Elizabeth: October 1577, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Elizabeth: October 1577, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp262-274 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1577, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp262-274.

"Elizabeth: October 1577, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp262-274.

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October 1577, 16-20

Kindly let M. de Hierges know that the negotiation of our friends who make it their object to know what is doing in Flanders, has already brought many notables and magistrates to the devotion of his Highness, with so much vigilance and good management, that we hope [on] the reception of the Duke of Aerschot to the government it will be possible to arrange means for him to restore the intention of the King pursuant to the places of his Highness, and to put this pernicious heretic, with all his following, in his proper place. For the better attaining of which, it will be necessary for some person to be sent from his Highness, equipped with eloquence and credit, to let his Majesty's good pleasure be known to those who favour that cause, especially to M. d'Oignies, M. de Moucqueron, 'Swenegen,' and the President of the Council, and to the others you wot of, who are all of a good devotion to bring the Duke of Aerschot to do whatever he may be advised, being of such humour as you know. Wherefore it will be expedient to spare nothing of the provisions required, which I am sure his Highness will do very well without my advice ; relying on your prudence to supplement, I will finish this.—Ghent, 16 Oct. 1577. Copy. Endd. : Lettres de J. Hesselt, écrites à M. de Reu sur la conspiration de Flandres, du xvie Octobre. Fr. 2/3 p. [Ibid. 40.]
344. Another copy. Endd. by L. Tomson : Copy of a letter from J. de Hassele to the Conte de Reux. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. 41.]
The order which you gave touching the imprisonment of Simon Fernandez has turned out as I always imagined ; and for this reason I drew your attention to it on the 24th ult. He has been released by these judges at the pleasure of absolute authority contrary to all law divine and humane ; for whereas you ordered on behalf of her Majesty that they should keep him in good custody, it would seem as if that order ought to have been enough. How much more when he was put there as a public robber, as shown by the proofs in my possession, of which I gave you notice at that time, and furthermore showed them to Judge Ridolfus [qy. Ayloff] who at once owned they were enough to hang him. But as it has been thought fit to employ this other stratagem, it seemed well to me to let you know of it, with all respect. I am resolved to ask for nothing but what is just and reasonable, in any event or controversy whatsoever, in cases typical like this, and odious to God and the world, being satisfied, in so far as touches my charge as a minister of my Sovereign, with doing offices suitable to my dignity. Above all I am content with the sums I caused to be laid out in getting him into Newgate, even if they had run to 1,000 crowns.—London, 16 Oct. 1577. Add. Endd. Ital. 1 p. [Portugal I. 6.]
Oct. 17.
K. d. L. x. 20.
They are determining to send the Seneschal of Hainault, M. de Villerval and Dr. Leoninus to 'Newmeghem' to deal with the Archduke on the part of the States. The Duke is said to be at La Fère, to whom Baron d'Aubigny, not yet sent, though appointed, is to be forthwith dispatched, to the end before pretended, namely, if it may to divert the entry of the Duke of Guise to the aid of his Highness. The Prince is not yet departed from Brussels, where the States, especially of Brabant, and the burgesses of Brussels, are loth to forgo him. On Monday last, the day appointed for his departure, the Bruxellers, with their pensioner and those of Antwerp, Louvain and Bois-le-Duc, exhibited a request to the States of Brabant, beseeching him that in consideration of the danger of the time and the need of their province to be provided with a discreet governor, they would commend that charge to his Excellency. The States desired two or three days to consider, and ask advice of the other provinces, but the Commons answered that it was a matter that they could determine of themselves without the advice of others, and prayed their immediate resolution, which is yet undelivered, but hourly awaited. A gentleman arrived last Sunday from Italy reports that there lie about Turin above 10,000 men, Spaniards, Italians, and Piedmontese, preparing to come down to his Highness ; and there is other advice that Don Martini, having had charge of footmen in the town of Maestricht, is arrived at Marche with 200 light horse, Spaniards, harquebusiers, and that the rest of the Italian and Spanish horsemen are looked for at Luxembourg on the 20th. Divers other Spaniards and Italians are said to arrive there daily, unarmed and disguised. His Highness makes great reckoning of the succour of the Pope and divers princes of Italy, with