Elizabeth: September 1575, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: September 1575, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp122-137 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1575, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp122-137.

"Elizabeth: September 1575, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp122-137.

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September 1575, 1-15

Sept. 2. 317. Philip II. to the Commendator of Castile.
Has received his letter of 15th June touching the matters of England. As for the English refugees who the Queen of England has required should be sent out of the Low Countries, in accordance with treaty, they can be sent to Liege or Cambray, and their pensions secretly paid to them there, and in return it will be as well to find out if there are any of his rebellious subjects in England, and to demand their expulsion. —Madrid, 2 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Fr. P. ½.
Sept. 3. 318. Edward Castelyn to Walsingham.
1. Has travelled to Cologne with the bearer, Roland Fox, and earnestly followed the commission given to him, viz., to learn in what credit Fox is in Cologne; whether the Queen could take up there 30,000li or 40,000li after five or six per cent.; whether a greater sum may be had; what bonds they require, and whether her Majesty may be furnished with 15,000li for armour there upon bonds.
2. Roland Fox is of great parentage, and most of them very rich, and some of them in authority at Cologne and Spires. Her Majesty may have the aforesaid sums and more after the said rates, but they none of them will deal therein until they may see a commission and authority that she will borrow money, such is their peevish manner. Six days after his arrival they presented him very solemnly with 10 pots of excellent Rhenish wine, as strong as sack. They require the city of London to be bond for the money taken up. Harness and other armour her Majesty may have at the hands of John More, a rich merchant in Cologne; corslets furnished as in Germany at 20s.; harquebussier's furniture, viz., a piece flask, touch box, lint, and a head-piece at 12s. 6d. Horsemen's harness of proof and furniture at 50s., to be delivered in London, and better cheap if delivered at Hamburg, Emden, or Cologne. Hears that in Holstein there are divers gentlemen from whom may be had 200,000 dollars at five per cent. per annum. Has talked with a rich widow in Cologne called Hilton, who has promised to stay all such money as she may receive at next Frankford mart for the Queen at five per cent. The Seignory of Venice owe her notable sums, and the city of Antwerp 100,000 dollars. There are two worthy gentlemen of great credit of Fox's kin who may stand the Queen in great stead, for one of whom, named Peter Bellerbushe, he has promised to procure a horse and a gelding, both ambling, and for the other, named Peter Evans, some English greyhounds and other hounds, for whose transport over sea he desires to have a licence. If the Queen would have money at Cologne for six, five, and sometimes four per cent. a meet man should be sent to be a "legier" here, with sufficient commission to watch for times of advantage, who would save his wages in one bargain. Recommends Roland Fox for this place, and desires that his own charges of 13l. 15s. 2d. may be paid.—Antwerp, 3 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 22/3.
Sept. 3. 319. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Sends a copy of his letter to Sir Thomas Smith in the great matter. Prays him bear with his scribbling hand, as he does not commit these matters to any other.—Paris, 3 September. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 2/3.
[Sept. 3.] 320. Dr. Dale to Sir Thomas Smith.
Understanding it is the Queen's pleasure he should write plainly and wholly what he finds in the handling of the suit of Monsieur, will as largely and as effectually as he can declare what he has learned and seen from the beginning. It is certain Monsieur himself has always been of the mind that he would think himself the happiest man alive if he might attain the Queen's favour in marriage. His chiefest hope of stay, if he should need, is in the Queen. He has been little and seldom made privy of the treaty that has been with the Queen for him. The Queen Mother has been very desirous to prefer her son that way, and has been always doing to further it as she has had opportunity. The King that dead is was very willing to it, until about the middle of December 1573 he began to mistrust Monsieur and the King of Navarre, after which he never suffered his brother to go from him, but kept him prisoner during his life, and so did the Queen Mother till the coming of the King to Lyons in October last. Until the time the King returned from Avignon, neither did he think of either of the advancing or placing of his brother, but of the settling of himself, being put in hope speedily to oppress them of the religion and recover his towns without difficulty. He always had watch on his brother and the King of Navarre. Since the marriage of the King there have been many practices against Monsieur by the Guises, whereby the King has been in many passions against his brother, and has been sometimes advised to use all severity against him, and sometimes to win him by fair means and good usage. If it had not been for the help of the Queen Mother it had been hard with him before this, but she has always been a stay unto him both as a mother and to have a stay for herself against the Guises, with whom she has had much ado since the King's marriage. Now it has been thought impossible that Monsieur should be continually kept as he has been without apparent ruin of one of the brethren. On the other side it has been thought dangerous to advance him to join with the Queen, and suffer him to go at liberty. in the end it was thought best to bestow him if it might be possible, and therefore the King willed La Chastre to renew the matter, and gave the like instructions to Mauvissiere. Still the King and Queen Mother have been in great doubt whether the Queen has some intent to set Monsieur at liberty by this treaty without any further meaning to grow to conclusion. Certain it is both the King and Queen Mother would with all their hearts the matter were ended if it might be compassed, and they might trust Monsieur to be at liberty.
