America and West Indies: September 1670, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: September 1670, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: September 1670, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: September 1670, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

September 1670, 16-30

Sept. 16. 263. Grant to Peter Jennings of the Office of Attorney-General for Virginia during pleasure, with all fees, &c. (Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. 33, p. 48đ.)
Sept. 20.
264. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Since his last no public despatch has arrived. Has, in pursuance of his promise, sent three papers for the Council of Plantations, but thought it his duty first to put them in his Lordship's possession. The first informs, of his Majesty's increasing revenue here, and how it is exceeded by its necessary disbursements without reflections on the customs at home which the goods exported produce, resigning all considerations for the Governor's support to his Majesty's pleasure, The second, presents the means to increase the revenue, and that, with so little regret to the inhabitants, that it will come into his Majesty's coffers with as little noise as the high rents of the Crown lands do at home. The third imports the means for the speedy increase of people, which is the foundation of all, the causa sine quâ non; and therefore has been the larger and perhaps the bolder in it, for these reasons: It is reported here and at home that this Island was to be sold to the Spaniard, or at least that there was a working to that purpose and therefore advised their factors not to plant for as one lately expressed it is not a place to live long or get an estate in as affairs now stand betwixt England and Spain; they have further buzzed in the people's ears that his Majesty as Lord of this Island, may impose what taxes he pleases on the native commodities before exportation, because it was conquered at the charge of the State and so no consent of the freeholders necessary but that we shall live under an arbitrary government which his Lordship well knows how much Englishmen abhor. To banish these apprehensions makes bold to pen the first proposition so full by which the chief and almost the only difficulties will be removed. Admittance of foreigners and liberty of conscience have been provided for in his instructions, and both are very needful and prevalent baits, especially the last to increase the number of his Majesty's subjects here. The rest carry their reasons with them. Was in hopes to have sent the Survey of this Island, with their numbers, and the Comodities the place produces, but the Receiver-General could not bring it to perfection, for this, must beg his Lordship to expect it by the next. Had advice from Admiral Morgan the 12th inst. by Captain Heath that having sailed round this Island, he stood over to the Coast of Cuba, where he left one ship to take a prisoner for intelligence, a storm separated 3 of his ships, so that he had but 7 when Heath met him: 3 good ships and a catch have since arrived at this port and dispatched themselves to him. Captain Bradley last week brought in a Quaker's vessel commanded by one Watson, which he recovered from a Spanish man-of-war 13 days after he had taken her, with 6 sailors; said Watson, 2 quaking preaching women, and the rest, the man-of-war carried into The Havana, chased by Bradley within shot of the Moro Castle. Incloses,
264. I. Statement of the Revenue of the Island of Jamaica. Arising from a duty on wines, spirits, and beer, tonnage of shipping, licences to sell ale, quit rents, fines, and forfeitures, amounting to 1,870l., besides H.R.H. 10th and his Majesty 15th in time of war, which have been but a small matter; also of the necessary disbursements for support of the government, comprising 1,960l. for salaries, viz., 1,000l. to the Governor, 400l. to the Deputy Governor, 200l. to the Major-General, 80l. to the Chief Judge, and the rest for salaries of Assistant Judges, other officers, ammunition, and incidental expenses for the Fort, amounting to 3,473l. 16s.; from which may be abated about 750l. for the sale of old powder, and 400l. for the office of Deputy Governor which is needless. Jamaica, 1670, August.
264. II. Propositions how the Royal Revenue may be increased without considerably hindering the settlement. There was, by account taken last July, granted by patent 213,746 acres of land on which was reserved to his Majesty, one penny per acre of such as were under manurance, which rent, by the Governor's agreement with the Assembly, was not to be altered, till his Majesty thought fit to reserve a greater rent. Advises this may be done safely after 250,000 acres are granted, which will be by the time these are at home. The Order to bear this sense; Forasmuch as his Majesty is informed that his Island of Jamaica is now very considerably settled and the land very fruitful and passes from man to man for considerable prices; his Majesty being willing to increase the Royal Revenue of the Island, the better to protect his subjects there, has thought fit to command the Governor that after 250,000 acres of land are granted, he do not grant any more but on payment of 3d. per acre as a fine, and 1d. rent per acre whether manured or not; and after 250,000 acres have been granted under such fine and rent, then to grant no more but on payment of 6d. per acre fine, and 2d. per acre rent, until 1,000,000 acres be granted in the whole. Supposes it may be requisite to moderate this order towards servants newly out of their time, slaves newly made free, and other poor indigent men, that take up but 5 to 30 acres, in regard such small plantations are the strength of the Island, the greatest producers of provisions, and ought to be encouraged. The next 250,000 acres will be taken up in two years and add to the revenue 1,041l. 13s. 4d., besides the fine which will amount to 3,125l.; and is confident if no wars hinder, in three years after the other 500,000 may be granted away, which will make the yearly Revenue more by 5,166l. 13s. 4d., besides the 6d. fine of 15,499l. 19s., after this his Majesty may make what he pleases of the remaining six millions of acres.
264. III. Propositions for the speedy settling of Jamaica. That his Majesty by Proclamation declare this Island to belong to the Crown of England; that he holds himself obliged to protect his subjects there, as amply as in any other his Dominions; and that neither he nor his successors will impose any tax or other charge upon them, without the consent of the Freeholders. That his Majesty's authority there may admit any persons of what nations soever to settle, and naturalise them for that Island only. That his Majesty will continue the allowance of Liberty of conscience and a free exercise of Religion to all persons. These being granted, the goodness of the soil is now so well known, that there will need no other invitation. That all prudential means be used to encourage the Scots to come hither, as being very good servants, and to prevent them from going to Poland and other nations. That they may have license gratis or at moderate rates to trade for negroes in Africa. "Did those Honorable persons, which make that Royal Company so glorious, but fall into considerations, how much more it is his Majesty's interest to increase the number of his subjects than bullion of Gold or Silver (which by law all nations may import) they would not only freely consent to this proposal for us, but for the whole nation and foreigners also; mankind is the principal, gold the accessory, increase the first considerably and the other must follow." From 24 years' experience Governor Modyford affirms, that Barbadoes had never risen to its late perfection, had it not been lawful for Dutch, Hamburghers, our own whole nation and any other to bring and sell them Blacks or any other servants in their infancy. That they may have a coin allowed, by a mint set up either there or in England, or may be permitted to export to Jamaica, as much English coin as they import bullion." This the jealous Spaniard allows in the Indies as essentially necessary to their traffic, though in most other things he be austerely reserved to his no small prejudice." Lastly. That the Laws made by the Assembly, long since sent home for the Royal assent, be returned confirmed under the Great Seal, or so many of them as his Majesty shall approve. Together 7 pp. [ Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos. 59, 59 I., II., III.]
