Elizabeth: June 1575

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: June 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp66-75 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp66-75.

"Elizabeth: June 1575". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp66-75.

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June 1575

6 June. 167. Sir John Forster to the Lords of the Privy Council.
Edward Merrey will execute the victualling of Berwick no longer than Midsummer next. These are the opinions of himself and the gentlemen of his wardency why the Borders are not so well furnished as beforetime. First. They have had so long peace that the inhabitants fall to tillage of the ground, and have not delight to be in horse and armour as when the world is troublesome; what they were wont to bestow in horse they now bestow in cattle. Another cause is that the most part of the good horses of this part of England, are brought to the West Marches and open sale made of them into Scotland. The third cause is that leases are taken at second or third hand, and whereas the first taker pays two or three years' fine, the tenant pays nine or ten, to his utter undoing, and he is unable to keep horse and armour. The fourth is that if a man have a tenement, scant sufficient to the maintenance of one person, and he chance to die having two sons, he divides it between them both. Men are so given to trouble, that if they cannot get what they want at York, they will forthwith repair to London for trifling matters, which is a great impoverishing of the country. Their opinion is that the Queen should not charge them here with taxes and subsidies, and that a commandment should come to the noblemen and gentlemen to favour their tenants as their ancestors have done for defence of the frontiers, and to give in certificates to the Wardens what number of horsemen they are able to make.—Berwick, 6 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 6. 168. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
The King works privily by the Duke of Savoy to have Danville render Aiguesmortes, and upon that he promises to deliver Montmorency. There is news that there has been an encounter in Guienne, and that La Noüe being ten leagues away made such speed that he came to the end, and so the King's power was defeated. It is said Cognac is taken by the Protestants. The Duke of Guise dandles the King of Navarre in such sort that he makes him believe he will make him King if anything should come to the King. The Duke of Lorraine and M. de Vaudemont are looked for at the Court with much expectation to make up that faction. The Pope lends the King 200,000 crowns, upon jewels, to be employed in Poland; where it is said they have fought already, and the King's part put to the worst. Montpensier keeps his house, evil contented that he cannot have his precedence judged against the Guises. Men are appointed at the Court gates to mark who go and come, and are appointed whom they shall so suffer, and specially what company comes to Monsieur. Two are appointed to dog Monsieur and the King of Navarre whither they go, and what resort is to them when they go abroad. Both are suspected to have intelligence with the Prince of Condé. The Queen of Navarre and her husband are reconciled; he uttered that the cause of their discord proceeded from the King by the procurement of the Guises. It is said the Duke of Florence has discovered a conspiracy against himself.—Paris, 6 June. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1⅓.
June 8. 169. Instructions for Daniel Rogers sent to the Prince of Orange.
1. First. He is to declare that her Majesty is much aggrieved to see her subjects almost daily outraged and spoiled by those of Flushing, who have most presumptuously entered into some of her roads and carried out certain ships laden with merchandise pertaining to her merchants, which is a matter so touching her in honour as she neither may nor will suffer the said injuries unrevenged unless that she shall see present redress to follow thereof.
2. Secondly. Whereas the said Prince restrains her Majesty's merchants from trafficking in Flanders, pretending therein to follow the example of the Venetians in their wars with the Turk, and also some like examples of other Princes, he is to tell him that as she does not allow it in other Princes (saving in the Venetian, because the Turk is a common enemy of Christendom), so she cannot approve the same in him, and to require him to forbear the continuance of the said restraint. And whereas it has been alleged by the Governor of Flushing and his brother that by a contract between them and the Merchant Adventurers all other her subjects were excluded otherwise than by such licence as they should receive at their hands, he shall tell him that the same being examined is found not to be so, and if it were so, yet the same being done without authority is of no force.
