Elizabeth: July 1577, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Elizabeth: July 1577, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp1-15 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1577, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp1-15.

"Elizabeth: July 1577, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp1-15.

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July 1577, 1-10

At my audience of her Majesty last Thursday, she desired me to make the same representations to the Council as I had done to her. Please let me know what time will be convenient to them.— Charterhouse, 1 July 1577. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. Italian. 12 lines. [Port. I. 1.]
July 3.
K. d. L. ix. 385.
After apologies for not writing sooner ; the first thing his Excellency said to me on my return was that he had not yet received the "cuivre" which he was to have through the means of the Earl of Leicester. Kindly say a word to the Earl on the subject, and beg him to regard me as his most devoted servant. There is not much news from these parts. Things are going on well, and the people resolved to be loyal to his Excellency. The bearer of this accompanies M. de Viliers, a minister of the French Church.—Alkmaar, 3 July 1577. [Holl. and Fland. I. 1.] Add. Endd. Fr. 1½. pp.
July 5. 3. The LORDS of the COUNCIL to the PRINCE OF ORANGE.
At your request we persuaded her Majesty without taking other measures to content herself with the agreement made between the Estates of Holland and Zealand and the merchants of Ipswich, resulting in the contract made between them and M. Taffin in your name on the 19th of last November ; M. Taffin promising to satisfy the Estates in a few days or to return here and submit to her Majesty. She sent with him a letter to yourself begging you to do all you could to satisfy them, failing which, she must provide her subjects with means of reprisal. Since that time we have not ceased to keep her in a good opinion of you, hoping that satisfaction might be given to the merchants. But seeing that their affair moves slowly, to their great expense, and is in so great arrear in spite of all the efforts of their representative, we have thought good at their request to write this word to you in their favour, begging that, if you would have us intercede with her Majesty on your behalf, you would take order that satisfaction be given them without further delay. If you act as we anticipate, you will never find us ungrateful in any matter wherein we can testify our affection. (Signed) Willm. Burghley, Ed. Lincolne, Thomas Sussex, Franc. Knols, Franc. Walsingham. Copy by Lawrence Tomson. 1 p. [For. E. B. Misc. II.]
Same tenor as the last, but rather more peremptory. Copy. ½ p. [Ibid.]
July 6.
K. d. L. ix. 387. (From another copy.)
It has been a matter of great rejoicing to see by your Majesty's letter of June 20 that you still bear the same affection to us. We cannot sufficiently thank your Majesty for your good offices, and entreat you to continue them. Dr. Wilson, now returning, will testify more fully our desire to render your Majesty service. (Signed) Cornelius Weellemans.—Brussels, 6 July 1577. Add. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. 1½ pp. [Holl. and Fland. I. 2.]
July 6. Copy of the above in hand of Fremyn [?] and endd. by the same. [Ibid. I. 3.]
July 6.
K. d. L. ix. 389.
Dr. Wilson, your Majesty's ambassador, being on the point of returning, has promised to assure your Majesty of my devotion to your service. Having heard both from him and from the Governor of the Isle of Wight, who were both welcome here, that you had enquired after my fortunes, I venture to write these few words. I shall always desire your Majesty's prosperity no less than that of the King my master ; for the servants of one royal house ought to wish well to, and do their best for, the other.— Brussels, 6 July 1577. (Signed) F. Perrenot Champagney. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. 1½ pp. [Ibid. I. 4.]
July 6.
K. d. L. ix. 388. (From another copy.)
Thanks for aid given to the country, and hopes for continuance of the same. (Signed) Guillaume de Hornes. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. ¾ p. [Ibid. I. 5.]
July 3-8. 8. DISPATCHES sent by the VISCOUNT OF GHENT.
(1.) The Queen to Don John.
We received your letter by this bearer, the Viscount of Ghent, and heard with great contentment the news he brought from you as to the settlement of the troubles which you found at your arrival, and the joy of the country at your occupation as governor. In regard to your future proposals we have given him such reply as we hope you will find reasonable, and proceeding from one who desires nothing more than a continuance of the friendship existing so throughout between us and our good brother the King of Spain. —Greenwich, 3 July 1577.
