Elizabeth: July 1559, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: July 1559, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp346-362 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1559, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp346-362.

"Elizabeth: July 1559, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp346-362.

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July 1559, 1-5

July 1.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 149.
902. Throckmorton to the Lords of the Council.
1. In his last letters sent, dated the 29th of this present, (sic) signified that the French King, taking advantage of this great alliance between him and the King of Spain, will send men of war into Scotland before the garboil there grow to any extremity, intending to send the Marquis d'Elbœuf, the King Dauphin's lieutenant; M. de la Brosse, Chamberlain, the Duke of Guise's lieutenant, accounted one of the best men of war in France; MM. de Rochefocault, de Beauvais, and M. Jenli, all three captains of bands of fifty men at arms; as also the Bishop of Amiens, together with 200 men at arms; and twenty ensigns of footmen. Ships are ordered for the conveyance of this company across the sea. Men discourse diversely of this; some say the French do this, intending, by sending men into Scotland, the more easily to annoy us.
2. He advertised also that La Brosse and the Bishop of Amiens were sent first, to prepare the way of the others in Scotland, and to make their journey as Ambassadors through England; and so to amuse the Scots, until further opportunities be given them to work their will. Because these matters are important, and hears that they increase their numbers for Scotland, sends again to let the Council know.
3. The Duke of Savoy was not fianced until the 27th of this present, at night; which was done at Meigret, (a house of the Constable's, near the place of the jousts,) with great pomp, and that evening an entry was made for the beginning of the jousts. And because he was neither desired to be present, nor at the running at tilt on the 28th, on the 29th took occasion to speak with the Constable about Stranguishe, supposing partly by his countenance to decipher him. After having spoken to him according to their instructions, he replied (with very good countenance) that he would cause letters to be written to all parts of France that the said Stranguishe should neither receive succour nor be suffered to escape; whereupon he had Stranguishe's name left with him in writing.
4. On the 28th (when the Dauphin's band began the jousts,) two heralds which came before the band were Scots, fair set out with the King and Queen Dauphins' arms, with a scutcheon of England set forth to the show, as all the world might easily perceive; the same being embroidered with purple velvet and set out with armory upon their breasts, backs, and sleeves.
5. The 29th the bands of the Prince of Condé, of the Dukes of Longueville and Buillon, ran against the challengers; at which triumph were the Pope's Nuncio, the Ambassador of Venice, and the writer, in a place appointed by the Constable. The Ambassador of Portugal was there, not in their company, but stood in a house right over against them, which was of his own provision.
6. The 30th, the Prince of Nevers, called Count d'Eu, came to the tilt with his band; no other Ambassador besides himself was there to see them run. Whereat it happened that the King, after running a good many courses well and fair, meeting with young M. de Lorges, Captain of the Scottish guard, received at his hand such a counterbuff as, first lighting on the King's head and taking away the pannage (fn. 1) (whereupon there was a great plume of feathers (fn. 2) ) which was fastened to his headpiece with iron, did break his staff; and with the rest of the staff hitting the King's face, gave him such a counterbuff as he drove a splinter right over his eye on the right side; the force of which stroke was so vehement, and the pain so great, that he was much astonished and had great ado to keep himself on horseback, and his horse also did somewhat yield. Whereupon with all expedition he was unarmed in the field, even against the place where Throckmorton stood, as he could discern. The hurt seemed not to be great, whereby he judges that he is but in little danger. Marry, he saw a splint taken out of a good bigness. Nothing else was done to him upon the field, but he noted him to be very weak, and to have the sense of all his limbs almost benumbed; for being carried away, as he lay along, nothing covered but his face, he moved neither hand nor foot, but lay as one amazed. Whether there were any more splints entered in (as in such cases it happens) it was not known. There was marvellous great lamentation and weeping both of men and women for him. Thus God makes Himself known, that in the very midst of these triumphs suffers this heaviness to happen.
7. Sends a list of the vessels appointed to convey the Marquis d'Albœuf into Scotland, besides which there are some smaller ones.
8. The 29th, the Count Mega departed towards Flanders. There is great inquiry of the French where the English ships lie; whether any be to be rigged to the seas, and how ready they are; and also how near perfection the great new ship is, and what will become of her.
