Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1576

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp462-472 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp462-472.

"Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1576". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp462-472.

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Miscellaneous, 1576

[1576.] 1122. Affairs of the Low Countries.
The government of the Spaniards being so odious to the inhabitants of the Low Countries, they ought not to receive Don John on any account, as he has been brought up in the Spanish fashion. He is besides by blood illegitimate, young and inexperienced, and not worthy of the obedience of the nobility, nor of sufficient quality to negotiate with the neighbouring princes on affairs of state. He is besides arrogant and choleric, and has more crafty speech than judgment. He cannot withdraw the foreign soldiers without paying them, which he is unable to do without the aid of the States, who can with great difficulty pay their own people; besides which they are not bound to pay their enemy's soldiers, who have burnt and pillaged their towns and massacred and outraged the inhabitants. By giving this money they would moreover confess that they were in the wrong, and rebels, and encourage them to return. The only safe method of getting rid of the foreign soldiers is to drive them out by force, for which purpose the Prince of Orange should be instructed to form a camp, and should be furnished with a sufficient supply of money. As for Don John, he can return to Italy among his Spaniards. An embassy should be sent to the Emperor begging him to send one of his brothers to govern them, which would bring the Princes of Germany over to their side.
Fr. Pp. 3¾.
1576. 1123. Affairs of the Low Countries.
Manner in which the States should act towards Don John of Austria. They should plainly declare that the King has treated them so tyrannically that he has forfeited his sovereignty over them, which has reverted to the judgment of the Chamber of the Empire. However, as all has happened rather by bad counsel that through the proper inclination of his Majesty, affairs may be set straight again by agreement. First, that Don John shall immediately make the Spaniards give up all they have stolen, release their prisoners, and quit the country. That he shall punish capitally the chiefs and authors of this tyrannical oppression, namely, Hieronimo Rodas, Sancho Davila, Alonzo de Vargas, Julian Romero, and others. That all castles which do not serve for fortresses against the external enemy shall be demolished or placed in the hands of the States. That all that has been done by the said States shall be considered legitimate. That their privileges shall be confirmed and amplified so as for the future to exclude any sort of tyranny. That the States General may assemble when they consider it necessary. That no Spaniards shall be employed in any office whatsoever in the Low Countries. That the Council of State shall be abolished and replaced by one which shall be nominated by the States of the country. That the King, his successors, or Governors, contravening any of the said privileges their sovereignty shall be forfeited, and the people of the country shall be at liberty to govern themselves by the form of a republic with a head or otherwise as they shall think best, or to choose another sovereign. On these conditions they will receive Don John as their Governor, and lay down their arms.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
1124. Another copy of the above. Incomplete.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
1125. Remonstrance of the Town of Antwerp to the States General.
1. The outrages and violence of the Spaniards have reached such a height that it would be preferable to suffer a thousand deaths rather than to endure such barbarous tyranny any longer, they therefore express their intention of hazarding their lives and fortunes for its suppression, for which purpose the concurrence and assistance of all will be necessary. The first and principal matter for consideration is the collection of money, and the prevention of its misapplication. It has been the custom for the companies to be paid as of full, whereas the numbers are much fewer than those in the roll, which has caused great disorders and weakness, and consequent discouragement to the people to contribute money. Therefore a common fund should be established in the Chambre des Finances out of which all payments connected with the war should be made. A nobleman of the country should be appointed with the title of Grand Master of the Chevaliers Belgiques, to whom the supreme control of the management of the war should be entrusted. The States should also choose with his advice a nobleman in each province to command the soldiers therein, with the title of Master of the Chevaliers in the province. Also each province should appoint a commissary to see to the payment of the soldiers of the appointed contingent; as for example, Brabant should furnish 6,000 foot and 2,000 horse, wherefore the States should appoint him pay for two regiments of foot and 10 cornets of cavalry. Those numbers should be made up of those who are already in the service, and of those with whom they may enter into agreement, who are to engage to have their companies full, having 300 in the infantry, and in the cornets 200, of whom 150 to have lances and 50 carbines. They are to agree with the captains if possible for about 10 per cent., and after they come under military discipline they are to be paid every month so that the villagers may not be molested. When lodging in the villages the soldiers are to be content with bread and cheese and butter, and not to forage. To Antwerp should be assigned 4,000 foot and 1,000 cavalry, whose entertainment would amount to 50,000 florins a month, and the other 3,000 should be distributed among the other towns of Brabant, and of the whole 8,000, 2,000 foot and 1,000 horse should be placed in garrison, which would leave 5,000 for the field. Each town should contribute according to its means, so as not to trench upon the regular revenues of the Chamber of Finances. By doing the like in the other provinces an army of 25,000 or 30,000 men would be provided for service in the field, which, with the garrisons, would make more than 80,000 men. Furthermore, the merchants could exercise their traffic, and the country people cultivate their fields and so be able to pay their contributions and rents; the occasions of revolts and mutinies would be removed, and respect and friendship established between the soldiery and the townspeople, and other republics and princes seeing their good order and power will be desirous of their amity. The only controversy being that of religion will be easily settled, as they all agree in not allowing the Inquisition, and the Swiss, though of different religions, agree very well with one another. It is more profitable to furnish 100 crowns for a brief and satisfactory end of the matter than a single one to maintain a long and dangerous war, besides they do not seek to injure anyone, but only to deliver themselves from tyrannical oppression. Also it is merely avarice to spare their goods in such a holy cause.