July 6. (2.) Reply of her Majesty to the negotiations of the Viscount of Ghent.
Expresses satisfaction as above, than which she never received any more grateful, and thanks Don John for sending the news. The poor people will now be able to rest and recover breath. She never means to turn aside from the path on which she has entered, of preferring peace to war, and the mutual love of Kings and people to their mutual hatred. The Viscount of Ghent says that matters had not progressed as far as might be wished, and the completion of the edifice so well begun depends on the Prince of Orange. Her Majesty regrets infinitely even to hear of any delay in so good a work. Without any intention of discrediting this statement, she begs that she may not be compelled to condemn the Prince without hearing him in his own defence. For his reply to the deputies sent by Don John makes her hope well of him, and she reserves her further judgement till time shews the truth. As for Phipson, who cruises about as a pirate, falsely asserting that he has letters from her Majesty authorising him to attack those of Ostend, she declares that though in the past she thought him an honest man, and had him set free last year when imprisoned on a charge of piracy, of which he cleared himself, yet if the said Phipson falls into the hands of the ships that she is now commissioning to repress piracy, and is found guilty of a breach of the peace, she will have exemplary justice done on him. 6 July.
(3.) Memorandum handed to the Viscount of Ghent for the merchant adventurers.
That compensation be made for the losses sustained by them at the sack of Antwerp by the Spanish soldiers, owing to the refusal of the Estates to give them license to leave the city, contrary to the ancient privileges and traditions. And that the new impositions laid on them by their ordinance of Dec. 28, 1576, be removed, as contravening the treaties of 1495, 1520, and 1573.
(4.) The Queen to the Estates, by the Viscount of Ghent. We thank you for your letter, and the benefit you have wrought in tranquillizing your countries. You will always find us prompt and willing to maintain the good friendship between our kingdom and your countries which has been seen from age to age. Greenwich, 8 July. Copy. Fr. 3 pp. [For. E. B. Misc. II.]
Whereas information has reached us on the part of Don Egmondt [sic:—Edmond Hogan] ambassador of the Queen of England, that the English merchants trading in this country are hindered by the owners of sugar-factories, who will not supply them with sugar at the proper time, we order all persons who have received from them clothes or money in payment for sugar, within three years following the date of this to pay the whole in the first sugars that enter, or if they have not got them, to return the money. Certificates by the hand of public notaries and signed by the Sheik Azdan [?], or by Abraham Pertal, or by Daud ben Brahen and his son, may be accepted as evidence that the English merchants have received their money or their sugar. Given in our Court of Morocco, July 7 1577. Copy. Endd. by Laurence Tomson, "The English merchants to be paid within three years . . for all such sums of money and clothes as they have bartered to the Jews for sugar, either in sugar or in money." Sp. ½ p. [Morocco, I. 1.]
July 9. 10. The QUEEN to the LORD KEEPER.
We are sending commissioners to Embden, to treat with those from the King of Denmark upon certain differences relating to former treaties. Some of these are in the Tower, and some in the Treasury, and copies of them are to be taken, and "exemplified," under the Great Seal for the use of the Commissioners. Those in the Treasury to be guaranteed by the signature of the Treasurer, those in the Tower by that of Thomas Hennage, keeper of the records there.—Greenwich, 9 July 1577. Copy. ½ p. [For. E. B. Misc. II.]
July 6-13. 11. ARTICLES from DON JOHN to the ESTATES, and THEIR ANSWER to the SAME.
1. His Highness wishes only to return to them soon, to give them all the help he can ; as he fully means to do as soon as the arrangements for dismissing the Germans are so far advancing that his presence is no longer required. The Estates after mature deliberation, wishing only to do their duty towards his Highness, thank him for his sincerity and cordial affection towards them, beg him to continue it, and get the negotiation about the Germans over as soon as possible, that he may at once return to them and prosecute and settle the affairs of these poor desolated countries.
