Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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Maas, Maes, Mase, Meuse, 231, 258, 298, 330, 356, 434, 502, 503, 513, 517, 541, 596, 646, 789, 803, 815, 818, 834, 844.

Mabuse. See Maubeuge.

'Machiavilliards', 305 (p. 229).

Madrid, Madril, 70, 160, 199, 412, 654, 821.

-, letters dated at, 25, 308, 655, 655A, 697, 698, 699.

'Madril', 412. See Madrid.

Madrutsch, dispute with people of, arbitrated by Pope, 575.

Maes. See Maas.

-, 11
-, jealous of liberty, 44
-, Don John's design on, fails, 47
-, States warned by Prince of Orange to secure, 47
-, M. de Montigny dispatched to
-, Duke of Arschot's government by, 49
-, route, viâ, 164
-, sack of, alluded to, 216, 217, 261
-, forces of States move on, 218
-, 'Germans' foiled in attempt on, 231, 258
-, Don Martini's command at, 346
-, reception at, of Archduke Matthias, 372, 379, 384
-, governorship of, vacant, 546
-, Mondragon advances on 591, saved by M. de Hèze, 599
-, States' force in, 657, traitors in, arrested, 664
-, Don John turns aside from, 675, 729, 746, 749
-, mutiny at, for arrears of pay
-, Don John's deputies caught and drowned at. 815
-, incident at, 850
-, mutinous soldiers 'hanged, drowned and slaughtered' at, 858
-, Don John's 'intelligence in,' fails him, 862, he threatens, 917 (p. 726).

Maffei, Cardinal, 821.

-, proposed assembly at, of Lutherans, to condemn Protestants not holding the Augustan Confession, 27
-, Robert Beale's mission to Princes concerned in, his credentials, 130, his instructions, 131, 131A
-, Diet at, broken off, 136, 140, 213
-, the matter communicated to Regent of Scotland by Queen Elizabeth, 200, 201
-, intended assembly at, to be held at Naumburg, 246, 323
-, divines of, subscribe 'book' made at Torgau, 691 bis
-, Queen Elizabeth's allusion to meeting at, 911.

-, administrator of. See Joachim Frederick.

Magnus, Duke, of Denmark, married to niece of Emperor of Russia, 12 s. (p. 431), escapes to Cooveland, 752.

Magunce, Maguntia. See Mainz.

Mahomet Basha. See Mehemet.

Mailleraye, Milleray, M. de. See Moy.

Mailleroy. See Malroy.

Maintenon, M. de, 663 (p. 520).

Mainz, Mayence, Magunce, Maguntia. Mentz, 413.

-, letters dated at, 774, 775.

-, Archbishop and Elector of, 246 (p. 182)
-, Emperor's letter to, 365
-, to aid Don John, 429, 434 (p. 326).

Makelborowghe. See Mecklenburg.

Makestone, —, Scot, in France, 252.

'Malbrowne', Colonel. See Malzbrun.

-, Diego, attached to Spanish embassy in Paris, 308
-, letter from, to Antonio Guaras, 355.

Malengien, 92.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Malleroye. See Malroy.

Mallotti, Emilio, 720 bis (p. 556).

Malmsey wine, 589.

Malroy, Mailleroye, Malleroye. See Heu.

Malstede, Walter van, Ambassador from States of Netherlands to invite the Archduke Matthias, 372, account of his negotiation, 15 s. (p. 434).

Malvasière, M. See Mauvissière.

-, 'Malbrowne,' —, German Colonel, application to, by Henry III. of France, 138 (p. 102)
-, in Duke Casimir's service, 775.

Manderscheid, Mandershet, Count Joachim of. commands Luxemburgers for Don John, 517, 546, 586.

Manderville, —, to be sent as French Agent to Scotland, reared by Duke of Aumâle, dependent of Queen-Mother, 836, 837.

Mandesfield. See Mansfeld.

Mandeslohe, —, Colonel of 'reiters,' 258.

Mangicavalli, Malvenda, merchant of Antwerp, 231.

Maniquet, M. de, Agent of Madame de Longueville, 247.

Mansfeld, Mandesfield, Mansfeldt, Count, and the Duke of Deux-Ponts, 61.