2. If they yield to the enemy it will be to their certain destruction, whilst the sake of their wives and families demands resistance, and therefore they ought to take up arms trusting in the justice of their cause.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
1126. Affairs of the Low Countries.
Points to be considered concerning the sending of Don John of Austria to the Low Countries for the purpose of bringing about a pacification, especially in sending some one in advance to test the temper of the Estates and to communicate with Rodas and other Spanish governors and officers.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
1127. Affairs of the Low Countries.
Commencement of a political discourse having for its object the justification of the Queen of England's motives in taking into her protection the united provinces of the Low Countries.
Incomplete. Endd. P. 1.
[1576.] 1128. Affairs of the Low Countries.
List of the governors of the 17 provinces of the Netherlands, and of the different frontier towns.
Endd. Fr. P. 1½.
[1576.] 1129. Pacification of Guienne and Languedoc.
1. Secret articles agreed on between the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, and the gentlemen of the pretended reformed religion. First, that the Edict of pacification should be put in execution by the 1st of March next at the latest in Guienne, and by the 1st of April in Languedoc, and all acts of hostility to cease forthwith. For assurance to the carrying out of the said Edict certain places shall be delivered to the King of Navarre to be kept by him till the last day of August next. That the inhabitants of the said places shall be protected in the enjoyment of their religious and civil rights during the said occupation of six months, and that persons favourable to peace shall be appointed as governors, and to prevent any extortion or oppression of the inhabitants during the said six months the Queen promises to pay 36,000 livres Tournois to the King of Navarre. The King of Navarre and his party solemnly swear to deliver up the said places without delay or subterfuge and the end of the said term. In like manner all places belonging to the King of Navarre are to be restored to him.
2. The difficulties in the way of pacification consist of four articles:—
1. The demand for the free exercise of religion throughout France.
2. On the administration of justice.
3. The demand to retain 59 strong places for six years.
4. A general amnesty for all crimes and offences since the publication of the Edict.
3. The Queen Mother points out the great inconvenience of granting the said demands, which would merely encourage evil men and assassins to persist in their iniquities, and further contrasts all the evils which would be brought on the country by a continuance of the war with the advantages that a pacification would secure.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 8¼.
[1576 ?] 1130. Certain Doubts resolved by La Personne.
1. What means have the Prince of Condé and the King of Navarre to sustain the cost of the war?
They have three general receipts, Montpellier, Nismes, and Agen; several particular receipts, the ecclesiastical goods they have seized, the salt pans of Aiguesmortes and Rochelle, rights of Admiralty, &c. Languedoc offers 100,000 livres by the month, which could be increased, and similar contributions could be had from Dauphiny, Gascony, Perigord, and Poitou, now that the war is diverted from these countries.
4. What contribution can they give to Duke Casimir for levy of forces?
There are 80,000 crowns derived from Languedoc, and procuration for the sale of salt to the value of 100,000 crowns.
3. How many men can Duke Casimir promise, and when will he enter France?
10,000 horse, two regiments of Swiss, one regiment of lansquenets, and as many harquebussiers of Lorraine, Walloons, and Liege as he can get.