9. Since writing before what touched the French King, learns that the gates of the house, at the Turneyles, whither he was carried, are kept so close that no nobleman's servants are suffered for a great distance to come near. Whereupon guesses that after the hurt was searched and the King dressed, there appeared further matter than the writer was aware of before. The Dukes of Savoy and Alva, and the Prince of Orange were suffered to enter.
10. Having stayed this letter till the morning, understands that the Duke of Savoy, the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Constable, and M. de Guise watched all night with the King, who had a very evil rest; whereupon there is great lamentation at Court. What will follow, God knoweth.—Paris, 1st July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil, with this note: Arms [of] England. Considerable portions in cipher, deciphered. Corner of second leaf torn off.
July 1.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 341.
903. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
[July 1.]
B.M. Calig. B. x. 17.
904. Arms of England assumed by Queen Mary.
"Arms of Scotland and England, July 1559, sent out of France.
Endd. by Cecil: False arms of Scotland and England, July 1559. Coloured drawing. Folded broadside.
July 1.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 174 b. Knox, 1. 363. Keith, 1. 213. Calderw. 1. 476.
905. Reformation in Scotland.
Letters of Queen Dowager of Scotland (under the name of Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland) to Lion king at arms and others, reciting that the Lords of the Congregation under pretence of religion having put themselves in arms, she, for satisfying every man's conscience and pacifying these troubles, had offered to fix a Parliament to be held in January next, or sooner, for establishing an universal order in matters of religion, and in the meantime to suffer every one to live at liberty of conscience, without trouble, and had offered the inhabitants of Edinburgh to chose what manner of religion they would set up and use for that time; which offer she was at all times and is yet ready to fulfil. Nevertheless, the Congregation has since declared that it is not religion which they seek, but only the subversion of her authority and usurpation of her crown; in witness whereof they daily receive Englishmen with messages to them, have seized "the irons of our cunzee house," (fn. 3) and taken possession of her palace of Holyrood House.
She directs, therefore, that proclamation be made at the Market Cross of Edinburgh, commanding all persons of the Congregation, or others within the borough not being inhabitants thereof, within six hours after her said charge, to depart forth of the same under pain of treason.
B. M.
Sloane, 4737. 98 b.
906. Another copy of the above.
July 1.
R. O.
907. Kirkcaldy to Percy.
Received his letter this last of June. Perceiving thereby his suspicion as to the coming forward of the Congregation, assures him they mean nothing but reformation of religion, which shortly throughout this realm they will bring to pass, for the Queen and M. Dosell with all the Frenchmen for refuge are retired to Dunbar.
The Congregation came this last of June, by 3 o'clock in the morning, to Edinburgh, where they will take order for the maintenance of the true religion and resisting of the King of France, if he send any force against them. The Duke, with almost the whole nobility, has declared to the Queen that they are of the same religion as the Congregation, and will take part with them in that behalf. Begs him to be assured that the professors of God's Word in this realm bear the Queen his mistress an unfeigned love, which they shall prove indeed or it be long. If it shall prove otherwise, let him be esteemed no honest man. Let [Percy] therefore repose himself upon the writer's word, and assure himself that there shall be nothing wrought in this realm to the hurt of England, so long as it maintains the Gospel of Christ. He shall be advertised thereof in due time. Wishes that all means were sought and no time pretermitted to bind up a perpetual friendship between the two realms, which presently is easy to be done. Again assures him that nothing is meant to the hurt of England, but on the contrary great love and friendship.
The manner of their proceedings in reformation is this: they pull down all manner of "freers," and some abbeys which willingly received not the reformation. As to the parish churches, they cleanse them of images and all other monuments of idolatry, and command that no masses be said in them; in place thereof the book set forth by godly King Edward is read in the same churches. They have never as yet "mellit" with a pennyworth of that which pertains to the kirk; but presently they will take order throughout all the parts where they dwell, that all the fruits of the abbeys and other churches shall be kept and bestowed upon the faithful ministers until such time as a true further order be taken. Some suppose the Queen, seeing no other remedy, will follow their desires, which is a general reformation throughout the whole realm to be made conform to the pure Word of God, and the Frenchmen to be sent away. If she will so do they will obey and serve her, and annex the whole revenues of the abbeys to the crown. If she will not be content with this, they are determined to hear of no agreement. Asks him to make earnest labour that the fort [of Eymouth] be rased, else fears the French will keep it still, seeing they have few other strengths in which to keep themselves at this time. Desires him to command the man whom he [Percy] purposes to send to the writer, to be very secret.—1 July. "In haste, ready to take the fever. Your's, as ye know, to the death."
P.S.—"The letter that Knox writeth to you is by the means of the whole Congregation, the names of whom I send you here inclosed.—Henry Percy."
P.S.—In cipher deciphered.
Orig., in Kirkaldy's hol. No. sig. nor add. Endd. by Cecil: 1 July 1559. Mr. Kyrkalde to Sir H. Percy. Pp. 3.
July 1.
908. Protestants of Scotland.
The names of the Earls, Lords, with some principal Barons and gentlemen of the Congregation.
1. The names of the principals who have set Saint Johnstown at liberty:
The Earl of Argyll and Prior of Saint Andrew's. The Earls of Rothes and Monteith. The Lords Reven, Ogilvy, and Drummond. The Master of Lindsay. The Lairds of Lochleven, Dun, Pitarrow, Tillibarne, and Glennourchwart.
2. The names of those who met them at Edinburgh:
The Earls of Glencarn and Morton. The Lords Erskin, Boyd, and Owchquiltrie. The Sheriff of Ayr, and the Laird of Calder.
3. Their number, if the Queen and French had remained at Edinburgh, would have been above 12,000; but seeing the departure of the same, they are come but 6,000 to the town. "The number of lairds and gentlemen I am not able to reckon that are presently with them."
4. The names of those who are in band with them, but who have not yet declared themselves:
The Earls Marshal and Athol, with the Lord Forbes. The Lairds of Drumlancrick, Loychwhinvarr, and Garlyce. "Many of all the rest will subscribe with them to keep out the Frenchmen."
Orig. Hol. of Kirkaldy. Endd. by Cecil: Protestants of Scotland. Pp. 2.
July 1.
R. O. Tytler, vi. 448.
909. Knox to Percy.
Wishes him the mighty comfort of the Holy Ghost for salutation. Having the opportunity of the bearer unsuspect, requires of him such friendship as that from time to time conference might be betwixt the faithful of both realms, to the end that inconvenients pretended against both may be avoided. Cecil's faithful friend, Mr. Kyrkcaldye, has reported to the writer Cecil's gentle behaviour and fidelity in all things lawful, honest, and godly. Urges him to continue, and God shall work by him more than now appears. The cause of the troubles of this realm is not known to many. Asks him to persuade himself and assure others that they [the Scots] mean neither sedition nor rebellion against any just and lawful authority, but only the advancement of Christ's religion and the liberty of this poor realm. If they can have the one with the other it will fare better with England, which if they lack (although they mourn and smart first) England will not escape without worse trouble in the end. But this he had rather communicate face to face than commit to paper and ink. This other letter he has directed to Mr. Secretary Cecil, which he asks to be delivered. Other things he cannot write now for continual troubles hanging upon his wicked carcase by reason of this tumult raised against Christ Jesus in His infancy. Prays to know the mind of the Queen and the Council touching their support, if they be pursued byan army of Frenchmen. Asks pardon for his boldness.—Edinburgh, 1 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 1.
R. O.
910. Croft to Cecil.
Understands, as well by the Lords of the Council as by instructions given to Sir William Ingleby, that it is their pleasure that 10d. by the day, which is allowed to every armed man, shall cease from 2 May last past. Prays that they will consider the case as it stands.
In the late wars all kinds of wages have been enhanced to the soldier, the unarmed footmen from 6d. to 8d., the light horsemen from 9d. to 12d., the demilance from 16d. to 2s., and last, the armed footman was allowed 10d. All this was done without any private suit, and upon consideration that a band utterly void of armour could not encounter with armed men; therefore order was given that such as would provide armour should have 2d. per day allowed more than the naked man. The Council, out of the Queen's armory, caused divers captains to be served upon credit, and others that could not have that provision, sent into Flanders, to their great cost and charge. Every man that has a corslet has 9d. per diem, and the captain stays in his hand 1d. till the armour is paid; and when the armour is a man's own, he cannot maintain its keeping and the harm it does to his other apparel under 2d. per diem. Lord Paget has a book of the French King's ordinances for the wars wherein they may see these and other things thereto appertaining. As these armed men have been furnished by motion of the Council, and the pay has been appointed by their order, of right the soldier ought to have now that which he has served for. Must be so bold as say that if warning be not before given when the pay shall cease, the Council will offer both the captains and soldiers great wrong. At present the rarest thing that is to be found in a muster is a naked pike, or an harquebusse without a morrion.
If the benevolence given unto the old garrison shall cease, warning should be given beforehand. Thinks it not good to proceed therein till this summer be further spent.—Berwick, 1 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Delivered at Berwick, 1 July, at 2 of the clock in the afternoon. Received at the post's hands of Northallerton the third day of July, at 10 of the clock at forenoon. Received at Doncaster the fourth day of July, at iii. of the clock, afternoon. Received at Crowbe the fourth day of July, at four of the clock, afternoon.
July 1.
911. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
1. "A note of all the Queen's debts that be owing in Antwerp," taken up from 20 Oct. 1558 to 15 May 1559, amounting to 122,166l. 12s. 8d.
2. "A brief note of all such sums of money as I, Thomas Gresham, have received for the Queen's behoof, since 1 Oct. 1558" to 15 May 1559, amounting to 60,758l. 7s. 4d.
3. "A brief note of all such sums of money as I, Thomas Gresham, have paid and laid out for the Queen" since 21 Dec. 1558, to 1 July 1559, amounting to 63,272l. 10s. 6d.
4. "A note of all such munition and harness as remains yet upon the passports to be provided and transported," consisting of corselets, courriers, pikes, daggs, saltpeter, pike heads, brigandines, morrions, and hand guns.
Endd. by Cecil: 1559. The recovering of the debts beyond the seas, with a note of munition of the passport. Pp. 5
July 2.
912. The Queen to John Frederic II., Duke of Saxony.
His letters dated at Vinaria, 25 May, had been delivered to her by her well beloved John Elmerus, who has told her the business with which he had been intrusted by the Duke. In matters of religion she highly approves of the Duke's judgment, and will willingly follow his advice, both of which she had readily embraced from her early youth, and will now maintain; and to the furthest of her power she will henceforth, by God's assistance, propagate the same within her realms. Nothing shall be nearer to her heart than to raise up and purify the true worship of God, which in these latter times has been much depressed among us, and to the utmost of her ability she determines that she will herself support and recommend to her subjects the doctrinal faith and ritual discipline which is in accordance with the form of the Confession of Augsburg, since it is in harmony with the purity of the ancient apostolic Church in all the articles of religion and in holiness of life.
She will therefore enter into friendship and alliance with no Princes so willingly as with those who embrace the Confession of Augsburg, among whom, as he holds the highest position, so she has unfolded to him her free, full, and unreserved sentiments.—Greenwich, 2 July 1559.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 2.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 12.
913. Another copy of the above.
July 2.
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 14.
914. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 2.
R. O. 171 B.
915. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
July 2.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 12 b.
916. The Queen to Augustus, Duke of Saxony.
It was gratifying to her to know how acceptable to him were the tokens of her friendship conveyed to him by her trusty agent in Germany, Christopherus Muntius, LL.D. Thanks the Duke for his congratulations upon her zeal in religion and her accession to the throne of England. Her regard for religion is now what it ever has been, and it shall be her endeavour to establish it among all her subjects, a work certainly of difficulty, but which will produce much fruit. And since the faith and discipline contained in the Confession of Augsburg approach most nearly to the purity of the early Church, it shall be her care to frame the teaching of her churches in accordance therewith, as far as may be.
She is consequently induced to value most highly the friendship and alliance of those Princes who have already embraced this Confession, among whom, as he holds the highest position, she has thought it well to give the earliest information.—Greenwich, 2 July 1559.
Letterbook. Lat. P. 1.
July 2.
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 15.
917. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 2.
B.M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 13 f.
918. The Queen to Albert, Duke of Prussia.
Has received his letters of 31 Jan. presented to her by William Barlo. Accepts with pleasure the congratulations and the advice of the writer. Perceives herein his earnest religion towards God and his warm affection towards herself. That she coincides with him in sentiment she will prove by her actions.
In answer to his exhortation that she would embrace the doctrine set forth in the Confession of Augsburg, she answers that upon this point she entirely coincides with him. She desires nothing more than that the pure faith and discipline embodied in that document should be established in this realm.
He has recommended William Barlo; she has appointed him to be Bishop of Chichester. It is her desire to promote such men as he is, (men of pure doctrine, blameless life, and constancy in religion,) to the government of Churches.— Greenwich, 2 July 1559.
Copy. Letterbook. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 2.
B.M. Sloane, 4144. 17 b.
919. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 2.
Reg. 13 B. 1. 13.
920. The Queen to Philip, Landgrave of Hesse.
Has received his letters dated at Cassel, 3 May, and thanks him for the congratulations which they contain. Hopes her accession will be useful to this kingdom and to the Christian religion generally. To these two points her efforts shall be chiefly directed. As regards religion, it is her intention to follow the express Word of God, and such explanations of the faith and traditional rites as is contained in the Confession of Augsburg. She consequently attaches much importance to an union with those Princes who agree in that Confession. He being one of that number, she is anxious to declare to him of this her resolution, and that she will henceforth do all that may reasonably be required for this object. It is fitting that, as they agree in matters of religion, they should mutually assist each other.—Greenwich, 2 July 1559.
Copy. Letterbook. Lat. P. 1.
July 2.
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 16.
921. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 2.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 15.
922. The Queen to the Council of Lubeck and the Hanse Towns.
Business has prevented her from sooner answering their letter of the nones [7th] of March last, which she has received with the greatest satisfaction.
Has consulted the Councillors of the late Queen Mary respecting the privileges of the Hanse Towns, and has been informed that during the reign of Edward VI., in consequence of the abuse of these privileges, they were withdrawn by the Crown. Although Queen Mary out of her regard for them introduced several just modifications, yet they not only had neglected to observe them, but had conducted themselves with great cruelty towards England; publicly forbidding the importation of English wares and the exportation of goods, even of wheat, into this realm. The late Queen might reasonably have retaliated, but she did not adopt such an extreme measure, satisfying herself with imposing certain reasonable conditions upon the intercourse of the Hanse Towns with England. These regulations were again violated, and the former acts of ingratitude and inhumanity were repeated.
She, for her part, will not proceed to the extremity of interdicting all commerce between her realm and the Hanse Towns, but is willing to place it upon the same footing as Queen Mary had left it.
If they think that they have any just reasons to advance against this arrangement, the matter shall be fully examined by the proper legal authorities. She will do all she fairly can to be on good terms with them.—Greenwich, 2 July.
Copy. Letterbook. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 2.
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 20 b.
923. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 2.
924. The King of Spain to the Queen.
Credence for the Bishop of Aquila, about to apply to her for the restitution of certain ships, captured from his vessels of Portugal and Belgium last June by a certain pirate of London.—Brussels, 2 July 1559. Signed: Philippus,—G. Perezius.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
July 2.
B. M.
925. The Lords of the Congregation to the Queen Dowager of Scotland.
Referring to her letters, they assure her they never intended such things as are therein laid to their charge. Their mind and purpose was and is to promote and set forth the glory of God, maintain the true preachers of His Word, and abolish idolatry and false abuses which may not stand with His Word. Beesech her to interpose her authority for furtherance of the same. As regards their Sovereign's authority, in all civil and politic matters, they are as obedient as any other her subjects in the realm; their convention being for no other purpose than to save their preachers and their auditors from the violence of their enemies. — Edinburgh, 2 July 1559.
July 2.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 135.
926. Another copy of the above.
July 3.
927. Croft to [Percy?]
This day is a herald despatched from the Queen of Scots to the Queen of England. The Protestants of Scotland are at Edinburgh in great number, from whence they intend to go to Kelso, and so to all the abbeys westward. The Queen of Scots is at Dunbar in great fear.
Orig. No sig. nor add. Entirely in cipher, deciphered and endd. by Cecil: 1559, 3 Julii. Sir James Croftes. Pp. 2.
July 4.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 154.
928. Throckmorton to the Lords of the Council.
Advertised on the last of June the French King's state upon the mischance happened at running at the tilt. Since which time, on the 1st inst. had used all means to know his state at the second dressing. Was told the hurt was great and painful to him; by common opinion he is in no danger of life, but will lose his eye. And the same afternoon the Constable sent one of his secretaries, that he might not be misinformed on the King's state, that the hurt was painful, that he was in no danger, but there was good hope he should shortly recover, as all the surgeons certainly declared. Asked of the state of the sore, and was told that indeed it was doubted the King would lose his eye. Then told the Secretary he had not yet written of it to the Queen, knowing it would be grievous to her; but seeing his case was no worse he would write to her in two or three days of the evil and good fortune together.
