America and West Indies: October 1670

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: October 1670', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: October 1670', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: October 1670". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

October 1670

Oct. 1.
284. "Memorial about the prisoners at St. Katharina, delivered to the Spanish Ambassador 1st Oct. 1670." The Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Craven, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Berkeley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Ashley, Sir Geo. Carteret, Vice-Chamberlain of his Majesty's household, Sir Peter Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, being concerned in a plantation bordering on the south of Virginia, sent last year some English people in a sloop, who through foul weather, about 15th May last anchored off St. Katharina in Florida. John Rivers, a kinsman and agent of Lord Ashley, with the master of the sloop, his mate and six or seven men, one woman and a girl, were encouraged to go ashore, when they were by order of a friar, the chief man of the place, detained prisoners. The friar refused to restore them, and commanded the sloop to yield, and endeavoured by shot from the shore to force her to it. Letters were afterwards written to the Governor of St. Augustine and the friar to demand the delivery of the English, but the friar who gave the two men fair words not only refused to set the prisoners at liberty, but kept the two men also who had upon his parole ventured themselves into his power. In the margin to the following paragraph Locke has written "Delivered to the Spanish Ambassador, 9th Sept. 1672." The lords above mentioned concerned in this affair, and particularly the Earl of Shaftesbury, who hath lately heard from his kinsman, John Rivers, that he is prisoner at St. Augustine, desire the lord ambassador to procure an effectual order from the Council of Spain to the Governor of St. Augustine, that said persons who have been seized at St. Katharina and ever since detained, may be set at liberty, as they have not given any provocation to make them prisoners. And said lords having sent these persons only to carry on the before mentioned plantation without disturbing any others, are very willing to continue an amicable correspondence with his Catholic Majesty's subjects, nor will they allow any piracy or any acts of hostility. A duplicate of such effectual letter as shall by the Council be sent to America is desired by said Lords to convey themselves to the Governor of St. Augustine to secure the delivery of said prisoners if that sent from Spain should miscarry. Names of prisoners known to said Lords, viz., John Rivers, Capt. Bayly, John Collins, William Car, Margaret Martin, the rest they know not the names. Draft with corrections, written by John Locke, as also the endorsement. The second paragraph has been copied, with some additions. 2 pp. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., No. 40.]
Oct. 3.
Fort James,
285. Governor Francis Lovelace to [Joseph] Williamson, secretary to Sec. Lord Arlington. Excuses himself from ingratitude for not maintaining his correspondence, but their conveyance is so slow, "like the production of ' ellephats' once almost in two years." Has sent two letters "but the uncertainty of our vessels touching in their most convenient port makes letters oftenly to become abortive." If he did but know in what darkness they live "as if we had as well crossed Lethæ as the 'Athlantiq' ocean," he could not but take compassion and solace them with what news is stirring on the stage of "Brittang," "for we love the sound of Greek though we understand it not." If a disordered dream would serve the turn, could tell him that an Indian King Agapow, taking the air in his "gundelo" (with them known as a canoe) with his cargo of two pecks of oysters "was intercepted by a strong party of the enemy—in Europe it would have been called 7,000, but here it goes but for four men, two women, and a boy—seizes on this monarch, brings him to their castle, first bites off all his nails, next his ears, and then tortures him to death with those exquisite torments that Plalaris' invention was but a fleabite to it; four days he was a dying, yet as long as he had breath would call for a pipe and threaten a revenge." This happened six weeks since, but what comes near them is the encroachment of the French in Canada. His Catholic Majesty most profusely sends legionary soldiers thither, 500 annually being an ordinary recruit, so that it is feared he will attempt to disturb his Majesty's plantations here, to which his soldiers will be easily incited "out of hopes to be in the sunshine," being generally locked up three-quarters of the year. A small party of Jesuits, 10 in all, have settled on this side Lake Iroquois; they pretend it is no more but to advance the kingdom of Christ, when it is to be suspected it is rather the kingdom of his most Christian Majesty. Will do all here to discover their designs, but it were necessary to have an inspection over him at home. 1 1/2 pp. Printed in, New York Documents, III., 189, 190. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 73.]
Oct. 3.
