America and West Indies: May 1714

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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'America and West Indies: May 1714', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1714', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1714". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

May 1714

May 3.
659. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Reply to March 23rd, q.v. We desired Mr. Hall to explain what he offers, and have received from him, a proposal for raising by an imposition on vintners, victuallers, innkeepers, coffee-houses, butchers and poulterers, within the weekly bills of mortality, 156,000l. per annum; and that as soon as this is approved, he will have other things to offer, which he says will raise three times as much as this. Upon which we humbly offer that this matter is proper for the consideration of the Parliament, and the South Sea Company. We have likewise considered the petition of Thomas Ryley, etc. Quote their proposal and Sir Isaac Newton's opinion (No. 640 i.). Besides which we further represent, that tho' it would be of advantage by strengthening the frontiers and securing the possession of that country, in case of a war, that the petitioners were settled on the lands they pray for, lying between the rivers St. Croix and Sagadehock, yet we find these lands and even Nova Scotia, are granted by charter to the Massachusets Bay, with this limitation, that the grants of any lands they shall make between the River Sagadehock and the Gulph of St. Lawrence, shall not be of any validity, till confirmed by the Crown; so that we submit to your Lordship, whether H.M. can properly make a new grant of the said lands. We further take leave to observe, that none of the other Colonies were settled at the charge of the Publick and in so burthensome a manner as this appears to be. [C.O. 5, 913. pp. 481–485.]
May 5.
660. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Reply to Sept. 21st, 1713. As to Capt. Stephenson's grant of land in St. Kitts, we find it was made after the Peace was sign'd at Utrecht, and for three years absolute, whereas we conceive it ought to have been for 3 years or to the end of the war, which should first happen, with a reasonable time allow'd the grantee for gathering his crop. There are many others that have such grants, and tho' we have not a particular account thereof, yet we presume that if not the greatest, the best part of the French settlements have been so patented by the several Governors. And should the patentees obtain absolute grants of those lands from H.M., we apprehend that what remains wou'd not prove of any great advantage to the Crown. Nevertheless we think the patentees may, if H.M. shall so think fit, have a preference in ye purchase, when those lands shall be sold or otherwise disposed of as shall be found convenient. In relation to the settling ye Revenues which may arrise from the said lands, refer to following representation, No. 662. [C.O. 153, 12. pp. 127, 128.]
May 5. 661. Memorandum of Commission and Instructions from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina to William Maule to be Surveyor General of North Carolina. [C.O. 5, 291. p. 31.]
May 5.
662. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. In obedience to your Majesty's Order, June 24th last, we have discoursed with several planters and other persons well versed in the nature and state [of St. Kitts], and thereupon humbly represent that the settling of that Island will very much tend not only to the advantage of the inhabitants and trade thereof, but also to the increase of your Majesty's Revenue by the 4½ per cent. there, and the customs here. And therefore we humbly offer that the same be done as soon as conveniently may be. We have been inform'd the French part of that Island does contain about 30,000 acres in all, whereof about 25,000 are good and proper for sugar canes, the rest being only fit for cattle. As to the properest method of settling the said French part, we humbly offer that it seems to us most for your Majesty's advantage that the same be sold outright to the highest bidder, reserving such a quit-rent to your Majesty, your heirs and successors, as shall be thought proper; and that your Majesty's subjects there, in consideration of their losses in the defence of the said Island in the two late wars, and such as having obtained grants of any of the said lands have improv'd the same, may have a preference in the purchase thereof. And whereas the known fertility of the soil and healthfulness of the climate may invite many persons from other Colonies to come there, 'tis very probable the value of those lands will thereby be advanced to 3, 4, or 5l. per acre, which last, as we are inform'd, is more than was ever given there before. We further humbly represent, that in order the sooner to people and settle this Island, that no more than 2 or 300 acres of good manureable lands be granted or sold to any single family, and that by an Act to be passed there, the purchasers be obliged to keep for every 40 acres of land, one white servant within a year after the date of their grant or bill of sale, and one white servant for every 20 acres, three years after the said date. And that this law do not only extend to the French part, but to the English also. The better to perform this work for your Majesty's service, we are of opinion it may be necessary that Commissioners be sent from hence, duly qualify'd and enabled to execute their commission, without the intervention of any Govr., Lieut. Govr. or Commander in Chief, unless his or their assistance be desired. It will also be of advantage to the settlement of that Island, that the poorer sort of inhabitants, may have some parcels of the worst land near the seaside, given them gratis, not above 10 acres to ye most numerous family, which will be a considerable strengthening of the Island, and a comfortable support to such poor people. And whereas several petitions of French Protestant Refugees, praying to be restored to some lands in St. Christophers which they lost on account of their religion, have been referred to us, we take leave to state their cases and claims [Elizabeth Salenave, Eliz. Renoult, Alleta de la Coussay, Paul de Bonnemere, Mary and Margaret de Nampon, Catherine Fraise, Martha Assaillie, v. April 5th]. Having examined the allegations of their petitions, and finding ye same to be true; we are humbly of opinion the petitioners having lost their estates on account of their steady adherence to the Protestant religion, are fit objects of your Majesty's compassion and may deserve your Majesty's grace and favour. [C.O. 153, 12. pp. 118–126.]
