had communicated it to none but Beutrich and Languet, and yesterday to the Prince, and therefore thought it good to tell me ; requesting me to tell no man living, and desiring that I would be his conductor. He means to depart from hence as to-morrow. This evening the town makes him a banquet. I perceive from my lord of Leicester's letter that he will be very glad of his coming, and Mr Davison dealt likewise with him, having received from my lord a letter, by which he was to encourage him to it. He is welcome to the Duke and is like to be so more and more. Languet must likewise make himself ready to pass the seas in his old days. The Prince is not yet 'resolved' whether the Estates will send any one at present to England or no, of which I have heard some talk. He thinks it good for the Estates and the present need of the country, the state of which is better than it was at my last writing, because they of Artois and Hainault frame and accommodate themselves more to the observance of the union than was looked for. This happens because the Bishop of Arras has lost credit among them, 'being marked to have proposed, since his return to Arras, contrary things' ; forgetting the old proverb, that a deceiver must be mindful. Besides this the Walloons are agreed, and seem to be ready to do good offices against Artois and Hainault, in case they 'sejogne' themselves from the rest of the States, as also against la Motte, whom Montigny and Hze, being noblemen, do not think to admit into their society, because he being 'scant' a gentleman, and yet a better warrior than either of them, would win all the renown and glory from them. Which policy the Prince has persuaded to Montigny and Hze, to make them enemies against la Motte, whom he thinks to have gone so far in dealing with the Spaniards that there is no hope of gaining him. The Spaniards have taken Carpen, also Straten and Warendonck, small castles in Guelderland and have summoned Maestricht ; which news had been sufficient to engender a desperation in the ticklish head of the States had not they of Artois and Hainault, and the Walloons made their agreement. I need not write much at present of these matters, for Mr Davison being here sends you, I doubt not, copies of the agreement. As concerning her Majesty's letters on behalf of Champagny, Sweveghem, and the rest of the prisoners, I have delivered some of them to the Prince and the Duke, and Hembize. I think I need not deliver the rest, for it is accorded they shall be sent from hence towards Antwerp, and thence further into the custody of the Duke of Cleves. The Prince has had 'somewhat to do' with Hembize, who would rather set all the others at liberty than that Champagny should depart. He wished me to deal with Hembize, to whom I delivered the Queen's letter, declaring to him how just her request was, and that if he would not give Champagny competent judges, to purge himself, he were like to heap great indignation upon himself, and make Champagny the better thought of. Wherefore I told him that at her Majesty's request I trusted he would permit him to be conveyed from Ghent with the rest, and be 'comprehended in the same predicament' with the other prisoners. With much ado he 'condescended,' though it was agreed upon before the Queen's letter came ; by which you may understand what stubbornness and uncertainty is yet in some of the greatest of this town. But the departure of Duke Casimir will make some more obedient. I am minded to talk with Sweveghem to-day touching Mendoza's instructions, which he received when he was first sent ambassador to England, for the matter appertaining to Guerras. As for the other news, Casimir showed me yesterday letters received from Dr. Ehemius, his Chancellor, and from Dr. Wyerus, touching the imprisonment of the Bishop of Ross. Being sent from the Pope to the Emperor, he came from the Emperor towards the Rhine, and meaning to make his way into France was stayed at Pfalzburg by the Duke of 'Pettit piere,' cousin to Duke Casimir ; who having received order from the Elector Palsgrave to look diligently to the frontier of France and Lorraine, and espying a stranger with coffers and strange attire passing by his town, being desirous to know who he was, stayed him. Opening one of his coffers he found instructions and passports, with letters from the Pope, the Emperor, and the Duke of 'Bavyre' in his behalf to the Elector of Mentz, Tryre, and Collegn, also to the Bishops of Wrzburg, Lige and others ; also for France, to the Queen mother, the King, the Duke of Guise, etc. and to certain in Scotland, all to the effect that new troubles might be stirred up against the Religion and her Majesty, and that the Scottish Queen might be set at liberty. Ehemius writes that the Duke of 'Pettit piere' promised him copies of the instructions and letters, which I earnestly desired his Excellency to procure, for there was no doubt but that much villainy was to be detected from them, with treasons and other practices. He has therefore written to the Duke on this account, as also to stay him, if he be not gone away already, as he is afraid, for he had such passports and commissions from the Emperor. One commission was to erect new Jesuits' colleges in Scotland, and another to erect again such colleges as had in time past been founded for Scots in Italy, Germany and France.Ghent, 14 Jan. 1578. P.S.Yesterday the Duke of Alenon was to retire his garrisons from 'Binghes' and the other towns he had in Hainault ; and as to-day he appointed to go from Cond towards France. The Prince told me he had seen letters from Spain, in which it was said that the Inquisitors had executed the Duke of Alva's eldest son. Add. Endd. 5 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 27.]
