Elizabeth: May 1575

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: May 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp50-66 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp50-66.

"Elizabeth: May 1575". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp50-66.

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May 1575

[May.] 112. Articles for Peace in France.
Articles proposed by Condé, Danville, and by the Catholics and Protestants of Languedoc, Provence, and Dauphiny. 1. That freedom of exercise of religion without distinction be permitted. 2. That the court for the judgment of the affairs of those of the religion be composed half of Catholics, and half of Protestants to be nominated by the Prince of Condé. 3. That justice be done upon the authors of the massacres; that the forfeit and attainder of the Admiral be reversed, and that the sentences against Bricquemault, Cavagnies, and Montgomery be annulled. 4. That the places at present held be retained, and that for additional defence the King should give them in each province two, out of three towns to be named to him by the Prince of Condé. 5. That the King pay 200,000 crowns for expenses of the war. 6. That neither the Marshal de Retz, nor the Chancellor Biragues shall have any part in the negotiations for peace. 7. That Montmorency and De Cosse be set at liberty, and their innocence declared in full parliament "en robe rouge." 8. That the heirs of those that have been murdered have their estates returned to them. 9. That the Queen of England, the Elector Palatine, the Dukes of Savoy and Deux Ponts, and Messieurs des Lignes [league] be parties to the peace. 10. That within three months after peace the 'Etats Generaux' be assembled to establish good order in France.
2. A list follows of German troops who are only hindered from marching by want of money.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½.
May. 113. Another copy of the foregoing articles.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
[May.] 114. News from Paris.
The deputies have had audience with the King five or six times. Their first audience was but in general humble terms. The King said he liked well of their speech, but their articles were hard. At the other audiences they debated the articles. The King asked if they had commission to remit anything, whereunto they said, "No." "Then," quoth the King, "you may go your way when you list." Notwithstanding, afterwards the King said he would content them, and since has had much discourse with them to and fro. Bruits are spread the King will have peace, notwithstanding the deputies think there is nothing less meant. It stands not with reason the King will grant it, unless it be of purpose to abuse them another way. The King himself has been always present at the debating, and with him the Queen Mother, Morvilliers, Limoges, Chiverny, Belleiure, and the Marshal de Retz. The Chancellor absents himself out of the Court, and doubts much lest he be wrung out of his office, for besides the deputies have an express article against him, Chiverny heaves at him to have his office. The Guises, knowing he is the only instrument the Queen Mother has, can be contented he were out of Court, to weaken her. They would do the like to the Marshal de Retz, but that the Queen Mother holds him in, and that he is a better courtier, and will needs make one with them, yet if he had tarried much longer at his house in the country he might have come too late. The rest of the deputies are in some jealousy with La Nocle, and to increase the suspicion the Queen Mother uses him of purpose with greater familiarity than the rest. A number of gentlemen of Burgundy were appointed of late to put themselves in arms to join with the "politiques," and although that enterprise was revealed and stayed, yet the King fears the country very much, because the Burgundians are the ancient enemies of France, and obey them only by constraint. They of the religion have recovered Pouzin, and hold it as they did before. The King of Navarre is permitted to ride a-hunting, and is gone five or six leagues hence with leave to be absent six or seven days.
Pp. 1½.
May. 115. Summary of the King of Spain's Demands.
Summary of demands made by M. de Boischot, in behalf of the King of Spain to the Queen; that she would, in accordance with treaty, expel all the rebellious subjects of the King from her dominions, and forbid her subjects from trafficking with or affording any assistance to those in the Low Countries. (See 20 and 22 May.)
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½.
May. 116. Instructions for Daniel Sylvester sent to the Czar of Muscovy by the Queen.
1. He is to deliver her letters and show him how great a liking she has to his princely and plain dealings with her; and as to his complaints of the evil demeanour of the English merchants trading in his dominions, and of certain of her subjects serving the King of Sweden, and also that he is not a little grieved at receiving no direct answer to his message sent to her by Anthony Jenkinson, he is to answer:—To the first, that that which the merchants have done has been against her will and pleasure, and where they are charged with using light and contemptuous behaviour towards the religion of the country, he is to tell him that she has given commandment to the governors of the merchants under her high displeasure that henceforward no such offence be ministered; secondly, she is not aware of any of her subjects serving the King of Sweden in his wars, and thinks that it must be certain Scots, over whom she has no control. Touching the last point, he shall for his further satisfaction declare in his own person, and not otherwise, that which she has by word of mouth delivered to him.
