Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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L'Aubespine. See Aubespine.

L'Isle Jourdan, 282 (p. 211).

La Chapelle aux Ursins, —, messenger from King to Duke of Anjou, 864 (p. 682).

La Charité, 21.

La Chastre, —, 650.

La Fère, in Picardy, visit by Duke of Anjou to sister there, 306, 346, 356, 421.

La Fin. See Fin.

La Halle. See Hal.

La Marche, Count. See Marche.

La Motte. See Motte.

La Noue. See Noue.

La Prade, —, (pseudonym), 766.

La Prêvosté d'Yvoix, 586.

La Roche. See Roche.

Lalaing, —, M. de Hochstraet brother of Baron de Ville, 546 (p. 408).

-, Emmanuel Philibert de, Seigneur de Montigny, brother to Count Lalaing, confers with Agent of Prince of Orange, 47
-, leaves Brussels to secure Maestricht for States, 49
-, suggested by States as Captain of Don John's bodyguard, 65
-, occupies Gemblours, 141
-, officer in army of States, 546, 755
-, his conduct at battle of Gemblours, 620, 623, 624, 627
-, his companies at Nivelle, 658
-, his Walloons, 760
-, his troops unpaid, 910
-, controls Mons, 917 (p. 726).

-, Georges de, Comte de Rennebourg, Baron de Ville, popular candidate for governorship of Friesland, 14, takes up government there
-, Prince of Orange suspicious of, 42
-, at Mechlin, bidden by States to return to government, 4
-, Don John's opposition, 93
-, officer in army of States, 546
-, Governor of Friesland, ibid. (p. 546).

-, Philippe de, Comte de Lalaing, Governor of Hainault, mentioned, 38
-, supposed friend of Prince of Orange, 40
-, with Queen of Navarre, returns to government, consults with Agent of Prince of Orange, 47
-, invites opinion of magistrates of Mons, who side with States against Don John, 49
-, fortifying city of Antwerp, 101
-, Queen Elizabeth's commendations to, 116, Wilson's, 158
-, his relations to Queen of Navarre, 163
-, States' forces under, 176, 177, 178, 226 (p. 166)
-, confirms report of orders from Spain to avoid war, 202
-, appeases mutiny of States' troops, 203, 206
-, Davison urges, to support Prince of Orange, 214
-, French Ambassador deals with, on behalf of Anjou, 214
-, receives Prince of Orange at Brussels, 264
-, in plot to bring in the Archduke Matthias, 318
-, sends special messenger with greetings to Queen Elizabeth, 354
-, Archduke Matthias writes to, 399
-, general for States, at Namur, 434, 455
-, 'corrupted' by Duke of Anjou, 447, who stands godfather to his child, 461
-, his poor generalship at Namur
-, take Ceille, attacks Samson, 502
-, French confidence in, 507
-, his movements, 517
-, 'won' by Duke of Anjou, 545
-, his command, 546
-, Governor of Hainault, ibid. (p. 408)
-, ready to pick quarrel with States and declare for Duke of Anjou, 605, but submits himself to them, 617, 618, Queen's allusion to affair, 634, 635
-, brother to Montigny, 627
-, sent to his government, and replaced by Count Bossu, 627
-, in communication with Duke of Anjou, 684
-, his supposed aversion to employment of English troops, 727
-, their nonarrival commits him to France, 730
-, Commissioner from States to Duke of Anjou, 803, 815
-, to hold towns, given by States to Duke of Anjou as security, for Duke, 818
-, States' camp near Mons under, 827
-, joined to States' commission to treat with Duke of Anjou, the reason, 834
-, admits Duke of Anjou's troops to Quesnoy, 856
-, his intrigues compel Prince of Orange to accept Duke of Anjou, 858
-, letter from, to Prince, requesting necessaries for defence of Avesnes, and hinting that people of Hainault would invite the Duke of Anjou themselves, if States did not speedily come to terms with him, 897
-, committed to Duke, 903
-, letter from, to Prince of Orange, requesting pay for soldiers, failing which garrisons must be withdrawn, and urging understanding with Duke, 910
-, forces hand of Prince of Orange, 917
-, Mons 'at his devotion,' his brother commanding there, ibid. (p. 726)
-, admits French to St. Ghislain, ibid. (p. 727).

