Elizabeth: March 1576, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: March 1576, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp276-298 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1576, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp276-298.

"Elizabeth: March 1576, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp276-298.

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March 1576, 21-31

March 21. 683. Monsieur to the Deputies for Peace.
Since he wrote to them three or four days ago by the Sieur de Mirambeau concerning the affairs of the King of Navarre, he understands that Navarre desires to send deputies for himself. Prays them take his demands as if in his own name, for each is unwilling to do anything without the other. Assures them he will esteem their service to the King of Navarre as if done for himself.—Sissy, 21 March 1576. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 23. 684. William Herle to Lord Burghley.
Imparted his Lordship's answer of yesternight, which he was most sorry to write, to these poor Hollanders this morning, who were most comforted to see him so nobly affected towards them. It served very well to qualify these poor men who were in a marvellous passion for the answer which they had received in writing from her Majesty, wherein besides denying them her aid or relief, she threatened them further with her resentment if they joined with any other, which they the less expected at her hands after presenting to her themselves and all they had; and thought it very hard if they being free men should be forbidden to seek aid to preserve their lives, which was by despair to bring them to fear no evil who could hope for no good. It had sufficed they said without this aggravation that they had consumed here so much time, so many occasions and such great sums, being persuaded thereto by her Majesty's own messenger and attending the performance of her own promises; yet satisfied in nothing, but must depart without thanks, and threatened also if they did not voluntarily yield their own throats to be cut at the arbitrament of others. Burghley's letter somewhat appeased them, and he added that the Queen's answer in writing was but for outward show to satisfy Champagny and to help them the better in secret when occasion offered. Upon this Paul Buyz took him aside and said that they had a small suit to make, which was for leave to export custom free 2,000 English cloths and kerseys for their soldiers and people, which he said could be managed without suspicion. He said this journey would cost them one way and another 3,000li, having entertained Mr. Hastings in Holland with a table furnished continually for 18 people, defraying all his other charges, presenting him with a chain worth 600 crowns, and appointing two men-of-war to bring him over; and likewise had been bountiful and loving to Rogers and all others who came from the Queen, marvelling whence these hard dealings here towards them should be provoked. Herle told them that it surely proceeded of Champagny's negotiation, who was a cunning and diligent fellow, and was partly to be pleased for some outward cause which was weaker than the inward. He was not sure of the news of the King of Spain's death, but persisted in his opinion that peace was thoroughly concluded in France.—Redcross Street, 23 March 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
March 23. 685. Benedetto Spinola to Lord Burghley.
Has received a letter from his brother at Venice, of the 26th February, who informs him that the illustrious Count [the Earl of Oxford] continues in his resolution to return home by way of Lyons, and believes that he will set out after the Carnival. Forwards a packet for Thomas Atkinson. Encloses advices from Italy, and prays that his Lordship's health may be restored.—23 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 2/3.
March 24. 686. Philip II. to the Queen of England
Informs her that, owing to the death of the Commendator Requescens, he has committed the government of the Low Countries to the Council of State until he can send another Governor-General thither.—Madrid, 24 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Royal letter.
March 24. 687. William Herle to Lord Burghley.
Desires an answer to Paul Buys' request, which he sent yesterday, as he is ready to depart. On Wednesday evening there went out of Dunkirk three ships, two galleys, and 27 flyboats laden with corn and victual for them before Zerickzee, and to transport Champagny over. The Prince has taken an isle over against Zerickzee, whereby the besiegers are brought in danger of famishment, and will make them leave that enterprise. The Duke of Arschot will not take the charge of the government upon him. The Spaniards steal away both by Calais and Campen into France. A mutiny of the Spaniards has been repressed at Brussels. Champagny hopes to take shipping this night at Dover. Has great things to reveal to his Lordship, which may be dangerous to the whole state. Wanten would wait upon his Lordship to go through with him for the exchange, and to give him as much or more than any other will do.—24 March 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1.
March 24. 688. Philip II. to the Estates of Brabant.
The Grand Commendator of Castile being dead, he orders them to obey the Council of State until the arrival of the Governor whom he intends to send.—Madrid, 24 March 1576.
Copy. Fr. P. ¾.
689. Copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
March 25. 690. News in Letters from Paris.
Containing the same information as that given in the letter and enclosure of same day from Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
Endd. P. 1.