2. If the Czar cannot rest contented herewith, but shall require to send some special messenger to her for the confirmation by oath of the league already passed between them, he shall yield thereto, but shall use all persuasions to dissuade him from the same so far as it shall not breed any alteration in him towards her subjects trafficking in that country. He shall, however, declare how necessary (to the end that the contents of the league may be kept secret) that the Czar send some trusty minister in private sort without any outward pomp or show.
3. The answer to be made in the Queen's name to the Emperor's secret message.
4. Where he mislikes her refusal to confirm by oath the league made between them, he is to say that if the confirmation by oath had been made with the usual solemnity it would have to pass the Great Seal, in which case it could not possibly have been kept secret, and where he misliked that it was not signed by her Council, such things as are signed by herself are never signed by her Council, as that would be a kind of abasement to her quality. As for the request to be made by her to him touching assurance of refuge in case of necessity, it would breed such a dangerous misliking in her subjects if they con ceived ever so little that she grew into any suspicion of them that it might put her in peril of her estate.—May 1575.
Pp. 3½.
May 1. 117. News from Cologne.
Lately they have received news from the Imperial Court that the envoy of the Turk had come to Prague with conditions of a further truce with Hungary for eight years, and that he told the Emperor that the Sultan his master had good will towards him and the realms of Hungary and Poland, but that he wished to try the strength of Italy and Spain. Also that the King of Spain levies 30 or 40 ensigns of foot in Germany to send into Sicily. The Emperor also will treat of the marriage of one of his sons with the daughter of the Elector of Saxony. Election of a new King of Poland.— Cologne, calends of May.
Endd. Lat. P. 2/3.
May 2. 118. Complaints of Holland and Zealand.
"A reply made unto certain answers postilled by the admiralty of Zealand upon such remonstrances and complaints as D. Rogers presented unto the magistrates of Walcheren the 2nd of May 1575." Chiefly relating to the stay of ships and goods belonging to Englishmen by the officers of the Prince of Orange, with their reasons for so doing.
Incomplete. Pp. 4.
May 4. 119. Henry III. of France to Elizabeth.
Understands the treaty he has lately made with her to be exactly in all points the same as that signed by Charles IX. at Blois on the 19th April 1572.—4 May 1575.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
May 4. 120. Treaty between England and France.
1. Copy of the letters patent nominating the Earl of Lincoln, Sir Thomas Smith, and Francis Walsingham to be the Queen's commissioners at signing the defensive alliance with the French King at Blois, dated at St. James' the 25th May in the 14th year of her reign (1572). Lat.
2. Form of the oath taken by Charles IX. at the signing of the treaty.—15 June 1572. Fr.
3. Ratification of the treaty by Henry III.—20 February 1575. Fr.
4. Renewal of the treaty by Elizabeth in regard to Henry III. St. James', 1 April 1575, in the 17th year of her reign. Lat.
5. Letter of Henry III. to Elizabeth stating that, for the avoiding of all mistakes, it is to be understood that the treaty is to be kept, questions of religion notwithstanding.—Paris, 4 May 1575. Fr.
Copies. Pp. 8.
May 4. 121. News by Letters from Paris.