Lalo, 575.

Lalloo, —, Secretary to Don John, officer in his army, 546.

Lamarena, Juan de, merchant of Venice, 231.

Lamborne. See Limburg.

Lanceknights. See Landsknechts.

Landgrave of Hesse. See William.

-, Landresy, garrisoned for States, 789 (p. 616)
-, troops of Duke of Anjou near, 858
-, to be assigned to Duke, 877, 903.

-, Governor of. See Cure.

Landrereau, —, levies troops in Poitou, 639.

Landsberg, League of, 323 (p. 245).

Landschad, the Lord of, Great Master of Household to Palsgrave, 640 bis (p. 496).

- See Lantschade.

Landsknechts, Swiss and German, 247, 337, 412, 744 (p. 579), 767, 774, 775, 815, 827.

Lane, Mr., 909.

Lanfranchi, Carlo, accoutrements found in house of, 273.

Langensalza, Languesaltze, near Erfurt, 774.

Langeray, —, levies troops in Poitou, 639.

Langoran, —, his revolt, 570.

-, 20, Reformed Churches of, mission on behalf of, 34
-, proposed campaign in, of Marshal Damville, 35, 36, 37, conducted with odious cruelty, 58
-, source of revenue to Huguenots, 68
-, Protestants in, attacked, 132
-, lull in, 135
-, value to Huguenots of salt in, 136
-, towns in hard pressed, 229
-, towns in allotted to Huguenots, 266
-, Chamber for, not to be at Toulouse, 282
-, mistrust of Reformed Churches of, towards King of Navarre, 305 (p. 229)
-, Damville in, 447
-, Duke Casimir to aid Huguenots in, 555
-, all well in, 654
-, infringements of Edict in, 837 (p. 658)
-, effect in, of quarrel between King and brother, 908
-, Danville loses ground in, ibid. (p. 713).

-, M., Councillor of Duke Casimir, 138, 140, 211, 246 (p. 181), 249, 313, 314, 337, 366
-, Walsingham sends greeting to, 392
-, his application for retaining fee from England declined, 403
-, knows Archduke Matthias, 412
-, praises Beale, 625.

Languillière, Sieur de, Agent of King of Navarre, 282, 283.

Lansac, M. de. See Saint-Gélais.

Lansac, Madame de, 837.

Lansknights. See Landsknechts.

Lansquenets. See Landsknechts.

Lantschade, Lantschat, —, Envoy from Duke of Deux-Ponts to England, 258, 695.

- See Landschad.

Lansknechts. See Landsknechts.

Larchant, —, his regiment, 639.

-, 129
-, mayor of, 250.

-, Larria, Myn de, letter from, 160
-, mentioned, 240.

-, Ochoa de, letter from, 70
-, mentioned, 160.

Laski, the Palatine, appeals to Rome, 777.

Lastgelt, 561.

Latin, spoken by ladies, 467, 468, 469.

Latin epigram, to Duke Casimir, 733.

Latin lecture in St. Paul's, 132.

Latre, Maître Jacques de, arrested at Arras, 747.

Laubespine, M. de. See Aubespine.

Lauenburg, Dukes of. See Francis and Maurice, and Bremen, Archbishop of.

Launceston, letter dated at, 240.

-, letters dated at, 27, 808, 819, 820, 822, 824, 886
-, Duke Casimir goes to, 323 (p. 245)
-, provision for garrison at, in Duke's absence, 844.

-, Count de, Scot in service of, 181
-, gives secret information to Poulet, 663 (p. 520).

-, —, said to be going to relief of Brouage, 99
-, his company for Guienne, 283.

Lazarus, John, Colonel of 'Germans,' 611.

Le Blanc in Berry, 283.

Le Conquet, ship of, 486.

Le Croisic. See Croisic.

Le Fer, —, of St. Malo, 663 (p. 519).