Copy. Enclosure. Pp. 4½.
[Sept. 3.] 321. Occurrents in France.
The rumour of the coming of the reiters to the Prince of Condé is many ways confirmed. The Dukes of Lorraine and Guise, the Marshal of Retz, and Monsieur Biron are despatched to stay their passage. The number of horses to serve the King by the Edict are very slenderly furnished, and for money they are utterly unprovided. They mind to take another army into Perigord, but Montpensier, who should be general, makes courtesy, and says he perceives it is a matter as well against them of the blood and the rest of the nobility as against them of the religion. The King has sent to Danville to renew the treaty of peace and make the truce if need be till January, but it is thought they in that country will not have any great haste to make any truce. The enterprise upon Rochelle was not so great a matter as it was taken to be. The King has yielded the sovereignty of the Duchy of Bar to the Duke of Lorraine, much against the minds of the Court, because it was an ancient right of the crown of much importance. There is advertisement of an enterprise for the King against Sedan, but men judge they have overmuch to do at home. The Admiral's son is come to Dauphiny with six or seven score horses, and men pass there in small companies from Germany and Geneva without any stay. The King is gone from the Louvre to lodge at the house of the Duke of Guise. It is reported the Duke d'Uzes made an enterprise upon Beaucaire, and there lost 200 or 300 reiters, which is like to be true, because the Swiss that were with him are almost wasted, and Count Martinengo departed from him with 2,000 good soldiers. James Fitz Morris sent three of his chiefest men in one ship from St. Malo to land as it were to make favour and submit themselves, or else otherwise to practise what they may upon land; the rest he sent severally in five "Bretysshe" [Breton] ships, which are appointed to linger about the coast of Ireland to understand what they shall be appointed to do by the other from the shore. The Bishop of Ross says he will be very shortly towards Rome. The King has committed the matters of Warcup and Nutshawe to Bellieure.
Enclosure. Wrongly Endd., 6 Sept. 1575. Pp. 2¼.
Sept. 4. 322. James Harvie, Junior, to Lord Burghley.
Arranges for the receipt and payment of certain moneys. The exchange from hence is at 24s. 6d. for the pound sterling. Since they took Schoonhoven the Spaniards have done nothing. They mutiny for their pay. The Commendator has sent men towards the Maas for doubt of the Prince of Condé. The ships of this town have fought with those of Flushing.— Antwerp, 4 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 2¼.
Sept. 4. 323. M. de Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
Has been unable to sleep during the night, because of the matter of which they conversed yesterday, and which it is the desire of the King, Queen Mother, Monsieur, himself, and the whole kingdom to bring to a good end.—Auxstford [Oxford], Sunday, 4 September 1575. Signed.
Add. to Walsingham at Augstoc [Woodstock]. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Sept. 5. 324. Negotiations for the Marriage of Monsieur with the Queen.
With regard to the proposals of the King and Queen Mother of France for the marriage of the Queen with Monsieur, and touching the King's unwillingness that his brother should come over without some hope of a good end arising from an interview, and without a promise that he should be allowed exercise of his religion the Queen replies that he cannot entertain either matter till she had seen her proposed husband.—5 September 1575.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2⅓.
Sept. 5. 325. Negotiations for the Marriage of Elizabeth with Monsieur.
1. Copy of the articles delivered by the French Ambassador and Cavalcanti (vide letter from Elizabeth to Francis Walsingham, 16 April 1571).