It is thought the King minds to train the summer in talk, and to withdraw such forces as he may from the Prince, and sever one from another. St. Jean d'Angeli and Niort are revolted from the King, and have put out all his garrisons; the most part of the soldiers made their muster outside the town; the townsmen took arms and shut the gates, would not let them enter, and sent word to the King they will keep the towns to his use, but garrison they will have none. The King much blames M. Beione, who is thereabouts for him. News is come that Tournon, in Lyonnois, is taken by Danville; it is a very strong town upon the Rhone, about three leagues from Valence, so that now there comes no victual to Valence, for Livron is on the one side of it and Romans of the other, and all within three leagues, and on the other side of the river is Danville. The Duke d'Uzes has sent to the King requiring to give up his charge, for his men go daily from him for lack of money. The strength of the Viscount of Touraine daily increases, and it is reported he has 900 horse and 700 or 800 footmen, and may join with Danville without danger. Capardrage, a very strong town, is also taken. The 27th April there arrived ambassadors out of Switzerland, four Papists and four Protestants; they came with 100 horse, and are at the King's charges, having as yet no audience. Nothing is concluded for peace, except it be done this day. This day the King and Council have sitten, and some say the King comes to yield somewhat more than he did at the first. The Queen Mother for certain was upon Tuesday and Wednesday last at the Bastille with Montmorency at six o'clock at night, and Montpensier and his son with him, so that it was thought he should have come out at that time. The talk that passed between them was this: She was sorry for this trouble; the King thought it no fault of his that Danville took arms, and that he should write to him to leave off, yield to the King, and come to some reasonable end. Montmorency answered that if his imprisonment might do the King pleasure or profit he was content to be there all his life, but to meddle in the peace, or to write of that matter, never understanding their doings, were to make himself guilty in it, and to be thought to make himself to be an instrument to their ruin, and therefore it were ill for him. They brought him a bill to sign, which he refused. It is thought Montmorency comes out this day (May 2) to the Louvre, for his lodging is marked out for him. It is thought there will be no peace; the King demands Aiguesmortes to be delivered by composition, which is thought will hardly be rendered. The King has appointed Schomberg to make a levy of 8,000 reiters, whether to use them or to prevent the Prince of Condé is not known. It is said the ambassadors of the Swiss mind to use the same persuasions to the King as King Francis used to them when they were at war for difference of religion. Monsieur is much better followed than he was, and the Duc de Maine is always at hand with him.
Endd. Pp. 12/3.
May 6. 122. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Doubts lest he put the articles of Flanders in his letter of the 3rd instead of them of France; for more surety therefore sends another copy. The deputies are instant with the King to depart.—Paris, 6 May 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ⅓.
May 6. 123. Articles accorded to the Deputies by the King.
That in all towns and villages occupied by them of the religion there shall be free exercise of religion, provided that there be a place for the service of the Catholics. Arms are to be laid down, except on the frontiers. That all towns held by them of the religion should be in obedience to the King and receive a governor from him, who should have 12 or 15 followers at most, and his chaplain. Montmorency and de Cosse, are to be declared innocent. Those killed on St. Bartholomew are to be solemnly declared innocent by the Court of Parliament. There are to be only two religions in France, and the rest punishable. All are to be restored to their goods, possessions, estates, and honours. Justice shall be administered impartially, without respect of religion. The poor of both religions are to be received into the hospitals. The Estates are to set the taxes. Marriage with foreigners is to be allowed. All benefices, however acquired are to remain as at present possessed, unless the owner would prefer money. All garrisons put by the King in places belonging to those of the religion are to evacuate them forthwith. All papers and moveables that can be recovered are to be returned. That all foreign princes have a copy of this Edict signed by the King.
Endd. Fr. P. 1. Enclosure.
May 6. 124. Isabeau de la Touche to Walsingham.
Understands her mother has committed to his care for her certain moneys, of which she would be glad to have thirty pounds sterling delivered to Charles Ÿon for her.—Canfort, 6 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
May 7. 125. Isabeau De La Touche to Walsingham.
Desires a further ten pounds of the money in his possession to be paid to Charles Col, the present bearer, and would be glad to understand how much he has left.—Canfort, 7 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
May 8. 126. Baptista's Request.
For the delivery of an Italian, being a free denizen, but now prisoner in Antwerp.
Endd: Mr. Baptista's request, 8 May 1575. Pro Capitano L. Scrap of paper.
May 8. 127. Trade with Russia.
"Certain notes touching the benefit that may grow to England by the traffic of English merchants into Russia through a firm amity between both the Princes." A description of the boundaries and natural productions of Russia, and of the advantages that would grow to England by the diversion of the Persian and even Indian trade from the Mediterranean route to that of the North Sea.—8 May 1575. Signed, M. Lok.
Endd. Pp. 4.
May 9. 128. The Lords of the Privy Council to Lords Hunsdon and Scrope, and Sir John Foster.