-, Charles, Count de, son of the Count, arrives in Luxembourg, with men for Don John, 298
-, ally of Don John's, 398, hired, 434, 517
-, Colonel in Don John's army, 546 (p. 409), 586
-, in command of Don John's Walloons, 658, who were routed at Philippeville and elsewhere, 664
-, takes over Duke of Guise's troops, 604 bis (p. 466), letter from, to garrison of Nivelles, upon treaty for their surrender, 687
-, French under, go home, malcontent, 747, 749
-, member of Don John's Council, 827.

-, Peter Ernest de, Count, confidence of Don John in, 38
-, near Namur, 47
-, overtures to, by States General, 176, tears their letter with his teeth and treads on it, 273, 300
-, to be recalled by French King, 420
-, in command of French with Don John, 431
-, his son Charles active for Don, 517
-, Governor of Luxembourg, for Don John, 546
-, 'the old Count of Mansfield,' Colonel for Don John, ibid. (p. 409).

-, Wolrath, Count of, services to be hired, 13
-, ready to serve with Duke Casimir, 305 (p. 228)
-, proposal to negotiate with, for 'reiters,' instead of with the Duke, 305 (p. 230).

-, M. de, to accompany Baron D'Aubigny to Duke of Alençon, 346, 356, 375, 420, 432
-, reports his colleague as anti-English, 447
-, with colleague drafts indictment of Don John, 470, 471.

-, Jacomo, servant of English embassy in France, 22, 252, recommended by Poulet to Lord Leicester, 268, to Walsingham, 523
-, Queen's graciousness to, 543, to be sent to Poulet with despatches, 609
-, rejoins Poulet, 662.

Marano, 695.

-, captured by Huguenots from Rochelle, 99, report contradicted, 134
-, ship of, plundering, 252
-, promised to be rased, but not, 508, 663.

Marce, Count of La, officer in army of States, 546. See Marche.

Marcekerke, M. de, 787.

-, Count La, M. de la Marche, a Liegeois, officer in army of States, 421, 502, 546, 588, 755
-, his regiment shares in defeat of Gemblours, 620
-, dies, not without suspicion of poison, 858.

-, Bishop of Ross at, 117
-, meeting near, of Don John and Duke of Guise, 320
-, Don Martini at, 346, 356
-, Mondragon at, 517
-, Don John's troops at, 586
-, Don John meets Duke of Brunswick at, 858.

-, Perpetual Edict of, 74, 75, 86, 110, 157, 216, 217 (pp. 155, 156), 261, 338, 371, 470, 476, 479, 546 (p. 409), 649, 739.

Marck, in Cleves, 691 bis (p. 539).

-, William Robert de la, 'the young Duke of Bouillon,' declares for Reformed Religion
-, his town of Sedan besieged by Duke of Guise accordingly, 246 (p. 182)
-, sent by the Duchess his mother to study at Strasburg
-, jealousy of burgesses of his French 'train,' 337.

-, Françoise de la, Duchess of Bouillon, her 'unicorn's horn' offered for sale in England, 854.

Marco, M. (?), banker, 553.

Margan. See Morgan.

-, Duchess of Parma, suggested Governess of Netherlands, 553
-, Spanish Commissioners solicit, to go to Netherlands, 604 bis (p. 466)
-, prepares for voyage thither, 575, 620 bis (p. 483).

-, Queen of Navarre (Princess of Béarn, Duchess of Vendôme), expected at Mons, 14, accompanied by the Count of Lalaing, 47, her entertainment by Don John at Namur, 42, 44, 49, 59, 95, 476
-, rejoins husband, accompanied by mother, 132
-, mentioned, 146
-, her 'practice' with the Count of Lalaing suspected, 163
-, her intrigues, re Netherlands, 226
-, her visit to her husband under escort of her mother arranged, 283
-, Duke of Anjou to meet, at La Fère in Picardy, 306
-, Henry III. sends messenger to, 447
-, her 'second marriage' to husband, her influence with dreaded, 607 (p. 471), 796
-, not yet gone to him, 813
-, her overtures to Poulet
-, her 'singular credit' with the Duke of Anjou
-, her schemes with the Duke to trick the Duke of Guise
-, her determination not to rejoin her husband, 864.