2. Copy of the preceding document No. 324.
Fr. and Lat. Pp. 9.
Sept. 6. 326. Lord Seton to the Queen.
Thanks her for her favour shown to his son, and expresses his willingness to serve her.—Seton, 6 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 327. Declaration of the Regent of Scotland to the Earl of Huntingdon.
Excuses himself for the detention of Sir John Forster and the other gentlemen, and attributes the present quiet state of the Borders to his having done so. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 6. 328. The Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Leicester.
1. Is sorry that his Lordship was not at the Court when Mr. Bowes arrived there, as he trusted by his good means that the Queen would better have accepted his poor dealings then he sees she has.
2. To his no small grief he finds by her letters that she utterly dislikes all that he has done. Fears that he can do nothing in this action that she will like of, for in a letter from Mr. Secretary Smith he wrote these words, "That peradventure her Majesty doubted I would be too remiss and bear too much with the Regent." Doubts that her Majesty has conceived some suspicion of him. Cares not a straw for the Regent, if it were not in respect for her service, and if war be thought better than peace, will be as ready to serve in one as the other. Cannot think of any better course than that which he has taken. Never did anything before it was deliberately considered by him and his associates, whom he is sure all serve her Majesty in this action with the same dutiful mind that he does himself. Where the Queen is offended that he sent up Mr. Bowes with so slender advertisement, &c., he did it for the best, as he knew he was able to declare at large that which he durst not for fear of being too tedious set down in writing. Doubts that Mr. Bowes has not told her Majesty as much as he might, both concerning the state of the cause and his dealings; yet he says that he has told the whole both to the Queen and Leicester.— Durham, 6 Sept. 1575. Signed.
3. P.S.—Came here to meet Leicester's sister, but will be at Berwick again to-morrow or the next day. It is time that some end of this negotiation was had, for the lewd fellows on both sides of the Borders wax very wild.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Sept. 7. 329. Walsingham to Daniel Rogers.
Thanks him for his letters, and well allows of his manner of dealing in that negotiation. Prays him to recommend the cause of Martin to the Prince and States.—Court at Woodstock, 7 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
[Sept. 7.] 330. Dr. Dale to [Walsingham].
1. Repaired to Court with Sir Henry Cobham and had audience of the King and Queen Mother together, which is a manner used at this time when they mind to deal sub stantially in any matter. Declared to the King the Queen's sincere meaning towards them, and told the Queen Mother of Sir Thomas Smith's goodwill to do service in that cause, and that the Queen meant all good faith in her proceeding. The Queen Mother said she had never seen anything else in him but truth and plainness, and that she had spoken with her son Alençon within four days before, who said he was now of years, and would be loth to go out of the realm, unless he were assured to speed. Further, she said the Queen must forbear to aid such as were rebels unto the King, as it was said she had already done with 50,000 crowns, wherewith the reiters were ready to march, and had also promised other 50,000 against the next fair of Frankfort. Answered that he doubted not they would be satisfied therein, and assured them that he did not understand of any such matter, but on the other side understood James Fitz Morris was aided at St. Malo, yet he though they would be sorry that anything were attempted by him to the prejudice of the Queen.
2. Further, said the Queen was advertised of some enterprise of them of Bas Normandy against the Isle of Guernsey, notwithstanding she did not believe it. The Queen Mother answered that James Fitz Morris was at St. Malo to attend the Queen's pleasure for her pardon, but other aid he had none, and wished that the matter of the money were no more true that that of Guernsey.
3. The King said of himself he could not believe the Queen would help his enemies if she minded to enter into this alliance, and so he and the Queen Mother went forth with discourses how necessary this matter might be for both realms, how meet the match would be for the Queen to join with the House of France, and how desirous they would be to see that day.
4. In the end the Queen Mother turned to the King and him and said if her son might be placed with the Queen her two sons had two of the goodliest ladies in Christendom, and so parted very merrily. Monsieur was in the chamber all the time of his audience, but he stood on the other side of the bed in such wise that there was not any occasion for him or for Sir Henry Cobham to speak with him.
Copy. Pp. 3¾.