Le Fevre, —, Receiver General of Picardy, 314.

Le Rybus, 761 bis.

League of Burgundy, 38.

-, the, in France, 211, 226.

-, Catholic, between France, Spain, and Pope, for uprooting Reformed Religion, begun at Bayonne, 211, 249, 285, 323, 392, 467, 472, 503
-, treatise on
-, its scope as against England, 571
-, the 'Holy League,' between Pope, France, Spain, and Italian Princes renewed at Rome, 607 (p. 466), 640
-, motive of Henry III. in joining, 864
-, its existence affirmed by Stafford and Poulet to Queen, 914 (p. 720).

-, Protestant, proposed, 38, 41, 100, 109, 114, 131, 138
-, paper of objections, and answers, to English adherence to defensive league with Protestant Princes of Germany, 172
-, favourable reply of the Elector Palatine concerning, 188
-, good inclination to, of Landgrave, 249, 284, 305
-, rendered impossible by Ubiquitarian zeal, 323 (p. 244)
-, idea of, abandoned by Queen, 392
-, discourse by Sturmius on desirability of, with suggestions, 467, 468, 469, 472, 473, 474
-, formation of such League again urged on Queen by Prince of Orange, 604.

Leavand, Leavent. See Levant.

Leawe. See Leew.

Lechundi, Signor Juanes de. Delechundi, letter from, 240, mentioned, 250.

Lecue, Sancho de, 160.

Lee, co. Essex. See Leigh.

Leese, lease, 691 (p. 535), 736.

Leew, Leawe, besieged by Don John, 664, taken, 746, 749, 827.

-, or Leoninus, Elbertus, Doctor, Chancellor of Gueldres, his mission to Friesland, 14, 476
-, deputy of States to Prince of Orange, 16
-, mentioned, 95
-, deputy from States to Archduke Matthias, 346
-, member of new Council of State, 379
-, of the Council of the Archduke, 522, in attendance on him, 731.

- See also Longolius.

Lefebure, Receiver General in France, 84.

Lefer, Guillaume, of St. Malo, 616.

Leffeland. See Livonia.

Leghorn, Ligurno, force leaves for Lisbon, 249.

Leicester, Earl of See Dudley.

Leigh-on-Sea, Lee, co. Essex, 4 s. (p. 426), 5 s., 7 s.

Leighton, Thomas, Captain, his instructions for negotiating armistice, 535, 536.

-, in Netherlands, 576, 577, 580, 605.

-, purpose of his mission, as explained to States, 581, 582
-, their reply, 583.

-, Lord Admiral writes to, 601.

-, Beale's compliments to, 612.

-, Don John's reply to, awaited in England, 613.

-, returns home, 615
-, Davison refers Walsingham to, for information, 617.

-, arrives at Court
-, news of defeat of Gemblours follows on his heels
-, Council held, resolved to send him back to report on effects of defeat, 625, his instructions, 634, 635.

-, gratitude of French curé to, 639.

-, letter to, from Davison, 642.

-, his return to Low Countries, 657.

-, the information given by, on his return, mentioned in Queen's letters of credence, &c., for Rogers, 671, 672, 680.

-, his two visits to Netherlands referred to, 730, 731.

-, a spy, Moffet, hangs about, 811.

-, Don John alludes to his mission
-, Mr. Wilkes' subsequent mission superfluous, 830.

-, inspires attack on Davison, 846
-, Davison's indignant defence, 855
-, had no speech with Walsingham on matter, 871.

-, despatch from, 586.

-, Thomas, knight, narrative relating to, 568.

Leipzig, news from, 691 bis.

Lellis, Nicholas de, Pensioner of Douay, Commissioner from States to Duke of Anjou, 803.

Lemaçon, R., letter from, to Davison, 840.

Lembergh, Russe Lember, ravaged by Tartars, 752.