2. But learning that sundry ill reports are spread touching his good intentions, which he has shown in act sufficiently to remove all distrust, the Spaniards and strangers being by this arrived in Italy, he thinks that steps should first be taken to put a stop to these rumours. The Estates are extremely grieved to hear it. The rumours can only proceed from a malignant desire to disturb the public peace. The best way to stop them would be to write to the magistrates to renew and execute the proclamation to that end decreed. The Estates hope that if his Highness was with them, as he desires, it would make this talk cease.
3. First, orders to be at once given through the Estates of Brabant to disband the regiments of M. de Floyon, who are reported to have given cause for tumult ['alberot'] to the people of that town, together with those of Count Egmont, and MM. de Hèze and Beersel, who though disbanded are still in troops about the country. Some gratuity had better be given them to induce them to withdraw, as in the other provinces. Brabant would have done like the other provinces if its Estates had not been short of money. The Estates General have several times called upon them, and the chief pressure of them falls on Brabant ; nor is there any doubt that these Estates are doing all they can, just as the Estates General are always labouring to do the same with the regiments of M. de Floyon, and the others which are kept up at the cost of the people, to their unspeakable regret. Of M. de Beersele's regiment only one company still remains, that at Maestricht, with the knowledge and approval of his Highness.
4. And as the evil rumours probably emanate from malignant spirits, restless foreigners, and heretics who only want to introduce distrust and disorder, inquiry should be made, and they should be caused to retire from the town. The Estates have no idea of permitting or encouraging any disturbers of the public peace. This can best be remedied by writing to the magistrates of the towns as suggested to the second article.
5. That the Estates should take steps to keep their business secret, and to that end should allow no one to be present amongst them who has not been lawfully deputed, and sworn not to reveal any matters under consideration. The supreme desire which the Estates have to secure the effecting of this is proved by the fact that all the deputies, and even down to the lowest clerk, are sworn to keep all proceedings secret ; and they pledge themselves that no one will be admitted save deputies or attorneys for the provinces.
6. And whereas it is said that a foreigner, a Frenchman by birth, takes a prominent part in the proceedings as agent to the Prince of Orange, this should be at once seen to ; and if the Prince desires to be represented there, he should employ a native of the country, since it is not meet that a foreigner should know the secrets of the Estates. The Estates have never admitted any agent of the Prince of Orange to their meetings, nor sent him any report or copy of their transactions ; but have often, by letters of which M. de Baesdorp was the bearer, called upon the provinces of Holland and Zealand to send deputies for the more prompt settlement of matters depending in those provinces.
7. That on all occasions the Estates will address themselves frankly to his Highness, as he will do to them ; checking all false reports and malignant interpretations of good actions and intentions such as are disseminated by certain evil and restless spirits to increase distrust and keep the country in troubles. This has always been the chief desire of the Estates, and their constant practice. They have indicated their view as to the best way to check false rumours. At the same time they beg his Highness not to lend evidence too readily to all reports, and in order to take away all cause for them from the people, to remove from his court all adherents present or past of the mutineers ; which they hope will greatly reduce the causes for suspicious and sinister apprehensions.
Endd. Copy. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. I. 6.]
July 6-13. 12. Another copy. Endd. by Wilson. Fr. 3 pp. [Ibid. I. 7.]
July. 13. OFFER of TROOPS to the QUEEN.
Captain Nicolas of Limborch, called Oegst, having borne singular affection to your Majesty and your crown for 38 years, during which he has served your late father and brother, and considering the present tumults and dangers in the world, as I declared to your ambassador, Dr. Wilson, wishes to represent by what means your Majesty might promptly have a large force of horse and foot, both Germans and Walloons, as you will see from the subjoined list of names of gentlemen, colonels and captains, with their reputed residences. Your Majesty can choose such of them as you please, and if you do not need to employ them at once, you can retain them by a small pension. The informant will negotiate the affair with your ambassador. [A long list of names follows ; Franz, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, "who will not be employed for the Inquisition," Count Wolrat of Mansfeldt, "who has been lieutenant of reiters to the Duke of Deux-Ponts," Jehan van Ters, lord of Weremont Puttingen and Wildvich, "who has been colonel of 1,500 horse in France for the Prince of Condé," Steenbach, "who was colonel of the city of Haarlem when the Duke of Alva was encamped before it,"—63 in all, from Westphalia, the Rhine, Cleves, Liège, &c]. All these are tried colonels and captains of good family, having much nobility at their command to do you service. You can have them on moderate terms for so long as you please ; as the aforesaid Captain Oost told your ambassador, and he would desire to be your agent in this matter, for any pension your Majesty pleases. It is 17 years since he held the office of colonel to the King of Sweden, and those named apply to him on account of the wide acquaintance he has always had among colonels, captains, and military people. Copy (?). Fr. 10 pp. stitched. [Ibid. I. 31.]