Sept. 10. 331. MM. de la Mothe Fenelon and de Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
1. With regard to the request of M. de la Mothe that he be permitted at the desire of the King of France and the Queen Mother to visit the Queen of Scots, the King her son, and the Regent of Scotland, they declare that they neither know what to say or to write to their Majesties. Nor can M. de la Mothe return without something more being done to further their wishes.
2. Though the Queen has alleged certain occasions for putting off the visit to the Queen of Scots, she has not refused it as regards the others, but has in a measure accorded it. Pray therefore that he be allowed to have audience with her, and give her to understand that, without breaking treaties and leagues, they cannot understand how she can refuse permission, or that they may meet the Earl of Leicester and others of the Council, with whom they may speak further of the matter. —Oxford, 10 September 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. Fr. P. 1.
Sept. 10. 332. The Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Leicester.
Has received his letter of Sept. 2, by which he finds that Mr. Bowes has not so largely uttered to the Queen as he might have of the Regent's offers to him, &c., which he sees was the cause that her despatch was in harder terms than otherwise it would have been. For the better satisfaction of her Highness he briefly writes a few articles to show how he has proceeded with the Regent.
1. At the first meeting he charged the Regent with detaining the Warden and the rest, and refused to treat with him before the discharge of their bonds, which was granted.
2. The next day the bonds being discharged by proclamation, he agreed upon a course of proceeding to try out the cause of the late brabble, wherein it was thought that the Lord Warden should set down in writing such matter as he thought fit and that Carmichael should do the like.
3. Then they drew certain articles whereon it was thought meet to examine such witnesses for England as the Warden should nominate, and the like for Scotland nominated by Carmichael.
4. After divers examinations taken both of English and Scotch they fell to consider what the state of the matter appeared to be by the depositions. What he and his associates conceived of the whole was sent to Mr. Secretary Smith on the 21st ult. Having no will to stand much upon comparing the depositions, he earnestly urged the Regent to think of some such answer as might satisfy the Queen for the taking, detaining, and demission of her subjects upon bonds. As for the killers of Sir George Heron and the rest, it was readily granted that justice should be done upon them if they could be found out. The like was demanded on the part of Scotland, to which it was answered that as most part of the slaughter was done in England, such as they could find not to have done it in their own defence should be delivered to justice. Cannot certainly learn who killed Sir George Heron, as three sundry Scots are charged, one of the Crosiers, a Douglas, and a Turnbull, but yesterday his brother said that one of the Elwoods killed him. As for the taking and detaining, the Regent earnestly protested how sincere his meaning was herein, with which he hoped to satisfy him for the Queen.
5. The next day the Regent brought the enclosed writing and on their finding some fault therein, he answered that he only set it down as a declaration of his innocency and to show his intention not to offend her Majesty, and that he was ready to do anything that might redound to her honour or be taken as a satisfaction, which speech in effect is contained in the letter the Earl sent by Mr. Bowes. To this in private he added that he was ready to deliver up Carmichael, only he required that the Queen should be informed of his doings, and then he doubted not but she would deal honourably with him. He refused not also to deliver any other, but said he would do anything to content her Majesty, and earnestly urged to know what would be accepted. Huntingdon said that he would certify his offers to her Majesty, and if they should be liked he must and would be satisfied. "Well," said he, "you deal more hardly than the Queen's Majesty would do if she understood the state of the matter as well as you do." Must confess he cannot tell what more could have been demanded than by the Regent was offered, especially when he knows that Carmichael's little finger is more dear to him than most of the heads that were that day in the field. Prays him to consider the Queen's first letter sent to him, and then he will see how consonant his dealings have been to her commandment there set down. Has no doubt but that the Regent will execute as many as justice will permit. It is necessary at this time that justice be done upon some on both sides in terrorem, for except fear of punishment bridle them the lewd men that dwell on both Borders will when they list put the treaty betwixt both realms in danger of breach. Meets the Regent on the 12th inst.— Berwick, 10 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Pp. 4.
[Sept.] 333. The Regent of Scotland's and Huntingdon's declaration.
Declares that the detention and the release upon bonds of Sir John Forster and the rest was done merely that further troubles might not arise upon the Borders, and disclaims all intention of meaning any dishonour to the Queen of England thereby.—Signed: James, Regent; H. Huntingdon.
Copy. Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 3.
Sept. [10.] 334. The Raid of Reedswire.
