Elizabeth: April 1577

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: April 1577', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp555-569 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1577', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp555-569.

"Elizabeth: April 1577". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp555-569.

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April 1577

April 5. 1370. Wilson to Walsingham.
Is fully persuaded the Spaniards will away out of all these countries. They have in their power only Maestricht, where they remain for the exchange of certain French money, refused by them as counterfeit, and for the small portion of the first pay not fully answered to the horsemen. Escovedo goes from Antwerp in all haste possible to satisfy them that they may forthwith begone, for so is the express commandment of Don John. The interview betwixt Don John and the Prince was offered without all doubt, and if the Prince would yield in religion he shall have more than he will desire, by which he gathers that a farther thing is meant than the only appeasing of this country. Neither France nor Spain shall persuade him to believe their words, except he see better deeds; will never think that any perfect or assured amity will be amongst any that are divided in religion. Would rather be blamed for his free speech than that the Queen should hereafter feel the smart for want of advertisement given. Has had great speech with the Duke of Arschot, Baron de Ruissinghen, and Vicomte of Ghent, and told them there is no greater praise to get the Spaniards away than it is to keep them out for ever, and said the Queen was as pleased as themselves they were restored to their liberties and privileges, they thanked him, and said they were all marvellously bound to the Queen. Don John has given special warning to the Estates that the castle of Antwerp be well and safely looked to, for fear the Prince should make some attempt that way, who is the only man Don John fears. Cotton is dead. Lays wait for Haggerston, who lurks in Brussels for his suit he has in Antwerp.—Brussels, 5 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 5. 1371. Don John to the Estates at Brussels.
Desires that Escovedo may be furnished with the money for the payment of the Spaniards, which was agreed on in the Articles of Pacification.—Louvain, 5 April 1577. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Fr. P. 2/3.
April 6. 1372. The Prince of Orange to Don John of Austria.
Has understood from Doctor Leoninus his intention to maintain the pacification of Ghent, and re-establish the ancient privileges and liberties of the country. As he desires nothing more than to see the King's subjects maintained in justice and peace, he thanks him therefor, and more especially for the restoration to him of his son, the Count de Buren, with all his goods. Prays that the continuation of these things may be worthy the commencement. Having spoken at length with Doctor Leoninus, he leaves everything to his report, and therefore ceases to trouble him.—Dortrecht, 6 April 1577.
Endd. Copy. P. ¾.
April 6. 1373. Don John to the Estates.
The Abbé of Marolles having been with him touching the release of certain prisoners who have now all been set at liberty, he cannot let the opportunity afforded by his return to pass without sending a line to say how pleased he is to do everything he can to carry out the pacification.—Louvain, 6 April 1577.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
April 7. 1374. Pacification in the Low Countries.
Proclamation by the King of Spain to the clergy, nobles, and others of Brabant, approving of and accepting the peace entered into with them by Don John of Austria on the 22nd February.—Madrid, 7 April 1577. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 9. 1375. Letters to the King of Spain intercepted by La Noüe.
1. Extract from a letter of Don John of Austria to the King of Spain of the 7th April.
Fr. P. 2/3.
2. Three letters from Escovedo to the King of Spain, dated from Antwerp the 6th, 8th, and 9th of April, translated into French from the Spanish cipher, and a further extract from the letter of Don John to the King of Spain, dated at Louvain the 7th April.
Endd. Fr. P. 7.
3. Another copy of Escovedo's three letters.
Fr. Pp. 7.
April 9. 1376. Secretary Escovedo to Philip II.
Makes no great reckoning of occupying the places that lie on the continent. It is the islands [Holland and Zealand] that are to be shot at, and this he holds a matter more difficult than that of England. If that were taken the other could not hold out, and to do this mean forces would suffice. Says not this to further the case of Don John. His Majesty has no other remedy, as time has proved and every hour shows.—Antwerp, 9 April 1577. Signed.
Endd. Intercepted by La Noüe and sent to the Prince of Orange. In cipher. P. 2/3.
