Elizabeth: January 1577, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: January 1577, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp472-484 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1577, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp472-484.

"Elizabeth: January 1577, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp472-484.

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January 1577, 1-15

Jan. 1. 1151. Don John of Austria and the States of the Low Countries.
Agreement between Don John and the deputies of the States for their meeting at Louvain or Mechlin, and the custody of the hostages for his safety, and for a guard of 3,000 men under M. de Hierges.—Marche-en-Famine, 1 Jan. 1577. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
1152. Copy of first portion of above.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
1153. Another copy.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
1154. Copy of the latter part of the above.
Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
1155. Copy of the above, and also of a short letter from Don John to the States, agreeing to their conditions.—Marche-enFamine, 1 Jan. 1577.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 1. 1156. The Deputies of the States of Flanders to the States.
Inform them of the consent of Don John of Austria to meet them at Louvain or Mechlin.—Marche-en-Famine, 1 Jan. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 2. 1157. Don John of Austria to the Queen.
Has received her letter of the 13th ult. by the bearer, Sir Edward Horsey, in which she expresses her grief at the troubles in the Low Countries, and willingness to assist in their pacification. Has been sent thither for that purpose by his brother, the King of Spain, and is going to Louvain or Malines with the intention of ratifying and putting in execution the lately treaty concluded at Luxembourg.—Marche-enFamine, 2 Jan. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Broadside.
Jan. 2. 1158. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
Is informed by M. Champagny that upon the Baron D'Aubigny's coming out of France the 28 December the States were in mind to receive French aid; unto which he opposed himself, willing them to regard their vow of obedience to the King, which they should hardly keep if the French King's brother was received as protector of the country, requiring them to seek help from the Queen of England. Some answered that little hope was to be had from thenco seeing the Prince of Orange found no more favour, whereunto M. Champagny replied that the Prince severing himself from others was taken for a rebel, and so the Queen aiding him might be thought to maintain rebellion, a perilous example for others to take advantage of, whereas they being now altogether united and representing the whole State, cannot be touched with any such crime, and therefore the Queen may with good conscience help them in obtaining their just demands; as so putting them in some hope of speedy help they were somewhat satisfied for the time. M. D'Aubigny came on the 30th December and told him of the French King's brother's promptness to help the States, but that he saw the wars were like to begin again. Wilson told him that it would turn to great harm to this country, as the Queen would take part with Don John against the Duke of Alençon. He then asked if they might not take for their present aid 2,000 Almains, 3,000 French, and as many English without offence. He told him that the receiving of Frenchmen would breed a jealousy and do more harm than good, and also that neither the Queen Mother or her son were apt instruments for the welfare of this country, and that he would be sorry for Flanders to stand in need of France, for that would be to commit the sheep to the government of the wolf, and bade him pray the States to live in hope of England till they heard from M. Swevenghem. At his last being at Lierre, in the middle of December, M. Gastel or Gate, a Burgundian, told him that he had letters from Don John to the Queen in favour of the Spaniards upon the seas on their retiring homewards, and though he then asked for Wilson's letters in his favour, yet when he met him in Antwerp he would not so much as salute him. It were good that great heed were taken of him, and that Guaras be straitly examined as to the very cause of his coming. Sends copies of letters from Monsieur and others. There is no likelihood of accord here, as Don John stands upon an answer which he is to receive from the King by the 10th inst. at the furthest.—Brussels, 2 Jan. 1576.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 2. 1159. Dr. Wilson to Burghley.
After writing his other letter, one M. Civil, a grave, wise man and a councillor, came to him that the States would not accept Monsieur's offer of 8,000 soldiers upon his own charges but only to have soldiers out of France at their own charges, and to choose their captains as they thought fit. The Spanish Ambassador in France has made such earnest suit to the King there that he has forbidden any of his subjects to pass out of France in warlike manner in aid of the States. Thirdly, the King's brother is in a manner prisoner. The King would not assist Don John, as he had his hands full at home, but there was some meaning of a marriage of Monsieur with the King of Spain's daughter. Some he said wished that Don John might have this match and live amongst them and utterly forsake the Spaniards. The bruit goes that he will assent to all things if it so please the King. He uses marvellously courteous speech to them. He is sick of the hemeroids. On Monday last the Spaniards at Antwerp attacked fort St. Margaret with two galleys, but were beaten off with loss. Amongst the prisoners was an ensign who had 900 reals of gold on his person.—2 Jan.
