Elizabeth: April 1576, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: April 1576, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp298-309 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1576, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp298-309.

"Elizabeth: April 1576, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp298-309.

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April 1576, 1-15

April 1. 715. Thomes Wilkes to Burghley.
Since the return here of the deputies with the King's answer, it is resolved that neither the truce shall be prorogued nor any further treaty, but with strifes, until the King shall have accorded what is demanded without any modification. To that end the deputies are returned back to break off all. The Prince of Condé and M. Meru departed hence the 28th March, the one to take the avant guard, and the other to his regiment. The Prince took with him the 200,000 crowns that came from La Limagne d'Auvergne to pay the reiters for 15 days to satisfy for a time the debt of five months. Duke Casimir refused to come to Moulins, and so kept the field with the Dutch forces along the Allier. He has built a bridge about two leagues beneath Becdaillier, the confluence of the Allier and the Loire, where he leaves all his army and artillery, and so means to march with Monsieur and the Prince directly to Paris, with as much diligence as may be, where a battle may decide this controversy. Monsieur keeps and garrisons Moulins and Decize. The Viscount of Touraine is come into Moulins accompanied with at least 200 gentlemen in very brave equipage. The King has broken his forces of Frenchmen, prays that it abbode not some practice by intelligence from such as have most the ear of the Princes here, some men doubt it greatly. M. de Biron is looked for here again. Men imagine his relation to the King of their forces, and the disposition of the Princes towards peace, may have wrought some good effect in the King to grant larger capitulations. Monsieur is determined to have all granted or none.—Moulins, 1 April 1575 (sic.) Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
April 1. 716. Daniel Rogers to Walsingham.
1. The Estates of the Low Countries are assembled at Brussels to consult together for payment of the soldiers, without which many and strange seditions must of necessity happen. Julian Romero, who was sent against the mutinous Spaniards and Italians, has not followed his commission in such manner as was looked for. He has agreed with certain troops who, receiving 40 crowns a man, are content to attend for the rest till a new governor be sent. When Julian marched forth of Brussels against the mutinous companies, men thought a fight would have ensued, howbeit when they came nigh one another they were friends, but the most part were not pacified, but have departed towards Maestricht and Liege; and because there arose another mutiny of the Spaniards and Almains for their pay at Maestricht, Julian Romero was sent thither on 26 March. M. de Hierges arrived at Brussels on the same day, and declared that it was not possible to keep the soldiers in obedience, and defend the King's places in Holland, unless present pay was sent to them, wherefore he returned with 4,000 crowns unto his charge, and 2,000 crowns are sent to those before Zericksee. After Julian Romero's departure from Brussels there was left but 200 Spaniards there who wished to admit certain companies into the town, but the citizens would not suffer any to enter, and compelled the Count Barliamont to deliver up the keys to them. Whilst things stood in this manner a post arrived out of Spain with the King's letters to the States, desiring them to govern the country until he appoints a Governor. This post went to Spain and returned again in 25 days, which voyage has been made in 14 days in time of peace when the ways were open. There was great bruit in Spain that the son of the Prince of Orange should be made Archbishop of Toledo. There is news out of France that peace is either made or will be shortly, and also that the Huguenots and reiters mind to set upon the Low Countries. The Count Egmont's son has arrived in the Low Countries. Two months past the King restored Egmont's children to their father's lands upon condition that they should be evenly divided amongst them, so that none of them should be great or able to revenge injuries past. Don John of Austria was called back to his charge by letters from the Grand Master of Malta, who advertised him that the Turk would shortly take the seas, and sail either towards Sicily or Malta, and therefore requested him to provide as many galleys as he possibly could.