July 7.
K. d. L. ix. 392.
I went to Don John at Mechlin on the 3rd and told him of my recall. He said he was sorry, assuring me that for his part he would do all service possible to her Majesty during his life. He heaped up so many good words of his affection to our Sovereign as it was marvellous. Next day I went to Brussels ; and delivered her Majesty's letter to the States. I have dealt particularly with many for her Majesty's money at the day, and have thrice written to M. Sweveghem, whose answer I enclose. M. Champagny showed me more favour than he has done hitherto, and commonly in company of M. de Hèze, Count Egmont, M. de Barcelie [Beersel], M. de Capres, M. de Fersin and others that are the best patriots. . . . . M. d'Assonville, who professes to be as good a patriot as the others. The Estates would have Escovedo and Ottavio Gonzaga from him [Don J.] with some others, which offends him sorely, and "it was said he would not return to Brussels till M. de Hèze had left down his guard, and that the burgesses would take the watchword of the burgomaster, and lastly that Theron were banished from Brussels." The French ambassador being now at Mechlin, told me that he goes to meet the Queen of Navarre, who would be at Mons on Friday next, accompanied by the Prince de la Roche-sur-Yon and certain Bishops, but whether the Bishop of Glasgow be in her company I cannot tell. Don John has given out that he will go to Namur to meet her this day week. Don John has not yet agreed with the "Alemans." Those at Antwerp, Breda, Bergen, Bois-le-Duc, and Ruremonde are thought to be 18,000. I send the copy of the Prince's letter to the Estates. Mr. Rogers goes from hence to him to-morrow. As I came this day from Mechlin I spoke with one lately from Paris, and he says that Lansac was taken upon the sea, and is now in Rochelle prisoner. Our rebels meet at Paris about the end of this month, old Norton being come thither from Rome, his son George having had letters from Don John in his favour to the Duke of Guise. President Sasbout, in the place of Viglius, is gone with Baron Grobbendonck and Doctor Leoninus to Friesland, to persuade the people to accept Count Bossu for their governor, and to refuse M. de Ville. I think they will not prevail. I fear that great troubles will shortly grow in this country. The 23rd of June the Spaniards were at Chambéry in Savoy, and it is said that the Duke will use them against Geneva.—Antwerp, 7 July 1577. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fland. I. 8.]
June 27.
K. d. L. ix. 372.
I have received your letters, in three languages, of yesterday and the day before, asking me to secure the repayment of the Queen's loan. I did what I could before leaving Brussels, and am still doing all I can. To impress upon the Deputies of the States-General how much they owe to her Majesty for coming so liberally to their assistance I have sent your letters to them. If they fail to pay I think they will shorten my life by reason of the discredit it will do me with a princess who has been good to me. This I trust you will let her know, that she may hold me blameless. "Quinimo, quod unum possum, opportune, importune institi et instabo apud Ordines ut fidem meam ipsorum jussu Serenissimae Reginae obstrictam liberent ; neque dubito quin facturi sint. Vale quam rectissime, clarissime domine orator, mei memor."—Lichtervelde, 27 June 1577. (Signed.) François de Halewyn. P.S.—As you like French verses, I send you a sonnet on the peace, which has just reached me. If you think it good enough, show it to our common friends. Add. Endd. by Wilson. Fr. 1½ pp. Enclosure in Wilson's of July 7. [Holl. and Fland. I. 9.]
July 5. 16. The PRINCE OF ORANGE to the ESTATES.