Endd.: "An adjunct of my other letter." P. 1.
Jan. 3. 1160. Declaration of the King of France and Others.
1. The King of France, having attained his majority, declares that he will preserve exercise of their religion to those of the reformed Church, and use his utmost endeavours to bring about a peace. He declares also his intention to live and die in the profession of the Catholic faith.
2. The Queen Mother declares the joy she has to understand of such resolution in her son, and that she will use all her endeavours to aid him in his good intention.
3. Monsieur, being present, declares his intention to adhere to the Catholic faith in which he was educated, and to preserve the heritage and name "Most Christian" bequeathed by the Kings his ancestors.—Blois, 3 January.
Endd.: "Janvier, 1577." Fr. P. ¾.
Jan. 3. 1161. Circular of the King of France to those of Paris and other Cities.
Understanding within these last few days that some of the pretended reformed religion have seized upon certain fortified places in France, and being desirous to preserve quiet in his realm, he orders them to guard the gates of their towns with such force as they were wont to during the troubles, so that there be no enterprise effected against them; but those of the reformed religion that remain peaceably in their houses shall be preserved under his protection and not molested.—Blois, 3 January 1577. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 3. 1162. Sir A. Paulet to Lord Burghley.
Finding the state of things much altered since his letters of the 16th of last month he would not fail to trouble him with the bill enclosed. Has carried his Lordship's servant, William Wade, with him to Blois, and now of late has sent him to confer with some of his friends, besides his honest and good discretion he has many other good parts in him.—St. Die, 3 January 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
1163. Affairs in France.
Monsieur prays the Queen to forbear the money resting in the hands of Casimir for some convenient time to be employed to the behoof of himself and his associates. L'Isle, Maitre d'Hotel to Monsieur, was messenger to this purpose. The King has required Monsieur to join the league against those of the religion. Hereunto he has assented and subscribed, although with some difficulty, as some say. The league is practised among the nobility throughout the realm. It is resolved by the Estates there shall be no other religion than the Roman, and that the ministers shall depart the realm within a certain time. Messengers are sent to the King of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, and M. Danville to inform them thereof. Camillo Fera, sent to the Prince of Condé, is a base fellow, noted with infamy, that can neither write nor read, so as some think him to be sent rather in disdain than otherwise. These hold the better part of the country on the other side of the Loire besides Rohan and Laval in Brittany, which stand firmly for the religion. Count Vantadour and Viscount Turenne, in revenge of Pont St. Esprit, have seized divers towns in Limousin and Perigueux, as Bryné la Galliarde and others of good importance. Clairvaux arrived at the Court of late, and was despatched the 1st to require Casimir not to stir but for the service of "Minor" and to return with an answer, but he is resolved not to come again because he will be at his liberty to serve for the religion. He tells him "Jordan" has lost his credit with both parties, and durst not write to Casimir but by the Secretary of "Absinthium"; that the Queen Mother will have but one religion; that the House of Guise had dismounted her if she had not taken this course; that there is no doubt of new civil wars; that Danville's wife has been privately practised and has made great promises; that they have great hope to win "Bonaventura"; that the Protestants will stand to their defence till they may be provided of foreign aid; that La Mole goes secretly to Spain to renew the marriage between the daughter of Spain and Monsieur, and had gone before if they had not wanted money; and finally that Casimir will despatch a gentleman towards "Bonifacius" very shortly. Casimir remains yet unpaid for six months, and can get no money for the King has it not. One Germany shall be sent from hence shortly in ambassage to the Turk. The Secretary to the Pope arrived here the 29th of the last, who is said to require one only religion, and to that purpose proffereth aid of men and money. The Duke of Savoy is thought to look for a good hour and will not fail to have his part in Provence and Dauphiny. The Chancellor and the Pope's Nuncio have spent one whole day in Council, and thereupon the last of this present a messenger is despatched to the Pope, "some good matter, I warrant you." Some of the regiment of Bussy d'Amboise are gone from him towards the King of Navarre, and in their way are said to have spoiled an abbey and slain some of the monks; whereupon those of Saumur-sur-Loire have taken prisoners the minister of that town and all others of the religion there. It is advertised the Turk makes very great preparation by sea, and now the Venetian is afraid and the Spaniard is afraid, and the French King is flattered on every side. The new Count Palatine and his brother Casimir are in good amity, neither has the Count altered religion where the same had been established by his father, only he has removed two ministers. It is thought the troubles of Naples will break out on the next opportunity. It is said that the Emperor shall marry the elder daughter of the house of Spain, and the son of the King of Portugal the other daughter, and that for the treaty thereof the King of Spain is now on the confines of Portugal.