The Queen is given to understand that the Borders are weakened and diminished of men and horses, that heretofore have been in readiness to do her service, whereby great inconveniences might hereafter ensue. Require them, upon conference with such gentlemen as they shall think meet, to advertise them of the causes, and also by what means the disorders may be redressed.—Greenwich, 9 May 1575.
Copy. Endd. by Walsingham. P. ½.
May 10. 129. M. Gourdan to M. De La Mothe Fénelon.
Desires his good offices in obtaining restitution of a ship belonging to one Charles Grimoust, an inhabitant of Calais.— Calais, 10 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
May. 130. Trade with Russia.
Short notes of various letters between Nicholas Proctor, of London, and his servant Roger Leche, at "Wardhouse," relating entirely to the traffic with Russia.—Dated from 12 April 1574 to 14 May 1575.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 15. 131. The Council's Answer to the Deputies of the Low Countries.
The Queen will be content to grant them leave to export 120,000 pelts, and in case of their removing certain restrictions to commerce in Flanders, she will be content to allow them to do the same annually.—15 May 1575. Signed: T. Smith F. Walsingham.
Draft cancelled, with Latin fair copy. Endd. P. 1.
May 18. 132. Letters of Marque.
The Commendator of Castile, having granted on 11 April letters of marque to William Cotton and Henry Carey and their companions to cruize against the rebels of the King of Spain, now in addition authorises them to sell the goods taken in any of their prizes belonging to the said rebels in any town or port of his Majesty. Any of the rebels who may be taken are to be handed over to the King's officers, and they are to receive six crowns a head for them. English prisoners are to be pardoned on condition of serving on board the vessels of the said Cotton and Carey.—Antwerp, 18 May 1575. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 1⅓.
May 18. 133. Count John of East Friesland to Lord Burghley.
Understanding that the Elector of Cologne is about to become a pensioner of the Queen would be glad to know if he can assist in this matter. Although the Elector is a Catholic, yet the Germans are usually faithful to those princes in whose service they are, although they may be of a different religion. Report of the intended marriage between the Emperor's son and the daughter of the Elector of Saxony; also that there will be an assembly at Frankfort-on-Main in July, for the purpose of electing a King of the Romans.—18 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.
May 20. 134. Reply of the Privy Council to M. Boischot.
1. To his first article concerning the expulsion of those rebels whose names are given, orders have been sent and shall be sent to the magistrates on the coasts not to permit them to tarry in the realm.
2. As to the second article concerning rebels generally, the treaty requires that the names should be given in the letters of the Princes and not by the mouth of any of his servants.
3. To the third complaint that the rebels are allowed to resort to and traffic with the Queen's ports, it is answered that they cannot be refused admittance, coming peacefully as strangers from the Low Countries, unless their names are given as being rebels.—20 May 1575.
Draft. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 20. 135. Mission of M. Boischot.
1. Replies to those things which the Lords of the Council answered, contained in a writing dated 7 May.
2. Sent the writing containing such requests as were exhibited to them on the 4th May, but as yet has received no answer. To the first two articles of his demands concerning the not receiving and the expelling of rebels according to the fourth article of the treaty of 1493. Those things which here be alleged touching the driving out of rebels do not seem to be rightly applied to those things which in the former chapter out of the fourth article of the treaty 1542, are mentioned by the words "modo id sciveret," where that article ordains that enemies shall not be suffered to enter through her Majesty's kingdoms. The King Catholic has declared who be his rebels, some by their names and some generally by whole towns and cities, and therefore desires that they may by public proclamation be commanded to depart the realm. The matter touches not those who have fled hither for quietness and safety. It is not sufficient for the Queen not to be contented to receive rebels, but it is necessary to forbid them expressly to be received or succoured. It is not reasonable to make delay to do these good offices which are required in the league, seeing these things be done in the Low Countries which her Majesty required in that behalf, until further knowledge be had of those things which are reported out of Spain by uncertain rumours, neither does he think that the King Catholic has committed anything against her Majesty whereby she should have occasion to condemn him of ungratefulness or unkindness.
Endd. Pp. 3.
136. Copy of the above.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 21. 137. The Prince of Orange to Lord Burghley.
Desires him to give credit to that which Mr. Rogers shall tell him on his part.—Dortrecht, 21 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ⅓.