1377. Portion of above deciphered into Spanish and translated into English.
Endd. P. ½.
1378. Decipher in Spanish of Escovedo's letter of the 9th April.
P. ½.
1379. French translation of Escovedo's letter of the 9th April, and extract from Don John's letter from Louvain of the 7th April.
Endd. P. 1.
[These documents were, Nos. 1375–9, most probably enclosures in the letter of Daniel Rogers to Walsingham of the 20th July, but are not so calendared, because Rogers makes no mention of forwarding them, though he makes an abstract of the principal points they contain.]
April 10. 1380. M. de Ruissingen to Walsingham.
Takes the opportunity of the coming over to England of Mr. Asheby to send this line to assure him of his friendship. Has communicated all matters of importance to the bearer, from whom he will receive a full report.—Frankfort, 10 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
April 10. 1381. Paulet to Walsingham.
Encloses copy of his letter to the Earl of Leicester. Prays him look not for Mr. Jacomo; indeed he cannot spare him during these troubles. The bearer has somewhat to say touching a cipher.—Blois, 10 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
1382. Paulet to the Earl of Leicester.
The bruits of the doings in England are very great, though divers and uncertain. The French will be too hard for them when they shall be in quietness among themselves. They will not be content with their own quarrels. They will ground their doings upon the title of a third person, and herein they will easily concur to set up any other that shall concur with them in religion. They will be sure in this quarrel to find many partisans. The Pope and the States of Italy will be ready to come before they be called, and prays they have not at home among them that expect this golden day. He is not ignorant of the fit and apt remedy for these dangerous mischiefs, and trusts to live so long to see them applied, and much the rather by his Lordship's good mean.
Copy. Enclosure. P. ½.
April 11. 1383. Berwick.
The default of the musters taken the 11th April 1577 before Sir Robert Constable, Knight Marshal at Berwick, and having charge of the town, amounting in all to 34 men. Signed by Sir Robert Constable and Mr. Thomas Barton.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April 12. 1384. Lord Scrope to Walsingham.
Yesterday he and Lord Maxwell met at Burgh-on-the-Sand, where they appointed that day month for the despatch of all matters already filed and indented for to be delivered between them. Pressed him he would also appoint some other day for filing and delivering of other attempts, as well before unanswered on both sides as well as for such attemptates as of late have been committed by some disordered persons in this his office, and would be ready to do the like if Lord Maxwell had any cause to complain. He answered that he knew not of any one attemptate done within his office since their last meeting in November last, the like whereof in so long time has not been heard of, yet could he not presently answer him, but would write to the Regent and send him further answer. So it seems he stands doubtful of his continuance in office by means of the causes moved and brought before the Regent upon the particularities between him and the Laird of Johnstone.—Carlisle, 12 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 12. 1385. Proclamation by the King of France.
Commanding all gentlemen and others making profession of arms to repair to his standard on the Feast of St. John the Baptist to march against the Huguenots and those strangers that they have introduced into the realm. Those above 60 years of age are to send a substitute. The holders of fiefs, subject to ban and arriere ban, are to provide money according to the value of their fiefs.—Blois, 12 April 1577.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
April 14. 1386. Rudolph II. to Queen Elizabeth.
Thanks her for her letters of condolence on the death of his father the Emperor Maximilian, which he has received by Philip Sidney, and hopes that the friendly relations between the two crowns will be maintained.—Prague, 12 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.
April 16. 1387. M. de Mauvissiere to M. de Thou, Premier President of the Court of Parliament of Paris.
In favour of Antony Bourne, who desires to retire into France to live there, and who is well affected to the service of the King. Prays him to grant him his favour, more especially as the gentleman is in some fear of molestation by the English Ambassador.—London, 16 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 16. 1388. M. de Mauvissiere to the Queen Mother of France.
Prays her that Antony Bourne may live in France with his goods. He is in displeasure with certain of the Council in England, for which such of his friends as are like him well disposed to the King of France have prayed him to give him a passport and letters of recommendation.—London, 16 April 1577. Signed.