Jan. 15. 517. DAVISON to WALSINGHAM.
I have heard nothing from you of the receipt of her Majesty's obligations, which I sent you by my man 14 days since, followed by two others for Spinola's sum, sent by the last post ; containing in all ten pieces ; six of which, namely three general bonds from the States, and three particular from Antwerp, Ghent, and Bruges were for the 45,000, two were general bonds for the 28,000 and odd disbursed by Spinola and Cataneo, with two other earlier pieces touching the States' promise to give her Majesty their bond of indemnity to save her harmless in respect of those she had entered into, to the same creditors. Please let me hear of them 'with the first,' with some discharge from her Majesty to myself ; together with some order about the jewels. I understand the States have written to her Majesty in Spinola's behalf for the 30,000 florins, which they have by some of their deputies requested me to further. They will, I hear, this week write other letters of excuse for the faults into which they have of late fallen ; rather as they say by reason of the infinite troubles and confused business which the time has brought forth, than of any unthankful respect towards her. This I the rather believe in respect of my own observation of things here. With these next letters I think they will be humble suitors to her Majesty to 'stand so gracious Lady towards them" as to satisfy the merchants to whom she has given her bonds in their behalf. Some motion has been already made to me to help it forward ; and though I will not take upon me to persuade her Majesty what to do in such a case, I think (under correction) that the bonds with the hypotheque remaining in my hands is so reasonable a security that she can sustain little prejudice by it, besides that having given her promise she cannot refuse to satisfy the merchants unless she wishes to prejudice her own credit. For the 30,000 'gildrens,' if she grants it, sending me the bonds hither, I may, if she please, get a particular bond of one or two towns in Holland, for the better securing of that sum and the rest of that payable to the merchants.Jan. 15. Draft. Endd. p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 28.]
Jan. 15. 518. WALSINGHAM to DAVISON.
Pietro Lupo, one of the Queen's violins, tells me that the late Count of Brederode, before the beginning of the troubles, was indebted to him in a certain sum of money, the 'specialties' of which he has under the Count's hand. Since his death, his lands being alleged to be confiscated to the King, no part of it could be recovered ; but now, seeing it is supposed they have been restored to his heirs or executors, he thinks they will not refuse payment of his debts. Wherefore having instructed some of his friends to see what can be done, he has asked me for a letter to you, which considering he is her Majesty's servant, I could not deny him, and therefore beg you to give your friendly furtherance to the person who shall solicit his cause.Richmond, 15 Jan. 1578. Add. Edd. p. [Ibid. XI. 29.]
Jan. 16. 519. DAVISON to WALSINGHAM.
For the confession of Egremond Ratclif, mentioned in yours of the 10th inst. I will use my best diligence to obtain it for you, either through the Emperor's ambassador, to whom I have sent your letter, or by one of those I have heretofore used in that camp. You shall hear more on my return to Antwerp.Ghent, 16 Jan. 1578. P.S.Yesterday morning Duke Casimir took his journey hence. Beutrich has boasted that he can do miracles when he gets to England, and as the man lacks no boldness, I doubt not but he will speak liberally. Whatever he affirm for himself, this you may be as much assured of as of your life that his plot was to have shipped his master in such an action as would in fine have turned this province upside-down ; for which if I could allege the proofs without some blemish of his master's reputation, I could say more than he is aware of. I hear that Mr. Sidney condemns me very much for this action. I know he would not do me wrong willingly, and therefore he might do well to suspend his judgement till he hear both parties ; but if you have occasion to speak of this, I beseech you 'take no knowledge' of it from me, and if the matter 'fall in question' with Beutrich while he is there, let me understand his reasons, that I may amplify mine with other proofs than I have yet done. But I so much honour (sic) that, so help me God, I am unwilling to speak as I am able. Notwithstanding the pacification with the Walloons I fear it will be hard to avoid a civil war. The offices of the Emperor's ambassador are very suspect, and in my judgement, not without cause. The Prince's absence from Antwerp breeds marvellous confusion in the doings there. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 30.]