-, Gilles de, Baron d'Aubigny, 'resolute' for Prince of Orange, 214
-, his mission to France, 218, 231, to gain over Duke of Anjou, by vain hopes, to hinder French joining Don John, 273, 298, 346
-, to be accompanied by M. de Manshart, 346 (p. 264), 356
-, received by Duke, 375, by Henry III. and Queen Mother, by Poulet, 420
-, King's letter by, to States, 432
-, report of conversation with
-, anti-English, 447
-, Agent from States to treat with Duke of Anjou, 789, returns, 803
-, in favour of admitting Duke of Anjou's troops, 850, admits them to Quesnoy, 877
-, committed to Duke, 903.

Leonardson, Cornelys, master of the 'Hound' fly-boat, 486.

Leoninus, Doctor. See Leew.

Lesina, Luxina, Ruxina, navy of, 21 s. (p. 439).

Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross, Secretary to Mary, Queen of Scots, at Marche-en-Famine, 117.

Lestrubec. See Strubec.

Letto, country of, 606.

Lettowe, Letto, on the Dwina, 12 s. (p. 431), spoiled by Muscovite, 752.

Levant, Leavande, Leavent, 15 s. (p. 434), 21 s.

Levin de Famars, 556. See Liévin.

-, Jacques de, Comte de Caylus, 'mignon' of Henry III., taken prisoner, 20, ransomed, 283
-, his disorders, 640, 650
-, Bussy d'Amboise in Paris 'to kill,' 796
-, his fight with Antragues, 837 (p. 659)
-, details of his quarrel with Bussy, 909.

Lewce, Bernardo, Portuguese, 560.

Lewenhartz, Lewenharte, Isaac, Duke Casimir's and Prince of Orange's factor at Cologne, 774, 824, 874, 931.

Lewes, David, Judge of the Admiralty, 28, 94, 842.

Lewin, William, 194.

Lewis, Count, or Elector, Palatine, the Palsgrave,

-, his proposed inclusion in Protestant League, 41.

-, meets brother John Casimir, 44.

-, Robert Beale's letters of credence to, 130.

-, his dispute with his brother Casimir over paternal inheritance, 136, 137, 138, explained in detail, 140.

-, Queen's letter to, question of its delivery, 138.

-, letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, 187, 188.

-, receives Rogers in audience, inclines to Protestant League, on learning activity of Papists
-, with difficulty disabused of idea that a League of Calvinists existed opposed to Lutherans, 211, 284.

-, report by Beale on his relations with Duke Casimir touching father's inheritance, 246.

-, his action on behalf of Lutheran Church
-, ministers 'outed' by
-, university to be reformed
-, influence with, of Duke of Saxonv. 246, 314.

-, deputies from, attend Diet of Circle of Rhine, 246 (p. 182).

-, consults the Landgrave, 249 (p. 187).

-, memorandum delivered to, by Beale, 285.

-, Duke Casimir on, 288.

-, deprives his father's poor scholars of their stipends for refusing to 'subscribe to the Ubiquity,' 314, 323, 366.

-, receives Beale
-, influenced by wife, and uncle Duke Richard
-, jealous of his brother Duke Casimir
-, resents being 'prescribed to' by Queen Elizabeth
-, his father's ministers discharged by
-, 'nothing good to be looked for at his hands,' 323.

-, his brother, Duke Casimir, made 'vassal' to, 323 (p. 246).

-, his fear of his brother Duke Casimir, and his army, 366.

-, anxiety in England lest he destroy his brother Duke Casimir, 400, 403.

-, ministers 'outed' by, 447.

-, Queen Elizabeth's message to his uncle touching, 554.

-, Catholic designs against, 571.

-, formal agreement between, and brother, touching lands and religion, 640 bis (p. 496), 651 bis, 691 bis
-, desires Rogers to be sent to him, with Queen's congratulations on the accord, 732, her refusal, 826.

-, attends Diet at Worms, 774.

-, his uncle's marriage, 774.

-, Queen Elizabeth's letter to, on Schmalkald Conference, 922.

Lewis, Duke of Wirtemberg and Teck :—

-, Robert Beale's credentials to, 130.

-, deputies from, at Diet of Circle of Rhine, 246 (p. 182).

-, his heir the Count of Montbéliard, 305 (p. 228).