the old garrisons of Naples, Sicily, and other parts. Above all the towns in the country he threatens to use Brussels with a cruelty never heard of, where, he vaunts, he would be very sorry any man should scale the breach before himself. Before his departure from Namur he wrote to Burgundy to hasten the marching of the forces levied there, assuring himself in the meanwhile that he would so enchant and entertain the States that they would follow him to Luxembourg with hope of peace, whereunto he would make semblance to incline till he were thoroughly provided for a war. Some good patriots have been of advice that the Estates should often write to the King advertising his Majesty particularly of the cause of their new troubles, thereby to remove that sinister impression he has conceived of them upon the false and slanderous reports of his Highness, who seeks to persuade his Majesty that they have his name here in that horror and contempt that hearing the same recited they commonly 'spett' in despite thereof, where on the contrary the Prince of Orange is not spoken of but with honour by every man. I have now heard from Brussels that M. de Manshart is appointed to accompany the Baron d'Aubigny to the Duke of Alençon, and thence to the King, and that John Tyron, a man devoted to the Duke and a special instrument for him in these parts, is to go with him to La Fère, but act as a Commissioner. This bearer found me in this town, upon what occasion he can acquaint your Honour.—Brussels, 17 Oct. 1577. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. III. 42.]
Oct. 17.
K. d. L. x. 18.
We were so distressed at not having had an answer before this to our letter sent by M. de Famar that we were rejoiced to receive yesterday your packet dated the 11th, thinking it contained your definite instructions on everything. On reading it, however, we found resolutions on two points only, namely, that you had sent some persons with Nicholas Carenzoni to negotiate in Antwerp the raising of the £100,000 which the Queen is willing to lend you, and secondly, that owing to the season being so far advanced you have no immediate need of the troops, but would rather get rid of the Germans first. You bid us, however, ask her Majesty, when the said force is wanted by you, to be pleased to send it. We shall not fail to thank her for her good offer, and explain to her your intention ; but we will not conceal from you that we clearly perceive that the lords over here are beginning to cool, judging that their nation is little esteemed, and that there is no desire to make use of it. As to the first point, pray advertise us at once of the negotiations of your deputies and Carenzoni at Antwerp, together with the sum that can be found there, and within what time ; that we may take steps accordingly and put more pressure on the Queen, to be able to raise money promptly in London. In the event of the Queen allowing us to take ready money away from here, it will be necessary for you to request the Prince of Orange and those of Scotland and Ireland to have two good ships of war in readiness to transport the money safely in company with a ship which the Queen will commission to escort us back to Flanders, to avoid the danger of pirates, who are plentiful on that passage. Meanwhile, we wait your fruitful resolution on the remaining points of our letter, as. well as the means for the Queen's full security, which you say you have substituted for the two millions, and that with better haste than your late letter has come, in order that when these affairs are finished we may return as soon as possible, and report all our business to you ; for we see clearly that the Queen and the lords of this realm do not take in good part this coldness and slowness in resolving matters so important, where our opponent is so diligent to supplant us, and omits nothing to deceive and delay us. You have therefore done well to reinforce your camp ; and (under correction) it would conduce to the better dispatch of affairs if the establishment of the Council of State were hastened, and it were strengthened by some good persons and trustworthy patriots, who will do business more maturely that a large multitude, which we see by experience engenders confusion ; and so the Queen and the lords here think. We had received by another hand the dispatches sent by your deputies to Don John, together with the printed justification, thanking you none the less for sending these, and begging to send 12 copies more of the others which you say you have had copied. The coming of the Archduke Mathias to Cologne has rejoiced us much, and we hope that his arrival shortly at Brussels will form a prompt remedy for all our ills ; albeit the Queen and lords here talk diversely of it, as that it will be necessary before receiving him to treat with him as to full assurance of the public state, lest we fall into worse inconvenience than heretofore.—Windsor, 17 Oct. 1577. Copy [Qy. in hand of Fornari]. Endd. in French. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. III. 43.]