May 5. 663. Commission and Instructions for Edward Brooke to be Naval Officer of South Carolina. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 74.]
May 5.
664. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Brodrick having surrendred his patent for Attorney General, I appointed Mr. Edmond Kelly. I am now to recommend him for H.M. confirmation, etc., as being a person well qualified and zealous for Her service. The additional subsistance the late Assembly gave for Col. Handasyd's Regiment determining ye first inst., myself and ye Council, have advanced a sume of money upon ye present emergency, not being able to find any other expedient for quartering and subsisting ye men unexceptionable, till they can be provided for by a new law. I intend speedily to call a new Assembly and hope they will prove more dutyfull to H.M. than ye last. In ye mean time I flatter myself that before their meeting I shall receive H.M. pleasure concerning ye recalling or otherways disposing of this regiment. I'm credably inform'd that upon some disorders, that have lately hapned at Vera Cruz, the Flota homward bound are stopt at that port, till fresh orders comes from ye Court of Madrid, which are not expected sooner than August next. We have had here for this six months last past very dry weather which has been prejudiciall to ye Planters, and I am sory to acquaint your Lopps. that our trade continu's still, quite at a stand, etc. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 28th June, 1714, Read 10th March 17 14/15. 2½ pp. [C.O. 137, 10. No. 62; and 138 14. pp. 177, 178.]
May 7.
N. York.
665. Governor Hunter to Mr. Popple. The Queen's ship Sorlingues being expected here every hour and to saile with all expedition for England I shall not by this conveyance give their Lorps. any trouble but genll. hints to you. The Assembly in the Jerseys pay'd the arrear due to the Government there, and setled the support of Government for two years forward. I might have had it for a much longer time but for a report sent from Engld. to our malcontents and by them industriously propagated, that the Lord Slane was immediatly to relieve me, wch. had such influence on the majority that if I would not resolve to take it with a limitation to the time of my administration I could obtain it in no other maner then that mention'd, however there was a perfect harmony amongst the sevll. parts of the legislature, which I make no doubt will continue notwithstanding the unweary'd efforts of the enemys of their peace. The bill for ascertaining the property (so necessary) not being rightly understood could not passe this session. I do not despaire of carying it thro' the next. I have past 39 acts publique and private which not being as yet all transcribed, I shall send [by the Sorlings?] The Assembly here is busy'd in methods for dischargeing the publick debts, and though they have gone a great way and most people believe them in earnest, the experience I have had of them makes me still doubtfull of the issue, my next will inform you. The last years lame support now expireing amounts to about 1,800l. this countrey money, neither is there any fund that I hear of for makeing good the deficiency in their treasurer's hands. What they'll do for the ensuing year God alone knows, for I am sure they themselves do not, and the best minded amongst them give me only hopes of such another scanty summ and uncertain method for the insuing year. It can not be H.M. pleasure that her Government here should remain upon this foot, I am sure it is not her interest. If I thought it was, I would suffer anything without complaint. I recd. their Lorps. with the inclosed opinion of the Attorney Genll. about the quitrents by which I shall govern myself, they come in slowly most of them resolving to stand a Chancery suit. I humbly intreat their Lordps.' pardon for the delays of these acts, but I can not have them ready by this conveyance, etc. P.S. The miscarriage of some former letters wth. muster rolls obliges me to continue to give you this trouble, etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 28th June, 1714, Read 21st June, 1715. 2 pp. torn. [C.O. 5, 1050. No. 81 (a); and 5, 1123. pp. 276–278.]
