Elizabeth: March 1577, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: March 1577, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp545-554 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1577, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp545-554.

"Elizabeth: March 1577, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp545-554.

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March 1577, 16-31

March 17. 1331. Paulet to Burghley.
Doctor Beutterich and his assistants are departed very ill contented, and have left the King and Queen Mother no better pleased. After the first audience the King would speak no more with Beutterich, and signified to him by the Chancellor that his manner of speech and gestures did much mislike him, and he thought them unseemly to be used to any king or monarch, and that he should come no more in message to him. Beutrich was greatly moved with the message, and will continue in this passion till he be revenged, which he protests with many stout and bitter words. He prayed the Chancellor deliver to him in writing the King's pleasure, his memory was short, he would be sorry to add or diminish in a matter of this importance, he would not fail to deliver this writing faithfully to his master. When this was denied him he prayed the Chancellor set down in writing all his dealing by word or deed, and he would subscribe it, though it were much more than he had done or said. He thought himself unhappy he could not please the King, because he had said too much as the King took it, and was assured to displease his master because he had said too little. Duke Casimir had not so great a choice of servants as the King, neither did his affairs require so great number, but it seemed unreasonable it should not be lawful for him to employ such as he liked and trusted. They should pay what they owe, and then the occasion being taken away the effect would soon cease. The true quarrel was that he had resigned to the King Casimir's interest in such honours and dignities as he had of the late gift of the King and Monsieur. He had not been bred in Courts, neither was he acquainted with the French terms, but after the manner of his country he had told him plainly and simply what he thought. He concluded he was in Blois, and in the Castle of Blois, and that if he was in Strasburg he would tell them another tale. It has been given out very liberally that Danville is reconciled to the King, and had bent his forces against those of the religion, which bruit had its beginning on this occasion. M. St. Romain, Governor in Bezieres, once Bishop of Aix, and now of the religion, was willing to have applied a piece of an old church there to some other use, which being misliked by the Papists the dissension grew so hot between them that Danville though good to resort thither, where, finding the Protestants to have offended, he punished them, but no other trouble has ensued hereunto. Montagu, one of the late councillors of the Prince of Condé taken by those of the King's party, has been received at the Court with great favour. The Court is very bare at this present. The Duke of Guise departed towards Champagne the 7th of this present. The Duke of Montpensier and his son the Prince Dauphin departed towards Champigny the 8th. The Duke of Maine and the Marquis D'Elbœuf, departed towards Poitiers the 11th. The Pope is angry that this war goes no faster forwards, and especially because he says the money he has defrayed already is employed otherways; he is surety to the Duke of Florence for 200,000 crowns besides 6,000 Italians and Swiss he promises to furnish. The King of Spain continues his practice with the nine Popish cantons of Switzerland by the means of the Duke of Savoy. The Queen Mother is gone to Chenonceau, where Biron is looked for. The great ordnance sent from Paris is stayed at Montargis, for as it is thought that the siege of La Charité is deferred for a season. The whole forces follow the Duke of Maine to see if they can do any good with the Prince of Condé. The Kings of Spain, Portugal, and Fez are making preparations against the Turk, who is said to intend to come into Africa in favour of the King of Algiers.—St. Die, 17 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
March 17. 1332. Paulet to Walsingham.
Copy of his letter to Burghley of the same date.—St. Die, 17 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
1333. Note in Cipher.
Doctor Beutterich has signified by his letters to 48 that all these devices of Court and sending of messengers are so many treasons against him; that he has laid a beginning of very good reputation, in that the princes there expect his resolution in this enterprise to set down their judgment to his honour or dishonour, and finally that he may assure himself of all the aid and assistance Duke Casimir can give him.
Deciphered. Pp. 1. Enclosure.
March 17. 1334. Paulet to Walsingham.
Sends a farthingale such as now used by the French Queen and the Queen of Navarre. Has not thought good to make himself altogether ignorant of the injury offered to the Queen's packet, and therefore spares not to say something therein in reasonable terms to Gondy and others. The King has now signified to the ambassadors that their lodgings are provided in Blois. Although the cahiers of the three Estates are so long and tedious that he knows his leisure will not serve him to peruse them, yet his friends or servants may read them and make report to him of the principal matters, and therefore has sent them. Has entertained this bearer, John Tupper, of purpose to serve his turn in dangerous voyages, because he has good knowledge of the country, and he takes him to be honest.—St. Die, 17 March, in the morning, 1576 Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ¾.