Since closing this letter, I received this paper enclosed printed from a friend of mine in Lubeck. It contains the spoil of "Leffeland" and the Emperor of Russia's proceedings there. I would have sent it sooner, but I had no time, for the company were ready to start for England. Add. Endd. (with date) by L. Tomson. Six lines. [Probably a P.S. to a longer letter.] [Holl. and Fland. III. 44.]
Oct. 18. 349. M. DE MÉRU to BURGHLEY.
Letter of recommendation for M. de Ségur, sent by the King of Navarre to report the course of events and to announce the peace. Thanks the Queen for all her favour.—Agen, 18 Oct. 1577. (Signed) Charles de Montmorency. Add. Seal. Endd. ½ p. [France I. 45.]
Oct. 18.
K. d. L. x. 27.
Your doings here are very well liked. Howsoever their dealings are there, you are always to lay the truth plainly open before her Majesty. God grant that the coming of Archduke Mathias may be for the advancement of God's glory and the welfare of the Low Countries. You are to look upon him, to beware of Don John, and to take always advice of the Prince. I wrote matter to you by two letters, but you have not yet answered either of them. The first contained a case for you to get some rebels into your power, by the States' help ; and in the same letter I mentioned all such rebels as were expressed in the Statute, and added the names of divers fugitives. This I wrote by command from our Sovereign. The other letter concerned yourself, wherein I required you to declare to me your excessive charges, that I might know the same, and so the rather get you some present reward to bear your charges, or else to have your 'diet' advanced. Pray write by the next post to Lord Warwick, who will thankfully receive your advertisements, if they be largely set forth, and written with your own hand. I for my part can forbear your letters, and think never the worse of you, because I know the pain of writing many letters. Write me at your best leisure ; I will not blarue your silence, so that in the two above rehearsed points you satisfy me as you may.—Windsor, 18 Oct. 1577. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. III. 45.]
Oct. 18.
K. d. L. x. 26 (from a copy).
This sudden coming of the Archduke Matthias makes great doubt of the success of those causes we wish most prosperity to ; for whether he is come with or without the consent of the King of Spain, it can no way be good in my opinion. The first is manifest, but the second as full of mistrust in all reason ; and seeing no agreement as yet for his placing, and that questions or perhaps divisions may grow thereby, Don John so near, with an army daily increasing, the others lulling themselves with these fond new devices that make them careless of their strength, I fear they will be suddenly suppressed, and their cause shortly past help. To judge more ripely of this accident, I suppose the Prince to be the man that is best able to hit nearest. And the chief hope that may be had of redress upon these [?] . . strifes is if he may bear a chief stroke in these actions, otherwise our Council here must change the late consent given to adventure more for those good fellows than will be had or savoured again a good while. And if they show themselves thus irresolute, for my own part I rather attend with others to meet the worst at home, than to hazard life and honour with such unstable men abroad. And this will be a certain ground, that unless the Prince bear stroke and be there, I would be loth that either men or money should be cast away upon the rest. Her Majesty reposes most upon the Prince, and will most be advised by him.—17 Oct. P.S.—The Marquis thinks that no man likes the Archduke's coming better than the Prince, and so he affirms since to the Marquis. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. 46.]
Oct. 18.
K. d. L. x. 22.
352. SUMMARY OF REMARKS made by SECRETARY WALSINGHAM to M. DE MEETKERKE about the coming down of ARCHDUKE MATHIAS. 18 Oct. 1577.