March 25. 691. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Montpensier is arrived, and does much good, for he declares plainly to the King the forces of Monsieur and the inconveniences which are like to ensue if the peace be not concluded. They begin to fall to disobedience in all places, Provence has begun already. The deputies look for Elizabeth's furtherance at this pinch.—Paris, 25 March 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Certain of the deputies are gone to Monsieur, and the treaty of peace prorogued till their return, which is appointed for the last of this month. There is one Scotto, an Italian, that plays such knacks as Feates does upon the cards, who comes to show the Queen some of his toys. He has been made much of in this Court, and has been in the Emperor's Court, and makes himself a jolly fellow.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 25. 692. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Although Nutshawe has gotten warrants for his money, yet can he neither have his money presently nor yet would the Treasurer appoint him any certain day for his payment, but only upon "if" and "and" if such money or such money be received. Furthermore, the Treasurer had devised a trick that the poor man should have made an absolute quittance, which might have been showed by the King's ambassador to prove the money had been paid. The Treasurer would have given him but a scroll to have received his money at Angers, and if he could not have his money there, which is a thing very uncertain, then the Treasurer would have delivered back the quittance as he said, which had been a new suit and either an utter discharge of the debt or an infinite delay. Was so earnest in the matter that it was moved in Council and order taken that the money should be paid within 15 days, and 100 crowns awarded for his tarrying, wherewithal he remains satisfied for the time, and the Treasurer has sent his man to Angers for the money. God help them that have to do in this Court!—Paris, 25 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
March 25. 693. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
All them that know nothing of the doings of the treaty of peace say that the peace is made, and they which are against the peace say that the King has granted such things as were never looked for; but they which deal in the matter find it otherwise, and begin to mislike and have mistrust even amongst themselves. True it is there are great practices to draw Monsieur from the rest; they proffer him nothing but in general terms.—Paris, 25 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
March 25. 694. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Sends Captain Thomas to discourse with him at large. He accompanies Petro Capponi [a] Florentine, who desires to be recommended to him, nothing needful, considering his goodwill to that nation and his courtesy to all men. Coming in displeasure as he does he has need of some favour for his own safety, whereof he cannot assure himself in this country. —Paris, 25 March 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
March 25. 695. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
Sends the articles of the demands of the deputies and the answers of the King, whereby it appears the King gives no such satisfaction to the deputies as has been looked for; therefore they are ready at this present to break off with great stomach on both sides. Such as stand against the peace menace the King to leave him utterly desolate, if he condescend to peace. He lately said in a great passion that he would adventure crown, life, and all, rather than yield to the demands of the deputies. The deputies despair of any good to be done, and mistrust that all this treaty has been to delay them and weaken their forces. The Queen Mother seeks to temper the matter indifferently between both sides. She puts the King in hope of Monsieur's conformity, and has sent to Monsieur to remit of his demands. The deputies beseech her earnestly for her furtherance of the peace. The Bishop of Nazareth is an earnest travailer against the peace. The Duke of Maine has scattered and bestowed the King's army in several places in the country about Montargis, and is himself returned to the Court. The Prince of Condé and Duke Casimir are at Moulins, and it is thought that the King of Navarre will be joined with them very shortly.—Paris, 25 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 1½.
696. Events in France.
News has come that Monsieur is in possession of Decize, and it is said they of Auvergne have agreed to give the strangers 150,000 francs upon composition to withdraw themselves out of that country. It is credibly reported that the most part of Provence is in arms against the King.
Slip of paper. Enclosure.
March. 697. The Deputies Demands and the King's Answers thereto.
Monsieur and the rest desire the realm may be brought to its former flourishing estate. The King desires the same, but will have the Romish religion set up again in all places, and the ecclesiastical persons entirely restored.
1. That liberty of religion be granted throughout the realm, countries of Metz, Toul, and Verdun, marquisate of Saluces, countries of Barrois and Dombes, according to the confessions exhibited to the late King, with administration of sacraments, schools, synods, printing and selling of books, for any recantation or abjuration to the contrary. 1. Restrained to one place in every seneschalship, and the said place at the King's choice, and to such towns as they had before the truce; also to gentlemen having haute justice and fief de haubert and in their houses, to be named by them to the King's officers, and in these places administration of sacraments and schools and nowhere else. No printing, but by licence under the King's own hand. No sale of books, except they be first visited and allowed by the King's officers. No synods permitted, but only to assemble themselves in the towns appointed for the exercise of religion, to have consultation in the presence of the King's officers. No exercise within two leagues about the Court, nor 10 about Metz, Toul, and Verdun, the marquisate of Saluces, nor duchy of Barrois [Bar]. For Dombes the King refers himself to the Duke of Montpensier. Nevertheless no man shall be molested for his conscience, nor for any abjuration heretofore made.
2. That they of the religion may build temples, and such as have been built be restored to them; nor be they molested for any stuff employed upon the building of any, being taken of ruins made in these troubles. 2. Granted in such places where the exercise shall be permitted, provided the said places belonged not to any church or ecclesiastical person.
3. That all ecclesiastical persons having made vows and now of the religion be comprehended, their marriage be accepted lawful, and their children legitimate. 3. Such marriages hereafter shall not be suffered, but those past shall not be troubled. The children to succeed only to moveable goods, and such as shall be purchased by the parties, who shall not be admitted to any succession, either in the right line or collateral of any predecessor.
4. Controversies of marriage between them of the religion to be decided before the King's judges, according to the discipline of the Reformed church and opinion of the consistories, and not forced to take any dispensation for marriage in any degree forbidden by the Pope. 4. They shall observe the laws heretofore received by the Catholics concerning the degrees prohibited for the avoiding of quarrels. Nevertheless, for contracts in the third or fourth degree, they shall not be molested, and the children shall be enabled to succeed. If controversies arise for such matters, and one of the parties be a Catholic, then the official shall be judge thereof, if both be of the religion then the King's judge.