Margelle, M. de la, his regiment heretofore disbanded, 223.

Margrave of Antwerp. See Antwerp.

-, Marienberg, taken by Don John, 117
-, threatened mutiny of States' troops in, 141
-, demand for surrender of, by States, 191, 194, accepted by Don John, 216, 217, 261
-, soldiers in, resolve to hold out against States, 273, 300, 434
-, surprised by Don John's forces, and pitilessly dealt with, 465
-, held by Don John, 517, 541, suspected of 'traffic' with States, 789
-, 'taken by composition' by Don John, 827.

Marienburg, Maringborough, 9 s. (p. 429).

Maringborough. See Marienburg.

Marion, Jean, his 'horrible treason,' 774, 890, 911.

'Market', meeting of Swiss Cantons called, 247.

Marle, M. de, officer in Don John's army, 546.

-, Jean, Seigneur de, or du, Gastel (Gastray), 49
-, his brother commands horse for Don John, 470
-, at Windsor, as Agent of Don John, 471
-, his reply, in Don John's defence, to memorandum put forth by States' Ambassadors in England, 476, 477, 495
-, replication of the Ambassadors, 479
-, his negotiation mentioned, 545, 700.

-, Philippe de, Sieur de Sainte Aldegonde, with Prince of Orange, 38
-, his letter to the Prince, 47
-, mentioned in connexion with Prince's negotiations with States, 74, 75
-, his expulsion from Brussels demanded by Don John, 93
-, mentioned, 101, 114, 146, 164
-, Lord Leicester's compliments to, 180, and Wilson's, 185
-, assists in finding crew at Flushing who robbed Mr. Beale, 202
-, Laurence Tomson's compliments to, 353
-, consulted by Walsingham, 357
-, Protestant member of new Council of State, 379
-, mentioned, 476, 479
-, had he been in England, in Lord Leicester's opinion, 'the matter had gone better,' 681
-, letter sent to, from England, to be deciphered, 714, 768
-, Rogers visits, 731
-, to represent States at Diet at Worms, 732, 744 (p. 579)
-, his compliments desired to Wilson, 733
-, departs for Worms, 767, 788, 811, his instructions, 768, has audience in assembly at Worms, 903.

Maroilles, Abbé de. See Yve.

-, Letters of, issue of, threatened by Queen Elizabeth, 595
-, issued by, against men of St. Malo, 663 (p. 518).

Marsh, —, his claim against Holland and Zealand, 780.

- See also Mershe.

Marsh in Famine. See March.

Marshe, de la. See Marche.

Marten. See Martin.

Martin, Marten, Richard, Warden of the Mint, 4 s. (p. 426), 18 s., 891, 892.

'Martin, Master', letter addressed to, 766.

Martin. See also Martyn.

Martinengo, Count, 592.

Martini, Don, at Marche with troops, 346, 356.

Martyn, George, his plot against Prince of Orange, 737.

Maruzes. See Marvéjols.

Marvéjols (Maruzes ?), 20.

Marvilles, Prelate of. See Maroilles.

Mary of Castile
-, daughter of Charles V, wife of Emperor Maximilian, Don John's letter to, touching debts due to, &c., 104, 105, 106
-, reported proposal to appoint, Governor of Spain, 378
-, utterly opposed to enterprise of Archduke Matthias, 380, 15 s. (p. 434), to defeat which she employs Jesuits to sing masses, 412
-, to go as Regent to Spain, 429, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, her relations to Count of Schwarzenburg, 599.

Mary, Queen of England, trade with Russia under, 28.

Mary, Queen of Hungary, Governess of Netherlands, 544.

-, Queen of Scots, her Agents in Flanders, 117
-, reported execution of, 124
-, reported Portuguese and Spanish intervention on behalf of, 181
-, servant of, in Netherlands, 203
-, possible intrigue between, and Archduke Matthias, 412
-, Scots in Paris seek to rejoin, 420
-, universal plot in favour of, 429
-, plotting at Paris for, 475
-, Queen Elizabeth's letter to King Philip, reminding him of his practices with, 524
-, Queen Elizabeth's letter to Sir Amyas Poulet (1586), her gaoler, 565
-, proposed match between, and Don John, 571
-, Queen Elizabeth desires French Ambassador shall be instructed not to intercede with her for, 609
-, a letter from the Ambassador touching, 610
-, treachery of her supporters serving in States' army, 613
-, great effort on behalf of, preparing, 640
-, Henry III., alluding to his relationship to, yet assures Poulet he is content Elizabeth should keep her safely, 652
-, story of the loss and recovery of a packet of her letters, 663
-, Gondi refused access to, 839
-, Requesens' plot in her favour, 927.