My reason for asking you to call on me was to acquaint you with a matter of great importance to the Estates and to our present negotiations. Her Majesty has heard from her Ambassador in the Low Countries that the Archduke Matthias has arrived at Cologne on his way to assume the government of those countries. His coming seems to open the way to disunion among the States, at a moment when union is all important. I need say nothing as to the source of this proceeding, but merely set before you the inconveniences you are likely to incur if the matter be not wisely handled. In the first place, you know the business which the Marquis has been treating with her Majesty in the name of the Estates. It should have been considered whether she would approve the coming of the Archduke or not ; and you should have been more frank with her ; in order that your plans might have succeeded more to your satisfaction than perhaps, looking to the present footing of affairs, they will now do. She herself has no reason to be dissatisfied at having near her as neighbour a prince descended from the House of Burgundy, one of the most ancient allies of the English Crown, and son of the late Emperor, who while he lived was as good a friend of her Majesty as any prince in Europe. The young prince himself, too, in conversation with her Ambassador and to the Emperor his brother, has protested his good affection towards her. All which could not fail to satisfy her, if, as I said, the times and other circumstances were appropriate. Copy (apparently in Davison's hand) of part of the report referred to in Walsingham's letter of the 20th. No. 357. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. III. 47.]
It was thought that Mr. Randolph would have been sent into Scotland about the matter I wrote of in my last but one. He came up to Court for the purpose, but the return of Mr. Bowes' answer has broken off the deliberation. "It is supposed those matters will go well enough, and that there is no such matter as was deemed ; but beware of 'had I wist.' These devices require good circumspection ; occasions are very often stolen away." Our matter with France as to our ships "dependeth yet as a meteore." The King rejects the matter from time to time, upon pretence of want of information. Sixteen of the best of them are detained, besides the evil usage of our men. But I think her Majesty is almost even with him, for she has made a stay of as many of his in the west, very well appointed in warlike manner ; what their purpose may be I know not. The stay of them will cause the release of her Majesty's ; otherwise they might have stayed longer, and been dismissed with greater difficulty. Your advertisement of the arrival of the Archduke is some stay of proceedings here, and not without cause. "The Lord bless you, and give you to see good days, that your heart, I am sure, desireth." And so requesting you will remember me to M. Sainte-Aldegonde, I leave you to the grace of God. Your suit shall not be forgotten. Your warrant for allowance is already made out.—Windsor, 19 Oct., 1577. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. 48.]
Oct. 19.
K. d. L. x. 29.
I have procured the dispatch of M. de la Moullerye, who came with greetings to the Queen from the Count of Lalaing, to inform you in addition to my former letters, of the conversation which took place to-day between Secretary Walsingham and Meetkerke, from which you will understand the change of mood at this Court, owing to information they have received of some misunderstanding among you, and that the Prince has retired dissatisfied to Breda. We cannot believe this, and think it must proceed from some malevolent persons who scatter these rumours in order to divert neighbouring princes and this Queen from helping us. We have, in fact, since the dispatch of the 12th, found affections not only cooled, but even spoilt, because more active preparations are not made to meet the forces which are collecting on all sides to crush us ; seeing the intelligences which Don John is opening everywhere, and that the French favour him openly. Yesterday, after I had delivered your letters, the Queen and some Lords of the Council expressed to me their annoyance at the delays there, and how sorry they would be at our total ruin ; as it seemed that we should be crushed on a sudden, and fall back into worse error than in the past. This I met by testifying the sincerity of our union, and how we were bound to support each other, and that past examples were enough to make us hold to our resolutions, not being suborned by any means direct or indirect to allow any footing to that tyrannical nation, which seeks only to avenge itself for being turned out. To this I pray you pay careful regard, and maintain mutual correspondence, seeing that our enemy, who is at present inferior to our forces, will certainly try by all means to divide us, until his force is sufficient to chastise us, and that all princes will lose taste for helping us, knowing our want of resolution. Whereby I fear that if I have not soon more decided news from you, showing the confidence that you ought to have in this Queen, our negotiation will end in smoke ; and I advise you to try to give her all reasonable satisfaction by letting her understand that you desire to be promptly assisted by her forces, understanding that their principal dissatisfaction is that you despise their nation, and will only avail yourselves of their money. Meanwhile her ships are being stayed in France solely because she is joined with us ; which I cannot omit to point out to you, begging that we may have absolute explanation of your intentions, both on our preceding letter and on this and the report enclosed, in order that I may the sooner return with success in my negotiation, and employ myself there in doing you better service than here, it not having depended on Meetkerke and me to conduct affairs according to what seemed to us requisite for the good of our country. Considering how profitable and convenient this alliance would be to us, and having found all generally well-disposed to employ their goods and their lives in defence of our just quarrel, for which we ought not only to show gratitude by writings and words, but by evident efforts to keep them in this good will, and so unite them with us that they will not be able to disentangle themselves hereafter, fearing lest if we lost the occasion we shall not so easily recover it, but nevertheless committing all to your prudence and discretion (the gentleman who bears this will tell you the rest) we will take our leave.—Windsor, 19 October 1577. Copy. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. 49.]