3. Thirdly. Whereas sundry strangers, being neither subjects of the King of Spain nor enemies of the said Prince, trafficking into her Majesty's realm are also spoiled by such as serve him, the Queen wished the Prince to consider how thereby he renders himself and those who serve him odious to the world in that under pretext of religion they most irreligiously maintain a good cause by evil means; and also that so many nations finding themselves aggrieved he will procure himself ten for one enemy he now has.
4. Fourthly. Whereas her Majesty is advertised that the said Prince has entered into so inward a dealing with the French King as that he should mean to yield himself and the countries he now possesses into his protection, he shall plainly say that she finds it so perilous to her state that rather than it should come to pass she minds to bend all her forces to the assistance of the King of Spain for the impeachment of the same, and to procure the Emperor and the Princes of Germany to join with her in this action. She also means presently to despatch a gentleman into Spain to the King to persuade him to grow to some such composition with his subjects as they may be assured of their safety and enjoy freedom of conscience. But if Rogers finds him so far entered into this secret dealing as he may not easily be dissuaded from it by these reasons, then he shall furnish him with examples from history of the insolent dealing of the French, who upon like trust reposed in them have rather sought to act as conquerors than protectors, and may also remind him of the late murder of the Admiral and the rest in Paris.
5. Fifthly. As the Queen is given to understand that the Governor of Flushing and the Admiral have no great liking of the Prince's proceedings with the French, he is to use all the persuasions he may to continue and increase the said misliking; and also acquaint them with her misliking thereof and with the message which she has sent to the Prince.
6. Last of all he is to admit to any conference he may have such merchants as have been chosen to be sent over by those who have been spoiled. He is to advertise the Prince's answer to each point, that if necessary he may receive further instructions. Signed by Smith and Walsingham.
Endd: 8 June 1575. Pp. 2½.
170. Another copy.
Pp. 2¼.
June 9. 171. Depredations on English Merchants.
1. Petition to the King of France that he will cause execution of the judgment made by the Seneschal of Rennes against Captain Landereau and other his accomplices, by reason of depredations on and homicides of certain English merchants of the city of London.
2. Answer of the King ordering that all necessary steps be taken.
Fr. Endd. P. 1.
June 10. 172. The Queen's Answer to Sir William Melvil.
She is greatly beholden to the Count Palatine for his friendly dealing in showing her frankly the small hope he had of any great good to follow the disbursing of 50,000 crowns, for that there could not by so mean an assistance be put in the field sufficient forces. Touching his opinion for her disbursing 150,000 crowns, she does not see how she can do so openly with honour, having lately renewed the league with the French King. Notwithstanding his opinion of the small good to be done by disbursing 50,000 crowns, she has been so earnestly pressed by Monsieur Meru with her former promise of assisting them and assurance of good to follow that she could not deny the same.
Incomplete draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 10. 173. Memorandum from the Exchequer.
Note by Richard Stonley, Teller of the Exchequer, of money paid by him to Sir Valentine Browne in the 5th and 6th years of the reign of Philip and Mary, and the second year of Elizabeth. Signed.
Endd. P. ⅓.
June 12. 174. Sebastian Danvaulx and Marie Windebank.
1. Captain Sebastian Danvaulx prays M. de la Mothe Fenelon have remembrance of the petition he presented touching the extortions made upon him by one Margaret, wife of Robert Somer, ally of one Marie Windebank. Prays him obtain for him a letter from the Council to the Lord Chief Justice, so that he may have right done him.
2. M. de la Mothe Fenelon forwards the above to Walsingham, praying that he will refer it to the Council, so that the suppliant may have what reason demands.—London, 12 June 1575. Signed.
Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
June 13. 175. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
It is constantly reported that Danville is dead and much joy therefore, and much expectation what may be the sequel, yet many doubt whether it be true. Men discourse diversely of the marriage of the Prince of Orange with the daughter of M. Montpensier.—Paris, 13 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
June 13. 176. John Willes to Walsingham.