Mascart, 'Jacques, Deputy of States General, 761 bis.

Mase. See Maas.

Masset, M., commands Burgundians for Don John, 586.

Mastin, M., arrested at Arras, 747.

Mathew, —, Irishman, intrigues with Spain and Pope, 654.

Mathias, son of Shah, 890.

Matthias, the Archduke. See Austria.

Maubeuge, Mabuse, 517, taken by Don John, 737, 903 (p. 706).

Maugiron, Maugeron, Louis de, his death, 837,

Maumaecker, —, Treasurer of Zealand, 309.

-, Duke of Lauenburg, of the House of Saxony, offers services to Duke Casimir, 563
-, Casimir wishes him to accompany his expedition, 931.

Maurice, Elector of Saxony, and the Schmalcaldic war, 467.

Mauville, M. de, 395, 396.

Mauvissière, M. de, French Ambassador in England. See Castelnau.

Maximilian, Archduke. See Austria.

- II., Emperor of Germany, his friendship with Duke of Saxony, and toleration of Protestantism, 138
-, book on Turks written by command of, 258
-, his toleration in Vienna, 337
-, 'good friend' of Queen Elizabeth, 352, 535 (p. 398)
-, his claims in Netherlands, 385, 412
-, his employment of Count Schwarzburg, 413
-, intimacy between, and Elector of Saxony, 467
-, privileges granted by, observed by son, 890.

May, —, du, servant of Duke of Anjou, 814.

Mayence. See Mainz.

Mayland. See Milan.

Mayne, Duke of. See Lorraine.

Mayo, Bishop of. See O'Hely.

Mebbras, M. de, of Douai, 395, 396.

-, Thomas Wilson takes leave of Don John at, 14
-, French Ambassador at, 14
-, design to seize Don John at, 39, 45, he leaves, for Namur, 44
-, States General seek to secure, 47
-, M. de Ville at, 47
-, negotiations at, for ridding Netherlands of German soldiery, 50
-, mentioned, 65, 95, 146, 150, 170, 198, 216, 217
-, Grand Council at, 261, 276
-, deputies of, approve reception of Archduke Matthias, 330
-, history of Don John's visit to, 476, 479
-, mentioned, 508
-, over-representation of, in States, 539
-, office of Governor, vacant, 546
-, mentioned, 588
-, Archduke Matthias at, 596
-, suspected town, garrisoned by Egmont's men, 596, its revolt expected, 623, reinforcements hurried to, 636, 637, secured, 642, 643
-, de Selles at, 655, 697
-, passage of river above, seized by Don John, 657
-, Lord Seton expelled from, 747
-, Scots at, 760
-, accusations by Lord Seton against persons at, 767
-, M. de Selles' powers to be examined at for States, 811, 815
-, garrison of, in action, 877
-, alleged scandal among Friars at, 903.

Mecklenburg, Makelborowghe, levies in, for States of Netherlands, 595 ter (p. 460), 651 bis, 656.

-, Duke of, divine of, 246
-, mentioned, 323 (p. 245)
-, forbids levies for Don John, 752.

Medekerke. See Meetkerke.

-, François Marie de, Grand Duke of Tuscany, his ambassador 'incenses' Henry III. to war, 20
-, aids Portuguese, 145, 575, 611
-, prepares to assist Don John, 531
-, his ships plundered by pirates, 575
-, aids the Spaniards
-, proposes to buy towns of King of Spain, 608
-, expected to command Italians for Don John, 657
-, precedence of his Ambassador over Savoy, 701
-, forbids weapons to be worn, 720 bis (p. 556).

-, Cathérine de. See Cathérine.

Meerbeek, Meerbecke, between Louvain and Mechlin, 786, alluded to, 789.