Sept. 20.
265. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Copy of preceding letter and also of the three enclosures to same. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, pp. 54–60.]
Sept. 20.
266. Extract from the above letter of Sir Thos. Modyford that the merchants have buzzed in the people's ears that the King may impose what taxes he pleases. Also copies and extracts from inclosures to same. Endorsed by Williamson, Rec. from Sir Thos. Modyford. Together 5 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos. 61–63.]
1670 ? 267. An Act for Naturalization. Be it enacted by his Excellency the Governor of this H.M. island and the Assembly, that it shall be lawful for any Governor of this island, by public instrument under the broad seal, to declare any foreigner settled in this island, who shall take the Oath of Allegiance, or otherwise give security thereof, to be fully naturalized, as if born within his Majesty's Dominions. And the Governor shall receive for the same 10l., and his clerk for writing it 10s. and no more. And whereas several aliens have patented or purchased lands, houses, &c., and afterwards sold the same to his Majesty's liege people; it is enacted that all who have so bought of aliens, shall be confirmed in the peaceable possession of said purchases. Endorsed by Williamson, "Jamaica." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV, No. 60.]
Sept. 22. 268. Petition of divers planters and merchants trading to the Leeward Isles to the Council for Foreign Plantations. That said Islands are one hundred leagues to leeward of Barbadoes and producing better indigo and sugar, their trade is so much to the disadvantage of Barbadoes, that the inhabitants thereof rather wish that said islands were displanted, than that they should contribute to their safety and prosperity, as may appear by their delay in re-establishing St. Christopher's. Wherefore petitioners pray that a Governor of said islands be constituted under his Majesty, and not subordinate to the Governor of Barbadoes; nothing doubting that said islands will be enabled not only to defend themselves, but to help even Barbadoes itself. And further that the English and their negroes who are to be removed from Surinam, may be sent to St. Christopher's to plant; which will be a great security to his Majesty's people there against the French, who are very powerful and unneighbourly in that island. Signed by Geo. Gamiell, Wm. Burt, Geo. Hill, Wm. Sewster, H. Lawrence, Wm. Baxter, Hen. Bale, and Val. Austin. Annexed,
268. I. Report of the Council for Foreign Plantations to the King on above petition. Have called before them divers planters and merchants belonging to Barbadoes, as well the petitioners as Lord Willoughby, and heard the reasons and objections on all sides. Are of opinion that it would be for his Majesty's service that there were a Governor-in-Chief over said islands, not subordinate to the Governor of Barbadoes for the annexed—
268. II. Reasons, because ; 1, the French are seated upon part of St. Christopher's, and have much increased the number of their people and their forces, trade, and plantations there and in the neighbouring islands: 2. Because St. Christopher's lying 100 leagues north-west from Barbadoes, the wind commonly blowing east, north-east, or south-east, and there setting a great current westwards, the passage to Barbadoes is uncertain, sometimes in 7 or 8 days, but for the most part in as many weeks; and on a sudden attack, any of the islands may be lost, before relief could come from Barbadoes, or indeed notice be given of danger: 3. Because it was found most agreeable to the desires of the planters and inhabitants of the Leeward Isles. Together 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 45, pp. 1–3.]
[Sept. 22.] 269. Copy of the above petition of planters and merchants trading to the Leeward Isles, received and read in Council 22nd Sept. 1670. Annexed,
269. I. Reasons why the petitioners desire there may be a General commissionated over them not subordinate to the Barbadoes. The Council and Assembly being all planters there, it is to their interest that the Caribbee Islands be destroyed, and petitioners can prove that several have wished these islands sunk, declaring it would be better for them. How then can said islands upon invasion expect any relief from Barbadoes, who already wish their ruin, as appears by their late delay in re-establishing St. Christopher's. Besides Lord Willoughby has detained for the use of Barbadoes 10 barrels of powder and two guns procured of his Majesty for the defence of Nevis, and has not sent a good proportion of ammunition as commanded by his Majesty. That the great distance from Barbadoes will not admit of her assisting these islands at a juncture which cannot possibly be gained in less than five or six weeks, in which time they might be overrun. St. Christopher's after the French had taken it might have been regained if assistance had appeared within a reasonable time. That insolencies lately committed by the French are unavoidable, without a General in chief to take care of these islands, who is very necessary for the future safety of the same. Read in Council 27th Sept. 1670. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, pp. 4–5.]
Sept. 23.
270. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Has recovered the promised Survey, &c., by the extraordinary diligence of his Majesty's Receiver-General. Could wish it were more perfect, but hopes betwixt this and March to reduce it to a more certainty. His Majesty will find great quantities of land granted to some persons, among whom his son, 6,000 acres granted, whose name he made use of for himself, having about 400 (sic) persons in his family, and so but half their due; 5,000 to Capt. Noy, waste land by the sea side, mostly covered with salt water, where is a very hopeful work begun for salt, &c.; and 3,200 to one Styles, who never had hands proportionable, nor will, as Modyford judges, but who within a year of the Governor's coming made oath that his Majesty had granted him a Privy Seal for that quantity, which he had lost by the way; desires his Lordship to direct Modyford's son to search the Privy Seal Office, whether there be any such grant. As to the rest, the proportion of hands is not wanting, and on the whole grants added together his Lordship will find double the number. Encloses,
--- Acres --- Acres --- Acres
Thomas Amor - - 10 Robt. Fargasson - 24 Rice Prosser - - 38
Southwell Atkins - 1,070 James Gosling - - 800 John Putnam - - 200
Charles Barnett - 90 Thomas Groves - 238 Dearmon Regaine - 145
John Bassett - - 78 John Hooper - - 140 More - - 40
Thomas Booth - - 12 John Hunt - - 180 George Robbins - 12
William Basnett - 60 Thomas Hudson - 390 Thomas Reese - - 60
Capt. Thomas Browne - 1,060 More - - 120 Clement Richardson - 846
Joseph Barger - - 11 David Jones - - 70 William Richardson - 10
Francis Butterfield - 30 Thomas Johnson - 350 John Stokes - - 25
Samuel Backs, Esq. - 200 Widow Lawrence - 73 John Stevenson - 211
Christopher Cooper - 690 Henry Lupton - 400 Edmond Sweet - 140
Cæsar Carter - - 60 John Lucy - - 92 Thomas Stacey - - 120
Gawell Crouch - - 100 Richard Layton - 90 James Scott - - 17
Thomas Carpenter - 6 Nicholas License - 264 Thomas Steward - 60
John Clarke - - 90 Samuel Lewis, Esq. - 880 John Stephens - - 60
Josiah Child and Mate - 1,330 Edward Madox - 30 John Salisbury - 150
John Davenport - 340 Thomas Manning - 125 Walter Tresias - - 120
Francis Davis - - 120 Daniel Pearse - - 8 Tobias Wilson - - 50
Thomas Evans - - 215 Charles Probert - 64 Thomas Wiltshire - 122
Stephen Evans - - 300 Thomas Paulhill - 700 John Wallis and Boucher - 150
Col. Thomas Freeman - 1,309 1/2
In this parish are families - - 59 And by estimation people - - 590
--- Acres --- Acres --- Acres
Nicholas Alexander - 760 Thomas Griffin - - 15 Luke Phillips - - 150
Robert Avery - - 30 Matthew Halpin - 60 Henry Poores - - 40
Thomas Bend - - 80 John Harris - - 60 John Price - - 140
Edmund Bates - - 49 Thomas Harry - - 120 Francis Powell - 17
John Barton - - 150 George Hooke - - 90 Richard Pearce and Elliott - - 90
John Banfield - - 60 Henry Henderson - 30 Matthew Price - - 60
John Campion - - 90 John Hobby and Alexander - - 82 William Powell - 30
More - - 13 John Hobby - - 126 Robert Puncher - 60
Cornelius Cole - - 90 George Hunt - - 45 William Ring - - 70 1/2
Henry Cole - - 30 John Hutchins - - 30 William Rives, Esq. - 210
William Davis - - 150 Samuel Hancock - 60 Walter Roles - - 40
Thomas Evans and Mate - - 160 John James and Mate - 70 Richard Richardson, Esq. - - 1,034
George Elkin and Petty - 563 Edward Jackson - 30 Richard Richardson and Mate - - 152
Edward Elliot and Pearse - - 80 Peter Jacob - - 30 Edward Reid - - 30
Francis Fouracers - 160 John Gerrard and Jourden - - 30 Thomas Reid - - 150
Lieut.-Col. Robert Freeman - - 1,338 3/4 John Lamstead - 30 James Rogers - - 30
Col. Thomas Freeman - 440 Major Richard Lloyd - 1,370 Clement Richardson - 50
Edward Fox - - 90 Major Lloyd and Burton - - 294 Thomas Ransdon - 130
Thomas Fargar - 345 Bryan Mascall, and Sylvester - - 54 Robert Stubbs and Mate - 66
Richard Gwinnell - 140 Matthew Oliver - 30 Jacob Stokes - - 640
Morgan George - 30 Robert Thompson - 30 Jacob Stokes and Smith - 1
William Sheldrake - 35 Stephen Valley - 55 Robert Woddard - 60
Benjamin Smith - 60 Thomas Whittle - 60 William Witch - 30
Robert Smith - - 374 William Wolfe - 30 John Wilson and William Parker - - 30
Major John Saunderson - 44 Henry Winkes and Mate - - 65 John White and Elkins - 30
Thomas Swaine - 60 James Wallis - - 30 John Wimble and Seamore - - 152
John Terry - - 58
Jenkin Thomas - 18 1/2
Charles Thomas - 30
In this parish are families - 80. And by estimation persons - - 960
--- Acres --- Acres --- Acres
John Andrewes - 4 John Cahaune and Mate - 11 George Home - - 218
Henry Archboule, Esq. - 2,030 George Campe - - 91 Francis Hope - - 12
Thomas Aldworth - 5 William Capon - 6 John Hattevill - - 20
John Akin - - 7 1/2 John Clove - - 20 William Jones - - 60
John Bonnett - - 5 Edmond de la Crez - 660 Walter Jenkins - 34
Edward Bussell - 11 William Davison - 240 John Johnson - - 12