2. The greatest people here all say that the Queen of England judges that it is better for her to prolong this war than to procure a peace, and, therefore, aids the rebels with soldiers and artillery. The Spaniards say the same, and threaten that they will be even with England when they have made an end here. The Admiral Sancho D'Avila sent forth certain ships towards Zericksee, but they be all returned. The Gueux have taken Ameland, and have many ships near Zericksee. Anthony Standen, who since the defeat of Genlis, near Cambresis, has remained in this country, is now banished by the King's order for having had over great familiarity with Madame de Blomberg, mother to Dohn John of Austria. It was thought that they were married. He is likewise deprived of his stipend of 100li yearly, which he had by letters patent, and is returned into France; he was very well thought of here of the best of the country. M. Boischot has gone to the Bishops of Cologne and Treves, with commission to treat with them touching the levying of reiters, and to borrow money for the King. They affirm at the Court that the Count de la Marck, otherwise called Lunoy, is reconciled to the King, and that he has his pardon. The Earl of Westmoreland was of late at Louvain with Mrs. Harvey, he has otherwise his abode at Cambray, and keeps not past one man and one boy. The dissensions at Genoa are thought to be appeased. Concerning Poland, they write that Prussia, Livonia, and Lithuania keep their towns for the Emperor, but the most part of the warriors stand by the Vaivode, and also the Turk will break peace with the Emperor if he attempt anything against the Vaivode. The Vaivode is infected with the Arian's heresy.—Antwerp, 1 April 1876.
3. P.S.—The passport is come from the Court for the departure of the ships of the Adventurers, with whom he means tomorrow to depart towards Flushing. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 4.
[April 2.] 717. "A Memorial for my Cousin Randolphe" and Apostilles.
1. To decipher what assistance is given by Spain for the continuance of the wars. 1. The King has lent 200,000 crowns and the Pope 50,000, according to the league.
2. To inform himself what means the Duke and his associates have to continue the wars. 2. The greatest means he has besides his own revenues and the rest of the princes and other associates is there where he knows of. He well persuades himself not to fail of it, considering forepast promises.
3. To know of Beauvais and other martial men whether it were not better for them, seeing the King's intention to draw the wars in length, so that the wealthiest wear out the weakest, to stand upon their guard in such provinces and towns as they are now possessed of, rather than make a peace without surety, or to continue so great forces as they have no way employed, being entertained with truces. 3. He will not accord to any peace without good assurance; in the meantime means to employ his army the best.
4. Why do they seek not to besiege Paris according to their first determination. 4. He draws on as fast as he can; the only stay of doing it before was because he could not have his forces together, and such other necessaries as he wanted.
5. To advise Monsieur to beware of his mother, and that there can be no peril so great as to trust her. 5. That is advised.
6. To discover whether the Marshal Montmorency, the peace not taking place, will make himself a party with the Duke, as also what other of the nobility are affected to do. 6. There is no doubt that he and others who would not declare themselves before the breaking off of the peace will after join with him, whereof there is good assurance.
7. How the Court of the Parliament of Paris is affected to Monsieur. 7. Well enough particularly, though in open countenance otherwise.
8. Why Monsieur required not that the house of Guises, the authors of the troubles, be banished the Court. 8. He thinks it best to let it be considered of by the assembly of Estates, being persuaded it would not be granted him in particular.
9. How in reason they can be in surety so long as they enjoy the King's "dare." 9. He makes his reckoning to be in good surety in the portion which shall be allotted him, in so good manner as he will be very well content withal.
10. How the Queen of Navarre is affected, or whether she be mistrusted by either party. 10. Very well to Monsieur, and greatly suspected of the other side.
11. Whether Monsieur seek any new partage, and where ? 11. There is good hope he shall have an ample and sufficient portion, but in what part of the realm is not known.
12. To have from the deputies a note of the articles they stand most upon, without the obtaining whereof they mean to break into war. 12. The contract made with Casimir as to Metz, Verdun, &c., and the contentment of the reiters.
13. To inform himself which of the deputies are held for suspects and what opinion is conceived of Beauvais. 13. "Known, but not, etc."
14. If Captain Masino (del Bene) repair to him to use such communication as he would have the Queen Mother to know, whose turn he serves, and in no case to seem to mistrust him. 14–17. These may be answered at leisure.
15. Sir Arthur Champernoun.
16. To give assurance of relief in case of necessity.
17. To recommend to the King in the Queen's name the suits of Sir Arthur Champernoun and Mr. Warcup.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
718. Another copy.
Pp. 12/3.
April 2. 719. Instructions to Randolphe sent in special Ambassage to France.