-, Beale's covering letter to, 316, 323 (p. 245).

-, adopts principles of Ubiquitarians, and orders their 'book' to be subscribed at Strasburgh, 337
-, receives check from Swiss, 732
-, to attend meeting at Rotenburg to publish Andreas' book, 774.

-, his sister to marry Duke Richard of the Palatinate, 774.

-, letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, on Schmalkald Conference, 923.

Lewis, Landgrave of Hesse brother of William, letter to, from Queen Elizabeth on Schmalkald Conference, 924.

Lhomme, near Lisle, 395.

Licques, M. de. See Recourt.

Lichtervelde, letter dated at, 15.

Liedekerke, M. de. See Hannaert.

Liefland. See Livonia.

-, Huguenots prepare campaign in, 68
-, levies for Huguenots in, 138 (p. 101)
-, deputies from, to go to States General at Brussels, 193, 195
-, Lord Seton at, 203, 206
-, thirty-two crafts of, mentioned, 216, 217
-, 'Germans' near, 231
-, English rebels at, 241
-, Prince and crafts of, 261
-, recruiting in, 305 (p. 228), 563
-, Papal Legate bound for, 378
-, French Ambassador to Don John at, 434 (p. 326)
-, Don John victualled from, 517
-, wine of, 589
-, meeting at, of Imperial Commissioners arranged, 728, 789
-, M. de Selles arrives at Antwerp from, 805.

-, Prince-Bishop of. See Groesbeck.

Liere, M. de, in suite of Marquis d'Havré, 761.

-, Lyre, Archduke Matthias detained at, 379, 384, 389
-, his letter dated at, 399
-, the Archduke at, 405, 420, 421, 434, leaves, 457, 465
-, governorship vacant, 546
-, garrison reinforced, 636, by troops under Captain Cromwell, 637, 642, 643, under M. de Glymes, 657
-, companies of Englishmen in, 658, of Scots, 760
-, mentioned, 798
-, quarrels between English soldiers at, 818
-, Don John's 'intelligence in' fails him, 862.

Liesfelt. See Lisvelt.

-, Charles de, Seigneur de Famars, letter from, to Davison, 2
-, to take intercepted letters to Queen Elizabeth, 38
-, arranges payment of Ipswich merchants, 41
-, delayed by wind, 47
-, in England, 101
-, letter to, from Walsingham, 152
-, well received in England, 158
-, in London, 185, 202
-, returns to Prince of Orange with English proposals, 271, 272
-, mentioned, 273, 277, 279, 280
-, delivered Lord Leicester's letter to Davison, 293
-, mentioned, 297
-, unaware of English demand re shipping in Spain, 311, mentioned, 347
-, deputed by Prince of Orange to congratulate Archduke Matthias, 405
-, de facto Governor of Valenciennes, 546
-, note from, 556
-, appointed Ambassador from States to England, 574, to be fetched from army, 577, 578, 580, 585, 591
-, leaves for England, 594
-, 'hastens over' English bonds, 597
-, Lord Leicester referred to, 598
-, mentioned, 603, 604
-, his mission opposed by States of Hainault, 605
-, Portuguese Ambassador meets, in England, 611
-, his audience with Queen, 613
-, granted solely to gain time, 622
-, if States do not hear favourable report from him, they resolve to send Marquis d'Havré over again, 643, 644, 645
-, reports further difficulty about English loan, 728.

-, Charles de, Count of Aremberg, his sister to marry Archbishop of Cologne, 246 (p. 182), 502
-, in Germany, 517
-, on Don John's side, 586.

Ligne ('d'Alayn')
-, Philippe de, Comte de Fauquenberg, in France, as Ambassador of Don John, to negotiate aid against Prince of Orange, 20, 476
-, officer in Don John's army, 546, 586.

Ligurno. See Leghorn.

-, Lisle, regiment of, 223
-, deputies approve welcome of Archduke Matthias, 330
-, mentioned, 395
-, Bishop of Arras' plot to deliver to Don John, 736, 744
-, clergy of, intrigue against Prince of Orange, 805
-, votes for Duke of Anjou, 885.