Gives details of the various rumours and reports of the death of M. Danville. The greatest number think the report but fabulous, although they have given away his office. The Duke of Nevers is made Governor by the Queen's means; The King was "agoing" to give it to M. Guise and M. de Joyeuse. Matignon that took Montgomery is Marshal, and there is like to be strife about it. They of Aiguesmortes in a night let in 20 ensigns of footmen. They of Beaucaire will not let in one or the other, but keep it to themselves. There has been a bruit five or six days that Narbonne is taken. It is thought to stop the people's mouths, and to make the King merry withal, to say that Danville is dead. It is said M. de Torcy is at Geneva with 3,000 or 4,000 horse, and marches, and Montbrun marches against him. The quarrel between the King of Navarre and the Duke is greater than ever it was, so that one of these days they will cut the throats one of the other. The King of Navarre and his wife are farther out than ever they were, and will not agree. The Irishman is gone to St. Malo, what to do he cannot learn; he spoke with the Queen three times. At St. Malo there is an English ship taken with a man of the Prince of Orange. They of Rochelle and that country do very well. The Duke of Montpensier and his son are gone home ill contented, as the talk is abroad.—Paris, 13 June 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd.: "From John Furriar," by Walsingham. Pp. 1⅓.
June 13. 177. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Shows how ready they are in this Court to disquiet them when they will hearken to such a one as James Fitz Morris at this time. If Danville be dead, he may be well assured the House of Montmorency will be utterly persecuted. The sickness of the King has made a calm in Court for awhile. The King of Navarre is set agog to make himself party against Monsieur, even for the nonce, and yet cannot the young man perceive that he is as little trusted as Monsieur, being watched both night and day as well as he.—Paris, 13 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 13. 178. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
The news of the death of Danville begins to wax cold, and be called in doubt more and more, neither does there come any confirmation; it is thought, indeed, he has been very sick. The King has given his office of Marshal to M. Biron, and his government of Languedoc to the Duke of Nevers. Upon news of Danville's death, Montmorency was shut up in a close chamber, his men taken from him, and he, being sick, straitly used. News comes that Narbonne is taken by them of the religion. Don John of Austria is arrived with 40 galleys before Genoa, and takes upon himself to compose the differences of them in the city, wherewith this Court is very much grieved. An ambassador is come to this Court from the King of Portugal, and thereby it is reported that the treaty of marriage between him and the "Queen blanche" is renewed. Stukeley makes great vaunts in Rome, but he begins to be as well known there as he was in Spain.—Paris, 13 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 15. 179. Daniel Rogers to Walsingham.
Would have been very glad of Mr. Villars' company if the merchants had been ready to contribute to his charges. Has spent five days with them for his own charges and expenses, and has hardly agreed with them, but they flatly refuse to contribute anything unto Mr. Villars' charges. They have have promised 150li sterling for his voyage, half he is to receive this day, and the rest at his return. Has spent already 34li in Holland and Zealand, and in returning to the Court. They promise, if restitution be made, that they will liberally reward his travail. The wind is clean contrary, but minds to depart towards Sandwich. The Estates have been assembled at Antwerp, of whom the Commendator demanded great sums of money, who declared a way by which he might get great treasures by taking the land which the clergy have purchased contrary to the law of Charles V. There has been a great revolt at Burgos in Spain, for that the King demanded new contributions. The Prince of Orange came to Brielle on the 8th inst. to receive his espouse.— London, 15 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 16. 180. Count of Meru to Walsingham.
Prays him, according to his promise, to obtain him a ship for his passage into France.—London, 10 June. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 16 June 1575. Fr. P. ½.
June 16. 181. M. de la Mothe Fenelon to Walsingham.
1. Begs him or the Earl of Leicester to inform the Queen of the illness of the King of France. He has had an affection of the buttocks, extending to the left thigh, just where sciatica is used to come. The doctors say that it is only a cold, and on the 5th they gave him a medicine to purge him, but he vomited the greater part. It, however, operated well, and he was better the same evening. The next morning he complained to his wife, who has not slept apart from him since they were married, that his head was bad, and the doctors judged that this was a relapse, and in truth the fever attacked him at eight in the morning and held possession of him during all that day. It left him in the evening, and he slept so well during the night for six hours that he was much relieved and perfectly cured on his awakening on on the 7th.