May 7. 666. Merchants trading to the Leeward Islands to the Council of Trade and Plantations. We omitted one thing which appears to us of moment from our Memorial on St. Christophers of April 30th, that the smaller sort of inhabitants, who by our memorial are to have lands given them gratis, be not permitted to dispose of them to any person who has any land before, etc. Signed, Humphrey Sheppard, Ste. Duport and 5 others. Endorsed, Recd. 10th May, 1714, Read 31st March, 1715. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 43.]
May 7.
667. Mr. Popple to Joseph Martin (Secretary to H.M. Commissaries for treating with those of France). H.M. having been pleased to refer to the Council of Trade and Plantations a memorial from the Governor and Company of Hudson's Bay, relating to their being restor'd to the whole Bay, and to the satisfaction the French are to make them for all damages done them in times of Peace; as also a petition in behalf of the Island of Montserrat, relating to the losses and damages they suffer'd from the French in 1712, which matters are to be adjusted by Commissaries pursuant to the 10th, 11th and 15th Articles of Peace with France; their Lordships desire H.M. Commissaries will inform themselves, and let their Lordships know, whether the French Commissaries are impower'd to treat of these matters. [C.O. 389, 24. pp. 192, 193.]
May 8.
668. William Sharpe, President of the Council of Barbados, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. I was obliged to defer speaking to the Council and Assembly to the 4th instant, the first, which I intended (v. April 27th) happening to be the day for the generall exercise of the Militia, according to law; at which many of the members were, by their military commands, to attend. I shall be proud if your Lordships think what I said proper for the occasion. What effects it will have upon those who have had too great a hand in the divisions of this place for some years past, I can't yet tell, but I am assured it was welcome to the generality of the substantiall people of the place, and if, contrary to my endeavours, the restlessness of a few should still continue, I have no doubt but by the concurrence of the well disposed, to be able so to administer the Government, as that the people in generall, may receive benefit by it. Signed, Wm. Sharpe. Endorsed, Recd. 21st June, Read 26th Augt. 1714. 2 pp. Enclosed,
668. i. Copy of Mr. Sharpe's speech to the Council and Assembly of Barbados referred to in preceding. Same endorsement. 2⅓ pp. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 22, 22 i.; and (without enclosure) 29, 13. pp. 112, 113.]
May 8.
669. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. Encloses following to be laid before the Council of Trade and Plantations. M. Jacqueau may be heard of at Mr. Loquet's in Lamb Alley, Abchurch Lane, etc. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 10th May, 1714. Addressed. ¾ p. Enclosed,
669. i. Moses Jacqueau [? to the Lord High Treasurer]. The merchants of the French towns, which were enriched by the Newfoundland fishery and some of which entirely depended on it, will now probably endeavour to carry it on in a clandestine manner, by means of prize ships, English built, and other ships they may have bought here, in the name of some of H.M. subjects. Some attempts have already been made. One Tonay, born in England but of French parents, having been in France since the conclusion of the peace, was offered a ship by one Pignonverd, a merchant of St. Malo, which was to be made over to him as if he had bought her, tho' he was in reality to have only the command of her as master, and to go to Newfoundland on the account of Pignonverd and others of St. Malo, etc. This cannot be better prevented than by an Act of Parliament prohibiting all foreigners being concerned in the whole or in part in English bottoms trading to Newfoundland. The fishery of that country, if rightly managed and encouraged, is of immense value to England, provided the French are excluded from it, etc. Signed, Moses Jacqueau. 1½ pp. [C.O. 194, 5. Nos. 44, 44 i.; and 195, 5. pp. 370–372.]
May 10.
Admiralty Office.
670. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Asks for Heads of Enquiry for Newfoundland, the man of warr now bound thither being ready to proceed on her voyage. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. 11th, Read 12th May, 1714. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 45; and 195, 5. p. 373.]
May 12.
671. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Reply to March 4. In the Charter to the inhabitants of ye Province of the Massachusets Bay, there is a reservation to the Crown of one fifth part of all gold and silver oar and precious stones which should happen to be found, gotten or obtained in any the lands and territories thereby granted; and Col. Spotswood, H.M. Lt. Governor of Virginia, having signify'd to us, that he does believe, the designed undertaking, will turn to H.M. advantage, and the improvement of that Colony, the same carrying a prospect of publick benefit, without any charge or risque to H.M., we have no objection why H.M. may not be graciously pleased to encourage the inhabitants of Virginia by granting them the advantage of all mines, minerals etc. with the like reservation of one fifth part thereof, as to the inhabitants of the Massachusets Bay. [C.O. 5, 1364. pp. 31–33.]