-, Governor of. See Rassenghien.

Limborch. See Limburg.

Limburg, Lamborne, Limborch, Lymborch, 13, 502, 844.

-, Nicholas of. See Oost.

Limoges, Duke of Nevers at, 58.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton.

Linda, Jeronimo, Portuguese, 560.

-, newsletter from, 335
-, English goods delayed in, 486, mentioned, 560, 611, 654, 776.

-, letter dated at, 696.

Lisheborne. See Lisbon.

Lisle. See Lille.

Lissevel. See Lisvelt.

-, Liesfelt, M. Thierry de, Advocate, cipher forwarded to, from England, 121, 158
-, commendation of, by Wilson, 185
-, sent to Prince of Orange, 199
-, report from, 199
-, compliments to, from Wilson, 280
-, Protestant member of new Council of State, 379
-, sent to negotiate Duke of Aerschot's release, 421, 426
-, Fremyn's remembrances to, 465
-, Rogers calls on, 731
-, desires to be commended to Wilson, 733
-, Commissioner from States to Duke of Anjou, 803, 834.

Lithuania, 701.

Livarot, Lyverrocq, —, his combat, 837.

Livonia, Leffeland, Liefland, Lyfland, proceedings of Emperor of Russia there, 348, 12 s. (p. 431), 575 (p. 445), 606, 752, 777.

Lock, Mr., in France, 256.

-, 'hither side' of, 68, 'beyond,' 607 (p. 467)
-, La Roche on, 639.

-, plague in, 507
-, Spanish troops leave Naples for, 21 s. (p. 439), 575, 607.

-, plague in, 100
-, Mr. Beale leaves, 130
-, mentioned, 160, 185, 240, 250
-, bond of City, for loan to Netherlands, 271, loan to be raised in, 347
-, ship of, 460
-, George Southwicke of, 484
-, port and merchants of, 486
-, Ambassadors of States attend church in, 530
-, City of, and loan, 562, 573, 707, 753, 935
-, mentioned, 663 (p. 519)
-, Flemish merchants arrested on Exchange in, for debts of States
-, protest by States, 753
-, Poulet's servants in, 795
-, bond by City to Pallavicini, 929
-, Queen's bond to, 930.

-, letters dated at, 26, 129, 132, 257, 310, 345, 428, 551, 593, 610, 611, 770, 810, 839, 840, 845, 852, 853, 860, 871, 872, 916.

-, Guildhall, bond dated at the, 929.

-, St. Paul's, Latin lecture in, 132.

-, -, Dean of. See Nowell.

-, Tower of, records in, 10, 171 (p. 128)
-, supply of gunpowder for, 640 bis (p. 496), 651 bis.

Long, Robert le, alias of M. d'Argenlieu, 418, 425.

Longolius, 199. See also Leew.

Longueville, Madame de, Lady of Neufchatel, complaint to, of Swiss Catholic Cantons, 247.

Looneberghe. See Luneburg.

Lopus, Don. See Figueroa.

Lord Keeper. See Bacon.

-, Huguenots prepare for campaign in, 68
-, recruits from, for Don John, 117
-, balliages between and Rhine, 140
-, Duke of Guise on frontier of, 246 (p. 182), 285
-, news from, 249 (p. 188), 258 (p. 195)
-, return of Spanish soldiers vid, to Netherlands, 305 (p. 231)
-, men of, with Don John, 431, 517
-, passage through, of troops on way to Don John, 412 (p. 313)
-, Eric of Brunswick in, 775.

-, Cardinal of, his designs against German Protestantism frustrated, 172 (p. 131)
-, intrigues with 'Ubiquitaries,' 314.

-, Duke of, directed by French King not to pay 'reiters' money due to them, 140 (p. 106), declines payment, 161
-, Don John's intrigue with, 226
-, pays 'reiters,' 246, sum insufficient, 286
-, raises troops for Don John, 298
-, Queen Elizabeth demands repayment from Duke Casimir out of money paid by, to 'reiters,' 392
-, Walsingham desires report on German estimate of, 392
-, arrives at Paris, 640
-, appeases quarrel at French Court, 650
-, much with King, 796, goes home, 864 (p. 683), 865.