March 17. 1335. Wilson to Walsingham.
Likes very well his late despatch of the 7th, and agrees with him that there is some hid matter in hand to the over throw of the Estates. They themselves run headlong to their own ruin in seeking how they may please Don John. Does not think Don John will or may come to Antwerp. Fears that the Spaniards will do some notable act on the camp at their coloured departure. The States have granted the Duke of Arschot the charge of Antwerp castle; he goes to take possession of the castle to-morrow. Don John . . . . . shortly after to Brussels and take the government upon him, and from thence go to the Prince with a small train and make an accord with him, which is to persuade him to give over his charge . . . . . and himself to depart with great gifts and live the rest of his days in Germany, and all this is to advance the Catholic religion, and by virtue of the Holy League to overthrow all others that are contrary. The Pope's legate is now at Brussels; he brought letters from the Pope to Thomas Stukeley, which he delivered to Thomas [Shipley ?], being abused by the name of Thomas, who by this means has understood a great part of the Pope's intent against England. . . . . . Don John is most glad of his coming, which seems to be for the advancement of the Holy League. One Mr. William Keith, a gentleman of Scotland . . . . . did fight with Haggerston. . . . . . Cotton taking his part was deadly wounded in the belly without hope of life . . . . Haggerston somewhat wounded and Keith sore wounded in the head, where Haggerston's sword did break. Would wish that Guerras were enforced to decipher his own letters, for fears none can decipher them. It cannot be but that there is great matter in them very needful for the Queen to know . . . . . . Somewhat must indeed be done to comfort the Prince; when Holland and Zealand be had from him then is their danger nigh at hand. Wishes him a speedy amendment of his old disease.—Brussels, 17 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Very much injured by damp. Pp. 2.
March 7. 1336. 1. Certain propositions made by Escovedo to the Estates for the more speedy departure of the soldiers of Spain, referring to their goods, debts, &c., with the answers of the Estates agreeing to do all they can to expedite matters.
2. Names of the prisoners besought by Don John from the Estates.
Span. Enclosure. Pp. 3.
March 7. 1337. Copy of the first nine of the articles presented by Octavio Gonzaga to the Estates, see No. 1330, with their answers agreeing to the 3rd, 4th, and 7th, refusing the 1st, and evading the others.
Endd. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 2.
March 12. 1338. M. de Lalain to the Estates General.
Thinks it advisable that the 300,000 florins should not be paid to the Spaniards till they have given up possession of the castle of Antwerp.—Camp in Sainte Marie, Wavre, 12 March 1577. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Enclosure. P. 1.
March 14. 1339. Gaspar Schetz and Guillaume de Rouch to the Estates General.
If the money to pay the Spanish soldiers does not come promptly they fear that their present content to leave may take some alteration.—Antwerp, 14 March 1577. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Enclosure. P. 1.
March 12. 1340. An accord by the States General to the Duke of Arschot for the charge and government of Antwerp castle, taking soldiers under him that are of Brabant.
Copy. Fr. Enclosure. P. 1.
March 14. 1341. 1. The Duke of Arschot's letter to the Estates for his son to have the charge of Antwerp castle with the assistance of M. Villerval.—Louvain, 13 March.
2. The States' approbation, and report of their money sent to Antwerp and of the hope they have for the Spaniards to give over the castle on the 18th March.
Copies. Endd. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 3.
March 8. 1342. Monsieur of France to the Estates.
Assures them of his goodwill to them and the Prince of Orange. Congratulates them on the peace, and bids them beware lest they be surprised by their adversaries.—Blois, 8 March 1577. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 1½.
March 12. 1343. M. de St. Aldegonde to Wilson.
Has been as yet unable to do anything with the ciphers, and almost despairs of their decipherment. Hardly believes the Spaniards will take their departure.—Mexelburg, 12 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Enclosure. P.2/3.
March 17. 1344. Wilson to Burghley.