4. How much will Duke Casimir require for the levy of his army, and for the beginning and continuation of the peace?
For the Enrichgelt and the first month's pay he would need 200,000 crowns. If the Queen would lend 100,000 crowns, Duke Casimir promises his army will wait till they obtain their further payment from the King.
5. What assurance is there that Duke Casimir will remain till the conclusion of a satisfactory peace, and that he will repay the money advanced by the Queen?
He is determined not to leave the country till all his claims be satisfied, and he will make no peace that be not approved by the Queen.
6. On what grounds is it promised that he shall be met in France by 500 horsemen and 4,000 footmen under the command of a general of distinction?
He knows well the number of men that would come, for in Orleans, Brittany, Normandy, Picardy, Champagne, and Burgundy there are several nobles animated to their cause, and concerning the general he already has news of him.
7. How, after he has made his entry, will the Prince of Condé and the King of Navarre be able to victual towns and strongholds and journey after him with 10,000 footmen and 2,000 horse?
The forces of the King being diverted by Duke Casimir, the towns will need not such strong garrisons, and the 20,000 men they and their allies have will be enough to make garrisons, obtain victual from the fertile places, and provide 10,000 men to join him.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[1576?] 1131. Exactions levied on English Merchants at Rochelle and Bordeaux.
1. They pay at Bordeaux 8s. sterling upon every tun of wine, and 12 on every tun of prunes and honey for convoy, whereas they never have or had any convoy over or above the ancient customs.
2. Over and above the ancient customs there has been exacted at Bordeaux these two years past three sous upon every tun for anchorage, being a thing they never formerly paid.
3. Whereas by the ancient privileges of Rochelle all goods which have once paid the duty of druggery at their first landing might be transported afterward to any other place free of charge, now the farmers of the customs at Rochelle exact a sou upon every crown of the value of the goods.
4. There is exacted at this present in the river of Charente 20s. upon every tun of wine.
5. Time out of mind they have been free to sell to any person coming to their warehouses, but now the townsmen of Rochelle have made an act that they shall sell no goods but to themselves, wherein they combine to the beating done of their price at their own pleasure.
6. Of late the merchants' servants of London and other places have been compelled to contributed towards the King's charges as if they were burgesses, some 10l., some 7l. 10s., some 5l.
7. The goods of merchants dying are seized by droit d'Aubaine, contrary to the treaty of 1572.
8. The French King having ordered a chamber for hearing suits betwixt Protestants and Papists, they pray to be admitted to the benefit thereof, which hitherto has been denied them.
9. From all these grievances they desire to be freed.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
[1576.] 1132. Petition of English Merchants trafficking with Spain.
That they may be allowed the same liberties for traffic in Spain as the King's subjects have in England, and that they may not be obliged to go only to the ports of Corunna and Baiona in Galicia, but may be suffered to go to such others as may be convenient. They also desire that certain other restrictions about sending in inventories of their goods and oppressive charges may be relaxed. Also that they may not be interfered with in the exercise of religion on board their vessels, nor forced to attend the Roman Catholic churches. That no accused person shall be sent to prison on providing good security for his appearance. That persons charged before the Inquisition shall be confronted with their accusers, who in event of not substantiating their charge shall be fined 200 ducats, part of which to go towards the releasing Christian slaves from captivity, and the rest to person who has been falsely accused. That they shall be allowed to store their merchandise in houses hired by themselves.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 4⅓.
1576. 1133. The Queen to the Elector Palatine.
Letter of credence for Christopher Hoddesdon and Edward Castelyn to receive the sum of 50,000 crowns at the approaching mart at Frankfort.
Copy. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
1134. Loan in Germany.
Form of bond on the part of the city of London to secure the repayment of the sum of 100,000 dollars to be advanced by the city of Cologne.
Rough draft. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
[1576.] 1135. Loan in Germany.
Authority for Mr. Hoddesdon and Edward Castelyn to receive from the Count Palatine 50,000 crowns due by virtue of an obligation bearing date at Heidelberg 23 July 1575.
Draft. Endd. P. 2/3.
1576. 1136. English Ships taken by the Flushingers.
Note of English ships taken and brought into Flushing during 1575 and 1576.