Lorraine, Charles de, Due de Mayenne :—

-, besieges Brouage, 20, 35, 36, 37, 58, 135.

-, Duc de Guise recalled to his aid, 258 (p. 195).

-, mentioned as Admiral, 540.

-, to join ('Duke of Humena'), Don John, 720 bis (p. 556).

-, takes oath as Admiral of France, in reversion to father-in-law, 836, 837.

-, visits Duke of Anjou at Augers, 837.

-, goes to his government, 864 (p. 683).

Lorraine, Charles de, eldest son of Duke of Lorraine, succeeds his uncle, the Bishop of Metz, 890.

Lorraine, Claude de, the old Duke of Aumâle, 837.

Lorraine, Henri de, Duc de Guise :—

-, Englishman recommended to, by Don John, 14.

-, at Poictiers, bound for Champaigne, 20, 22.

-, interviews Ambassador from Don John, 20.

-, servants of Earl of Oxford follow campaign of, 22, 256.

-, still at Poictiers, 35, 36, 37.

-, in Champagne
-, supposed understanding between, and Don John, 49
-, reason of his going thither, 58.

-, his designs on St. Omer, &c., 95.

-, in Paris, detained by lack of money, 124.

-, marching to assistance of Don John, 142.

-, reported defeat of, by Duke Casimir, 147.

-, league between, and Don John, denounced by States, 150, dread of, in England, 158, in Netherlands, 159.

-, passport signed by, for messenger to Don John, 175.

-, expected in Flanders, 199, 203, 206.

-, Casimir disposes troops to meet, 211.

-, mission to France, from States General of Netherlands, to hinder his coming, 218, 346.

-, review of his connexion with affairs of Netherlands, 226.

-, hunts near Sedan, to meet Don John, 226 (p. 167).

-, ready on frontier, 231, to oppose Duke Casimir, 246 (p. 182).

-, goes to besiege Sedan, 246 (p. 182).

-, recruits 'reiters' at Metz, 258, recalled from, to brother's aid, 258.

-, still near Metz, 273, 285, 323 (p. 246).

-, spreads news of peace with Huguenots at Frankfort, 305 (p. 231).

-, meets Don John, 320, 330, 356.

-, fortifies St. Avour, near Metz, 323 (p. 246).

-, Duke of Anjou requests, to withdraw from frontier, 375.

-, disbands troops, who take service with Don John, 379, 421, 431, 434.

-, supporter of Don John, 398.

-, recommends Englishmen to Don John, 447.

-, arrives in Paris, 475.

-, influence of House of Guise on behalf of Mary, Queen of Scots
-, her marriage to Don John promoted by
-, their aid to him, from German side, 571.

-, Spanish subsidy for, 21 s. (p. 439).

-, 'sets over' soldiers to Count Charles Mansfeld, for Don John, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, espouses faction of Duke of Anjou, 607.

-, his enmity to Duke Casimir, 691.

-, secrets betrayed to, by Protestant minister of Montbéliard, 774, 890, 911.

-, conspires with Duke of Savoy to seize Geneva, 774, 890.

-, understanding between, and Duke of Anjou, 837.

-, firm friendship between, and Don John, 848.

-, plays on King, who pretends great trust in, ibid.

-, 'his great credit' with soldiers and common people, ibid.

-, link between Duke of Anjou and Spain, 858.

-, persuades Henry III. to join League as protection against Duke of Anjou and Protestants
-, thinks to deceive the Duke, who, with his sister, intend to deceive him
-, has no 'credit with soldiers out of his government,' 864.

-, troops prepared in Champagne, his government, for descent on Scotland, 864 (p. 682).

-, goes to his government, 864 (p. 683).

-, 'ambitious greatness of his House,' Queen-Mother's dread of
-, his interest at Gravelines, 909.

-, Louis de, Cardinal de Guise. Bishop of Metz, 20, 252
-, his death, 890.