The States have not sent to him the particular bonds, save two, Swegenhem is much ashamed of their doings, and says the money shall be repaid within the month. Does not believe there will be such hasty repayment, when they are so slack to give bonds. Finds Mr. Copley well disposed if it would please the Queen to have any liking of his doings. The Duke of Arschot takes charge of Antwerp castle to-morrow, if the Spaniards do give it up, as they have promised to do, being now paid all their money. The Prince of Chimai, his son, is his lieutenant, a young gentleman 16 years old.— Brussels, 17 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
March 18. 1345. [The Queen] to the Bishop of Liege.
Is pleased to hear of the pacification in the Low Countries, from which he cannot fail to derive advantage. Understands also from his letters that no other of her rebels are in his dominions but the Countess of Northumberland. Assures him that her rebellion was no less than that of her deceased husband, that she still continues to practice against her, and in her letters speaks of the "supposed Queen." He can no better prove his friendship than by denying the Countess further sojourn in his country.—Westminster, 18 March 1576.
Endd. Copy. Fr. Pp. 1⅓.
There is enclosed in this letter a drawing of the interior of a chamber, but which has no reference to the contents of the letter.
March 21. 1346. Wilson to Walsingham.
Although the Bishop of Liege had news that the Spaniards were going out and the Duke was to enter into the castle and town, yet the same news are not confirmed this morning, and therefore it is feared that some mishap has not chanced this night. In Brussels no man yet knows the certainty. —Brussels, 21 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
March 21. 1347. Wilson to Walsingham.
If he thought his advertisements would be a hindrance to his health, now that he is in his diet, he would direct his letters to Mr. Somers, but till he hears to the contrary will pursue his wonted course. Understood yesternight somewhat late that the Spaniards had given over the castle of Antwerp to the Duke of Arschot, who makes his son lieutenant with the assistance of M. Villeval, a grave and wise gentleman. The Spaniards take their course direct to Maestricht and there meeting all together do mind to consider further on some exploit to be done, it is given out they go to France. Surely the Spaniards are loth to leave the country, and leaving very gorgeous, insolent, and wealthy are carried with a marvellous overweening of themselves and apt for any dangerous enterprise. Prays to know what order is taken with the ciphers.—[Brussels], 21 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Injured by damp. P. 1.
March 8. 1348. Copy of the proclamation of Don John of Austria from Louvain. See No. 1327, 8 March.
P. 1. Enclosure.
1349. Copy of the letter from Don John of Austria commanding the government of the castle and city of Antwerp to be given up to the Duke of Arschot.—Louvain, 16 March 1577.
Endd. Copy. Enclosure. Span. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 11. 1350. Pope Gregory XIII. to the Clergy and Nobility of Flanders.
Has always desired and striven for the conclusion of peace in their country; now that such is likely to take effect he sends Philip "Episcopus Ripæ transonis" to join with them in endeavouring to promote it. Rome sub annulo piscatoris, 11th February 1577, in the fifth year of his pontificate.
Copy. Lat. Endd.: Noted as received the 17 March. P. 1. Enclosure.
March 16. 1351. Copy of the three preceding letters.
Endd. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure (?).
March 16. 1352. Another copy.
Pp. 1¾. Enclosure (?).
March 2. 1353. Rudolph II., Emperor of Germany, to the Estates of Flanders.
Is rejoiced to hear of the conclusion of peace and congratulates them thereupon. From his palace at Prague, 2 March, the second year of his reign in Rome, fifth in Hungary, and second in Bohemia.
Copy. Endd. Lat. P. 1. Enclosure.
March 14. 1354. Don John to the Estates General at Brussels.
Understands that certain companies of Scottish men have come into their camp, which thing is directly contrary to the Articles of Pacification. Fears that if the Spanish soldiers hear of this they will not quit the castle of Antwerp. The fault of any mischief that may happen will be theirs, not his, and he prays them therefore to avoid this by sending these men away.—18 March 1577.
Endd. Copy. French with postcript in Spanish. P. 1. Enclosure.
March 8. 1355. The Estates General to Don John.
They understand that the Spaniards on giving up the castle of Antwerp intend taking with them the prisoners therein. Pray him to command that they be given into the hands of the Duke of Arschot, or into those of the ambassadors.—Brussels, 18 March 1577.
Endd. Copy. Fr. P. 1.Enclosure.
March 17. 1356. The Estates General to the Duke of Arschot.
They agree with the resolution of the Council of State that the Germans shall remain in Antwerp for such time as the Council shall determine. They have written to the magistrates of Antwerp for some money for his soldiers.—Brussels 17 March 1577.