2. The King has anew referred the complaints of the English merchants to M. Chiverny. Prays to know who has been selected to carry the King the Garter, and when he will set out.—London, 16 June 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
June 21. 182. M. Calvart to Mr. Tomson.
Has sent to Mr. Walsingham all news that he has received. Prays him send him the news of France.—London, 21 June 1575. Signed.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
June 22. 183. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Sends his treaty with Bellieure and Pinart. If their doings would be as their sayings it were well. Letters are come from Danville of the 7th of this month, and divers letters of a later date, declaring him to be alive. Divers discourses are made of the cause of this rumour; some say that he was poisoned, or poison prepared for him. Has credibly learned that his cook has come away from him as suspected, and was one of the first that brought up the rumour. Montmorency has one more man than he had, and some more liberty, but very little. The Duchess of Ferrara is dead, and much rigour used to them which were accustomed to repair to the preaching in her house, which was permitted while she lived. All the Court is occupied in entertaining the Duke of Lorraine. M. Vaudemont, Monsieur, and the King of Navarre, with all the chiefest of the Court, went to receive them.—Paris, 22 June 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 21. 184. Causes of the English Merchants.
Upon the 21st Bellieure and Pinart came from the King saying that he understood the Queen had granted letters of reprisal against his subjects, and that as he understood at the request of M. de la Mothe she had granted a respite of one month, he has appointed them to come to him (Dale) to proffer present contentment of those matters for which he supposed the letters were granted. They said there were many at the Court suing for like letters against the Queen's subjects. Said he had no advertisement of any such thing, but that he would deliver them the books, by which it would appear to what sum the demands did extend, so that the Council might set down what money might be paid, to the intent the Queen's subjects might know what they might trust unto. They would hardly believe but that he knew of it, having been passed in England the 7th of the month. Told them it were no marvel if the Queen were moved with the continual complaints of her subjects. Desired them to take pains severally to answer the requests by the manner of postils, and so entered with them to the explication of the articles, article by article. Bellieure said his request was reasonable, and it should be done as he desired. Among other things required that judges should be appointed for hearing of the causes. Pinart would not believe the Queen had appointed any such in England.
Pp. 1¾. Enclosure.
June 24. 185. Instructions for Cares Richie from Lord Scrope wherein to deal with Mr. Killegrew.
Relating to various matters upon the Marches, such as the giving up of outlaws, redress of injuries, &c.
Endd. by Killegrew and Walsingham. Pp. 1½.
June 25. 186. Antony Wallhall to Daniel Rogers.
Understands that of the two ships of Hull, laden with wool and fells, stayed by the Flushingers, one has been released on payment of a great sum of money, and the other confiscated and the goods sold. Hopes that by virtue of his commission he will procure the delivery of the said goods without payment, and also the restitution of the money which they have compelled the merchants to pay. Upon hearing from him the merchants will repair to the Council and let them understand of the spoil which the Flushingers make of their goods.—London, 25 June 1575. Signed: Antony Wallhall, for the Merchants of the Staple at Hull.
Add. P. 1.
June 26. 187. Killegrew to Walsingham.
1. Sends hereinclosed a note of the ordnance taken in Home Castle which pertained to the King, which he received from Sir Valentine Browne. In Sir Valentine Browne's warrant it was specified that he should deliver up such as had the King's mark or arms on them, and he, finding none so marked, has not delivered any. There are few pieces in Scotland that carry that mark, for the ordnance of Scotland came out of France, or was given them, or taken from strangers. Desires that he will write his mind touching this matter. Has taken order for the receipts and payments of her Majesty's treasure and safe custody of that which remains until his return.— London, 25 June.