-, Meurbeeck, Mourbeke, M. de, officer in army of States, 450, 546
-, Governor of Aire, 546, a 'suspected patriot,' 546.

-, Adolphe de, president of the Council of Flanders, deputed by States to wait on Don John, 60, 92
-, in England with Marquis of Havrech, 347
-, Walsingham's statement to, of English view of coming of Archduke Matthias, 352, 354, 357
-, member of new Council of State, 379
-, result of his negotiations in England, 441, 442, 450, 462
-, mentioned, 479
-, Queen's compliments to, on close of embassy, 518
-, of the Archduke's Council, 522
-, attends English Church when in London, 530
-, his petition for licence to export ordnance to Low Countries, 572
-, ratification of treaty negotiated by, 574
-, Queen's alleged advice to, quâ religion, 576
-, his mission mentioned, 585
-, in attendance on Archduke, 731
-, desires to be remembered to Wilson, 733.

Meghem, M. de. See Berlaymont.

-, Mahomet, Pasha, sends Agent to Spain, 145
-, Spanish negotiation with, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, dies 575 (p. 444)
-, negotiates peace with Spain, 720 bis (p. 555)
-, informed of Archduke Matthias' advent in Netherlands, ibid.

Meissen, Misnia, news from, 691 bis (p. 538).

-, -, Bishop of, levy of 'reiters' by his cousin, for States, 691 bis (p. 538).

Melancthon, proposed condemnation of his 'Corpus,' 140.

Mellowe, Lawrence, of London, merchant, 486.

Mellving, See Elbing.

-, Robert de, Marquis de Roubaix and Richebourg, Vicomte de Gand, brings despatches from Queen Elizabeth to Brussels, 8
-, his negotiations in England on Don John's behalf, 38, 42, 49, 476, 479
-, letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, describing failure of Don John's plot at Antwerp, 76, her reply, 116
-, letter to, from Horsey, 77, under cover to Davison, 78
-, his warning to Don John, 146 (p. 112)
-, mentioned, 158
-, with States army, 517, 546
-, Governor of Artois, 546 (p. 408)
-, his men to be trusted, 588.

Melville, Mr., forwards letter to Queen of Scots, 610.

Mendez, Alvare, 560.

-, Don Bernardino, sent Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth from Philip II. of Spain, 663, in Paris, 674
-, Poulet's anxiety Queen should not be deluded by, 691 (pp. 535, 537)
-, passport for, 692, at Gravesend, 695
-, declaration by, 700, summarized by Walsingham, 704
-, his success with Queen, disgust of her Secretaries, 714, 715
-, questions propounded to, by Lord Leicester and the Lord Chamberlain
-, his unsatisfactory replies
-, Queen's declaration, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720
-, his former insult to Queen, 736
-, Queen's reply to, privately reported to Davison, 740, communicated by him to States, 768
-, his reported appointment as resident minister in England, 768
-, his instructions do not enable him to answer chief question addressed to King Philip by Queen, 772
-, endeavour to lay hands on secret instructions given to, by Requesens, to enable Walsingham to foil his present plans, 849, epitome of the instructions, 927.

Menteth, —, a Scot, letter from, to Rogers, 181.

Mentz. See Mainz.

Merchant Adventurers
-, their losses at sack of Antwerp, 8
-, their claims against Holland and Zealand
-, proposed transfer of business thither, from Antwerp, 41
-, their factor, 202
-, their ships exempted from toll in Zealand, 309
-, their complaint to the Ambassador of a new tax on exports, of duties on wine and beer imported and on goods in bond in Zealand, of harbour dues in Zealand, of a monopoly of alum, and of restraint on their religious rites, 393, 394
-, their complaint re tolls allowed, 441
-, proposed loan to, of Queen's bullion at Hamburg, 5 s. (p. 427), 9 s.
-, Hoddesdon chosen their Deputy and Treasurer in Hamburg, 12 s., 866
-, recommended, in view of money being 'called' higher, to covenant to make payment in present value of coins, 18 s.
-, letter from Davison to their Governor in Antwerp, to cover part of loan to States, 573, 597
-, their privileges at Hamburg, negotiation for their renewal, 575
-, letter to, from Hoddesdon and Palley, touching treaty negotiations at Hamburg, 595 bis (p. 458), covering letter to Lord Burghley, 595 ter (p. 460) ;
-, propose to modify form of Common Prayer in English House Antwerp, Queen's anger certain, 852
-, their 'conserge' at Hamburg. 866.