Secretary Gabriel de Zayas has given me the enclosed note for you, directing me to give it as quick dispatch as possible, and I did not wish to lose so good an occasion of bringing myself to your knowledge, offering myself to your service, and giving you to know that I am in this Court in the service of the King's embassy. You may command and employ me in all things. The news from here is this peace, which the most Christian King has made with his rebels ; the terms of which go with this letter for your inspection. Although some say harm will come to us from it, I hold the contrary view, because the King has no other thought than to preserve the amity which his father and brothers maintained toward his Majesty ; which being so, besides that Christendom has great benefit, individuals likewise enjoy their share.—Paris, 19 Oct. 1577. Add. Sp. 1 p. A slip is appended in the hand of Secretary Zayas, as follows : The bearers of this are the friends who I hope will do their business well because they have been well admonished for the matter of the iron and to get them as good and not to enter into the admiral's court, let them go about and solicit those at Court with all diligence and favour as they will write to you on landing. [Spain I. 10.]
Oct. 20.
K. d. L. x. 37. Also x. 32 from another and slightly different copy in British Museum.
356. ADVICES from ANTWERP (Davison to Walsingham).
The Archduke Matthias called down by some noblemen and States here to be governor, is looked for daily at Newmeghen. He is said to be gone from Collen to visit the Duke of Cleves till he hear from the States. His sudden coming somewhat distracts them in opinion here ; some insisting vehemently for his immediate reception, others allowing it in no sort till the other be retired, and the present state of things redressed. Don John meanwhile lies at Luxembourg "as one that sleepeth not." His meeting with the Duke of Guise is confirmed. What will result from their understanding will appear before long, neither of them being able to maintain their forces long without employment. Before his Highness left Marche he had received 200 Spanish light horsemen harquebusiers under Don Martini, expecting some 2,000 more Spaniards, Italians, and Albanese by the 24th of this present. The rest of his succours from the Pope and other princes of Italy are said to be preparing with great diligence, especially in Piedmont. There are said to be 10,000 men ready to march hitherward, paid in advance for two months. Meantime troops of Spaniards arrive daily at Luxembourg à la file, disguised and unarmed. His Highness has written to Burgundy to hasten the force levied there, esteemed at least 5 or 6,000 men ; but his forces from Germany do not stir yet, though ready to march when he shall have 'gelt' for them, without which they will fight for no man. The States have received several letters from the Emperor and Empire requiring to be informed "in whom the fault and occasion of the breach of the last pacification and the treaty of Gaunt groweth," and what means can be found to re-establish a good peace. Baron d'Aubigny and M. de Manshart departed yesterday on embassy to the French king. On the way they are addressed to the Duke of Alençon at La Fère. Letters are sent to Casimir and Count Schwarzburg for 5,000 reiters, of whom Casimir should furnish 3,000. One Schenck, a gentleman whose father was governor of Guelderland, is likewise entertained with 1,500 horse, and the Marquis of Havrech at his return shall have charge of another 1,500 reiters. The Bruxellers insist to have the Prince governor of Brabant, but it is not yet concluded. His Excellency has been importunately desired by them to stay there till Monday next, when he is looked for in this town on his way to Breda. Don John is not a little moved with his abode at Brussels, as appears by his letter lately written to the States, in which he specially insists upon two points, the one to lay down their arms, the other to command the Prince of Orange [to retire] into his 'goverment' [sic]. The States' camp is about a little league from Namur ; by the good advice and handling of the Prince, well paid and furnished hitherto. They have over the Maes above 40 ensigns of foot and what little horse they have already, minding to occupy the passages and to spoil and waste the country of Luxembourg. The Almaines that are in Ruremonde are thought unable to hold out long, for want of victuals. Two days since, Mr. — Blunt, Lord Mountjoy's brother, was brought prisoner to Brussels, and with him is taken one Captain Jamy Shaw, a Scot, a great companion of the Hamiltons, an instrument no less lewd and dangerous. The bruit is that the King of Spain has seized on the commonwealth of 'Gennes.' The truth will be known next post. The fortification of Brussels is ordered, and certain woods are to be sold, whereby they may gain about 1200[0] Carolas to begin with. It will be a long and expensive work at this time of year. —Antwerp, 20 Oct. 1577. P.S.—Let me understand her Majesty's pleasure for Mr. Blunt, whose detaining I have laboured for till it be known. For the other, if you think you may make any profit of him, I doubt not but he will be delivered. The man is taken for a pestilent and dangerous instrument. Add. Endd. (The body of the letter is a news letter, of which copies appear to have been sent to various persons. P.S. is in Davison's hand, and it is signed by him. Marginal notes by L. Tomson.) 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. III. 50.]