5. That they may receive ministers and schoolmasters, as well strangers and natural born Frenchmen. 5. Denied.
6. No difference to be made of religion in receiving into universities, hospitals, &c. 6. Granted.
7. They of the religion not to contribute for the entertainment of anything depending on the Catholic religion, nor take oath in other form than is by them thought lawful, nor desire any dispensation of oaths in contracts whereof by the law they may not be absolved. 7. They shall pay accustomed duties for entrance into their charges as heretofore. They shall not be further bound in oaths, but to hold up their hands and to swear that they will say truth, nor shall be bound to take any dispensation for any oath passed in contract.
8. That they of the religion be exempted from paying tenths to ecclesiastical persons, but to employ the same to the maintenance of their ministers. 8. They shall pay the tenths as the Catholics do.
9. The King to appoint in every cathedral church the revenue of one prebend to make a college for the teaching of children. 9. Cannot be granted.
10. That they of the archbishopric of Avignon and country of Venaissin may enjoy full liberty of religion according to an assurance made to them by Marshal Vielleville in the late King Charles' time. 10. The King will write to the Pope to know his meaning therein.
11. To confirm to the Prince of Orange the promises made by the late King for the profession of religion in the town and principality of Orange. 11. The Prince shall be restored as before the troubles, and according to a declaration granted by the late King Henry.
12. That they of the religion be not tied to the observation of the feasts and holy days of the Romish church. 12. They shall be subject to the same.
13. Their religion to be no more called the new or pretended reformed religion, but religion, or reformed religion, without any other addition. 13. It shall be called pretended reformed as heretofore.
14. That only their religion and the Catholic be permitted, and none other, and atheism punished. 14 and 15. This is sufficiently provided for by other ordinances which the King will cause to be observed.
15. Blasphemy and whoredoms punished.
16. That they of the religion be declared capable and be employed in all offices and charges within the realm without oath or bond to observe the Catholic religion. 16. The King will so declare them and admit them without any other oath but that they shall faithfully execute their offices and observe the edicts.
17. That for the more indifferent execution of justice the King supply such offices as shall be void with men of the religion if it may be in equal number in every high and inferior court. 17. The King will indifferently place such as be capable and meet for the service.
18–25. That in every parliament a new chamber be instituted, whereof one half of the presidents and councillors be of the one religion and the other half of the other, and they that shall exercise the place first to be named by Monsieur. 18–25. The King will erect certain chambers in the Courts of Parliament to judge of such controversies, of which they of the religion may refuse some of the number appointed, and certain of the religion shall be joined with them.
26. To have certain presidial courts appointed, to be one half of the religion and the other Catholic. 26. For avoiding the excessive number of courts the King thinks it not meet to establish any new, but from these inferior judges they may appeal to the Parliament or Chamber established as before.
27. To have a court presidial at Lavaur besides Toulouse of like number of both religion. 27. It shall not need, seeing there is an appeal granted from the court presidial of Toulouse to the chamber to be created at Montpelier.
28. That the provost marshal may not proceed to any judgment without having called unto them an equal number of both religions of the next court presidial. 28. They shall judge as they did before, neither does the King mean to alter anything therein.
29. The Prince of Condé and the Marshal Danville to be restored to their offices, pensions, &c. as before, and if any resignation shall have been made the same upon repayment of the money received shall be restored to them again. 29. They shall be restored as they were before.
30–39. Touching resignations of churchmen making profession 30–39. Nothing answered. of religion, sale and bargain of ecclesiastical goods, alienation or other things, and touching the decrees against the town of Pamiers.
40–49. Touching the misliking of the massacre in Paris, restitution of goods spoiled, annulling of adverse judgments and sentences, restitution of the Admiral, Bricquemault, and Cavagnies, forbidding of processions and acts in remembrance of the same, restitution of prisoners committed to the galleys, punishing of offences committed without authority, and setting at liberty one of the Admiral's sons. 40–49. Nothing answered.
50. The moveable goods of them of the religion to be restored where they shall be found, upon such price as the possessors paid for them. 50. The King thinks it not necessary for quietness' sake.
51. To have the profit of their immoveable goods for this year, and also such as have not been during these wars seized into the King's hands, the revenues of ecclesiastical goods only excepted. 51. Every man, yea ecclesiastical persons, shall enter upon their own and enjoy it. Such arrearages as have been taken by the King's commandment shall be restored.
52. Those whose castles or houses have been retained without the King's commission shall have recompense for all damage from the retainers. 52. The King will not that any profits shall be demanded or any pursuit made for damages that have happened heretofore.
53. All garrisons and forces to be removed out of houses and towns, that the owners may have free and quiet possession, and such as have spoiled any person under pretence of law or right shall restore the goods again. 53. After the publication of the Edict the forces shall be removed, notwithstanding any pretence of right, whereof they shall seek remedy by law, and the like to be observed in benefices where persons have been dispossessed.
54. That the King's subjects having goods in the country of Venaissin may enjoy them, or otherwise be recompensed upon such good as they of the said country have in France. 54. The King will do what he can to help this that they may enjoy their goods.
55. All evidence, writings, &c. restored on both sides. 55. Granted.
56. The passage and traffic within the realm restored to the former estate as they were before the troubles. 56. Granted.
57. All privileges, liberties, &c. restored to countries and towns as they were before the troubles, at the death of King Henry, notwithstanding the suppressions. 57. Agreed for restitution of privileges and franchises; but for establishing of places for justice where they have been so suppressed they shall so continue.