Recapitulations of the negotiations between the English commissioners and the Regent of Scotland touching the beginning of the disorder and measures to be taken for its punishment. Part of the best of the English who were taken prisoners were taken by their friends for their safeties and might have gone home but durst not. The beginners of the fray were the evil men of both the realms. The matter that most touches in honour is the detaining prisoners as it were in time of war. Though the same was very injurious yet good came thereof, for the Borderers during that time remained quiet, but now since their coming home there has chanced divers raids and robberies.
Endd.: Sept. 1575. Pp. 2¾. Enclosure.
Sept. 10. 335. Lord Hunsdon to the Earl of Leicester.
Since his coming, finds so great discontentation in all sorts from the highest to the lowest for these late attempts, that if there be not some notorious example by execution and imprisonment of some of the chiefest offenders, although the Queen would be content to put up some piece of that dishonour she has received, yet he sees not how the amity can continue between the two kingdoms. Doubts not but at the next meeting with the Regent all will be well. Desires that Mr. Vernon may be sent to his charge of victualler of Berwick, and also that the Treasurership may be filled up.—Berwick, 10 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
336. The Victualler of Berwick.
1. He shall make no provision within Northumberland or the Bishopric without special necessity to be allowed by the Governor of Berwick.
2. He shall serve every man by the day with a loaf of wheat bread for 1d., which shall weigh out of the oven 24 oz., and in beer 1 pottle by the day after xxxs to the tun of 240 gallons for 1d. Every man to have 2 lbs. of beef or mutton for 1¾d. the pound from Midsummer to January, and from January to Shrovetide 1½d., and in butter ½ lb., and 1 lb. of cheese.
3. He shall deliver oats after 4s. 8d., and beans for 12d. the quarter, which provision shall be for 500 horses.
4. He shall make a staple of victual to serve 1,500 men for one year.
5. He shall have 20s. per diem paid by the Treasurer.
6. He shall have a remain of 2,000li sterling to serve for a stock.
7. He shall have the pastures, &c.
8. At every half year he shall send in his books.
Endd. Enclosure. P2/3.
Sept. 337. Mr. Castelyn's Note for the Taking up of Money.
A strong chest to be provided with three several locks, of which each [commissioner] shall keep a key, and into this all treasure to be placed. In case of the chest being full the rest of the bullion and money is to be packed in barrels and sealed with their three several seals. None of the treasure is to be in any wise diminished, except for brokerage, carriage, and other charges.
Endd. P. ½.
Sept. 10. 338. News from Venice.
Report of the plague being at Milan. Departure of gentlemen from Genoa on account of the public troubles and negotiations for pacification.—Venice, 10 Sept.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
Sept. 11. 339. Philip II. to Jeronimo de Rodas.
Directs him to use all means possible to pacify the disputes and dissensions between the members of the Council and the soldiers, so that they may both unite for the more effectual suppression of the rebels in the Low Countries.— Santo Lorenzo [Escurial], 11 Sept. 1575.
Copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 1½.
Sept. 12. 340. Troubles in Genoa.
Appointment of the Cardinal Morone and other persons as commissioners for the pacifying of the civil commotions that have arisen in the republic of Genoa.—Given at the Ducal Palace, 12 Sept. 1575.
Copy. Endd. Ital. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 12. 341. News from Genoa.
News of the appeasing of the troubles in Genoa to the great joy of all the citizen.—2 Oct., news from Antwerp of the coming of 60 ships from Biscay.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
Sept. 12. 342. Roger Bodenham to Lord Burghley.
Wrote by Mr. Chester, touching Daniel Rogers, nothing but the mere truth, yet a short time after Rogers showed himself to bear him no small displeasure. He is therefore constrained to ask his Lordship's favourable letter to the Governor Boissot. The Prince [of Orange] is in great danger if he have no better help than this country can yield him. Since the loss of Schoonhoven, the enemy made proffer to pass over to the island over against Dort, but could not have their purpose. If the enemy had gone straight to Rotterdam, as they might have done, the town had yielded, but now they make themselves strong, as they do in all other towns of South Holland, but all is nothing if some other help come not. They be of so many minds and such rulers as is too bad to see them, and yet called the States of Holland. As for the Prince he can command no more than they agree upon, be it well or be it ill. Thinks that if they come to any great extremity that the people will deliver the Prince to make their peace, although their bargain be never so ill. As for these mad heads of Holland they care not if Holland were lost, and think themselves able to displease all the world.—Middleburg, 12 Sept., 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 12. 343. James Harvie, Junior, to Burghley.
Explains the arrangements which he has made for the receipt and transmission of certain sums of money. There is no news from the camp in Holland, as most of the King's men are gone up the Maas to watch the Prince of Condé. The Earl of Pembroke has gone to Sluys, and he thinks is departed for England yesterday.—Bruges, 12 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Sept. 13. 344. Dr. Dale to [Lord Burghley].
The King and Queen Mother were in a great agony the night that Monsieur was absent, and thought he had been fled. It was said that St. Remy had horses in readiness for him, and that the King of Navarre would have been gone also. The determination of this Court is to-day one thing, to-morrow the direct contrary. All is appeased, at least in outward appearance. If it may be, these accidents may bring them sooner to resolve themselves to bestow Monsieur than they would otherwise have done. The King is persuaded the Queen helps the Prince of Condé with money; it is said they have advertisement thereof from Frankfort and other parts of Germany.—Paris, 13 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Pp. 12/3.
Sept. 13. 345. Dr. Dale's Advertisements from France.
James Fitz Morris sent Henry Omuriall hither [Paris] to know how his suits went forward, who is sent back again with answer that La Roche will be in Brittany with him within 16 days, if his pardon cannot be gotten by that time; he tarries at St. Malo with his wife, and very few with him. A Frenchman in England who has been of the religion, called "le General Portal," has had thanks written with the King's own hand to him for his advertisements from thence, with promise of recompense. Chastillon, the Admiral's son, is received in Dauphiny as general of those of the religion in place of Montbrun. The King is advertised 2,000 reiters are coming from Worms, and are looked for at Strasbourg about the 6th of this month, to march with 1,000 Frenchmen towards Montbelliard, which is in the frontiers of the Franche-Comte, from thence to St. Claude, and so to descend into Dauphiny to take passage over the Rhone into Languedoc at Pouzin, which was won by the King at his being at Lyons, and now recovered again. They of the religion in Dauphiny send 4,000 harquebussiers to meet the reiters on their way for their escort. The Duke of Guise was appointed to make his camp at Langres, to attend where he might best stop the passage of the reiters; but when he came into Champagne he found that M. de Bussy, father to him that fled for displeasure of the King of Navarre, a man of great living, had taken arms, and was accompanied with the most part of the gentlemen of Champagne, and he himself found very few that would follow him, so he has sent word to the King that he must have other forces or else he cannot levy any camp. The Duke of Maine is departed towards his government in Burgundy, and D'Aumale is to depart thitherward very shortly. Marshal de Retz goes with his own company without charge. It was reported the town of Bordeaux had taken arms against the King by occasion of their new imposition, but it is thought they are somewhat appeased. The castle of M. de Losse, captain of the Scottish Guard, one of the strongest places in all Guienne, is taken by them of the religion, with great provision of victuals and other "richesses" to the value of 100,000 crowns. Viscount Touraine has taken another castle thereabout, and a good town in Limousin, not far from Limoges, called St. Irie, which is the place where the Duke Deuxponts met the Admiral. The King has no forces in that country. Montpensier makes difficulty to levy a camp without great sums of money. Young Douglas, brother to Robert Douglas who was slain in May last, was slain within the King's gate at the Hotel de Guise by one Grillon, a captain that follows De Gas, and much suit made by the Scottishmen for justice, but hitherto there is none done. The quarrel was only because Douglas had stricken a lackey of Grillon's. This Grillon not past 10 days before made a fray and drew his dagger in the King's own chamber. All Normandy is in arms under pretence of defence as well against the foreign enemy as for fear of the gentlemen of the country. Mantes and Melane, in Normandy, have been almost taken. One St. Remy, a young gentleman of Champagne, was taken and committed to prison upon the sudden as he was ready to depart this town; he was a follower of Monsieur's, and in good favour with him. It happened the same night that Monsieur was abroad somewhat late, whereupon the guards were all set and the King and Queen Mother went not to bed till he came in, yet Monsieur made the captain of the guard privy to his going. It is said his study was searched and he straitly examined at his coming in. He answered very roundly, and so for that time the matter was passed over, but for a day or two he had very sour countenance and no one durst speak with him. The next day Captain St. André, one that was committed to prison with La Mole and divers others, were sought for, and one or two taken in the night time out of the chamber of Monsieur. Soon after Gondy came to him, and the rest of the Ambassadors that were lodged in the fauxbourgs, saying the King was careful for their safety, and therefore advised them to lodge in the town. It is well thought that this was not so much for any cause of danger as for doubt of intelligence that might be had more in the fauxbourgs than in the city. Some of the deputies for the treaty of peace are arrived, but they of Languedoc are not yet come. Captain Landreau has been encountered by La Noüe, and lost 300 or 400 men at Ré, by Rochelle. In letters from Poitou it is written that Count Vantadour and M. de Guerchy, a man of great credit in that country, are joined with La Noüe and Viscount Touraine. An edict is set forth to prohibit the alienation of the land and goods of them that are absent. John Hamilton, that sued to be reconciled, is dead.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 14. 346. Daniel Rogers to Lord Burghley.