Oct. 20.
K. d. L. x. 41.
The division among the States upon the Archduke's coming has bred here, upon just ground, alteration of our resolutions touching the requests propounded by the Marquis. Her Majesty means to do nothing till she hear what opinion the Prince has, and is likely to follow, of this young gentleman's coming ; and her pleasure is you shall repair with all speed to the Prince and inform yourself of the points following : [Here follow the questions given, with the answers, in No. 386. There is another, here numbered 5 : If he mean to withdraw himself, what he thinketh will become of the States. Short marginal notes by Davison are written to some of them, giving summaries of the Prince's answers.]. To each of these her pleasure is you should move him to give his resolution, that she may draw to some determination both what to answer the Marquis and how to settle her own estate. Herein she requires you to use all expedition, for the Marquis, who is somewhat dismayed to see her allow no better of Matthias' coming, and hereupon somewhat to hesitate in giving the credit promised for the money the States desire to borrow, awaits an answer. We seek to make it apparent to him that no favour is to be had here without the mediation and furtherance of the Prince of Orange, to the end that if through envy they cannot be drawn to honour him for his virtues, they may at least be moved to make much of him for necessity's sake. The Marquis at his last access to her Majesty thanked her in the name of the States for her gracious answers to their demands for men and money. And as touching the men, he showed her that as this winter they do not look to be assailed with any great forces, they mean not to have any. He proceeded to inform her that Matthias was come to Collen, whom they meant to accept as governor under the King of Spain, being a prince of the blood, and one that had not been brought up in Spain as the rest of the Emperor's brothers, and therefore not affected to that nation. He received answer from her Majesty, for the first point, that she was glad they did so well accept her answer to their reports ; that touching Matthias' coming, she could not tell what to say to it ; and so fell to a large discourse in laying down the inconveniences that might ensue thereby, at which the Marquis was so much amazed that she asking him what he thought of the matter, he protested that he could not tell what to judge of it, and found the perils no less than she. The next day I was appointed to confer with Medekyrke, the copy of which conference I send you. I found the man greatly amazed, but had no answer from him worth reciting. He asked my advice how matters might be helped. I said in my opinion there were but two ways : one to make the Prince the Archduke's lieutenant, whence three commodities would come : First, the lack of experience in the young Prince would be supplied by the sufficiency of such a lieutenant ; Secondly, that the jealousy of the good patriots and burgesses who are devoted to the Prince would be removed ; Lastly, that we here should be the better inclined to assist them, when we saw their affairs committed to so sufficient a director. The second was to remove the evil and suspected patriots from Council, whereby their good determinations might not be crossed as they are, which breeds dangerous irresolution. He seemed to allow of these two ways, and to acknowledge them the principal remedies ; but I fear the Marquis is of another opinion. I have written to St. Alagonde to set down his opinion to the propositions I send you, which pray deliver to him. I must not forget to tell you how much the States' refusal of our men is misliked here by honest and well-affected gentlemen ; and surely they show themselves to lack judgement, for besides the strength they would have received thereby, the countenance of the matter would have more appalled the enemy than 20,000 of any other nation. You see, when I am entered into this cause, I know not how to get out. I have got a privy seal for five months' advance, which shall be delivered, when you depute one to receive it. The Queen hath also promised to sign your bill. And so God keep you. In haste, with a weary hand.—20 Oct. 1577. Holograph. Add. Endd. 4½ pp. [Holl. and Fland. III. 51.]