286. Twelve Acts passed at a Grand Assembly held at James City, Virginia, by prorogation from 20 Oct. 1669 to 3 Oct. 1670, but the titles only of three of these Acts are given, against which, in the margin is written, Repealed, Needless. Printed in Col. Entry Bks., Nos. 89, 90, 91, see ante, No. 119. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 88, pp. 76–79.]
Oct. 5. 287. Order of the Council for Foreign Plantations, present, Lords Gorges and Arlington, and Messrs. Brouncker, Waller, Slingesby, and Titus. Whereas they have received particular commands from his Majesty to consider the commission and instructions of Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica, and accordingly to prepare despatches for Col. Thos. Lynch, as his Majesty's Lieut. of the same, as also to prepare a commission and instructions for said Col. Thos. Lynch, and the rest of the Commissioners to be appointed for receiving St. Christopher's from the French. Ordered that Joseph Williamson be desired to send (with what speed he can) copies of the commissions prepared for Jamaica and St. Christopher's. Signed by H. Slingesby, Secretary. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 74.]
Oct. 5. 288. Copy of the preceding order. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, p. 1.]
Oct. 6. 289. Order of the Council for Foreign Plantations. His Majesty having lately referred to this Council the speedy preparing of despatches for St. Christopher's and Jamaica, and Lord Arlington having promised copies of certain papers, ordered that Mr. Slingesby speak with Mr. Williamson about same, so the Council may be the better able to offer to his Majesty their opinion and advice concerning the commissions and instructions for the settlement of St. Christopher's and Jamaica. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, p. 2.]
Oct. 6.
290. An Act for raising an imposition on wines and other strong liquors imported into this island. Read and passed the Assembly 6 Oct. 1670. John Higinbotham, clerk of the Assembly. Read and passed the Council same day. Richard Noke, Deputy Secretary, and consented to by Chr. Codrington. A true copy attested 21 Oct. 1670 by Rich. Noke, Deputy Secretary. 5 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 5, pp. 125–129.]
Oct. 6. 291. The Council of Plantations to Sec. Lord Arlington. Having agreed upon most of the instructions for Major Bannister and the rest of the Commissioners for bringing off the English from Surinam, and the two merchantmen appointed for that service now getting ready, desire his Majesty's commission may be speedily prepared with a blank for the Commissioners' names, and a copy sent the Council.1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 75.]
[Oct. 10.] 292. Reasons why the planters and merchants of the Leeward Isles desire the planters of Surinam to be directed to St. Christopher's. There were at least ten thousand planters and inhabitants of St. Christopher's before the French invasion, now reduced to about one-third, so that two-thirds of the land formerly possessed by English will be uninhabited, and their number being so small cannot be safe from French rapine. How the planters of Surinam, who are by his Majesty's order to be removed, may be secured against those who may pretend a right to the lands they may take up at St. Christopher's and how to satisfy those employed in transporting said planters from Surinam. Read in Council Oct. 10, 1670. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, pp. 6, 7.]
Oct. 12.
On board the
Frigate at
293. Richard Browne to Sec. Lord Arlington. Narrates how a small frigate of 9 guns, Captain John Morris, commander, sent by Sir Thos. Modyford to Admiral Morgan captured the frigate of Captain Emanuel Rivera of 14 guns and good store of ammunition, granadoes and stink pots. Rivera was shot through the neck and immediately died. This is that same vapouring captain that so much annoyed Jamaica in burning houses and robbing the people and sent that insolent challenge to Admiral Morgan (See No. 310 II.). The frigate is now added to our fleet. The Admiral has sent 6 sail upon "the design his Honour intended," and on their return will go upon "the grand design." Understands by letters from Jamaica that Sir Thos. Modyford (durante vita) is settled Governor of Jamaica, which gives general satisfaction; that Hill and Reginald Wilson are collectors of Customs in place of Sir James Modyford; and that Prince Rupert with 25 men-of-war and 5,000 soldiers is coming into these parts, either to force a trade, or to prosecute open war, which the Spaniards have so insolently begun. No doubt this noble fleet would in a short time overrun and conquer all these Indies, but without Admiral Morgan and his old privateers things cannot be as successful as expected; for they know every creek, and the Spaniard's mode of fighting, and be a town never so well fortified, and the numbers never so unequal, if money or good plunder be in the case, they will either win it manfully or die courageously. Captain Rivero's commissions from the Governors of Carthagena and St. Jago, which Admiral Morgan has sent to the Governor of Jamaica, are much insulting and domineering over our nation. Begs a recommendation to some employment and his service to Joseph Williamson, and John Knight, Sergeant Surgeon to his Majesty, also the conveyance of enclosed letter to his wife. The 15th inst. arrived Captain Ludbury with news that he with Captains Prince and Harris and 170 men took Granada in the river of Nicaragua about six weeks since without any considerable loss, and have shared 30l. or 40l. a man. Admiral Morgan has been in the Indies 11 or 12 years, and from a private gentleman by his valour has raised himself to now what he is, and no one can give so clear an account of the Spanish force. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 76.]
Oct. 15. 294. "An account of what arms and ammunition have for these ten years last past been issued out of his Majesty's stores within the Office of Ordnance for the use of the Island of Jamaica." These include 59 ship carriages for cannon, &c.; 500 barrels of powder; 3,550 muskets, bandaliers, pistols, and carbines, with belts and swivels; 18,000 spikes; 40 drums; 100,000 flint stones, ready cut; 21 tons of sheet lead, shot, and bullets; 10 fodder of pig lead; 6 tons of bar iron; and hand granades, matches, nails, baskets, paper, wire, wheelbarrows, shovels, troop saddles, cartouch boxes, oaken plank, hand barrows, and solder. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, p. 83.]
Oct. ? 295. Proposals of several planters relating to St. Christopher's to the Council for Foreign Plantations. It has been propounded by the French agent that if the French now upon English plantations at St. Christopher's have improved them, said French shall be allowed for such improvement at the return of the English over and above what is agreed upon by the articles of Breda. Therefore said English planters beseech that since the agent's proposals are irregular, instructions may be given to the Commissioners who are to receive St. Christopher's to insist on full reparations being made to the English for damages committed by the French upon the English plantations since they should have been delivered up, in cutting timber, demolishing dwelling houses, and carrying off materials to the value of 20,000l. sterling. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, p. 7.]
[Oct. 18.] 296. A brief of the late Government of St. Christopher's, with the number of forts and great guns, presented to the Council for Foreign Plantations, in obedience to their commands. The civil and military power was in one Governor, he usually choosing his Council and Assembly, two out of each of the six parishes, and trying all suits with a jury of twelve men. Sir Thos. Warner lived upon a sweet plantation in the middle of the island, set out for and not to be alienated from the Governor for the time being, but Lord Willoughby bought that plantation of Philip Warner and paid for it, as reported, out of the four and half per cent. granted to him by the island, amounting to forty negroes. Names and description of the forts, in all three forts four small sconces, and one platform with thirty-nine guns. In each fort ten soldiers, one corporal, and one gunner, all paid by the country. Received and read in Council 18 October 1670 1 1/4 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, pp. 7, 8.]
Oct. 18. 297. Order of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Having this day considered the business of St. Christopher's and the rest of the Leeward Isles, the Council think fit to speak to Lord Willoughby and some of the chief planters of the Barbadoes thereon. Ordered that Lord Willoughby, Sir Peter Colleton Henry Drax, Messrs. Bell, Wardall, Pye, Bawden, and some others now residing in London, have notice to be present at the meeting at Lord Arlington's lodgings in Whitehall on Friday next. Also that the petitioners of St. Christopher's and the Leeward Islands also have notice to attend. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, pp. 2, 3.]
Oct. 20.