Jan. 16. 520. THE EMPEROR to the STATES GENERAL.
From the report of our councillor and chief marshal, Count Otto Henry of Schwartzenberg, we learn that you are not only willing to treat of peace, but have agreed to an armistice of some weeks ; which we are much pleased to hear. And whereas we hear also that the Prince of Parma made more difficulties about the armistice, but ultimately referred the matter to the Duke of Terra Nova, we will go carefully into the matter with the said Duke, whom we expect here daily, and do what we can to get it allowed in that quarter. Meanwhile we are writing to the Prince and urging him to show himself less hard of consent, and we are confident he will hear reason if it can be arranged that the Duke of Alenon and the French troops shall leave the country. This and other matters we leave the marshal to treat of. As however we wish to lose no time, we propose without waiting for your answer or that of the Prince of Parma to fix a day when our commissioners with those of the King and your deputies shall meet at Cologne with powers to act and conclude. Other matters we leave to the marshal.Prague, 16 Jan. 1579. Copy. Endd. (incorrectly) in a later hand. Latin. 1 pp. [Ibid. XI. 31.]
Jan. 17. 521. ROSSEL to L. TOMSON.
I have received yours of the 10th and thank you heartily for the good news you give me and good hope of the future recognition of my services, which are such as you can perceive. I do not say this for importunity, but for the pleasure it gives me to do them, being supported. My departure as conductor of the French troops has been delayed for want of pay. If I hear that it is desired to continue my services I shall hasten my return. By the documents I send you will recognise whether I got them without spending freely. Some of them by themselves merit a reward (mercde). Please enjoy the reading of them, and observe the attitude and intention of the potentates.Antwerp, 17 Jan. 1579. Add. Endd. Fr. p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 32.]
Jan. 17. 522. ROSSEL to WALSINGHAM.
Yours of the 10th made me condole with your infirmity, and subsequently rejoice in your convalescence, my joy being confirmed by the kindness of her Majesty ; to whom and to yourself I have desired to represent what ought to tranquillize all princes and statesmen, in the knowledge of the position of a neighbour's affairs reduced to such a confusion and medley as ours are and will be, if Providence does not remedy them. This agrees with the important documents I send you, which are such that nothing could be more advantageous short of the personal presence of her Majesty or yourself. They ought to give her such satisfaction that postponing all other pleasures she should amuse herself by observing all the actions, aims and designs of the potentates who look on at our tragedy. In regard to M. Sainte-Aldegonde's letter, which he maintains to be spurious, and from the pen of a lawyer at Mechlin, in its contents may be plainly enough seen the intention of the arrire conseil, formed, as I have told you, to dominate their master ; with which agrees the dismissal and withdrawal of the 'grande altze' very ill-satisfied, and all his people in low spirits. He is staying at la Fre in Rethelois (sic) waiting the meeting of the States-General, and hoping in his distress for the fruit of the promise made to him of a crown that he has not earned. It is true that if those of Artois and Hainault had supported him, 'the ambitious' would have backed him ; but more 'oriental' spirits do not wish to submit to a yoke as hard as that, which surpasses the tyrant. I write in these terms not without opinion and common report on my side. Please consider the bastimens of the arrire-conseil ; the hope of peace, on the subject of the 'big messenger who ceases not to cry, "Peace."' You will see the proposal made by the said big messenger to the States, which I hear was in general found very thin, for which reason he was asked if he had not negotiated ; if he had nothing else to say. He said there were other details which could not be set out in public ; though if he had deputies from the Estates and the Council of State he would tell them other points ; which was granted. One was M. de Ville, governor of Friesland, brother of the late M. d' Austrade, of the House of Lalaing, for the States, with MM. de Liesfelt, Meetkerke, and Sainte-Aldegonde. I leave you while awaiting any further information, to consider the subject in dispute. During this talking the enemy advances. He has taken Carpen and hung all the soldiers. The captain, who has always been in Holland, is prisoner. Our men-at-arms are scattered, and everywhere disaffected. The Prince is still at Ghent, and according to the common opinion is making himself Count of Flanders, and wants to fence in (border) Holland. The other provinces, torn with passions, are letting everything go in despair. The contributions are stopping. The people, during this pacifying of Ghent, is growing disaffected ; everything remains hung up. However, at the instance of the colonels of the city of Antwerp, the Prince is to return on Monday the 19th. This morning I had orders to start at once, which is why I cannot mention many other details ; such as what has happened at Tournay, the intention of those of Artois, and other occurrents. This will be for my return, which I shall hasten.Antwerp, 17 Jan. 1579. Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 33.]