1. After conference on the matters he has in hand with the ambassador resident in France, and receiving information of the state of things there, he shall at the time of his access to the King proceed thus:—That he is sent by the Queen to do such good offices as may tend to the furtherance of the treaty of peace between him and the deputies from his brother and others. He is to put the King in mind of the advice she gave him by a nobleman sent by her on his return from Poland, which, if it had been rightly conceived, would have tended to bring his realm in good union, and to give him to understand by her hope that the dear experience of the advice of others to continue the war will cause him rightly to weigh the matter.
2. At his access to the Queen Mother he is to use the like speech, adding, that it is conceived generally abroad that her great travail has brought the matter to a treaty, and that the Queen cannot but comfort her to proceed therein to bring the King to some good conclusion, whereby she will reduce the languishing state to recovery, and remove the opinion conceived by some that she has her ear open to those who are most inclined to the troubles. If she be inquisitive to understand if he have any commission to deal in the marriage he is to tell her that he has but commission to deal for the peace, before the conclusion whereof the Queen cannot resolve to proceed further, as she answered La Mothe and La Porte.
3. The Queen thinks it convenient that he have conference, secretly or otherwise, with the deputies for Monsieur, declaring to them the purpose of his visit.
4. He shall also let the deputies from Duke Casimir understand that she hopes they have charge from their master not to consent to any accord unless that may be performed which was promised by the Count Palatine and the Duke, whereof she has to show a little obligation signed by both of them.
5. In case the deputies shall require his assent or allowance of any articles, he shall send a copy to the Queen, and forbear to grow to any full conclusion until such time as she shall return her opinion.
6. The principal cause of her sending him is that she has some cause to doubt that the King or his brother should have some occasion to set foot, provoked thereto by the Prince of Orange, in the countries of Holland and Zealand. If he learn that the King is inclined thereto, he shall plainly let him understand that the matter is so dangerous for her and her estate that she cannot but oppose herself thereto by assisting the King of Spain, and therefore that she wishes him so to deal therein that there may be no breach of the amity between them. He shall further say that she thinks it rather honourable for him to send some special messenger to Spain to persuade the King to grow to some accord with his subjects, now aliened from him, by yielding such things as they have reason to require, and he can in honour grant to them, so that they may better concur in joining their force together against the Turk, the common enemy of Christendom, whose strength receives daily increase by this most unfortunate discord. That if the King be inclined thereto, she would be most glad to send some one to concur with him. If the King of Spain refuse to yield to their advice, whereby it may appear that he has an intention to alter the government of the Low Countries by planting Spaniards and supplanting the natives, a thing so prejudicial to both, then after the refusal thereof they may think some good way for the impeaching thereof. If he find Monsieur have any determination to deal therein, he shall let his deputies understand that she cannot not only not take it in good part, but that if he proceed without her privity she will oppose herself thereto to the best of her power, and therefore to advise him so to govern himself that she have no cause to withdraw the good affection she has hitherto borne him. If he make her privy to his determination therein, she may not only allow thereof, but also in some sort minister to his support. If he shall determine to proceed without her privity she would have him lay before the deputies of the religion that she will withdraw her favourable countenance from them, whereon depends their chiefest stay.
7. He is to take some apt occasion to move the King and Queen Mother to license him to go and visit Monsieur. If they make any difficulty, he is to let them understand that the assurance she daily receives from their ambassador of the good intelligence between them and Monsieur makes them require it as a thing that would be grateful to them. If they assent, he is to signify to Monsieur that his sending grew only out of his request for a minister of hers at the time of this treaty, who might be a good instrument of the qualifying of such difficulties as might rise. M. de la Porte moved her to enter into a league lately concluded between Monsieur, the Prince of Condé, and the Count Palatine, whereof he gave her to understand she should receive ample information by an express messenger from the Count Palatine; he shall signify to Monsieur that no such messenger is come to her, and therefore not knowing what the league is she can yield no answer, but when she shall be further informed therein, he shall receive such answer as she can with her honour yield, and which she hopes will satisfy him. If he or his deputies seek to understand if he have charge to answer the request propounded as well by La Porte as Plessis touching a certain sum of money he desired to borrow for the payment of his reiters, he shall give him to understand that he was put in that assurance of the likelihood of peace as she thought he should stand in no such need of the money, and therefore she forbore to take order in that behalf.