2. P.S.—Sends enclosed a note of the Lord Home's touching the ordnance. The Regent challenged those mentioned in his schedule as the King's and not properly pertaining to any subject.—London, 26 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
188. Memorandum of artillery taken out of Home Castle.
P. ⅓. Enclosure.
June 27. 189. James Fitz Morris to Sir John Hay and Sir John Sullivan.
Desires and prays them both to be good and favourable to this ignorant student, the bearer, Edmund Magawaime, as in showing him their diligence, if they can find any company going to Rome. They shall make for him a supplication to the King, in the hope he shall recover some alms for God's sake from him; so doing they will show him (Fitz Morris) a pleasure and also for themselves an almsdeed.—St. Malo 27 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. P. ½.
June ? 190. Treaty of Commerce between England and France.
To the propositions of the French Ambassador the following are proposed by the Queen's ministers as proper articles for a treaty:—1. There should be a league for mutual protection between the merchants of each country. 2. To obviate the depredations of pirates each ship carrying arms should give caution to double the value of the ship and cargo, and those carrying merchandize only to the single value. 3. If it be possible all suits are to be decided within six months. 4. All judgments against pirates are to be in money, and sureties should be taken for the payment. 5. After three months from the judgment letters of reprisal may be granted. 6. No armour or other munitions of war (the different kinds being particularised) are to be transported to Spain. 7. It is not fitting that letters of reprisals should be issued in isolated instances, arising from the negligence of their Majesties' ministers, but that representation thereof being made to the Sovereign, means may be adopted for remedy. 8. Such reprisals are to be severely punished. 9. It were better if letters of reprisal were abolished. 10. Such ships as are in public use and inscribed on the lists shall be deemed as of the Navy, and the Sovereigns shall see to the punishment of whatever they do if wrong. 11. No spoils are to be sold or otherwise appropriated without judgment by the Admiralty.
Lat. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
June. ? 191. Copy of the second, sixth, seventh, and eleventh articles of the above.
Lat. Pp. 2.
June 29. 192. Sir Valentine Browne to Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Understands that order is given by the Queen for some one to make a pay to the garrison of Berwick, and that knowledge should be taken of prests and victuals delivered toward the same. As he has already intermeddled therewith, never suspecting any alteration, he declares that he has received from the Receiver's since Lady Day 4,800l., being under the sum that will make the half-year's pay, and has disbursed the same in prests to captains and soldiers for victual, the payment of freight, and other needful charges. Knows not the exact sums he has received and paid, but sends an estimate. Has been detained from looking into his charge committed to ministers who have not evenly respected the same. Hopes the Queen will not be induced to turn him out of his office after 15 years' service, and if he have not continuance is like to lose many debts and odd reckonings.—29 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
193. Note of receipts amounting to 4,800l., and payments amounting to 4,761l.
P. ½. Enclosure.
June 30. 194. Johannes Landscadt to Sturmius.
Points out to him the advantages which a marriage between the Queen of England and one of the House of Austria would bring to the cause of religion, and desires his assistance in bringing it about.—Zweybruck, 30 June 1575. Signed.
Add. Ger. Pp. 7½.
195. Latin translation of the above.—Bipontium, 3 Cal. Jun. (sic). Endd. Pp. 6.
June. 196. The Queen to the Prince of Orange.
It seems strange to her that he should in anyway attempt to excuse the robberies and outrages committed on her subjects by persons who aver his authority. Finds it still more strange that having made request by her letters she can obtain but little reparation, and hears every day new complaints of further outrages. If she cannot obtain satisfaction very soon she will be obliged herself to take steps for the safety of her subjects, as she has given charge to the bearer, Daniel Rogers, to tell him more fully.
Copy. Endd.: June 1575. Fr. P. ½.
[June.] 197. The Regent of Scotland.
Things noted and misliked in the Regent chiefly in the matter of the coinage of silver, which he manages to his own particular advantage.
Endd. P. ½.