There is none of you but must see that the pacification of Ghent was the sole and sovereign remedy for the calamities into which our country had been brought, that it has in some measure turned aside the yoke of the foreign tyranny which it was sought to impose on us and our children for ever. Equally well known to all is the way in which I have freely risked my friends, my goods, or my life, as well as the promptitude and good faith with which the Estates of Holland and Zealand have laboured in the cause, having with their own bodies, lives, and means built the bridge by which such great benefits have been reached. Nevertheless, since by means of sinister practices, other persons, ill-disposed toward the country, and wishing only to arrive at a high position by its ruin, are trying to revive the former dissensions, the benefits we have received from the favour of God may soon be forgotten. Thus my duty to the country and my desire to serve you, bid me pray and exhort you seriously that if all else is disregarded and forgotten, you will continually keep before your eyes the benefits which the country has received by the pacification, and thus understand, what is the truth, that as the hope which each one has conceived of seeing the country re-established in peace and prosperity commenced with it, so the only way of bringing that commencement to a good issue is the entire and complete observation of its terms. This is why I pray you to see to it that the pacification may in the end be thoroughly carried out. Up to now, it looks as if we held only the shadow and the appearance of it, not the truth and the body ; wherefore we are deprived of the principal fruit of it, namely a firm conjunction and sincere amity with an assured confidence on your part toward the others. At the present time, as we have more fully pointed out to M. van Grobbendonck and Dr. Leoninus your deputies, we see neither goods restored, nor the governors reunited, nor the foreigners who declared themselves the greatest enemies of the country, and pillaged and sacked the goods of its inhabitants, withdrawn, nor prisoners set at liberty, nor exiles allowed to return, nor ancient privileges restored. It seems even that new practices are on foot, and that the authority of the Estates is being trampled on, while those who are the cause of the same are replaced in credit ; nay, that an attempt is even being made to put in full force again the placard about the exercise of the Religion, by setting up again the scaffolds to tyrannize over men's consciences, and thus make the dissensions which have led to all our calamities spring up again. If you consider these things you will easily judge of their ill effects, which it is to be feared, if you do not take order for the real accomplishment of the pacification, will land us in a worse place than we were in before. Besides this, you will lose the reputation that you have acquired among foreign nations by your heroism when they see you leave incomplete a business so important to your welfare, and open the door to those who will assuredly take vengeance on you and reduce you to a more intolerable subjection than ever. They will think that what you have done up to now was more the result of groundless impatience, than of a fixed purpose and magnanimous resolution, and the benevolence they have shown you will turn to hatred and contempt. This you can avoid by getting the pacification thoroughly carried into effect, which I expect you most seriously to do. I must not omit to tell you that we have been informed that some of our ill-wishers have spread a report that we were levying war against those of Amsterdam, or treating them with hostility, whereas we admit them freely, neither more nor less than other inhabitants of Holland, although when our people go to their town, they make them lay aside their arms. They are even treating of satisfaction. We have granted them all that they could have on condition that they would unite with those of Holland, in arranging their general charges and imposts, and leave off all forms of hostility as by the pacification they are bound to do ; which was the principal reason, why the article as to satisfaction was inserted in that treaty. If they show themselves to what is so equitable, they let it be seen that they have no great desire to maintain the peace of the country, as MM. Grobbendonck and Leoninus and other gentlemen sent by his Highness may have seen and recognized. Of this I have thought good to warn you, that you take order for the peace and repose of the country. Enclosure. Copy. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. I. 10.]
July 9. 17. THE QUEEN to the LORD KEEPER.
Instructions to cause the Prothonotary in Chancery to "exemplify in fair writing" certain treaties formerly made between Denmark and England for the use of the Commissioners about to be sent to Embden to confer with Danish Commissioners. ½ p. [For. E. B. Misc. II.]
18. Another copy in later hand, wrongly dated July 19. Endd. 1 p. [Denmark I. 1.]
July 10. 19. NOTE FROM SPAIN.