Add.: Endd. "Mauvissiere to divers governors in favour of Mr. Antony Bourne, who had stolen away another man's wife, viz., the wife of Mr. Packington, and for that cause durst not tarry in the realm."
Fr. P. 1.
April 16. 1389. Antony Bourne.
Passport from M. de Mauvissiere, Ambassador in England for the King of France for Antony Bourne, commanding all persons to give passage to him, his train, arms and baggage to whatsoever town in France he shall desire to go.—London, 16 April 1577. Signed with armorial seal.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 16. 1390. M. de Mauvissiere to the Sieur de Cigougnes.
A further letter of recommendation for the above Antony Bourne.—London, 16 April 1577.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 17. 1391. M. de Mauvissiere to the Sieur de Carrouges.
Prays him allow the bearer, Antony Bourne, to remain in Rouen should he be so minded.—London, 17 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 18. 1392. Berwick.
The default of the musters taken the 18th of April 1577 before Sir Robert Constable, marshal in Berwick, and having charge of the town, amounting to three men "absent," and 18 "passport unexpired." Signed by Sir Robert Constable and Thomas Barton.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1393. Wilson to Burghley.
Did so well like his apt allegory in reading his letters that he persuaded himself he was not sick at all, being so merrily disposed. Perceives that although his heart be whole and sound, yet his exterior members have been greatly vexed of late by his ancient enemy the gout. Finds great good by drinking Rhenish wine, which not only comforts his stomach but keeps his body open and consumes the rheum so well as he does not spit now almost at all, whereas being at home and drinking Gascon wine his body was filled with excessive and needless humours. He may see by Sir Thomas Gresham of what health he is, who if he had drunk half so much Gascon wine as he has Rhenish wine thinks he had not been half so healthy as he is. The Spaniards have tarried hitherto for want of their pay, but thinks they will all be clean gone in three or four days, being paid all their due two days past. The chiefest matter here is to devise to win the Prince by one way or another, yea, it seems Don John will stoop very low to have his purpose of him; fears that when other practices fail something will be devised against his person. Wishes good care were had in England to the Scottish Queen's doings and the person of their Sovereign. Cannot get Mr. Copley to be plain enough with him. It may be somewhat long before he send another post, except some great matter enforce him, being willed by Mr. Secretary to avoid charge. Has dealt for the merchants for the release of the new general imposts, but as yet has had no answer. The merchants are very careless in their own causes.—Brussels, 18 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
April 18. 1394. Advertisements from Brussels.
The Pope's Nuncio spoke with Don John the 10th to avoid the country of Huguenots. Elias Heywood the Jesuit came from Antwerp to wait upon the Nuncio. The 11th, Count Egmont, M. de Capres, and M. de Gondy were received into Brussels with 16 ensigns of burgesses and three ensigns of Walloons with great melody and shot. The 13th, Escovedo went from Antwerp with a rest of money due to the Spaniards to the value of 30,000 florins and their assurance of 300,000 to be paid in Milan and Genoa. It is thought the Spaniards will be all out of Maestricht this week, they having 500 waggons for their carriages, and that Don John will make his entry into Brussels next week, where they purpose to receive him with great pomp and triumph. The 14th he caused at Louvain the game of the popinjay, instituted by Duke Philip of Burgundy, to be renewed, and coming himself thither did shoot with his crossbow and strike down the popinjay at the fifth shoot, so that he was the king of that game. He gave to the Society of Crossbows 100 crowns to drink and be merry, and since has banquetted all the best of the town with exceeding familiarity to all men, getting credit marvellously. He continues his purpose still to deal with the Prince, especially to bring him to yield to the Catholic religion. The Count de Reus would have those soldiers in the castle of Ghent that are for the Prince to be removed, but the townsmen will not agree thereunto, whereat the Count is marvellously offended, The townsmen of Antwerp offer to keep watch and ward within the city, and require that the Almains may be discharged, but they tarry there yet; the Almains will not suffer any of the Prince's men to tarry within the city. Count Bossu cannot be received as Governor of Friesland for that they of the province require M. de Villey. The soldiers in the Estates' camp do mutiny daily for want of pay, and die daily of famine, and others forsake the camp altogether and spoil secretly about Maestricht. The Spaniards have spoiled and wasted about Maestricht 15 English miles every way, living upon the country's charge until their going away. The Prince fortifies in Holland and Zealand, and it is feared here he will not yield to the obedience of Don John, especially in religion. Don John has promised that the Prince's son shall be in this country within two months. The States of Holland and Zealand are assembled at Dort, whither Longolius is sent to make some stir amongst them, and to divide them if he cannot bring them to the obedience of the King and the Catholic faith. There are some that are so malicious set against the Prince, for fear of his greatness like to ensue, and for fear of alteration in religion, that they would be content to call the Spaniards again to withstand him. The 16th the Provost Marshal of this country having hanged a Dutchman and a Scottishman was set upon by the Prince's soldiers and thrust through with a long pike and 17 of his men stricken dead. All the camp is in arms since that time, and threaten that except they have their pay very shortly they will all live by open spoil.
Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1395. Wilson to [Walsingham].
1. The Spaniards remain still moventes quiden sed non promoventes. They are by nature more melancholy than other nations, which humour being cold and dire causes them to be slow in all their actions, and so to deal always with great advisement and surely. It is thought they go into Italy and not into France. The country about Maestricht has been marvellously spoiled by them, who blame the Estates for their long tarrying because they were no sooner paid. When they are passed the Meuse the nobility will go to Louvain to wait upon his Highness to be received here as Governor. Sends an oration made by Albertus Leoninus, otherwise called Longolius, for his long and high stature, a doctor of Louvain, and a cunning champion for the Church and Don John. The Prince has many enemies of the greater sort, the nobility fearing his greatness and the clergy the alteration in religion, as of late it was openly reported that the reformed doctrine was openly preached at Haarlem upon Sunday was a fortnight. It is said there are in Flanders a great number of the religion, and Brussels has many also, besides there are divers in Hainault and Artois, which causes the Pope's Nuncio to bestir himself marvellously. Sent for Elias Heywood, but could not get anything of him, so that he told him he did well to keep his oath not to utter any secrets to heretics. He is but simple and weak, and if he be crafty no doubt he is possessed. The Bishop of Liege did of late, upon speech uttered against those of the religion, say, "What do princes deal with a King of Navarre, a Prince of Condé, or a Prince of Orange? Let them first begin with the Queen of England, and when she is once subdued all others will yield immediately after. This is the best way and the surest way," which was assented to by all parties. Many of the great sort are sorry the Spaniards are gone, for fear the Prince will wax over great. It seems to him the wars are now but in beginning. The French Ambassador has told him of a post that came from the Duke of Guise to speak with Don John, and said his errand was either to have the Spaniards aid the King, or else it was some matter touching the Scottish Queen. Told him it touched his King as much as their Queen, and that if Don John should match that way by the Duke of Guise's means the houses of Valois and Bourbon should be rooted out clean. He answered he would be sorry to hear of any such marriage. Hears Dennis and Twyne are continual waiters upon Vasseur, Don John's secretary; has prayed Mr. Copley to understand their doings, but he is so fearful and precise he cannot get anything particular out of him. One of the Hamiltons said to a countryman of theirs that the Scottish Queen, being moved to devise with others for her liberty, when any attempt shall be made to get her out of prison, said she would not stir upon any such practice except some nobleman of England should first take arms upon him and make a commotion within the realm. Cannot tell what to say to this world; here men say their pleasure of the Queen for keeping her in prison; thinks it is a gentle prison when she has such liberty to write from time to time as she does, and what she list, with such allowance and company as is about her.