Mercœur, Mercure, Duke of. See Lorraine.

Mermau, M. de, in army of States, 546.

Mérode, Jean de, Baron de Mérode, Seigneur de Petershem, signs letter to Prince of Orange, 47.

Mershe, John, 1 s. (p. 426). See also Marsh.

Mersonlas, Andreas, Ubiquitarian, Lutheran divine, 'belonging to' Duke of Brunswick, 246.

Méru, M. de. See Montmorency, Charles de.

Meruse, Adrian de, his Walloons, 760.

Merveille, Merueille, Captain, disloyalty of, at Antwerp, 95.

Mesnil, M. du, 639.

Mesopotamia, 890.

-, Duke Casimir's designs on, 138 (p. 102)
-, letter from Governor of, to Duke Casimir, 155, the reply, 162
-, Duke of Guise near, 211, 226, at, 246 (p. 182), 258, recalled from, 258 (p. 195), still near, 273
-, letter from Governor of, to Duke Casimir, mentioned, 305 (p. 231)
-, town in Bishopric of, fortified by Guise, 323 (p. 246)
-, artillery at, for Don John, 555.

-, Bishop of. See Lorraine, Louis de.

-, Governor of. See Thevalle, M. de.

Meurbeeck, M. de. See Meerbeke.

Meuse. See Maas.

-, Don John provisioned from, 555
-, troops gathering at, 691.

-, in Zealand, Boissots buried at, 42
-, factor of Merchant Adventurers dwelling at, 202
-, letter dated at, 478
-, English loan secured on, 872.

-, mentioned, 145
-, troops concentrated at, for despatch to Flanders, 145
-, plague in, 507
-, great Council to be held by King of Spain at, 507
-, news from, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, troops sent to, on way to Netherlands
-, plague at, 18 s.
-, armour made at, 598
-, garrison replaced by troops from Spain, 630
-, parallel from history of, 917.

Mildmay, Mr., 132.

-, Sir Walter, attends meeting of Privy Council, 625.

Milius, 38.

'Milleray', M. See Mailleraye.

-, the, of Henry III., 20
-, their quarrels, 584, 592, 607, 640
-, their 'youth and venomous' minds,' 663
-, 'the King ruled by a sort of young men, to the great discontent of the realm,' 691, 'wholly possessed by some young men lately advanced by himself,' 837 (p. 658), their 'bloody quarrel,' ibid. (p. 659)
-, quarrel of Caylus and Bussy, 909 (p. 712).

Mint, Warden of. See Marten.

Miossans, Myossans, —, M., Agent of King of Navarre, 607, 864 (p. 683).

Misnia. See Meissen.

Mobey, M. de, 227.

Mocqueron. See Barre.

Moffett, Mouffet, Thomas, traitor, 737, 811.

Moldavia, seized by exiled Pole, 691 bis (p. 538), 701.

Molkeman, A., letter from, to Davison, 638.

Mollins. See Moulins.

Mollner, —, 651 bis.

Mompelgart. See Montbéliard.

Monacum in Bavire. See Munich.

Monceaulx, —, 906.

Monceaux, King at, 796.

Moncontour, battle of, 565.

-, Claude de, French Ambassador in Netherlands, recalled, 44
-, with Queen of Navarre, 163
-, report derived from, 199
-, sent to Brussels by Duke of Anjou, 503, 531, 545, accredited to States, 682
-, his instructions, 684, 685
-, his letter covering the Duke's (No. 682), 705
-, Commissioner from Duke of Anjou to treat with States, 803, 877, 917.

-, Christophe de, Colonel, with Don John, 47
-, his designs on Louvain, 95
-, troops revolt from, 199, 203
-, tries to relieve Ruremonde, 421
-, at Marche, 517
-, officer in Don John's army, 546, 588
-, relieves Ruremonde, advances on Maestricht, 591, but fails to take it, 599
-, his old regiment deserts to Don John, 620
-, of Don John's Council, 827.

Money and coins :

-, Angel, 134, 135, 18 s. (p. 436), 777.