We cannot go upon the walls nor upon the hill to see our ships as we were wont to do before the embargo time out of mind. We can wear no kind of weapon, but every soldier takes it from us and puts us in prison, and make us pay 3 or 4 ducats whenever they please. If by mishap any of us die, they will not put us in a grave unless we make "provance" of our baptism and when we were confessed. Otherwise we are cast out like dogs in the fields. If they owe us any money for such goods as we deal with them for by word of mouth, when we come to recovery of the same we are not believed on our oath, nor is any credit given to proof which comes out of England against them ; and it is not eight days since it was alleged publicly in a petition against John Snowe of Bridgewater, here in this town, by a letrado of the town. In March of this year came hither one Golston of Plymouth, who keeps a victualling house there, in a small bark of 28 tons, and brought with him a quantity of cast pieces of iron, with shot, carriages, ladles, and other furniture belonging to them ; they were saker and minion falcons and falconers ; and here did sell the pieces with their furniture to both Spaniards and Frenchmen who account to be our mutual enemies. We heard it publicly said on the quay of San Sebastian by Frenchmen and Bretons that one of them had bought five pieces of cast iron, and told his fellows that he had them of an Englishman. —San Sebastian, 10 July 1577. Endd.: Bernard Bedford his note concerning the misusage that the English nation do receive in Spain. 2 pp. [Spain, I. 1.]
July 10. 20. POULET to WALSINGHAM.
Monsieur being persuaded that the bloody and fiery fame of Issoire would move their neighbours to submission, marched towards Maruzes [sic : qy. Marvéjols], where the inhabitants being resolved to abide all extremities Monsieur thought good to leave them in peace, and marcheth now towards Périgueux, but to what end is not yet known, his army being so weakened with loss before Issoire and by retire of great number of gentlemen, as some thinke he doth not intend to take any new enterprise in hande until he hath spoken to the king. Some worthy of credit have assured me that he hath not now 2,000 men in his army. The Duke of Guise came hither from the Camp the 4th of this month, and it is said that he goes shortly to Champagne, accompanied by Schomberg and others. The Duke of Mayne has done no great things before Brouage ; and some think he has no hope of better speed there, the Cardinal of Guise having said openly of late that the Englishmen arm by sea, and intend to come to Rochelle, and that he doubted of his nephew. Those of Rochelle have been said to be stronger on the sea than the King, so that Lansac hath prayed aid of ships and men, but it is now said that he hath received of late great supplies, and that those of Rochelle are the weaker and that their ships are retired to Rochelle. If Lansac is allowed to come with his ships quietly to Brouage it is to be feared that peace will be in danger. M. Strozzy was sent by the Duke of Mayne with supplies of men to the young Lansac, and in his return, passing near Ryon [? Royan], la Guiche desired to refresh himself in a village of his own inheritance, where the said Guiche and Caylus, two of the King's best beloved, were taken in their beds by those of Ryon, so that the late taking of the son of the Duke of Nemours is thought to be sufficiently recompensed. The young Carouges, and Condrake, lieutenant to la Guiche, are also slain by the like surprise. Paleseau, captain of 50 men-at-arms, Apremont, one of the esquires to Queen-Mother, and others being lodged some 4 or 5 leagues from St. John d'Angely the 3rd of this month, those of the town issued out upon them in the night, slew the watch, found the companies sleeping in their beds, and killed Paleseau, Apremont, and all their followers, saving some fewe which were taken prisoners, of which number were Montigny, Serilacq, and Sainte-Colombe. M. d'Alayn, Count of Faukenbergh, came hither Ambassador from Don John the 4th of this month, of whose negotiation I can learn no certainty, the doings here being carried with such secrecy that many great counsellors here are little acquainted with them. But there is an opinion that the Ambassador comes to inform the King that the Prince of Orange begins to arm, that he is secretly supported by many of the Estates of that country, that Amsterdam is in peril to be lost, that Don John shall be constrained to use the help of foreign force, and therefore prays that the King will not be jealous of his preparations, that the Spaniards lately departed may have free passage through France to return into the Low Countries if need so require. And if the Prince of Orange and his confederates shall upon any surmise desire the King's aid, that he will reject them as rebels to the King of Spain. The Duke of Guise has resorted to this ambassador twice in his lodging, and therefore I fear there be some worse matter in hand. The ambassador has had many audiences. The treaty of peace holds between the King and the