2. When he had written so far received his letters of the 12th, unto which he answers thus. Nothing of moment comes from Mr. Copley. Minds on Saturday to go to Louvain to Court, and will say somewhat to Don John, unto whom four posts are lately come out of France, four from the Pope, and two from the Emperor, and yet Mr. Copley is ignorant of all things. Fears there is some great matter in hand against the Prince. For the captains of the camp and the Almains, has satisfied them with four letters and good words for this time, being willed to do so by the Earl of Leicester. Now as he is persuaded of the Spaniards departing, so does he verily believe of some division among the Estates. The merchants will neither give him instructions nor send any to Bruges to follow their suit. This other day was informed by M. Swegenhem that one Dr. Michael, an Italian well known to the English merchants, had cured divers carnosities, and one especially of the town yet living that had the disease 40 years together. This physician is contented to come with him upon his return if he be disposed to have him.—18 April 1577. Signed.
Pp. 4.
March 30. 1396. Speech of Dr. Leoninus to the Prince of Orange and the Estates of Holland and Zealand.
Assures them that the general Estates of the country intend to keep fully the pacification of Ghent, and also the peace made afterwards with Don John of Austria. They have had and must daily sustain great and excessive charges for the more assurance of their country's rest and welfare, and they therefore request a contribution to the ease of these charges and the advancement of the payment of the Scots and other soldiers sent by the Prince and the Estates of Holland and Zealand to their aid. And as it is conditioned in the pacification that all matters shall be restored to their former state, the States request them to cease all licences and passports and all other like extraordinary charges made during the troubles, to the end traffic might be enlarged and made free, wherefore they also request that the ships of war lying before Antwerp may be also called back, with the ship lying upon the Meuse about Bois le Duc, that they do no harm to the merchants, and the rather because Don John is ready to fulfil the peace in all points. He has caused the Spaniards to depart out of the country, and has consented to meet the Prince at Middleburg to declare his good intention to him, and he is content to make such further assurance as the Prince might desire. He was contented to accommodate himself to the restitution of the Count de Buren and to the restitution of the goods of Burgundy and former Estates, and to come and commune with him himself. Desires it will please them to give such satisfaction as reason and the contents of the pacification require, and that they will send the mintmasters to Brabant to agree with the mintmasters there to make the coins and values of money equal to the welfare of the inhabitants generally.
Copy. Endd.: "The translation of Doctor Leoninus' speech out of Flemish into French uttered to the Prince and the Estates of Holland and Zealand and delivered to me as his own act this 6th May 1577" (sic). Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 6½.
March 30. 1397. Another copy.
Endd.: "30 March 1577." English. Enclosure. Pp. 2½.
April 18. 1398. Thomas Copley to Dr. Wilson.
1. Is very sorry he makes so light account of the advices he has given him. It were an easy matter for him to forge such as should answer his imagination, but then should he charge his conscience with untruth, which he will never do to please any man. It suffices him that what he says is true, and what he (Wilson) will needs persuade himself are but mere imaginations proceeding of causeless fear which some man has put in his head. Upon his life there is no danger or blow to their country half so near as is imagined, but as any such danger shall ripen he shall be sure by him to understand it, having so vigilant an eye thereon as he has and means to have, for though for the time he lives abroad he cannot cease to be an Englishman, and to love that soil best where he has most freehold, and that account he may boldly make of him if it please him. Prays him not lightly, and upon only imagination of that which is not in truth, to reject so loyal a servant, but to continue to cherish him, so shall he reserve to the Queen a true servant and to himself a most assured friend. —Louvain, 14 April 1577. Signed.
2. P.S.—Since writing hereof Mr. Rogers has been with him, by whom he understands he still retains his good opinion, which he prays him not to lightly lay aside.
Add. Endd. Enclosure. P. 1.
April 20. 1399. Wilson to Somers, one of the Clerks of the Signet.
Sent to the Secretary a speech in Flemish used by Albertus Leoninus. Prays him, desire it to be sent back to him, as the party of whom he had it earnestly desired to have it returned. —Brussels, 20 April 1577. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ⅓.
April 20. 1400. Wilson to Summers.