May 12. 672. Robert West to Mr. Popple. Owing to illness begs a respite from attending the Board in obedience to notice received, etc. (v. April 27). Signed, Robt. West. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 12, 1714. Addressed. Sealed. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 21; and 5, 913. p. 489.]
May 12.
673. Mr. Popple to Mr. West. Reply to preceding. The hearing is respited till Wednesday, etc. [C.O. 5, 913. p. 490.]
May 12.
Crown Court.
674. J. Martin to Mr. Popple. Reply to May 7. H.M. Commissaries having enquired of the French whether they are empowered to treat about Hudsons Bay and Montserrat; the French Commissarys answered, they were not. But the Envoy, Monsieur D'Iberville told Mr. Whitworth, that general mention thereof was made in his instructions and he should receive further and more particular orders from his Court, whenever they were demanded here. Signed, J. Martin. Endorsed, Recd. 12th Read 13th May, 1714. ¾ p. [C.O. 388, 17. No. 2.]
May 13.
675. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Ld. Visct. Bolingbroke. Reply to April 13th. We have consider'd the memorials relating to Hudson's Bay and Mountserrat, and thereupon take leave to offer, that H.M. be pleas'd to signify to the Court of France, the necessity of appointing Commissarys to treat of several matters pursuant to the 10th, 11th and 15th Articles of the Treaty of Peace with France; we being inform'd that the French Commissarys who are here have not full powers to treat on those matters; and as soon as we have their answer we shall lay it before your Lordship. [C.O. 135, 3. pp. 126, 127.]
May 13.
676. Mr. Popple to Mr. Burchett. In reply to May 10th, encloses following. Annexed,
676. i. Heads of Enquiry and Additional Instructions for the Commodore of the Newfoundland Convoy. In the usual form. [C.O. 195, 5. pp. 373–389.]
May 19. 677. Robert West to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Thanks for indulgence of May 12th (q.v.). I have spent some of this time in conference with Sir Bibye Lake, and tho' I have a plain title under the pattentee of King James' Governor of New York; yet I am satisfy'd that Sr. Biby Lake's ancestor was a purchaser many years before, from the naturall landlords and proprietors the Indian natives; and after the expence of great sums of money lost his life in endeavouring to settle that Island, and that Sir Bibye Lake himself intends to attempt it again, which his youth, his fortune and great interest in that country qualifie him for, but age and infirmities have disabled me to doe. I have therefore resolv'd not to obstruct so publick a good as this may prove, and convey'd my interest to him for a reasonable consideration. I crave leave to withdraw my caveat, etc. Signed, Robt. West. Endorsed, Recd. 19th May, Read 21st June, 1714. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 22; and 5, 913. pp. 490, 491.]
May 20.
Pall Mall.
678. Major Douglas to Mr. Popple. Amongst several unfounded clamours I hear I am blamed for not sending seasonable advice of Mr. Pearn's leaving Mountserat, without and against my express orders, and that I have hindered Mr. Marshall to receive him back again as Lieut. Governour of that Island. As to the first charge, I sent notice by several conveyances to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, tho' I must own that my letters and papers were often lost and destroyed by the enemy and sometimes intercepted in the most inhuman manner and made to speak whatever ill-minded and interested people thought most proper for their base purposes; as to the last when I was at St. Christophers and obliged to leave my family in a sort of a wilderness before my undertaking my last winter voyage I received Mr. Marshall's letter to desire to know if he should resign his authority and receive Mr. Pearne as Lt. Governour untill he was informed that the manner of his desertion was known in England, the lycence of absence which he obtained upon a wrong suggestion being expired in April last, and that he either showed a new commission or some letter or order that he was really sent back to his Government. I answered him that Mr. Pearne had not thought fit to take any notice of his return to me from Antigua, and that I had no time to take any account of him, but believ'd he could not be blamed for expecting one of these reasonable demands satisfied or some sufficient ground to imagin he was continued as Lt. Governour of that Island before he needed to resign to him, and that I heard Mr. Pearne was ill of the gout at Antigua, and I supposed he would speedily receive particular orders from England, which I affirm to be the full of all I know of that matter, only that Mr. Pearne with some others (employed on that design) continued to report and perplex people with stories of several new Governours that were hourly expected over, which mischievous industry has proven the chief obstacle of hindering a perfect harmony and intire reconciliation amongst these people, and the Islands would flourish in great tranquility if once their fears of such dangerous alterations were over, and the name of partys would quickly vanish from amongst them. Refers to enclosures to be laid before the Board. Signed, Walter Douglas. Endorsed, Recd. 26th May, Read 15th July, 1713. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed,
678. i. Address of the Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly of Montserrat to the Queen. Return thanks for the Peace. The honourable provisions which in the Articles of Peace you have made for us, together with the friendly offices which General Douglas is allways ready to doe in our favour we hope may in due time in some measure recover the damage done us, etc. Signed, John Marshall, John Daly, Bartho. Rees, Rd. Molineux, Geo. Liddell. Antho. Ravell, Speaker, William White, John Hartt, John Molineux, Tho. Caines, William Finch. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
678. ii. Address of inhabitants of St. Christophers to the Queen. When your Majestie's armes had in the beginning of the late war, reduced this whole Island to your obedience, and expelled the subjects of the French king out of their possessions, your chief Governours here, pursuant to instructions given them by your Majesty, did from time to time grant several Plantations and parcells of French lands to us and others of H.M. subjects, which we have all very much improved, and have constantly exposed our persons and contributed our estates to the defence of this your Majesty's Island; and we became more encouraged in our labours after your Majesty was pleased to communicate to your Parliament, the terms whereupon a peace might be had with France, whereby we found the French King was to make your Majesty an entire cession of this Island, and since an Article of the Glorious Peace confirm'd to us it was so, we have been much more diligent in our improvements and have at this time considerable crops of young canes and provisions on the said lands, for we humbly hoped to have had (as our grants imported) an equitable title to your Majesty's bounty or at least a preferrence to have bought our respective plantations on the same terms with other unimproved estates. But we are now informed that your Majesty has most graciously condescended to restore to the subjects of the French King their former proprieties of land in this Island. We pray H.M. directions that the French may either pay to us the value of their improvements, or that we be allowed a reasonable time to reap our labour. Your Majesty's subjects in the reigne of your Royal Uncle, were on the like occasion obliged to pay the French all improvements within a time certain, or loose their estates. Otherwise many poor people whose labour on the ground is the whole support of their families will be reduced to misery and want, and all of us extreamly improverished, and must with regret see people from the other Islands (whose estates have less felt the ruin of warr) purchase away the sweat of our brows, etc. Signed, Walter Douglas, Mich. Lambert, John Davis, J. Panton, John Bourryan, John Willet, Geo. Liddell, Geo. Milward, Ralph Willet. Clement Crooke, Speaker, Thom. Payne, John Greatheed, Antho. Faln, Aretas Seaton, Richd. Haukshaw, Willm. Johnson, Jasper Verchild, John Sewell, John Seburne, Willm. Macdonald, Edwd. Gillard, Robt. Mullins, Geo. Taylor, Isaac Thomas, Wm. Fenton, Peter Banor, Timothy Hare, Gillires McArthur, T. Williams, John Garnett, Jno. Willet, Hen. Willet, Fran. Claxton, Tho. Young, Pre. Soulegre. Same endorsement. 1 p.
678. iii. Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly of Montserrat to Governor Douglas. Praise his administration and recommend Capt. Charles Pinkethman, Commander of the Hunter gally. " Such has been the terrour of his name, that none of the enemy's privateers darst scarce peep out," etc. Signed, John Pearne, Thomas Lee, William Frye, John Daly, Geo. Wyke, Barth. Rees, Rd. Molineux, Edward Parson, John Marshall, Will. Sharpe, Da. Ogilvy, Will. Liddell, Andrew Power, Mathew Bermingham, James Donnelan, Jona. Warner. Da. Bethun clk., Jon. Yate Giffard, rector, Patt, Blake, Martin French, David Bodkin, Ja. Kenney, Geo. Skerrett, senr., Patrick Lynch, John Blake, Robert Skerrett, Tho. Blake, Nicho. Skerrett, Bartho. Lynch, Edw. Buncombe, Speaker, Nathl. Harris, senr., Jno. Bramley, Antho. Ravell, John Molineux, William Finch, William White, Joseph Sayer. Same endorsement. 1 p.
678. iv. Address of the Council, Assembly and inhabitants of Mountserrat to the Queen. Lt. Governour John Pearne did at Easter 1712, contrary to the orders of Governor Douglas, leave his command, on what account we know not, he having severall times before he left us exposed his commission to sale, but we believe he did not obtaine that favour of your Majestie, he having some time after his arrivall in Great Brittain sent over your Majestie's furlo, which signified he left the Island for his health, etc. We believe he was in perfect health when he imbarqued. Not long after he left us the French invaded the Island and in great measure destroy'd it, severall of us being utterly ruined and all of us great sufferers. The time of his furlo being expired and he not returning to his command, Generall Douglas has commissioned Capt. John Marshall, Commander of your Majestie's forces in this Island, Lt. Governour in his stead, with whome we are very well pleased, having had a long experience of his good behaviour, espetially when the enemy was with us. Pray H.M. confirmation of Capt. Marshall. Signed, John Molineux, Chairman, John Hartt, Joseph Sayer, Thomas Caines, William Finch, Da. Ogilvy, Richd. Molineux junr., Edwd. Buncombe, John Daly junr., William Liddell, Jno. Cochran, Andrew Power, Peter Skerrett, Jona. Warner, Mark Rigby, Ja. Finch, Bartho. Rees, Richd. Molineux, Geo. Liddell, Tho. Allen, N. Basse, Nath. Harris senr., John Roynon, Phill. Reyly, James Semper, Patr. Goune, Pat. Semper. Same endorsement. 1¼ pp.
678. v. Deposition of Lt.-Governor John Marshall. Before his departure Lt. Governor John Perne offered to sell deponent his commission of Lt. Governor for 400l. He informed Governor Douglas, who made little or no reply. Deponent heard Major George Wyke declare that he had agreed with Mr. Perne for the said commission. William Liddell declared that Perne said he went to England to complain against Governor Douglas. Signed, John Marshall. Montserrat, Oct. 23rd, 1713. Same endorsement. 1¼ pp.
678. vi. Deposition of George Liddell. Lt. Governor Perne offered to sell deponent his commission in case he could not agree with George Wicks (=Wyke, as supra) etc. Signed, Geo. Liddell. Montserrat, Oct. 23rd, 1713. 1 p.
678. vii. Deposition of David Ogilvy. Lt. Governor Perne said he would sell his commission and go for Great Britain and make all the interest he could for the Lt. Governour's commission for Antigua. Montserrat, Oct. 23, 1713. 1 p.
678. viii. Governor Douglas to Lt. Governor Pearne. St. Christophers, April —, 1712. Your frequent absence from your command (tho' so very much exposed to the enemy) and your great neglect of the affaires of that Island, makes my surprize the greater to find you in earnest desire a furlow of leave to go for England (because forsooth you alleadge your affaires require it) a liberty I durst not assume to myself without express leave from H.M.; I am oblidged to recommend to your care and more hearty application, the publick affaires of that Island, and particularly your endeavours in forwarding the passing of the Act of Courts, etc. and to give all possible assistance to have the new fort finished which is erecting at Reed's Point. Signed, W. D. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p.
678. ix. Deposition of Serjeant Thomas Pownsford. Montserrat, May 28, 1712. Deponent ordered delivery of a letter from Governor Douglas to Lt. Governor Perne, April 19, 1712. Signed, Tho. Pownsford. Same endorsement. ¾ p.
678. x. Deposition of Private John Compton. Montserrat, May 28th, 1712. Deponent delivered a letter to Lt. Governor Pearne on April 19, 1712. Signed, John Compton. Same endorsement. ¾ p.
678. xi. Lt. Governor Pearne to Governor Douglas. Montseratt, April 12, 1712. My affaires oblidge me to goe for England by the first oppertunity. I desire your Excellency's furlow of leave for six months, etc. Signed, John Pearne. Same endorsement. 1 p.
678. xii. Petition of the President, Council and Assembly of Montserrat to Govr. Douglas. Pray him to recommend to H.M. for reparation of his losses etc. Capt. John Marshall, belonging to Col. Francis Alexander's regiment, who has been in this Island 3 years, and was twice taken prisoner coming from England. During the two invasions of the Island, he with his men did their utmost to defend it. He has suffered losses thereby to the value of 5 or 600l., etc. Signed, Edward Parson, John Daly, Geo. Wyke, Bartho. Rees, Rd. Molineux, Geo. Liddell, Antho. Ravell, Spkr., John Molineux, William Finch, John Hartt, Tho. Caines, William White. Same endorsement. 1 p.