Jan. 17. 523. FREMYN to DAVISON.
I wrote last by your servant. As for the state of affairs here, everything is in preparation for disunion, and for falling into civil war, if God do not put His hand to the guidance of honest folk. They of Artois and Hainault write to the States that they wish to stand by every point of the pacification of Ghent, and will not be faithless to that which they have promised. As for the Religionrreidt they are entirely opposed to it, and will consider their future course of action. So these two provinces seem wholly at the devotion of the Spaniards ; as also by a letter which the Viscount of Ghent has written to the States he seems entirely to take that side. His brother, the Seneschal, too, is beginning to do all he can against those of the Religion. The war which is about to begin will be a war for religion ; the cloak of which the malcontent lords will adopt in order the better to satisfy their ambition, avarice, and hatred, and get rid of the Prince of Orange, to whom they bear deadly illwill. To achieve this they will ruin themselves to little effect, troubling all the State ; which is on the road to sore sickness if it be not succoured after the fashion of a brave and valiant physican. Carpen has been taken by the Spaniards through its own soldiers, who seized the chest in default of pay, and surrendered to the enemy as usual. The Estates have granted Monsieur the town of Ath pending the meeting of the States-General, and it seems that persons are being sent to hand it over to him. Every thing is quickly getting into a mess. The Emperor's ambassador worked no miracles when with the Prince of Parma, for the Prince told him he had no commission from the King to treat of peace or truce, unless the Duke of Terra Nova had commission. The ambassador further said that the King had referred the affairs of the Low Countries wholly to the Emperor's action, in order to arrive at a definite peace, and that the Estates should do the same ; and they delegated persons to hear more in detail from him on the subject. Last Sunday he replied that before all things it was necessary that the Prince of Orange should be dismissed from the general government and should retire to his government of Holland and Zealand ; and that the pacification of Ghent should be observed in all points. If this was done, no doubt a good peace would be arrived at. This being carried out, we shall hear the rest. Such are the fine goings-on here. Meanwhile every one is after the Estates for money, so that they can get nothing expedited. Antwerp, 17 Jan. 1579. Add. Fr. 1 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 34.]
Jan. 17. 524. RANDOLPH to DAVISON.
How to requite your kindness, I know not, but what may lie in my power that may pleasure you shall be requited thereof to the uttermost that I can. I am sorry the causes do not prosper better, where you have to do, than we hear or see any great appearance. What support can be had from hence you are not ignorant, nor 'where about' we are at present occupied, in a matter earnestly pursued, but small hope of good success. It rests chiefly upon Monsieur's own presence, without which it avails him little to make further suit. This to requite you for your news often written to me, till I hear the full resolution of the matter. I am given by Lord Howard to understand that a young gentleman, a servant of his and a near kinsman of mine, was taken prisoner by the Spaniards, I suppose about two months ago. His name is Fordar, well known to some of the English gentlemen there. His Lordship desires that knowledge may be got of his estate, and what may be done for his relief, as soon as may be ; that money may be provided for his ransom. This being his request, joined also with my desire, I pray you to further it the best you can.London, 17 Jan. 1578. Add. Endd. :From Sir Thos. Randolphe. 1 pp. [Ibid. XI. 35.]
Jan. 18. 525. POULET to WALSINGHAM.