Partly in cipher. Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 3⅓.
Jan. 5. 1164. Don John of Austria to the Queen.
Letter of credence for M. de Gastel, whom he sends to her by way of France to announce his arrival in the Low Countries.—Marche-en-Famine, 5 Jan. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Jan. 6. 1165. News from Spain.
Henry N. declares before the Council of the town of Brussels that he has lately returned to Antwerp with letters from the King of Portugal to his factor in that town. Deposes that being at Madrid about Dec. 18th he saw the Duke of Alva, Albernois, and other officers, who boasted that they would so ruin Antwerp and Brussels that not one stone should remain on another; and it was further said that the Duke of Alva should return to the Low Countries. There was sent to Barcelona 88 mules laden with money. That the Count de Buren was arrested on Dec. 10 and sent to a strong castle near Medina del Campo. Declares that the intentions of Spain against the Low Countries are such that neither ecclesiastics or laymen can hope for any tolerable treatment, for they commonly say there that they should like to cut open the bellies of the women and thrust the men's heads in them, and smother them with the blood, and that they would compel the people to cultivate the land with their nails. It is said that Count Charles has joined Don John with 5,000 men. The King of Spain collects money in all directions. The King does not approve of the reception of the Archduke Mathias. There is nothing new in France.—6 Jan. 1577.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
Jan. 8. 1166. Instructions for Edward Horsey.
The Queen of England has given him charge to remind the States of the Low Countries of the obedience that they owe to the King of Spain, and to warn them from doing anything repugnant to their duty, and in return her Majesty will always be ready to assist them in preserving their liberties and privileges. This he has also told Don John at Marche-en-Famine 25th and 29th Dec., and again at Brussels 8th Jan. 1577.
Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Jan. 9. 1167. The States of the Low Countries.
Undertaking by the prelates, noblemen, and representatives of the States assembled at Brussels to stand by one another in the preservation of the Catholic religion, and their liberties and privileges, and in the expulsion of the Spaniards.
Copy. Endd.: "The renewing of a firm union of the whole States, the 9th Jan." Fr. Pp. 1⅓.
1168. Another copy.
Fr. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 10. 1169. The States of the Low Countries to the Bishop of Liege.
The place of meeting between their envoys sent to treat with Don John of Austria on the subject of the pacification of the Low Countries having been changed to the town of Hoye, in the territories of the Bishop of Liege, they beg that he will take the necessary steps for the safety of their persons.—Brussels, 10 Jan. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 11. 1170. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
Refers him to Mr. Horsey for news. Is sorry to see such irresolution amongst the Flemings in their proceedings. The only means to bring things to a determinate end for the benefit of the country is by the Prince of Orange, who, being neglected, may offend, but being cherished may bring common quietness. The Spaniards fear none more than his authority and credit. He is in different terms than heretofore, being now united to the States, who are now as he is, and the whole being joined together can never be charged with that which particular members dividing themselves from the whole body were like to feel by order of justice. Without him the whole State will be put in hazard if wars should follow, or he left out upon a pacification with the rest of the States. Commends Mr. Horsey's plain speech at the colloquy, without which war would have been denounced by this time, whereas now by good handling and round dealing a common quietness may be procured. Is well assured that Don John is more afraid to deal by force than he was before Mr. Horsey's coming. Sends half a dozen writings for him to consider upon. The Duke of Arschot and the others shall deal with Don John at Hoye.—Brussels, 11 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Jan. 12. 1171. Dr. Wilson to Walsingham.
Excuses himself for not having written to him since 8th ult., and now refers him to Mr. Horsey for news. Encloses several papers. There is not yet any assured hope of peace. There was lately meaning of a meeting at Hoye to know Don John's resolute determination. Will straightly observe his commission concerning the money brought by Swevenghem and Windebank.—Bruges, 12 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
Jan. 12. 1172. The States of the Low Countries to Don John.