Pp. 3⅓.
April 6. 720. Dr. Dale to the Queen.
Monsieur has received great contentment by her letters and by the report of La Porte's negotiations. Duke Casimir receives great comfort from her letters. Sends the articles of the demands of the King of Navarre (see March 16), and a copy of a letter from Monsieur to his deputies whereby he requires them to further Navarre's request as his own. Monsieur writes as earnestly to the King and Queen Mother for Navarre as for himself. Guitery was sent to conduct the King of Navarre towards Moulins, but forasmuch as the way is long and the passage somewhat dangerous, Duke Casimir thought it best not to attend his coming, but pass the Loire at Decize, and if the peace were not made the King of Navarre should come back over the Loire again at Saumur to join with Monsieur near Paris. Monsieur wrote to the King that he could not stay the strangers, but that they would draw near Paris if the peace were not speedily concluded, and indeed they are about Nevers, either to bring them to some capitulation, or else to get some money of them. Notwithstanding the King has sent Biron again to Monsieur to stay them with many fair promises, but all in general terms. When the news came of the passage of the reiters he was abroad riding from one gentleman's house to another to show the Queen every fair house in the country, and, namely, the Duke of Guise's, at Nanteuil, which he has bought for the Queen. Now he has sent for all his men-at-arms and footmen, both French and strangers, to repair to Paris.—Paris, 6 March (sic) 1576.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham, 6 April. Pp. 12/3.
April 1. 721. Monsieur to his Deputies.
They are to procure the principal article of the treaty without any alteration proposed by the other side, should it be refused, or difficulty made, they are to come to him. They are particularly to insist on the article touching the late lieutenant of Poitou, slain in his service, that his widow and children be restored to their goods.
Copy. Pp. 1. Enclosure.
April 6. 722. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
He sees by the demands of the King of Navarre and Monsieur's letter to his deputies how matters stand. If the reiters come forward as they have begun, the King of Navarre is to come over the Loire at Saumur to join with Monsieur near Paris, and not to go towards Moulins as was first appointed. The King assembles all his forces, French and strangers, to meet about Paris.—Paris, 6 April 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
April 6. 723. John Cobham to Lord Burghley.
On the 29th March Mr. Harbert returned out of Holland with the Prince's answer. The Admiral Boissot has, as he says by the Prince's order, sent Julio Bernandes and four others into strict prison, where they have neither bedding or fire or any other meat but bread and water, besides horrible threatenings of loss of their lives, which is done because they will not agree to ransom. Does what he can by secret means to comfort them. Trusts that he will be a mean to her Majesty for the free delivery of the poor men, who are like to suffer great misery and torment if she extend not her gracious favour towards them. The "good lady," with the rest of her company and her stuff and baggage, are delivered, but they have taken away a chest with 13 pieces of velvet and 40 pair of silk netherstocks. There is one Philips, an Englishman, in prison at the Rammekins, of whom it is said that he would betray Flushing and set their ships on fire. Zericksee as yet is not victualled. It was thought that Amsterdam would have surrendered to the Prince, who sent 12 ensigns of footmen, but they came three hours too late, so that all was discovered. This day the Admiral and the Governor of Zealand be gone with all the force they can make to encounter with 17 ships which are come to Browershaven. There is but a month's victual in Zericksee, so that it is like to be the King of Spain's again. Begs him to be earnest for the delivery of these poor men. They have stayed four ships which came from Antwerp because there are four of their ships stayed in the West Country. If they be suffered to have this liberty of spoiling they will offend all Christendom. —Middleburg, 6 April 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 22/3.