On the 2nd, a captain named Thomas Maure, was despatched with letters into the Levant Seas, to bring thence into the narrow seas twelve galleys. There is talk of the King of Spain coming hither in post to see the King; also the Duke of Savoy's marriage is deferred, until when he knows not.
The French increase the number of ships, and within fourteen days despatch 5,000 men of war to the sea coast. There is great friendship between the Kings of Spain and France; and for greater appearance thereof, the King of Spain intends to keep the feast of the Order of the Toison at Ghent on the 18th, and purposes to send from thence the same Order to the French King, the King Dauphin, and the Duke of Lorraine. Is informed that the Lord Robert, brother of the Earl of Arran, is imprisoned and his goods confiscated, and also a gentleman named Nicholas Camell, "who is towards the said Earl of Arran." Also said here that the Scots are in arms again, and more incensed than ever against the French. Has nothing else of note to write.—Paris, 4 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Considerable portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 3.
July 4.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 349.
929. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 4.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 152.
930. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Was informed two days ago upon their consultation for matters of Scotland, that the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise, and others of that house, have persuaded that the way to amend the garboils here is to cause the Earl of Argyle, the Prior of Saint Andrews, called the Bastard of Scotland, and the Lord Dun, to be apprehended, their goods confiscated, and to lose their lives; and also the like to be done to a number of other inferiors. For, say they, so long as these men remain Scotland will not obey the Church, or the King and Queen Dauphin. They have determined to use this extreme manner of reformation; whereof he is told by one who, for God's cause and the saving of their lives, is desirous that they know what is meant towards them. The suspicion of the dealing of the French toward England daily increases. Was informed on the 3rd inst. that great wait was laid for his letters, and secret means used to know their contents.
There is in this Court one Master John Melvin, a gentleman of Scotland, from whom he has learnt divers things for the advancement of the Queen's service, who says that he [Cecil] knows him well, as he preferred him to the Duke of Somerset, having at that time had experience of his faithfulness. He is desirous to come into England to do the Queen service. His offer is, (being well known to the greatest number of noblemen in Scotland, and also in good credit with them,) to be employed in some part of the borders, or with Sir James Croft, who knows him well, where he shall be able to do England service in Scotland, especially with those who mislike the French, and are desirous to advance religion. He desires no present entertainment, but to be considered as he shall show himself in the service. Throckmorton thinks he should not be refused; he has the more cause to love England as he and his were banished Scotland for England's sake, and his father lost his head, and his lands were confiscated. Begs to know by the next letter if he [Melvin] shall come into England or not.
It is said here that, by means of the great friendship between these two Princes, it is supposed in the end they mind both to make a Piedmont of the English.—Paris, 4 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 3.
July 4.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 345.
931. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 4.
R. O.
932. Cecil and Parry to Percy.
His letter of the 28th came safely to their hands, with other two letters included, the one to Percy the other to Cecil. The matter is worth entertainment for the sequel thereof, that may tend towards this realm, if it be well foreseen. Besides the letters Percy mentions much credit uttered to him by Ledyngton's man, which they would that Percy had also written. Pray him not to forbear writing at length any intelligence given, although he may imagine the same is already known to them. The matter contained in Kircaldie's letter is imparted where it ought to be, and for answer thereto the Secretary [Cecil] presently writes his letter to him [Percy], which he begs to be shown to Kirkcaldy (but not to deliver the same out of his hands) and afterwards he shall return it hither immediately. The writers think it necessary that he [Percy] should speak with Kirkcaldy, because otherwise they see not how, without sending the letter to him, he should so plainly understand their meaning. How the same may be compassed Percy best knows. Percase Percy might look for more particular offer of succour than is contained in Cecil's letter, but considering Kircaldy is known but as a private man, and not before known otherwise to them but as one in good grace with the Dowager, and not perceiving by his letter that the matter moved by him comes from the persons of whom Percy informed the writers, they could not answer more particularly than they have done. When further matter shall plainly appear thence, they will express their meaning more plainly. Pray him to use expedition. They hear not of Ralph Lawrence, Percy's servant, that which they desire to hear, touching Percy's incommodity of coming to intelligence.
Draft, Cecil's hol., with corrections. Endd. by him: 4 Julii 1559. Th. Parry, W. Cecill, to Sir H. Percy. Pp. 2.