The merchants mentioned in this bill enclosed, having procured letters in their favour from the King to her Majesty, have also desired my recommendation, wherein I would not deny them ; and therefore trouble you with these few lines.Paris, 18 Jan. 1578. (Enclosure.) Will Sir A. Poulet kindly represent to her Majesty on behalf of Franois Astore, Louys Rabaudy, and Berauld de Veyre, merchants of Toulouse, the wrong and damage done them on 314 bales of woad. These were taken from them in June last by a pirate (pilhard) who carried them to the island of Guernsey, where Captain Leighton the governor seized them in her Majesty's name, and soon after sold them to certain merchants of the said island ; who transported them to Southampton, Rye, and other parts of the kingdom. Whereof being advertised they sent a man, who finding 170 bales still unbroken (? en nature) stayed them and other merchandize of the purchasers, in order to bring an action against them for what had been sold. This the governor opposed, inasmuch as he had guaranteed the sale to the purchasers, as stray goods found in the hands of a pirate ; and going to London asked to have the stay withdrawn. This he obtained by favour against all justice and the law of the land, subject to some formal caution, which he gave, thereby thinking to let the complainants in for a long suit, which might in the end amount to more than the sum at issue. Add. Endd. Eng. p. and Fr. p. [France III. 2.]
Jan. 19. 526. WALSINGHAM to DAVISON.
Yours of the 13th received. Touching the satisfying of Spinola for the sum that her Majesty stands bound to him for, the States might do well to take care of it themselves, without importuning her Majesty, who seems not very willing to endanger herself further in the matter. Indeed their proceedings towards her are so strange, not having since our departure had the respect to acquaint her with the course of their proceedings and determination concerning the treaty of peace, as though they had received no benefit from her, that they show themselves unworthy of what she has done for them ; much more of any further good turn. Wherefore if they wish to be further relieved in making the payment to Spinola, it will be well that they omit no longer the due offices of thankfulness, and send to require that further benefit at her hands by some apt person chosen for the purpose. I am to let you know that I have been credibly informed that Spinola, notwithstanding his outward show to the contrary, may be brought to yield to a longer day of payment. To this I must not be 'acknowen' to be privy ; therefore pray use the matter accordingly. The vote of the towns at which the same were to be paid, which you sent me, I have lost, so you will do well to send me another, according to promise. Touching the bonds for the 30,000 florins, now that I perceive that Mr Spinola and you are well accorded, I will do my best to procure them, but I fear there will be difficulty. I am glad to perceive by your letters that Duke Casimir and you are reconciled. As for Beutrich, as it is likely that time will wear out the 'square' between you and him, the matter is not greatly to be accounted of, and you may be sure that for my own part I will not too easily condemn you for your manner of proceeding with him, whatever he alleges ; and I think my lord of Leicester concurs with me therein. As yet I have nothing from Beutrich that is worth answering. If it falls out that her Majesty send any to the 'treaty' of peace, I will not fail to procure that you shall be joined in commission with them of what degree soever they be. [Added in L. Tomson's hand.] This bearer is sent with order touching the Bishop of Ross, and I have told him to acquaint you with his charge. If he be in time, some good may be done. Richmond, 19 Jan. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XI., 36.]
Jan. 20. 527. L. TOMSON to DAVISON.
My master would have written himself, but he has hurt his thumb so that he cannot without great pain set pen to paper and therefore wished me to write to you touching the copy of a letter from her Majesty to the Estates on behalf of Monsieur, which I send herewith. Simier complained to her of the indignities his master had received at the States' hands, and the small regard they have had to his person, requesting her to write to them to put them in mind of their unfriendly proceeding towards him, contrary to promise, and far beside the merit he thinks his master deserved at their hands. She has accordingly been pleased to write to them ; and in order that you should, in delivering it, accompany it with speeches 'convenient,' a copy is sent you. It is more to satisfy their humour, than that her Majesty thinks the States will do otherwise than they see cause. And whereas you write of an intention the States have to send one over to her Majesty, my master wished me to say that for ought he could perceive any such person will be 'smally welcome,' and therefore you would do well to dissuade the purpose after the best sort you can, counselling them rather to communicate their requests to you, and promising them your best furtherance ; not doubting but that your mediation with such good friends as they have here will stand them in as good stead as if they sent over an express Ambassador.Richmond, 20 Jan. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XI. 37.]