Endd. Copy. Fr. P. 1. Enclosure.
March 7. 1357. The Prince of Orange's instructions to the Sieur de Mansarde, sent to Brussels.
He is to address himself to those to whom he has letters of credence, and impress upon them the necessity of using the present opportunity for more effectually obtaining and preserving their liberties, of demanding the destruction of castles and fortifications, of obtaining an honourable governor for the castle of Antwerp, who should be a gentleman of Brabant, such as M. d'Egmont, M. de Heze, M. de Merode, or M. de Borsele, of securing the independence of the Estates General, so as to be a check upon the Council of Estate and the designs of Don John, and of agreeing to a strait league to break off all negotiations with the Spaniards should they not quit the country at the time agreed upon.—Middleburg, 6 March 1577.
Endd. Copy. Fr. Pp. 4⅓. Enclosure.
March 8. 1358. The Prince of Orange's instructions to M. Calvart, sent to the Magistrates of Bruges.
He is to address himself to those whom he believes to be well affected towards their country, and to ask them whether they would think it ill if the States of Holland and Zealand were to put forth a protest against Don John if the Spaniards should not leave the country at the appointed time. He is also to show them the danger there is to the States of Holland and Zealand even if the Spaniards do quit, and to ask them if they intend to abandon these States to the mercy of Don John, who will certainly carry war there, so as to possess himself of the seaboard. He is in a word to do all that he can to provide for the more effectual security of these Estates.
Endd. Copy. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 2½.
March 22. 1359. Philip Sidney to Burghley.
1. Has no matter worthy of sending, but expresses his readiness to serve him.—Heidelburg, 22 March, 1576.
2. P.S.—The division betwixt the Palatines is not yet perfectly made, and it is feared some jar will fall betwixt them. Ludovic has hitherto kept Casimir's subjects from swearing unto him, and gives out that it is in respect he will bring his brother from Calvinism. Livonia have given themselves to the Muscovite, and in Dantzic war is sorely begun again. Of the other side, the Emperor fears revolt in Hungary to the same King of Poland. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 22. 1360. Wilson to the Earl of Leicester.
Has sent Mr. Rogers to report to him of the departing of the Spaniards. It was five o'clock at night before the Duke entered the castle with ten companies of Walloons. Some Spaniards there were that would not yield up the castle, but sought to make a rebellion, whereupon certain were taken and strangled, others are to be executed upon further examination. Within eighteen days they will be clean out of the country. St. Aldegonde has deciphered Guerras' letters, first into Spanish and then into French. It appears from his own cipher that he receives often letters from the Scottish Queen, who has been earnest for the Earl of Westmoreland and all others banished to have their pensions; and he says further that if he should be imprisoned he has laid up his papers and writings very close. He may see what he says of the Queen and her Council.—Brussels, 22 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 22. 1361. Wilson to Walsingham.
1. The letter he wrote yesterday rose upon a scare and suspicion the Bishop of Liege put in his head, but within half an hour after the confirmation came that the Duke was entered the castle, as he will understand by Mr. Rogers.— Brussels, 22 March 1577. Signed.
2. P.S.—The Spaniards were departed yesterday from Lierre, towards Maestricht.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
March 20. 1362. M. A. Soignies to the Estate at Brussels.
Informs them of the departure of the Spaniards from the castle at Antwerp and the entry therein of the Duke of Arschot.—Antwerp, 20 March 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
March 24. 1363. Wilson to Walsingham.
The Spaniards make great haste towards Maestricht, and it is thought will be there within two days, the place being from Antwerp sixty English miles. Don John uses all arts he can to win the Prince of Orange, and offers to come in person to him, which the Prince does not refuse. Trusts that after this sudden and strange pacification there is good care at home against their ancient and suspected enemies abroad; fears some mischief will be wrought by the way of France, and the chiefest danger is among themselves. The Pope's Nuncio here shall remain and be Legate resident, whose abiding is not appointed without cause. If the Queen would grant him a new warrant for 300l., should bring very little home, so great are his charges.—Brussels, 24 March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 25. 1364. The Estates at Brussels to Don John of Austria.
Respecting the retention and discharge of certain prisoners on both sides.—Brussels, 25 March 1577. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Fr. P. 1.
March 31. 1365. Lord Scrope to Walsingham.