April 6. 724. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Has nothing to write of but the agreement of Monsieur and the King of Navarre. He (Walsingham) is looked for by all men, and he longs for his coming. Now upon the coming of Monsieur's army the King will be reduced to accord to some reason or never. The town begins to be arranged already, because the King is in no better readiness. If Monsieur might have either Nevers or Charente in his way they should have a stir here. The common opinion is that he should do much good among them, for they lack a stickler.—Paris, 6 March (sic) 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
April 6. 725. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
Sends the articles of the demands of the King of Navarre. The King of Navarre was appointed to have met Monsieur at Moulins, but the King would not suffer them to have passage, notwithstanding any suit that Monsieur could make by his deputies, in consideration whereof Duke Casimir concluded to pass the Loire at Decize, and that the King of Navarre should pass the Loire back again at Saumur to meet Monsieur near to Paris if the peace were not concluded, so that the forces of Monsieur be a sort of hedge between the forces of the King and Navarre until he could join with Monsieur. In the meantime he remains at Poitou and has at his commandment 800 horses and 3,000 footmen. He looks daily for M. Rohan and the son of Jarnac and divers others with greater forces. This town is much amazed with the passage of the reiters over the Loire. Monsieur has written to the King that he cannot stay the reiters if the peace be not speedily concluded. The King has sent Biron to him with great promises. Divers of the "Vant-courriers" approach towards Montargis.—Paris, 6 April 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
April 8. 726. Proclamation at Brussels.
Directing the better observance of the provisions of the "Joyeuse Entree" touching the non-employment of foreigners in any post or office in Brabant.—Brussels, 26 March 1576.
Copy. Endd.: Published in Brussels, 8 April 1576. Fr. Pp. 22/3.
727. Copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 22/3.
April 9. 728. News of the Court of France.
1. Saturday, 31st March, was the conclusion of the peace made and the war ended. The Queen Mother goes to Guienne, if the peace takes effect, to obtain thereto the signatures of the Duke, King of Navarre, and Prince of Condé, which she will find there.
2. The peace was broken on Monday the 2nd April, and the deputies departed. The Queen importuned them so much that she made them return. There are not six persons in the Court who know what is demanded or accorded; certain it is that Monsieur demands Anjou, in Brittany. There is accord made for the religion. The reiters of the Prince of Condé are in Limousin, and are no longer in Auvergne, the people of that country having given them 200,000 livres to get rid of them. The Princes are at Moulins. The Duke of Maine was there, but is returned by order of the King to Paris. The army of the King is in garrison, awaiting the conclusion of the peace. The reiters of the Duke Casimir are provided by the command of the King. There are 6,000 reiters for the King at Metz, and 8,000 Swiss at Dijon. Besides what Monsieur has in France, there are 4,000 reiters yet for the Duke. The Italians march for the King, under the conduct of M. de Nevers, to the number of 8,000 Italians and Grisons, footmen and horsemen. The Count of Egmont has been at the Court a fortnight. The King of Spain has promised the King 4,000 Spanish harquebussiers. Marshal Danville still keeps his government. Marshal Montmorency and MM. Montpensier and Biron are with Monsieur at Moulins on the part of the King. M. de la Verdin is at Laval with seven companies of footmen and a company of horse, being unwilling to cross the Loire during the quarrel of M. Bussy and the King of Navarre.
Endd.: 9th April. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
April 10. 729. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. The truce is ended without prorogation. The army of Monsieur marches hitherwards, and is between La Charité and Montargis. The deputies are come back to make report to the King that the Princes like nothing of his answers, and to know his resolution whether he will grant anything further, otherwise to depart from hence. The Queen Mother is minded to go again to Monsieur, but she stays for safeconduct from Duke Casimir, for she trusts not well the strangers. Duke Casimir would not meet Monsieur and the Prince of Condé at Moulins, but sent word by deputies that he would not be delayed any longer by vain treaties. The King assembles his forces and fortifies his towns strongly. The Queen Mother has much ado to entertain this treaty from breaking off. Sends letters from Wilkes, some of a stale date. Has written to Walsingham what he can learn of the preparation of ships on the coast. Sends these letters by Lord Oxford.—Paris, 10 April 1576. Signed.
2. P.S. (slip of paper).—The King of Navarre writes himself, "Le Roy de Navarre lieutenant-general representant la parsonne de Monsieur filz et frere du Roy par tout la Royaume."