58. That they of the religion and associate Catholics be declared capable of offices both under the King as other lords, cities, and places. 58. They shall be declared capable.
59. That they shall not be grieved or overburdened in any charge or imposition more or above than the Catholics. 59. They shall not. If any be he may appeal to such judges as are or shall be appointed.
60. That they be not constrained to contribute to any imposition since the 24th August 1572, but be discharged and not molested for the same. 60. They shall not be forced.
61. That the King would discharge them of the debts and obligations made to the reiters, and especially to quit the heirs of the late Admiral for the payment of the same. 61. The King cannot change anything in the contracts that heretofore have been made.
62. To give them towards the discharge of their other debts 200,000 crowns. 62. The King cannot.
63. That Poitou, Saintonge, Angoumois, Guienne, Languedoc, and Dauphiny, for six years, may be exempted from taxes by reason of the late troubles and wars. 63. The King will deal with them as a good Prince ought to do, and as his affairs shall require.
64. That the King declare his brother, the King of Navarre, and other lords, for his true and faithful kinsmen and subjects, and allow of the devices made at Bois de Vincennes and St. Germain to bring his brother out of the Court. 64. The King holds them for such. For anything done at Bois de Vincennes or St. Germain no pursuit shall be made thereof.
65. The children of those which fled out of the realm for religion since the death of King Henry II. to be accounted as natural born. 65. Granted.
66. That Monsieur, the King's brother, the King of Navarre, Prince of Condé, and other towns and officers be discharged of all assemblies, levies of men, taking and receiving of money, sale of woods, acts of hostility, making of artillery, treaties with foreign princes, &c. 66 and 67. They shall be discharged of all this.
67. Also of all acts of hostility happened in these troubles.
68. That the town of Rochelle be likewise discharged, nor have any governor in garrison placed therein. 68. They shall not be disquieted for any act heretofore done, but the King will maintain the governor and garrison in their old privileges.
69. The Vidame of Chastres and M. Beauvais to be discharged for the treaties with the Queen of England in 1562 for New Haven [Havre de Grace]. 69. They shall be discharged thereof.
70. The King to confirm the capitulation made by the Prince of Condé and others with Duke Casimir. 70. It shall be answered when the said capitulation shall be seen.
71. All taxes taken by virtue of any licence or commission from them of the religion and Catholics upon the seas associated to be good and not troubled hereafter. 71. Granted.
72. The Marshal Montmorency and De Cosse to be declared innocent. 72. It shall be inquired of them what their meaning is to have done herein.
73. That the breaches and razing of towns may be built up again, with a declaration that they were done for necessity of the time and without any injury or blot of the corporation hereafter. 73. Granted.
74. For such farms of lands, offices or customs whereof they of the religion had no use during the troubles, or have paid by the commandment of the heads of the religion anything, they shall be discharged thereof and not be molested hereafter. 74. The King will discharge them.
75. The sale and contracts for salt made by them of the religion to be declared good and confirmed by the King, and especially with two merchants of Basle. 75. Granted to the sales made bonâ fide, and for the contracts made with the two merchants, the King shall take order when he shall see them.
76. For a general assembly of the Estates, and to have the taxes reduced as they were in the time of Louis XII. 76. They shall be assembled according to the ancient and commendable order. For the taxes the King wishes his estate were in so good case that he might relieve his subjects.
77. For granting to Monsieur some country where he may have absolute government, and besides his company of 100 menat-arms some other companies, and 3,000 footmen, which he shall choose, and they to be paid at the King's charge. 77. The Queen Mother has assured the King that Monsieur will content himself with that which shall please the King.
78. The Marquis of Conti, the Prince of Condé's brother, to have another company of men-at-arms. 78. The Cardinal of Bourbon has assured the King that he will content himself with the King's pleasure.
79. The Prince of Condé to remain in his government of Picardy, to have disposition of Boulogne and Boulonnais, and to appoint a Governor at his discretion. 79. The Prince shall be maintained in his government as other governors have been. For Boulogne and Boulonnais order and provision is made already as has been always accustomed.
80. To have for their assurance such towns as they presently hold, and to retain such artillery and munition as they have, and further to have in every province of France two towns where a Governor shall be established by the King, with such a number of soldiers as shall be thought requisite, and that at the nomination of Monsieur, and they to be paid by the King. 80. They shall have four towns of them that shall be appointed for the exercise of religion, which Monsieur and others shall swear to keep for the King, and after three years to restore to such as the King shall appoint without alteration, innovation, or difficulty. For the rest of the towns which they hold they shall be restored after the Edict as they were before. Towns appertaining to private men shall be delivered to their owners.
81. That they of the religion may retain the places they held in Dauphiny, and although belonging to Catholics by engagements made by the King or his predecessors; paying the price they were engaged for, and then they of the religion to hold them of the King as the others did. 81. The King thinks it not convenient to break any contract heretofore made.
82. That in the country of Venaissin there be granted places for their assurance with a sufficient garrison, to be paid at the charge of the country. 82. The King cannot dispose of place appertaining to the Pope.