Robert Bull - - 34 Nicholas de la Roch - 6 Andrew Jewell - - 30
Charles Benway - 30 Richard Dunn - - 60 John Jefferies - - 24
Doctor Richard Brian - 351 Henry Dawkins - 15 Thomas Joyce - - 30
John Barrett and Mates - 90 Robert Davis and Morgan - - 200 Samuel Keamor - 30
Nicholas Barrett and Mate - - 20 Francis Daniell - 33 1/2 Abraham Keeling - 60
Edward Berry - - 279 Edward Exceceune - 17 William Kilgress - 8
Capt. Samuel Barry - 400 John Edwards and Mate - 56 William Cane - - 13
Major William Buston - 878 George Ecclestone - 14 Nicholas Keine - 643
Titus Boreman - - 78 William Elder - - 96 Jane Leader - - 19
John Browning - 22 Thomas Edmonds - 70 Widow Lane - 5
Widow Backhouse - 28 Richard Feilder - 100 Francis Larow - - 48
James Barry - - 27 Jeremiah Fowler - 63 John Lewis - - 600
James Boney - - 50 Morris Fleyne - - 42 Nicholas Leford - 40
More - - 12 Henry Ford - - 100 Jacob Lucy and Company - - 34
William Burt - - 110 Thomas Flood - - 3 William Launce - 336
George Bennett - 234 William Ford - - 210 John Maverley - 130
Nicholas Butler and Mate - - 34 Jenkin Lloyd - 7 William Mayo - - 40
John Baugh - - 11 Mary Fisher - 7 1/2 Sir James Modyford - 530
Francis Bussell and Smith - - 60 William Groves - 15 James Manderson - 34
Henry Bowen and Mate - 84 Luke Grose - - 28 Owen Macarta - - 56
Thomas Butler - 31 Charles Griffin - - 9 Alexander Mills - 41
Phillip Botterill - 22 James Grimes - - 7 1/2 John Murrow - - 14
Henry Banfield - 21 Sampson George - 40 Christopher Mayam - 30
John Burdis and Mate - 23 Robert Galloway - 9 3/4 Robert Moody - - 50
William Bent and Henry Bonner - - 800 Widow Gay - - 74 Richard Mapeley - 28
George Blundall - 15 John Garrett - - 8 1/2 William Parker - 10
John Belfield - - 369 Daniel Garvin - - 2 1/2 Wm. St. Onyon - 10
Jasper Blanch - - 6 Nathaniell Guy - 190 John Priest - - 80 1/2
John Cooper - - 512 Morgan Hopkins - 19 John Pond - - 6
Samuel Conyers - 216 William Hazard - 11 Janes Pinnuck - - 802
Thomas Cater - - 100 Charles Hudson - 44 John Potter - - 142 1/2
Matthew Cotton - 40 1/2 Lieut. - Coll. Richard Hope and ye Inhabitants - - 970 Joseph Phypes - - 84
Joseph Casteele - 217 1/2 Lieut. - Coll. Richard Hope - - 1,497 John Pitts - 7 1/2
Richard Collinwood - 50 Gowen Hill - - 80 John Pearse - - 80
Ancill Cole - - 20 James Howell - - 1,233 Capt. William Parker - 1,534
John Cooke - - 107 Richard Hussett - 8 Robert Pyatt - - 62
Capt. Thomas Clarke - 605 James Hunt - - 8 Capt. William Rivers - 60
John Cape and Westbury - - 22 John Hendy - - 47 Ralph Rippon - - 20
Markham Clouds - 7 1/2 Nicholas Hancock - 50 John Robinson - 46
Anthony Collier - 44 John Hone - - 21 James Russell - - 9
Thomas Brewer - 211 Henry Hammot - 6 Francis Russell and Mates - - 53
Edward Stanton and Henry Bonner - - 500 Gregory Hubbart - 48 Moses Raco - - 18
Edward Manton (sic) - 374 Thomas Todd and Mate - 49 Francis Scarlett, Esq. - 1,000
John Spread - - 9 1/2 Peter Tarragon - 16 Thomas Taylor - 18
Lieut. John Stanley - 90 Anne Thorne - - 156 Richard Thorne - 16
Morris Sheham - 4 William Tanton - 24 William Wilson - 80
David Spence - - 7 1/2 Thomas Trinado - 38 Hugh Weekes - 44
John Stiles and Mate - 67 Peter Turpin - - 622 Charles Whitfield - 950
Cornelius Struys - 122 Thomas Tuttle - - 40 William Warren - 707
Thomas South - - 60 William Terrill - 15 Edward Wooden - 7 1/2
Richard Seaward - 7 Thomas Tothill - 1,300 Thomas Watson - 9
John Stephens - - 20 Richard Teage - 88 Richard Wood - 70
William Sparkes - 75 Capt. William Vallett - 220 John Wilson - 20
Samuell Sawyer - 14 Thomas Vaughan - 37 Anthony Woodhouse - 4
Richard Smith - - 16 Richard Wilson - 54 George Wattle - 56
Thomas Sampson - 120 William Waters - 8 James Woodall - 8 1/2
James Thompson - 18 Capt. Saul Wanner - 60 Richard Valley - 200
John Williams - - 30 John Walker - 308
William Warrington - 270 Charles Whitefield - 51
Henry Wastell and Mate - 16
In this parish are families - 194. People by estimation - 1,552
--- Acres --- Acres --- Acres
John Archer - - 560 Thomas Davis - - 440 William Herbert - 120
Capt. John Bourden - 2,255 William Deane - - 597 John Hillier and Perrot - 320
Richard Beckford - 578 George Dunkin and Mate - - 60 Francis Hull - - 100
John Bonner - - 82 Timothy Dodd - - 300 Alice Howell - - 15
William Bunn and Mate - 64 Oliver Dust - - 60 William Harker - 164
Robert Bedford - 30 John Drinkewater - 27 George Holyday - 33
John Berry - 40 John Ellis - 150 Simon Huse - - 3
Lieut.-Colonel Robert Bindlos - - 1,935 Henry Edey - - 30 Cary Hellgar - - 146
Edward Blackman - 62 George Elkin - - 3,286 Wm. Hobbleton - 120
Coll. Thomas Ballard - 2,391 Dorothy Eaton - 220 Francis Inians - - 453
More - - 1,000 Augustine Evans - 401 John Jackson - - 30
Peter Burton - 78 Capt. William Freeman - 40 Wm. Knowles - - 760
Richard Boyse - - 148 Bartholomew Fant - - 1,130 George Knight - - 63