May 21. 138. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
The treaty of peace is broken and the deputies and Swiss Protestants who dealt therein departed miscontented. The greatest breach is that the King is contented to permit exercise of religion in one place in any balliage but not in any close town, whereas the deputies required free exercise in all places in the suburbs according to the Edict of January. It were better as touching the quietness of the realm for the King to grant every man to have a place to repair to in the suburbs of his own town, than to make assemblies of a whole balliage is one place, of the other side it is much more troublesome to go so far from their own houses, namely, being in no close town, but they that favour not the religion fearing it would over much spread, would not have them have so many places of exercise. Supposes the Prince of Condé thinks himself to be little the better to be called the King's good cousin, unless he be in case to be out of that danger to be sent for to be clapped up as he was at the time that he fled. They that have Aiguesmortes and Beaucaire and many other towns think it not good to depart from them, and to have no more left in all France but four, according to the King's articles. All sides prepare themselves to nothing but to war. Commissions fly out apace. Montpensier is gone to Poitou. The commandment is renewed afresh to spoil Languedoc to famish them against winter. It is bruited that the gentlemen of Guienne have promised the King to defend that country at their own cost so they may be discharged of subsidies; but in truth the friends of the Viscount of Touraine are strong in that country. Instead of satisfaction of the demands of the Queen's subjects, Peter le Clery was sent to him with a bill of his losses, as though there was nothing to be done but for them. Whereupon he complained to the King and delivered certain articles out of the treaty both to him and to the Queen Mother putting him in remembrance of his new oath and sundry promises. It is said the preparation made on the sea coast is for Genoa, for Fregoso is gone already with commissions and some money. The King of Spain is in much jealousy that way, others doubt lest it be meant against Aiguesmortes, and because there is preparation both at Bordeaux, at St. Malo, and at Newhaven men do rather doubt some enterprise upon the ocean. Pibrac was rescued by the officers of the country, he was taken by one that was sometime M. de Guise's man in the manner of a plain robbery, spoiled of all that he had and so left. Marshal Bellegarde remains sick at Lyons, some say not much against his will. There has been some pastime about "La Vraye Croix," which is stolen out of the chapel at the palace; the gates of the town were shut and much search made for it, but as yet it cannot be found. The Court has been much troubled of late with quarrels, between Bussy d'Amboise and St. Fal, Montgomery's sister's son, and since between Bussy and La Verdin. St. Fal was taken up by the King, and afterwards Bussy was twice assailed at night and certain of his company slain. The King of Navarre took part openly against Bussy, and the Duke of Guise also privily, and it is said some that are greater. Monsieur alone took part with Bussy, whom in the end the King commanded to depart the Court, so he went out with 40 or 50 horse with pistolets and the gates shut that no one should follow him. The matter has grown to words among the highest, and is like to work much displeasure if it be not quenched in time, it grew so far that men were searched as they came into Court, whether they carried any pistolets about them. The Pope, the Venetians, the Dukes of Florence, Savoy, and Ferrara, and the Swiss have sent ambassadors to congratulate the King on his coronation and wedlock.—Paris, 21 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 21. 139. The Queen's Answer to the French Ambassador's Requests.
1. The Queen having sworn to observe the treaty of Blois not only towards the King but towards his successors, thinks a second oath altogether improper, and that it may call in question the validity of the first whereby the first league depended.
2. She is content to write to the effect as required.
3. She desires greatly commerce between the subjects of both realms, but finds her subjects somewhat unwilling in respect of the great outrages and spoils they daily sustain, whereof they can get no redress. She thinks if the King would make some offer of such towns as are most apt for her subjects to traffic to with grant of some immunities and privileges they will more willingly give ear to the same.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
140. Another copy.
Endd. P. 2/3.
May 22. 141. M. Boischot's Memorial to the Queen.
1. Finding that the writing given to him on the 15th inst. contains only an answer of the Council, which does not make full mention of all the contents of the King's letters, he is constrained to desire her to give her own answer in writing signed with her hand.
2. First, touching the expulsion of all burgesses dwelling in towns and places separated from the King's obedience together with all other rebels.
3. Secondly, whether she will be content to expel such rebels as may be named by the Lieutenant-General of the Low Countries.