83. For garrisons to be in no places but upon the frontiers. 83. Answered above.
84. That when the King's governors shall visit the places holden of them of the religion they may come with their ordinary train and no great force. 84. The King will give such order that his governors shall give no occasion of resentment or difference.
85. The inhabitants of Metz, Verdun, and Dombes to enjoy the benefits of this Edict. 85. Answered above.
86. Preachers of both religions forbidden to make seditious sermons. 86. Granted.
87. That in a full assembly of the Privy Council, and afterwards of the Parliament of Paris, the peace be published and sworn by the King, Queen Mother, Queen wife, princes of the blood, Marshals of France, and other Councillors, the Presidents of the Parliament, the Advocates, and Procureur-General. 87. The King will make no difficulty solemnly to swear and cause to be observed all that he shall promise.
88. The like oath to be taken throughout the realm by the inhabitants of the towns, by the governors and officers for the answering of all contradictions to the contrary, and likewise yearly to be taken at the making of any head officer in any town, city, or place. 88. Granted.
89. All Edicts made heretofore to the contrary hereof to be revoked and declared void. 89. Granted.
90. That for the better observation hereof the four marshals may repair to their several governments to cause it to be observed. 90. The King will take order therein.
91. That certain persons well affected to the Catholic religion may consider of the abuses thereof according to a complaint made by the Estates at Orleans in his brother's time, and thereupon advise of some remedy for the same, for the preventing of such inconveniences as else may ensue. 91. Unanswered.
92. A petition of Monsieur that at the answering of these articles the Duke of Nevers, the Chancellor, the Marshal de Retz, and Monsieur Chiverny be present, being men desiring trouble and suspected for causes which the deputies have commission to declare at the King's pleasure to himself and the said lords. 92. Unanswered.
93. When upon these requests an Edict shall be put in writing and engrossed, the proceeding and consideration thereof may be by an equal number of the deputies of the religion with those which shall be appointed by the King for that purpose.
Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 10½. Enclosure.
93. Unanswered.
698. Answers of the King to the Articles.
Endd. by Dale. Fr. Pp. 18½. Enclosure.
699. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 24½.
[March 25.] 700. Copy of Articles 31–49 of the above. It is noted on the back of the document that "the French King answers nothing at all unto.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[March 27.] 701. Sir Henry Cobham's Negotiations.
1. The King of Spain's answer delivered by the Duke of Alva touching Cobham's negotiations in behalf of the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland and Zealand.
2. First, that the King had offered them pardon at two several times.
3. That there is none of their privileges taken away from them; that the Commendator has made them such proffers of agreement at the treaty lately made at Breda as the King will not consent to the like hereafter. Yet, notwithstanding this, as her Majesty has entreated for them, the King is pleased to receive them at her hands, submitting themselves.
Endd. P. ¾.
March 28. 702. The Queen to the Prince of Orange.
Letter of credence for William Davison, whom she sends to those at present governing the Low Countries for the King of Spain, for the purpose of negotiating a cessation of arms, in order to give an opportunity for treating of a durable peace. —Westminster, 28 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Royal Letter.
March 28. 703. Extracts of various Documents relating to France.
1. Extract from M. de la Porte's instructions, dated Montreuil Bellay, 27 November 1575, commanding him to treat with the Queen in Monsieur's name with regard to marriage, assistance, &c.
2. Extract from the obligation of the Elector Palatine, dated 11 April 1575, with regard to the repayment of 50,000 crowns advanced to him by the Queen of England for the service of the Prince of Condé.
3. Extract from the obligation of the Prince of Condé, dated 8 June 1575, for the payment of the 50,000 crowns advanced to him by the Elector Palatine.
4. Extracts from further obligations of the Elector Palatine and the Prince of Condé, dated 23 July 1575, for the repayment of 50,000 crowns to the Queen.
5. Extract from the instructions of MM. de la Mothe Fenelon and de la Porte, dated 7 January 1575–6, for negotiating the marriage of Monsieur with the Queen, settling terms, arranging an interview, obtaining his passport, &c.
6. Extract of the answer of the Queen to the King of France, dated 31 January 1575–6, giving thanks for the good will of the King for the marriage, but saying that she cannot enter into the negotiation till he and his brother be openly at accord.
7. Extract from the Queen's letter to Monsieur, sent by M. du Plessis, dated 28 March 1576, assuring him of her care for his welfare.
8. Extract of a letter from the Queen to [Duke Casimir] assuring him that he may command her assistance in anything that may require it.
9. Extract from a letter from the Queen to Monsieur, assuring him of her assistance in all that will be consistent with her honour, and that with regard to his request that she shall join the league made between him and the Elector Palatine, she will send a gentlemen who will give him her answer.
Fr. and Lat. Pp. 6½.
March 29. 704. William Herle to Lord Burghley.