Susanna Barker - 160 Angelina Fant - - 210 Thomas Lyon - - 96
Anthony Burroughs - 40 William Floyd - - 60 Samuel Long - - 18
Thomas Burden - 67 Widow Farefield - 385 Thomas Lilly - - 782
Francis Barnes - - 60 Major Thomas Fuller - 1,309 Samuel Lewis and Francis Man - 1,555
Hersey Bawett - - 32 1/2 Humphrey Freeman, Esq. - - 627 William Mullins Esq. - - 522
William Benton - 44 Tobias Foot - - 120 Capt. Hender Molesworth - - 2,480
Edward Burt - - 27 Roger Fugas - - 30 Wm. Matthews - 520
Christopher Butler - 9 John Flemming - 34 John Moore - 19
Nicholas Collins - 60 Robert Ford - - 100 Charles Morgan - 910
John Casteele - - 210 John Gimball - - 618 William Mosely - 1,242
John Collett - - 120 Andrew Groves - 38 William Morris - 40
John Colebeck - 812 William Gray - - 720 Bryan Macue - - 30
Capt. Colebeck and Inhabitants - - 1,340 John Gillingham - 120 Thomas Modyford, Esq. and Company - 6,090
Josua Cooper - - 60 William Gibson - 45 Phillip Masters - 411 1/2
William Cussaus - 551 Richard Guy - - 270 Thomas Martin - 130
John Cater - - 252 Joachim Hane - - 420 Hugh Mighty - - 140
James Casement - 190 William Hebb, Esq. - 437 William Mathewes - 170
James Crookshanke - 90 Henry Hilliard - 100 Sir James Modyford - 3,500
Matthew Crew - - 800 Wm. Hill and Mate - 190 William Markham - 33
Thomas Cox - - 300 Nicholas Homes - 100 Lucas Martin - - 30
Bryan Clackey - - 100 William Hubblethorne and Mate - - 160 Sir Thomas Modyford - 109
Derby Cecill - - 110 Anthony Hopper - 70 George Newell - - 475
Francis Crookshanke - 40 George Hollowfield - 140 George Needham, Esq. - 1,764
Major Anthony Collier and Mates - - 2,600 George Hanborow - 450 Capt. John Noye - 5,868
Coll. John Cope - 144 Edward Hans and Mate - 123 William Oakes - - 19
John Doughty and Mate - 80 Richard Hemmings - 1,600 John Parsons and Mate - 30
Francis Phillips - 33 John Hatkins and Mate - 1,190 Joseph Peters - - 30
Alexander Pitts and Mate - - 90 John Ridgway - - 340 Thomas Webb - - 250
Francis Price and Mate - 150 Royall Company - 470 Michael Whaley and Mate - 163
Thomas Parnell - 120 Henry Rimes - - 530 Henry Weston - - 61
William Perkins - 88 Thomas Raby - - 398 John Went - - 81 1/2
Thomas Pitts - - 500 Fulke Rose - - 380 More - - 150
James Parsons - - 34 Jos. Char. Stevenson - 30 John Welting - - 150
John Parish - - 175 John Slicker - - 90 Robert Willias and Mates - - 120
More - - 120 James Sharpington - 60 John Wooley and Mates - 201
Joseph Peters - - 55 Henry Saw - - 400 George Woodger and Parris - - 100
George Reekstead - 60 George Tirlow - - 42 Isaac Wells - - 9
George Russell - 160 John Thomas and Mate - 153 William White - - 15 1/2
Bartholomew Roe - 33 Thomas Tyler - - 210 John Whiting - - 30
Evan Rice - - 120 John Vine - - 45
Henry Veasy - - 90
More - - 33
In this parish, families are - 158. People by estimation - 2,370.
--- Acres --- Acres --- Acres
Capt. Whitigift Aylmor - 294 Timothy Dodd - - 108 Capt. Richard Oldfield - 370
Major Thomas Ascough - 880 John Davis and Mate - 119 Aaron Peterson - 250
William Aldridge and Mate - - 60 John Davenport Esq. - 220 Francis Price - - 175
Edward Allen - - 155 Bartholomew Dowse - 10 Thomas Perry - - 180
Edward Arthur - 250 Lieut. John Dowler - 9 Robert Paine - - 4
Robert Bennet - - 30 Robert Evans - - 18 Francis Palmer - 200
Thomas Burgan - 62 John Frizell - - 300 Edmund Roe - - 215
John Bagnoll - - 36 John Frizell and Mate - - 300 Elizabeth Reid - - 927
Francis Bostock - 8 1/4 Capt. Richard Guy - 758 Capt. George Reid - 1,403
Stephen Bassett - 276 William Gaywood - 64 Edward Rawlins - 120
Edward Barfield and Mate - - 100 Thomas Griffin and Mate - 171 Roger Reynolds - 4
Charles Buckley and Mate - - 205 Richard Garland and Mate - - 60 John Steele and Mate - 800
Wm. Bragg - - 950 Joseph Gunn - - 90 Thomas Small - - 15
Thomas Bland - - 8 William Gillman - 43 Edmund Sykes - - 150
Hersy Barrett - - 300 Lieut. Richard Hysam - 984 John Styles - - 3,200
Thomas Butler - - 510 Daniell Harris - - 7 1/2 William Sams - - 400
Elizabeth Bagnoll - 7 Robert Hazell - - 270 John Stubbs - - 320
Lieut.-Col. John Cope - 683 Thomas Jones - - 370 Wm. Thorpe - 68
Laurence Charnock and Mate - - 740 Richard Jenkins - 108 James Tuckey and Mate - 50
Gilbert Cope - - 80 To the Inhabitants of the Parish - - 500 John Trigg - 90
Robert Cote and Mate - 23 Thomas Johnson - 250 Richard Vildy - - 60
John Cantrill - - 21 Doctor Thomas Jones - 20 John Weaver and Mate - 200
Nicholas Clarke - 210 Robert Kilby - - 300 John Wright - - 60
Jonathan Cock - 1,000 Capt. John Laugher - 204 John Wilson and Mate - 66
William Collier - 120 Owen Mason - - 150 Ellis Ward and Mates - 233
Theo. Cary - - 83 Alexander Martin - 206 William Wright and Company - - 418
Sir James Modyford - 1,000 Samuel Warren - 360
Capt. Robert Nelson - 1,300 Edmund Willett - 72
John White - - 259
In this parish, families - 83 People by estimation 996
--- Acres. --- Acres. --- Acres.