July 4.
B. M. Lansd. 98. 101.
933. The Queen to Cosmo, Duke of Florence.
See July 9, No. 958.
July 4.
R. O.
934. Cecil to Percy.
Has received his letter of the 28th ult. with the two other letters from their friend, the one to the writer, the other to Percy, by which he perceives matters of no small moment. Notes in them the great wisdom of the writer. Has communicated the contents to such here as have most authority and credit for their dignity and wisdom. As the matter is of great weight, so is it to be circumspectly considered and prudently foreseen. He will do well to endeavour himself to speak with Kirkcaldie, and say that he [Cecil] privately thanks him for so friendly a participation of such a matter, which he has imparted in secret manner to parties who have had very good liking thereof; and also desires to understand more particularly of the purposes of the said Earls and other Protestants, and to what end they mean to direct their actions, and how they will be able to accomplish the same; what doubt they have of any adverse power, and finally what support might be looked for hence in case an army of Frenchmen should be brought in to oppress them. Also if support should be sent hence, what manner an amity might ensue between these two realms, and how the same might be hoped to be perpetual, and not to be so slender as heretofore, with other assurance of continuance than from time to time has pleased France. Percy may assure his correspondent that rather than that Scotland should be oppressed with a foreign nation and deprived of the ancient liberties, and the nobility thereof (and specially such as seek to maintain the truth of the Christian religion,) be expelled, the authority of England would adventure with power to aid that realm against any such foreign invasion; wherein, upon further certainty "understand" thence, there may be showed in plain manner more particularly of this offer.
In the mean season Percy may require his correspondent to consider that since this matter is written of by him alone, known only as a private gentlemen, he will not mislike that Cecil does not send to him any express letter, but rather commits the truth to be handed over by Percy. Yet the assurance is as good as though he had confirmed it by his hand and seal. Also, in these common great causes, for respect of such personages with whom he [Cecil] confers, that which this correspondent shall impart to Cecil shall be made clear, probable, and perfect.—Greenwich, 4 July. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 4 July 1559. My letter to Sir H. Percy returned again to me, 23 July. Pp. 2.
July 4.
R. O.
935. Draft of the above.
Cecil's hol., with corrections. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 4.
R. O.
936. Percy to Cecil.
Has received letters directed to him [Cecil] which he sends here inclosed, and others directed to himself, all of which he forwards, and requests that they, and all others coming from the same place already sent, may be returned to him. At his last writing to William Kirkaldy, he [Percy] burdened him sore (though he had no occasion) that the assembly of their countrymen was of policy to attempt towards this realm, whereof he [Percy] durst not write to him [Cecil] for fear such success might follow as might be to his undoing. The answer to this may be understood by Kirkaldy's letter. Is sorry that he is not in place where he might both get better advertisement and signify it up with more expedition. The troubles of this wardenry and the wild country of Tynedale cause that he remains seldom three nights in one place.
Has received the Queen's letters for the receipt of the castle of Tynemouth and other things, which should have been done before now but for the Commission of Oyer and Terminer and the Warden Court, both of which are in hand here, in which good justice will be executed, as may appear by the letters of my Lord of Northumberland. Can never recompense Cecil's friendliness.—Newcastle, 4 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 5.
R. O.
937. Frederic II., King of Denmark, to the Queen.
Is unwilling to trouble her at a time when he knows she is so much occupied, but does so at the urgent entreaty of his subjects, Beri Troll, a nobleman and one of his Councillors, Paulus Johannis, and Caspar Olavvi, Consuls, and Jacob Blasson, a citizen of Copenhagen, who have been miserably defrauded of their ship, called the Isaac, by Asser Monsen, also a citizen of Copenhagen. Herein they ask him to procure her assistance.—Copenhagen, 5 July 1559. Signed: Fredericus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
July 5.