Is fain through sickness to use his brother's hand to him instead of his own. These parties have received the Queen's grant for the licence of 2,000 cloths very thankfully, and to-morrow depart hence. Champagny took the seas yesterday morning at daybreak in a very small vessel, belike to steal a passage, whilst the bruit was that he would be transported in one of the Queen's ships. These matters of Brussels grow sharper and sharper, for Barliamont was of intelligence with Julian Romero to have delivered to the Spaniards the keys of Brussels' gates, which were taken by the magistrates from his custody and delivered to Count Mansfeldt. A practice was afterwards discovered of the Spaniards to set fire in certain parts of the city, but they were commanded to keep their lodgings upon pain of killing, and now have leave to retire into Hainault. The Duke of Arschot still refuses to take the government upon him. The Estates were assembled at Brussels, and have bent the ordnance against certain of the King's horsemen, who appeared before the town to let their proceedings. At Antwerp, Count Hannibal of Altemps, who has a garrison of Almains there, would have brought in six ancients more, but was refused by the magistrates. The Spanish ambassador leger in France has stayed all the letters coming out of Spain by the last four posts, which increases the rumour of the King's death, whilst others think he would not have those of the Low Countries to know the King's secrets whilst a Spaniard is not there in the government. The assembly at Brussels have ordered that all the King of Spain's creditors shall bring in their demands, so that the King's debts may be openly known. The fleet that went to attempt something at Zericksee has returned to Dunkirk sore weather-beaten, having done nothing saving the soldiers and mariners fallen out amongst themselves, with harm to both sides. The Prince has taken Tertolen and other places, whereby there is no passage from Antwerp to Zericksee but directly before Flushing. The Spaniards and Walloons forsake their garrisons and ensigns everywhere, yet the Spaniards seek to join themselves together by all the means they can. Desires that Peter Sores and Mathias Lull may have an open letter from his Lordship to the Customer in order that they may at once enjoy the Queen's grant above said.—Redcross Street, 29 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
March 29. 705. Instructions for Mr. Davison, sent into the Low Countries.
After the delivery of her letters to those whom he shall find in the place of government there, he shall let them understand how desirous she is to prove that the bruit that she is a nourisher of these civil dissensions is utterly slan derous and untrue, and that last summer she sent to the King of Spain to persuade him to come to some accord with his subjects, so that by a happy peace they might be restored to their former flourishing state, and the peril of their loss by their giving themselves to some other prince might be avoided. To this she received answer that the King would for her sake. upon the submission of his subjects, receive them to grace and favour. In the meanwhile she was given to understand that the Prince of Orange, in despair, was about to throw himself into the French King's protection, which being a matter of so great consequence, in respect that the mischief that might ensue thereof could not but reach unto her, she sent messengers to the Governor and to the Prince; to the Governor to acquaint him with what she had heard, and to the Prince to dissuade him from dealing with France. The Prince and the States having sent certain deputies to treat with her in that behalf, she with no small difficulty got them to assent to stay from practising with any foreign prince until such time as she might send to the late Commendator to procure an abstinence of arms, which, however, since the death of the late Commendator, they now refuse. In this behalf he may show them that she conceives that there is no way to prevent the said peril but by yielding presently to an abstinence, whereunto if they consent, he shall let them know that she has appointed him to repair into Holland to persuade the Prince and the States to be humble suitors for the same; and, further, that she means to send to the King of Spain to persuade him to give them ample commission to deal in treaty. If they have no authority to yield to an abstinence, yet she would gladly know how upon this admonition given by her of the evident peril the country is like to be in, they shall be able to justify to the King the denial of the same when the effects of the peril shall take place. To their objection that they see no such peril like to grow from France, alleging that the French King has enough to do to quench the fire at home that his brother is aliened from him, and the country wasted by these civil wars, he may answer that there is no better way of extinguishing their own fire than by casting it into their neighbour's house, and that they are not so divided in faction amongt themselves as not to band against a common enemy of whose growing mightiness they have cause to be jealous, and one half of the money employed in civil dissension will defray the whole cost of the foreign war. Besides this, that realm will be disburdened of that multitude of men of war which now devours it, and it will be hazardous for the King of Spain to depend on the affections of those of his party about the French King. If, notwithstanding these reasons, he shall not be able to draw them to consent to an abstinence, he shall plainly tell them that she sees the matter so full of peril to her own estate that she will be constrained of necessity to put in execution that which she would not willingly do. If, however, he finds them willing to consent to an abstinence, he shall require and procure a safe-conduct to the Prince of Orange and the States, and let them understand that she thinks it convenient for them to require the said abstinence in humble and dutiful sort, as appertains unto subjects, and in case they shall refuse the doing thereof, they shall give both her and other princes just cause to enter into a hard contempt of their actions, and that she cannot but interpret their refusal to proceed of some resolution and determination they have with France, which, as it is of so great peril to her, she will oppose to the uttermost of her power. He is further to signify to them to consider the insolency of that nation, whereby the relief that will grow that way will be as if a man to escape hanging sought to drown himself. If, however, they yield to send to the Governors, he is to return to Brussels and make report to them how he finds the Prince and the States inclined, and from time to time advertise her how things pass. On the other side, if the Prince and States refuse to require the said abstinence, he shall with all speed repair home, and by letter certify the governors of the said refusal.
Draft, corrected by Burghley. Endd.: 29 March 1576. Pp. 9⅓.
706. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 32/3.
March 31. 707. Francis Peyto to Lord Burghley.