Is glad he is in the place of the Secretary now in the time of his sickness, and if he were joined with him would think the Queen had made a good choice. If St. Aldegonde had the original letters in cipher he sent to the Secretary, instead of the copies he made himself for him, he would easily explicate all things. Has all the particular bonds, saving that of Middleburg. Has no answer yet from the Estates General for the merchants' demands.—Brussels, 20 April 1577. Signed
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
April 23. 1401. The Prince of Orange to Davison.
Thanks him for his good offices to the Queen and the Earl of Leicester for him and his countrymen. Begs him to assist the present bearer in the business he is charged with by him in England.—Dortrecht, 23 April 1577. Signed.
Add., Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 24. 1402. Jacques Taffin to Davison.
1. Hopes in the matter they know of there will be such result as all who love God shall desire. The Estates have not yet settled on the matters of those of Ipswich, but believes their determination will be such as will give contentment. They have as yet no certainty of the departure of the Spaniards. The Duke of Arschot ought soon to come and meet the Prince at Gertruidenburg, and Don John of Austria soon to enter Brussels. The Almains are yet at Breda, Utrecht, and Bois le Duc, and will not leave the country unless they be paid. —Dortrecht, 24 April 1577. Signed.
2. P.S.—Prays him to remember him to Thomson and Killegrew.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 24. 1403. The Empress of Germany to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of credence for John Preiner Baron von Sterling who is despatched to her about certain affairs of the Emperor.— Prague, 24 April 1577. Signed: Maria.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.
April 25. 1404. Don John of Austria to the Prince of Orange.
Has received his letters and the answer made by him and the Estates upon the propositions made on his part by Doctor Leoninus, wherein he has shown himself a true servant, and they good vassals to the King of Spain. Does not doubt that perfect repose will come to the country, and with it the ancient prosperity of the country, and assures him and them that he does all in his power to promote the same. Refers him to the report of the Duke Arschot who is coming on his part after the departure of the Spaniards to advise with him on the present state of affairs.—Louvain, 25 April 1577. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Fr. Pp. 1½.
April 26. 1405. William Cotton's Memorial to the King of Spain.
Complains of the conduct of Octavian de Clerke, bailiff of Nieuport in Flanders, who on pretence of searching for a prisoner of his, one Thomas Clerk, an English captain, of whose escape he is totally innocent, came to the ships of war, of himself, of Sir Henry Carew, and other their associates serving his Majesty in Flanders, and would have boarded them, had not the sentinel called together the soldiers and sailors of the ships. The bailiff would have come again to the ships with the Almains in the garrison and others had not the magistrates of the town appeased the tumult. The bailiff then entered the house of the petitioner who was absent in Brussels, and calling them thieves and pirates, took prisoners the officers, servants, and friends of the petitioner as many as he could find, and seized his account books and other writings important to his Majesty's service. Prays him to order the liberty of those who have been imprisoned and the restoration of the books, and that the said bailiff be called upon to answer for his conduct.
Endd. Copy. Fr. Pp. 2½.
1576. April 28. 1406. Works at Berwick.
Copy of warrant by the Lords of the Privy Council to sheriffs, justices of the peace, headboroughs, and loving subjects to whom in this case it may appertain, to impress artificers and labourers for aiding in the Queen's work at Berwick, they being paid their wage and victualled and for the providing of provisions of stone, timber, carriage, &c. for the same, the officers at Berwick paying reasonably therefor.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1407. Paulet to Walsingham.
Commends the bearer, Mr. Sidney, who brings the Queen's packet. Desires much to hear that he is returned to the Court in good health.—Blois, 28 April 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
April 28. 1408. Paulet to Walsingham.