Endd. Much injured by damp. Pp. 1¼.
1576. 1137. The Holy League.
Copy of verses in commendation of the League.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
1576. 1138. The King of Morocco to the Queen.
Letter in Arabic.
Endd.: Received 16 Oct. 1576. P. 1.
[1576.] 1139. The King of Morocco to the Queen.
Letter in Portuguese.
Endd.: "Translation of the King of Morocco, his letter to her Majesty delivered by his ambassador, 20 August at Nonsuch 1576." P. 1.
1576. 1140. Affairs on the Borders.
Copy of a letter from her Majesty to the Regent.
1. The Laird of Ferniehurst having been stayed on the Borders by order of her Privy Council has delivered to Sir John Forster certain writings tending to the acknowledging of his obedience to the King of Scots and the Regent, whereof she sends a copy herewith. Her meaning is not to make any further intercession for him, only she desires the Regent to consider what prejudice might grow to the present state of quiet by his repair into France.
2. Has been informed that "Surleboy, one of the Owtyles," is making a gathering of men to aid her rebels in Ireland, she requires the Regent to take order that he be not suffered in this his enterprise. [25 June 1574.]
to Edmund Grindall, Bishop of London.
On Christmas eve her Majesty signed the Conge d'Elire to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury for choosing him Archbishop, and it is greatly hoped that he will be a profitable instrument in that calling, especially in removing the corruptions in the Court of Faculties, which is one of the greatest abuses which remains in the Church of England. Wishes him to repair hither to consult with some of his brethren how some part of the Romish dregs remaining—offensive to the godly may be removed. [Dec. 1575.]
Will solicit the Queen for his Lordship's allowances. The truce in France is now quite broken off. Thinks ere the end of January he will hear of the town of Paris being besieged. If the Prince of Condé shall quail, which is greatly feared, the religion in France shall be quite overthrown, and then might England say, farewell quietness! [Jan. 1576.]
[Walsingham] to [Sir Robert Constable].
1. Has received the packet he last sent him directed from the Regent.
2. Has dealt with the Lord Treasurer for the payment of the soldiers.
3. Her Majesty has yielded to sign the warrant for his imprest of 200li, which he will cause to be performed with as much speed as may be, but supposes he is not ignorant how slow they are here in those cases. The Lord Governor has allowed him 40s. a week towards the maintenance of his table, but the Queen means to deal with him for a greater portion, considering it but a poor help in respect of the burden he bears through his absence. [1576.]
[Walsingham to the Regent of Scotland.]
Has received his letter of 14 Dec. Will not fail to advertise him when the time shall be apt for Nicholas Elphinstone's coming. Lord Scrope has made very honourable report of his Grace's proceedings on the Borders. Is sorry that Sir John Forster has yielded no redress to the Scottish complaints. A couple of ministers of the Prince of Orange are daily looked for with very large offers to her Majesty. [Feb. 1576.]
[Walsingham] to
His letters to Killegrew will be safely conveyed to him who a few days before Christmas departed towards Cornwall. Forwards a packet from Lady Lennox. [1576.]
Pp. 4.
[1576.] 1141. Remembrances.
Rough disconnected notes relating to the Border matters.
Endd.: "At Newark upon Trent at the sign of the Eagle, the Earl of Rutland. Remembrances." P. 2/3.
1142. Petition of Sir Valentine Browne.
1. Endorsed, "To be discharged of 2,000li charged upon him in anno quinto reginœ which he never had or received.
2. "Likewise of 733li 6s then abridged from him for losses and wages, notwithstanding that by his service that year he gained 5,968li, which he answered to her Majesty his declaration that he ought to be allowed the premises by her Majesty's warrants, and that upon his former petitions and information thereof by the Lords her Highness did grant the allowance of the same.
3. "To have allowance for certain carriages and ministers, attending by the appointment of the Earl of Sussex with the army into Scotland anno 12mo after the late rebellion upon the great ordnance, victuals, and treasure. The like for his expenses and charges supplying the room of the Governor of Berwick by the space of 77 weeks.
4. "For losses sustained by the said rebels taking away of certain provisions of her Majesty's store and otherwise.
5. "For a storehouse bought for her Majesty's service in Norfolk upon the sea coast.