Lewis Anderson - 58 Michaell Garrett - 91 John Newman - - 112
John Ashley - - 156 James Griffin - - 60 Richard Ollife - - 66
The Widow Allwinckle - 600 Edward Garret and Mate - 30 Richard Phelps - 320
Cornelius Adams - 50 Richard Greene - 260 Jasper Pickerine - 550
Eleanor Barrett - 55 Edward Gerrard - 25 John Powell - - 60
Richard Barrett - 149 Hugh Ginge - - 20 Roger Phypes - - 80
John Butcher and Mates - 297 1/2 John Gage - - 10 Wm. Pritchett - - 30
George Booth - 1,200 Martin Goldin - - 20 George Pattison - 122
Robert Barriffe - 100 William Gunter - 200 Wm. Pearse - - 42
Widow Bolton - - 100 Capt. Christopher Horner - 1,083 Ralph Rippon - - 140
Robert Brownlow - 190 John Hill - 275 George Rickets - 40
Edward Bramfield - 100 Henry Hilliard - 1,668 Edward Ray and Mate - 109
John Bankes and Street - 60 John Hewitt - - 890 Thomas Roden - - 243
Ezraell Baldwin - 400 George Holsworth - 186 Edmund Rule and Mate - 330
Nicholas Bolton - 500 George Hammond - 65 Phillip Roberts - 405
Anthony Boroughs - 30 John Hunt - - 120 Roger Ramsy and Mate - 41 1/4
Peter Beckford - 2,238 Richard Hooton and Gunter - - 100 Thos. Robinson and Mate - 50
Lieut.-Col. Robert Bindlos - 250 Richard Haymas - 100 George Ragg - - 36
Edward Bull - - 61 Thomas Halse - - 466 Elias Sedgwick - 10
Joseph Bathurst - 1,200 Capt. Joachim Hane - 1,500 Francis Starkey - 227
Major Anthony Collier - 1,261 Harman Jacob - - 305 Francis Sperry - - 349
Jane Clarke - - 240 Lt.-Coll. William Ivy - 1,075 More - - 240
Thomas Casnell - 270 John Jonson - - 220 John Smith - - 76
Richard Carr - - 30 Edward Isles - - 30 Robert Smith - - 180
Edmund Cross - - 90 Ralph Johnson - 40 Robert Stone - - 75
William Courtman - 65 Ruth Kilby - - 90 John Stiles - - 90
Thomas Cole - - 136 Hugh Kinn - - 81 John Shewin - - 30
William Coxhead - 54 William Lord - - 435 Nathaniell Shin and Mate - 84
George Child - - 120 John Lock - - 35 Robert Smart - - 60
Edward Cock - - 136 Robert Little - - 106 Michaell Saunders - 120
Lord Clarendon - 3,000 Capt. Samuel Long - 2,200 John Shaw - - 450
Barbara Call - - 70 Jane Lumbard - - 150 Amos Stevens - - 10
Peter Cockup - - 60 Robert Leonard - 100 John Sheppard - 185
Robert Cooper - - 90 John Loyd and Frankling - - 379 John Skellin - - 210
Capt. Edward Collier - 1,020 John Lory - - 50 John Thompson - 300
Peter Copake - - 160 Originall Lewis - 70 Joseph Taylor - 12
Henry Dunnell - 30 Richard Mugg and Mates - 770 John Taylor - - 190
John Downer - - 210 John Marshall - - 186 John Townsend - 210
John Durant - - 432 John Magill and Mate - 60 Benjamin Tillinghurst - 300
Henry Douch - - 20 Adam More - - 90 Robert Varney, Esq. - 701
Henry Davis - - 41 1/4 John Morant - - 30 John Vizard - 120
John Fisher - - 138 Valentine Munby - 105 Priscilla Willoughby - 600
William Frogg - 90 Francis Man - - 285 John Warren - - 188
William Frame - 120 Wm. Mason - - 185 Robert Warner and Mate - 350
William Follar - - 30 Richard Masey - - 50 Robert Wright - 100
Hugh Gilbert - - 93 3/4 Daniell Morris - - 30 Tobias Winsor - 60
Joseph Gardner - 570 Widow Netherland - 120 Thomas Waite - - 88
Richard Gray - - 180 Thomas Wills - - 32
William Gent - - 240
In this parish are, families - 143 People by estimation - 1,430
St. Thomas' Parish - - - - - - 14,825 1/2 59 590
St. David's Parish - - - - - - 11,946 3/4 80 960
St. Andrew's Parish - - - - - - 29,199 3/4 194 1,552
St. Katherine's Parish - - - - - - 68,590 158 2,370
St. John's Parish - - - - - - 25,197 3/4 83 996
Clarendon Parish - - - - - - 39,260 3/4 143 1,430
We likewise calculate the Privateers, Hunters, Sloop, and Boatmen which ply about this Island, and are not reckoned in any of the above Parishes, to be at least 2,500 lusty able men - - } --- --- 2,500
The four Parishes on the North Side, vizt., St. George's, St. Marie's, St. Anne's, and St. James, and the Leewardmost parish, St. Elizabeth, hath not been yet collected, as not worth it, by reason of its distance and new settlements, where we find about 20,000 acres patented, and calculate there cannot be less than 1,500 people - - - - - - - - - - - - - } 20,000 --- 1,500
209,020 1/2 717 11,898
More; We calculate of Persons in the Towns of Port Royal and St. Jago to be no less than, men, women and children - - - - - - - } 3,300
"The Receiver-General hath not yet received any rent these two years, it not being worth the going so far every year, the last collection amounting to but 151l. 9s., whereof some being for three and some two years; but now this Michaelmas he begins to collect for two years, and is ordered at the same time to take an exact account of all the persons in. every family, which, with the rental (when finished) shall be presented for his Majesty's view, and we are confident will amount to one half more at least than the above calculation, this being guessed at according to the last collection, made two years since." [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, pp. 61–80 and p. 82.]
[Sept. 23.] 271. "Commodities which this island produceth, with a calculation of the quantities of some of them." There are 57 sugar works, producing yearly 1,710 thousand weight of sugar; 47 cocoa walks, yielding 188,000 lb. of nuts, in seasonable years in these improving; 49 indigo works, producing 49,000 weight of indigo per annum, and other walks and works daily adding. Three salt ponds, containing upwards of 4,000 acres, under the management of Captain John Noye, yielded this year 10,000 bushels, he affirming to have been able to make as many tons if he could have had vent for it. The mountains are full of pimento or Jamaica pepper, and, if there were encouragement, 50,000 weight might be yearly sent off. An undestroyable quantity of fustick, brasilletto, lignum vitæ, ebony, sweet-smelling, and other curious woods, of which great quantities are daily exported. Anotto (by the Spaniards called Acheot), vanillas, china roots, cassia, fistula, and tamarinds, the planters endeavour to increase, being very good drugs. The land very good for cotton and tobacco, but the other commodities being more profitable, very few busy themselves with it. Large savanas and great stocks of cattle, which have increased within these six years from 60 tame cattle to 6,000. Sheep, goats, and tame hogs in great plenty, so that they are past all danger of want, and hope in a short time to furnish the ships homeward bound. Signed, by the Governor's command, by Thos. Tothill, Receiver-General. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, p. 81].
Sept. 23.
272. Commission (with corrections by Williamson) to Colonel Lynch. Appointing him Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica, to command in chief in the want, absence, or disability of Sir Thos. Modyford, or other his Majesty's chief governor there, during pleasure. Parchment. Endorsed, Minute of Sir Thomas Lynch's Commission. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 64.]