4. Thirdly, that she will not suffer the rebels to furnish themselves with necessaries out of her realm and cause proclamation to be made to that effect.
5. Fourthly, that her subjects shall not traffic in the rebels' country or furnish them with any necessaries, and that all her officers shall be commanded to proceed with severity against the offenders.
6. Fifthly, that she shall declare and hold the said rebels for her enemies and pursue and follow them as such.
7. Sixthly, that the Queen shall suppress and oppose the rebel pirates with a certain number of ships upon the coast of England as the like shall be done by the King of Spain upon the coasts of his countries.
8. Lastly, all her subjects who serve the rebels are to be revoked and punished, and those who will not come back to be banished and their goods seized on.
9. Desires her to consider the quality of the invasions and hostilities inferred on the King Catholic and his countries by whom and from whence and how the same are more odious and abominable, and by treaties more detestable than any that might be done by a lawful war.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
142. Translation of the above.
Endd.: 22 May. Pp. 2½.
May 26. 143. Charles de Boissot to Lord Burghley.
The bearer, Mr. Daniel Rogers, can inform him fully of the matters discoursed on between them. Begs that he will carefully consider their reply to the complaints of the English merchants.—Middleburg, 26 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
May 26. 144. Louis de Boissot to Walsingham.
Has received his letter full of complaints of the injuries which the English say they receive in this country and cannot take such order therein as he could wish, without doing wrong to his oath and to those captains who have taken them for the reasons fully set out in the letters written by the Council of this country, his brother, and himself to Her Majesty. Trusts that he will receive this as his excuse and believe in his desire to serve him.—Middleburg, 26 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 2/3.
May 26. 145. Charles de Boissot to Walsingham.
Prays that when the Council deliberate on the complaints of the English merchants they will consider the reasons alleged on their behalf, and that they may find some remedy that will not be to their prejudice. Complains that he is harassed with these matters which belong to the Admiralty. This free traffic not only causes a serious loss of money which they received from licences, but greatly encourages and strengthens their enemies. The proposal that they shall not confiscate the merchants' goods but release them on their taking out a licence would merely leave the traffic free, for it is easy for them to pass by pretending that they are going to France. The capture of one vessel makes them fear and come to payment. It displeases him to have to proceed to these extremities (as since they must permit this traffic) they would have much more profit and quiet if the merchants would pay for licences.—Middleburg, 26 May 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
May 28. 146. The Council of Zealand to the Queen.
1. The inhabitants of the Low Countries having been driven to take up arms to defend themselves from the cruelty and misgovernment of the Duke of Alva, the Prince of Orange thought fit for the better success of their enterprise to occupy all the principal sea ports and so stop all traffic. If they could not finish matters at once, they would by these means reduce the country in time to great extremity, as the greater part of the people live by commerce, so that there would be a general poverty. From this liberty would spring through revolt, as property is the sole cause that they have endured so patiently the yoke of a nation which they hate, its diminution makes them already talk more freely, and its total loss will cause them to resolve and act. The navigation not being stopped their enemies are able to provide themselves with vessels, munitions, and sailors, and still worse the English carry their goods so that they can continue to trade just as in time of peace if the fear of confiscation did not hinder them. Seeing this his Excellency and the States considered that the war would be of long duration and the expense very great, and thought that a part of these charges should come from the enemy's subjects, and in the same time augment the cost of the enemy and strengthen themselves.
2. They have to complain that the Merchant Adventurers by their deputies have openly declared that there should be no difficulty from them about paying for licences, and they trusting in this entered into a solemn agreement with them, a copy of which they enclose. Now the Merchant Adventurers wish to break this agreement without any reason, for the agreement was not to their loss, as the buyer and not the seller pays for all in the end, which is a great gain for their enemies and damage to themselves. This (granting licences to trade with the enemy) is no new thing, but put in use by all nations in time of war, of which they give numerous examples.
3. If it is intended to say that it is not lawful for them to make war, as they understand some judges in England have advanced, it is the cause and not the person which makes war just, and what war could be more reasonable than one that is necessary for the defence of life and liberty against a foreign tyrant?