678. xiii. Address of the Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly of Montserrat to Governor Douglas. Praise his administration and pray him to procure from H.M., when he arrives in Great Britain, reparation for their recent losses, by representing how utterly incapacitated they are from supporting themselves without H.M. timely assistance, etc. Pray H.M. long to continue him in this Government, etc. Signed, Bartho. Rees, Richd. Molineux, Geo. Liddell, Tho. Allen, William White, John Molineux, John Hartt, Thomas Caines, Joseph Sayer, William Finch. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 10. Nos. 25, 25 i.-xiii.; and (without enclosures) 153, 12. pp. 133–137.]
May 20.
679. Lord Bolingbroke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following for their opinion concerning the expediency of continuing this expense, etc. Signed, Bolingbroke. Endorsed, Recd. 20th, Read 24th May, 1714. 1½ pp. Enclosed,
679. i. Board of Ordnance to the Lord High Treasurer. There is still continued in pay at Barbadoes a master and 17 gunners sent thither by virtue of H.M. Order in Council, Aug. 6, 1702. (q.v.). This office has only received 4,438l. 16s. 9d. of 15,015l. 13s. 3d. due from the 4½ p.c. duty on their account, etc. Ask if they are to be continued in pay, and, if so, for H.M. orders that the office be reimbursed, etc. Signed, C. Musgrave, Wm. *Bridges, Ricd. King. Copy. 2 pp.
679. ii. Account of 10,576l. 16s. 6d. due from Barbados to the Board of Ordnance on above account. ¾ p. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 17, 17 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 29, 13. pp. 89, 90.]
May 24.
680. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Bolingbroke. Reply to preceding. Quote representations of April 29, 1702, and March 31, 1713. We are of opinion that until the fort (referred to in the latter) be finish'd, wch. may then require a new establishment, that service may be perform'd by matrosses, etc. Autograph signatures. 3 pp. Enclosed.
680. i. Duplicate of C.S.P. Ap. 29, 1702. Endorsed, Recd. 24th May, 1714. [C.O. 28, 38. Nos. 78, 78 i.; and (without enclosure) 29, 13. pp. 91–93.]
May 24.
681. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney General. Encloses Acts of Jamaica Dec. 24th, 1713, and Feb. 18, 17 13/14. The Council of Trade desire your opinion in point of law, as soon as possible, upon the Act for the more effectual relief of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Kingston. [C.O. 138, 14. pp. 102, 103.]
May 29.
682. Lord Bolingbroke to William Sharpe, President of the Council of Barbados. The Board of Ordnance have represented that pursuant to an Order of Council, Aug. 6, 1702, they sent to Barbadoes a proportion of Ordnance stores, an Engineer and Storekeeper, a Master Gunner and 17 gunners; and that directions were given for reimbursing to them the value of the stores, together with the charge of the said officers and gunners out of the duty of 4½ p.c.; but that they have received no more than 4,438l. 16s. 9d., whereas the charge they have been at amounts to 15,015l. 13s. 3d., and that the gunners continue still in pay at the yearly sum of 711l. 15s., whereas they have neither money in their Treasurer's hands for that service, nor is there any provision made for it by Parliament. They therefore desired to know the Queen's pleasure whether the aforesaid gunners should be continued in pay or not. H.M. hereupon came to the following resolution, which I am to transmit to you. The Queen finding that a fort was begun in Barbadoes, but not yet finished, nor likely to be brought to perfection by reason that a considerable sum of money was wanting to compleat the work, H.M. judged that the current service of the Ordnance in time of peace might very well be carryed on, as it had been formerly, by matrosses who were paid by the Assembly, and accordingly orders have been given to the Board of Ordnance that the Master Gunner and 17 gunners should be discharged, as being unnecessary at this time, especially while the fort remains unfinished, and that matrosses should be employed in Barbadoes, and paid by the Assembly there in the same manner as hath been practised heretofore. These H.M. commands you will take care to see executed as farr as relates to you, and particularly that the necessary provision be made by the Assembly for paying the matrosses which shall be entertained in the Ordnance service at Barbadoes. Signed, Bolingbroke. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 43–45.]
May 31.
St. James's.
683. H.M. Warrant to Mr. Attorney General to prepare a bill appointing Alexander Burnett Clerk of the Markets in Barbados, in place of Norman Mackascall decd., and to hold the said office by himself or sufficient deputy or deputies, etc. Countersigned, Bolingbroke. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 45, 46.]