6. "For her Majesty's acceptation of certain good debts grown for provisions bought for her Majesty's service.
7. "To be discharged of an amerciament estreated out of the Exchequer for not accounting there, being commanded by her Majesty to the contrary.
8. "To have allowance for his charges attending upon her Council by her Majesty's appointment for making of his account continuing three years. And to be had in her Highness' good remembrance for his long service these 30 years, and in the late rebellion."
Pp. 42/3.
1576. 1143. Treasurership of Berwick.
As Sir Valentine Browne at his entrance into the office of Treasurer of Berwick, accepted all the remains of old provision and debts there, so he begs that Mr. Vernon may in like sort accept the same. He also prays that Captain Reed may have present order to deliver over the remains of such provisions as are in his hands at Holy Island.
Endd. P. 1.
1576. 1144. Provision at Berwick.
The quantity and prices of provisions for the victualling of Berwick remaining in Sir Valentine Browne's charge upon his own account. Likewise provisions delivered to Robert Vernon, Esq., General Surveyor of her Majesty's victual for the north.
Endd. Pp. 12/3.
[1576.] 1145. Fortifications of Berwick.
"Note of the charges of the workmen, labourers, and carriages at Berwick from the beginning of October next until the last of March following, being to the number of 195." Hardhewers, limeburners, and clerks for overseers are paid 12d. and labourers 8d. per diem. Total monthly charge 317li 16s. Sum total for the whole six months 1,906li 16s.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
1576. 1146. Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
A description of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, entitled "Relatione del Gran Ducato di Fiorenze." 1576.
Ital. Pp. 19.
1576. 1147. Relation of Antonio Niepolo.
An account of the Empire of Turkey by Antonio Niepolo Bailly at Constantinople.
Ital. Pp. 53½.
1576? 1148. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
Petitions them for payment of his riding charges in coming to the Court at their commandment, which were for himself and man and two geldings, at 6s. 8d. per diem for 9 months and 14 days, 95l.; also for his riding charges in surveying Naworth at the overthrow of Leonard Dacres and Edinburgh Castle, besides riding to Carlisle and other places along the frontiers these 16 years, which has cost him more than 100l. at one time with another, and yet he has had no penny allowance. He owes a gentleman 60l. of the money, and his charges are more than his wages this year by 68l. Prays also for their determination what he shall have allowed for riding charges from time to time when he shall be appointed to ride about the Queen's business. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
[1576.] 1149. The Queen to Rudolph II.
Announcing his election to the order of the Garter, the insignia of which she sends over by the Earl of Sussex.
Rough draft in Elizabeth's handwriting. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2½.
1576? 1150. Edict of Pacification in France.
The Edict has never been published in Picardy, nor in Rouen, Lyons, or Toulouse the magistrates have not been sworn to observe it, nor have the inhabitants of either religion. The exercise of the religion has not been allowed in Picardy, or in the greater part of the most principal towns of the kingdom, as Toulouse, Lyons, Orleans, and in some towns where once permitted it has been afterwards interdicted, as Havre de Grace and Blois, and in other places put an end to by the governors or the populace, as at Rouen and Poitiers. The preachers excite the people in their sermons, as in Paris, forbidding them under pain of excommunication to sell or let house, or aid with fire or water them of the religion. Every impediment is placed in the way of the establishment of Chambers of Justice, and those of the religion are hardly used by the Courts of Parliament. The Edict has not been published in any Parliament but that of Paris. Contrary to the Edict, the greater part of the towns are still garrisoned, and with Catholics, as Rouen, Toulouse, Lyons, and all the towns of Picardy. Where the exercise of religion is allowed, garrisons are placed and the soldiers lodged on them of the Huguenots, as at Havre, Caen, Dieppe, PontAudemer, Quillebœuf, Falaise, and Bayeux. The greater part of the towns will not suffer them of the religion to reenter into the houses and enjoyment of their property, as at Lyons, Orleans, Havre, and all the towns of Picardy, whence they are forced to go to England, Germany, and Switzerland. The strangers still remain in the kingdom, and though certain French companies have been dismissed, they have been ordered to report themselves in Provence and Languedoc. The King has often been advised of leagues in the kingdom to light the flames of civil war, but has done nothing therein. In a word it is as if the Edict had never been made.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼.