Elizabeth: August 1575

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: August 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp102-122 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp102-122.

"Elizabeth: August 1575". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp102-122.

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August 1575

Aug. 1. 270. Roger Bodenham to Lord Burghley.
His lordship's letter to Boissot might have done him good if Rogers had dealt as a messenger and not as an Ambassador. Complains that his losses and those of his friends are like to be 1,500li or 1,600li sterling. This man [Rogers] is not [fit] for small or great matters. In order to discharge his duty towards him, because Rogers and Mr. Chester both advertise his lordship of certain things, he sends the following news. First, by report of some wise men these men were never minded to bring in the French, in whatsoever need they had been, but now as the matter is opened to them that the Queen doubts such matter, it is good cause for them to take hold of the same as he thinks they will do. As to the people of the country their conditions are very gross, and without all honour, maliciously mistrusting all men, having their whole mind bent to their liberties without any further respect. Their towns be strong by reason of the waters, the countries exceeding plentiful, yet in process of time the King of Spain will have all if they have no better help than themselves. There are but three things to be considered in this matter: whether it were best that the King of Spain had this country as he had it; or else the Queen; or else some other foreign prince; for to one of these it must come ere long, for by themselves they cannot long continue being divided amongst themselves.—Delft, 1 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
August 2. 271. Spanish Navy.
Instructions for Martin de Larrentina, captain of the "Santa Marina," one of Pedro Valdez' squadron, as to the rations of bread, wine, and other victuals to be served out to his crew on the different days of the week.—Santander, 2 Aug. 1575. Signed: Don Pedro Valdez, by his secretary, Juan Cipres.
Endd. Span. Pp. 1½
August 3. 272. Henry III. of France to Elizabeth.
Having occasion to recall M. de la Mothe Fenelon, he has accredited to her M. de Mauvissiere, Chevalier of the Order, gentleman in ordinary of his Chamber, and Councillor, to whom he begs she will accord all the privileges of an Ambassador.—Paris, 3 August 1575. Signed: Henry. Countersigned: Pinart.
Add. Endd. Fr. Royal letter.
August 4. 273. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Captain Haye, a Scottishman, comes to England with Mauvissiere, and is very desirous to be specially recommended to him. He has shown himself weary of his old faction and done him good pleasure many times. Supposes he knows his sufficiency for a man of his calling for any matter either of Scotland or France.—Paris, 4 August 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P
August 4. 274. The Earl of Huntingdon to Lord Burghley.
Thought it best, before going to Berwick, to inform himself as well as he could of the beginning, proceeding, and end of the late brabble betwixt the Lord Warden and Carmichael, so hearing that the Lord Warden was at Alnwick he sent and required him to come over to Newcastle, wishing him to bring some of the principal persons who had been with him at the meeting, excepting Sir Francis Russell, because of his hurt. The Warden having come to him, after long talk had with him privately and publicly, it was concluded that he should set down in writing the whole state of the matter, whereupon he took a whole night's advisement, and the next day brought a paper, whereof a copy is enclosed. In private talk with some of those gentleman who came with the Warden he found some things that he had heard of before to be true, and also that in this paper the Warden had omitted to set down some things more special than it contained, which in the end must needs be remembered, for though they would be forgetful, yet it is like that the other side will show therein a better memory. Has some cause to doubt that there is some matter which the Warden is more willing to have buried in silence than to be uttered. Hopes shortly to be able to write more certainly.—Widdrington, 4 August 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
275. The Raid of Reedswire.
1. Sir John Forster and Sir John Carmichael met on 7th July at the above-named place for the execution of justice only, almost all the people on both sides coming unarmed, and going abroad either into the other's company. After friendly salutations passed they chose a fit place on the English ground to do justice, therein proceeding quietly, without any difference, saving for the delivery of William Fenwick, charged with the receipt of a Scottish fugitive; which bill passed over. After they had courteously drunk to one another they began again to execute justice, calling for a bill against Henry Robson, an Englishman, who made not appearance, and was condemed by the Warden by default, whereupon Carmichael demanded delivery for the same, which the Warden offered to do at the next meeting, and when they could not agree on this point Carmichael said, "No more can I make further delivery to you, and it appears you cloak justice, and are not willing that it should proceed." The Warden of England affirms that he further said that so long as his nowt and the keepers go quietly on the Borders there is nothing but maintenance of fugitives, rebels, and traitors, which words Carmichael denies to have been spoken by him at that time, but that before their drinking the like words were merrily spoken, whereat the Warden took no offence. The Warden answered that he charged him untruly, and that he was willing to do justice. Carmichael then said that he was as able to answer his office as Forster, and that he was of as good a lineage. The Warden answered that he was not so able as he was, the Queen's Majesty's Warden, whereas Carmichael was but a keeper, whereupon certain lewd people of the Scots murmured and said, "Fye, fye, comparison, comparison," and thereupon fell to cry, "a Jedworth, a Jedworth," and then began the affray; but the Scots contrary affirm that sundry of the Tindale men standing near the Warden suddenly cried "a Tindale, a Tindale," running together, and shot arrows amongst the whole company, and that they began the affray. Although the beginners of the slaughter cannot certainly be found, yet it seems that many evil-disposed persons, having deadly feuds in their hearts, and thinking the opportunity to serve, did chiefly begin this broil without the knowledge of the Warden or Carmichael, who, hearing this sudden accident, did mutually agree to pacify the people. The Lord Warden did all he could to stay those about him, who were well quieted, but albeit Carmichael sought to appease his people, he could not do it, but that they and he amongst them came with drum and three pensils against the Warden and his company, being few in number, and put them back and followed the chase into England, and some of the Scots took a prey of cattle. In this affray and chase Sir George Heron and five other Englishmen were slain, Sir Francis Russell and sundry others hurt, Sir John Forster, Sir Cuthbert Collingwood, and many others taken and carried into Scotland; and of the Scots, William Symondson, gentleman, and four others were slain and divers hurt.
2. The Scots, for excuse of Carmichael coming in this onset and chase, affirm that he did not encourage his people, but endeavoured to draw them back, and he is not charged by any Englishman to have done any hurt with his own hand. They likewise say that the craftsmen of Jedworth used commonly to come with drum and pensils to meetings, to call and keep their people together, and not for any other purpose. Thus it seems that if the said feuds had not been so many and great amongst the people, and so many evil-disposed people assembled on both sides, those stirs and slaughters had not been done, notwithstanding any words spoken by the Lord Warden or Carmichael. Signed: H. Huntingdon, Thomas Gargrave, Henrie Gate, Rauffe Rokebie, Robert Bowes.
Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 3.
August 8. 276. The Earl of Huntingdon to Leicester.
Before the receipt of the Queen's letter he had written to Killegrew that the meeting with the Regent of Scotland might be either at the Bound Rood or in some church; as he perceives that the Queen would have the meeting to be at the Bound Rood he prays that he will be a means that she will take no offence at his doings in this. Finds that there is some diversity of report both concerning the proceeding and end of the brabble, but trusts shortly that the truth will be known. Finds all the wisest men and people of best order upon both Borders, and especially the lords and gentlemen of Scotland wish that this matter may be compounded rather than by force revenged.—Berwick, 8 August 1575. Signed.
Endd. P. 2¼.
August 8. 277. The Chancellor of Brabant to Lord Burghley.
Has received his letter in behalf of Antony Ratcliffe, and promises to further his cause to the best of his power.— Brussels, 8 August 1575. Signed: Scheyfui.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 2/3.
August 8. 278. Killegrew to the Earl of Leicester.
Excuses himself of apparent slowness in advertising concerning this late unhappy accident. This odious fact was committed the day after he came to this town, and all the advertisements and letters which he received from the Lord Warden and the Regent he sent up to the Court, and ever since from time to time has advertised the Lord President with as great care as he possibly could, according to her Majesty's express commandment. Under correction, he thinks if he should have written to any man except his Lordship he would rather have offended, than by observing his commission. Has made no mention of his first instructions to the Regent, but his usage to him has been as strange as if it stood upon terms of war. It is laid to his charge that he should have advertised what he learnt being here, but seeing that authority is given to a nobleman to make trial of the matter; for him to have written uncertain reports in so weighty a cause would scarcely have been allowed. Begs him to shield his faults with his credit and favour.—Berwick, 8 August 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 9. 279. Sir John Forster to the Earl of Leicester.
Carmichael, keeper of Liddlesdale and West Tividale, came not as a keeper but as a Warden, which he thought very strange, considering that he had met the Laird of Cessford before as Warden, yet upon letters from the Lord Regent and Sir George Heron, Deputy Warden, he was content to meet with him, when indeed' he found the said Carmichael not so willing to further justice according to the treaties of peace as he thought he would have been. Whereas the Queen has some misliking that he has not advertised her in the Privy Council, but only by a bare signification written to John Selby, he sent letters to Killegrew requesting him to advertise thereof. And where the Queen marvels of the continuance of peace between the two realms, her Warden with a great number of gentlemen and others being taken prisoners and detained in Scotland; Sir William Ker, Lord Warden of the Middle Marches of Scotland, from whom the said Carmichael took a great part of his office by the Regent's appointment, havnig certain of his men on the field at the said meeting, and two of them slain by the Scots, and the seeking of his defacing in taking part of his office from him, was content to bind up assurance with Forster being then in Scotland, which was the occasion of the continuance of the amity betwixt the two realms till further order was taken. The cause why he did not certify the whole matter is that it depends on trial before the Lord Regent and the Lord President. As still a prisoner under bond, has said his opinion to the Lord President that it will be best for him to require the Regent that he and the rest of the gentlemen being unlawful prisoners shall first be set at liberty, which if he refuse it will appear that he is not willing that peace and amity should continue, and that he thinks to take an advantage by detaining them prisoners under bond. If he thought that the Lord President and others who are in commission for this matter would not take such order therein as should be for the Queen's honour and his credit, he doubts not but that he should get a sufficient revenge on Carmichael and his accomplices for the death of Sir George Heron, his brother-in-law, and others of his friends, or else drive him forth of the Borders. Sends him a copy of the discourse of the whole matter.—Berwick, 9 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
August 12. 280. M. de Boischot to Walsingham.
1. Has according to his wishes given Mr. Cobham letters to some of the principal persons in the Court of Spain. Has also done what he could to further the lawsuit of Mr. Antony Ratcliffe. Has not been able to obtain lodgings in the town, and desires that the Lord Mayor may be required to furnish him with some.—London Fields, 12 Aug. 1575.
2. P.S.—There is news from Flanders of some fresh assembly to treat of peace. The second son of the King of Spain is dead, but the Queen has been brought to bed of another. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
August 12. 281. The Regent of Scotland to the Queen.
After his advertisement to her of the late trouble happened upon the Middle Marches, he was minded to have sent an express messenger to her to certify her more specially of the matter, and to learn her pleasure therein, but learning that the Earl of Huntingdon was appointed to repair to the Borders to make trial of the matter, he has purposely forborne to trouble her with any more letters in that behalf, always defering to their conclusion; until which time he begs she will suspend her judgment.—Dalkeith, 12 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½
August 13. 282. The Commendator of Castile to the Queen.
Having been informed that certain of her ministers have endeavoured to set her against the employment of any of her subjects in the service of the King Catholic, he sends a copy of their commission by which it may be seen that he has carefully guarded against anything which may touch her service. Wishes to know for certain that she approves of the employment of her subjects, as they are only used against his master's rebels, and also that they may have leave to make use of her ports. Desires that Henry Cobham on his return from Spain may have licence to pass through this country.— Antwerp, 13 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
August 14. 283. The Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Leicester.
The Regent has sent word that he will meet him to-morrow about 1 p.m. at the Bound Rood. There comes with him the Justice-Clerk, the Commendators of Dunfermline and Newbottle, and one Mr. John Sharp, a lawyer. His train is 100 horse. He seems willing to perform anything which may be to the Queen's contentation.—Berwick, 14 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3
August 14. 284. Killegrew to the Earl of Leicester.
1. As the Regent agreed so readily to all the Lord President's articles he forbore the utterance of her Majesty's so great misliking, yet let him know as of himself by general speeches what cause the Queen had justly to be offended with his manner of dealing.
2. Encloses a copy of the Regent's letter to the Queen.— Berwick, 14 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
August 12. 285. The Regent of Scotland to the Queen.
Copy of No. 283.
Enclosure. P. 2/3
August 15. 286. News from Vienna.
War has broken out in Hungary on account of civil dissensions in Transylvania, in which the Turks have been called on to interfere. An army of 80,000 Turks is looked for. —Vienna, 15 August 1575.
Lat. P. ½.
August 15. 287. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
The King has had an assembly of two principal citizens of every great town through the whole realm and declared to them that he has sought all means to have peace, and yet the more large offers he has made the further off men have been, and therefore he must prepare money, wherein he must needs have their aid, because the revenues of the realm have been wasted in the former troubles by his predecessors, and therefore he desired them to lay their heads together to see how he might be relieved. They answered that they had no commission to deal in anything, namely in such a matter, whereunto they suppose the towns from whom they came would hardly be induced. And so the King is as far off from any grant of money as he was before. He has given charge to his Council to show the book of his charges and revenues, and use all the persuasion they may, but in vain. The Duke of Guise is appointed to repair to his government in Champagne. Since the commotion in that country against the reiters men withdraw daily to Germany to the Prince of Condé. La Haye, the lieutenant of Poitou, was slain in his house, and afterwards his process made and was condemned. Vaudemont has been with Montmorency at the Bastille, and promised him very largely for his delivery for his own part and of the part of the Duke of Lorraine. Some say the Duke of Lorraine will not depart the Court till he be delivered. Vomeny and Jamyn have had the rack very sore, their greatest complaint is that they are tormented to express that whereof they know nothing. The King has news out of Poland that the election is precisely appointed against the 25th October, and that the whole country do incline to choose the Emperor. M. de Rohan, a man of very great possessions in Brittany, is dead of late, and his lands are descended to M. Fontenay and another, who both are of the religion, and were in Lusignan during the siege. The King has sent to seize the land, and the other side assemble forces to keep them, whereby there is like to be some stir. Fregoso is come in post from Genoa, and brings word that Don John of Austria prepares to make war against that town both by sea and land. He begins to draw his forces towards Savona, and the Genoese say they have money enough of their own and desire nothing but victuals and men. The Pope, the Duke of Florence, and other states in Italy fearing the greatness of the King of Spain are determined to help them. It is devised that the King should keep them with victuals and get men for them both out of his own realm and of Switzerland at the expense of them of Genoa. News is come that they of the religion have taken Peregueux in Perigord, a town of great riches and importance. The man of the Prince of Condé's that was taken upon the sea coming from Rochelle, his name was Abraham; they that were at his condemnation affirm there was neither matter nor proof against him, and so he protested at his death. They have had Montbrun to Grenoble in Dauphiny to do the like to him. The deputies for the treaty of peace, earnestly looked for these 12 days, are not heard of. Men much doubt they will not come at all, because the time of their safe conduct is expired, neither do they sue for any new. In the meantime the noblemen in the Court spend the time feasting and banquetting the King from one to another. The King came not to the banquet of the Marshal de Retz, which he made very sumptuously, but the Queen Mother failed him not. The Court is full that there are 4,000 reiters coming for the Prince of Condé. Looks for Sir Henry Cobham within these three or four days.—Paris, 15 August 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 15. 288. Dr. Dale to [Lord Burghley.]
Has advertisement again from St. Malo that there are five ships setting forth in that haven for James Fitz Morris, and that he remains there with great countenance and favour. The man he called the Steward of Marcartemore is commonly called the Seneschal of "Inonghchilly," and is one of the chiefest of them that make preparation towards Ireland. Captain Thomas remains in Bois de Vincennes without harm; the Queen Mother is angry that it is known where he is.— Paris, 15 August. Signed.
August 17. 289. Killegrew to the Earl of Leicester.
Was not present at the meeting between the Regent and the Lord President. Makes suit for his revocation, as his house is dispersed by visitation of the plague, which took one of his servants, and his wife is sick and in danger of her life, and the time is approaching for the exercising of his office. Desires him to commend Mr. Davison as his successor, who is partly of kin to his Lordship by marrying the Lady Mason's daughter. If anything fall out against the Regent, he is not himself a fit instrument to deal for her Majesty, as none of the Regent's "back friends" dare trust him, on account of the great trust conceived between his Grace and him. If Mr. Davison be not thought fit to supply this place, he recommends the Dean of Durham.—Berwick, 17 August 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 22/3.
August 17. 290. The Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Thomas Smith.
By his letter of yesterday, he certified him of his proceedings that day with the Regent. Did not send Sir John Forster's report to the whole Council, as he had cause to doubt that all things therein would not be well justified in sort as they were set down, besides the want of many special matters which the Lord Warden could not then call to remembrance, as now when they come to deal with the other side he doubts not but he will. Even now the Warden is in hand by the advice of certain gentlemen who were with him at the meeting, to set down in articles such matter as he will deliver. It appears that all that was done at Redswyre was an accident, sudden and unlooked for; "for surely the ground of it was choler, suddenly stirred, which might have been better tempered with considerate discretion than it was, and herein, if I be not deceived, both sides will be found to be in some fault." Thinks that in the question of who gave the first cause of offence, neither side will be found clear. If those attending on the Warden and Carmichael had not been such a people of disorder, and amongst them so many feuds, no such brawl would have followed. This day the Regent, before they entered on any conference by open proclamation, discharged all those who were under bond. The Regent, of himself, declared that the cause which moved him to take the Warden and the rest to Dalkeith was that he doubted lest being at home before the slaughter of their friends had been something digested, they might have sought some revenge, which would have made the matter harder to have been compounded. He said his intention was to do a service to her Majesty, and not to commit a fact whereby her honour might be touched. Thinks he fell into this declaration, because yesterday he was so vehemently charged with this matter. Gathers from divers speeches that if they cannot justify their fact in this to be lawful, yet they mean to satisfy her Majesty in so good sort, as with reason they may, for the Regent and those with him will in no wise, if they may help it, have the amity betwixt the two realms broken. Desires to know what kind of satisfaction he thinks may best please her Highness. — Berwick, 17 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add, Endd. Pp. 3.
August 19. 291. Government of the Borders.
"Notes of some orders to be remembered for the better and more quiet rule of the Borders in time to come." Providing for the better restitution of goods stolen by the thieves of either side, and for the observance of days of truce by the Wardens. Marriages betwixt English and Scotch subjects to be inhibited. Great care to be taken that the deadly feuds contracted at the last accident may be reconciled.
Endd.: 19 Aug. 1575. Pp. 2.
August 19. 292. Killegrew to Walsingham.
Thanks him for his letters, and craves pardon for his own silence. Has made earnest suit to come home. The English Warden is not so clean in this matter as he could wish. Recommends Mr. Davison or the Dean of Durham as his successor to go into Scotland. The apparent troubles in Scotland can soon be pacified.—Berwick, 19 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 19. 293. Killegrew to [Lord Burghley].
1. Trusts that he will not misconstrue his silence, the cause whereof he hopes shortly to declare to him. Any blame in respect to the circumstances of the meeting between the Regent and the Lord President proceeded from want of experience. Earnestly begs that he may be revoked. If cause shall require her Majesty's displeasure to the Regent he is an unfit instrument in policy to be used therein.
2. They met on the 16th inst. at the Bound Rood, and have every day since been in conference four or five hours. Was not there, and therefore dares not make any report, especially knowing how the Queen is incensed. Lord Hunsdon is looked for, whom he trusts will help the end forward to her Majesty's honour and surety, howbeit he perceives the Scots have not that opinion. The private factions in Scotland with mean good handling might be appeased.
3. Encloses a copy of occurrents. The Regent has put the seven burgesses of Edinburgh out of ward, and there will be a convention at Stirling upon this quarrel between Lochleven and Arbroath.—Berwick, 19 August. Signed.
Endd. by Burghley: "16 Aug. 1563." Pp. 4.
August. 294. Occurrents in Scotland.
1. Adam Gordon is still in ward. Adam Gordon has sent word that when in France he was acquainted with one Loggins, who lived there privately, that the Earl of West morland wrote to him but that he did not answer him. That one Captain Cotton told him that he had a letter of marque against the Flushingers, and desired him to help him with some Scottish soldiers and mariners.
2. The Laird of Lochleven having by force prevented the Lord of Arbroath from passing to the Regent, there is like to be bred a new trouble in Scotland. It is thought that there are many others of the party of Lochleven. He says that it was not Arbroath whom he laid wait for, but the Provost of Bothwell-Haugh, who slew the Regent Murray, whom he was advertised should arrive by sea at Arbroath; but the secret of the matter is that the Lord of Arbroath being in doubt lest in time the said Regent's death will be laid upon him, for that he lent his horse and gun to the man who slew him, seeks to ally himself with the Regent and the Earl of Angus by marrying the Lady of Buccleuch, sister to the Earl of Angus, which is thought to be dangerous for the King's person.
3. The Regent has not yet resolved to proceed with this marriage, but it is to be feared in the end he will yield to it. The Earl of Arran is kept as a prisoner in the Castle of Draffine, but it is said that he is oftentimes in perfect memory. The Regent has not hitherto fallen from her Majesty's devotion, but there have been offers made to him out of France promising to reconcile him with the Queen his mistress, if he would join with other Princes to procure her liberty, his answer is that as he was chosen to be the King's Regent during his minority he would not know any other sovereign as long as the King lived. The friendship between the Regent and Sir James Balfour is of small weight. The Regent has no guard about him, and goes almost alone, both hunting and fishing. Since this late accident, the Scottish Borders have been kept in very good order.
4. Mr. George Douglas, who practised the Queen of Scots' escape out of Lochleven, has made means to the writer to procure the Queen's passport to pass through England into France, with leave to speak to the Scottish Queen in the presence of Lord Shrewsbury. This is for no other cause than to have her favourable letters into France for the payment of money due to him, which done he proposes to come home, and is already assured to a rich widow, the Lady of Bawery in Fife. George was with his brother at this late assembly in Fife, and is thought to be won to that side. The Regent caused a lodging to be prepared for the writer with fair hangings, and a very sumptuous bed, which he would not accept to lie in until trial was made of the late odious fact committed between the Lord Warden and Carmichael.
5. There be two causes given for the detaining of the burgesses, the one is that they said as they put the Regent up so they would pull him down; the other, that the displeasing of the burgesses wins the Regent the goodwill of the artificers, which tends more to his strength by ten to one than the friendship of the burgesses. The misliking between the Regent and the ministers is for that he would "induce" into the Church of Scotland the liberty used by the magistrates and bishops of the Church of England which they like not.
6. The following articles have been in question at this late general assembly, and some presented to the Regent: First, that ministers might be established in every church, and not four churches limited to one minister. To take order for the entertainment of the free schools, and to appoint stipends for scholars to supply the want of ministers. To confirm the order taken in the last assembly for the provision of the poor.
7. The bishopric of St. Andrews is still void, because the college will not agree to choose a man at the Regent's nomination.
8. The Bishop of Dunkeld is suspended for not pronouncing the decree of excommunication against the Earl of Athole pronounced in the last assembly.
Incomplete. Enclosure. Pp. 4.
August 20. 295. Loys Guibert.
1. Certificate of Rene de Beauxoncles, Seigneur de Sigougnes that the present bearer, Jehan Fizet, is on his way to Calais, there to embark for Dover, to demand the release of one Loys Guibert, a prisoner there.
2. Request to the Mayor and other authorities of Dover that they would use all means in their power to procure the man's liberation, and to M. M. de la Mothe Fenelon and de Mauvissiere to aid in the same.—Dieppe, 20 August 1575. Signed and sealed.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 21. 296. The Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Thomas Smith.
He and his associates think that they have obtained so much understanding how this late accident began, continued, and took end, that he encloses a certificate thereof subscribed with all their hands. As for the matters which be of most weight, he means the taking of the Warden and the rest, the detaining them, and lastly, their demission under bond; he desires to know the Queen's pleasure what satisfaction he should require, as the others say that if they knew what would be a satisfaction to her, the end of this business would be short and to her liking. Yesterday, when the Regent bade him consider how the amity of Scotland might stand England in good stead, he told him that if the amity might with honour be continued he saw no likelihood of any breach, and because the offence came from hence, he wished him to think of some means to satisfy the Queen for her honour. The Regent then protested his good affection towards her Majesty, and desired to know what she wanted for satisfaction, as if it agreed with his duty to the King, he would do it.—Berwick, 21 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 24. 297. The Earl of Huntingdon to the Queen.
According to her commandment has made his repair towards these Borders to deal with the Lord Regent of Scotland for examination into the late odious fact that happened at the Redswyre. Met the Regent on the 16th Aug. at the Bound Rood, since which time he has used his best endeavour to accomplish her direction, but has not yet shown himself satisfied until he again understands her liking. Sends by this bearer, Mr. Robert Bowes, such matter as the Lord Regent has delivered to him for excuse of his doings since the accident, and for satisfaction of her honour. Told the Regent in private talk that whatever his intention was in calling the Warden and the rest to Dalkeith he had so offended her Majesty, that he had needs think of some better offer for her satisfaction than in the writing was contained. In fine, the Regent said that he would without writ offer him that if the Queen would have the person of Carmichael he would send him unto her, not doubting but that it would please her to deal honourably with him, if she be truly informed of the whole manner of his doings. He further declared how loth he was in any way to offend the Queen, and how much he desired that the happy amity betwixt both realms might be preserved, and that whilst he lived she should not want a servant in Scotland faithfully devoted to her, and how much this unhappy accident grieved him when first he heard of it, some honest men could witness.—Berwick, 24 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 24. 298. Duplicate of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
August 24. 299. The Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Thomas Smith.
Having drawn the matter so far, he did not well know what more he should demand, yet did he always seem to the Regent not satisfied, for when he made the last offer mentioned in his letter to her Majesty, he said he might himself do some punishment upon Carmichael and some other offenders, which then might without further trouble, perhaps make an end of all. The Regent replied that if the Queen had understood what offers he had made, he believed she would have been more favourable and better satisfied than he was. The Regent is the most able man of Scotland to govern, his enemies confess it. Has found him a very wise man, and thinks that he is to be kept devoted sooner than any other of his nation, as besides the benefits that the Queen has bestowed on him, if he should lose her favour his own estate would be in peril. Commends the bearer, who is very "hable" gentleman, to serve her Majesty.—Berwick, 24 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
August 26. 300. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for his good opinion of his letter to Dr. Gybbon his schoolmate, both in the University and the Arches, and sends a copy of another letter to him. Monsieur is very much followed, notwithstanding the trouble of his men. Captain Thomas remains as he did. There is one presently arrived at the Court from James Fitz Morris, and is advertised that he has already spoken with the King, also that one of the chiefest of James Fitz Morris's company is dead, and some of them are already departed towards Ireland. It is taken for very truth that there are 2,000 or 3,000 reiters ready to march hitherwards the beginning of next month.—Paris, 26 Aug 1575.
Jan. 10. 301. Dr. Dale to Dr. Gybbon.
Gives an account of the city of Lyons, mentioning the massacres there, and the journey of the King up the Rhone to Avignon for fear of the forces of the Huguenots. Sends a rough plan of the city.—Lyons, 10 January.
Lat. Enclosure. Pp. 6.
August 27. 302. Dr. Dale to [Lord Burghley.]
Sir Henry Cobham is arrived. Sues to have audience to deal in those matters that the Queen has communicated to him.—Paris, 27 Aug. 1575. Signed.
P. 1.
August 27. 303. Prince of Condé to the Queen.
Thanks her for her Christian and truly charitable assistance in their holy enterprise, and for which he is under a lifelong obligation. Understands from his cousin M. de Meru the great favour with which she has received him.—Strasburg, 27 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 27. 304. Prince of Condé to Walsingham.
Thanks him for his good offices in obtaining for them the Queen's assistance.—Strasbourg, 27 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
August 27. 305. Count of Meru to the Queen.
Marshal Danville has defeated the greatest part of the reiters in Languedoc, and is to-day master of the country; also he has cut in pieces two Provincal companies. M. de Thore, his brother, goes in eight or ten days to him with 2,000 reiters, 500 French horse, and a good number of harque bussiers. The Prince of Condé and himself will march a few days afterwards. Assures her of his faithful service to the best of his ability.—Strasbourg, 27th Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
August 27. 306. Count of Meru to Walsingham.
Sends him the same news as that contained in his letter to the Queen of the same date; prays that he will inform him of what is passing, and assures him of his lasting friendship. —Strasbourg, 27 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 27. 307. Count of Meru to Burghley.
The same news as in the two preceding letters. Hopes that he will keep him always "en ses bonnes graces," and assures him that he could not have servant or friend in all the world more ready to do him service.—Strasbourg, 27 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. ¾.
[August.] 308. [Dr. Dale] to Chiverny.
Prays him to give effect to the decree of the King in Council for the delivery of certain books that have been seized, with the exception of such as are offensive to the King. Awaits his reply in the matters of the merchants' causes, and of their privileges. Sends greeting to Dr. Bellieure, and prays him to have regard to the complaints he made of Captain Landreau.
Lat. Copy. P. 1.
August 28. 309. Report on the Raid of Reedswire.
This accident has happened between a Warden of the Middle Marches of England, being a rich borderer, and a keeper of Liddlesdale being a mean man and no borderer. Because it is against the ancient custom that a Warden should meet a keeper, it should be known what the cause was of this meeting. Carmichael had before met with Sir George Heron, the keeper of Tyndale and Rysdale, and some fault was committed at that meeting by the keeper of Tyndale, for which the Lord Warden put him out of his office for a time. The report goes that it was for delivering a man to Carmichael whom the Lord Warden would not have delivered after the sort that he was. "Here is the pith of the matter. It was one John of the Stonehouse, not a greater thief by report in a country, but he served for purposes." This fellow was a resetter of the rebels of Scotland and some of Ferniehurst's followers. To recover this man and to put some order with Carmichael in time coming, was the cause of this last meeting. The most part of those who accompany the Wardens to these days of truce are thieves, resetters, and favourers of thieves, "I say for the most part of both sides, and they commonly in deadly feud, as they term it, one against another;" so that any shadow of occasion offered, they fall to their kind, that is, they who have feud, to kill their enemies, and the thieves to the spoil, as was verified at this last meeting. On the English part the Phenickes (Fenwicks) and their friends had a feud against the Crosiers of Liddlesdale and their kind, which began 30 years ago by a Fenwick being slain by the Crosiers, and some extraordinary cruelty used therein. The Fenwicks about three years ago, by the guiding of John of the Stonehouse, rode into Liddlesdale by night and slew certain of the Crosiers in their beds. Now this John is the man whom the Warden and Carmichael wrangled about, and those two surnames were assistant. "Good peacemakers!" Divers other feuds there were, but this may suffice to show the state. The Lord Warden as appears went to this meeting with intention to daunt Carmichael, for besides his own numbers, which by report were far above the Scottish, he assured himself of the Aylewoods [Elliots] and many of Liddlesdale, who long time together being banished out of Scotland for theft and murder lived under his protection. "Good guests!" Now at the meeting the manner is that they should send their horses to graze not far off, and draw near the Warden on foot. So sat the Warden and Carmichael above two or three hours doing justice on both sides, until it came to the point that Carmichael demanded one . . . . . and the Warden made excuses for him, whereupon they fell to comparisons of doing better justice one than the other. The good assisters being so well affected hearing the same took their time, and some say the Scots shot an arrow first, others the contrary. True it is that Carmichael was in the Lord Warden's hands, and the English had the better of it and drove the Scots from the ground. The Tyndale men who had no feud nor will of blows fell to spoil the pedlars, and amongst others, one of Jedworth being spoiled cried out, "a Jedworth, a Jedworth;" the English had likewise their cries, "and the Liddlesdale men ran where our horses were grazing and fell to them, our loose men did the like on t'other side to their horses; and the Crosiers to the Phenicks, and so the rest to their enemies." Carmichael got from the Lord Warden, and at his return had the better, by reason that the Lord Warden's companies had left him and were fled for the most part and gone to the spoil. Carmichael came better provided than was looked for because of hot words passed between Sir George Heron and him at their last meeting. The truth of this brabble must be tried by them who stood by both English and Scotch. The Lord Warden hopes to be tried by Scotchmen, for all those who hate the Regent will be against Carmichael, especially the Wardens and their followers and the thieves, for some hate and some disdain him because he has no lands or cattle on the Borders, and does better justice than they can or will do, forbearing one with another. The thieves he has daunted two ways, the one by hanging those whom he has taken by footmen and horsemen that were inland men, and the chiefest and richest he has won with pensions, and by this means the Regent has grown able to do such rare justice as has not been seen before. Fears that both sides will turn to their old vomit again. Add the feuds engendered at this unhappy meeting to those that were before, and it may be guessed what hope of order or redress there will be, especially within the Middle March where the Forsters and Herons have received such a foil— In Davison's writing.
Endd.: "by Mr. Davison, 28 Aug. 1575." Pp. 2½.
August 29. 310. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
Repaired twice to his house, but understanding him to be so earnestly occupied in weighty affairs, he departed from London, following his journey to Heidelburg, where, after he had observed the negotiation of M. Meru, he departed in his company towards Strasbourg. The Prince of Condé came thither with M. de Thore and a reasonable troop of gentlemen, and after one day's conference departed towards Heidelberg to take a final resolution for the receipt of their money, and the time and order of their marching, for the Palatine made M. de Meru believe at his being there before, that he would not only give them all the assistance he might, but also send the Duke Casimir with them to conduct the reiters. They all being at Heidelberg, and entering into speech with the Palatine, found him so altered, that he proposed very unequal conditions as to constrain the Prince of Condé to marry his daughter, and upon their pacification with the King, or their victory, to deliver into the Palsgrave's hands Metz, Toul, and Verdun, which the French refusing, they have broken off with some discontentment, only receiving the 50,000 crowns. The French are of opinion that this coldness has been wrought by the Prince of Orange, as made an instrument from the King to that end, which seems to be somewhat confirmed by the late coming of Dr. Junius from the Court of France, who universally gave out that the Prince and his party were unworthy of assistance, as they refused the reasonable conditions the King offered them. It is said the Prince of Orange nourishes the Palsgrave in a vain hope to deliver into his hands the country of Zealand, by which means he draws from him all the favour he can spare. They have added to the 50,000 crowns, 10,000 which the Prince has borrowed on certain jewels, with which they are about the levy of 8,000 horse, 2,000 of whom are to be ready to depart under M. de Thore in 20 days, who, passing through Languedoc, shall have 4,000 shot of the troops of M. de Montbrun. They make their levy of the 8,000 by their colonels, Afstein, Hollock, and Bouck. M. de Meru tells him that if the Queen will send the payment of the other 50,000 crowns to Frankfort they will be able to levy 8,000 Swiss. The Bohemians refuse to make election of the Em peror's son unless he will grant the profession of Augsburg amongst them.—Strasburg, 29 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¾.
August 29. 311. The Queen to the Earl of Huntingdon.
Has received at Mr. Bowes' hand information of his proceedings, and it seems very strange that after so long time spent in the examination of the late disorder, one of his quality should be despatched to her with so slender matter, and of so small weight. Notwithstanding her natural inclination for peace, she would not have the world think her so base minded as to put up with so great an injury as she has lately received at Scotland's hands. He is, therefore, to give the Regent plainly to understand, that whereas he says that he has no doubt but that she would stand well satisfied with his late proceedings, he gives her just cause to think that he judges that either she can content herself with anything, or that she knows not what appertains to her honour, or that she lacks courage or means to revenge the slain thereof, if she should rest satisfied with so slender a salve for so grievous a wound. He is to appeal to his conscience whether after having had her subjects murdered and detained prisoners she should content herself with a bare declaration on paper of good intentions. Where the Regent has desired to know what will satisfy her, he is to let him know that only time and his good usage can restore him to her good opinion; but, touching the reparation of her honour towards the world, he is to say that she looked that he, unrequired, would have done justice on such as were found culpable of her subjects' deaths, and also delivered into her hands, absolutely without condition, such as pursued and took prisoners her Warden and the rest, and that she cannot think her honour fully repaired until this is done; and for that Carmichael and the townsmen of Jedworth appear to be principal offenders herein, that they should be delivered up. If he sees him make any difficulty in this behalf, he is to plainly let him understand that she will take some other way of redress, "and will him to remember that another King in my seat would have revenged with deeds and left with him his words."—Cornbury Park, 29 Aug. 1575.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
August 29. 312. Robert Bowes to the Earl of Leicester.
Has been sent up to know the Queen's pleasure in this late disorder. Encloses a letter from the Earl of Huntingdon to his Lordship.—Woodstock, 29 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Endd. P. 1.
August 29. 313. Daniel Rogers to Walsingham.
Has complained to the Prince, Boischot, and St. Aldegonde touching such malicious reports as were spread against Walsingham, declaring how much he deserved the contrary, and how speedily oftentimes he had despatched Calvart's suits, but that he was not able to compass all things; to which they have answered, assuring him of their esteem for him. Thinks Calvart, or some of the French about the Prince, are the authors of these reports, for he has talked with divers of them who have been in England, who have strange opinions of the Lords of the Council, as though they had pensions, some from the French King, and some out of Spain, which absurdities he has largely refuted. The French have all the doings about the Prince, whereas the Estates and divers of the country for the rendering of Schoonhoven detest them. La Garde was almost slain coming to the Prince at Dort, and the Estates would not speak with him. The Prince is so ready to gratify the French King, that he was minded to have excluded the Prince of Condé's followers and their prizes from Zealand, if some of those about him had not stayed him. The Prince, however, took in very good worth Walsingham's admonition to take heed of France. Has learnt from M. de Lumbres, that whereas the Prince's followers have leave to come into the havens of France with their ships and prizes, the Prince has not the said grant under the King's hand and seal, but only promised. M. Revers has not gone into France. Is certified by his friends of strange bruits spread in the Court of his proceedings here, but trusts he will hear his defence, ere he be condemned.— Middleburg, 29 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3
August 29. 314. Daniel Rogers to Lord Burghley.
Charges the delays objected to him in his negotiations to the behaviour of the Flushingers, and also to news having come to the Prince that he had been pronounced a rebel by the Queen of England. Calvart advertised the Prince that he was not condemned rebel in name, but that only Burghley had written to the captains of the sea castles to count such for rebels as he made mention of in his letters. The Prince has delivered to him a copy of the note of the names, which he encloses. The Prince stomached not a little at the matter. Rogers pointed out that Calvart had written that it was not the Queen's doing, but Burghley's, and even if it were so he ought not therefore to cease to restore the goods taken from her subjects, nor prescribe a law to them against the ancient intercourses. The Queen, by keeping but two or three of her ships at sea, might easily conduct into Flanders her subjects' goods. The Prince said that the staplers were those who chiefly nourished his enemies, and desired him to write to the Council certain reasons why he could not accord unto that traffic, which he thinks his Lordship has read in his letter to Mr. Secretary of the 1st August. Is at present in Zealand attending for restitutions to be made to certain of her Majesty's subjects, for by the privileges of the Flushingers and Zealanders matters depending in law in Zealand cannot be transported into Holland to be judged there. There is great negligence used in the affairs of this country. They of Zealand live in great security, saving that they are compelled to keep many ships of war about the place. English soldiers have now again their reputation, having handled themselves as men at Schoonhoven, where the Frenchmen have lost all their credit. The Prince has erected a new ensign of English under Captain Gaisford, who remains at Delft.—Middleburg, 29 Aug. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
315. Revolt of the Netherlands.
A note of such subjects of the King of Spain as the Queen of England has proclaimed rebels. A list of names, commencing with that of the Prince of Orange.
Endd., Enclosure. P. 1.
August 31. 316. Mr. William Stewart to Lord Burghley.
1. On the 7th August the enemy came to the number of 14,000 or 15,000 men before Oudewater, with 22 pieces of battery, wherewith in 24 hours they made such a breach that they found the town assaultable. The first assault was valiantly repulsed by them of the town, so they were constrained to retreat, and having discharged anew three volleys of their artillery, they came with a fresh supply of men to give the second assault, and being entered into the fosse of the town they all fell down flat, whereupon the townspeople, thinking courageously to descend as before, presented themselves on the breach, and the enemy having their whole volley of artillery bent against the top thereof, discharged the same all at one instant, wherewith they carried away a great number of men, and immediately gave the second assault, and won the town with the loss of 600 men slain and 400 badly hurt. Amongst the number was a Spaniard named Baldens, which was one part of the cause of their great cruelty, not only mining the town with fire, but putting the four companies of soldiers, with the inhabitants, men, women, and children, to the sword. Afterwards they came before Schoonhaven, where was Governor M. de la Garde, colonel of the Frenchmen, with four companies of French, one of English, one of Scots, and two of Walloons. The battery continued from Monday morning till Tuesday, 12 p.m., furiously beating day and night, wherewith they made a great breach, but difficult to approach, being on the side of the river, but the Governor, seeing the terror of their great battery, desired a parley, and rendered up the place on Wednesday morning. The conditions were that the captains and soldiers should depart with arms, bag and baggage, with such burgesses as were willing to leave, and the rest to remain in the town, with liberty to enjoy their goods, rendering due obedience to the King and his ordinances. The whole reproach of this surrender is justly imputed to M. de la Garde and his nation, because the conditions were concluded before any other nation knew of the same. There is an army of 12,000 horsemen and 10,000 footmen levied for the Prince of Condé near Cologne, of which Duke Casimir leads the cavalry. Which way it is bent is uncertain, but the Commendator has ordered all villagers to retire themselves, with their corn and bestials, within the fortified towns, and that all windmills should be taken down, or their irons taken away.—Dortrecht, 31 August 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—As the enemy daily win towns and forts, and thereby there is great murmuring and fear among the common people, it is high time support were had.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.