These Borders being in like quietness as has not been seen heretofore has been the occasion that he has so long forborne to write. Understands that Lord Maxwell, upon certain particularities between him and the Laird of Johnstone for the filing of bills, minds determinately to give up his office of Warden, and no further exercise the same saving only to discharge such bills as he has already indented for to him (Lord Scrope). Has agreed to meet him here one day in Easter week next, for that on the Monday following he intends to ride again towards Edinburgh to a convention. Since Michaelmas last, when all differences between them were accorded, has found Lord Maxwell very well disposed and inclined to do justice, but if he now gives up his office it will encourage the wicked to do evil, and fears the sequel of great disorder.—Carlisle, last of March 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 1366. [The Queen] to Don John of Austria.
Is glad to hear by his letters of the 8th of the month that he intends maintaining the articles of the pacification, whereby he will do more for the country and acquire more honour than all the former governors did of their cruelty and tyranny. Understands him also to say that her charge against him of nourishing her rebels is false, but what does he say of the Earl of Westmoreland, what of Stukely? Trusts he will fulfil his promise that he will not maintain any persons in actions that may tend to her harm, and for the better performing thereof, advises him not to allow sojourn in the Low Countries to them and similar rebels.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
[April.] 1367. William Davison to Killegrew.
Excuses his silence hitherto on the ground of the labyrinth of occupation in which he has lived since his arrival here. Has sent over for his wife, and thinks every day a year till he hears of her safe arrival, faring as a merchant who has all his riches in one venture. Has commanded his man to provide some ship at Dover for her, well appointed for fear of pirates. Is sure he longs to know what will become of this new kindled fire here between Don John and the States. They continue still their treaties and communications, and people live between hope and doubt of a patched peace.
Copy. Endd. P. ½.
April 2. 1368. Paulet to Burghley.
All things rest here after the accustomed fashion, unconstant and uncertain in all their actions. It has been given out at the Court that the Queen has put 14,000 men in readiness to be sent to the King of Navarre. The Ambas sador of Scotland has not followed the Court this winter, as the other ambassadors have done, but made his continual abode in Paris, where he had good opportunity to practise at his pleasure, as well by the absence of those that might have an eye to his doings, as by the daily resort thither of Englishmen out of the Low Countries. He came to St. Die at Shrovetide, but remained only three weeks. Could not conceive well of it that a man of his years should take this great journey upon him for so short a time, and immediately addressed his letters to a friend in Paris to observe his doings. M. de Mirabeau did wonders here in the defence of religion in the late assembly of the Estates, and now upon some private occasion between him and the Prince of Condé is said to be revolted, and that being retired to his castle of Mirabeau, accompanied by young Lansac, the Prince did hold him besieged. But the Duke of Maine coming to the rescue, the Prince retired safely to St. Jean d'Angeli, saving that some say part of his baggage was taken. It was resolved Monsieur should depart towards Gien the 1st, but now it is deferred till after Easter, and that then in 21 days La Charité shall be rendered. They are forced in their greatest matters and sometimes to their great loss to deal uncertainly, because they have no money, being driven to such shifts for matters of trifles that it is marvellous to see it. The King and Queen Mother borrow to serve their turn in their ordinary expenses. The Duke of Guise writes out of Champagne that the gentlemen there serve coldly, because they are not paid duly, and requires to be relieved with money. The Duchess of Bouillon is hardly used by the French King, and has resorted to the Duke of Montpensier for his letters to the King, which have been written very effectually, but in vain. The Duke of Montpensier is troubled and grieved many ways. A courier arrived the 30th of March from M. Biron, who found the King of Navarre at the siege of Marmande on the Garonne; he says if the Duke of Montpensier be sent to him he will deal more frankly with him than with any other. Of the 1,200,000 francs to be levied on the towns for the war, of which 300,000 were to be levied on the city of Paris, the inhabitants there have utterly refused to yield to the payment, and have used some insolencies not tolerable, the Marshal de Cosse being despatched to take order therein.—Blois, 2 April 1577. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 3⅓.
March 27. 1369. M. de Laval to Sir Amias Paulet.
Prays him to write to the Queen to permit his sister to continue her residence in Jersey, as on account of her health she is not able to bear a sea voyage to England. He will take her to himself when peace shall be made in France.— Vitre, 27 March 1577.
Copy. Fr. P. 1. Enclosure.