Concerning the restitution to be made for the ship called the "Christ," the States show themselves reasonable, for unto as many as show their bills of lading they make restitution, declaring that they are not wont to do so to any proving his goods by his proper oath only. They have some reason to be thus precise, because English merchants have eftsoons coloured other men's goods, which fraud is often detected by the bills of lading, for that they have divers marks by diligent observation of which they have spied out heretofore the deceit. Finds them most stubborn and in a manner barbarous in defending most rigorously their placard, and using those who come for restitution most uncivilly and extremely. A ship of the staple sailing for Flanders without a licence was brought into Flushing and the goods confiscated by sentence of the Admiralty Court, and sold by public auction, when the party bought his goods again, yet they persist in demanding 20li overmore for licence to carry them into Flanders. Rogers has with much ado caused it to be staid hitherto, but fears that the end will be to pay it. Has also dealt with them for the "Martin," of Exeter, which was taken on the coast of England between Rye and Dover. Their charter party bound them to go to Dover, yet because there were found three letters in the ship by which it appeared that the goods should afterwards be conveyed into Flanders, they condemned the goods as good prize, and although he has alleged all the arguments possible for restitution they are minded to stand by the sentence. In July last a young mariner, an Englishman, was spoiled by a Flushinger sailing from London towards Weymouth, who coming hither espied one wearing his dagger, and desiring to have it again was laid in prison for five weeks under a false accusation. The Admiral [of Zealand], receiving advertisement that the Staplers' fleet was coming towards Flanders under convoy of the Queen's ship the "Achates," took order that certain ships should go to intercept the said fleet, and gave express commandment that if the "Achates" defended them they should do their best to bring her away with them. The enemy has done nothing since 24th August, though if they had followed their victory they might have taken Rotterdam. The enemy have taken a fort commanding the passage of the Lesche [Leck], and thought to have landed in Swindreghtes Werdte, which is an island over against Dort, which if he had done the Prince would have been besieged in Dort; but he, foreseeing their design, caused 300 horsemen and eight ensigns of foot to come into the said island, and made a bulwark right over against them, by which he can hinder their descent from Schoonhoven into the Maas. M. de Hierges, perceiving he could do no good in taking of these islands, began to retire towards Woerden, which he has environed. The Commendator travails by all means to land men in some of the islands of Zealand to hinder the traffic between Zealand and Holland, and on 1st inst., having armed his galleys, thought to have landed men in East Duiveland, where they fought for four or five hours on the water. It is said that there came the day following into Antwerp eight waggons laden with wounded men. The Prince had no damage, but one of his ships blown up and sunk. The Governor Boissot, understanding that the Spaniards at low water had sounded the depth, returned to East Duiveland, where he has made two bulwarks to withstand them. The States of Zealand are minded to assemble in East Duiveland at Nieuwerkirke to-morrow, where he will go in order to further the merchants' suits recommended to him by the Lords of the Council.—Middleburg, 14 Sept. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
347. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4¾.
348. Copy of the first portion of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
[Sept.] 349. Daniel Rogers' Negotiations.