298. Nicholas Blake to the King. Hinted in his despatch of 28th February 1668–9 somewhat of the ill-management of the design of St. Lucia, whereby were lost about 1,000 men, and which, if rightly ordered, might by this time have been as profitable as Barbadoes is. Five great ships about to go down thither for timber, which small sloops have fetched without molestation from Indians or French, so that it seems a very fit conjuncture for planting and settling it, and by following rules set down by himself doubts not but in two years' time the whole island shall be well settled. People begin to ask why they should not settle this island; indeed must confess himself the foundation of this talk, which would be readily put in execution were reasonable conditions granted, with security to have them performed; for the last breach of promise sticks sadly in their memory, when having gone down on large promises, new orders were sent enclosing them all within one acre of ground. Proposes, first, that his Majesty send a small frigate to Barbadoes to take passengers down and stay for their defence for six months; also a ketch to stay 12 months: with 20 pieces of ordnance for forts, 300 carabines, 200 pair of pistols, 500 swords, powder, bullets, drums, colours, a surgeon's chest, &c.; and a godly minister, with his salary "to be ascertained him in England by your Majesty" for two years. That the island may be suddenly inhabited, and in seven years' time it may walk hand in hand with Barbadoes "and come to be a fair flower for revenue in the garland of your Majesty's crown," the Governor should be commissioned by his Majesty and independent of any commands but those of his Majesty. This is a chief ground work of bringing about the settlement. Another loadstone will be profit and privileges, so a certain quantity of acres should be bestowed on every one that goes down, with freedom from duties for four or five years. Could wish himself thought worthy of the chief command; none can be found more willing, and (it may be) few more able; there will be need of much prudence, dexterity, and resolution, and believes, though he will not in the least brag of himself, that his Majesty, pondering what he now writes, may think he has more abilities in him than his modesty will permit him to boast of. Being of an active and stirring genius, he is fully ascertained that he could as his Majesty's deputy carry at least 1,000 people with him, and hopes the second year to make it up to 5,000, for he has been so punctual with his payments and so compassionate to the people in their distress that he has a name over the island for it; but hardly any would go if any of the generation of those who were formerly chief in it should have a hand in it, for it pities him to hear the curses they give their memory. Has one thing to beg, which is the loan of 500l. for four or five years, when it shall be faithfully repaid, in case his Majesty, on reflection of his services, thinks not fit to remit the debt. Does not desire this for himself, but for the people, as will appear by the list of things sent to Jacob Lucy to provide with that money; but if his Majesty will not advance it, will endeavour to supply it himself; and should be glad if his commission might extend to seven years. Lord Willoughby when he intended the settlement declared he would not be a proprietor for less than 10,000 acres, about the eighth or tenth part of the island; but Blake will not crave above 500 acres, and for any other land will have no more privilege than any other man, according to the hands he shall carry. The island is but 27 leagues from Barbadoes, and they go down in 20 hours and are coming back four to six days. Will send his Majesty answers to the queries, copy of which goes herewith. Desires to receive his Majesty's commission by March, when he will have good quantities of undertakers and passengers ready against the ships come in May, one month before the season for planting. As to the advantages to his Majesty, is of opinion that within six or seven years the revenue will not be less than 20,000l.; his Majesty may also have 2,000 acres laid out in four large sugar workswhich may be peopled at an easy rate by sending over poor miserable people who have forfeited their lives for offences less than treason, murder, witchcraft, and the like, or vagrant and idle people who are continually put into Bridewell; none to serve less than four years, his Majesty maintaining them with food and apparel. Thus in three or four years his Majesty may reap 8,000l. to 10,000l. per annum, but each settlement will require at least 2,000l. laid out and 800 men and women to people these four works. This is the fourth time he has sent papers for his Majesty's view, the first of 28th February 1668–9, the next of 22nd July 1669, the third of the 28th August last, which pointed at several grievances the island groans under, and showed how the planters might increase their substance one third and his Majesty's customs from 8,000l. to 10,000l. per annum. These things must be done as the Spaniard saith, con mana, by sleight and dexterity and by a method that will not enter everybody's thoughts. Thinks the 300 carabines should be made 500. Encloses,
298. I. Estimate of the quantity of acres in St. Lucia and in what proportion to be distributed. Suppose the island contains 90,000 or 10,000 less than Barbadoes. Set apart for his Majesty 2,000: glebe land for 16 parishes at 30 acres each, 480; for himself, 500; 150 persons of substance at 50 acres each, 7,500; 3,000 people, whites and blacks, 10 acres per head, 30,000; 1,700 of these may be whites who after their times are expired are to have 20 acres each, 34,000, making 74,480, and leaving 15,520, which will give scope for 500 more. So that 2,350 whites will take up all the ground, and the rest must be negroes and servants, for the island will crave at least 50,000 people, and there are not so little as 60,000 in Barbadoes. His Majesty would not do amiss to suffer the Scotts to come this way, who have been the chief instruments of bringing Barbadoes to its perfection and in two years would bring. thousands of hardy people. Unless people have the encouragement above mentioned none will go, and Lord Willoughby proposed higher encouragement, which he could not have performed unless the island had been near as big again.
298. II. Queries given to "Neighbour Martin," with answers. Has seen four or five small rivers 10 or 12 feet broad; two or three very good roads; one harbour land-locked; land very fertile, but somewhat mountainous; several sorts of gallant timber; no French inhabitants or trade; Indians come and go and bring turtle, potatoes, and fruit; venomous snakes and great frogs: excellent good fish; a small quantity of sugar canes growing; the seasons of rain come as here, knows of no hurricanes; some say the island is as big as Barbadoes, and some bigger, &c. Together 9 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos. 77, 77 I. II.]
[Oct. 21.] 299. Petition of the Deputy-Governor, Council, and Assembly of Barbadoes to the King. That on the 12th September 1663, Francis Lord Willoughby required an imposition for his Majesty's use, whereupon it was enacted that 4 1/2 per cent. of all commodities exported should be paid, provided the support of the Governor and other public charges expressed, should be satisfied out of the same. Notwithstanding which, and although for relief of the Leeward Isles petitioners have been at greater charge than they can well bear, the 4 1/2 per cent. is ordered to other uses than intended. Pray that same may be converted to no other uses than those for which it was raised; and further, that they may be permitted free trade with Scotland for a supply of servants, and equal privileges of trade with Tangiers; that no person may be compelled off the island to answer any complaint in England; and that Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment may be forthwith disbanded, the private soldiers being very few but the officers full, a great charge to his Majesty, but of little use in this time of peace.Signed by Chr. Codrington, Deputy-Governor, Hen. Hawley, Daniel Searle, Sam. Farmer, and John Knight, of the Council, and by Simon Lambarle, Speaker of the Assembly. Endorsed, Read at Foreign Committee, 13 Dec. 1670. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 78.]
Oct. 21. 300. Journal of the Assembly of Barbadoes. Copy of the preceding. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 13, pp. 1–2.]
Oct. 21.
301. The Council and Assembly of Barbadoes to Wm. Lord Willoughby (at London). Although they have not been made happy by his Majesty's concession of any part of their former addresses, they have not wanted information of his Excellency's endeavours on their behalf, for which they heartily thank him and beg him to continue promoting their petitions, especially those now sent, which they deem the most material. In token of gratitude have this day voted him 100,000 lbs. of sugar, which though little when they take his Excellency into consideration, is something in respect of the extreme poverty of the country, they not being yet able to pay their debts, all which had long since been satisfied had the uses of the 4 1/2 per cent. been performed. The heads of their above petition to the King of this date are annexed. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 13, pp. 24.]
Oct. 24.
Point in
Ashley River.
302. Governor Sayle to Anthony, Lord Ashley. This is a duplicate of Governor Sayle's letter dated 25 June 1670 [see ante, No. 202], but with a different seal. Endorsed by John Locke. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., No. 41.]
Oct. 24.
303. Entry of the preceding in "Carolina Letter Book." [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., No. 55, pp. 56–60.]
Oct. 25. 304. Draft instructions for [Major Bannister and others, see Nos. 324, 325] appointed Commissioners for bringing off from Surinam his Majesty's subjects, their families, and estates. 1. To use their best endeavours to arrive as speedily as possible at Surinam. 2. To deliver to the Governor the State's letters, acquaint him with the tenor of his Majesty's Commission, and agree to a place of meeting for settling all things. 3. To insist upon leave to send on shore Major Banister or some other best acquainted with the planters, to let them know that none of the planters his Majesty's subjects who shall within one year transplant themselves to any of his Majesty's Colonies shall be liable for any debts confiscated to the Dutch by virtue of the Articles made by Col. William Byam; and that his Majesty has written to the Governors of the Caribbees and Jamaica to apportion ground, and furnish them with provisions and other necessaries, and to endeavour to delay the publication of the 10 days' liberty to enter names, that so time may be gained fully to inform the planters what course has been taken for their encouragement to remove from Surinam. 4. To press for punctual payment of debts from the Dutch to the English, and to prevent any artifice for the detention of the English. 5. In the case of those indebted to the Dutch, the Commissioners must act as they shall judge best, but urge the detention of the English contrary to the Articles as the occasion of such debts having been contracted. 6. Not to insist upon any demands so as to make a breach. 7. if the ships cannot receive all, to endeavour to hire others. 8. If the departure be hindered by the Governor, to send one or both of the ships to England with an account of proceedings. 9. To do what else they shall judge necessary. Also additional instructions. 1. As soon as the ships are laden and freed from Surinam to sail for the Leeward Islands or Jamaica, and land passengers. 2. To send account thereof to his Majesty, and discharge or otherwise dispose of the empty ships. 3. To inform his Majesty whether the Articles of Surrender made by Col. Wm. Byam have been punctually observed. Endorsed by Williamson, Surinam Commissioners, 1670. 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX V., No. 79.]
Oct. 25. 305. Copy of the preceding instructions comprised in 12 Articles without additional instructions, but the word Jamaica is omitted in Article 1 of above additional instructions. Endorsed by Williamson 25 Oct. 1670. Rec. 27. J. W. also for the Lord Arlington. 4 pp. [Col . Papers , Vol . XXV., No. 80.]
Oct. 25. 306. Copy of the preceding instructions without numbers to the several articles. Jamaica is also omitted in this copy. Endorsed by Williamson. Surinam Instructions, 25 Oct. 1670. Rec. 27. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., No. 81.]
Oct. 26.
307. Benedict Arnold, Governor [for the colony] of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, to the high and mighty monarch Charles II. Gratitude to his Majesty for their Charter of Incorporation and for sending his Commissioners to compose the differences in relation to their boundaries who determined that certain lands called the Nayhautinck and Narragansett countries and parts adjacent, which were claimed by the colony of Connecticut should be called the King's Province and be ruled by the petitioners (the writers of this letter) till his Majesty should declare his pleasure. By virtue of which decree petitioners have for several years had the jurisdiction of these lands until of late the colony of Connecticut, by the assistance of some of the principal as they term them united colonies, has entered into said lands and exercised jurisdiction therein. Have often proffered to leave the whole matter to his Majesty's decision, and have entreated them to forbear forcing it upon petitioners till his Majesty's pleasure be known but all in vain, no entreaties, no desires can procure them to accept so loyal and reasonable proposals. Beseech his Majesty to command both his colonies to appear by their agents in England before his Majesty to hear and determine this difference or to give such other orders as his Majesty shall judge convenient for ending this and preventing the like disputes. 1 p. [Col . Papers , Vol . XXV. , No. 82.]
Oct. 29.
Exeter House,
308. Lord Ashley to John Dorrell and Hugh Wentworth. Acknowledges receipt of their letter of 17th February last [see ante, No. 153] and thanks them for their willingness to put themselves and the rest of the inhabitants of New Providence into his hands. In compliance with their desire six of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina have obtained a grant from his Majesty of the Bahama Islands [see No. 311] and having heard that Wentworth is chosen Governor by the people, their Lordships approve same and will send commission and instructions as soon as their Lordships patent has passed the great seal having resolved to establish the same government as at Carolina and to give to the inhabitants of New Providence the same terms. As to themselves, will take care of their concernment to their satisfaction. They are desired by the first opportunity to send word how many people there are at New Providence, the quantity of land taken up and the advantages and disadvantages of the place, as also an account of the rest of the Bahama Islands. Will take care they be supplied with small arms and all necessaries at reasonable rates. About a bill of exchange for 20l. drawn by O'Sullivan. They will see by the Constitution of their Lordships' government in the division and allotment of land that one fifth is to be in the possession of the proprietors, one fifth settled on the nobility, and three fifths possessed by the people, and as they are like to have a particular concernment in this doubts not they will be very careful of it. 2 pp. Examined by John Locke. [Shaftesbury Papers. Section IX., No. 55, pp. 5, 7.]
