Elizabeth: June 1559, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: June 1559, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp337-346 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1559, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp337-346.

"Elizabeth: June 1559, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp337-346.

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June 1559, 26-30

June 27.
881. Edmond Alen to Cecil.
Did not arrive here until the 20th inst. Had no molestation by the way, saving that for fear of the soldiers that lay by the common postway he went a day or two further about, remembering the adage, Sat cito, si sat bene. Heard at Antwerp that the post of Strasburg and other travellers were of late robbed both of their money and letters. Fearing Mr. Mount might go to Strasburg to the Court that is now there, signified that he had certain business to do with him here, so found him here. He has spared no diligence for the accomplishment of the contents of his letters; and as soon as it is possible to get perfect resolution of all things, the writer will bring the perfect relation.
On Friday last the new Palsgrave came hither, whom the Emperor met at the town gates and welcomed lovingly. The Palsgrave having accompanied the Emperor to his lodging, was himself accompanied to his own by the Emperor's youngest son Duke Charles. [Portion destroyed by damp.] "If my memory do [not fa]il me very sore, the pattern [is mu]ch unlike the image; and yet it will be hard to get a better."
The Duke of Bavaria having lately showed great extremity against the professors of the Gospel in his country, a great number are fled into the lands of the Palsgrave and other Princes near, where the Gospel is preached. He has proclaimed that if any of his subjects go to any churches in the Palsgrave's land, or any other where the Gospel is preached, he shall forfeit fifty florins of the Rhine.
As he came between Spires and this city there was such a tempest as he never remembered. Besides an infinite number of trees overthrown, and certain houses also, for the space of almost three English miles the corn of all kinds, being ready to be reaped, was so reaped with the vehemency of the weather that not one ear was left undestroyed as it had been cut off with a sickle. As the sight was lamentable, so was the lamentation of the people pitiful. Mr. Mount thinks he must yet remain here ten or twelve days. No faithful diligence shall be wanting.—Augusta, 27 June 1559.
P.S.—Requests to be had in remembrance that he incur no danger of any statute for not compounding for his first fruits. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Injured by damp. Pp.3.
June 28.
R. O.
882. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Queen.
Begs for a safe conduct for Andrew Lambe, of Leith, and two others his factors and attornies, to pass through England and thence beyond the sea, for one year.—Edinburgh, 28 June 1559. Signed: [y]our gud suster and allyie, Marie R.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
June 28.
R. O.
883. The Privy Council to the Commissioners for Scotland.
Has received the treaty lately passed between them and the Scotch Commissioners, which they well like. Beg them to take order that such points as appertain to the charge of their wards there may be put in execution. Considering the discord of that country defers the coming of the Earl of Northumberland till further instructions.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 28 June 1559. Pp. 3.
June 28.
R. O.
884. H. Percy to Cecil.
Doubts of my Lord's coming up to Court, by reason of the charge of his lieutenancy here, before the end of the summer. Requests that the Queen will bestow on him the office of Tynemouth.—Alnwick, 28 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 28.
R. O.
885. H. Percy to Sir T. Parry and Cecil.
This present day has met the Scots for a day of truce, when he received letters out of Scotland which he sends enclosed. The messenger came unto him with great credit besides from the Laird of Lethington. As for the letter directed unto them, it was done by the consent of the Earl of Argyll, the Earl Ryven [Ruthven], and others now in camp against the Dowager of Scotland, and sent to the writer by a servant of the Laird of Lethington, who demands instant answer. Last Thursday the same William Kyrkaldie spake with the Earl of Argyll and others of his faction in secret, and they mind to come forwards to Edinburgh, "which is suspicious to us, being borderers;" yet thinks there is no cause. Recommends them, however, to look circumspectly unto this matter, and have a good eye towards France, especially whether they make provision for navigation. As for the power of Scotland doubts it not, nor yet his force towards the town of Berwick. They will, by God's grace, venture their lives in that piece or ever it shall take hurt; means the whole power of the wardenry. But France is a mighty Prince and his enterprises may be great, but is credibly informed that he and his country are in great impoverishment.
Is so coiled with the affairs of the wardenry that he cannot advertise them with intelligence, as he could have done had he been at Norham. Neither can he have convenient place to confer with espials, nor have a place for any to come unto him. His servant Ralph Lorraunce will declare to them, if he be demanded, another occasion which lets him [the writer] much.—Norham, 28 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 28.
R. O.
886. Croft to Sir Thomas Parry and Cecil.
Yesterday received their letters of the 19th inst., the contents whereof he will follow to the uttermost of his power. Before the receipt of this letter they will receive further advertisement according to his former opinion. Wherefore, seeing that Mr. Percy is something ripe in these matters, thinks it not unmeet that they direct letters to Mr. Percy and himself jointly, to deliberate and advise him how to handle these matters, whereof he will not impart anything until their pleasure is further known.—Berwick, 28 June.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add Endd. by Cecil: 1559, 28 June. Received at Ware the seconte (sic) day of . . . . . 9. Pp. 2.
June 28.
R. O.
887. Knox to Cecil.
Wishes him the perpetual peace of the Holy Ghost. This is the fourth letter which he has written to him since his departure from Geneva; two from Dieppe, desiring licence to have passed through England to his native country, and another before this from Saint Andrew's, desiring licence to visit the north parts of England to Newcastle or Durham; not in any of them so much seeking his own profit as that he "thrusts" to communicate with some man of solid judgment such things as gladly he would not commit to paper and ink.
By narration of many understands that he is become so odious to the Queen and her Council that the mention of his name is unpleasing in their ears, yet will not cease to offer himself, requiring Cecil in God's name to present to the Queen this letter, smelling nothing of flattery. Why she, or yet the faithful in her realm, should repute him as an enemy he knows no just cause. One thing he knows, that England by him to this day has received no hurt, but has received by the power of God working in him [Knox] that benefit which yet to none in England is known, neither yet list he to boast of the same. Only this will he say, that when England and the usurped authority thereof was enemy to him, yet was he friend to it, and the fruit of his friendship they found in their greatest necessity. His eye has long looked to a perpetual concord between the two realms; the occasion whereof is now most present, if God move their hearts unfeignedly to seek the same. The humility of Christ Jesus crucified, now begun here to be preached, may join together the hearts of those whom Satan by pride has long dissevered, for the furtherance whereof Knox would have licence to repair towards Cecil, and prays that God would move his heart rightly to consider the estate of both the realms, which stand in greater danger than many espy.
The common bruit he doubts not carries to Cecil the troubles that have lately here risen for the controversy of religion. The truth is that many of the nobility, the most part of the barons and gentlemen, with many towns and one city have put to their hands to remove idolatry and the monuments of the same. The reformation is somewhat violent, because the adversaries be stubborn. None that profess Christ Jesus with us usurp anything against the authority, nor yet intend to usurp, unless strangers be brought in to subdue and bring in bondage the liberty of this poor country. If any such thing is espied, it is uncertain what shall follow.
Requests to be advertised of the Queen's answer, if he may have licence to repair towards Cecil.—Saint John's Town, 28 June 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Could have no time to write the Queen's letter for continual travail, and for the sudden departure of the messenger. Requests yet one thing of him in God's name, that in his [Knox's] name Cecil will say to her that willingly he never offended her, and therefore she ought not repute him an enemy.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 28.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 147.
888. Throkmorton to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, Sandy Whylowe, repairing through England into Scotland, who has done, and may do good service to the Queen. He is in good credit in Scotland with all the Protestants of all estates, and will be as meet an instrument to advance the Queen's service in Scotland as may be found. Cecil should understand that aforetime, about the death of the Cardinal of S. Andrews, there was unkindness between this bearer and the Duke, the late Governor of Scotland, with whom therefore he is not the fittest to deal, but rather with the principal parties who attempt "the broil in Scotland for matters of religion. He seemeth to me heartily and earnestly to wish that this may be the mean to unite England and Scotland together." Sandy proposed a marriage between the Queen and the Earl of Arran, the chief upholders of God's religion. The Earl has been unkindly handled in France. Further to incense the French against the Scots, since the Earl's departure, there has happened a brawl between certain Frenchmen and the men at arms of the said Earl's band, in which four or five of the former and one of the latter have been slain.
Recommends Cecil to advertise Sir James Croftes or Sir Henry Percy that the French King has lately sent certain commissioners to apprehend the said Earl with great severity and extremity, and to bring him either quick or dead; whereupon to save his life he fled, no man can tell whither. Since his departing great extremity has been showed, not only to his band but to all who favoured him. The Scottish band of men of arms, who by the old league were ever under a Scottish captain, are now either utterly cassed or placed under the leading of the Duke of Longuevile. And further "when M. de Mompesat, one of the commissioners to bring the said Earl of Arran, went to excuse himself to the Queen Dauphin for obeying the French King's commandment in executing such a matter against her kinsman, the Earl of Arran, the Queen Dauphin made answer that he could not do her a greater pleasure than to use the Earl of Arran as an arrant traitor. Sir, methinketh if these matters could be speedily insinuated to the Earl of Arran's father and kinsfolks' ears, and generally to all the Protestants of Scotland, it should serve well to the advancement of the Queen's service. This bearer is very religious, and therefore you must let him see as little sin in England as you may. He seemeth to me very willing to work what he can that Scotland may forsake utterly the French amity, and be united to England. Sir, in these services and occasions to preserve you from further inconveniences, the Queen's purse must be open; for fair words will not serve."
Has written to his wife to put Cecil in remembrance to send him 300 crowns, disbursed by him to buy goldsmith's work for the Queen. The Ambassador here should have credit for 1,000 or 2,000 crowns by some bill of bank. The French Ambassador has credit given him by his master for 10,000 crowns.
Was this day advertised that the French King minds to send great force into Scotland, the particulars of which he has advertised to the Council. Desires his revocation. Has received Cecil's letter of 19 June by Mr. Randoll, with one from the Queen and one from the Council the 24th. Has not yet spoken to the Constable concerning Stranguysshe, but will do so to-morrow. On the 24th arrived Sir H. Pagett, who tarries here a month, and hence by Orleans into Italy. Mr. Gresham has sent his son to see these triumphs.—Paris, 28 June, 1559.
P.S.—This bearer is greatly esteemed by John Knokes, and he also favours him above other. Nevertheless he is sorry for his book rashly written.
Orig. Hol. chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
June 28.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 334.
889. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 28.
R. O.
890. Mundt to Cecil.
Has received his letters along with others on the 24th inst., delivered by N. His commands shall be attended to with due fidelity and diligence.
June 28. The Elector Palatine entered Augsburg on 22nd June at 9 in the morning, with a retinue of 200 horse. The Emperor, the Electors of Magunt [Mayence] and Treves, Duke Charles, and the Delegates of the other Electors and Princes, went out to meet him. The Emperor, however, did not go far beyond the gate and returned into the city, conversing all the way with the Archbishop of Magunt [Mayence]. Immediately before the Emperor rode the Elector Palatine and Duke Charles; all conducted the Emperor to the Palace; and when they arrived there the Elector dismounted, and having conversed with the Emperor was himself attended to his residence by the Duke Charles.
The next day after dinner the Elector conversed with the Emperor for half an hour. The Elector will not stay long here after having been invested. He is said to be well instructed in religion, which, though opposed by his father [Johanne Duce Symmerensi], he freely embraced and professes. He is about forty-six years old, attentive to business.
Otto Henry had begun at Heidelberg a magnificent and sumptuous building, for which he assembled from all parts the most renowned artists, builders, sculptors, and painters, but the Elector Palatine prosecutes the work leisurely and with less splendour and magnificence. He has dismissed all the musicians and above 200 retainers from the Court, being desirous to free the Palatinate from debt.
For the last ten days a great contention has continued between the Catholics and the Legate of the Duke of Saxony, the son of the late Elector John Frederick. This Legate represented before the Estates that his master, the Duke of Saxony, considered it inconvenient that an ecclesiastic should be the Judge and President of the Chamber, viz. the Bishop of Mersburg, who is on the side of the Pope and opposed to all the States of the Confession of Augsburg, as of late appeared in the Conference of Worms, in which he was the most insolent and quarrelsome of all. He further desires that the Judge be a civilian of noble rank, one neither obnoxious to the Pope nor having sworn to him, for every Papist is inimical to the Confession of Augsburg. This proposal has met with the greatest opposition; as being not only injurious and seditious but traitorous, not only to all the Catholics but also to the Emperor himself, as being likely to excite sedition amongst the well disposed states. To this the Legate answered that he proposed it for their deliberation, and that it was based upon the laws, canons, and sacred Scriptures, and the institutions and customs of the primitive Church. It was at last resolved, after many alterations, to send a Legate to the Duke of Saxony to demand whether the propositions stated by his Legate were according to his wishes.
The Dukes of Bavaria and Wirtemburg consent to undertake an embassy to the French King; the Duke of Bavaria demands 12,000 florins per month, that is, 400 florins daily. Wirtemburg will not go for less. They demand also that their states shall be protected during their absence. Whether the embassy will be worth the cost is very doubtful, but this is the Emperor's wish. The others think that inferior personages should be selected. Besides he of Bavaria asks his outfit.—Augusta, 28 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
June 29.
R. O.
891. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Queen.
Begs of her to appoint Commissioners to join with those of Scotland to treat upon the ransoming of prisoners taken in the late wars.—Edinburgh, Penult. June 1559. Signed: [y]our gud sester and allya, Marie R.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 29.
892. Croft, Lee, and Ingleby to the Council.
Sir J. Croft received yesterday answer of those letters which he sent by Mr. Vaughan; at which time the Treasurer arrived here, leaving the treasure behind him, which will be here this night or to-morrow. This morning have cassed 200 men, viz., Capt. Tutty's 100, Sturley's 50, and Wood's 50. As they have seemed to do this by their Lordships' direction, to avoid obloquy, beseech them to send some schedule signed by them directed to the Captain and Treasurer for the discharge of the said bands. At a late meeting between the English and Scotch Commissioners, Sir J. Croft moved those for Scotland touching the rasing of Aymouth, who at the last meeting declared in the Regent's name that Aymouth should be effectually rased; the troubles in Scotland being the occasion that it was not done with greater expedition.
Last Friday Sarlabos, Lieutenant of the French bands under Dosel, desired to speak with Croft at the "Bound Road," and declared that the fort of Aymouth should be rased with all speed. Yet an Englishman who saw it yesterday said that there was as yet very little done, and that only in the outward fortification, where there was not past forty men labouring; so that it will take a long time doing, and when done will not ease them much of the Frenchmen's neighbourhood, for a good many intended to be in Dunse and Langton. —Berwick, 29 June 1559. Signed.
Delivered at Berwick, 29 June, at one of the clock in the afternoon.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 29.
B.M. Sloane, 4734. 174. Calderw. i. 475.
893. Knox to Anna Lock.
Has received her letters, dated at London, 16th January, and in reply scribbles these few words immediately after he was come from the very preaching place in Saint Giles's kirk in Edinburgh. Has written to her before the whole discourse of their proceedings. She shall understand further by the other letter directed to Adam Halliday, which she may open and afterwards deliver.
June 29. The Queen is retired to Dunbar, the fine [end] is known to God. "We mean no tumult, no alteration of authority, but only the reformation of religion and suppressing of idolatry. The reason of Mr. Cole and your Acts of Parliament like we both alike; that is, nothing at all. I wrote not only against Papistical priests, but also against dissembled professors, who prefer darkness to light and vanity to the truth. If your reformation be no better than your acts express, I repent not of my absence from England."
Has received no letter from her before that last, nor yet any knowledge of his brother Goodman. More trouble than she sees lies upon him.—Edinburgh, 29 June.
June 29.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 98 b.
894. Another copy of the above.
June 30.
895. The Queen to the Emperor.
Has received his letters of 8th May brought by the Baron in Stybing, &c., who, after having declared his mission and received his answer, requested permission to tarry a certain while here, and that she would write to the Emperor, which she does.
The Emperor having offered her in marriage his youngest son Charles, Archduke of Austria, her answer was, and is, that descending into the bottom of her heart she cannot find any inclination to leave this solitary life, but rather a certain contentation to continue still therein. This may seem strange in one of her years, but it is no new or sudden determination She had resolved upon in times past, when to have consented to good and honourable marriage might have delivered her from some great troubles and dangers (whereof she will not now make any further remembrance); she yet neither for fear of imminent danger nor for desire of freedom could find any disposition of heart anywise thereto given. As for the future she commends the rest of her life to Almighty God. There is no family of all Christendom to which she is more affectioned than to this of Austria.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 30 Junii 1559. Copia responsi ad literas Cæsaris adductas per Gasparum, Baronem in Rabenstan. Pp. 5.
June 30.
R. O. 171 B.
896. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
June 30.
R. O.
897. The Queen's Answer to the Emperor's Ambassador.
Thanks for his good will and the offer of his son in marriage. Can only speak with her mouth as she finds in her heart, "which is truly no certain inclination or disposition to marriage, but rather a contentation to enjoy and continue in this unmarried life." Yet as the nobles and other states of the realm are therein somewhat importune, she will not therefore make any precise determination or vow to the contrary. Should she hereafter like of marriage and alter her mind, she trusts, by God's favour, to make no choice but of such one as shall be both very honourable and not unlike to her own estate, nor unmeet for these her kingdoms. Is not better affected to any house or family in Christendom than to the house of Austria.
Draft in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 30 June 1559. Sum of the Queen's answer to the Emperor's Ambassador. Pp. 2.
June 30.
R. O.
898. The Constable Montmorency to the Queen.
Knowing the great friendship between the King and herself, is sure that she will be much grieved to hear of the accident which has happened to him. Yesterday at the tournay, he was struck by a lance above the right eye. The wound is very severe. The first and second dressing appeared however to give good hope that the result will be satisfactory, and that the worst that shall happen will be the loss of the eye. Sends this intelligence that if she hears other news, she should not think matters worse than they really are.— Paris, last of June 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 31 (sic) Junii 1559. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 30.
R. O.
899. Throckmorton to Cecil.
In his letters of 16 June requested that the 300 crowns which he lately disbursed, might be paid to his wife or to Mr. Thomas Gresham, of which he again puts Cecil in remembrance. His allowance for six months suffices but for three months' expenses. He, a bare and ruined man, entered into this service, and can by no conduct nor device be able to bear this burden any time. Trusts he shall have his revocation shortly.—Paris 30 June 1559. Signed.
P. S.—"It may please you to have in remembrance to signify the King's misadventure and his great peril to your ministers upon the borders. It is a marvel to see how the noblemen, gentlemen, and ladies do lament this misfortune and contrarywise, how the townsmen and people do rejoice. Nemo undique beatus. They let not openly to say the King's dissolute life and his tyranny to the professors of the Gospel hath procured God's vengeance."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 30.
R. O.
900. Tunstall to the Queen.
The Commissioners, (viz., the Earl of Northumberland, Lord Dacres, Sir J. Croftes, and the writer,) having of late concluded a peace with Scotland, have certified her thereof by their letter of the 18th, enclosing the treaty. Forasmuch as the treaty bears date the last of May, on which day they met, (and could not before by their prolonging, albeit they offered to meet them the 28th June,) they, perceiving the time to be past given by the former treaty, were content to make the date thereof the last day, for the more assurance. They met often ere they agreed for the penning, one day in Scotland and another in England. Finally they interchanged at Norham, and yet were compelled to tarry eight days, to see the attempts reformed which had been committed during the time of their meeting, because peace was clearly abandoned by long wars on both sides, "and men brought up in raven loathe to live in peace." As they had much communication together they could not put all in writing. As it is necessary she should know the disposition of her neighbours now reconciled, whose constancy for observing the peace depends much on France, he beseeches that he may have licence to come to her, to do his duty to his Sovereign once in his days this summer season, which is best time of the year for him to travel in, as he does not look to live long. Her pleasure known he will repair, with such speed as his old carcase will suffer him, to her.—Auckland, 30 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 30.
901. Tunstall to Cecil.
Has written to the Queen desiring to come to her presence for declaring their treating with the Scots more amply. Beseeches him to further his suit for visiting her, that he may once in his days see her. It shall be most ease for him to carry his old carcase in the summer season. Desires him to declare to his servant the Queen's pleasure.—Auckland, 30 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2.