"Answer to the complaints exhibited by Mr. Daniel Rogers', commissary to the Queen's Majesty of England, touching certain English merchants pretending themselves to be endamaged by certain ships of war of his Excellency set forth by the town of Flushing, according to the contents of a certain roll written in parchment under the seal of the Admiralty of England containing 23 leaves, beginning Edwardus comes, &c., dated the 16 of May, anno 1575, with two other attestations more under the seal of the foresaid Admiralty exhibited to his Excellency." Justifies the stay of the ships and the confiscation of the goods chiefly on the grounds of the infringement of the Prince of Orange's placard and of their belonging to the enemy. Two other answers to similar complaints exhibited by Daniel Rogers on the 12 July and 27 June respectively.
Endd. Pp. 10.
Sept. 14. 350. The Earl of Huntingdon to Walsingham.
The Lord Governor has dealt so honourably and wisely in these conferences that he wishes the Queen had sent him sooner. The Regent takes it very unkindly at his hands that for his good meaning he should receive so hard answer from her Majesty, and thinks he was slacker in his information than he should have been. Has desired that the com mission may be directed to the Lord Governor with whom Sir H. Gates and Mr. Robert Bowes may be joined, and as a lawyer may be requisite he recommends Mr. Meares. Purposes to return to York, as he has nothing here to do. The Lord Governor with this assistance may finish this matter of execution.—Berwick, 14 September 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 14. 351. Lord Hunsdon to [the Earl of Leicester.]
1. The Lord President met the Regent on the 12th and 13th instant, where after some reasoning the Regent in the end yielded thoroughly to all that they could demand. Finds more willingness to satisfy the Queen than he looked for. Where the Queen scant takes in good part the President's doings she forgets her former letters expressly forbidding him to accept any offer till he had advertised her. The Regent demanded sundry times what would satisfy her Majesty, could have no answer, but was fain to break the meeting till answer was returned from her Majesty. Where the Queen looked that the Regent should have done some execution for this matter of himself, he could not have executed any man for it with justice or equity, unless he should have hanged some innocents, for as yet they cannot certainly find who killed Sir George Heron and the rest. Have delivered in the names of the takers and hurters of the gentlemen, being not one of any account or valour, but a sort of rascals and sheep thieves. The Regent offered of himself to deliver instead of these rascals eight gentlemen, whereof four are Douglasses of his own house and the other four Carmichael's, who shall be delivered into this town to-night to be used at her Majesty's pleasure, and Sir John Carmichael shall be sent on the 18th or 20th instant to be sent on to the Lord President. Desires him to let the Queen understand that as she has required justice for the slaughter of her subjects by execution, so has she granted the same on the other side. What honour will the Queen receive to have a sort of rascals executed on both sides, and perhaps the apprehending of them will breed more trouble than will be easily quenched. If they can find out and execute the killer of Sir George Heron, together with the having Carmichael and the rest at the Queen's devotion, he trusts she will have honourable satisfaction. Dares not presume to write thus much to her Majesty, but wishes his Lordship to let her understand hereof. The Regent is grieved to the heart, and unless the Queen countenance him he cannot continue in his charge, which for her pleasure only he took upon him. Thinks it better that no marchers be employed on this commission for trial of the slaughters.—Berwick, 14 Sept. 1575.
2. P.S.—Lord Seton sent word that he would send his Lordship two casts of falcons, but as yet he hears nothing of them. The eight gentlemen have just arrived. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 14. 352. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Thomas Smith.
To the same effect as his letter to the Earl of Leicester of this date. The names of the takers of Sir John Forster and the rest given in were a sort of beggarly "harlatts" and sheep thieves not worth the hanging.—Berwick, 14 Sept. 1575.
Endd. Copy. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 15. 353. The Merchant Adventurers to Daniel Rogers.
Have received his of 29 Aug. accepting the election [to the secretaryship], but cannot perceive any certain disposition for the accomplishment of the charge thereof. Require him to let them understand by Michaelmas his intent and meaning and in what certainty he is prepared to make his repair hither for their business.—Antwerp, 15 Sept. 1575. Signed: Thomas Heton, Governor.
Add. Endd. "Received in East Duiveland, 27 Sept." P. 1.