Has received two special points of comfort in his gentle letter sent by Mr. Atkins; the one to see that he is satisfied of his innocency in the "book," the other that his disgrace is not such as he thought it was. Beseeches him to continue his good opinion of him till by some act or deed he shall deserve the contrary. Confesses his absence from his own country to have been over long; nevertheless his departure was with her Majesty's licence and by passport signed by her, as Lady Throckmorton, wife to Sir Nicholas, the procurer, can witness. Howbeit his intent is not to stand on pleading or pretending any injury received in that his pension is stayed, but remits both himself and the same to her Majesty's bounty and great mercy, for whose service, as a testimony of his goodwill, he has spent some time about a piece of work, being a perfect genealogy of all the marriages and affinities between the houses of England and Scotland, and also in what wise the said houses are allied with divers foreign families the greatest of all Christendom. All this he has set forth in the form of trees. The whole is already finished in black and white, but he has thought it expedient for the more beautifying of the tree to put upon it scutcheons of arms. Desires that he will procure that the heralds will help him with the arms of the different kings and others which he enumerates. Meant to have shown this designment to the Earl of Oxford when he passed this way, but was always refused to be spoken with.—Milan, 31 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3½.
March 21. 708. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Sends the Secretaries copy of the agreement between the Prince of Condé and Duke Casimir, which is come to light by occasion of the deputies demanding that it be performed. The King required to see it, and now it is seen. The King is further from the peace than he was before. He requires prorogation of the truce for a month, but Monsieur has prorogued it but for eight days, which end 23rd of April. In the meantime the Duke's camp is passed over the Loire again hitherwards, part at Decize, part beneath Nevers, upon boats, and are coming towards La Charité. The King has scattered his army and gone abroad to pass the time. Navarre was reported to be dead, but he is in Poitou assembling forces daily. If the Queen send over any person it would do well that they had commission to treat with all parties, Catholic and Reformed, King, Alençon, Condé, &c, The Earl of Oxford has passed through all the camp, and is arrived here, and Mr. William Russell with him. It seems this year has been a time well bestowed on him.—Paris, last of March 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Sends him two pieces of wine of Beaune, which is their special wine of this country, very hard to come by here, for it is brought almost 40 leagues by land and by water, almost as far as Chalons. Could get none of it last year, yet was there himself in the voyage of the King from Lyons to Rheims.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 31. 709. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Hears he will be here shortly, whereof of all men he would be most glad. Trusts he will bring his [Dale's] successor with him. It will be very requisite he bring large commission with him, besides his letters of credit, to treat between the King, Monsieur, and the rest, lest they cavil with him as they have done with other for lack of commission. Surely speed is very necessary, for now is the time to do good or never. The camp of Monsieur approaches. The King is unready. The strangers cannot abide to linger the matter. Lord Oxford is here attending his coming.—Paris, last of March 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1.
March 31. 710. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
The King despatched letters to Monsieur declaring how strange the demands of the deputies seemed to himself, the Queen Mother, and all his Council, and to persuade him to temper his requests. Whereupon Monsieur has sent La Porte to mitigate certain points concerning himself. Since the return of the Duke of Maine there have been divers secret councils kept to devise means to overthrow and break the camp of Monsieur and his friends, either by some sudden enterprise or by some faction among themselves. Bruits have been spread that they are ready to mutiny in the camp of Monsieur. The truth is they are very quiet, and bear great honour and respect to Monsieur, and received him into their camp with as much honour as Prince might be. There was variance between the Prince of Condé and M. Meru, but it is appeased. Now the King's camp is dispersed there are no means for him to do anything till his reiters come out of Germany, which he hastens as much as he may. The most doubt is of want among the strangers, yet they are partly relieved by them of Auvergne, of whom they have 100,000 francs. Montmorency remains with Monsieur, and is a great stay to continue the truce. The King, the Queen, and the Queen Mother are gone abroad to visit divers places 10 or 12 leagues about Paris, to recreate themselves, till the return of the deputies that are gone to Monsieur. The Chancellor and the Marshal de Retz are doers in the treaty of peace, and have been present in Council when the deputies have been treated with, notwithstanding the request of Monsieur, and any instance of the deputies to the contrary. Has had advertisement that the ambassadors of the Pope and the King of Spain have been called to the Council to have conference touching the demands of the deputies. There has been a flying tale in every man's mouth that the King of Navarre should be slain as he went on hunting.—Paris, last of March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1½.
1575. Sept. 27. 711. Capitulation between the Prince of Condé and the Duke Casimir.
The Prince of Condé in his own name, and in the names of the Sieur de Danville, the Sieur de Meru, and Guillaume Montmorency Sieur de Thore, François de Ferriere Vidame of Chartres, and all others their associates, he has prayed the Duke John Casimir to aid them in resisting tyranny and establishing a firm peace throughout the kingdom. Duke Casimir has promised them not only the 6,000 reiters raised by Colonels Henry de Stein, John d'Orbuch, and George Torse, but also to raise 2,000 horse and 8,000 Swiss, provide four cannons, 15 field pieces and munition, and to be under him general of the army, in return for which he, the Prince of Conde, promises:—
1. That he will himself raise as many troops as possible, presenting himself at the first muster with 10,000 or 12,000 harquebussiers and 2,000 horse, Frenchmen, at the least; and to be answerable for the payment of the men of Duke Casimir and of the 6,000 reiters raised in addition for their service.
2. That he will treat of nothing during the war, either with friends or enemies, except with the consent of Duke Casimir.