1. Has received his letter of the 10th inst., concerning the troops which have been sent at the request of the inhabitants of Limburg for their protection against the outrages of the Spaniards. The attack and slaughter of their people by the Spaniards show how impossible it is to have peace whilst they remain in the country. Their soldiers have crossed the Meuse to protect the ancestral dominions of his Majesty, and not with the intent to enterprise anything against his Highness.
2. Complain of the sack of the town of Utrecht by the Spaniards garrisoning the citadel, from which they beg that they may at once be withdrawn, as also from Antwerp and other strong place which they now occupy.—Brussels, 12 Jan. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¾.
Jan. 13. 1173. Assurance given by Don John to the Council of States.
Promises that no injury shall be done to their deputies sent to Hoye on their journey, or return by the Spaniards or any of their adherents.—13 Jan. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Jan. 13. 1174. The Duke of Alençon to the States General.
Complains of their delay and dissimulation in not sending to him their resolution about the affairs on which they have been treating, especially as he has already assembled forces on their account, and desires them to make up their minds at once as to the course which they will pursue. Is not ignorant of their dealings with England, which he much mislikes. Has dismissed most of his forces, and has sent to M. Bellangreville to inform them of certain other matters, to whom he refers them.—Blois, 13 Jan. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 14. 1175. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
The Prince of Orange is more sought unto by the States General than heretofore he has been, who counsels them to stand firmly together and to enter into a league with the Bishop of Liege. The Countess of Northumberland, lying at Liege, has lately sent to Don John in favour of the Scottish Queen. On Friday last Sir Francis Englefield and Owen, who have been at Liege of long time, came to Don John, of whose message and dealings he minds to send a secret fellow to learn the certainty by a mean that the bearer knows, and therefore requires letters of comfort written by Burghley touching the favour that he shall receive at home if he deals plainly with Wilson. M. de Villerval has been sent to Don John for assurance of safe return for those of the Council of State who are to go to Hoye. Count Barliamont and his two sons are to be set at liberty presently, by consent of the States, for the good service which Mons. de Hierges has done at Utrecht in battering the castle there. The States General mind to call the Prince of Orange amongst them. Amsterdam is minded to yield to the States, and have sent commissioners to Brussels. The Scots who lie at Bingen, near Maestricht, were by the Spaniards disquieted with 1,500 horsemen, but the Scots, being 1,600, unto whom Commendator Barnenstein joined unawares his 300 reiters, repulsed the Spaniards to the loss of 100 horsemen, and of the Scots not past 12 men slain and very few hurt. M. de Merode, a man of great value in Brabant, is sent to the garrison of Bois-le-Duc. Pater Tregosa, chief of the Jesuits in Antwerp, is now with Don John, and directs him more than any other. M. de Gastel, otherwise Gate, went from Marche the 6th inst. by way of France, of whom he has already given warning, and prays that good watch may be had over him, for that which he fears "ab aquilone," as Mr. Horsey can say more at large. Hamilton, who escaped out of prison from Brussels, and with whom Don John promised Mr. Horsey that he would not deal, has received money of him to persuade the Scots to revolt by whom he was delivered out of prison, and for whom, especially for Balfour, the colonel, and some others he got pardon of the Duke of Alva at the taking of Haarlem, with condition that the said Baifour should then kill the Prince of Orange by one means or other. This day the money came to Brussels, and according to his charge he will do his service.—Brussels, 14 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 14. 1176. Don John of Austria to the States General.
Has received their letter by M. de Villerval, and is much surprised at the alterations that they have made in certain matters which had already been agreed upon; nevertheless he is quite willing to meet their deputies at Hoye. As for the assurance for their safety which they require from him, he should have thought that his conduct would have shown that it was unnecessary, but sends one formally drawn up for their satisfaction.—Marche, 14 Jan. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 14. 1177. Henry Mason to William Winter.
Complains of not having heard from him since his departure on 6th Dec., but esteems that it does not proceed from negligence, but by reason of his return and daily renewing of his old acquaintance. Does not send him certain copies for lack of sure conveyance. The irons are more than hot, and now is the time for her Majesty to use her intentions and vanquish her enemies. There is great extremity here for want of money, and the States will consent not one penny but upon condition of peace. On Monday last Zericksee was succoured with 17 ships in spite of the bragging, vaunting Spaniards. M. de Champagny is appointed with all speed to come over into England. "Will send some good stuff to stuff cushions to sit upon when my Lords of the Council shall sit upon extraordinary affairs.—Antwerp, 14 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd.: "Henry Mason to the Earl of Hunsdon's cook." Pp. 3.
Jan. 15. 1178. M. de Swevenghem's Embassy.
Had audience with the Queen of England Dec. 15, and declared to her that on account of the tyranny of the Spaniards the States had determined to drive them out of the country, and for that purpose had made peace with the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland and Zealand, and further prayed the Queen to grant them her assistance in their just quarrel, which would also be for the profit and assurance of the neighbouring countries, and even England, against whom the Spaniards would be certain to make war if they had the absolute command of the Low Countries. The Queen answered that she acknowledged the justice of their cause and the importance to England that the Low Countries should be governed according to their ancient laws and privileges, and that she was determined to assist them with all her power, provided they preserved their obedience to the King of Spain and observed such religion as seemed fit to that Prince. She had for this purpose sent two of her gentlemen offering to arrange matters for him, but had received answer that the King had so managed that there was no necessity for the intercession of other princes. When she asked Swevenghem what assistance the States required, he replied that they wanted about 300,000 angelots. The Queen also asked him whether they had captains and soldiers and munitions and artillery, and also "grey beards" to serve as councillors, and wished them to employ Lazarus Swende, and finally said that the matter was of such importance that she must take the advice of her Council. This being done the Queen said she would keep to her promise of assistance and would advance 200,000 angelets, but that she must first know what was Don John's final answer. The ambassador not being contented with this answer, solicited through others the Queen that she would advance a sum of 40,000 angelets, which in the end she agreed to do on condition that the money should be repaid within six months, for which the principal towns should give their assurances; that the States should not make any peace without including her Majesty and her realm in the treaty; that the rebels of England should be expelled from the Low Countries, and that there should be free traffic with the Low Countries, and also Holland and Zealand, as before the war.— Brussels, 15 Jan. 1577.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2⅓.
Jan. 15. 1179. Sir A. Paulet to Burghley.
Is not ignorant that his resolution at home depend very much on the doings abroad, and therefore it may seem meet in this doubtful and dangerous time to give often advertisement even of those things which bear no show of great importance. If his commendation of Mr. Wade may stand him in any stead, confesses that his honest and faithful dealing has deserved it.—St. Die, 15 January 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ⅓.
1180. Occurrents in France.
The deputies to the King of Navarre and M. Danville departed from the Court the 6th and 7th of this present. The deputies appointed to be sent to the Prince of Condé are not yet gone. The sum of their instructions may appear by the bill enclosed. It is not a copy of the original, which he could not obtain, but the party that read it has set down the substance as near as he could. These instructions were penned by some of the Privy Council with sharp and bitter words, denouncing war if they should refuse to unite themselves with the King for the maintenance of the Romish religion, but the Estates thought good to set them down in mild terms. The deputies to Danville have in commission to signify to him that if he will submit himself to the resolution of the Estates, abandon the Protestants, and acknowledge the King to be his sovereign, he shall continue in his government to come and go without controlment; the King shall swear to the nobility to perform it, and the nobility shall swear to Danville to be his defence against the King. Danville shall be put in remembrance that Montmorency has 120,000 francs of yearly revenue near to Paris, besides other great livings in other places; that Montmorency is sickly, and that Danville is his next heir. The King is said to have given Danville's wife 100,000 francs towards the payment of her husband's debts, with assignation for the sum to be received at Montpellier. The deputies sent to the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé are to declare that, notwithstanding the resolution of the Estates to have only the Romish religion, yet the King of his mere goodness is content to give liberty of conscience to all his subjects, so as all they who are or have been ministers or preachers depart the realm under pain of death, and that no children shall be instructed in other religion than the Romish, and