-, Louise, daughter of Nicholas de, Comte de Vaudemont, wife of Henry III., her brother made Cardinal, 674
-, proposed marriage of her sister to Prince de Condé, 701, 796
-, 'makes means' for election of cardinals, 777.

Lorraine, Philippe Emmanuel, Duc de Mercœur, at Siege of Brouage, 58.

Loudun, exercise in, of Reformed Religion, demanded, 282.

-, deputies of States General summoned to, by Don John, 93
-, designs on, of Mondragon, 95
-, mentioned, 129
-, English rebels at, 241
-, University of, sons of Prince of Orange at, 333
-, desires appointment of Prince of Orange as Governor General of Netherlands, 346
-, mentioned, 470, 476, 544
-, wine of, 589
-, a suspected town, garrisoned by Egmont's men, 596
-, expected to revolt after battle of Gemblours, 623, entered by enemy, 636, 637, 642
-, States to send Agent to meet M. de Selles at, 786, 789
-, yielded to Don John, 827
-, road between and Brussels cleared, 877.

Lovigny, M. de, 705.

Lower Germany, 562. See Netherlands.

-, league with, proposed to Queen Elizabeth, 41
-, mentioned, 171
-, news from, 348
-, money deposited with, 5 s. (p. 427), 23 s.
-, value of coins in 'Lubish' money, 18 s.
-, treaty between Hanse Towns made at, 595 bis (p. 459).

Lubish money. See Lübeck.

'Lucemberg', 775. See Luxembourg.

Ludowick, Count of Wittgenstein, member of Confederacy of Wetteraw, 41, 138, busy about election of Bishop of Cologne, 249, 305 (p. 231).

-, Lumay, Count of, in service of States, 218
-, his cruelties to Catholics, 341 (p. 259)
-, his regiment broke, 760.

Luneburg, Looneberghe, money deposited with, 5 s. (p. 427).

Luneburg, Duke of. See Julius.

Lunel, in Lower Languedoc, in hands of Huguenots, 34.

-, Martin, his monastery in Wittenberg, re-named Augustus College, 140
-, his words preferred to Bible, 246
-, mentioned, 285
-, his works not to be taken pro normâ Doctrinœ, 774
-, mentioned, 922.

Luther, Dr. Paulus, son of Martin, narrates omens, 140.

Lutherans and the Augsburg Confession
-, 131, 131A
-, their proposed condemnation of Calvinists, 138, 140, 188, 211 (p. 153), 246, 285, 288, 313, 314, 323, 640 bis (p. 496), 774, 820
-, Hungarian demand for freedom of, 890.

Lützelstein, Duke of. See John George.

Luxaldo, Contador, 42.

-, suggestion that Don John should retire to, and govern Netherlands from, 189, 190, 199, 217, 244
-, levy of troops in, to cease, 191, 216, 217, 261
-, retreat of 'Germans' to, 231
-, prospect of Don Jonn's retiring to, 273, confirmed by himself, 289, 290
-, Don John at, 293, 294, 295, 329, 356
-, action fought on frontier of, 298
-, reinforcements for Don John at, 346, 412 (p. 313), 663
-, Duke of Parma at, 421
-, men of, with Don John, 431
-, Inglefield at, 447
-, Don John at, 517
-, Lorrainers in garrison for Don John, 517
-, scarcity of food in, 541
-, silver sent to, 586
-, men of States' army skirmish in, 596
-, Duke of Anjou to be invited to make diversion in, 789, 803, 818
-, artillery from, for Don John, 827
-, Duke of Brunswick arrives in, with horse, 858.

-, letters dated at, 338—340, 367—370.

-, Governor of. See Mansfeld, Count.

Luxina. See Lesina.

Lyck, Baron de, supporter of Don John, 398.

Lyfland. See Livonia.

Lymborch. See Limburg.

-, news from, 211, 720 bis
-, money by exchange from, 298
-, ordnance moved from to Low Countries, 604 bis (p. 466).

Lyra, M. de, in England, 280.

Lyre. See Lierre.

Lyverrocq. See Livarot.