[Oct. 29.] 309. Answer of Lord Willoughby to the petition of the planters and merchants of the Leeward Islands with their reasons for desiring that a general be commissioned over them not subordinate to the government of Barbadoes [see ante, No. 268] addressed to his Majesty's Council for Foreign Plantations. Upon the best inquiry Lord Willoughby has been able to make, petitioners are unknown to any of the considerable planters or traders in those islands and have subscribed petition in order to their own private ends. The representatives of said islands have under their own hands, which his Lordship is ready to produce, utterly disavowed what petitioners so boldly affirm will therefore apply himself to their reasons. Every one of said islands is governed by a deputy appointed by Lord Willoughby and has a distinct Council and Assembly who make their own laws, and the Council and Assembly of Barbadoes have neither jurisdiction nor influence over any of said islands as is suggested, nor would ever act anything to their prejudice, being equally concerned with them in the care of every of them and to strengthen themselves for their mutual defence and support in regard of the increasing strength of the French and of the Dutch a new planter, so that to divide the government and put every island upon its particular guard would enfeeble the strength of the whole. Had not Barbadoes expended at least 50,000l. during the Dutch war most of all of said islands had been destroyed. Should the governments be separated many inconveniences would ensue and persons indebted would escape from island to island for protection to the prejudice of trade and the discouragement of the merchant. Slaves also upon every slight discontent would fly from place to place. Refers to his narrative as to the delay in Barbadoes for re-establishing St. Christopher's. Concerning supplies of powder, &c. from Barbadoes the Assembly of Nevis returned their solemn thanks to Barbadoes for their assistance and begged a continuance thereof. As to distance Antigua is not above 70 leagues from Barbadoes, and advice may be had from the Leeward Isles ordinarily in six or seven days and from Barbadoes in three days. It is certain that the English interest in St. Christopher's was lost by their own precipitancy and rashness in not attending the orders from Barbadoes, and had they attempted nothing against the French until the arrival of the fleet, the French had inevitably lost their own instead of the English. Concerning the insolencies lately committed by the French, Lord Willougby has himself from time to time acquainted his Majesty's ministers therewith, and when he receives commands is ready to see the same duly put in execution. Is persuaded the matter of this petition will be found a design of very inconsiderable persons for their own private advantage. Delivered and read in Council Oct. 29, 1670. 3 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 94, pp. 8–11.]
Oct. 31.
310. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Is advised by a despatch from our Admiral [Henry Morgan] that about the end of September Capt. Morrice, driven by wind into a bay at the East end of Cuba, found Signor Pardal, the vapouring Admiral of St. Jago, who had been sent there double manned, and with 80 musketeers on land to attack Capt. Yellows (?), who was careening, but had gone. At the first volley the Spaniards left their guns, and the captain running to bring them back, was killed by a shot in the throat, after which the men leapt overboard and about 40 came short home, and the vessel with five prisoners was carried to the Admiral. Presents Pardal's commission, whereby his Lordship will find him a person of great value amongst them, and empowered to carry the royal standard in the maintop; also the original canvas challenge, which was nailed to a tree near the west point of this island, whereby a guess may be made of the man's vanity. On the 7th inst. so violent a storm assaulted the fleet that all the vessels except the Admiral's were driven on shore, but all except three are fetched off again; he has more men than shipping, which has encouraged some merchantmen to go up to him. Admiral Morgan has sent a small fleet with 400 men to the main of Carthagena for provisions, and thinks he cannot take the seas till the end of November. Six days since arrived in port three privateers, Prince, Lubborough, and Harrison, with 200 men, who went up the river of Nicaragua and attempted the fort, lately built to stop the incursions of the French, in which were 37 men; the enemy killed 16 and wounded 18, but yielded on quarter for life only. This done, the Castellano told them he had sent advice of their coming four hours before to Granada, whereupon Prince double manned the swiftest canoe, which in three days' rowing overtook the advice. Leaving 20 men in the fort, they entered the town undiscovered, being but 120 men, and having by their usual wiles got the best of the town prisoners, plundered till noon, which they say yielded but 7 lbs. of silver and 12l. in money per head, which