King of Navarre. Villeroy arrived here from the King of Navarre the 4th of this month, with the articles of his demands, and is now upon the point of returning. The demands are said to be to this effect, that the exercise of religion be admitted in all provinces, governments, towns, and other places throughout the realm, and in the houses of all gentlemen that will desire it, excepting only those towns in which are courts of Parliament, Archbishopricks and bearing the title of Bishoprick ; That himself be restored to the full and peaceable possession of his government in Guyenne, and that the town of Angoulême be delivered unto him for his place of residence ; That the Prince of Condé be likewise restored to his government in Picardy, and that the town of Péronne be delivered unto him for his residence ; That the Chambres mi-parties be released, and instead thereof those of the religion to have their recourse in causes of controversy to the Great Council. The King is incensed to war many ways, and especially by the Pope's Nuncio and Petruzzi, ambassadors from the Duke of Tuscany, who are said to contribute very liberally in men and money. If any great thing were done in Languedoc, the King would be the first that would reveal it to the ambassadors. (In cipher) : The emulation is great who shall command the army against the reiters perchance some very [qy. Veres ; but the letter-book has : "some matter may follow of it")] may follow it. I have not yet sent your letters and have not great hope to do it well. (P.S. autograph.) This discourse enclosed will partly decipher the present state of the King of Navarre ; wherein no mention is made of Rochelle, St. John d'Angely, Brouage, Pons, and some other things in those parts, neither of Languedoc, Dauphine, etc. Poictiers, July 10. Add. Endd. pp. 2½. [France, I. 1.]
July 10. 21. ARTICLES and CONDITIONS of PEACE to be Agreed Upon Between the FRENCH KING and the KING OF NAVARRE.
On June 19 M. de Foix saw the King of Navarre in presence of the Deputies, and explained that the terms now offered did not satisfy M. de Mont[pensier ?], being far less than what the said King and his counsel had offered already. His Majesty offered the following :
That the Edict of Pacification remain in force.
That in towns, villages, &c., belonging to Catholic Lords and noblemen the exercise of the so-called Reformed Religion should only be carried on by their permission.
Similarly in Archiepiscopal and Episcopal towns, save where it exists at present.
In frontier and garrison towns foreigners and strangers shall not be admitted to the prêches.
No exercise of the Religion in towns where there is a Parliament.
The King of Navarre to restore the Catholic worship in places where it has been interrupted.
Chambres mi-parties to be restored to the number of four for the whole of France, and established in towns where Courts of Parliament do not sit.
The King of Navarre promised to use his influence to get those of the Reformed Religion to accept these terms, and to that end to lay them before the Churches.
On June 26 the King of Navarre and the deputies of the Reformed Religion, after expressions of fidelity and confidence in the King and recognition of the allegiance due by them to him, asked :
That the last edict with the secret articles then granted, and any that may result from the present conferences, may be treated as one, and really carried into effect, as regards both his Majesty's subjects, and the promises made to foreigners. All indemnities, amendments, and declarations made in the former edict to be repeated.
The said edicts to be announced to the Parliament of Paris by his Majesty in a Bed of Justice, and to all other Parliaments through deputies appointed by him. They are to be regarded as laws of the State, and his Majesty to renounce all promises, oaths, &c., obtained or to be obtained contrary to them. And that if by importunity or otherwise his Majesty shall be brought to do, command, or ordain anything to the prejudice of the said edicts, he consents to its not being obeyed.
Without prejudice to the King's authority, foreign princes and others his allies, notably the Queen of England, the King of Scotland, Duke Casimir, the Landgrave of Hesse to take a share in the conclusion of peace as sponsor for the common safety, and that the edict when published be sent for to them to be embodied in the terms of their alliances.
That Courts of Parliament, municipal bodies, Lords, noblemen, and all dwellers in town or country, swear to observe the edicts, and in case of contravention thereof be treated as rebels and disturbers of the public peace, and deprived of all privileges collectively and individually, their goods being confiscated.
That in every bailiwick and seneschalry two noblemen of either religion shall be selected by the King and King of Navarre respectively, to consult together and take such steps as may be necessary for the maintenance of peace and concord.
Officers of police to be appointed equally from both religions, and both to be summoned alike to all elections and deliberations.