3. That neither he nor his associates, Catholics, will do or attempt anything against the association made in 1564 between those Catholics and those of the religion, but to observe it point for point, and this is promised too on the part of those of the religion.
4. To allow the Duke Casimir for his charges 12,000 crowns of the sun by the month, and to pay a part of the expense of his servants and horses, to allow the colonel of the 2,000 horse that he shall raise the same as is allowed to the other colonels; if there be Prince or Duke in his company to allow them a sum to support their estate; to pay for the necessary service of the artillery and such losses as may occur.
5. That he will not lay down arms till the Duke Casimir be installed Governor and Lieutenant-General for the King in Metz, Toul, and Verdun for his life. These places not to be answerable for any debts incurred in past wars or to be incurred in this war, excepting for one of 95,000 florins owed to him since his journey into France to succour the father of the Prince of Condé, and in accordance with an obligation made by the late Prince of Condé, and since ratified by the King of Navarre, by himself, and the late admiral Coligny. The Duke to make oath loyally to serve the King in that charge as other governors do, without constraint of his conscience, and be bound to maintain the ministers of the reformed religion therein, and not to place any garrisons within the three towns or citadels and towns depending on them, except they be of natural Frenchmen of the reformed religion, his Court and people about him being of any nation. When the peace shall be made, there shall be obtained for him such pension as befits his rank; at present he shall have 6,000 crowns by the year, charged on the churches of Languedoc.
6. That as soon as peace shall be made to place in Metz or Strasburg 100,000 crowns to enable him to succour them in the future, and to pay therefrom his pensions.
7. That they will not treat for peace without the concurrence of the Duke, and not before he and his heirs, in the event of his death, be paid his expenses in this war, the 50,000 crowns owed by the Elector Palatine to the Queen, and other debts due to him, the Elector, and other Princes of Germany, incurred in this cause.
8. Duke Casimir, on his part, accepts these conditions, and binds himself to perform all those things to which he is obliged or is asked to perform.
Done and accorded the 27th September 1575. Signed and sealed by Henri de Bourbon, Jehan de Casimir, Charles de Montmorency.
Copy. Endd. by Dale. Fr. Pp. 8½.
[March.] 712. Notes on French Affairs by De Villiers.
1. The army of M. de Meru and the Prince of Condé are arrived at Auvergne; they passed the Loire without difficulty, and shortly afterwards the Allier. On the 3rd March they were not more than ten leagues from Monsieur. They have been informed of the conclusion of the truce.
2. M. de Meru requests the Queen to send one who will help in the conclusion of peace.
3. They and Duke Casimir are on very good terms. Duke Casimir finds in these negotiations the dangerous practices of their enemy.
Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
[March ?.] 713. Secret Letter of the Queen to Monsieur sent by La Porte.
Has been given to understand by the Sieur de la Porte of his desire to unite his fortune with hers, whereby he might be assured of her friendship and assistance. Finds also as well by the protestations published by him, as also by the assurance received from La Porte, that the action he is now entered into tends in no way to the prejudice of the King, his brother, but rather to the conservation of his honour and estate, and restoring to the afflicted realm, now languishing in civil war, its former peace and quietness by removing such from about the King whose passions will not suffer him to enjoy neither sound quietness at home nor sure friendship abroad with his best affected confederates. Assures him that he shall not lack any succour or friendship that she can with honour yield to him. Perceived further by the Sieur de la Porte that he desires she shall enter into a league lately concluded between him and the Elector Palatine, wherein, by some minister that she means to send, he shall receive such answer as shall be to his contentment.
Draft in the handwriting of Walsingham. Slightly injured by damp. Endd. P. 1.
March. 714. Sir Henry Cobham's Embassy into Spain.
Arrived at Madrid at the Court of Spain 21 February 1575–6, and delivered the Queen's and Antonio Guarras letters to Secretary Sayas, who after two days willed him to make a petition to the King, with a copy of the testimonial for the releasing of the ship, goods, and men, which he did, and delivered it to the King, and was referred to the Secretary Grassani, and from him to the Bishop of Quent, the chief Inquisitor, who said he could have no answer till the post came from Seville on the 20th March. He being every day three times a day with the bishop desiring him to despatch him away, and have a general releasement as well for the men as for the ship and goods, in the end was told that the Council of the Inquisition would not consent to release the men until further truth was known of them. He told them in the Council Chamber that if they would not deliver them according to the Queen's letters it would not be taken in good part. They said they could do no more than they have done, as they acted upon justice; but he said the men were stayed without any fault, but only upon evil suspicion. Being so near Easter, when there is no Council held, he desired the bishop to command that he might have his despatch before that time, who gave especial command to the Fiscal and Secretary. Having at length obtained his despatch by the King's commandment for the ship and goods, but not for the men, on March 27 he repaired with haste to his Majesty in the country for answer to the Queen's letters, who referred him to Secretary Sayas, who said that the King had written to the Queen by way of Flanders, for that the seas were dangerous. Could get no other answer, and perceives that some of them make small account of the Queen's letters. If words would have prevailed he has said as much as lay in him, having no commission to speak, but bore himself the bolder by reason of the Queen's letters, otherwise he would not have spoken so much.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.