4. The Prince is a free Prince on account of his principality of Orange, besides the Estates have greater weight than the sovereign in declaring war, as he cannot do so without their consent. In the time of Charles V. the Estates of Holland declared war against Ostend. Pray the Queen not to be more harsh with them than princes of the contrary religion as the King of France who has never made any complaint. These licences are only temporary and would soon cease when peace shall be made, and if the English should not pay then all other nations would do the same, which would be their complete ruin. By this brief discourse her Majesty can understand that all these complaints are contrary to their contract and the "placcart," which the Merchant Adventurers have admitted. They can proceed here by the ordinary course of justice to obtain redress, and the Council trusts that the Queen will allow of any change which would lead to their total destruction.—Middleburg, 28 May 1575. Signed Charles de Boisot. Loys de Boisot.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 6¼.
147. Another copy.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 7.
May 29. 148. Edward Castelyn to Lord Burghley.
1. Being sent into this country about certain affairs of Alderman Pallison's has thought it his duty to advertise his Lordship of such occurrents here as in anything touch the noble state of England.
2. It is signified from Rome that Thomas Stuckley has made requests to the Pope by means of Cardinal Morone to have the realm of Ireland to hold in fee of the See of Rome with title of archduke. It is bruited that the Earl of Kildare and others should be committed to the Castle of Dublin.
3. The Earl of Emden in East Friesland having been long in strife with his younger brother for the earldom is willing to render himself and his earldom for the use of the King of Spain to Signor Gaspar Robles, a Portuguese, Governor of West Friesland, wherewith the Imperials be not a little offended.
4. From Paris it is written that the King has granted the demands of the Huguenots for peace, much against the minds of the Parisians. It is thought that the King is constrained for want of money, and to keep his country from invasion of strangers, for the Prince of Condé is levying soldiers in the Palsgrave's country. Most men think the negotiations for peace in this country are in vain, for the King may not grant the Prince's chief article which is for religion, and yet divers towns in Holland were content to accept the King's offers but staid upon a counsel had of the Estates, and in the meanwhile great preparation is making to war as well by land as by war, against the Prince of Orange and the Gueux.
5. By reason of these civil wars this country is much impoverished, yet never so proud and sumptuous in apparel and never so little regarding the country of England. The fault is in the Merchant Adventurers, who will put bread into their mouths by haunting hither with English commodities, which maintains so many thousands of these country people in work. Wishes that his Lordship and the Council knew the innumerable riches and infinite commodity that this country reaps by the traffic only of the Merchant Adventurers. Experience these 60 years has shown that to whatsoever place the English keep their marts thither all other nations follow to traffic. In the short time that they haunted Hamburg rents in Antwerp fell half in half and more, the town of Barow [Bergen-op-zoom] utterly decayed, as Bruges was immediately after the English abandoned themselves from thence, until it was refreshed again by a company of Spaniards erecting a staple for Spanish wool.
6. If this be good for other countries he asks why they should not bring that great benefit to England, whereby the revenues and prosperity of the country would be much augmented, and the Prince and State strengthened.—Antwerp 29 May 1575. Signed: Edward Castelyn.
7. P.S.—Alexander Lynch of Galway in Ireland, of the age of 53 years, whom he has known in this town 27 years past, dwelling with Sir William Damsell, whilst he was King Edward's agent, speaks Italian, French, Spanish, and Dutch very well, is desirous to do service to her Majesty. He says he will well deserve a pension of 100l. He has great acquaintance, and very familiar in this Court.
8. Subjoins an account in Italian of Stuckley's proposals with respect to Ireland, which do not seem to be very favourably regarded by the Papal Court.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 29. 149. Sebastian Danaux—Marie Windebank.