Oct. 20. 358. Copy of the questions referred to in above letter (see No. 388). Endd. in Walsingham's hand : 19 Oct. 1577. Certain points sent to Mr. Davison to be resolved by the P. of Orange. ½ p. [Holl. and Fland. III. 52.]
Oct. 20.
K. d. L. x. 36.
By the enclosed particulars you may see the course of things here, inclining every day more and more to a desperate war. Forces both of horse and foot are marching from Italy with all speed to his Highness ; and out of France it is not doubted they will fall with all their fury upon these counties as soon as he shall be ready for them. There is advice from Venice that the Senate, in league with the Spanish King and the rest of the conjured princes, has offered large assistance ; so that this poor country and her neighbours seem to be threatened on all sides. From the Empire there arrived last night at Brussels (as I hear thence) two commissioners sent to the States to understand the cause and circumstance of their 'alterations,' and to mediate if it may for peace ; but as they are thought to come too late to do any good, so is it doubted that their intent is nothing less. No better opinion is yet had among the wisest sort of the Archduke's journey, to whom they send commissioners with the articles herewith enclosed. How they will be digested we shall hear shortly. I send you herewith the names of such among the States as are esteemed good patriots, of which number I have pricked those that are thought to incline to religion. I send also a copy of Don John's last letter to the States, a letter very arrogant, agreeable to his nature.—Antwerp, Oct. 20, 1577. P.S.—Here is even now come news of an enterprise discovered for the betrayal of Graveling, handled by the lieutenant of the Count de Reux. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. III. 53.] Enclosing list of names :
Les bons Patriotes qui sont en l'assemblée des Etats à Bruxelles. De l'ecclésiastiques [sic] bons Patriotes ; viz., the Abbots of St. Gertrude and Marolles. [To them Davison notes : gens sans malice pour le fait de la religion.] Des Bourgeois et habitans de Bruxelles. Tous patriotes on Anvers. De Grand [sic]. Endd. 1½ pp. [Ibid. 53A.]
360. ADVICE from ANTWERP of the 19th Oct., 1577.
Enclosed in above. Identical with No. 356. Endd. 1½ pp. [Ibid. 54.]
Oct. 20. 361. DAVISON to BURGHLEY.
Draft of No. 359. ½ p. [Ibid. 55.]
Oct. 20.
K. d. L. x. 40.
It is above 10 or 12 days since the States resolved to send Carrington with two other commissioners to sound this "burse," but they are not yet come hither. Their delays seem somewhat strange, the matter being so important as they pretend. For the other point propounded by the Marquis, you may have understood their resolution by him, to whom by Whitechurch they wrote their opinions at length. I find many of them desirous to relieve themselves with our money, but unwilling to use our men, though I think they will soon have cause to make much both of one and the other. I have just received a copy of the articles to be presented to the Archduke by the States' Commissioners. With them I send a copy of Don John's letter, as you may see, arrogant enough after his nature. [Other news as in letter to Burghley.]—Antwerp, 20 Oct. 1577. P.S—I am loth to importune you in my own private affairs, but my state here drives me to it. You can judge of yourself the greatness of my charge, and the weakness of my shoulders to sustain it without other help ; and therefore I most humbly beseech you to continue your care of me. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. 56.]
363. Draft of the above. [Ibid. 57.]