1. The Queen Mother returned from Paris the 13th, and came to her bed at Orleans that night, a great journey for a woman of her years, and the next day hither. She is said to have obtained of the Parisians 300,000 francs, whereof 100,000 are sent to Monsieur, 100,000 to the Duke of Maine, and the other 100,000 serve for matters of household and other idle expenses here, where the King was so engaged he could not depart for want of money. She has been utterly refused any money of the Parisians by way of advancement for their fortifications, which amounting yearly to 60,000 francs she desired to be advanced for eight years. She threatened also to stay the rents of the town, which would not be endured. The want of money here is miserable. The 12th, the French and Scottish guard made open request to the King to be paid their wages due for many months, or else have licence to return to their houses. He was no sooner delivered of these than the Colonel of the Swiss assaulted him with the like suit, affirming that unless he were paid he was commanded to return again into his country with his whole company. Nine companies of footmen which have stayed long in Piedmont, and now commanded to serve at the siege of La Charité, have protested they will not discharge one harquebuss unless they may be satisfied for the time past, being unpaid it is said for 23 musters. Divers officers of the Court leave their ordinary tables for want of money. Among other shifts the ordinance against usurers is put in force, not as a medicine to take away the same, but as a trap to catch rich men and a means to get money. The device is also practised that the Greffiers of the Courts of Parliament, which hold their offices by certain yearly rent, shall pay a piece of money and be discharged of their rent. They live here as if they should die the next morrow, the next year should care for itself. Mr. Beaton, brother of the Archbishop of Glasgow, found the Count at Amboise, where he stayed but one night, and being demanded by one of his acquaintance why he tarried so little time there, he said because the Ambassador of England should not be jealous of his coming to the Court. He tells him a long tale of a gentlewoman serving with the Queen of Scots he seeks to marry, and that his coming into France is to procure the consent of his brother, and to satisfy the gentlewoman by some holy friar touching some foolish vow she has made. Prays God that under pretence of this he takes not occasion to treat the more boldly of some other marriage. Caused him to sup with him and used him as well as he could, and indeed the Archbishop his brother seems to be very careful of his children in Paris, and invites them often to his table.
2. [Partly in cipher, undeciphered.] Has procured one to sound the Secretary of the Duke of Guise, who told him that there was a marriage concluded between Don John and the Queen of Scots, and that Don John had promised the French King he would marry her before he passed through France, the Kings of France and Spain promising to employ all their forces to bring the matter to full effect, and were resolved that peace ensuing, as was then expected, to send some great personage to require the deliverance of the Scottish Queen, and if she were not rendered upon this demand, to attempt her deliverance by force with the help of such intelligence as they could have in England. The Duke of Lorraine is said to be a great practiser in this matter. One Haggerston is said to come lately from Don John, to this purpose, as likewise Bodehalt not long before. Thinks himself unhappy that the Ambassador of Scotland is not now here having lighted on a Papist, one of his pensioners, that takes upon him to govern the Secretary of the said ambassador, and tells him that he told him six months past that not long before the King of Spain had sent 30,000 pistollets to the Queen of Scots. There are many bad Englishmen at Paris, whereof Browne, Liggins, and Demonceaux are the foremen, who have daily reference with the Ambassador of Scotland, pretend to have great friends in England, and promise many things for the delivery of the Scottish Queen. There is among the rest one Watson a very lewd man and pensioner of the said Queen.