The exercise of both religions to be under the sole authority of the King, and preachers and ministers to be strictly forbidden to use defamatory or seditious language. The Bishops and Consistories to be respectively responsible.
That all leagues, associations, and confraternities made under pretext of religion be annulled, all documents and regulations of such confraternities be placed in his Majesty's hands, and no more be allowed to be made.
That six months after the execution of the edict his Majesty shall hold a general assembly in any town he may select, and summon to it four notables from each of the 12 provinces, viz. two nobles and two commoners, chosen half from the Catholics, half from the Reformed, to advise as to the best means for maintaining the edicts in force.
Until the edict is in full working, the King of Navarre and his party to remain in undisturbed possession of the places now held by them ; afterwards all places to be restored to their original state, but no governor or garrison to be admitted except where they existed in the time of Francis I. and Henry II.
Towns formerly placed in the hands of Monsieur or of the King of Navarre, by way of security, to be left in the hands of the latter, as substitutes for La Charité and Issoire.
Two towns in each province to be handed over to the King of Navarre in place of towns granted or "appanaged" to him.
All which towns the King of Navarre promises to keep in subjection and obedience to the King, and as sureties only.
That it may please his Majesty to forward to the town of ......... 200,000 crowns as an assurance of his good-will and a pledge for the execution of the edicts.
The King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé to remain actual governors of the provinces formerly entrusted to them, and in full enjoyment of such powers as are proper to governors and lieutenant-generals of the King ; and with Angoulême and Péronne as their residences.
The King of Navarre to provide for the governments of towns and places subject to him, and notably for the counties of Foix and Paniers.
The King to allow the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé 3,000 infantry to keep up the garrisons of the towns aforesaid. Copy. Endd. Fr. 5½ pp. [France, I. 2.]
July 10. 22. POULET to WALSINGHAM.
Cannot thank you enough for your letter to Mr. Jacomo. When time and occasion serve, I trust you will have him in remembrance. This bearer never had intention of staying here with me. He has resolved to follow the Duke of Guise into Champagne, the two young Veres, Denny, and Walter Williams, servants to the Earl of Oxford do the like. This bearer was resolved to have followed Danville, and said no less to the gentlemen of my company, which proves that he never meant to stay with me. And thus both you and I are honestly discharged of this matter, thanks be to God. (In autograph) : Please deal with Mr. Henneage to shew some favour to my messengers, the journey is long. Poictiers, July 10 (altered from 9). P.S.—You will do well to shew Mr. Jacomo's letters to my Lord of Leicester, and if her Majesty saw them, I do not see that she could be offended at them. I had thought to have dispatched this bearer last evening. But this other matter came so suddenly, and late after noon that I could not dispatch him till this morning. The packet enclosed for Scotland was sent to me signed and sealed. 1 p. [France, I. 3.]
June. 12. 23. COMMISSION given by the PRINCE OF CONDE to M. D'ARGENLIEU and M. DE LA PERSONNE to negotiate with HER MAJESTY and DUKE CASIMIR for aid. (fn. 1)
Whereas the disorders of this kingdom are increasing, and any overtures of peace that may be made have no other end than to put us at such disadvantage that we may be subjected as in the past to the faithlessness of our enemies, with no hope of better treatment ; and as the only means we see of obtaining such a peace as is needed for the tranquillity of our Churches lies in fortifying ourselves by the aid of Christian potentates, zealous for the advancement of God's glory ; for these and other weighty treasons, being unable to make choice of better persons than Loys de Hangest, Viscount of Argenlieu, and François de la Fersonne, lord of the same, we have given them full power to treat with the Queen of England and Duke John Casimir, to obtain the succour that we hope from their good will, in money, men, ships, and other things. And to this end it should be considered what means there are of entering into a league, such as our enemies have formed against us.—La Rochelle, 12 June 1577. (Signed) Henry de Bourbon. (Countersigned) Hugerye. Copy. Fr. 1 p. [For. E. B. Misc. II.]


  • 1. This document, originally inserted in error in consequence of its place in the Entry Book has been allowed to remain on account of its connection with No. 68 and other papers of this period.