-, Angelots, 757.

-, Cross dollar, 18 s.

-, Crowns, millions of, 42.

-, Crown of the Sun, 18 s.

-, Florence, millions of, 42.

-, Gold Guilder, 18 s.

-, Gulden, 595 ter (p. 460).

-, Hamburg ducats, 757.

-, Hungarian ducats, 757.

-, Livres Artois, 91.

-, March styche (Mark-stück), 18 s.

-, Mark Lubish, 18 s.

-, Pattar, 53, 660.

-, Pistolet, 18 s., 757.

-, Prince or Philip's dollar, Philipsthalers, 18 s., 757, 777.

-, Portingalese, 757.

-, Rykes dolers, 12 s. (p. 430), 18 s., 757.

-, Shilling Lubish, 18 s.

-, Sols and derniers, 84.

-, Spanish ryall, 18 s.

Money on deposit, against need, particularly for hiring 'reiters,' policy of, 392, 467, 5 s. (p. 427), 12 s., 23 s.

Money. See also Exchange.

-, Mounts, Queen of Navarre at, 14
-, sides with States, against Don John, 49
-, meeting of Estates of Hainault at, 123
-, Don John inclined to go to, rather than to Namur, 170
-, Archduke Matthias to be received into, 330
-, Count Lalaing at, 605
-, Don John nears, 657
-, keys of gates kept by Governor and townsfolk, 675
-, plot in, 703, 729, 736, 737
-, letter dated at, 705
-, Don John near, 728
-, Bishop of Arras' plot to deliver to Don John, 736, 744, 746, 749
-, Count Bossu encamped near, 767, 788
-, Agents of Duke of Anjou at, 789
-, Count Bossu's troops from, distributed to frontier fortresses, 789 (p. 616)
-, conference of Duke of Anjou's and States' Commissioners to be held at, 815, held, 818
-, camp of States near, 827
-, account of meeting at, of Commissioners of States and Duke of Anjou, 834
-, Walsingham alludes to Queen of Navarre's intrigue at, 881
-, letter, dated at, 897, 898, 910
-, controlled by M. de Montigny, 917 (p. 726).

Monsieur. See Francis.

-, Mompelgart, Montpelgard, County of, 305 (p. 231), 412 (p. 313), 413
-, Lutheran ministers in, betray Calvinists to French King, 774, and Duke of Guise, 890, Queen Elizabeth's allusion to episode, 911.

-, Count of, heir to Duke of Wirtemberg, ready to serve with Duke Casimir, 305, 563
-, supports Ubiquitaries, by desire of Duke, and is constrained by Swiss to withdraw, 732.

Montemonaci in Marches, 145.

Montereau-fault-Yon, 837 (p. 660).

Montgomerie, Captain, of faction of Mary, Queen of Scots, his expected treachery, 613.

-, Georges de, Seigneur de Noyelles-Stade, suggested by States as suitable Captain of Don John's bodyguard, 65
-, massacre of his Walloons, 760.

-, M. de. See Grange, and Lalaing.

Monting, Dr., 211.

-, Charles de, Seigneur de Méru, his signature on behalf of Reformed Churches of Languedoc, 34
-, signs credentials of M. de Ségur, 349
-, in Paris, 507.

-, François de, Duc de Montmorency, Maréchal de France, mentioned, 420, expected in Paris, 447, arrives, 475.

-, Guillaume de, Seigneur de Thoré, his case cited, 136.

-, Henri de, Comte de Damville, Maréchal de France, 22
-, his defection from Huguenot party a blow to it, 34
-, opposed to peace with Huguenots, 35, 36, 37
-, his odious cruelty in Languedoc, 58
-, his peculations when holding Languedoc for Huguenots, 68
-, seizes store of salt intended for sale by King of Navarre, 136
-, damage done to Huguenot cause by his revolt, 138
-, in Languedoc, 447
-, mentioned, 507
-, his revolt, 570
-, loses ground in Languedoc, 908.

Montpelgard. See Montbéliard.

-, in hands of Huguenots, 34
-, M. de Châtillon governor, 282.

Montpensier, M. de. See Bourbon, Louis de.

Moranville, M. de, Governor of Isle of Ré, 267.