Sept. ? 273. Draft of preceding, with corrections by Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 65.]
Sept. 25. 274. The King to the Duke of York. Directing him forthwith to give order for the hiring of two good merchant ships of 150 to 200 tons, well fitted and victualled for five months at least, for bringing off such of his Majesty's subjects as yet remain upon Surinam. 1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. 31, p. 61 đ.]
Sept. 28. 275. Petition of Chas. Modyford in behalf of Sir Tho. Modyford and the planters and traders of Jamaica, to the King. That Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica, was strictly commanded to call in the privateers and endeavour a trade with the Spaniard; which he did to his utmost perform, by hanging six privateers and restoring two ships, as by the affidavits annexed will appear. This civility to the Spaniards, who in retaliation used his Majesty's subjects worse than formerly, occasioned all the privateers to betake themselves to Tortugas to the French; which had been undoubtedly the less of the Island had not the Governor had order from his Majesty, by the Duke of Albemarle, to grant or not commissions against the Spaniards as to him should seem most advantageous; whereupon, proclaiming war against the Spaniard, all the privateers came in. Prays that his Majesty, if he deems it fitting that the privateers should be called in, will signify his pleasure, since Gov. Modyford ought to persist in the way he is in, till his Majesty order the contrary, when he prays that Sir Wm. Godolphin, Envoy Extraordinary for Spain, have order to have an article added to the Articles of Peace, whereby the King of Spain may acknowledge that Jamaica belongs to his Majesty; for if the privateers are ordered to be reduced and that omitted, it will discourage all persons to trade or plant there, since the Spaniards have raised and do at this present raise men to attempt the island. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol, XXV., No. 66.]
276. Reasons presented by Chas. Modyford to the King in Council why privateers should not wholly be discontinued in the West Indies, it being of great concernment and at present the security of the island of Jamaica. 1. By the frequent intelligence which by means of privateering it hath of the coming of the King of Spain's fleet, and of designs against the island, which if wanted, the islanders may grow secure and being set upon unawares be easily overcome, for hunting, upon which privateers greatly depend, would be laid aside on the north of Jamaica where the Spaniards might easily land, fortify, and become impregnable, and the English lying in the midst of the King of Spain's dominions, are so great an eye sore to them, that they would be glad on any terms to be rid of such a neighbour. 2. What is gotten by the privateers is brought into Jamaica, and assists the planters, and encourages the merchants to come there. 3. It will appear but reasonable to have privateers, when it shall be considered how inhumanly treacherous and cruelly the Spaniards use the English there that fall into their hands, making them work like slaves, and forcing their shipping and goods from them; as will appear by the oaths of Roger Baker, commander of the Leghorn Merchant, Major Samuel Smith, late Governor of Providence, Henry Wasey, commander of the Concord, and Francis Steward, herewith delivered. 4. Privateering 'tis feared cannot now be well reduced without great charge to his Majesty and much prejudice to the island; for Sir Thos. Modyford used his utmost endeavour to reduce them, but they went to Tortugas to the French, turned pirates and took English as well as Spaniards, who reaped no benefit, and the island lost above 1,000 men and 8 or 9 ships; so that it was much feared, that had not his Majesty's letter to the Governor given timely encouragement to countenance them, the island might have been in the time of the late war lost by their joining with the French. 5. If there should be no men-of-war in the Indies, the Spaniards would undoubtedly attempt Jamaica, or at least take every ship sent from Jamaica to England. Will only add that if it be his Majesty's pleasure the privateers should be reduced, he would send sufficient forces, and order Sir William Godolphin, Envoy Extraordinary for Spain, to procure an acknowledgment from the King of Spain that Jamaica doth belong to his Majesty's Crown, and that an attempt on it shall be an absolute violation of the peace; for without it, if the privateers be reduced no merchants will trade, or any person settle a plantation there. Endorsed by Sec. Lord Arlington, Pretended reasons why privateers ought to be maintained in the West Indies. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 67.]
Sept. 28.
277. "Additional Propositions" to the Privy Council about Jamaica, "offered by order from Sir Thos. Modyford, by Chas. Modyford." In regard by contract with the Assembly here his Majesty's subjects are to pay one penny per acre for all that is planted, and that the rents amount not yet to 150l., and that it is a great trouble for his Majesty's officers always to be running out the manured land to find how many pennies are due, it is proposed that his Majesty send order that after 200,000 acres are granted, the Governor reserve 1d. per acre for every acre granted whether manured or not, there being as yet but 165,000 granted, and after 500,000 be granted to reserve 2d., and after 750,000 4d., till there be a million; for these reasons:—(1.) The island is so well settled, that so great an encouragement as formerly is not so absolutely necessary. (2.) There is not that reason for obliging future settlers as there was for the first settlers and old soldiers, the first settlers having borne the heat of the day, to make it easy and safe for new comers. (3.) Trade will increase and every man's land prove more profitable so the augmented rents will be easier paid. (4.) A considerable revenue which is necessary to repay his Majesty's great charges and support the government cannot be better raised than by annexing it to the Estates, which can never be thought a grievance to posterity, as all aids, taxes, impositions, and subsidies generally are. (5.) This his Majesty will receive as a right, and not be obliged to lessen any part of his prerogative for it; and therefore after the first million acres are granted, it is presumed that a reasonable fine of ready money, as well as a rent of 6d. or 12d. per acre may be reserved, not judging it reasonable the rents should be generally the same, lest in time their interest should be too much united. (6.) It will be some satisfaction to the first settlers, to find how much they have been favoured. (7.) This will be a great revenue, Barbadoes, which consists but of 126,000 acres, every year loading away 200 ships with sugar, indigo, and cotton, and this Island is above 60 times as big, with better land; here being also cattle, horses, and pastures in great plenty, "so that there is nothing wanting but whites and blacks to go through stitch with our designs of planting." To hasten this settlement and forward the revenue all means are to be endeavoured for filling the Island with people. (1.) By ordering all such as lie on the parishes in the three nations that are of able body, and all other superfluous persons; whom the owners of shipping will willingly transport, the price being males 12l. to 15l., females 10l. to 12l. ready money with which they buy cocoa which near doubles at their return, so that many have been brought hither within these ten months. (2.) By ordering the Governors of the Windward Islands, especially Barbadoes, to encourage superfluous planters and servants to come hither, forbid them other new settlements, and suppress false scandals of this place; which his Majesty's letter required of the late Lord Willoughby, but without effect, for he sent near 1,500 lusty men to Sta. Lucia, most of whom subscribed to come with Sir Thos. Modyford, where they were all lost; therefore its necessary to have it enquired how his Majesty's commands are observed. (3.) By inclining the nobility, gentry, and merchants to settle plantations; some of which have already begun to their great advantage, among whom Alderman Beckford can tell of 2,000l. per annum he gets, clear of all charges. (4.) By inclining the Royal Company to send plenty of negroes, the war with Holland and France having been a great hindrance to this Settlement, and the having no blacks from the Royal Company since 1665 a greater. 2 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 68.]