3. The King is credibly advertised Duke Casimir prepares to invade the realm with great forces, and that the Swiss join with him. He is expected at the end of June. The King is much perplexed in this matter of the Swiss, being received for truth that they are leagued against them. The King is jealous of the Duke of Savoy by this occasion and also for the troubles in Provence, which are thought to be nourished by him. Cannot think that the Spaniards can be entreated to take this journey in hand (to join with the King); they are rich and laden with spoil, and here is nothing to be gotten but stripes. Monsieur to flatter the Princes of Germany is said to have desired in marriage the daughter of the Duke of Saxe upon condition the Duke shall send 10,000 reiters and 6,000 lanzknechts for the service of the King to be defrayed by the Duke till they have passed the Rhine. But the Germans know them so well, all their fair words cannot deceive them. It was expected Bussy d'Amboise should have repaired to La Charité with his forces, but has now answered Monsieur that he received the government at his hands and hitherunto has been able to do him little service, but now having brought the people to their due obedience, he trusts to yield him a good account, and would remain there ready to obey his commandment. He is seised of Angers, Saumur, and Le Pont de Cé, and spoils such other towns as refuse him such sums of money as he requires. He has ransomed the town of Mons at 30,000 francs, and has spoiled the faubourgs of some other towns. It may be feared lest there be some hidden treason towards those of Brittany. The siege of La Charité goes slowly forward. The cannon is not yet planted before the town, yet some think they will leave by reason of the loss they have received there already, where many captains of name have been hurt and slain, as Martinengo, Grillon, Drou, and others. 300 pioneers levied by the Duke of Nevers have been intercepted by those of the town, and do them very good service. Is informed there is intelligence between Monsieur and the Prince of Orange, often messages between them, but is told c'est tromper le pauvre Prince. The Duke of Montpensier refused to go to the King of Navarre, being ready as he said to do the King all faithful service but loth to betray his kinsman. The Queen Mother has not spared to ride to his house of Champigny, from whence the Duke departed towards the King of Navarre the 19th with large instructions. This is the end of their cunning and treachery to seek that by intreaty which being intreated they have so long refused. The Queen Mother has established a Council at Paris which shall reside there, whereof the Cardinal of Bourbon shall be chief, which is taken for certain argument the King does not intend to return thither of long time. Warty, a gentleman of Picardy, is revolted from the Prince of Condé, his departure is little lamented. The plague increases at Lyons. Is lodged so far from the Court that his advertisement must be excused if they be not such as he looks to receive.—Blois, 28 April 1577. Signed.
4. P.S.—La Mole is returned of late out of Spain. It is said he had in charge to solicit the King of Spain to join in a league offensive and defensive with the French King and the States of Italy against those of the religion.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 28. 1409. Paulet to Burghley.
Copy of his letter to Walsingham of April 28th, except that a different cipher is used in para. 2.—Blois, April 1577. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 4¼.
1410. Decipher of portions of the ciphered matter in the two preceding letters.
P. ⅓.
April. 1411. The Queen to Doctor Thomas Wilson.
1. Thinks it meet that he repair to Louvain to congratulate Don John on the peace, and to show him the advantage to all that will come from a continuance of the same. For herself she finds small occasion of joy at the entertaining of her rebels, whereof he cannot plead ignorance, having warning of late by Horsey, or at the excluding of the said Horsey from the treaty of peace at Hoye, when the ministers of other princes of less quality were admitted. With what integrity she has proceeded during the time of the civil troubles, the sending of so many legations, and also a number of other friendly offices will sufficiently testify, even so far that if just account were made of her proceeding, it may seem to the world that he has as it were holden these countries at her hands. It may be he will deny these mat ters, it were meet then that before his repair he inform himself of the persons that have repaired to him, and the time of their continuance; and for the second, the allegation made by the Emperor's Ambassador was so naked and void of probability, that she hopes he does not think her so void of judgment as to accept it for good payment.
2. After these compliments with Don John, he shall particularly persuade with such of the Estates as he knows to be men of understanding, to stand upon their guard, especially till they see the country clean voided of the Spaniards, as also to have a good eye to his preparations, and not to overslack such necessary provisions as shall be behovable for themselves. He may show them further that she finds it strange the peace should be published before advertisement received from the Prince of Orange of his allowance of the same, and how fit it had been for them in a matter of so great weight to have had the censure of a man of his care and judgment.
Draft, partly in the handwriting of Walsingham. Endd. P. 2½.
April? 1412. Cipher from M. Esquerdes.
Desires his correspondent to inform the Queen that within the last few days nine companies of infantry are come into the Boulonnais, and are in garrison at Calais, Ardres, and Boulogne. Under these circumstances he does not consider it the time to reconnoitre Calais, for he could not go there without exciting suspicion; the best time to go will be when it is relieved from its extraordinary garrison, and when that takes place she will be fully informed about it. When there shall be some new stir among the Catholics and Protestants, the Queen will find a great number of servants, and among them the principal persons of Normandy.
Cipher deciphered. Copy. Fr. Endd. Pp. 12/3.