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
April 10. 730. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Cannot perceive by the Prince of Orange's man that the ships he writes of should go that way. Has been careful of it since the first time it was told him.—Paris, 10 April 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
April 10. 731. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
1. The King was very instant to have the truce prorogued, but the strangers would not consent thereto. It is thought the King will make more large offers to the deputies than he did before, otherwise they are minded to make little abode here. The King makes account to have 5,000 reiters, 6,000 Swiss, 10,000 French harquebussiers, 3,000 French lances, and 4,000 harquebussiers on horseback, but men think he will come short of it. The towns in all places hereabout are fortified, and the fortifications of Saint Denis and of the faubourgs of Paris are much hastened. Sends the style of the King of Navarre.—Paris, 10 April 1576. Signed.
2. Postcript the same as in Burghley's letter.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
April 13. 732. Answers of the King of France to the Deputies.
1. Free exercise of religion is accorded throughout all the kingdom, except in Paris, and within four leagues thereof, and the Court and two leagues thereof.
2. There will be composed a Chamber at Paris of two presidents and 16 councillors, who will be half Catholics and half of the religion, and at the other Parliament a Chamber with two presidents and 10 councillors, half Catholics and half of the religion. At Montpellier there will be at the Chamber of the Parliament of Toulouse 18 councillors, notable persons, half Catholics and half of the religion, with advocates, procureur-general, greffiers, civil and criminal, &c.
3. They of the religion shall have eight towns of those that they hold, the rest of the towns they hold to be put in full liberty, as they were before the troubles, with no more garrisons than necessary, and all persons shall enter into their houses, goods, &c.
4. They shall have the same estates, offices, charges, goods, and rights as they enjoyed before the 24th August 1572.
5. The King declares all "arrets," judgments, and executions against the Admiral and others shall be pronounced void, and that the Admiral's children shall be restored to lands and goods.
6. There shall be no pursuit with regard to the actions done at St. Germain-en-Laye, and Bois de Vincennes.
7. The King will suffer the Prince of Condé to remain in his government and give him the town of St. Quintin or Coucy at his option.—Paris, 13 April 1576. Signed: Henry Countersigned: Fizes.
Fr. Pp. 3.
April 13. 733. [Davison] to Walsingham.
Can receive no speedy answer to his negotiations, which he ascribes to their diverse humours, as the more earnest Spaniards make no great haste to further a peace as men who make their gain by fishing in these troubled waters; but others of good note assure him that the country in general was never more desirous to embrace the same. The government rests with the Estates until the King may send a Governor of his blood, who make more despatch of matters in one day than the late Commendator in ten. They published last Sunday an old placard that all who were not Brabanters born, bearing office within the said duchy, should give over their charge by a certain day; whereupon there have been divers Spaniards and others to the Court to make suit for the contrary, but to little purpose. 50,000 florins have been sent for the pay of the soldiers in Holland, Utrecht, and other places, which it is doubted will little satisfy them, considering there is due to some three years' wages, and to him who is least behind 21 months, of whom there be Bas Almains, High Almains, Walloons, and Spaniards about 15,000, besides 360 mariners appointed to 24 ships. They have been in council to pay the Almains that lie in garrisons, and are not employed in Holland, whom they mean to dismiss, who are in number 3,000 or 4,000 men. The Duke of Arschot came into the common house of the States to pray for the maintenance of 8,000 soldiers for Zealand, 12,000 for Holland, and 3,000 cavalry. There is sudden news that certain companies of the Germans in France are marching towards the frontiers, which makes men fear some sudden exploit. Certain Englishmen coming to serve the Prince of Orange, to the number of 125 were lately taken at Browershaven by the Spania s, most of them are already committed to the galleys, and the rest prisoners at Antwerp, to be shortly despatched with no less rigour than the others. The poor men have made their supplication to the merchants of Antwerp, who have sent it him, but he dares not travail herein without warrant. Can get no redress in Venner's case. Complains of Mr. Cotton's unnatural dealing with his own nation. There is news from Italy that the Genoese be accorded, and that the Turk is not feared this year by reason of the great mortality and dearth of provisions in his country.—Brussels, 13 April 1576.
Endd. Pp. 12/3.