1. Sebastian Danaux (or Danvaulx), a French gentleman refugee in England because of religion, for about three years, humbly shows to M. de la Mothe Fenelon, ambassador in England for the King of France, the following facts with a view to obtaining his assistance in punishing the guilty parties:—At the end of the month of December 1574 (1573) he received certain moneys and jewels from S. Anthoine Le Graffon, a ship captain, the amount of a mortgage on certain lands in France to him belonging. The same day he met at dinner one Marie, daughter of Captain Uynibank, who besought him to be her friend and succour her necessity. He gave her 3s., and promised to further assist her as she had need. Some eight or ten days afterwards having found that her condition and parentage was such as she stated, he made her an offer of marriage. At the end of eight months, during which time he bore all her necessary charges, he desired her to allow him to put up the banns. Marie replied that he must wait answer to a letter sent to her father, and that after three weeks more she would fulfil her promise to marry. At the end of which time instead of so doing she by the advice of two women, whose names he will give at a fitting time and place, fled from him, taking with her a certain chest that stood in his chamber, and which contained his papers and jewels and other valuables. He then heard that Marie was in the house of Lady Sydney; he went thither in search of her, but she refused to see him, causing it to be said that she was not there. Seeing this he communicated with Lady Sydney, who made answer that he must have patience for a little time and he would have no occasion to be anything but pleased. A short time afterwards Lady Sydney coming to London, and Marie with her, he spoke to Marie, who told him she still held to her promise. He then addressed Lady Sydney anew, who answered that her husband was in the country and upon his return she would speak to him and see the promise fulfilled. Hearing that Sir Henry Sydney was returned he went to him, who informed him that he had his remedy at law, and that he had turned the girl out of his house. Not content with breaking her promise and robbing him of his goods the said Marie and her accomplices by every means in their power seek his life.
2. M. de la Mothe Fenelon refers the above remonstrance to Walsingham, praying him with the help of the Council to do to the suppliant all that reason and justice demand.— London, 29 May 1575.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
[A somewhat similar and more detailed story to the above in English will be found in No. 593 of the Calendar 1569– 1571, it having been conjecturally dated 1569, and so calendared.]
May 31. 150. M. Boischot to the Queen.
Received on the 28th inst. the reply of the Council to the first three articles in his writing presented to her Majesty on the 20th, and begs that he may have a copy of the orders which have been sent to the officers on the coast. Objects to certain expressions in the answer as throwing doubt on the good faith of the Governor of the Low Countries. As his writing contained seven articles, he desires that he may have a reply to the other four. 31 May.
Copy. with side notes by Burghley.
Endd. Lat. P. 1.
[May.] 151. Answer sent by the Queen to the Elector Palatine and John Casimir by Sir William Melvil.
The Queen is content to agree with the Count Palatine and his son to the contract for furnishing the Prince of Condé with 50,000 crowns on the following conditions: That her name be not expressed in any of the contracts or writing between the Count Palatine and the Prince of Condé; that the Count Palatine shall not deliver the said sum, but only in the presence and by the consent of the said Prince or his agents; the colonels and chief captains who shall accompany the Prince into France shall promise that before their return into Germany, they will cause sufficient assurance to be given for the payment of the said sum of 50,000 crowns; that the Count Palatine before the disbursing of the said sum shall deliver into the hands of an express messenger his promise or bond for the repayment of the same to her Majesty.
Draft. Pp. 1¼.
[May.] 152. Another copy.
P. 1.
[May.] 153. Another copy.
Fr. P. 1.
[May.] 154. Similar draft.
Fr. P. 1.
[May.] 155. Similar draft.
Fr. P. 1.
[May.] 156. Similar draft.
Fr. Pp. 1½.
[May.] 157. Another draft.
Lat. P. 1.
[May.] 158. Two copies, one in English and the other in Latin, with the Queen's promise for the repayment of the money.— Greenwich, May 1575.
Pp. 1¾.
[May.] 159. Copy of the above conditions; Thomas Wilkes' authority to negotiate with the Elector Palatine, dated at Richmond, 22 February 1574, and the agreement between them and the Elector, dated Heidelburg, 11 April 1575.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
[May.] 160. Similar draft.
Fr. P. 1.
[May.] 161. Similar draft.
Fr. P. 2/3.
[May.] 162. Similar draft.
Fr. Pp. 2/3.
[May.] 163. Similar draft.
End. Fr. P. 1.
May. 164. Loan to the Prince of Condé.
Undertaking by the Queen of England to become the Prince of Condé's security for the repayment of 50,000 crowns of the sum to be advanced by Frederic the Elector Palatine.
Draft copy. Endd. "Vulcano Vulcano." Lat. P. ½.
May. 165. Another copy.
Lat. P. ½.
May. 166. Another copy.
Lat. P. ½.