[Sept. 28.] 278. Copy of the above propositions of Sir Thos. Modyford to the Privy Council, with additions, "To the intent I may never incur the real or seeming displeasure of his Majesty's Council, but walk enntirely by their directions, humbly desire their Lordships' considerations and solutions to these ensuing queries "—1. Whether he may continue to allow our men-of-war, who else could not subsist and carry always in their vessels a gang of dogs, to victual at certain parts of Cuba and Hispaniola, which are infinitely stocked with cattle and hogs and have very few or no inhabitants, which are brought to this market, and is a great help to the poorer sort of planters and but little detriment to the Spaniard. 2. Whether he should forbid our seamen and merchants holding a trade and correspondence with the Indians of Darien and Yucatan to the southward of Campeachy, whom the Spaniards account rebels, but have no actual authority over them, and from whom our people have tortoiseshell, logwood, and other commodities for beads and knives. 3. Whether if they happen to take Indians who are under the Spanish Government and will not hold peace with the English, they may not sell them for slaves in Jamaica. Modyford has never suffered any Indians to be sold in Jamaica for slaves, except the Caribbees of St. Vincent, with whom Lord Willoughby had war, so that many Indians live very contentedly amongst them. Received from Charles Modyford, Sir Thos. Modyford's son, 28th September 1670. 3 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 27, pp. 36–39.]
Sept. 28. 279. "Sir Thos. Modyford's proposal about logwood, &c.," being the second query in the preceding copy of his propositions to the Privy Council. Endorsed by John Locke, Logwood and as above. 28 Sept. 1670. Lord Ashley, afterwards Earl of Shaftesbury, was a member of his Majesty's Privy Council at this time, and John Locke was his private secretary. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 69.]
1670 ? 280. Propositions of Chas, Modyford, by order of Sir Thos. Modyford, to his Majesty's Privy Council concerning Jamaica. That they would take notice that, according to order from his Majesty's ministers, Sir Thos. Modyford did proclaim peace with the Spaniard, upon which 'twas certain the privateers would have gone to the French at Tortugas, had not Sir Thos. prevailed with them to stay till answer came to his letters to the Duke of Albemarle and the Lord Keeper; which he desires may be sent as soon as possible, with the Council's approbation of what he has already done. And if his Majesty think not fit he should, or the Spanish Ambassador, decline employing the privateers there, that his Majesty would authorise the Governor to keep 1,000 of them, with 10 of their most considerable ships, in pay, for security of the island; for these reasons :—(1.) Because the French increase daily in those parts, having already ships of 70 guns. (2.) They live encompassed by the Spanish quarters, who, whatever they pretend, intend their supplanting, knowing the island was taken from them by force, which consideration will never die. (3.) It is necessary to keep up a military spirit in that people, which when reduced to dull trained bands will come to nothing, (4.) 1,000 men under good pay and discipline will do more than 5,000 train soldiers or new raised men. (5.) The reputation of such a force will prevent the enemies' attempts, so that planting will go on uninterrupted. (6.) Such a force may be in a readiness on all emergencies to execute his Majesty's commands. (7.) In regard the state of the island is not yet fully assured from the pretensions of the Spaniard, the settlement of plantations is hindered: and therefore he prays that if his Majesty do not approve of the aforesaid reasons, Sir W. Godolphin may be ordered to conclude on what terms that island stands with the Spaniard, it not being positively mentioned or understood to be included in any articles of peace yet made; they having granted commissions against all to the southward of the Tropic of Cancer, and did, last June 1669, make prize of one ship, one ketch, and three sloops at Caimanos, as appears by affidavits annexed. The resolutions of the Council to the following queries as soon as possible are also desired. The first three queries are the same as are in Modyford's propositions calendared ante, No. 278. The remaining query has reference to the Spaniards having many of his Majesty's subjects in irons, and having lately carried away some fishermen from Caimanos; whether in such new actions of hostility, the Governor may not retaliate until he has received his Majesty's orders, in regard of the time the obtaining those orders must take up ? Annexed,
280. I. Affidavits of Sam. Hutchinson, commander of the Hopewell, and Edward Attenberry, giving account of the Spaniards' attempt upon the English fishermen at Caimanos, the burning of the Governor's house, carrying away all his goods, taking one ship, one ketch, and three sloops, and destroying all the fishing boats upon the island. Jamaica, 1669, June 16. Together 3 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos. 70, 70 I.].
1670 ? 281. Copy of the preceding propositions of Modyford, but without the queries and affidavits. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27. pp. 30– 40.]
Sept. 30.
St. Michael's
282. Jo. Newington's address to James Drawater, merchant, at Jo. Lindupps, at the Bunch of Grapes in Ship Yard, by Temple Bar. All the news he can write is that one Hugh Peachell, who has lived in this island almost 20 years with many persons of good esteem, and lately with Col. Barwick, and who it was observed gained much money, yet none thrived less than he, falling sick three weeks since, was much troubled in his conscience, but would not utter himself to any but a minister, who being sent for, he did acknowledge himself the person that cut off the head of King Charles, for which he had 100 l., and with much seeming penitence and receiving such comfort as the divine, one parson Leshley, an eminent man here, could afford him, he died in a quarter of an hour. This he may report for a real truth. One Mr. Hewel, condemned for the same, and he thinks now in Newgate, will be glad to be acquainted of this. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 71.]
Sept. 30.
283. Copy of the preceding. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 72.]