if the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé shall refuse to condescend hereunto, the Estates are resolved to deprive them of the succession to this Crown. Biron is gone to the King of Navarre rather to discover his forces, sound his devices, and to corrupt such as are about him than for any great hope they have to reclaim him. He has to treat with him about a marriage between Monsieur and his sister. The Duke of Montpensier and the Prince Dauphin are departed to their house called Champagny, in Poitou; the Duke goes thence to the King of Navarre to persuade him to conform himself to the King's pleasure. Thinks it assuredly true both of them have utterly refused to subscribe to the league, though otherwise very earnest Papists. Besides old grudges there have arisen new quarrels between the Prince Dauphin and the Duke of Guise. The King of Navarre could not be ignorant these deputies were coming towards him, and yet his letters were brought to the King the 10th, in which he signified that he and 800 of the nobility of Guienne have resolved to defend the Edict, and upon this resolution have taken divers towns in Guienne, and has sent his sister into Bearn. Hereupon the King has despatched letters of association in the form of letters patent to all his provinces, by which he declares he is resolved to have but one religion, and in this quarrel will employ all the means God has given him, requiring his subjects to give him their willing and dutiful assistance, and in case of "refuse" declares them rebels, threatening to constrain them. Every province is rated at a certain number of horse and footmen. M. de Rochefoucault is departed from the Court evil content, and is at Rochelle with the Prince of Condé; his uncle, the abbot of Mormamtyer, has sent to recall him, but he will not hear on that side. La Noüe is departed the 4th towards the Prince of Condé very well accompanied. The Pope's secretary is come to excuse the Pope towards the King for his allowance of the election of the Vaivode to the kingdom of Poland, and to offer him 40,000 crowns towards the charge of his war against the Huguenots. The Cardinal of Este departed from Paris towards Rome the beginning of November, and was on the confines of Italy when he received commandment to return to the Court of France, there to blow the coals to this quarrel of religion, and with this intent is arrived at Blois the 12th of this present. It is said divers of the States of Italy contribute to this war. The King procures three armies, one for Guienne, under his own conduct, one for Dauphiny, to be led by Monsieur, the third in Champagne and Burgundy, under the charge of the Duke of Guise, to impeach the entry of strangers. The King of Navarre has declared himself protector of the religion, and professes it in open arms. Those of the religion in the town of Bordeaux, to the number of 1,300, are imprisoned.
Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 4½.
1576. Jan. 6. 1181. Instructions to M. de Biron sent from the King of France to the King of Navarre.
He is to tell him of the King's great affection for him, and to assure him that he will do all that is reasonable to content him. He is also to say that, principally at the request of the Prince of Condé, the King of Navarre, and others of the reformed religion, he called together the three Estates of the realm so as they might discuss the measures necessary for the tranquillity of the realm, but that those of Guienne, Languedoc, Provence, and Dauphiny sent deputies thereto to protest as to the nullity of the proceedings, and other deputies of the religion sent to the King asking him to forbid the Estates making mention of religion or of the entertainment of the Edict. He is to show the King of Navarre what little reason there was for this protestation, and what good hope there was of contentment and appeasing of quarrels had both Catholics and Protestants been of accord in the Estates. Before the Estates come to an end the King thinks it well to send to the King of Navarre and others of the religion to understand of such requests as they may make, so that he may be the better able to order what will tend to that he so much desires, his subjects in peace, and his kingdom revived in its ancient splendour.
Endd. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 22/3.
Jan. 15. 1182. Sir A. Paulet to Walsingham.
1. The occurrents tend to troubles on every side. The third article of the instructions of M. Biron may seem worthy to be observed, which has served already to abuse Monsieur, and now shall serve to abuse others. Is informed that a hard sentence is pronounced against them of the religion in Bordeaux. The Protestants were never stronger of their own power, and some think that the King will be deceived of his expectation, and that his subjects will strain courtesy to bear this heavy burden. The Duke d'Uzes departed towards Champagne the 13th. Is desired many ways to recommend the cause of the Protestants, they want nothing but money, a penny spared at this time might perchance save a pound. The drift of the Estates shows plainly that religion is the only quarrel. Mr. Jacomo has thought himself to be in some peril of late, and within these few days has been heartily afraid. But seeing that this ticklish time requires diligence and boldness, and that faithful services will now be seen, he has resolved to cast all fear behind him, and see the end of this tragedy. He will deserve a double fee.—St. Die, 15 January 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Two towns in Bordeaux and Dauphiny are said to be taken by the Protestants.
Partly in cipher. Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.