-, Captain William, spy on Spaniards, 317
-, arrested by Englishmen on suspicion, 737.

Mores. See Moriscoes.

-, —, Captain, recommended to Davison, 417
-, 'Colonel Morgan' offers to provide armour in Netherlands, 598
-, so importunate that Prince of Orange is 'wearied to hear English soldiers mentioned,' 732
-, deceived by Moffett, 737
-, commands English contingent with States, 759
-, his ill service to Davison, 855.

-, Colonel Sir Thomas, 41.

-, —, traitor, 607 (p. 467).

-, Morillion, Canon, Vicar-General under Cardinal Granvelle, levies subscription among clergy for Don John, 112
-, arrested by order of the States and released, 117.

Morilonius. See Morillon.

-, Mores, in Spain, their reported revolt, 199
-, branded on the face, 660.

Morlaix, 252.

Morley, Lady, resident in Paris, 906.

Mornaulx, Mornow, Captain of Light Horse for States, 298, 546.

-, Philippe de, Seigneur du Plessis-Marly, Agent of King of Navarre in England, 89, 109, 112, 114
-, bound for Flanders, 132
-, instructed by Queen Elizabeth to tax his master with 'evil dealing,' 229
-, mentioned, 592.

-, Pierre de, Seigneur de Buhy, 305 (pp. 230, 231).

Morocco, order by Emperor of, in favour of English traders, 9.

-, Portuguese complaints of English civilities to Shereef of, 94.

-, Portuguese expedition against, preparations at Genoa, 145.

-, letter to Emperor of, from Queen Elizabeth, 179.

-, secrecy to be observed in sending Agent from, to England, 179.

-, expedition against, 320, 323, 531, 15 s. (pp. 432, 433), 575, 604 bis (p. 466), 611, 651 bis, 654, 656, 696, 834, 890.

Morone, Cardinal, 821.

Morton, Earl of, Regent of Scotland. See Douglas, James.

Morvilliers, —, 252.

Mose, the. See Maas.

'Mothe, de la', alias of M. d'Argenlieu.

Mothe-Fénélon, M. de la. See Salignac.

Motte, de la. See Pardieu.

-, M. de la, 417, adviser of Count Lalaing, 461
-, mismanages a night surprise
-, takes Ceille, 502, 517
-, officer in army of States, 546, 755, one of the only competent ones, 588.

Moucqueron, M. de. See Barre.

Mouffet. See Moffet.

-, Mathieu, abbé de St. Ghislain, Bishop of Arras, envoy from States to Don John, 117, 128, 133, 150, 156, 157
-, arrested for plot to deliver Arras to Don John, 728
-, detested in Guelderland
-, further particulars of his plot, 736, 744, 746, 747.

Moulins, Mollins, Mullins, —, practises in Scotland in French interests, 212, disavowed by King, 252, but authorised from Paris, 796.

Moullerye, Moullerie, M. de la, Gentleman of his Highness, 354, 761 bis.

Mount, Dr., 323.

Mountjoy, Lord, his brother. See Blount.

Mounts. See Mons.

Mourbeke, M. de. See Meerbeke.

Mouscron, Hoccoron?, M. de. See Barre.

Mova, M., 180.

Moy, Jean de, Seigneur de la Mailleraye, Milleray, Governor of sea-coast of Normandy, 663 (p. 519).

Moyens generaulx, tax in Netherlands, 393, 589, 660, comes in slowly, 858.

Mugia, Mougue, 776.

'Mullay, lords of', 720 bis (p. 555).

Muller, Lazarus, commands Germans in States' service, 759.

Mullins. See Moulins.

Munich, Monacum, 'Munichen, in Bavierland,' Catholic Princes meet at, 315, 323 (p. 246).

Murad III
-, Sultan of Turkey, Murat, the 'Soldan,' wishes to take the field, 604 bis (p. 466), 777
-, his astrologer, 720 bis.

Muscadel wine, 589.

Muscovite, Muscowiture, the. See Ivan.

Muscovy Company, 18 s. (p. 435).

Musgrave, —, with Don John, letter sent to, from Wilkes, by Davison, 846.

Mustafa Pasha in command against Persians, 777, 890.

Mychell, —, 132.

Myossans, M. See Miossans.