is nothing to what they had five years since, but the town is much decayed, and the principal men gone to Guatemala, as being more secure. Modyford reproved the captains for daring to do this without commissions, but not deeming it prudent to press the matter too far in this juncture, commanded them to attend the Admiral, which they were very ready to do, and will be gone in five days. One of these captains offered to make oath that he took a prisoner who told him that in September came advice from Old Spain, wherein the Governor was commanded to prosecute the war against this island, and much blamed for having done nothing all this time. The like letters were despatched to all the other Governors, by which his Lordship may have some aim at the violence of their intentions and the little force they have to execute them. Three days since came a sloop from Campeachy with seven men, laden with logwood; the master told him he was chased by a frigate of 22 guns, and being forced to run into shoal water, the captain of the man-of-war in his long boat, with 14 men attacked the sloop, but they killed him five men, and took himself and the rest at mercy; for the captain they got a good composition in linens and silks from the man-of-war, and dismissed him and the survivors. There are about a dozen vessels that only ply this trade, and make great profit selling the wood at 25l. to 30l. per ton; they were privateers, but will not leave the trade again. They go to places either inhabited by Indians or void, and trespass not at all upon the Spaniard, and if encouraged, the whole logwood trade will be English, and be very considerable to his Majesty, paying 5l. per ton custom. Humbly offers that the Governor of this place may have instructions to permit vessels to go to such places, to fetch thence logwood, cattle, deer, horses, and other commodities. Is persuaded above two thirds of the privateers will betake themselves to this trade when there is peace with Spain, and these soldierly men will be kept within peaceable bounds, and be always ready to serve his Majesty on any new rupture. The places they now trade at are Cape Gracia Dios, Darien, Mosquito, and many deserted places in Campeachy, Cuba, and Hispaniola. Has formerly troubled the General's despatch with these things, but never had any answer. Beseeches his Lordship seriously to consider this point, and believes that these new sucking colonies must have some help besides the native goodness of the soil. Has a great ambition to bring it to perfection, having waded in it these seven years, and obtained a perfect knowledge of the neighbouring countries, their forces, qualities, governments, &c., as also of this place and people, their interests and several factions, and how to keep them all composed for his Majesty's service without any considerable charge to his Majesty, which another Governor (let him be never so wise) shall not comprehend the first year. However, if it be his Majesty's pleasure to place another in his seat, will heartily and faithfully assist him, yielding cheerfully into his bosom all the fruits of his seven years' experience, and when no further useful, will humbly retire to his plantation and die. This he says to evince to the whole world that the happiness and thriving condition of this place is more than any other worldly thing in his spirit and desires. Forgot to tell his Lordship that Morgan wrote that he had 1,100 English and 200 French, and is capitulating with 400 French more who are of the rebels; it is thought most of them will increase this colony, some few of the best having already sent down their negroes. There are also the three Granada men and five sail more going hence with at least 400 English, so that he cannot be less than 2,100 well seasoned and experienced men. Endorsed by Williamson. Rec. 7th March 1670–1. Encloses,
310. I. Commission from Don Pedro de Ulloa Riva Deneyra, Governor and Captain-General of Santiago, Carthagena, and the Indies, to Captain Manuel Rivero Pardal, with his frigate San Pedro y La fama to be Admiral against the English. Carthagena, 1670, June 6. Spanish. 6 1/2 pp.
310. II. Captain Manuel Rivero Pardal's challenge: "I, Captain Manuel Rivero Pardal, to the chief of the squadron of privateers in Jamaica. I am he who this year have done that which follows. I went on shore at Caimanos, and burnt 20 houses, and fought with Captain Ary, and took from him a catch laden with provisions and a canoa. And I am he who took Capt. Baines, and did carry the prize to Carthagena, and now am arrived to this coast, and have burnt it. And I come to seek General Morgan, with two ships of 20 guns, and having seen this, I crave he would come out upon the coast and seek me, that he might see the valour of the Spaniards. And because I had no time I did not come to the mouth of Port Royal to speak by word of mouth in the name of my King, whom God preserve. Dated the 5th of July 1670." [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 27, p. 49.] Together, 9 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXV., Nos. 59, 59. IV.]