R. O.
938. Mundt to the Queen.
There have been long and various disputes, in the first place about the examination of the acts of the Conference of Worms, and next about religion and a Council, upon both of which points opinions differed very much, but chiefly concerning summoning of a Council. The Emperor and the Catholics contended that a Council should at all events be held, as if upon that one question turned the decision of every other dispute; while the Protestants would by no means assent thereto, except under certain exceptions, and expressly affirmed that they would oppose it if it were summoned according to the plan usually adopted by the Pope, as appears by the writings of either party which have been sent to Her Majesty. Now, however, at last the determination of the Emperor is published, by which these discussions and disputes are postponed and suspended, rather than settled, in this manner. The Emperor confirms what he has already advanced in his proclamations concerning the summoning of a Council; but since it is uncertain whether a Council can be held, and when, and in what manner and form, and since in the meantime he is anxious to avoid all disputes between the States, and refuses to insert among the proceedings of the Diet any of these conflicting opinions, by which the disunited condition of the Empire might be more widely exposed, he proposes to insert amongst the acts of this Diet words to the following effect:—"Since the conferences already held have not hitherto healed the disputes about religion, it has been thought expedient to postpone that subject until a more fitting season; yet, in the meantime, the settlement of Passau, the peace determined upon in the year 1555, and the other public acts concerning peace, shall be firmly and inviolably observed by all persons."
The Legates and Commissaries of many electorate Bishops ask that their masters may be put in possession of their regalities by the Emperor; but since they cannot obtain their confirmation from the Pope, the Emperor does not dare to invest them. The Pope still persists in his contumacy by not confirming the Emperor. No one here is on the Pope's side, but doubtless he is well acquainted with the minutest occurrences here by the Cardinal of Augsburg, who openly writes himself down as the Pope's councillor. The Electors of Metz and Treves are at this time four miles distant from hence, with the Duke of Bavaria, who has invited them to hunt. The Archduke Charles asked his father for permission to join the Bishops in their sport, but he could not obtain it. His father lately granted him leave to spend four days with the Duke of Bavaria, but he was absent for eight, hence he is now compelled to stay at home.
One thing yet remains unfinished, a contribution of money, for which the Emperor makes diligent suit, and not without urgent reasons, as the writer has lately intimated. Recent intelligence has arrived from Hungary that the Turks do not keep the peace. A short time will show what the Emperor will obtain. He is forced to bear a heavy expenditure in keeping up his garrisons against the Turk, and these none of the smallest, along the wide border lands of Hungary and Istria, 160 German miles, as he himself declared before the States. Besides, the Courts of Maximilian and his wife, the estates of his son Ferdinand, the Court of himself and his son Charles, the estates of his married daughter at Oenipontum [Inspruck], all these press upon him heavily and wear him out. The discovery of some gold-producing island would be necessary to bear such charges as these. Assuredly he is a most clement prince, and a most careful observer of his ancestral traditions.—Augsburg, 5 July 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
July 5.
R. O.
939. Mundt to Cecil.
Wrote last to him from hence on 28 June informing him of the dispute which was then being waged between the Catholics and the Legate of the Duke of Saxony. It is now settled by the prudence and modesty of the Emperor, who, in the presence of all the Estates, decided that both of them had acted with too great bitterness and strife; but he quietly rebuked the Legate ("qui mordaci molliculas papistarum aures aceto perfuderat,") telling him that if he hereafter used the like sharpness he should be censured more severely. He also recommended them to proceed to the consideration of the remaining articles of religion in a better spirit. Sends to the Queen the import of the Emperor's latest answer according to which the article about religion and a Council is framed.
The Protestant Princes and States are now deliberating how, after the end of this Diet, (which will be within a month as is supposed,) they may meet to discuss how a full agreement in religion may be observed everywhere throughout their jurisdictions. Nothing has yet been decided as to the time or the place; but will inform him as soon as he himself knows, so that the Queen may send thither, if so disposed.
Has had some conversation with one or two persons, and has advised that the Protestants should send a creditable embassy to the Queen in the name of the whole body, in order that she and they may establish friendship and agreement, since she approves of the Confession of Augsburg in the chief articles of religion. The persons who agree to this project tell him that nothing can be done at this Diet, as no one has authority to treat of it, but that they will report it to their masters.
Thinks it unnecessary to remain here much longer. The chief articles are either already settled or are postponed. Thinks of returning home daily. If anything has to be communicated it should be sent without delay by Richard Hill, merchant of London. The person whom Cecil sent to the writer departed hence yesterday at noon, his business prevented him from leaving sooner.—5 July 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Explained by Cotgrave to mean, "A bunch or plume of feathers; also, one great feather bent back upon, or couched flatling about, a hat or cap, after the old French fashion."
  • 2. Cancelled in the original.
  • 3. The irons or instruments made use of in coining money.